PAGE 110HLAKE COUNTY IKDEPENDENT. FRTPAY. APRIL 15, 1910. -F -8tEAVE Facts and Figures Submitted IL Quit. Are Surplslng. KEEFE IS TO INTERVIEW TAFT TJiousanda of Formans and Millions of Dollars Leave United States For Canada H-omea--Buy Govsrnment Lands. thi, day trai (Chi aftt lies ceil in for for- Soc Wasabington,. Aprll 13-More flian cli 12,000 Amrîcan ctizens vif b from ecli 81,000 tu $6,000 eacb, pracficallY alfr-at formera anad the beads o! familles, ex- patriated themseives between Miarcli 31, 1909, and Mrci 1, 1910. They venf from it ilportions of (lie United States, but partlcularly fronithe raid- dié wesf, tuafaate up goverobuent bones- alcade ln Canada. The fu nuncler of Pe"~ons vbo wentfiront the Unifed Sates fa Canada la thla period waE 96,370. These figures vers con,pled asa fhe result of an Investigatio whlcli bas 50sf been compleled by Coxnmlasioiter General- o! Immigration Keefe. Tbe figures a.nd Informationi gati ered have surprlsed hlm and the Influx o! Ameni- cau farinera lotin Canada viii be called tu Preideat Tattas attention. The investigation vbich lias been cooipletlddiscloses fthe tacIthalit the beat type oi farmers ai the middle wetSt er-e the ones vho were aellng out laufibis country %nd taking thelr laaEey te Canada.. (bers tu take Up fertile gavera pent land. The bureau7afimminigrat ion cati- maies that the amouat of money laken front this country hy (lhe 96.370 pen- sons mho lef( (bis coujilny (o mae tbrin future homne onder tflict(ishi flag average $1.000 f0 a man, (bIs lis- lng, IL la saad, a. conservatîve figure. lu Me perod irom Mar-ch 31, 1909, tu farcl1, 1910, théiaursof o!$96,371,- M00 as (aken inta Canada. The la- veu(lgs(ion sian diaeloeed (bat ince Mirrl 31, 1897. dowa (o Mardi 1, 1909. 4:,4GO persans leif fie U.nited St ates pernîsnently ta, resîde la Canada. If they Look vith tbem fthe sanie average amount as thome vho leit lielveen Mar-eh 81, 1909 ad March 1, 1910, (bey Look $426,461,000. 11.ltherefore, flbc emigranfe have taken info Canada $620,832,00 aine 1897, practicaliy al lu goid coin, Aocirdîng ta figures gîven ouf ai the depair-mia Tuesdsy, la Jsnuary, Fei- ruary-and Merch of (bis year 214,967 Immigrante arrlved ln ibis country froci «I parts o!fisheworid vîli an orsanai ofabout $60 ecd. Tho Wether. Illaiî1s auedJadaa-Fair and warm- er lciday; rein toîhîow. TiHE MARKETS Chicago Cash Grain Market. Winter wheat by sampis: No. 2 redi M1J43;. No. 3 red, $1.10@1.12U.; Na. 2 had..811%0.13;No. 3 liard, $1.07 GI,12. Sprng vheaf. by sample: NO. 3., ;1.0661.12. Cara hy ample: No. 2, 16055V.c; No. 2 white, 50061c; No. 2 yollaw. 69%069c; No. 3. 56%@67c; wl hite, "069c; No. 3 yelov. S'7 C;67%cj; Nq. il, 51@52c. Oats by sans- 1,i!: No. 2, 42c; No. 2 vite, 44%40 ý.5s-- No. 1 white, 42@44%c; No. 4 v.hlte, 41043e; standard. 44045c. Chiecage Liv. Stock flnas!-Receipta 10,000. Quotaflona irnrged at $10.25@10.35 tar chute hle VI, 810.15010.25 butchers, 1i$10.100 il'ht, 110.1501020 heavy packlag, 1?J0010.15 good la choice pige. Cttle-Recelpta 8300. Quotaf Ions r,-ngod at 88.850.65 for cholce tu, i.:lue aees, TJ08.6tom oachoiée t 'Cers, $6.707M26gnod ta, choie beef tcv .,81.6@11M0 good tu choies boit- riii. $7.50@8.1111gond tu choIce. clvs, rt.ZOfflusse1dt feeder-s, $5.26610 t 'id ta choloe elcekers. rhpR Mt 12,000. Quooatonus tf tiged et $8.80.60 for gond '(.0 ce elippd lamba. $8.2W6f8.86 falr ngood lpped lamba. $8.0008.25 good choute clipped wetiers, $8.60Q8.75 i i Ad (o choies cllpped yearlings, 8750 ': 00 gond tu ohaice cllpped ewes, .0@9.85 gond teschescaIambe. Potatoés. ýholce fa fancy. 