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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Apr 1910, p. 9

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LARKE CÔ'UNTY INDEPENDENTl AND WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL.XIO.2. PART TWO LJBERTYVILLE, ILL., F1IIMT, .\ PIill,15, 191(). EIGHT PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR 1NAJAN~ WYNN SEEKS TO ACQUIRE FOX 1 ALPI INP AÇ NIICI IIICElD 1 mou ELECTRIC ROADTO TilE LAKES (?romn Wednesdav'B SUN.) Robert D. Wynn statpd last nîglit <bat for thec ime ling only efforts on i part <o gain possession of <lie -Waukpgan, Fox Lake & Western Ilne froin the Chicago & %Iilwaukc roasi recelvers are at a tand8tili. *'t's a malter cf <rins, h4-deriarpd. *'At <lie lientat) oioiy gaiuîig rIXs- sesasion of a mile or trai k and a fran- chise, wlile alien 1 aaid [lieroaul 1 hast ive streeli (c airibarns and ima- c'Iiiuîry anîd eitiîuiîu-st wli h il, su<liait the exl,iwse of gîiiflg <lie lino ia shape wauijliebcgleat. 'If the deal goes <lroîîgh later wlina 1 tajan it uîî agaîi andl 1 aucce'-deîl In gainuîg îpassessaion , [li milen of îiîad Ini %aukegan will of course bu- <tie nucleus for a line la <lie laites, rny oHd ard i-ver liresent sehemne, and we wiil go aîhead witli tle 'Wanliegan. Raclk fiird & Elint Traction C'ompany New Boit Uine Round House. Nîié aurveyara arrived thia morn. zig from Joliet for tlie lnriose aofina k ilog<ie »reiimlîîary ïsurvey for tie ln. glu. Jilie[ & Eastern round houise whicb will he coustrucicd an ori lai <he ile 0f [lie lreseî ncnt- i11fl i - laî-ated mtii.a! lhii.tanierv The- pruert roundîlieusefla ritilidc mauch ton sinalilanid ls elloiiinit isl out of datec. T lwio i rciutre ta ilr ni h lilarger lied wlii lie îuiiii lw willi<lie latest îi* aîeidcýiii iîachinery anîd iii-lsdet, hax lue a mior e cxl însî î t iakarî'a. Tiir'e <f the ,qjjmviio-i ni-.,,ig n iliiekiig nii,- 'rîtizt ofliiarruis STATE IIEADS SEEKING NEW TRIAL NEW, TREND IN - i____ Or, Mller ana Mm. Sayier Con- FAMESINSTITUTE: victedcl f t i prtiun ii'i es Syi<îr ý Thie Fa i ii-'nsizitit lutec ('itfi- îîcu of <lie fa rattt iitlhi uouarcsuzu iiti trnets Inlu'ii-r wi lii hi-d tii thli Palmer flouse. ('lilago,Ililiniais, Atîril 16. 1:301). m . taplîan for tle animîal inatiafe an series of iiis<ttii'.ln -aî'h eounty. The dates, prnilital taules antîl sev-i Pra1 5<5<5 siiesiiers n iili c c<ban! then. andîud mlzvaluatile llît as <o, "lricessrui mnîchads nay iii's-enired froin <lie direceor and state solierin- t'ndent andl sx<ereneei caunuy offi- cersa Tlun aral wil lipai lie cx- lunses îof iuni-delî'cafî- frouai-vaci counly inntililnlî'.one' froîzu carl da- îîartmî'nf of houai-ld sciencr- ar sald Insfîtute, and eaeli eoiiîzi>sulerin- <rodent of aeboois. Delegatea frominizduuîendî'îzt tmail taIes are invlfcd at heir owuz cx- pense, sud *tcilr requests far speakers' ,Vul rblve the saine attention as those"trom the regalar cuty masti- tute. 