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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Apr 1910, p. 2

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00UNTi npm )WÉNi Y, APRIL 1s, 1010 ___________________________ ____________________________________.~. _____________________________Ulm____ ____ ____ Eh -. -J.. -~--..--.ai Pienty of fresh ah, sleeping out-doors and1 a plain, nourishing diet are anl good and helpful, but thie most important of aulis Scot's EnrnIsio it ti &estandad rdbeat- nient prescRibed by phy. "Mu an 11over fthe world for t" dread diseas. lit je the. ideal food-medli- ciii. to heal the. lungs and build up the. wasting body. "OR SALE BV ALL DRUOGIfTS I8ffl O sas etpase fSL. foM Edward Drice hes rnoyed itt hie log cabin.1 Mr. Booth le putting up bis tort fext to Mfr. Holmanso. Mis@ Nina Roiî,use ejnt Sunday ut gorne. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Itouse and son Dlbert spent Sunday with M~r. and lire. J. J. Rousesut Walnnt Hill. Charles Crapo, ut Wankegza,i. eulled on bis aunt and uncle, Mr. and Idre John Aynoley, Tuesday. Mr. and NIre. Irviîng Pa3 ne are ex- pected borne soon. Fred Grabbe sold three draft horses to a Chicago man for nine hindred dollars. The ladies' aid society ut the Congre- gational cbnrcb will have a bakery sale at Watson's drug store Saturday altter- noon, April 16, trorn 2 tlii). Buy rye bread, biscuite, cake, pie, cokies and dongbuuts. RobertLli, who hes been viiting iu Eugland sincs lest Junre, arrived in the Cty lest wrek. Mr. LiUI was tbe guest of bis daugbter, Mr@. HenrY Hopkins, at TlîamesDittou. LAwURC Edward Branding bas secured a posi- tion wlLh the packlg firm ot Nelson Morris Co. lu Chicago as bookkeepar. Perry L. Pacsons, of Waukagao, calàled on friands bers lest Friday. Mr. Per- sous i. a candidate for eouuty îudge. We wisbhlm suces». John Blauk, of Wauconda, wue seen onounr treeasMonday. A small humn on the Eruet Gcabee larm, one mils nortb o! bore, bucuod dowu Sunday atternuon. A herse of Peter Hapite, who lises (ir the place, was badly burned. Wm. ftuechiug and John Hosve sent to Chicago Slonday sitli a car ut rattle. H. L. Prebrn sud E. A. Floke were called to the Chicago prohute îoart as wituesoe te the Chlritian Scbniîaker wiii. GURNM Mma. H. E. Flood le entertainlug cern pany frorn Indiana tbls week. Mr@. Howvard sud Mrs. H. B. Young bave teen lin the sick lit the past week. Mrs. Wrn. Reff, ot Wadewortîi, spent soveral days lest werk with Murs. H. Sponenburg. Clark Chanudler w as in Chcago 0o1 bueineeoî Saturday. The Benett teed milI is doingz a big business agsiu. Tbey baudled user six ÈiuifFdbu8he llst Friday.- --Mrs. Mary Stallord, ot Waukegan. vs- i-te ber daUghter,Idrs.- Ray, Sunday. Mrm._SarahYoung le visiting triende iu Waukegan. C. M. Brown and son sold a ine driv- i =gboresta FatbirFolei-of Wads- worth, lest week. U,.._.". i. Mrs. Mille and family viited Chicago triende lest week. John MeGarva bas moved is machine @hop ta the rear sud ot bis lot. This leaa big improvement te tbe street. Mir. Lucins Mtaw etertained rela- tives frorn Joliet luet Friday. Mrs. Neli Sneesby bas beau very sîck the pasi two weeks. W. H. Studer, of Libertyuille, wes bers Satrrday snrveying for R. W. Me- Cl..ure &'Co Tha Gurne bail nîne upened the