20@28c; ýfaIr to Ad, 23625e. New Pofatoes. per hrL, Omaha Liv. Stock. ,-rttle-Rae.Ipts, 6.700 iead; mar- "10(1l5e laver; natlye steers, $576 4: cliva and boliers, $3.26C6.60; 'alero steera. $3.5007; Taxa sateera, -A; cava aand boiera. 82.75@5.7ý; 'mers. $25004,50; stockera&and drs 38607; eaves. $4.25@8.25; la, stagg, etc., $.006. ,:oga-ltovelphs, 12,800 bead; m»i 1 làt25c lover; hea.vy, $9.90@ I1'.0, mixed, 198009.90; lîglit, 89.60 t'.$b; plga, 88.7609.50; bulk oi sae.. - hsp-Reelta,4.600 besd; mar- 1tsteadY; yearlings. 1$8U8.75; velli- 87.5008.25; evea, 1717.75; Iambe, East Buffalo LIv. Stock î-eing & Stevens, Live St&ck -mlaen Mgrebenta. Basf Buffalo, y qoQt & afollows: Catte-Re- -'ta I1car; Markret afrong. Hog- t 4 epts 10 car; mei-kat lover; 1 ,vy iai Yorkera, 010.70; wu. 111.00, eh eni udi Labe-îWoet<a 5 cars,, riret trou.g:Ir**- laiubs. 10-n; i at je ée*"d6â imlaosa, WAUKE6AÀN LOCÂLS O'rs. Jolit'Gleasilit"s. Juilus Trop-I Now that thie city Io taling of a fow and Mrs. WIII Rilpy Of LIherty- nLeW bond Issuesorne o the citizen. ville visit cd wifh Nlrs. L. H. Lit-J«are 'aakiog more economy In the cify (Prlno .Ll,Cupsap;M niO fild tdday. affales, if the bond issue'fa fe be fa- "Grceat White Way" pramofora and There vas a f rost lasi aiglif andi the vored. -ruibera meef at Hotel Washburo thermonieter is reitoted (o have staod Beglnnlng Friday, earmiwli run ev- aj evenîog. Rt the freezi îig point at 6 a. mn. ' cry hour to Liberiyviiie. This le the 'T'he funeral of the laie John Schq- R uminer-scheduic and cars wlll bc in- Tbe Sovernment census atart, Fr1 field wiil l e held tonorrow. The late 1 creaaed ln frequeocy during fair timý. y, but because 0f the day and the 1 v. - chofleld vaq 100 quife 27 years aiialhooth elsatna:1old.1 The fîrat of the sertes of five card ditonl loooo hevea ,acfma Begianing fomioritit. when fie base 1 partie, wiil be given by St. \Viliiam'a )coine unîl Saturday. !l,îl seaso.î opens-, \'et anîd Bridges 1Court Caflilie offi, rForesters at ttorney Charles H. King wa, lu of norih Genescep areef will receive Nlolirmamn and Weieel hall flua eveu.- icaga today on lega] business. compicie b 'ase hall retuins by Innings. lg 'lfy Attorney E. V. Or, le spît nt he Mmc,.Clarlese W. Ralit of Arkansas lg ernoon in Chicago on legal huai- . City, Kansas. is vIsiting frienda in Tomnorrow nîgit Baffery C will re- ~Viiia, MCrdie0f iilbtrn . Vaukcgan. Nti rs.Baln a RM las Ellaeieect Aahbel V. Smtith as captaîn. He vildia new Mllkwaon miîc fe e-t Vonuîere o! this city and formevly acf a o bl ceaifraan iss ýIvé a ew mlk ago tweýe eeted as sic îogi-aphcr* for the laie Attor- bsnn edsvrltrsadbss length (hi. morninig and wili ose if ney Reuben W. Co7000 worked witli efficient aid (bat Bat- ,hauling hi, milk shipfluenie The ,feryt soeftheghbs ite gon arrived via fli111li (tc lismissai of the alander suif enter- ýi . t'la o h nfthre naion.ha i f Colonel 1-olp wili speak on "Cali, Pd hy cou.