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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Apr 1910, p. 5

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OQUNTY UDPIIIDBNT. PEInA?. APULIL 'v i FOK UMA-Lotla t t. Dymond d A«Wabdhbi,:fiOz14o; *0100 Mf Os *mirSA8i pemoatit.DYMoNO LIOTS IMM &*La--" ntii.B. J. Grimm. .ubdldl.e .1 Lbwyville, autof eke1go roscI ulwaukSe avenue .B. FOR *'~dsoitalac. Frua EnohLAnurie,40-tf FOR Saul-c4 fbo omueds&, wI, p@ s ziorsktihautoelefor dseded la'id -la aId asei . h.equally asood and produetive là aid <n$lebafor 5h. tina aidetté». haoèsed laws la lhteraMotaelor Inlêmmalion and1 aid write 5.Lysa a. Bt., MllesCt,1 mont. e-24,t1 NOTICE-ff ou e"a fnvmS $100 or more wbere It vilS aller Ove e r. blng rette n fi er 7y«m retom .divied aaea"liyequm talalesie %0 tourorgial Invetetnt Mmd f Ibis inmtast le sscured by "-I eta1. bought riht, would y0U inyot? lte abo? vé ai appie oreliard pruoeitio. DW iou realie. whle mreail bi igtaI oppor. tunity le k.<,eking t rour door? for 'artlcuharssée.or ville M. 0. .krnsoa. ,00o: Ave. fBox 79, Libertyvilie, 111. FOR SALE OR RENT-goteland farm of 52 s&cm on book af Damond Lake. J. C. BABuVM. c-254t for Sale-New 8 ru, bouse ounYrth Igrsse. A borgai. J. J .Porteous Liber.1 tvlille. -P-26-2 For Ren-Eight ases of said ten root bhuse,reet of Rosecrane. Addrms John Stmoeaum Rus 11. I -l- FOR RENT-A 9-room bouse ou Or- <Lard et ias. Ji. A, Pmou&em. c-2t I Q FORENT i irsabo seofine engin., urth pomplng va* pmp -id pipes, completu n V- remaing order. Bargain. gmeuaIo Base. -28-tt FOR 8ALE-4Cbolce boue porne lover esi r.fr0. $oui »Wmi a ceau Foe SAlEDorai.PlyUiit mRet ----- ----aI I I FOR SALE-Omit.leg rh. tl ltt.= 1 esi idlasofa OM d tion, &ao e.voeolbro"oldo aiosmals.. Addree P. 0. Box 8. Rlblaud Park, ---I - -- - ' c-25.tif beo e oai, 1.rfsefr0 foui.P"is we0:eet bsbLTJuD-jax; Lhboe- vTul. Vms 4 on" ie.platiorm. -218 gFORS SALE-Cemment plsstered houseln agogd condition. Good weilland cistern. On. bloek .o.th utof idepot. OSAs. KUua, Ubertyvlle. c2t mFOR SALE-lSeven mo. hboue. and lot on DivisionSBt. For further particulars lnquire o9UV. 0. Husok. C-264t FOR 8ALE-Thlrty ,blishels of eeed corn. CaMic sud yellow dent. John Ahart, Grayulake, 111. P-27-1 FOR SALE-B. C. Rhoade Island Red Egys15 for il.30, 100 for$8.00. Gèo. Il. Zirmsr. R. D. 2, Prairie View. III. a-27-4 FOR SALE-Rural New Yorker seed ~o ain. r fr atig.Cannot b. beat. rie quranee t. sut.Schreck Bre.. c-274 FERD FOR SALE-10 tus@timotity- 'iy;srédded cama fodder, baledt saan AiM 0100 bu. ast. and quait cru.. W. C. Mou., on Becit ]Frm.. -27-l0 For Sale-A quantity of good Potatose FOR SALE-ASewr Ie anes Phoine 1874, J. L. Clarkt, bvtille 111. good ma.oser. Cali as this oiiles.. C-27.2l FOR î;ZT-I'au., ies, og~.FOU SALE-Oné hundred buel. ýof o 0200 m. vnut aliowed iU puaeit god poto.. et 25e per bushel at the Ir 1&imh.ll Apui. Luce. Furinture stor. earn r., 8 milessouth of Liberty'- t Tel. 27. 