'Ple nurluase 0f <lie conferenco la tai heip evcryliody wlio will assIs: SAYLER REHEARING LIKELY ln [lie diasemination of agriculfural in-_____ formation. N.w Triai, Most Probabiy Witt Be Tlîese conferencea are held [brougli' Granted Defendanta, out theie ate thîs month, and ftnom the requests hy local people, Supcrînfccst Welseka, Ill.. April <4 -Altornys for Dr. W, R. Mller and Mra, J.fB cnt F. Hi Hall aud Dean Daventiant Sayler, wlio were convlcîed for tce willi make ouft<lie beat assignments 0fr murder or J. B. Sayler. wlll aila forc apeakers possible; ta save lime aud bail, fileta nderstood, up [the cmeni as ,exileuae of speakers 1< la cecessary <O ncw <iai la gracfed Iliant.a arrange their ripa lu circuits of two The Impression prevails <bal a new0 ar more Institutes not far spor[. 'Plese trial VU1lieb gracfed %Ire. Sayler, i dates cnut lie changed wih ayc onr- when thie taction la argued April 30. tain<y tif aecurng [lue speakers de- sîrest.i COLONEL COOPER PARDONEU Every year men and teamen front Convcted of Comnpicity In the Mur-' six departmnts eT the cllege o! ag- e fCrik el e re riculture make 300 or mare Instîtufe drcfCmakMelStFe, esidresses; tlie etomoioglst willi ana- Naàhylile, 'Penn, April 14-Coionei teer 40 requesta; <lie state higbway Duncan Cooper, convicteil of coi-' commission wili senti a mac ta cverym llcity lan<lie morier of Çx-Senator' Instituts deslrlng it; the state Honse- 'tarmta.cl, and sentenceil ta twen<y liald Sciecce Department wil turciir Yeara lu prison.,teas pakôTned by Go-'ý many ailâreas; ail these coat <lic local! ernal' Patterson.1 'Ple g0vernoras actidta came after icatittte anly travelIng and bofel ex- [lie reuderica of a decsién by t[le au-' penses,. Tle State LIve Stock Breed- preme court, affirming the lpwer court ers' Assocatian will scnd one or more lin[the case of Colonel Cooper, ,and speakers wthout an>' expense ta every granticg a newt rial In t<lac as of bis Institute aaking If,Illustrated lectures, son, Robin Cooper.r The state encouragea one-day Inati- fates In a county, and heips with $75 YEIIKES AUCTION SALE OVER' In cacl county. Experience lias sliown that certain metliqds and plans tend Total Recipta o! Art collection ta a aucceasfzîl Instituts. of wlde une- Aitloufted ta 111%207»111,110. fuinesa, and [bat failure lias resulted- tram other tesys of stalag,'Plis confer- New 'Prk. Atuil 14-The auction of eue ma b mae o te geatstthe tliazles T.'Perlas. art collection eeayimrance oIn eereateat closed laot «Salit nt the Verkes rosi-[ prac[heai motnelleemno dence at 'ifthi avenuse and Six<y- [lie larger aud tider usefuhiiesa oi the Eiglitb tre$ýt, with a total (il receipta contlng ntitute campaignIn I bis of $U,07,866.10. county and district, As many la- At Wednêsday's sessida le aao stitute people should attend as posai. <lie Cronateeliln steain for e1.550 teas <le, sud thers shoulul coctrilaute their,<lie teature. 'Ple sword tees liuglit Isteuan d requesta. Hote many mastI- by RU. itltcuuleld of Brookalyn. 'tut wlill le lield la ha couat>'? Wliat opeciAl tapies ought ta bl iseused'. theHglde iÏw <* t tea - the, Insttuts lielp a larg e1 e ln l e '. te--a itm es. yon 4?,whft tle ~ n l it No Iformlîaîtion coîîd b l asuot au ed as Io ashcîî thle ,vwyrk ofiinslcto îîg te îîit ii <iiandîlfreiglîl -lit i mu Ip wiwtnc dý 'h- ti or tf <le y'ai dc1,Iui'iiîg ni.ldt,'ias a iîlr(IIiiiarv zý<-li it o - t îtiou hie iiai'ktiliu af li91w îti One ResaIt of ýWinter Biockade. i li dtuI,îIi. ftii-k iug o iii ilî i (îI- iî -It l u -îîa l th-, la i, i- tihallf diî'appîîî-î it'î'iasî tfifhlirs. 'iIgIe t ia IîiL, ig 'Fr i'. <wtu-h iII,.