seau- @un ut Grayplaka Suuday with a deteal. The i re lusof J. A. Bennett, ut Gure was paid thislwse L. H. Lichtfleld, ut Waukean. Mr. Benaet arrled apolicy for <ne tbousand dollars on the miii bnilding sud bis housphold turnîture and rýeieved a cheik for the full amount ut tîn losucanco îaeeicd. FREMONT. NIls Sisyme XMeyer, î fjWauconda, sport Sunday witb ber aunt, Nire. Mike witz. M'il Steinîillec. o! Chicago, ivre the Fcedcrick home Sunday. Mir. Brebni sud daugitter. Matilda, ot Arliugton Heights. spent oe uay last week with Mr. sud Mca. Mike Wagner and tumily. Lizzie Ahact sport laet week ut '<an. kegan. Libectys 11e Fonce Factory le the best place to boy ferre. Staples freo wltb evecy rol, Buci wire $'-).(;0per lundred . See ad.2u 1 DEERLD Several more cases ut measias bave desveîoped, Ralpb Huranherger sud lRay- mord Moyer buth being ill ut preoest. Mila Jsesphine Biederstadt, ut Evaus- t'in, sPent Sunday ut borne. R. L. Hahirn visited friends here Sun_ day. Mc. Flower and tamily base rnoved te, Chicago. It i@ requostsd by the post-oîfflce de- purtmont that ail patrons 0t the curai rectos, paint ilîeir mail huxaaepose white. S. IF. Hurchicor spert Weduesday lu %Waukegau. 3. J. Marsball.îof Chiicago, ard ('bas. Seiç,, of Palatine. wrre in tousn last H F f wéek lookirg aller soîne le imurrunce business. The Eletrîr L.iglnl rîînîîarv exlpert te furnîsh ne ligltiby lie iret îîfl'la, usbich wil lie %is elcil, iir unr iiiiess 1oeu1îe. PALATINE Pied-,aitlier bomern uPalatine f rlday,1 PRAIRIE VIE'W' 5pril othn, 1 I0î, <re. Filhert. suite oft j the late fred Fit,t Ererai mue leld Mise-sTill sud Blanche Sitîbvll were uttcîne M0iikNoi.'îay sud lunrirul(11n Waukegar vîsîtoce Saituriluy. the blnl lîrode hlier siard. The m5i111 Mca. S. L. Tcipp vs nitei us li ec dow was operi, an argel 'suie luardi parents, -%Ir, and Mca. Ju,s Richards, tocrtuîuk ber tu esteetusbre there le nu rare,1 a lew dase, pain licsiî. liesasd Mca. Kceneke 1rît Treeday Dr. J. B.Srnymc wîll be lourd a rosqi. for their new home nel Ellwuod, 111. dent of the Stapies resîdence by bis Their rnuny rlande sere louthe lu 5e-O friende lu Palatine lu the future. tbem go. Mc. sud Mca. R. R. Converse etucned Mc. sud Mre. M. W. Kredler ard Ted from Flerida Monday. whece they spart @peut Sunduy wlth relatives ut Highland the winter. Park. Clarence Luornis bas aeepted a puai- We are sorry te say Walter Rennack tien with the "Sue Lin," ase brakeman. hue been at home sick IJue lest Iew duye. Tom Pester, the village biaksnntlî Mce. Hallett, usîte etftr. Haliti, ivas was marrnad tu Miea Russesl ,îf iberty-a guet ofl Inonde lu Palatine Sunday. ville, lest week Wedneedav. Tinsy w l Miss Mabel '<obhaben sud ber aster Occ-npy the fliat acated by Ieu. Kiiveoke. Marie vlsitod Irlerds lu Palatine oser« Mr@. Belle Corbin whu bias been i smog Sunday. tor Mca. G. F. Mitchbell toc the plîsesceorMcit Ry liarrds and cbiidcon et Ar- weake, etururd te lier beome in Fhir, lîngtiuiiHrighte, Ysiîteul relatives lu Pal- Wedue«day. Mcs. Mitchell le ni ard] ii<,e tîno the past swsel toi ho about uitb the uma-ofl 'rutlcîc r.fre iruîg u eoe Her friands are hopeful lur ber .oitire r r, insr srr e vre cng aseollurîe. vevery soon. fo e eysvr aeu arpe Friday eveniug. Apr. 15, tl'i ru' View Baud will give a conc-ert ati 1 