LAXUOOfNTY NI>PENDENT, FRIDAY, APIUL 15. 1910 PIEOPLE'IS PULPIT.. cHARLES T.:SWEPT INTO PaorBmàln THE SEA Tabernacle. "We Wull Not Femi-Thaagh the Mountains Be Casicd miat the Mudsl 011 of the Sea" (Pam xlvi. 2). April 10-Pagtor Rusil. uceonipa-j sflemi b> I)r.Juncu,, whu will serti-film as atenographer, sud by as i-î-luaivie ef tilbsjournual, salle-d fi-utNi-w York1 .&pril5ttisfor Jertusihenu via taris, ]Berne. Napei. ilexanidriu.i, hi-o n ud Cima tiranids, Jafa, tolaJcruu,.uiiuansd tlciri us . il i-m i--t itur i lui- tNl i ;uutte, Vieuna a, r-rutu . i -ii ii I- l ud r l tifn Loundonti liuinlgï lii. ei ruci arrni- ed toi- enroune. li., , hu--tu s us tMill b. ln Giestrt irul,ithre iii, it lis au- t>. appoiuutiuui-uts iii tieIn i iih.l (ithus1 ewait blinu l il1tutbha i-ll- tical> i-ver) fini). iii nritvu)dus- &ourses su iihe sîecialy i)rî.îurted lu thesa coluns. Spei lîlhtei-i'st nsli aeutar lu tisa dis-ui-si-s il IeriisaliLu sud Rome. Tise ruustu>rýiuderu oP bis sermons wilhi ilinîrte i'uur In lubist 3ourney wlti gi-ast mInrent. le la acbednied ta ha tack lunHBrooklyn uJn 1h. wisau bis topie svll ha 'Jet-uta- Sem." iu anticiplation ut a large audi- ence ou that occasion Bri-ilhu) rs lai- geet Auditorium. tise Acadetti> ut Mu- aic, bas beau sacnrad. Ilis sermons cow reacis six million familles streki>., sud assai-adi>. rusu>oft tise.stwis hlm Goa>ispaed. On th Alantic April Tsnlh. 1 have chosen for mu>.tait a ses tapie, a symbolîcal îui-nîbecy shchi, 1 tielieva, la rspidly nuaring fuluilmaut. Ail Bible studanits reeugnize tise tact tisaI muy ot iteIl'saims are Mas- eale; fluat la tluSasy. lisappiy lui tiselimie of tise Inauguraln o f Mes- glai'sa ilieki,..l iKhugdotu. Soina ut tseu datail lise peaseansd Jo> sud blasslugs wiicis wll tiseu pravail 0110o1gsl rmen, wban lise great lavalilug protestes of that fimnie ili iaIse ail tisa worthy iloor sud degi-adami sud will humble ailthue proud, estahlsiug Society. andar santew conditionus tisaI tise uew oruier uft hingi la a>tiuiocsl- t>. atyle iun tise Scri-iuares 'ua tsew tieaveus dud a new i-si-lis.wiseicn dweiletb rhghflns-u(Il Peer lni. 131. Othars outhtia lsalm-u disu-rihuala tbigisI>.figuaivie ternus tleiiiNork uit tise Millitunlal Age. Flu i iuauîre. st sed: "Ilird thy .swurdInuu t t h ighu, O imosl ulgsI -sitiu tby gui-) uud hy majesty.. Andin Iîy mut-ut> ride luirs parousi., beaaune tif I iut i iand iîeu- ceaia nd rlgbicoastîe-s. uitd tluy rigsht bsandishah tetiebihea terrible tising's. Thîneasrrows are sapID -î uthe heart -of tise Rings eneniai s; hi-i-ilu) tise peupla tail under tsi-e' (l'sailn xlv, 3-5). Hare tise gi-ast Iedeemer la îlce tsred as tisa gluirînas cotiarhug King oi tisa MillanulumI ge, sud bis rictur>. over arer>. oiposlng Influence la arn- phasixed-"tUnto hlm evary bure shahl baw sud aver>. tungue confess' lIsais xlv, 23). Hia rlgisl iand tisaI wlhl teatis terrible tings la tise s> misoi ut tise Divin. power wisicis wil hi- axai-- cised aKtlise inauguration ofthtie King- 'dom. Tise sharp airows wiei wi gerte lise anerules lu bisa eart sud «ause liserusymbolicallti, fo al hafore hlm aisin represeul bis messages ot Ti-uth sud Crac, which lisan will cou- quer as lise>. do ual uow, excapt In lise heairts of lb. few. A sampia of thosa .ow alaIji aflar lisemanner b>. lie 'Word of Truhla te tnised us lunltae *account of EL Ptla's sermon ou tise I)ay ofi Pantecot He preacisemitisa 'Trutis plisîni>, throsttig lualise "Stox-d -of the Spiit" up tla the bult. Ha tld hb bearers how tisey and thiai raiera liad crncillad tisal'rince of Lite. Tise>. wera -culta lishe beart," and lb was thse greatest hies«Ilngtisi