57-tf Viii..C-27-2 r IPOR qttdT-W@ bavb a lew gqod m04 FOR SALE--At a bargain, a irailc eru boume.nd sud eae tout e&1a00nfur-miem laundty doing a fine business, am mlebed roue is ib stem ient, with or Owrerbm other business. Addgrsu de .ri*"itoa"hos. DYMOND & Arenig. Sery ver& Otearue, proprietoft. HWi. es ---------o~- -404tf vood. III. P-27-1 b 4;OR RLtNT-My houes ouWeterâeld FRSL-ADr.ai rycot rt Placs, Graplake. luquire of MIda ent bahrmes. Price. 200. Aiaa bay tn %WIEItsoLlbertyvilie, li1. c-25tt hotes, prile.$100 and e black houe SAdssF. R. YActs, Darnond a MSeLNos la s, 111. p-27-f'B FOR SALE-A good light teaiu of bl Wli.e tcng m&de ef hard steel vire, honme. gt. 2100. Suitable for fa rm or dn Tie taire on= ou ra. Apply tu, P. W. &HnUMER,1 timmJdwie erom 5h. lInerai., e, ule orthenet of Libertsville. Phons Th .eeurlly laiteaed vfth a n ht i.,2671. P-27-1 l making & iont osildtlf fu----------nce 20l - -vr o 7 wL@. 43 i..l.. t1 Zu c pu roý 1 WM 8 fhm ige014, 27 eaM, 9 i W,..49 Imues hgh, 88e. 12 wires, 54in lu wh. U e St.. Barb wîrd, $2.«OC;e 100 pwnuds. Feue. et&pisi gnon irs rt eey prche* aulghtly diseri,. feueS "e hsap while faste. Augwàff wWliI E uE: Go. c-24-tf L-I» HPWANTED I WANTED-Yonagiady for stenogripher end gobera offe. rork. Appiy in perso or bY mail te Foot.M iLLIN 0 Co.. Ml. orlyvlli. fil. --t WANTED-hian&ad i vi.ta vomk ce farta stuei family prefoed. Addre.. H. H. Veie, Okirond Stock Fra,i Prii Vier, MI. Phoo Llbetyviile 2692. c-27-.2 ---- --- WANTSO-A fer pouangboys foi rorit fn xacaroni fanto . Noesperisce nar.ThéFl d Mi Co. FOR SALE-5 yn. oldasparagus roote, $1.50 per 100. Leevff ordero ai J. B. ioms & Co.'»estore or telophone 14. L. D. nruunnI. c-27-2 FOR SAt.E-BUff Rock Egs ut 50e per settltg. Aiea hors. and ug to le. W. H. tl:nîe. P-27-1 ChORp CL-rr op F oee. 2- I - - - - - - - - - - - WANTED-Tlte Moler Barber College, of Chlcago, iL, vantsmen t10isaru barber trade. hey offer splendid lu- duie.rnus aMd a short term Complet«.. rtiey mail fre. a beautIul-liaio and &Il alou, reade to.ssd fo'?i. p>27.2 WANrIED-A stuation on a$fr" by a marrisci mas. Oeil or adilgue.Jos Home, Foiler tara, LaiteVilla WANMTEO>-Afit. at 9-30, 15s»atu girl. 10 wcrk la tore. Inquire as elore. W. frast as Per usaS. Dnaosi iru.JWANTEO-Boardors, southesmt cre ais-, o lesuilSi ad Boal ty. c7- aM t 0-,àttem"er., aee of 5h. s.tate oa!1Sop hie Book Notie o Fial Slleeut tian, domeud, aid asitel ta a4-th NotceofFialU" en. samn.approv i, lid slatol declare BIaIs oi1liuols, IIn the Ooute Cour t lomsd, and Se b diseharged as suel.s,. CoUDtyof Laeit illatr tMihtît i l T«t. . ., 91. ou n mé'p~e, U ion.e tsestaoîo. ittate of Sophtie Brockmuu, deesd. a et aukqa. Illinois, Ibis iliat , T Hori rocaau, Fiediai Stck.dei of IMardà, A.D.,1910. M-0-kfre Odocm, Ulnlo Lepher, Adminira a màz Bub heWii oai 1» a lgsCapiéDit, Cor*,egeo., tseesat. f Sophie Broctama, de Suas Keler, Claeeir.Sd.n cs. '26-4t knona b"imrs t lar cI Saphte Brokma, _____ dei.d" boire at 1er, de risse.asd isg- ameorfopie Broekrnan, doceaud Pine at romen, iteel pain@, or aiy Uan*decitof you wre hereby notl- fiehits.