ou 1 Er t Hall, Long Groe. The pringram %us il conslet ut select readinga. bardd uiii Mise Arnin ' ore client soýt Sunday ut quartette .electiore. Admission 271 and humre sud 15 (,ents. Cerne sud cee thie <'ai I miJn. Lancaster usent giioe huuiting boys lu thair uew unifores. a@t -'unday. Ifoito s rumber lrom berse allended the For Scie dune- t l>rerlield Tneenilay nigLI. Ors car af Gluten on track, ai $2-00 The work en iorsàurus bouse i8 pro- pr ton. HOME LuMnER Ci.e. -27-tI greeing rapidly. Y %/IK fYaUSI. T. J. Fletcher, of Zion CitY. called On friends Sunday. Alter a tour weeks ilineme, Miss Aug- uta Adams ia again ahile tu resurne ber duties, at L. J. Yagere Store. Mrs. Eliot Bacon will entertain the Ladies' Aid Socety on %'ednsday atter- fluer, Apr. 20. Mise Nettie Wilson, of Appleton, Wis., and Mrs. S. Wooley, ut Waukegar, are vistlng tor a tew days at H. L. Wilson'@ Mies Maud Hawkins and ber mother, Mrs Mary Hawkins, visited at Grange Hfall over Sunday. Get our prlees un drain tule beture bnying. BoiME LumBEIl CO. 27.tt 1 VAffOE There wlll be an entertalument and basket social at the Sseau echool APi 22nd. Everybody welcome. Ladies bring baskets. DLAMiD'izK The ladies' aid oociety ul Dlamond Lake wIll meet ntb Mms. MIlle Thursday alternoon, April 218t. Frank Dowell, of Mapengo, called on relatives bers Monday. Miss Maude Eatinger was a McHeriry caller Sunday. Mrm. George Kuebier and son, uf Des Plaines were guets at the Richardeon bomne Tbursda.y and Friday. Wn. F'rost, who has been in Ciago during the wtnter ie at homn os. Mr. John, Vasey is on the sick liet lui pregent. Mliss Pb.yllis Paddock, ot Fort I1h11, was the guest ut Lillian Ettinger Satur- day. Messrs. John and Jason Walton trans- acted busines ut Libertyville ouccday last week. Mi@sLucy lunniiiili viied ber ider ut Round Lake lest week. Mies Nettie Russel epent ber laet week vacation at home. ies lRuth Cîýmpton. of Elgin, is visit- iug at the Jas. Kirwian horne thi e uek. oR. ELWlon, son, Perry, and duught- erLilia, o %aukegan, noeegueste of relatives here ovr Sunday. Additionai Libertyville Locala. S. 1. Pope aud wil" returnod troîn a ten weeks vsit in Florida C. Washburn, ut Orayslake, pu rehaaed a new Brusb auto trom Albert Lichtielt. Pu t dowu that bammor and begin to talk for Libertyville and its business en- teeprises. Let ' Pueh for Libert.y 11e" be your future motte. Mr. and Mrs. A. Derneyer, a receuîly rnarrled couple, well kno wn bere, lutond to make tbeir tuture borne ini Blythe, Calitornia. known as Palo Verde Vialley. Mr. Demeyer le a prosperous tarmer of the GoldEn tate. Their mny triende wieh theni succees in their uew home. 'IÇIIAN1 The Cenaus Taker lie kînd te tbe renoue talîer. Hoeusil lue us ti i el in a short lime and reîîiiy lie desorves a ordial rrceptinî Tîne cousus mian uvili ask sîîiî niir- uns îueetiî,ss. 