coahd have possili>. ome lu lisaru(Ada iU, 23). Rimiarly durug lb. Milleniau, lise "arrova" of wil amila duwu ail opposition; aud mrnxIknd, culta otise heart vlth propar appi-eclation aifliseur ovuw n uinles sud Goda marc>.. wMi1 LaU histore lise great Ring, acceptlug1 more>. upon bi& gracions lci-ss-ftul1 surarender- Tb. Osy of Ti-ouble Pctured. Tie sa Paiofutwhicis aur tait Ilaa part la ana of lise Mcaianic Psalsiu.1 ]Prophetlcali>. sud symhnuically Il tela &bout lise trouble Incident 10 lise îassiag away aiftee iisut ai-feruit sin sund salfiahuessansd tisa Inauguration ofthtis new order uf rhiteausuessansd hure tinder the gi-ast Mediatorlal Kiugdour ef Christ Wisether lb.eas enta sriich dia Striplures predict shahi cuma lu our day or ul, wa isold Ihat tisa>yusill corne sud ha lu full comportant sitit tisese prophaîle pîctures. Tise>. were aurai>. writau for unr Instructioun (IL Timotlit II 16). And as Bible stu- dents we do wall to atesbard lu ar- es-y Item of dia Divine rerelation, tisaI thsug ve ma>. keep ouislves lu taucis viti thiiluinite One sud lu aympathy vllb ail dia features ut bis geat sud wandertul Program. Let ut note bis, Particuitrs oi tisa Psalm lu dtait Tiese Refuge ot Mis Saints. «G-ad la aur refuge aud trenglis, a véry prsnt lp lu trouble" (lsaim xlvi, 1).IlIov heautitul! How toin- teeUngi Boy strengtheulug! Tisas wiio bai. atieed ltoacovenant i-st- Oaaabp vwM G-ad brougis Oissit, throa ftalb A"dcossecraton. and Who are sbidi- n lmeilave, May. fée1 ss la in wtiaubWl-inever7 trouble -w m istul>.la tl.fiotroulW wll wblekua a soavWii b.braagbt toias en&. Mot nistel>. viseBaisa iluil eh und will GC e h ie refuge ut bts saluts, but lu ail limes audu- dei- all i-camalaunces "lb. pe.eut (hidsl icis pastels uil uîsdersauofllng' w iii keep the hiarts sud minda ut bis toit bfui. 'Thirefouie will t e teir, tisuagis tise iaitii Lie riond, sand bbougliîtisa mouiauius ha carihi-fi ath ie iit ufth lmen-." Fs-u-lualise gi-et toi-- msettof thic maniunI)outoui- i-liC. It Is thelssi i sii t Ihe Ait irsar>i-c re hou-iti> ui-s todfivlte a svs> firu in (;,,i tsî' 55ho nui b is> mpaîuiîyuaud ove as uc ur. Tu suc b uthe- Lordl m1eaL.4 li-uuuhrly sain ug.Coînie Dut.lurue,ai ye that ilalsui-asd are hi-a; y hadaru, sud t uvuhi giva 3oa rest." Aud agalui, Gomi dai-ares bisDasme ho ha Luse cnsuaya, "lhiser tear towsrd me la tangis b>. tise precalîla ut man"-nul b>. bis WVord <Isalalu xxix, 13>. Ht would have ns t-ast bim as s great, iovlng. generous Faliser, ssyi4g, 'Lhka as a faIser pitietis bis ciildran, 50 tsa Lord compasslaneis thosa wiso raverence hlm" (Psalm ciII, i3).&A lova, moi-e love, perfect love, cornes loto oui- hieurts il more und more casts outt1he fear whisch lise Adversary woald lu- cuîcate and wbiscb bas humuami lnto menas mindsansd consciences tise "doctrines of devils," la whicistise Apostia ratera I timutbyIs>v, t). "Fesi- nul tbld tesr, neithar ha afraid."sasys lte Lord ltistosa who are is people. "Let lise pence ut Gumi whicishutssetli ail undeataudIng i-nie lu yuuîsi isiams!' Be falitul! Be Irastfmui Aucepfthtie assurance bisaI "Aili îisuuig al swrk ngthar foi- good to Ihosa who lova Guf lu tise callami unes sceor-dlng ta bis palpos." (Romans vii, 28). This ciass whui ual fcaon wisautisa artb h ssl ha removed sud wisa tise monutaisus shah hae car- ri-ed Int thue midat ut tiesaesa. Tisey migistlInduil luiashouii-i suad lu treaîlmItinIf i les e iru-i terni bout tains,;hut hua t luru- svtutul huai. Tise peumîlie ut thei-Linrut,-Dalullerbs mati-uc- dotl ouu siit t ii-lu lurtesthtt lis ditur shitîiliii i-lIe ti us a thuit, ai- thougli t tSill cule