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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Apr 1910, p. 12

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7kU epose UNCLE JOEI Riait el Sp.aker's Tactics isI ScIes. tý Declire the Cair'Vacant IUGDOCK ISSUES STATE14ENT Action te Corne After Administration Maàsurea Have Been Disposed Of-Situation Is Viewed * WIth Much Concern. Wassbnton, April 13.-An agreemîent bas been etered tmobhetweeiî the ila srgent Republicans and the Demo- crats whereby the bouse wliihav an opportunity. before adjcirnmest, ta vote on a resouion deciaring the chair of the spesaker vacant TLe la- zurgenta, aagered hy the reiîeated declaraflons af Speaker Cannon that tbey are ton cowardir ta vote ta de- yoe the regular Pleiublicans, hase de- termined ta knock the chili off the ahouidgr of the Daiiis warrior. Thers, ere canferences betweea ln- aurgenia and Democrais Tuesday wilth lise resuit that the authoritatîve an-. nouacemnent vas made itiat the ment- bers of the minoriyliariy wit stand aolidiy beind a resoluiuan ta depose. On I-he other band, assurances have been gîvea by the insurgeais that a eanvass of their ide disciosea ihat a sufiScient nunther of Itepuhicans wiii juin wilti the Demurals la voting ta oust Mr. Cannona. Regular Repubicans have been ad- 'vised of the coalition of the Insîîrgents and Democrats la oppoitiona ta ipeak. er Cannon, and they are alarniedl over tise situation. The Insurgenis 'ahi not irciîîlîaîe the issue t thiet ime. The tia s ta gel ail of the Taft legisaliion oîut of the way aînd hring lu a resoltîtion ta, depose it before adjourrnmeîît. The plan ta outt u s'annona bas reached the point viiers the iasutrg- enta are kokig about for a canididte ta succeed Mr. C'annon la the chair. Bonne of thent annouare a puriiose ta vote for Asher ilînds. the iiarlianien- tary cerk of the bouse Aitr. Iiiids lia' aunonened thut if the 3peaker le de- poaed he willi eiga is office and that an? one wbo bringa lus nane Imb tiese peaksrship conteat viii do 00 without bis autisority. The Democrats wiii not vote for a Lepublicaa for speaker. Their soies in tise evert of Clannon helag deposed -wiii he cat for ChaMP Clark of M13t- qourl. Rel'reseu< arise 'surducis or ]tangua, one of the insurgeais. bad thia ta gay: "la bis receat speeh F annon again chargod the Insurgeais 'wth ack of courage.-He seil kna tisat no Repulilcen viii cotntenasae a contet t Iis ime ihat would jeopsi'(ize the administration pregrat Foî5tbat ressort he feels sale in defy:I *TAVV noiYTWV TTflU1PENDElRWP WIfAY.A PRIT. Scenes, 'Principals, Parents and Sisters 0f the Bride In the Gould-Drexel Wedding. ROÛSEVEIT BAS GIRILS TO OPERATE FACTORY SE EEL~ A RW EVEU HAS Eriking Shirtiwaîst Erfiplayes ta Enter Mercantile Field. - Barbers of Illinois Object ta D ALLINGER CASE grnILNOA,.1i 3Asitaý Paying $3 Lcne Pinchot Again Confers With the Former President. emitîiyea8 In iîuai fi i taries uiiid coit ducted atong CoO 01<raie Ilisa. stl ha opeaed intiis citu uas sion as the nec-Ciaimning It a Case Of Tax3tia'u Witt> essary eriiiieist î'aîîrlic sbiî,ed