'Iuly of theril will lie .14 irtîrnato charau.ter and may appear imîpertinient. Te sorne ot thrr yen willi tee luclined te make heutsd replies, lu- dîcstirg thait yen su regard them. But dont loe your temper. it willl de yeunon good and will unly pain the cousus taker. Ha le not privileed te baome sugry lu returu, so it le rot like. ly thut you wlll gel the satisfaction of a quarrel or a rough-and-tnmbls igbt ont o! hlm. The cousu@ taker le a mur under or- doce. And bis orders are tu ask the questions ha will propound tb yen. Thîs la what ho le paid toc sud what Io expeeted o! hilm, gay@ ths StaGe Journal. It lie talis dowu san Interviewer lha willi ind bimesit ont ut a joîb. Then another tellow wiil corne uround and askt yen the came questione ail over agulu. Se itleb Is t as weil ta mauke up your mindite greet the cansus laker with s pleusant srnlls and a liberai .npply ut lu. fermation. It willi net ho csed against you iluîîrt, sud yeun a lk as Ireeiy tu the rcoussman&as lo ceau tri your bhtler. He willuces the Information lhe gets uls 1e fr tue purposeofcI îompiliug 8tatl8st'e'ioîîr confidenee wil hoiese- apeeted andl yen sail hoprotoo-ted. The couisue tôkle neDt ernPloyed lu ths capucity of a spy. Sahacribe unw. 81.50 per year. LiýertjvunWe rews RECALLS DAYS OF Tt1C CIVIL WAR *Jimmy bwindles" nec J. S. Les, the Recipioni of ReminisconGas Promn Hia Army Comi-ade, J. W. Marsh, Now of Minneapolia. Minis. The fllowiug letter Iront 'Jinirny Mureli, use J. W. Marsh, te "Jimnmy Swindies,DuseJ. S. Lef,.oft Iis City. will be read wlth mach ltrest, by their army comrailes. The writer relais tu Ibeir army fle i n bis "c rude" way--su ha @&ys--in the toilowîug linos dedicated ta Co. F 87th IlLII. flntry, some of wbom live lu Lake couîty: MINKAPOaLI8, MINs., lIe. 15, 101. My IJear Comrada : Tour recent vioît lia my office was su much o! a surprise la me, that unr associations lu camp lite bas been lu my mid umuet of the lime stucs. This, 1 believe was our tiret meeting afinse we parted in Brownovillk, Texas lu Janunry, 1864. w-bon yen ra-eulistesâ and weut ta New Orleans, and I re- xalned lni Brownsvîllu ltu serve the ce- mainder of tbe tbrae years. Relative te your persona] qualities as a solder-I bag lausa.y toc tha information of your nearest kllb and kin, thut ne member o! CompanyPFexcelled îlJimmy" SwtndIes lu vigilance lu sxecutlng lus dnty la hi@ country andlalîblul sesrvice. At the bugle cali "Faul lu," Jîmmy Swindie neyer talIed tu be amoug the tiret lu lins. Cao you remember the oîd round Slb- ley tet-tbsflirst marchiug ws bsd lu old Missouri nuder GonoraI Frernu? Il bad au lron tripod ai basa o! centre pois to build ire under, snd cook coSe unudr. Thues iret cailp and niarcb experiance wsre vary vîviily lImpreseed on Mny mmnd. 1 will lry sud reter lu îbem in my crude way. in the flling lini cudca-oî ted te Coi. F. Ttr c eu- os, i4llt chind, I id Osierk .hty 1. Wrerre lunareîur suit. C'Siairs 3and iinauir> i i Miles ,chat . 51051 w bre ie 11le,c aIl Bivouac lac the inicht ii et]Y trarli 011li lo- I '. Th oliireet ised'u- car liB. rollio..u My.1vmioatr ma-, Let me c arr>hillois Elet dl., thi lin, A ftrleud Ilocs .11allI Wiiiis.e- u "1 ii.a Nour ,iî,ncu a Prom csîahîî ii lai Eseri li 15,, Ilne Wthuu .I S i 11.i Wiri lrieIIul It.liii'nu Lsten.u-eh-, huis Ch-euai,'liiîg(e 'i iî,nei , iil. bl a A 1, aIe,' -5 Ilih lîcîlI. Head,.uaiier-Boy.îî I- ra11e 115 lo, rIIeil suIodidermare 10etthe rse io.dai Wlih ecabbari s aclattering 1),oo-Octie nOey sîe Todell% et itei rorders (en tms orîry >sierds. Fali]1in1lie@on the chIer- Nul a siraggier allc,îvd 11. aine.my c land, Music tW the front, bort ScelWitte he ino450 Muis hiîîol-,1 i tee, seî l'a, (Iie ue ocl Kun. Co.F fie eh-dicss ti 1, on he rigti Soik alsboilid c ami, Omis loi the ighu . Le îlu5,e > 51 m,l 1 ,. 