- M;1. -11 BlihTS SCÈALEDI OPENINi DATE FOR Ill fII~lif ansPryFo lsaNEW TIIEATRE HOIE ýII~I101 lats Stars and Siripes H UE lin. Dp2LC -Fleckies Renresentativu Tells TO FIND COOK PROOFS Mount MeKinlcey is L), r' ar iris <-flQh- est Northern Feakln Ile t Lire Word-Pouo M0i , r. posed tle P-. setes ' 1 , -,!. froin Faiti'ri, Thofais l ài~î rcathed l,îe r. ley on the t<i nin rlinli tir irie wc t t i îi euni 1tr ,>,irof Of Plans for Opening r FU -. "ngue The poi-î elaini that ln the arreat of [vo ihis afiernoon lhey have eca)- tured a cOU <le of alicged thleeawlio Ntw House Wili Seat About coutld give Arsene Lapin and ail other stOry booka crooksa]]i the cards in the 700 Ail on Ground Floor iieck and sf111lirbat <hem ait boldneaa When Finished The two are John ffenry and Tom Sweeney, whio claini Canada as; their homes. Il lae saserted by [tic police Culiders Naw Working Hard in Con. that afler tlie two hast looed an ucoc- test Agaînst Time ta Gel Waukegan I eîldhnel le iata h î< Theaer Rady or Oenirg bewee waiked abolit four hfockets t Miar- ThelerReay fr Oenîg Btwen ket lien aujul lagan to peddle <loir June 1 and 15. Plan May lie ta Ha ve lit gotleti hîiay, Formai Opening by Invitation. AssistanCh<ier of Plice Thiaî tiil îtlm i lin h,. colîlu,]ithit andît h le wuutaîît 'r li i t lit k' jr_ i'l'lit iîu h, tkriaî iiiaiîî, valide- i, in ii ribusinessr friîliti ias lbaiis lîi- ' n r , 2t2tita< îî t , Iiil lcri it-l Ma. t-I e uf doil lerl i'aeking iii t it-I i rît h:, trace cf l.r t r iý,; t i îîuld tue Ke ke f 4hýju o o r ii SI-t N i-lîîî- tii mi ltlt iis Ili- faînd Nt, Iltit î o uîlnl li , i alîî tii nu aiJîîîî' 1;,il iN îtî li iu'rta tiitTins ii ti , r il ii li10<ihuc îal- li a F l aie coîî l" tt.. t ( lit Iiîl'i.,-îIltaIiî, iiin îîîbigan lacsteiday. weî'e .X R. Ta, l.ot r , o i rogir le, - fil oitlinig dat> N îîuîîîî's aun edý j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n ÇÇ M IINd jj 'îDanîl F'..iîît rt 'iî (rite ,ix vcîalaorii l lit,- îîiirti f île week, 1161I1 MEflINIIi T ailier aren aitri r ftî. 1i t t, i re licu.aIiiii.alîlit prohiaiJîYhase an j ,awrr~'r'~ left in i 2tif;, i ,,r'.111t,1l t a ui' ra îtîii liîi, i fftie OpIiinug I~E~..1LIZI>vvnre orlairiiehtrit r ii al f,t î"i i 1,Ni-r Satiiîîîy (li.fliti îeifîircîace DE AL ED TO the loifofilhe ;.I, t. tw 1i1î,î' iifîî'îîîaîandItîlt e i ibc liti A .Acicording tir Uri, il, i. tIrîrîrle 'is ROUSE E THUSIA M; , Xel inîîcd ir, z r trij i . fi t:ilfrr e Th. lîndti n' I hhu r R~~Lî~~~~ u~ite frLi 2.lam fiut. 1. -ri 'tf i, f1ilirtiiiti hiA)iîs i feel... ,,,, i I 11,;r e io a an ie waltrire' aiisiîîg It 0<1 '5 13( Ittit1 r i r . a îtid Is îrliîîîî'st lît Igî e l ir alr ui'îy Austin Automobile Company < otrI, .e £'FIrt F'rr tî-tadenîtri trttl i ii'r iltî ...îî1îit 1, Buoniers Not toi Rest'With ha¶î fnr nefi rîtr i r Iri titifileadtî iaiv li iiiymii i'iillii .,Boosting Work ]cirt el.n illt ut Tiere, iilrî.i,- i i ICitWittSeat About 700. Ccir 'l t na?