frrîîn aut Reprecenlatian They Wii St. Louis. Appcai ta Court. The filty girls vurt onstarit.e for_____ fng sus. Tha meicîne tsar Se lire- iXORCMNTOF MMETbet,"nrm , mosn , scribes viii be mixed for hbm before ANUCMNT 0 OETaga ibhe mnyto ereci ithe- building Cho -iLt ;ushave beea congresadjourna ati bis session.", and equiip the tinnt hiuc 'î-îii oit,. laI i Vi, 11.,inbei s or 1i e iliîsnens' Pro- snnied by te i ie u i, 1 l iunions tioiksX.iuiî,thiroighlils tresi- OFTETIV ROS PYMATEr Rosevet Acepa Frme Chef orand.volt bc ensad froua ihe Proftsradieiti, NS iamNI.MMcCintock, ta hase D~TETIV ROB PAMASEI Raseeit ccete orme Chef ofs itIe association. the lugi stucs n'Pi'ai the Illinois havi AletC ets nace FrRbig eter'a Invitation ta Address Con- _________ Ibl 1 te ablished the baibers' state AlbrtC.FetalnicodForRabîg nervation Congreas Ta Be ACTRESSES' AUTO HITS MAN bouuid iii examn uc s. Chicaga barbera Robert Wicks of $3,500. Held This Sommer. ____said the liss ouiidlbe fought tbrouglb Charesto, W Va. Aprl I.-AlertMaxilne Eliott's Machine Strikes Jacob b ecourtîs. tI as asserteld the lavi Charastn, . Vs, AnîlIti Aibri as îîaruustiiulionai. C. Faits, superilnendent o! a lriviais Porto tilaurizlo, iialv, Aliil t:t .Tuie Van Oyckoff, Injuring Him. "Tiers aierc aS barbers la ibis detise roey ! coalaenston lprorttnsraIe ad abo.iut 20,000ila Chicago,." thetacptiv oafec ml 'îedtrsin irsc mtI -ignficant deeloimrent ia con-'New "York, Apiiiiîî sre lota said l'cesideut NMcClintock. "Sianlibar- gila and"'West Vlrgiîuls, has.beea la- Section vitit the metinlie iîniof Theo- automobile. vîîb tie aciiiss apdsitIvO ber aîîîat îay $> for a licens for the dlcted by a grand jury la Fayette dore iRoosevelt and Gifford Puaclial Vomen tnleîîds rin te tonnaîîcîîrani irivilege uit workiog. I esilflSe that county. The Indîctalient chargea ait was tlîe aanooacemnît that MnI. Itoose.' a mara dowa on liroaiiway Toe.day th,' board wiii colect about $125000 -witb robbing Psa insu er Robent tVinka veItîîad acce'îiud anInvsitation front afterriooiî. The is va.astacotb N'an avens yeaî. uand lhdosaDoat makce an o! $3.500 at Rosih Liii lait jiiiy. the formuer (-ilîer foester tD address ' Dyckiaf , 3 ytusna ad. a ceai estate accountiuug t, -aayone. Wicks. with a doLs nen passen the national sousers siocaugnesa' dealer. "*It s slmî,Iy a case of taxation wth- gara vas crosiag Newvitipi la a skiff late la the comning svumnuer ai a ite He va3 talsen io il-e Nuis-YOrl. out i'pnessîiraîion The board lasau-ý whan a masked roblier aîicd a ne- and Place t tel a i ted. hosîitai wili i rfe naokeaniba Thelprenie. It oai revoke any tans il- voiver ai hlm and forced Iiiît 10 Issue r.PluichaI vas agaîn at the villa, tbhiufeur via ol -iifotr a.qiaiilt cense. 1 havs prepared a test case the imcac - n il- "ler lait, o ai s la (aev. Il vas asiumed it ailnon the addtioîIn(I ctige of! 'ooat r againat the board whlch viii be beard lie a tiene for a finîal talit vitli Mn. ng the higbva>ý âL.s. iefore Judgs Scosllinl a ev sisys." leiî-iîiistie retilence o! bth riean________ CARS NET CHICAGO $-4,500»0O ti accî'îîed ns a mater of course Il ~~ea1 ~ ibat Mn Its,-illaaioaesa JOHN C. 