ýljundergned rfilo I9. a. n-pain slooPed In 20 minute. sure, vt 4it Oitb »= of lut'e, A. D., j910, Dr. Sitoop's Fiitk Pain labliss. S"s luit ât th~e aof o!10 oe'ck s. a., aItltie forma on 25e. BOX. Sol by 00 lves, un theC ity' o! VaukoeaAUDALI -IDlicole. p710 taite- madmqbbtiutor,;Iîtbt1h. ViiiI g8ubetafor i epuzxpae. IETACLE APPALUNO RAMI uJfhS AlSFIlE, lie,Women aid Jîîîdron Are jTrimpisi CeOn 1,Mi Rush Vienne, Mercit 29.-Tito moint er- ribecatastrophebtat bashappoed lu Adftrla-HOUnary aInce lb.Ringthb. asta- rasbumedin lu 83oceurrel test tlgit vben nearly 400 persona vote kilbldlua Sm.ireiticit bruiraout lu a large coacht bous. vltîcb tati ieen fittedl up as a dance hall aItb.h village 0f O.kemto near Mlate-Azalka. MOT. thon a hundred aurrirors of lte galas- iropite wrmshocklngly lulured. Many of thaee ili probably dde. lThe aitedlviicitad heen turued la- lu a dancing hall vas constructel of rod nd uheb inside vas decoratel 1vilt paper etoona and erergteen rreatta riiit eré scateely les. ln- flaurneble, l'tems seeme to haro been, no pub- Un control o! the arrangements. Net OnuY wre thebodoor opeuungs barri- eaS vilbthéheexception cf a single eumel on, rich vas used te facilitt tbe issusue. ai the tickets, but paper lanterto bad been ituug numerougly ainong the died eergreens. About 10 o'cbock: ane of lte lanternebecarne Ignited sud belote il could h. rabed tb. festoons fron t ichIt il ung vas abisas.Ani artul panle s.ized lte langersand apectators. As If vllb a single Impulse bhey mahsed te lb. door, vitere a itrlc battIs btenrplace. Ai self-control sud aven lb. respect for sue sud noz seemnel te vanthhin th. Presence o? imminent deatit. Whtte o oremost of teetrwdtat vasnov completely lonsIed veme pusMItinu.lamorlng sud 8truggllng litr. nIld animais, 1he ter- r-e«tmictou mus hlud presmod au. realinu mach a a Itat the door ci Dot b. forced open. Cildren and lbe neaker cf lb. aduits veul doru before th, madlonol rash,.l'h. trouger clamhered ovor th. prostrate bodies of lte las fortunate sud atWl vreased on frram beblnd. t Speedfly numbera of perse os erqW trampieci le deatit or sitfocated wvite 7 abore the Pile cf Injurol sud dying. Dy tIs lime the clothIu f flî 0f o te dancera itad teen Iguted hi the lazung baugie nuIcit vers coustaubiy roPPinu fr0. the ra-cf. lTe arnes spread tram one persan te suolter6 The terrible Iconie vas ai uts hegiubs 'heu te iiaxinu mroo f olb.heilms>'y structure coilapseed and fellin uupon 1 tose hélov. A ver>' fer escapeti ,iung InJured. k Thé gréaler numrnirof ltos. lunlb. ail ver.elattier tramplil or bumuql 'death. lThe spectacle llresontel hi te beapé of citarred hurnan balles ls tmosi appalling anc. Old and youug, en andivornen. are tuinglel ina C mrat mess.N lTée village aultorities, atilfrst statocie iat the desth liai couid not exceel R 0, but It le nov placed et 385, vlitbh tout 350 eetiouaiy hurt. P e la Explosion FoII.ws Exploion- RumblînuAre incusmt. UAIESARE PaumSTUeE T.urlse lghtsomr4e Dotrey Oruge Se Wilnoee InupoolsiSght-Wauma ..,Uody I. Méve po Lé Point 1Swet. catania, Match 29.