isil h hit iand as a aiile il theîîl[Iolt re %st miii L.ake xxi, 8 Ilr i t iî- ) uiiiilg> urtte im' II- niblue itu-ti ril is l uifi luini-lui-sent thîe Rcu -hiltucture, as lise îuuîiîuululu St 1SI lut.e nttutetihe- >uii,> urus ouithlim enîrîhis * iii, z h ezu- iii ugtious ounthlim VIsnilui spoi l i-ed )i.' I hi ,' ibi order. As the i-ai-lbreîuresi-uîs tllxt>. ut tise social ordar, tiesen-aru-Irrsents use nesîlats, turbtulent, dissatIsdadd classas triiris lacs agumnsl tis a ath sud continuali>. si-ik 10 swaltuw Il up. Tisei-amoral of the esi-li symbolixes the dinlarbauce of lise social ordai-. Tisa swallowlug na) ut tisa muntains lu lise si-as eîumsents theerei-sam- log ni tome ufthlie grant kiugdorns of tise eath by tisa uprlsing ufthlie peupla lu anarchistie rebellionuagaluat social onder. "Tbe Pewers TsaI SOi-dained of God." Tise fact tisaIlb. Sciiptumea pi-opixet- Ical>. deseiba lise ovirwsislmlug ot lb. social omdem sud lb. greal guvrr- meula ai tis e iamISmuet nI ha undai-- stood lu siguittIat lise Bibis confi- sais revoinîlon or suarci>., On lise contrai-y, ai of Godas peuple tisrough- out the Sciiptures are couuaelad ta lise peaceabi>. with ail men, su tai- as possible. Tise>. are cou uneled not ta usa carnai weapons, ual tota tke to lb. swoi-d tom the settlemeul of disputes, but ralbai- ta taffer lnur>.. Tisa> are cautisaiefi tisaI Ced la tise grant Ovar- Loi-J, sud tisaI altisougis ie la nul now rtllug d1recl> amungst men ha Isetati>. tise Master ufthIe situation lu tisaI he could at au>.Urne orertisrow ail op- poatints. Ha dues flot acknowladge tisat bis wl lta uuw doua lu the eartis, but talla una hal Il willilshadoue b>. sud b>. sud encouragea as lu pi-ya>.sd la hope sud la wsiî fui- ILBHe tells us tisat Satan la uow te "Prince of tâis world" b>. virlue ofthlb tact diat ise decalves tisa mluds sud iearts ofthlie maJorit>.. Goul wouid bave bis pao- pie undarstand sometiig ut bis great Progrsm. bulia h. oald krep Ibis hid- dan i-oi nail otiars: ieuce tisa Impos- sîhîlit>. of exîuhmiung spiritalh hinga toa s ai-nit mltud (I Corntmlîans Il. 14). "Noue ni tisewilinef ilshal] unuhrstaud'l (Damniel XII, lou Tise giest Cri-ahi- lia coutetil ihm- si-f wlth sacbisupevimsmlion oi human affaIra as hastes mai-h respoushblity inlisumanibanuds.îLe moei>.Inter- feras te iaise îuîu or ta mŽnt down on occasions trien lise intereat ot bis Causa sud i'rogram mn>. demsud, For Instance, tise case ut the Phai-soi, ralaad ta tisa tht-nue of EgypI, lu Mlotes' day. God tbiera rateafi l tise Tisonna a man ut giest determlnation, sud bindci-id irom ieachilg tisa Irone othei-rumen nul so favorable ta tise car- r>.lug ontutoftise Divine Purpasea. Tisa, witisoul Itarfaring with lise fie. moral agency ai tisa king, (lad usad tise wratis ot man ta prialaehlm aud the rerualudar he restraiued. Blm- Ilan>., lad praviausi>. rlsad Josephs lu die Gavernoiasip ai Egypt toi- bis awn pnrsa.. Tise Propisat destcrihes the tumnît af that day ot avei-whelmiug trouble, wheu Goda Klugdom v iii h.ntais- Illahd, saylug of the e s.that vi swallav up lb. mountalis, "The va- tara rosi and b. trouild; the mouE. tains shak~sle lb. te lhin (Psaim xlvi. à). It la probably tru.e that such eSacalistlç and anarclaiatle roaringa bave many times lu the puat caused thse klngdoms of earth aud their rulers ta tremble. But novae day, accordlng ta thse fcrIptures, the flnal catastrophe will occur. How near that day may be wbo can tell? Qut. a good many earnest Bible students con- car ln the thought that sucb clilmax la lndlcated In the prophecios, for the year 1915. But bc the date as It may. the tact remaîns. The propheucy