î,ei for Nire. Mary Laven- Wiil fteefr tin nia." for the henefit of tht' Ladieq' der agaif lie Ifev. W. A. Tilvue ye;-, The Wiliing Workers suciefy of the wlai Union of the Presbyferian' îer-lay removéd the. first knot ln the Swedish Luihi iaii chtîvch mneets lit irch Tuesday, April 26, Rf fli, (angle invoiving 'îrs. Lavender ,and (lie home o! Mis, Hmanuei Nloberg, urch. The iecturo wiii lie Mlus- George avenue, Inîoorots everiig. Ali att. teRe-JohnD. Leek. Iare welcome. Satisfaction or Your Mon ey Back FORTUNATE Etaborately Embroidered Siik laffeta Dresses Regular 20.00 Values These beautifully braided and embroidered dresses are wonders at this special price. Embellished front, back girdle and sleeves. Rlch, allover lace yoke. In reseda green, Copenhagen blue, navy, golden $ j brown, gray and blacl4 Posltlvely worth 20.00, on sale Saturday only.. Fine- French Voile and' Panama Skirts 's The Marîlia Aid society oi the Swe- i Rev. W. F. Bostlek of Yorkville lias dlah Lutheran church mniets in the1 refurned in, that cify alter spendlngn churcli parlors tomaorrow afternoon at'seèveral weeks ln a Chicago i!ospitai. 2:30 and wili be enteitained by Mrs. 1 Fritz Fosberg and MIis9 Gusafava Foi.- (t wIli be remembered that lie froze0 berg. Meaibers and friends of the his feet -on Chistmas nigbt while at- 1) society lnvlted. t emPtlng f0 walk from Aurora. (o York- Elizabeth Barry, Amày Nlidred War-'ville ln the face of a blizzard and 0cr. and Merrîli 0. Gruber of the! narrowlyescaplng deatb by freezlng. n acitools of tarator7 and mueic. North-, He bas appeared ln the Baptist pulpit t The,fuueral of fthe son of Joet)ait. ning was held at three this.a atancOf The the WIlder 'rannii~ company le 00w compieted, except t e painting and the chances are that the work of r-emodeling the oid part of the plant wili begin ln mid imay. The re- moval to the aew part of the plant la te begia at once and the plant iflBy af the NMetbodîi charcli on 1'"riday e'v' la Waukegan. operate whule the oid part la belng re- eonag, arc cecognized as artiat s ia Thc announcemient la ruade (bat thie modeied. ,hefir respec'uive classes. Corn Producta Reflilng Conmpany cviiil---l C'hicago elemeniary scbools no more flie Heywort h building ln Chicago ftuoLu. if a plan of revision being prepared isN- oklatevrynarttr.Te A < 1 Itoam carried (brotîgh. This willirow new location îîcobably willlie at 42 1 VVaIII CsASSI1Y comptound inferest eonipufs.tionsanaîd Broadway. PreHldent E. T. Bedford!___________ ".priioripie, of bantltng" bi the (l$-tarth lal (lie clerical forces of fhe card aiao, aiong wifh the minute de- eormpany 00w quarfered af 26 Broad- MTE.S-I'c'lvwode leas TWO MO tailla o! hiatory. (be u Ouier of killed way, thc offices of (lie standard o i %lýIe,,n 50,,lys l iimes35c 019 and wounded I(n great baille,. whlrli Company, itrobabîy wlll be moved fa I 9smamu ('outy Superin'ndent of School, the aew location, wlicthe entîre' FORce SALETba erpdo 3 b. tmoflr Nightingale and i, auboîdinates elim-. inanateý(meaf will te i. ~ tbshonb ocnri l]j,10 een ru ecele, hnt1, Iaated front (he Cook eouftY ,Cioois c(l. Oîtiy a male, agency wil 50 ile,199maeineceln a month a4O. I' ntaiand lan('hicago. condition. Enquire of P. NewhOUMe, ;Arlington Hotel, Waukegan. 29-tf - Waukegan's Quality Store for W?mcn THE WOMIAN! Who secures one of these Siamnple'Suit IWhen we bought these suits it was with the idea that they kwould represent values not to exceed $25 or $27.50. But when they arrived we found that fully a third of them were realIy worth $30, while many of themn were genuine S$35 Suits. 