ýid l, Ji Ln t t r, iof 'Aili Invite Publie at Large as l'.rirî t l", t<(n ïtiC, 1,rA ilovrr Y Tlitirritilg t iitiofa te hanse : lji, Tho ?Li, , ir i nio ý will lî ablitt704u. Tiere willl le <ta Mass Meeting to Be 'arr,i tirmiitî, îI riS F OS lif'inli t he sats wiil al lie on CaIIed Soon FIhrtli d 11I ti iIN l i ltrie ili.t tlirtifil forwht(,ppeeevin M 'ta> air,!,e là (la! <Ifr 'lt su <ilit tue [0r wî ii îae lvto l'li I steçlçp \t- I re r ot u ihal ailtani sep e îîî'rînialces. Nearly $W0,00 Gathered up ta APPIY se grent as lind i.ereî preLdlriu'd Fur 1l'unslari(altî mii rils of movlng la $75000 Stock Proposition of Au&- caii i F, c eir.:ri u dii mittlieictiCt titi iilis r r liiucd.. IIIi -p55r e.MerMffliUq lIsrlitM -ieI&?,n.dï11te1MuieFleckles s lac general clan- Designed to Create Enthusiaum anîd ýyra le reai fl' it f/oit Proi" Lead ta Incneasd Subscrîplions the irnt n'diriino? rire acf iiiiiil agir aui i ý 'lîci% d't f <lie from People. d'St :ulti lit Foi fli tc, 1or,1 lt acîîîîîî iettusarvire of (Chicago anîd te m;, t<id trier a csi(-î1pi etic lld Neia Yc k anlai wnahi-ides valide- i Weit adnesday', SU'N tI Wliii h ; I fir. I îecied infi frilil ttuiilirir ville tiriaters ai Oihkosb. Wlai.. Blîr' Tii arrîan e greateli p buiec 1cr et - r< L: ri I > utth tii rîmîr h us h ' on î<iiex- il gr oîî aîd i seau inler lim, auîd Clii i Ihi' ipropositioni of bhnzgizîg iohi Anti llovatiirt, ilt ites itiun d mliie la es- rago. Ili. tic Aumobilie Company ta Watikegan < :1t %îr i ii. Tetefîa lnîo e u tihi (rioiltiriliAssociation is sonon fa Thent t tr iri trituariionibers, dite eau a ihansîmeetilng [o whlcli tle gen- iou l:iie eniit. ntýnI h rsetv pnno h i rai pitllt wti li e lîîîitedand <lie peaks rtf viril itoigitt, anc socmlii ta lelraelv pîlg i<t siit iiiliec10 boost thie suhscription roaîidid anti iiiered wîîh sco%%. the Waîikegaii Theàter le- arauing mucli 1sf soutie point cear <lie required $7,,. lieti ciie, tiof hart and mncd- 1iliteres in [lie show world, 000 mîark. sepcruotckitOic <le raclkpeala the Th'le associaaion iglitly regards [le 'Ftairbanks I imbt4piscpîeien itAneri- $3rîi,000 faelary plant as ail Imîîort- can flae lu a ntciilent o! ahanes. GEN. WOOD DINED AT HAVANA sacf lndîîs[ry for Waukegan ta tiet acd as aîariîîg no effort. eGeto ua red tFat Tue sîîlnciîtlocs for stoek cav, BLOW UP POSTOFFICE SAFE leGstTCuaFlnd tF e- îiaw rî'acbed nemrly $30000 and wark --- Salirs For Argentine, ta itciig due dait>. Robliars Secatre $700 Loct in a Chi- cago Suburli. Hamaîta, Api 14-{iec. Wood was - dlîîed ast cîglit afi<lie litel Plus& MARINE "DEVE(JRE0 tJ SHARK Chicago, Alrril 14, - Professuocal liv Dr. GiiitL-ra4anad ciher saîllarlans cra clsmen dvii îtnîed tlie sale in <lie who hld office whclion i. Wiood was Samuel Barnes Fai Overboard and postoffilce 11 sreiroae Park, a stîhurli, tovecuar gelicra' ters. After tlie Monter Grabs HMît, 1 and escatîed il$500 le curreury andst anquet <;en. Wood atnitdied a recep- $200 lu postige tampa. The detoca- <lnUit<tre house of W. Lan ion, one Vailejo, t'ai.., Alil 14-Letters re- tion teas licard for several blocksasnsd bis m-ort lutijoate frends, celed erefrnt risoba, anaa, iaroused lierýîrns living le the vîcîîiy. The warshlps Montana sud Chiester rivted hetro amriat1chi, P anm, Thet<cnt im legan a seardli fer'sailed at daybreauib lis morulug for saemaieou thearur T acom arnes,'the men u lit t as iearned ,ley kad the Argentine, nii(rc Cen. Wood viii a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~fl maieci<i rie aaa al epd trocni te taten luan antocta- represcut <lie t'nîed States au sinecil averboard atil aias earried ander by bile.Th ciaoplc eeakd nvytteCreir fAgnie amamntfi siarla. Te eLogopoic er ak d evoy tflc en'i.r f ret -ta seouir<lie clty for <lie