w. are examlning la neariy three thon- saud years old, but t Is as good, as sure, and as meaningful today as ever it Wfls. We are flt of thone who wuuld barasa the mînda of our feilows wlth fear. Rather we Nvould point tbem to the facltat belud tilîs cloud of trou- ble there la a glorlous silver llnlng of Mlleunual joy and blessing for ail the familles of thae e*.b. Rather we would encourage ail who bave the bearlug ear to zeai sud talthfulaess lu their coîseration, Iblut lbey rnsy 'mnake their caliug sud ihelr electlon ure'"lua aluhare lu the Klîugdom gin- ries ani 'escaipe Ihose thlinga comIng upon the earih' (Luke xxl, 336). lu a word, the Gusppl of ChrLtis lnflt a message of damination andfi ear sud torture~, but, as lthe angelsdeu du', "Good tîdings of great joy wblciî shall b. mato ail people" (1.ake Il, 10). Dliveranceof et bChurch Pictured. lu the fourlh and fi11h verses fol- lowlng our leit the Church la sym- bollcally plctured as the Cty or King- dom of God, bis dwelllng-place. And tha stream of Truth la represeutad as a river msklng the City clean sud fresh sud glad. The proclamation la muade, 'God la in lb.eruldst of ber! She shall ot b. movad! God shal halp her esrly Iu the tuornlug"-eafly In the Millenulal morulng. The Church lo a b0ha"a frt-frults muta Ood" Her salvation as the Bride of Christ wl ha accompllshad early lu Ibis Mil- leunial moruiug. Oh, how glad wlll ba ail those sccoanted worthy of s place lu that eleet Chrch-'tbe Church of the First-borus, whose vanmes are wrtten In heaveul" "Sih. aol ot ha moved" la lu agreemeut wlth the first verse In sssurlng us tbat Gods people wlll ha preserved froru fear sud doubt sud mlssuderstandlug 0f thse eventa of that tima of trou- ble" sudliat thaîr falth wlll enable Iheru t0 triumph at a Urne when otb- ars willI ha lu great distressud par- plaxlty (Luka xxi, 26). The Gentiles Raged. Beglnlug wilh the tI. verse the Prophal gaves s brief syn ptical pic- tara of thatlime of Iront sundlits cousummation sud the lnaugýraUlouof nuivarsal pence. The hesîheu (Geu- tile peoples) raged!' Thase words describe the tumuit whlch wlll pre- vail arnugst bumauity tu Ihe greal lime of trouble before the climax la reached. 'ilaglng," sugry volves arisa froîn public meetings, sud lu the more privt ae meetings ut the lod1ges of La- bor sud Capital, sud tbroagh the col- umus of tha Preass ta the allant par- mltted. lu Garmnuy the, rsglug" Press for tome ime bas beau mua- zled. The sama la trisa lu other us- tIons, la Giest Brîtain, ln the United States sud lu Fi-auce tihere leas fear of lumuit lhroagh public Pressa "mg- lug," sud everythlug possible la doue ta reotralu Il Whoevar ees liat an- archy la tha mont dreadful tari-or con- froutiug Civilization muat realIze the wlsdomi of reasonable restraluta upon bis own taugueansd upon the longue. of tljars. Nevertheleas the ficriptures show us Ihal ail effort toa uppres lhe tmunît sud theanagry volces of muen selfdsbly 'raglng" ont against euch othar wl fai. The prophetic picture continues- "God utlerad bis volce; thea earth mal- ed." The uufalthfalneasf uthmanlty, the clamor ut greed, both an rich sud lu pour, wlll hea aswered by the AI- mlghty, "Givar of avery good sud per- fect gfI." He wil 'lutter bis volce'" or, as anotiser prophat declare., "He a lii speak lu the people lu bis suger," for their correction, for thclr reproval. Tisa result wUl ha that the symbolical eartb soclty) wlll mat-the social structura of clvilizatlou will disin- tegrata. Anotber Sripture declarea that tisaI disloategration will be no great tisaI "avary ruas baud wil hae against bis ualghbor." But