11-151 oi 1,1 iali-ie El cosi îî h 1e irno, AI.,.l. . l i . . . . As Ii. a1th., mi'l~.ii "I' n I f aC- uis I i ail ,,I,îîr 'Iif,. 0', iII lie b", k, RIghî and 4t-IMl,i It i,. 15 51. k-1.1e ling Qii.0. Islo n cami 'I Il . , ug ta .î' >5II linîllu IîrirBill NS s alun Ihal umOi_ n i Mite AI 1.,eu.i "ho> s Ee ras eleI thte tite iO!h s auts ho scier coulIt il îaîî io> handsome Il vos tlean 55'c.ail wo.Iad admui Ho o &s the _obole cheee. flot oh ' hie flashe of 11 And biig ht teorîsof ihottt. AnImlnK ait oui ccowued Mtis le salin they are cougt ('heuisheut memoir"o0f Bill WilI ocr e Sealle luotie hearts f rvcry mat, mn uid ms% mnmsbe r ise Audlhut ory show, loi 100 Su ove dear' and ten Tin&1C.. P. in.sarge Matoeiîy wacre manlmnn I1Ininey i sec Anuos, t' great (iide. SBie y ide. Wr would enter bc sîiur Bl To Ire Father Abraham. Oiur cooemanderinluchie!. t mî'n abat record o r rclO ,1'0 sua mateIBol.requoect ,1i 5 sorn trio resto> Si, dist.IRl0toeied a gues' Suii lID barrier arias winc Fr îlitieotj me l"ii l.iuî,dsiraQinrilsocu ' We,11 unreiat cleblt hr IIIuihereci Ghomelsqure.tir licatloyalBc l Are burnIns Camp fices ot love For tie old boys.FLa bioc. SoUndîce brassud inkllug.cymbals May C outluiion earth. But the vaiue cil servie lameauured by ivoiGlu pas$ lu t10he OieYos Prepared by rt oselrd. Tsor roxarades b lvb101 WiIi receive lite resiard. Yoursiln F. C. and L. Jiuimy Marsb ueo J . W. Mareh. Minue- apuRe., Mian., 424 W. 28th street. To Jlmmy Swindies use J. S. Lee, Lib- ertyvîlle, III. P. S. Sbould you goont to Fox Lake. look up among the Chicago Club boues. s place knuwn as Cedar (rest. Wher ton or twelve yeare old 1irtlbed little red cedar eprigs and @est tbem out as dirscted -by my motiier at the old farta bomsstead wbare I was boru. THESE MAY WED. John E. Mcflonlad. Decetur ....22 Lonise aumgarth. Racine........... 19 Eaniouel 'E. Thomas, Sti.Joseph. Mo.38 Frances E. Wainerc.......... .... 39 Doane Whltten, Wauîkegsn....24 Ethel E. Worley................. 24 Edward C. Lundbecg, Chicago ...24 Honore Miller Fvgscty........... 26 Aidor Do Meyer, Mlythe, Cal ...32 Caroline ElfInnoy, Lîbertyville..21 Mchael J. Killian, Lake Villa ...28 Elîs C. Hanson, Oconomnowuc...25 John T. fthneidec, Duluth.... 3 Kathsrlne McDowell............. 36 Sylvester Klntop, Wankesba, WIs. .21 Helen Sczuleszwska, «mre.... 19 Wma. Maye Creagb, Detroit, Mlcb. .26 Mary Malvluis Miller, Milwauka .. .26 George A. Neill. Highland Park .... 23 Mary Smitb, came............... 21 OIFFICIAL ldAI.tT-Vllage utf Arua, Lake County, Miinois. Election to) ho beld Tiîosday, !sprllil ,, V00l. TisiniiýoRitF. s s ' laeClerk. O Peoples'Ticket By Pelilioru FOR TRUSTEES ElROBERT F. OS ElHARRY F. ROUSE PAUL G.RAY FOR VILLAGE CLERK DTHEODORE F. SWAN State ofIlîlinois, County etfLakse. ln the Circuit Court of Lakte Cotintv. John L Redding vs. Hugh Ba.sk.r- field. Ernest W., Riokerfleld. Isabella llaskerflcld h1elen BaserI'ield Dur. rîlw, sonelimes kiicwui as and called Ilelen iiaskorfield Darceli, and Jamnes Liairowv. Geu. ,o.4591. Put, )Ic notice lu here-hi glu or that hv sfrlie ef ail oder and l lcr, c en- lî rod ln the aloveerntltledi cause at the Mari h TerniA, 1). 