men. idetîdcu Theodore Roosevelt, Rough. Riders' Colonel, Teiking a Real Rough Ride.1 a .0-"., IN UBUCNiSçAN ii~ LE4LNUI I111~The Duty ofIillinois. s <via ~ i Te clai' hai nîiîliredadtnd pave I iS VUII -TIIJ AY Lineoln tla thlia- tion blas a <inique dîîty, aîîd go far lias n0f daoae tsr dîly. No daîîlit personal layalty for the lloîîorable Josephi Cacnon lies The Party of Lincoln Right' limany oeth<le deiegtloa t m lit- With Exception of unis ai-iit-îîride 1 lihe son of coin- Leèderships .ni ii Ail 0f [lis la (mite heauti- fuii, but layaiîy ahoîîld lie a larger isaord. A slalcsanishouldte loiyal tta iwiat- suite lîgisialion rallier <ban Edward A. Ofttof Waukeçan inl ta lndivldînli .Thae iadlvldtals have An Open Letter to the Pea- ilone ail <liat routteaji damaîîds New <lie actera îmust [cac th<le lesson of pie of Lake County I rt<le iider loyalty sud seui aea. ta Washinugto lo wlitll make the delega- Declares that thie Republucan Party as lion lun<-ongress more avoruiy air<the a Whoie ie Mealthy and Its Future Sate and hcr hislory. 'Phare neyer. i:.1 Safe Wîth Ma*& of Voter, as Itý was a <lîtie wee every nepublicap la the Party of Efficîency, but De-1 vote teas as neeasary as if la.today. 1 Iares Real Danger h.t Stand Palet E [lictheeserier, wlient lc looks at Leadership. [lie demiocrafie party and «es thle r ack oi leaderslt la thal party, wiil fFrom Wadneaday's Sun.1 Stand appalled andrUasbl>ak [te.e M tW.A. OTT OF WAIKE(IAN. 'panly ai effii'ienCY7-iency lg a 'PTh-m ls no dout Ithl le lîinda or, sort of failh lwtb the American pe- ' the ratera of Amerira, as tethe îact pie. We cannont for a momtosa .reang iliai the îreuiîicazi part i s theeluarty 0f entrustiag congress fa a disargan- af efhl-rley. ur etjîieaîior, makies lzed demacracy. Thelie eed, theretors.'r us as a piele tant <o se@ ihings la a double one--solidity lua[lie ranika dot). The canteat Jusf now ilanetf-ai n zînlaen 110e af votera-but. etiveen the deciarrafle îîarfy and <lie witli tic deferminetion ta clioae at napubicazi larty as sncb, but betweec ,ftle next uirimarfes iklea teho under- the masses, tlie ranla and file, tlic vza stand <hetiresent thouglit of the par- er's aiflie repulican pariy wliosc c < ndcfme fiiaedtiiuove- ard for patrîalîsmIn listaorie, amd a ments and enterlîrises that niake It suaii faction teha lapiien ta contrait Impossible for theni to vote tlie will lt a incasure <lic preseul arganîzation of the parly fliat cieleti [hem, of [lie par[y. The nexi congress wlli betirê' f That [lie par<y as a greal bady 13 acr. Çarisi la dî'ad; but [liefarces able ta prateef «tself frointcorruioîln liat favored aîzd cea est are vigilant front wilhiîî la maîîifcs<ed izuat nate lu and awnke, The duty of tL erpub.- i New Yaork state, whcre anu uzdoubIýed licans.tif Illinois [hie year la a do'(e*ble pafriot suts Inthe gevernors chair. ,one--ta stand f1imly Inla ehie teet That the liarfir as a whole la heal- liraced, lut hie bralu active. Neyer [by lias aise bren dcmonstrated In <lie, waa ficonegslty for Intelligent va&r woustcrftuifiglit on Cauconiam nt la caîn eca s arno estt t À- Washinugton. The prof est came ftram rinasI l nw wldeiy seattered states. New Ena-- land, oser îîrofec[ed, hast ler beroea to Standi b>[lie mec f rom [lie plains.1 This daca cot me.an <liat tlie party IS 1 d v de s, ho