the Prophet basteus lu assureuns that in tbe midat of ail Ibis tumult lh. Lord will ha wlth bis consecrated peo- ple. We rend, "The Lord of bota la wlth un. The God of Jacob la aur refuge." This promise applile primari- ly ta the conaecraled Church of Christ --SpirItuaileIrael. But it l aie sec- oudarUly applias ta fleshly lai-sel, lthe Jewish nation, whlh will participate an ibis lrne of trouble, but ha saved ont of It, as the eriptures declare (Jeremlah xxx, 7). Iu Ibis tiue ot troubla tbe Lords jeweis, bis saints, wlll ha gatbered ta thair heaveuiy home, aflar whlcb Divin, favor wHJ. haglu ta rature ta Israel (Romans xI, 25-30). The Psalm closes wlth a pîctore of the devasiathon whicha wiil prevaIl thraaghout the world' as a rasuit of haman selfishunessansd bildues.. Capital sud Labor will rise up btaa terrible cataclysru of ausrchy, awful for rlch sud poor alike. Ouly God's salnts wiii theu have peace, snd that hacause of thair kuowladge of die grand oulcome; because af their fai lu God sud Ibeir wllllugeu ta ac- tapI whaiever bis providence sbonld send. Mark the grand symbollc apos- trophe wlth whlch the punara claseai LACK Or !UNDS SCIIOOLS CLOSE Cialm la 1h11 Volivan Witt Now b. Appo Intacd Ichool Treasurer and th. Handling of L arge Funde Witt b. Enlrusted t l i-1--Fear Loan Possi- bie t0 Voliva tla'ride Over Tight Places. Tise Zion City public schisl tli be clasad for lise year oui April 20. The reason tor- closing teo montha carlier tissu is cnstoîuuary isa alack ut fuds. Thse Vuliva faction bas eus- hioued the sehool boardi for tise isat yesr sud tise ludepetudents charge usaI lise scisool tuauds hale îuol beau ax- pcuded Judiciaasly. Thuev charge that large quantities ut roai have bren pur- chased ai excessIt e picesansd that tisera la now on baud îuuuch more coal tissu will ha required for tise present schoui term. Tisu-asmo charge tisat tise coal was îîarchaaed tromalise Vol- ira coal yards. A reluorît rous Zrruuu u rut huaweek tatar latise i-flet t thir ie officiai -anIas uf tise ballotsai thtoi-lwnship elcetion last wccl, lrot J itîat Deacon- cas Amellia Edgerun. ail uiitan. was ru cI cd Lv a luajou il>uuofto sotes. Thie îult tft uis gluis lise Voit- vans a msloi-ity un tise board uftotwn- sisip trustees and wili 1rohabi> restilt in tise re-appiantuent of0f.OW.VFor- iey as Irenasrer ofthtie huard. Tisa tresai-ai-of lise huard 0f trus- tees bandies uaarly $50000 ut acisool tudatoi- tisa township duriug lise year. il la clsirnad tisaI Ibis moue>. la daposited lu the Vliva private banhu sud il Is claimad tisat Voliva Io enahlad ta use tbesa schoul fuda lu tide avar sorueouthtie tigist places Faliy $40.000 wa a issdied by Treas- uni-r Fale>.ofuthtie board oftrus-Otees durlug tise pasl yaar sud tise intarest darivcd fi-om tise luaning ofthis matn- ey lai naltai-nemi over for tisa use ut sehools, bat la kept as partial come- penstion for tise tressai-r. ,it is e- portcd. i-e also receives $100 as sai- si-y for acting as tresai-aer. la los- ing tise ehaction 0f tIesa chool t-asiee tise Inda.pendauts lasI an Important position, but Ibis was lise unly -offce which lise>. tsied lu secure fAILURE EFFECTS LAKE CO. MIE1 Rhyolite, Nev., April 12.