1910C thereof of o;aid Court, the underslgned Masior n (hanrrofutsaid t'ourt, v.iII îon Tuesday the Sth day vif Aprîl A. D. 1910 ut the heur of eue o'clucit lu the aflernoon or sald day at the Eastt lor cf thel court luioe in lhe City of %X aîikegan, Ceiînty of Lakce anid Stalo etf Illinois, oell ut public vendue Il, the highest and hest blOder for cash the followlug descrlbed lard undt real estate sltiuted lu the Ceiirty of Lake and Stute ot Illinois. te ait: Lots niinhered Seven (7). Elght (8) und Ninie <9) lu Blockt rumber Ton (If ln McKay's Addition lu Little Fort (row Wuaukegau) sltuuted ln the county ot Lakte and Stute cf fllinois. Dated Murcb Zîrd A. D. 1910. ELAM h CLARKE, Master lu Chancecy. 27-4t SIate ofutlilos, County of Lakte, se.: Iu the Circuit Court ot Lake Coun- ty. Matilda Kotsky vo. Fred C. Bleder- stadt, Emma Noetbliug, Suâan Bie- derstadt, Viola Biederstudt No. 3772. Public notice le bereby given that by vîrtue ot an order snd decree eu- teced lu thle above entitied cause lu sald Circuit Court, at the Mai-ch Tprmn, A. B, 1910, tbereot, tbe undor- signed Master-in-Chancery ot said Courtwlli, on Tuesday the 26tb duy of Aprîl, A. D., 1910, at tbe bouc ot 1 oclock ln tbe utternoon of suld day et the oacI door uf the Court House In the City ot Wauke- gan, lu tbe Couuty of Lake sud the State oftIlinois, sou uat public auction bo the blgbest and beet bidder the toiiowlug descrlbed landd, ýrouI es- tate, to-wlt: Lot Nîîmhor One (1), lu Blorck Fîve (5>, luHlli sud Ostermans Addition Ià Deerlield, sltuated lu the County ofLakte sud StateofutIllinois. Terms ot sale: 25 per cent cush or the day ot sale sud the balance on the dellxory of deed. ELAM L CLARKE. Master-In-Cha cery, Daîed Macch 310t, A. D .,1910 27-4 There's more* strength F. BAU RSTOW in a bowl of MANUFACTURER OF Quaker Oats han in the same uantity or the. same due of any other od you can cat. Most nourishing, Ieast expensive hsýd . la elr lc0e ckagw.. sd ilacgs musc lamli p9«k«- t a25c. 10 Stato of Illinuois, County ut Lakte, sae ln the Circuit Court ut Laite Connty.L .Mary Kruger vs. Cabarine Abbînit, Petor W. Ahbiuk, Aurelluis C. Turpin. Mii db I. Turpin, Mildred Spear, Jau- nie- Konnedy and C. Wltowuns, Uer. No. 3713, Publie notIce 14 heceby glvîen that s lvrueofutan nvfer and doorso en.À lî-rod lu the abuse euîiled cause lua saîd l'irc-uit Court ut the Mardi Terni A. 1f.1910, thereoft he- undersIgned, Siierlal iaator lu Chaery of said Coulrt, will on Tueday, the Id day ot Siar A.1). 1910. at the bouc et une ocit lin the urternoon ut sald dayi at the East Main l)our oetIhe Court I IdOile- lu the lity of Xaulogar. lu the Counlu- ef lak. and Staîî' utIllinois, soIl a utînblie aucîlon tle ho hghost1 and boît bldder for cash. th(- fullow-1 long di-scrîl,î-îl lr lusltuatvd lii the (ounî ot L.ake and StateoutIlîlinois, tu-wlt That lair t orlite nimbor lwety- til> o 2 anud TweIIltYour t24) lu the Addition lu thr Northust addition te the Town oet Lîtîo rt. now lu the ('il> rîtW'unkeganuIescrllncd as rom- niîeurlug ai a poîit lu saldt lot ninmber tsueut( tise 12-,),wlîlî bpoint le tblrty <(ui> foot wie-erly trou)i the eserly1 HIînsofutsalul lot Twriîty- lvf- (115) andi twenlu' cie <21< ft InortlierNîs front thiesouîlhrrlv linpofetssld lot tlusouls fi ce- aindl cli ng thne-nce north- w sto i lu la ralIel Iote ald sountierly 1 a -siorlv paralîrI lu thei. s', rl lino of said lot lwontv lise <25) uluotooni t19) tee-t, 1heure nrthwebtl) p laral- loi to the nouthel'r13lre ut salîl lots terlv-flue (4.