-lte eruptb»m Oua Mount Aeiua Ilued l ug *it lai and as ulgiti telilhey b h »Uabel lb. polul o? violence._Ulo.lc ieon follonoil explosion luarapid 8!q> essIeU sudte rumblingcft te v;i- o-s ver, almont Incessant. Pl"c 9t levaad ust.er. sitorered qpru & vida arma, oualug muell d*ateg s iruiug lerror 1 lto h ocile. -. AsI a roonil cf Ibis ltepopulace us tomed thoir »rotcfotL and garu>' lait Images tai 1 it6 lle~cs flear - lava sIrotas. Imploaid God viit ci aclerittie Sicilien fervor ta avertt @courgseltai lbhrelaened their honi lTée belle ef the villages are toil, contInucusly. The authartllee vita couotf-rmaud lthe orders ta @raconte the villagesa nOv hoidfug ail avallable wagons teadinesi tta irte b people ta pIsc 01 salety. ApparçUti, ltpwever, thb ino luamediate danger,80 far as t tons are conemned. lu suite ofIl tenewed eruptiops the movemeut th. lava slreuuf. sslow. Tbe destructiov! of ltéeremaini vinea-ards, orchards and filId cro fterna Inorllable. Pany of thé cro ae already mmcnd. Thousanas aluhtseers crovd the Ileids lu order rier tb, lava at close range sud lthe persans lbava do». ureat damage1 traemplinslte gmowIug grain., lb Is te timmld ltat 60,000 poî li4clndiug ay foreffia torist. bal tiQad.d the distriet 10 se. the remrn abNoe Pelaële. lThé hottisaud lotigir houa.. Of CtatnlAnad neigihboi tonne are ovrecrovded. Visitonsc, tinu.te, Amrre .vemy bouml'h. rai roadl000" llse Iuay nigitsud do runug spotiu Mries arcund tte bal Of u*. roleses.AUl theiavailable cm ilare erdd vitI dagturiste. hTero tas hout' sother vigorot -uPtiOn Off 1ou»t Atna vblcb ha het etreemof 4Va inmotlo *thrôO hesFraDiaroto district., itas "aeost la uickqer motion th streara vici la adysucînu on Mom lustAndah* b.one *lt ila Ibreato iait Sua L.o. Lond rambtinge are nut btarsud *Bdta ýpeoptle lu the viil and-*eMlete on bte tiounlalualde s sAdrAI& -, exalted. tHE MARKETS Chicago Cash 'Grain Market. Ciîcago. XMatch 29. Wlatsi vitat by sample: No. 2.rai $1.1901.20; No. 3 mcd, îî..g' No. 2 bard, I1.1401.1436; No. 3 itat 01.0801183%. APrinu riteat by eau pi. Ne. 1 nortberD, 81.18%6; No. nitra, 04 1.14%601.16 No. 3 sprlsg 01.0801.1436. Cent hi sanaple: No.1 62c; NO. 8, 61061%6e, 'No. 3 vitl 62U60820e; NO. 3 wite, 6114062e NO. 4. 58057c. Oats by sample: Nt 2 witite, 46% 04636c; No. 3 white, 43C 46c; No. 4 whtite. 41@43c; standard 45%ce. Chticago L Ive Stock. BOba--Remipts 22,000. Quolation raugel ait1L10@11.1736 for choit, heavY, 011.06011.,15 buiciters, 110.900 $11-05 istât mlxed. $11.00911l.10 chitai litt, 11.05011.15 heavy useking $10.30010.75 good 10, cholce piga. Caltle-R.celple 22,000. Quoaboni rangel et 88.4008.75 for choies i Prime steora, 07.5008.30 good ta choici eleera, .6.0007.50 <001 10 chosep bh. cors, $6,2607.86 <oeil 10 choiceboit Ara 89.0009.60 <ol 10 choice caven $6.9007.20 soleciel feoders, $5.2595.91 Sood 10 etoice stockera. SheeP---ilepe 15,000. Quotaties rangeS ai 09.6009.70 for good to, eboitg :llppel Iambe, $8.4008.60 good tI Ocitoce cllpp.d retters, 08.7509.1X Void i. citolceclIpel Yearlings, IlDA 010.25 gonl 10 ebolc Iambes. .Lire Pouftr>'. luriteis, Perthlb.17c; ehiekenesu 'cris, 17c; springs, 17c; moosters, 12c; gese.. 0e; ductas, 17c. Oaea Lîve Stock CattIe-Rseepta. 