-The national banking authorties hava slepped int the hi-cadi and have taken action ta protect the Pie- cci- Leasing Company., whosc af- taira are involved ln the tailure af the FireI National Bank o-f Rhyoiite. All bbc tonds oi the campany are laed Upln the banik, whaae officara were Ilkeyise pro- minently connacted whih the Isase, ilje tiaimed that the bank heid $200000 stock and had $360Ohofa the mhning campany on depasit. At s meeting af the direu;tors of lhe company a practIcal reorgani- zation was cflccbcd. The reaigna- lions of bath 0. J. Smith and F. H. Sîickney wcra accepted. ln their planes werceiected Henry Thurleil of the state rairoad commission and R. C. Tur-iltin, cashier of thc Nixon National Bank out Reno. Mine ta Continue. An arrangement wasa rade hatween the cumaplmy snd Ils creditors, Inchad- lng ai empioyeea. tisat lise nsuai work lu tise mine sisoîtd continue sud ore extraction hi- maîntainemi wilisout mu- leststioîu. As soon as fards are i-- ceivad tram ore shipruents ail Indaht- aduass will b. paimi. Daring lant week tbrea cariaads of ni-a were sipped. Two of these wil prodace about $4.000, which aller psy- lng the royaly ut 25 par cent, will aimoat cuver tise presessl Indebtednas. Extraction utfiigh grade sud rnlliiug ores wiii continua. Miii ta Itart. Tisa Mayflower- miii, whlch la under leassa to tisa Leasing compan>., has1 beau put lu condition toi- opea-tiig.i This wil ha started np at once on milllug ores from lise leasa. Tisera ara about 200 tons ofthiis grade of are on tisa damp tisaI whli carry an sveu, aga betweeu $11 sud $20. Tise miii bas s capsclly ut 40 tous dailY.. Bradbury Vite President. Tise officiais ut tisa cumpan>. uuw ara Henry Tisurtaii, prasidaul sud treasurer, S. l. Bradbury, vice prasi- dent: F P. Kerus, sacretary, sud R C. Tarriltes, director. Examiner Airanged. Titis ver>. effective reoi-gsanzall0u was arraugeul hy J, H. Krir, the ns- tional hauhu examinai-, wiso waa laves- ligsting lise affaira ofthlie Fi-at Na- tional Bank. Ha quitkiy saw that the bauhu was really Iuteraaled lunlis, 1i1-i-ge auu t fp- .r Leain put l ln a prasperous condition. Mr. Rerr-a accomplisabrut lu thi. respect was of the greateat Import- ance ta the deposItora lu the defurnct bauk as well as to the stockholdars of the leasing corupsuy. Had flot Mi% Kerr acled promplly tisa leasing would hava beau oblIteratad ln ruuch the sme way the Rlckard-Garberg lassa w as. Téxt of the Bill. Be il enacted by the senate and house oi representatîvea of the United States af Amnerica ln can- grass aasembied, tha &fil ferment- ed, distiliad or aller intaxicatlng liquors shall contitute a apeciai nias. of cormmadities, and, as a spatial clama, shah b. admItted te and e"fsd ln Interatate co> marne, subjact ta the limitations and restrictions hereinatter lm- posed upon interstata commerce n articles of such spatial tiass. That the interalate 'commerce chai-acIer ut ailt frmented, dis- tllied, or oalli intoxitating lhq- uôra admittad te interatata com- merce in accordance with thie pro- visions ofthtbs att, and transport- ed from nan state, tarritory or district af the United States, Inta any other e111e, territory or di&- trict of the United States, or tram any -fareign country frit any stale, terrltary or district af lb. United ISttes, shail terminale up- on their arrivai Immadiataly with- n the boundary of the .1810, ter- rlory or district af 1h. United States, ln which the place of des- tination ia ituat.d, and before tbe delivery ot saidIliquors ta th, consignee: Provided, That chipmenls of suchli iquors enlire- y Ibrougli a state, territory or district af lb. United States, @hall neot be subject la 1h, provisions af this section whiie in transit through sucli stale, territory or district of the Unlted lStes. S. E. Nicholson, legisîstiva agent uf lise uational Auti-Saloon Le-ague, haa annoanced that thse league lutends lu startI mmediately s gi-ast national campaigu lu ha hait utthe blihl uat hnlroduced lu caugi-esa le giva states Jurtsdîction over luteratata shipîrnus