'LAUGHLIN Ch!caga Reaiizea Profit From Plan of £Ce vaai M Ser i<i't cingitt-ieoser.,Operating Lines. U h ~~ ~ CL C valu i ii olîcy ad oi b laitias been de-ý:WoWsPoietyIetfe hcgArl1.Tepoi-hr scrilecd lienu' ui'"a eatilonary tenîd' h , cmnni dniid Cilao irl1-h rftaa' With Roosevelt-pope Incident Iag tplan titider whicb ('hicago street lstrs i f I'eiden Tîaîisotuai-t. Ir i îuiîitiaiita nierais shows a profit TiiI etrai Ianeilc e t T te __former ______________City_____$4,500,_000 todte c Iltion, <g Itaiulstacampteted Tueaday. preEid oars ce gai imnatspeliaisli e- -'o 'tîîî îd1ts aeaeo fore the coniservatioun i uuiress vas.i;ehbtidcae naeaeo madeut thIe c'nuîîcsion aoffut r. in- i ' iiau ehai 'sseropud viii. Formner Mayor i lelan ai Sasn-na-ý -fIsco anived lie ai suas alften an SIGN BOSTON& MAINE SCALE autooiuiîle ii de frni %einat at.ariad dnîîseit îîstit oV othe 'ars'w sill.u fui5a, " Pravides For Increase ln Wâgea of il catiulia 5v iuiîc scliPer Cent, Baaed on 10-Hour-Day. I ' IirisBostoAPrit iti-The sage seule " vrer o un d g. ngln ' - nul vrklag coînditions ogreenient for isa sîeep at iight." remarked Mrs. the 4,300iîa ndtMsands riiaybf -Trlgger to ber losesaI riead.th iso an Ilieriwybs .0b. baw iuterestiiig!" eelcimed the ' bnsetîiîn asbsdo u friand. "Did be mention some straage -,u'Thié& ()ani ntw las sutsei onte. Wonna nsame?" 1.&0 n e aien pro-ets "No" snapped Mu. 1rIggert *'bee' uIe r a ieraseof sencleS la iPre- L s ,dvalng aboit hoseabl gate." '-v ideiranlir " c entb âd îs e l igho -Birmaingham Ag-ierald. o lPrcn ae natnbu daY, las lia~s irevaliid. 71ll l weta roinntciizn idPITCHER REUL WIACH BETTERI Omtasday. "It bate thea doucesht uni, anDiphtherla Suffecer Showus Impravo. I t Mi.g iman or womn es houdid .y t55 geta n ment, but Hia Chlud 1sWorse.l'lamt1wstlg oe or. in thiseday ansd &go witlsst r:;ula:I: _____fur____lnieaio aisiaboi ra.ding the homen.. apapeu'. St. i4.uie, Ma., Alil I i-itdvard J." o ht1daevd"Wsig K)sua.bcrptlon lilt shows hai <bîraa i ational league club, viho la _________________ lnths toit.s we onte Improemneat, Net gquipped. prolch tb perfect doatieltiC bRPPiniaU _______________________ ia baby girl, 'aho la aultiering féMI 'I'd neyer go up lnt e baiiooit." aerhlab.cdvuo0fUMB PE1I'TO ENDSTRIKE1 Scale is Expectsd ta Be Silgned 'At Meeting This Morning. Miners Are ta Get 10 Conte a Ton Ad- vflnce, It la Said. and Cantract WII Be Far Two Vearal. PIttshiîrg. April 13.-Ilntted States Senaior Penrose bas tai:en a band la asettiing the strike of 45,000O coal min- ers ln the Pittsburg district and Ia- formation gieaned la that the matter, wiii be ciosed ai a joint coafereare of operators' and minera' officiais wbich la sciieduied ta open la Pittsburg t b i3 niornIng. The men are ta get the 10 cents Per ton sdvance.- h ta understood that the agreement wbich bas been protîosed ad prac- ticaily accepted by bath Bides, la for two yearsansd ihait Itwililie finaaiy 8 Igued up so that there wiiili e a gen- erai resumiîtiaaaf inie work Ia the~ ,Pittsburg district neat Monday. fa.