4.600 heal; market fot boatst tedy. altera cor; native teers, 0608.11î; cors and helort 0.5006.50; vestern steors, 14.60@ 7.26, Texas stéérs, 0406; eeva and heifera, $305.75; canneras, 82.5004.25; stocktera and feedérs, 83.7606e.75. caires, $"4.25rg8.50; bules tags, etc. 8406. Hags--Recelpls, 4,300 beal; markt Ce higite; hcavy, $10.70@10,85; mixed, $10.60010.70; light, $10.40@10.70; Plgs. $9010; bulk o!fsales ai 810.60@ 10.70. Sheop-Recelpts, 10,000 itead; mat, ket aleadi and sasier; yearinugs, $8.4() @9.40; véthers. $$7.60@8.60; oveg. 1.50U8.40; iambe, $9.500@10.40. est Buffalo Live Stock. Elait Buffalo, N. Y., Mjarcit 29. Duwning & Stev ensILire Stock ,ournlsion NMércitauts, East Buffalo, IL Y, quot. as 'foitows: CatlI.-Reý. tipis 130 cars; market slov, Hoga- eceipîs Ce cars; market 5la-ong; tari. 111.35; Yorkers, $11.25011.30. us, 111.00. Shcep sud Iambe-Re. elpis 60 cars; markt -slow0; bost orbe, $10.25@10.40; yearlings, $9.25@ .5; vethérs, $8.50B9.00;oes«, 100 .0.Cale-Best, 06.00@î0o. Augustin Dafys Wlt Au acior rita kuew Augustin D)aly iii once tllciIbis5zl>ot lb.thegroat îeat*l m anage-s rosiy vit:, "We botchanceci 10h. depmultwre Dand rietims of a hait vbietmsua MbfeS paument 3.ke oths§4 vIen a* neym cfthe dieel., heame t»» r. itummIocioff 1tgSite beuit1 4* up wvitlInformation neeclS at eomint dovu lte 51.1,0 boa1h. a le itoeoret, Mr. DOW$ysfoot; agI l llihet, Asd nit iom. die- e1t7 h. imaaged tla save btueelfou Ding, 1 rai eulemlng zbuldlu it Minslte mishap, . :ý "'r bop$ ycu have Dot>5 burte s* «'Oh, no. thanta yoiu/ h. replo&.Q& iy 1.1 my baiance.'» Not bains ln ayrnpalty vititcartaie tieus df lbhetedtamy braucit aetlthe rttait Pariameni. the L)oou Crca- ~r. E LII OTRflh UflERS' WAGES INCREASE0 the Srwnd White. Ccci Co, Voluntsrily Il 1IWN ULrrNta WagonsSix Pop cent. ýdedJohnstown, Pa., Marcit 30.-Tite Ber are Wind White CORI comPany, operatlng ar lu this sectio. aud. emplaying 11,000 '- Dr. Noir Says Prlsoner's FaCermetn. posteti notice 01 a voîuntary lu- Accussi New York Sonatoit Ri. à .Oe Was Blodd Stalned. rrease of six per cent lu wages, ta go sgsUdeFr. tiio Jo a effeet April . s g s U d The BerwInd WhitP mines are a! lite nOL.ufilon, and the action la ln at.ti!l- VICTIM'S WIFE ALSO TO TESTIFY Mf0au ncec lti u h ATIIlD (0OUU RYOUI ling smait frte un!on miner. by ltsewu 'OP, incinaticoul erence. or tt IICoe esTtsWs te ST. LOUIS MEN WANT RAISE Pendlng Action en th@ Mittee bp thea r ta Comepel Dotons. lé Unfold ite Stat. sonate Ale ida Il it i- e. Lino of Dtense-county B .T Vote ta Demnand lourease of ignayn with the Secretary by Coroner On Stand, 3 Cents An Hour. citstate ut Newm York.~ >1., -St. Louis, Marrh 10-TIt. Brottuer- ý Lv. slea I. M arcu 30-BY far thte bood ot Ràilwýay Traiomen orte St. Alay .YMrh2.-'.s tr- mOitgraPblc estlutouy brought out Louis district bas voted ta demand an AbnN . ac 3ýh o Litg l IDteSYe drtia, n lutr nceÀse of 3 cents an bour for ail ate by a vote af 38 ta 8 susitailned 119 Ing fiye-mdetralvbc eîtbu. charge madie by Ben ngrtt 5 on- aylr, er fthe, Jhn rundo Tlh. Increase demanded lis the sarne ator Jotham P. Ailds, IIutll reeeaI* j.and W. R. Mililer are accused loîutly 'granted thte switcbmen of the Chicago Presidstct pro tom., had demndefi a« tsy lualte killlug or Baniter John B. Sa:. dietriet lest vesit bYa board of arbi. tabou al bribe. te1er at Creecent Cty lust July, la ltaS tr&tllm.T119 leslslators were untitie 10 Me reo Dr. J. a. t4ear.l-te physiclau op lit Alde. howevir. -Bafr lt» tei moned toithe gsalet hoe, on the nagit .