îeles ly sîlit, or d sorga n rf lzed. If l ipy meaca that 1< la bea- IV.!r n Tyrreil made the arresta and tha' two are liooked as vags. When found on - Mlarket street going froin bouse ta house trying to sell the alleged baoty thee were found tu have with them a set of furs. saine silverware, a pair af almont new corseta, and a pair of highly decorated liedraom alippers. whleh tliey were trf.ili;[0 push off onto ua ninet jtbua lauit oman. May Have Admltted. The Iwo are said to have sdmitted, lootIng the re£iience whiich hlad' heeri lett eomlpletfly furfisihed. Scorea and hîundreda pass thle lplace every hour aud arlil lie tîahiry Ililnot become known outl the îwa ýgave up <the good s." svemIn lcapahli- of sceing or apiîîeeiat- I ng the reput i îaîsenimnt or the adanale of relmbl ian thouglit. lhy, niormla, wortliy ta lue trus<ed, and i There willi le no dozîlilof a reîuîliî eau vIcfory sud a republcan congres;,I liatena ta <the wIilo! the votera. Tliese rotera kîîow falrly teeli what <bey want, and are delî-<cnced <o have 1<L IFroni Widuesdays SUNt.) The Real Danger. 'Plie aeeBTc l ,ihter Wlcklwir il The real danger la lae le tand-pst" clear Ibis port for Escaushba, Mlc., leadershipî. 'Ple reformera do flot Satarday, ('aufahn NMantgoniery ies. want o kilui business or lieder if, but arriveid and fhe crcw lias been asa-a fbey wazîl fli figlit of commerce car- r bled for <lie season, The Unitedl iStates gaverrntent izspectar tram riedfou unîler Tainrma PiTe rcpub- Cbicago will arrive an Friday and licantlarly' does not liate on fear ln* r naLa the custemary Inspectlin oi the dividuali('ucess. luit ee do 00f like lidat, telihbtas wntered ln ibis part, [lie daii or cerporation <lai t tik,. under thi e lct onrliribesatlic referce N t'zY o! tle flalermen suffereil I<t1h' liaitie of business. The neal iili lasses ans<lue resuit 0fr[lie narth- danger i8i lu ignarîna <lie len hlioeast gaié, beesuise o! the destruction w0Of nets which lad leen sel close la stand liy flicring testehlu flue strug- ahane, gle. They are crying for fair pisay sud [hi-y meato<ahave if or[bey t Th, Hill astcamer Marqîuette. tehicl willl stopli e iglit, ýlisnosu ln tle Ke<osba larlion. tili lie 1 have traveled. ail wîcîî'r lit nsany' falen la rillier NMliwaukee or Nfaii- stats; hve Iteriewe thosand oftawoe and ihnu-dockl. t,-eire she wll staes;bav hoervcta-u fleîîaîîs o le rehuilit aid avenhlpi. 'Ple cana- People, and fliere la huitnu- feeling,1 paxzy lias; not îieeidcd what use will The naplublîcan lisrty tan nut <roperly lie madle cf <le fnelghien. reîureaenitei. The tîealle arc, not___ gclting telaftlihey wauied, expeictedt-er'Th'Pl elen S. atl'Chiciago, a thirty- voled for. Tluey foel very warily foot gasoline iazzneh, [00k refuge lu foi- President Taft, buu ffiarhIls advla- flic larliort[ils morning wblle fen ers. Tlicy do caf hnteud <o deaert rouf c îo Chicago front Escanab. -Tbe selaulihteas azooneilIn 1h, Kebogb» tlie tarty; buzt <bey izuiend to aend banhor daning thie worst of <lie blov i - such men <o congress as willltnuly 1-- - represent <lien, and <o make tbe <tak1Thse report la t tif <bat adminlatration ifessdiflicut. m ade t0i1» 4 N e~ m- Il UW VW Ir 1IL V la V ýM lvqâ wqà ov - - àâ" - . - - ---- - - - -- L- (Frnm %%'odnýsCjay's 1 1

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