-iy Intelligence. Sîj t." t'l',i tsai<i-îtistiiir t& ntriTili i lSd ila m Ille' '-ir*'If jii.i) ii n te1h' iIiii' .î,,îîc INU c't str~iite'î'kiies' si t tIl .mlil WIiiYu, liait ,Inuzi ga i ýý0,' The Kingsbury Piano' w 7HEN you go to boy a piano don't miss seeing VV flic KI NGSBU RY. this isa~n instrument vou can feel sure of. Fine tont quality, durable construc- tionands artistic case design, ai e iii fîattîres which ini- vite your clecision tii look no >fin iii, 'lie KI NGSIIURY hi'.fouiiaplai ii oi-r unr iîidieîl îhouîsanul loîi s I!1, 1i c it -i, i i which hîs sto<srithe test îof lîra tn, al i. ; i c% li, have. Made in thrte styles andlin vs loi'. is',o fini isl)ts. Onsaile at the store of C. F. Ingalis & Bro. Waukegan or Lynch Bros. Liberlyville Have YOD a piano aDowZ Doe. I(need Ssanlng or repairing? Lenasu orsier for our expert tUner to cati. CABLE PIANO COMPANY (Chlcaga) T. P. DtJRKIN. Special ersmai' 1'1 -~-. -=1 IR. LYON & SONS 0. R. LYON & SONS W. Wail Every Woman in Lake - -e- - CounT,,,,Nsw Suits at $9.85- - - - i They are made of splendid wool fabrics in ail of the season' s wanted sliades; and when it comesto irings,trimmings and styles their equivalents are flot to be had at very often double the price, We have included in the collection many suits that have retailed up to $20.00 but the greater number are the best $15.00 and $16.50 values we have ever had in - the store. About f ifty suits lef t f rom wh ich to choose at this price and near- Iy as many styles. Choice while they lastSEODLOI $9085 Nouse Drosses 1- Speclal for this occasion Is a purchase of prettlly made percale house dress- es that represent the limit of value at the price for whlch we offer tbemn, val- ues that are worth fully doubli the amount 1.1 Ladies' Waists A collection that Is far su- perlor to any of the beauti- fui walstAs that have brought fame to the de- partment ln the past. Em- broldered lawns as svell as tallored and lingerie et- fects are lncluded i ln thls lot, special ..47 Featuring a SpwcIaI Assoriment of Eid.rdown for Bath Robes ...Fancy Effets___ Soamei Shoots ful bed size 72 x k in. seamed, 75C49 values. 49 Pilll.w Cases splenr- did grade, f'ull sîze 45 x36,' regu-jjI, lar 18e value 12 licre is someth ing decided- iy new that seems té have filled a long frit want. Fan- cy Eiderdowis in figured effects with a short, thick downy nap that gives a Bout ShStlng, An- droscog g 1 àb ed wo:t' 30c d a240 Baby Flannul,the hest twilled b a b) tinne, plnk, blue snd white, 12C vol warm velvety appearance and effect. The material is 3 28 inche4 W'ide and is espccially àuapted for bath robes The Laissi N#wYork' Iô buatte Mu tare 5 style, slikgihvea ....12 Finest short .11k gloves, f pair------------ 0V Best Chamois Lisle OIloveat.**.* ...... 50e Short KàGoePn go. colore. ,I ......150 i 'i "'<r [,PALM' IL UAP, RQ 1.0 Laidies' Waists 20 deffn walsts ln cm- broldered lawn and tallored as Weil as strlped effect and black satine, plain or dotted the limit of m value at the price. 5 rrju!q 1 ý 1 mou 77: pvffl. r ilei.. 1910.

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