~begsa ho reslgnsd hl& pesîgle t » me et the eltotjagsMd wvie. .amirati.ont ttII sonate sud thoreby roiesed 1105* « bue wu eeflalud Tftoeday. .rImm litrigdictloa o! tiat body 1- ton Cftgcp..zmiaed.by Attorney J. .Mr. Congerls specUC ccluarge, Vil"' fi Keru for th. dsfeuee. Dr, Near tala of m tg the:sonate haut been.invbetitgl<.flô te eerg a&red mark ressrnbling a omuise l1TaiHie G M: tut on the. rlgbt. ami ot Dr. Miller cloeI < : .T>tHia . o Go r0toeý ft'- ta lte elhov Immd djitainfro. t.e'bul- -Tompkîns couty, peu AMie 03.0 MW lot round la Dr Miler's wrls. e t.., n amui.April 23. 1901., Conâad bo ha &cosidraleq "11*flf -Inisa- 2. That Allde demaad.d mou«et l n.e of ld .0ltaned 3con0s trhl u dé ah.îa., Ms. frank. and flouaConter. rawu.sqgr b9ecoIe drled lu bis hair. j CUVhos atnotiW. tg O557,uBrdg Tiette -01 v ei log, Ifs es. thig ublikthe .formelatu o -w= vek t aer teexarnînatlon o lua.T bahs leS.l iiain o i titanose-tbird of tb. stan..... Wio &PARADE MAINusauIIT'ndmélet te ii have iteensubPoena.d. The décision P E*. a igw8 CI, lntrcdlaced a-t*butas t0ado~ ltme .taUlcs vwu reaehed by by AsoMublyxuenStevens ALui4htille id. te <tes attorney lu viéw r 0 taesonate ity Bonalor Mall, ruitrWUe 94, destelmta 0 ake tb. doreuse untoll TUé Nationalse# meetings HiN*.-almed.ai bridge comminela wu*i rd,' iliecase. Attemp 1 tDemenetretim e t Amen. ltoe Congors wrtatérestod. u- Itln15mot Improbable ibat Dr. Miler en ~ ~Conger hitaséif viin aow probaitt, 2 ltearlte stand lu bis own bbiaIt co AgenoY, u oieltr bave ta stand trial. Senator CalaI, lte,,_ ii ii .N li ocosl W0oe y vn-Ouees Alamaaed. nerly eieci.d majority leader, lntii. 2. Mr*. Satier, Whto la expected to make duced at resoluticn a l ltai ofoe jad e, an admrable vllnsss. Ilfi ii b.ho eldored Iodez t e; Argument on the admlssibiliîy of Calmo. March 3o.-Col. Roosevelt sud Trsuty-nlun Ilepubleue *ml 4eev o. te officiai notes of lb. Sayler InQuest bis party vili Isave ber. titis mont-. Democrate voteil for enovictice. lIta 10 prepared by CarMusr C. L. Bamum of iug lor Alexandria, vitere tb.sijl commities of the wbole immodltebt r.Onarg ocecupied much lime, l'h. de. bourd nsemeroeppe l~BlîiIort i tedecision Wto t# sateS 'd. f l'ldta h 'tee budjb tae o ils h rt h. report va. adopted Msd susfalu" foeude rgeitat lit e ode ta sbul li fciai. lu Cairp viii bld fareveli ity avt ?38bS&oeofttsn be xeudoias eudd ofi th ta te ex-president. toitvofu38 taftlie othe 0" as guilt Iupon Dr. W. R. Miller. Tl'h. Hie atidres ast te uulversty lima-n.lftte hmbr ýe court reserved bis decision.