-,)foot mîore or lles lu a point tort>' 00e <41< foot wesloriy frein the, euslorîy lire et sald lot twonty-1 tour (24<, ihonce uortheaslerly îsral- ]l o teh said easterly lire of caId lot lwertY telîr (24) sixtyteour <64< fost, 1heure aoutheaeterly paralel 10 the seuîlherlv lineofetsaldt lots sixty-lbree <6?) tee-I mere-or los lua point lus nty-two <22< foot souuhoasterly from the- usesterly lire et said lot oen- ly-ice (2,0, Ihonce norîb eatorly par- eud le lbth- Oseterly linsofet ald lut 25 1er <10) foot. thenre eeuthea8terIy iîaralil o uthe ouoîlholy 1110etfsald eot tisent> fice <25< to a puoint thîrty 10) foot we-terly trem theoate-ny IUe vof salid lot I wenty-fiv <251 and thenve eouthwesterIy fitly-ise (55) fue e- heo a- f heginunug, RA Il JD5.D' Matr (hanp PaAAri sAA19) '74 AT STUD 5 yjr. old Percheron Stalioui Hereafter you Maty breed your mares to my Percheron Stallion PINK PARADER 43,298 P. S. A. At a fee of $15 with living colt guaranteed, or at a fee of $10 cash in advance, with- ont guarantee. Pink Parader will mnake the folloso- lng roule froro April Ite Juty 1I MON DAY- Prairie View. TI'ESDAY-Diamond Lake. WEDN..-DAY--Rocleofeller. ifHt'RvI)AY-Lake Foroiut. FRI)i--iEastnof Haif 1)ay SATI IDAY-Home. Sî NDAY-Home. AUGUST RADLO:FF, Cars- J. M l'attececîn, Libertyvilio, 111. 24) Marbie and Granite Monument s Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence z5ollclted 126 Genesee St Wankegan If Sicli Ami 1 WilIuniipou wby 1My& No om. n.d rk ut o chiai. epenny. jm thiol Wh"G "bismsi e msufai s Zeih c MIldan Md the remarkodeoffer Y And beades. 1 am Do o 50 soou. mmOvasuer Bu -île. atueot lm Bean 5tFrd- Uf Sut-bI l dmeulaara et us amorL tu jVaus disapsoit ment and delays- Sceld u 1ea. re. to10 onsutitsS ivkm hslow are youe-and slihcSuici.Pekt siord or cee IMM s . 1 isar Up 0 orl.11 nt, I bave "p..d i ossaslsp. h.u.d b vrmy privs crIiooranu v. hei deu go 10. liber t<o f ur ra ex- .Il& Ait c sta.ti Hoeo theurg 1frr w th osuctc orgu orse se p owr Boo a a irb ad.& - ejaslm" lut a , (am s D . No. 4 For l st .W la. 2 onasat su Yu à on th. Kidases ic.NO: n Eh.ad SEE RUSSIELI Lllmber Yard F or Fi gîlreo un BUILDING MATERIAL My p riram are riglit andl grades n e I W In othe n îy or ot,1 gt miiN fgures. PRPltfi tllfI'VII ITE'.,'ASiIi F. S. MEAD, Prop. Il w-- - - - - - iLa Belle Park Colony. Dîvided Int esctions of 630 acres and @ubdivlded luto, 20 acre tracts Southern Land aMi Investment Coipny SDYMONO & AUSTIN, Agents, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLS. ICrystal Barber Shop Shaving 15c Arttstic Hair Ciitting2.5e Î FIrat-class Work Guaranteed. 7 Agent for Schriver Laundry. CHAS. E. MASON, Proprietor. RLazure put lu erdsa. 22 StopO rellang Blair An Eleguflt DremeIng D.etrOYO Dandruff Miakes lair Orow C-epcsed Of SuiPhur, Glycerin, Quinin, Sodium Chlorid, Capsekum, Sage, Akcohol, W"to, Perfume. Aie your doctor his opinion et sud' a hair preparaion. Does notÇp#ior the Miedr LOUIS J. YEOMAN~ "pua am _JO%__ "O pa M-& m 1 vnur UrNi Mr- 1 à 1 TbdâY &U P'er our broad land, 1 IF, 'T.-.-

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