uf Iutoxicatiug liquans. "This measure bas been uinder con- siderallon by tise Auti-Saloon Leagne tor a god while." said Mi- Nicholson, 'sud a good deal of attention bas bren given lu lis prpparation, lit whish Reprsetativa Miluler, uf Kansai, sud Senalur Carlis, ut Kansas. bave play- cd an important part. The nieasure nuderlakes lu con..lltuîte utunicating liquons ass albpecial clas ufcummu- ditica, lu be admItted lu sud carried lu luteratate commerce upon condi- lion tisaI tbe tutersiale commerce ciararter ot interstate liquor sisip- meula shahl cesse ai once upon ar- rivai withIu lise suandarv outhtie lsta which cousigument bas beau made, sud betore delivery lu tise consignai-. Tisa mensura. If îassed, will give tb, stalea coruplele lurladiction avar al liquors wilbiu Iheir bordera. whelh.r favorable report wa» acepted sud doruestit or Intersate. Undar the placed ou file. T'h. lollowlog ills were Prasent 15w lmporled liquori ara de- rend sud audiledl by lise finance curu- llvared la the consigne. hatora state muille. and alluwed ou motion of CarIt Jurla3diclion coan attach. sud Wolloa whch carried. "Bootleggers" DOflfculIta Watch. Waukegan 011 Cn. gasolilua.1...t g80 "Iu probhblory or local option ter- Pittsluurg Mter (o. lttera......58 80 rltary the atatas meet wlt tbe-ous akse Co. Indepeudent pintiug ..... 8 - embarassenulIl the entorcement ot Nnrth Sior Elet. Co>. lights ...149 57 Ibeir state regulaîlous, owiug taeb.the rviL umber Co. gras@saeed 1 15 tact tsaI. wheu our. liquior comaes mb B. J. Blrown aIreit su-k ........... 9 75 the possession ot the bootleggers, il WA. E. Lester oîreel wnrk..........900 la well-nigh Impossible lu guard R. E.B. latia street wuurk.......100 agalinat tise numerun.9 devices which' nd lad 'uiuting CVu alu.tiou nuî,ie8 -, )0 are reaurled lu tu uvade tise statlC. If. Gailuuasy prof. uservuces .... 20 50 law. - J. E.Taylor pi-ni. services ..... 23 00 Mir. Nicholson saldit hat tisera was a E. LCorlett saiary A Ircigzlut... 50 57 pronoanceel conviction uow lhrough- J. M-Ltsiugiîliu îuuiliua îit3 ..... 3 0 ouat the coutry tisat prohibltory laws B. C. YOuangssar "........... il-- S-----'Ji0( will ni-ver lruvaeunIrely effective u-. D.Limluurry msary ................ fi 50 tii couguesa mairesfit possible tor lb. The iuluwing resulutin wam rend aul staies Inu the exorcise ut their police passaOd outiounniOfl.yruch and iu e- luuwera to bacc cunîrul over fltersîsie bele wii-lu -rriei shipuienia bu-to os tis es ba ltsil.liiThaI $ liii 0lile lakeni eiuaignee.lroiuuthue nuipporui ýIsî.f îur(]and 1)is.ed Tise national Anli-Saloon Leagan, iii th. P ai-rtk t ibrouighis islegielalive duparimeal, lnveul l'y L..TIcuui-i îul W.l1-.huaI lii aur-i ta luiguiluIo hocounauury lin tluna i,91îuil irlp-1 t th-- . LOu.ht111 111t tue t issu 1 foriti i ahul iiiii ngun.sfor lJ i ruilit uigiul spooudY actoliîuuulu iut iuudy auna t1ils , nt n.-N, 2r.~ i1-u te ucw bill, and, faiiîg li) gît taih ai- i-rt snhuuit esuu, -i t,, s'uiiiiI-r"finrgý lion, wiii nualue tire appeal t lu %ýýIha uîalolr-,uuai - ai. l i ri- taiý coantry te sord mnan 1 cougresa who muuiIlusuil Thîtrsilny. April 14, isrri'd, wli support ibis lagilaalon.E.IL.. il. titl, ici-rk Thse leagues bill ralses lb. aid_________ question as 1teisuw tair cougress may go lu sarrendering la states JU'ielcNotice of Probai. lion ovar au article at intarstat, com- i-lAi-sii lituuu- merde.Tise Nicisolson bill la autillefi iiiSrv i AkE. - a bil ta constîtt l ioxicatiug hQ- lu tueir. unty Courit of &d Lakte cihuty- nors as a spectilclasa ut corumodi-lunlise malternoflise pi-abat. ni lb. lias sud lu regulate lheIse