- yP e> Corouei Barnum told of vbai ho duced ls ftirst overt offet Tuesday, The weatlter. ce gav lu the Styler bore nesd o! h~fdldviten a&crovd of several hundeotIililuols - aboyer., tituaierstc,.u gL log theto lquait. atO ne.tl«Y studenie, attor sud colder iodai, teir sud egi On. revsiation brougitt olut ite holding a meeting ta proloat agalual mormov. ns direct exaninaUion of Dr. Ne.m vas iooesvell'a cold douche on titeir poilU- i, tat Dr. Miller ves left-banded, vlalcittcal A&Piratlons, marcheci lu procession THEMAKT ce made Ih possible for hi. ta bave fred "to bopMirdes1aofil boullnï sa fhey et lb.e abot bimself vhicit vonded. icis ent. Arivoti ontade lte hotel. lt.e Chicao-eCoosi.Grain Mirksll lif- rlgitt ara. Dr. Near toitd of converse. domoastretoas gave vent ta titou la- Chisage, Merci SK a, lions vi lt ail ltree o? lb. detendats dignatlon b h sakngi tou r aled Wltêirte h y amaplsePeN& 90 ounlte nightî of tb, laylug. syinla otelstorerds llomevell's quarters sud 01.1701.20, uomlnsl;- No. ri.0 titat Mns. Saylor's ffrmI luqulry ves ehouling vorie sueit as "Hurrah fuor01.17, nontlal; 140 I 2 11,l4~ te conceruiug ber itushaud mid ber nextithpse »my." "01v. us a conLsgtu. ý114%;' No. à bard, 10. l aN cce relug Dr. >fIllr. lion" ad Dovu vwitit ypoorlle&" vbtl Y 'atmple' .No i a oretNm tali Imay ho explaiued ltai 'hypoýrtes' 01.17%, 'onal; No. 2 aeS*i% Delea àfavorite cpi 1he1cf lte 'oung 01.13%e01..om". l NS>us&~ li 3gYXPt arty for IbeirEnullait and 01110801J18%. nESUlui. Com b, imé alter opffonns. pis: No 1. 61603, Anctitor meetingcefprotswae vWhite. = elaIfqh beld b> lte Nationaliste lust even 81g. Obtuoaombwei;No, 3 li 'horesrstidlgsCLoes .8Wl,130hN.voit toaltendi, but rt hie amost ami,- 0 aSh UPe e ahi, style ho regreitede lb;âtb~iy,,. i480',No. 38 nuls, 42045c; tmei& filatic Striko I8 AV@otai t *IAmoh f slntadentataid ot. Notion. 453604536e. ea'îIsC S.Y alaiaflr ade itmpted a demon- Chicago Lîve steak. a, Vr . ..M .. in P strationaitbite Ainerican ageney, but Hog&-Rept.w 11,000. Quotattoss 10 s. uW..ghI em. te Police lulerverted and ecoi n- reu et aI$11.00011.07%4 1cr c~ 4 Polled lb. demasraîme 1te more on. bea.y$ 10.96011.05 huteiters, 0$=5 l'heY thon Paraded lhrougb noer~ai 10.85 llgitt mixo4, $10.86010495ohlt *ya'55-ss ssq.Uleets shoutlug The- police Saally light. $10.86011.00 b55Vlildvyt ý4 N IBFE M UE STA MEU dispetsed the. outie lte, aguit #16.80010.65 good ta chItoce v31<5. rmtIOET ISUS ÔAItNIclub qu;rtrs. ,~Cattio-Rocelptu goo. QuU"515 1-Afler Four Wooke cf Conférences and Ih coudemu Coi. Roosevel'& afdrens lu Prime sieer, $7.500980 gond taeleb e" Whmn Agreement Apposrgd Alméet severe terme. Tbey s-y amoug otiter steers, 16.0007.60 g l0oidt es teeS Impossilel, a Clant cf S Conts tblngs that Roosevelt clearly kuova cows. 16.25@7.85 good ta choie. 0* nothlng about Egyrt, excépt ritlhaoers, $4t.000f950 good ta choicie *e& - a Ton Was AccOpted. bas read lu guide books and elsewhere. $6.40&é.00 seleted feeders, 15.2& l'h. Coplie Jouruals ara Jubilant 5.90 good ta cboice stocker.. Over Col. Rooseveit's outspokeuuegs beep-Recelpte 10,000. Quottlo Clucianati. O., Mret80-l'h. coal Titey say that the Nationaliste need ranged at $9.2601160 for, goos 0te tine ortors sud union aMIers ot iralgit tialking, sud a fiuch, amerchoice, lippedI ambe, 80008% gnqç Obio Indiaua and western Pensyl. baud ltan DOW emttrois Ihem. ta choico cliroed relters. 