0f the 300 recently purchased there remains for Sautrday's selling, just a hundred forty-three. Materials are serges, panamas, diagonals, fancy worsteds and novelty fweaves. Every desirable coloring is represented. The best ~of siik lining in A the coats. Not many of a kind---so thbe styles arc certain to be exclusive. Its an unorecedented opportunity to secure a really fine, high grade suit at ridiculously 12 %5O .0W prîce ........ ....... Full Lcogth CovertCoats Very styish full length tan covert coats, hand- somely tailored. Long Tuxedo roll collar of moire 'silk, gilt and jeweled buttons. A coat especially becoming to young ladies They arc Actual $ 12.50 Values 6.95 offered Saturday.. Another Lot of Those Pretty Trimmed Mats At 2.9.5 Will be rî-ady for cale lomiocrow. New conceits froru aur own work roornîs toa dd to another big pttcrhasc frorn a large Chicago milliner. Milans, rough sîraws, hand made shaes. Trimaîed with silk riblion aind importe il lowers Much better than you ordinaily se-e ai $5.oeî$2 9 At Friedna's, specially pviced for Sa ur ay . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . Wheat lrimming Ver-y popular--the .natural whea t ittînches, lui-5c able for hai trianîin g. - Regular 8.00 and 9.00 Values 5 l1 Am c n I rIQ r- Ten beautiful designs at this one price, plain effects or 30 D o V i I U nd'rsk*rt braided. The new Tunic styles are inciuded and GO ON SALE SATURDAY AT One-Third Their Real Value they'.re, ail new, bought witbîn the past ten days. Rare values '409J 7 5-2 FIVE STYLES TO PICK FROM ind-00 a1 Clean, crisp, new designs, 100 Panama Skirts at 1.12, fresh from the factory. Extra fipe grade of muslin, cut A~ ~ ve1frwaep.icae fi~ rtypnm very fuit, 12 and 14 inch flounces of S.wiss or Hamburg ver f:rtuiat puchae o 10 prttypanmaskirts enibroidery. You must see these ta appreciate what a truly great bargan bringi thmto you at this ridiculously low price. They we art offering you tomorrow. The poorest are f u pi- ated, some are trimmed with satin bands and skirt in the lot is a regular, others arc t inid with self materiai, These skfrts 1.50 value'6- wreide po r egui9 r ly ,0 U.. . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . Saturi .. . . . . .. . . . . . One Lot 0f Fine Mlixture Coats, For Ladies and Misses This lot also includes some Covert Coats values up to 8.00, ýspeial 1...... .9.. 5 Car Fare Refundf d on purchases, of $5t00 Straw Rraids 12 vactl bolt,, ia nearly ail colos. ort so f<) $3.00. Boit ,,....9 .5 'Corsets fo r 78c One of many bargains for Satur- day. A corset sc!d alw.ays, everywhere for 1.50. Our~ 1price Saturday t- 7&c a$urday s INDIu t Jobnt Police Antioci' Office tbe et enougi est vil ride" 1 tbe Wh do wbs it le ly ioid ýes'Iter *'I ar lie said squaw. ou for wax toi "The bier- w' she aml afier tr and v juil al -.I a' a n zrcv ilitoti drwn t,ýt il found and lh -Noi Af' the r Faita tice day, cd ti lion, He twic Lt nc TI lice weli Fo-.t Tut ai ltott n torneý ttlî' k, js re cMili b on cet Mill n ttt adi itot In graft.i t ht si caura Niaga sier a bre Centn eri afi acres "TI va, t alie t- mit E nice that ao an deati' have slecp liairu Tuec ai fit On n aged laget and i - LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. FRFDAY, ArRITÀ 15, 1910. PAOR «Hm