tralate lamt will sud testamnt ni William commerce shlpruents ot sncb liquors." Thsomlas, daeeaâed. _____________public notice la boebsy glaêti thal a patition bas beautilled lu lb. Caunt> Court of Lake CouutY,Ilili.u,îa, sisuwlng thtWilliam uTismam. ni tise luwn of tibertyville News Li@ vil in aid Coant>., depai-ted Obitusry Ibis lit@, leaviug au instrument purport- 0 n aa at will and testament,;sisal Wiliam Thoutas was bhum lu Pen-t 8&a adednt loft sui-vivlog bite Esther brokeshire, South Walea, Mairh 3, 18~37. Tisorna s bls widnw sud Fi-sol t)ied et bis homne near Libertyviile Api i lie 'isomnaa, Sarah J. Beuketsweller, 3, 1110 H. ~ mi-nuf u BliiR ieubpn E. Thorna». John P. Thom&@, 3, 11o.aHe iàrrýl o EsherWilliam ilG. Thoiuîs, Agace M. Sturmu, Davis M y 5, i 151,by the lie. John Mary E. Melville, Florncue J. Thuruao Dawtiua Palmier, clergymuan iof tise aafiRoyBurke sud tieurge 11v- chai-ch ai Bagiaud. Tisay @pout îweuîY.firig sud the uunwu lii-s oni salRo>. twu yesrs ufti r niai-ild liu inthi-irBurka or unkuuwu hein nif sald George Bturke il itiier said Roy Bturke or native untry, cuning tu Arneii-i in ir Geofrge lBai-e are daeed and John 18~80l, stliug iii Late cunty.. Ill., liaike, il litviug sud if ha died aller tise wiieie theuy liai-e inve. ei-iîiîd. T, triui di'tiiifi ssii Rouy Burke ni- Gea-gi- , Biirtu-, tisa aîînwuheurs îoi mai] John union u Wre iurn tan uiiidiu, iof whiuiuBuirke-. sa4lie uni>. luersat hwantsd that oigist, a wiîlow sud lune lrnîluer caurie, tise iiuiiowing îiermniio were named am Haeuited witîthi ii-raus-l,-s MeOluîî- isgatees or uhevuuuuesin maudinstrument, diuul chun ilnil I mi;,. t- wul Ewtlr Thomas, Fi-suies Alice. Fuuîîurai sirt i- -o hti îoi-,,tho,-Tluîniiin irslu .llcketweuier, lIeu- houui- Ticdiit ati iii.- ouu iii t Itu- i.itanGlTluîî li Su. ' g M. 'lS t u. Mai- ii iftihe- lratu'sa XlM.E. ,luiru.l oahi,- E>I.MIiiil.-, liru-niu J. Tiiuluam,, Marthe, ustuîug. 1i îutu-ruuuilt nuîu iuîde ielluta-ry. A.Btirti- Niuu ice sii-t-t r i- ur u-lu>. gieuu tî ti- utîuuuo usinc epr4ons amiîai luuubinîil luSti, surailhat Kani llimru ment w il i PROCEEDINGS Ofue uufti-ui fur lrulute andi s iearungtliaid BOQARD MEETN luii-hlu uuu i-t Houiien the Cily ouîiWau- tagau. L.ake Clima!>, Illiinis.ou) thue 2rd huuiuuirei i ue.tung thurul 12. lr-eihuost ImY uf iy. - li polo, aith.ii- uuar lut i-~gr îu tlu,,. ar i; î, ,rîî umutu in ;uk as iu. ,ur ams suln tlareaiter as mr. iieesnui a an lraeull andJlupi-iaiut- usuulplace younare bareiuy notiiued tolulu eul aîîui explis tiii Il I tropoîuiti, utar, rorseuit il yua su îiasi-e. igitng tire stru-hs i Isfti-ul Wautegan, Iliiihs. Aluil,1 Tisa tri-aurai-s -epuuilwag read anud 1 I ET L HI-S li, ri Clark ioi tuaireuiiatv Curit ilf it refearriel 10 liii- inatuu-o cùmmtittee. I ru Count>, I hinnus. motiolunofi Lynclu sud Weiia, sud uon tbu'i- , l PAUL MàiuGi ri., Attorney. 2»-31 OFFICIAL B 'F ,1,4)T-Village ,flLîhertyvili,'. Beu tion t1' 4le ad Tueuuday . p rutiD, 110. EAi iIL. tsI rT,'iflg Clerk. O Peoples' Partyj FOR TRUSTEES CHARLES H. BOYES ALBERT J. FAULKNER JOHN R. DOLLEMAIER OIndependent Partyj FOR TRUSTEES E. S. MUHLKE 9 n FOR CLERK E. WAYNE COLBY R. J. PROCTOR FOR CLERK E-ARL H. CORLETT OFFICIAL1 BALLOTT-Viiiage of Fox Lakte. Biaclion tu baiseld Taeaday, Apili19t110l. (isuu W. KocTI. XVillage O Independent Partyj VILLAGE CLERK GEO. W. KOETH TRUSTE ES CHAS. F. PASDELOUP C H OSTRANDER BEN LAWRENCE TRUSTEE (For Unexpired Tairn) JC. DIENER O Citizens' Ticket VILLAGE CLERK n JOHN CHRISTIAN BRODKORB TRU ST EES n FRANK JOSEPH GERREISEN D JACOB LARSON D GEO. H. RUSSELL TRUSTEE (For Uncxpured TermI Lj HARRY DUNNILL -4