0.75qoM t vani; "ho for uearly four wéeks have - gond ta choies cilppeti yearlinags, 00.0 bee hodin daly nd ighly ontr.09.30 goati to choice. vthera. i01.0O ees reoldIn al n itryrne- MISTAKEN IDENTITY. 10.35 gooti ta chaice Iarnbe, 07.5008.30 one cegrigthe demands of lte mines fo anInersse0f 1 Cets ~?hmgood toacitoice ove.. mier fr nInregeof1) ens TeDialogue Thet Teck Place Alla... ve Poulîr>'. ton lu ragesanan uogItI-hour dey. teDn.Edd 'rea e b 7;cikn m Salurday hall holiday and other con- A Daneli E da d plr. Au- fa s 7 e prinh, 7c; ceen, M cessions, laie l'uesday aflernoon or, À e pitysîcanpo uoasiLou A. ows15, 17%cuses. rint us, 17;e.sý rlvedetai agareemnenittatlviii e s Procentvs aa proUteOasion f 15c;uen» 10; atoea 7. toast, avold a sirike. The mrnera a as e ce vstt rfsalntfiu *tt capteit an alvance af onîy 5 cents a et Fremno (the physilcan lucharge ct Nov ltatoea-Bermuda, per lit ton, maximum, sud tb. other pointselte state 1lu5tlitton. for thé beaf sud 06.5007.00. of dleagreemeuî veré adJusled ame.lurnb) as luviteci ta attend one etButer ably titrougit mutuel concessions. te portleiai'*hop$" giron the ln. Creamomy, extra, 82%e; Juan, t ina sateentlatud lnt igh bymates. 1111 thé unfortunates sud a 84%Mu; extra tirets, 81%c;ue;ml. 88e- lu aslttmeutissuti lit I t y oediY spiklins of guense vero*,- esconda, 270. dainles, extra, Ille; a, PýresIdent Lavis of the 17.11.4 Mine eq -t2e scnd.Si;laisN l1 ,30 eWork.rs. Who have aiso beu iholdingenâcscod,20 a s N,13%ý d&1lY sessions htoe, be laid: Before tt.e fonction bail progreS it Pcklug Sic. "Stocka ganahiers'lu coajl iho,> the ry fertheb.Fresno physicien- ap. Orai. Liv.e t" MOUattpjtoinîed of aIl lb. mebon ed bis Leg.-Augeleu dicai C«tt1é-Reoepts, ,80dm u; m 0trIed thbrilnsabout a strike afttdit wih"Gel busy. dotorr' .The bea teww.1, oSi ear;e'i utp theadagdàuoryof tetpnlieto tbny. Altough t pplug lb. sisors, $608.10. cave. 'l, cuntry. 1 tope thal they vii ho re. sfles et 210, ho le-an easy and Stace. P-50ff ,vicora s 4.Ipre1 9 qui.l 0 ty b.penil cflhb- vefoi dancer andi uch enicys thce «,- Texas stemr, $406; effle abé M4s fo'iy." Nearly ail o! lbe,1,20 mieres e. Approachlug a yonug lady of 808.6; esiers,$2.»0~4M5; aleea rite bave bell lu titis etynaergreat singl<ier? sreeîuessauil ieauty, hoin.- titi feee, 8.7607; calvia 04.30* efoer e soerlreta lfI proved t10h. as vitchint vith beu H0og-sW ptàý 7,0 iM bd; mae for r.tofr hou'eti. tes as it ber ee, and rl rX~-,*" tS5dY; iteVY,1.7600.5 ie Selon f1rienci, lu 'couaempt or anl con- $10415190; IBght u oi*1.Ib PENSYLVANIA BAISES ,PAY em ondaneedti Io or lts. nnumberg P10 0». hui of seinq, 01&" -A About 175,000 Mon lonofil S>'Vlu- At lte clos. of the lust co ea <on -- $- t*Jl pt, 5.30 bt«4i 1er>' mres..of 4 For cent, liomen apptoce i hrla o-1e4'ta-esaier; yesrlnaa 0 uer and asitecifor the nS l ance. ,Il 9.46;-woiters, 87.60#11.110; seos, $7.49 Pitiladelplula, Match 80.-lths enal- sioulci h. deligitti1a ror yod, y es8te; Saum , % 801A silvanle, llAtilrod eOaptn h"amoe. mledn," ail chie ila avole no leu, am Sff.UvLi"stek. 01- m 0 1- 0 - -0 1 ý 1 1 ý - le -1 mi- bi M. r, m 1 -. 9 aviu- 1

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