LAKB COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1910 Nýture makes the cures after ail. Now and then she gets înto a tight place and needs helping out. Things get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil ith hypo- phosphites can do just this. It strengthens the nerves, feeds famnished tis- sues, and mnakes rich blood. 101 B&LE EV LLITDtA318'I .. .- -0 ~te ~'.pe e .a t. . 1-1 bsasitniSanis. BtS cd 'SkthOS UStnk Ocle E .Ë Fo BCOIT & BoWanK 4S9 P.auSit. N"w Yek Mr. and Nrn. William Wright have re- turned her@ alter spending the winter ini Florida. Rad it not been for the asstanre of the bucket brigade the home of Mr. Wright, of Wrigt@ Lodge- would have bnrned to the ground laqt Suuday. Prof. Hertels new pavillon is neariug coinpletion and will be second to none in the couty. John Mcbaughlin was elected te-bro] director Saturday niglit 1-Y a uuaumrou vote, but declines to accept tht office Mrc. (unther, of the Gunther cands firm of Chicago, purclîased the propertv of Mr. Kohlberg and aloo tht Ke.îugl property last Week. Surveyors ané landscape gardeners are already ai work improvingr the property. A larg dining hall is tauhi. erected that will tea 200 people. This building and propert, wili be used hy the Chcago Auto lul during the sommer months. M're. John Horenberger underweut hei tperation for appendicitio in a Chicag, hospital iast Tuesday and we hope t( mse ber with us soon again. Born ta Mr. and lire. Cha@. Foot March 28th, a nine pound boy. Frank Pegelaw and wîfe, of Rollini Prairie, W., vsted withishi cousin bers iat Suaday. Quite a few from here took lu tht lest val and dante at Andermotn s halla Detrfield Tuesday uight, Aprl 12, fi the benefit o! the EHoiy Crass ehurch. Our village smithy. John Thorugreet le rnshed with work at preeent. A totf o! 172 ehose bealdes repair work la iretk. Who can eat it? Chas. Stanclit! lias left tht emplO3 WiU Wells and wîll aselet bis fatiier th sommer. Will McLaughliu left for W heaton, 1Il Monday. Ht will ho nmplîîyed by 1)1 Mcilahoep tht uoted hreeîuan. __________________________Meeting of Schoal Board WA _ ___ ____ ___Mondy tenig, thtefichool Board Geo. Hai)kt na8 a Chicago vstor lire. J. L. Homes spent Vedesday Miss Lueila -Mitchell spent Saturday met ndtht offieon .H ilr o h 'oda.and Thursda5ç a! tacst wttk vlitiug and Sonday at home. mtl h fieo .H ilr o h Mondy. fiend in hicao. urpose o! organiznug for she ensuiugr ir, u i rs. J. N. Ziiomer am(i on, Mred Miller, o! Chicago, seet a ew daYt year. Tht aniual tiection of officers Leo, of Long Grove. epent Saturday andil Mrs. Clara Wheaton, daughttr of ltev. with Mir. and lire. Win . liuman. wat beldi whlch resilted nu B if.Miller, Sondav withi relatives helleand ,iciflty.and lMr@. Safford, was operated on at Tht young foks gave ck surprise Party heing tlected presjdtnt, and C. F. limuit, tak Park hospital for appendicitit last at tht homne of Miss Elide WitkoP! lest cierk. There were three candidates lu F. L. ('arc IR now lu the eiiiplov of tht Tiurtday, but at lat report miht was Friday tvtnitis. .A goori time wur en- the fitld for the otlle of clerk, vit. C F. North Shore Eievtclc Company, secuing getmig aîong as well as could be ex- joytd by ail. Sinaît. W. C'. Hoît, ami J. W.* Butler*. right-of-wvyfor tht extension of the pected. p.a er1cj .hehl tttTieewr 26bloscst sflos Coempany's lunes al tlrooighi Lake and Aseilsriei, ob il ttTeewr 2 alt at sflos NfcHenry couintlet. He reports griod M ce. Mur or, of Chicago, vRited lier Diamond Lake M. E. Cijurcli nex t Sun- Suiaie, 120; Hoit, 10)5; Butler, 1; gir ing 7 inotor, rs.Robet StangThurdayday svening at ceven-thlrty. ;peciai finale nauîajorty of 21 votes. r progresand eaye the CompanY îîrîîmîees iaidthr, ir. Rbr tagTu sday bsite ythcilrn tW iake tht rate of eletric current for aVdicrdta. singug aesited ytheSc.idLeu.s ight and power su reatoiîablp iliat Vcti Sngrtur ue lou t.Loi A epeciai meeting im to be held st tht A I)agket social willi be hejd ut Lob. everyhody can Use nSairt. Diamond Lake Schîooi to tait about man school bouse, iiowlkuorr n as tht Tht firemans' biall held iast Prillay Bruce Stephent, of Wanktgan, visited painting and fixing rip tht church netit Hulibard echoîri,(,ou Friday eveuiDg, evenng it he akind allwaoneo ver Sunday with the home folk$. Frday evening, A1ril 22 at m o'ciock. Alîril 29th. th fnetdnceevr ed ee.Hpks Ed Gilinge, of Wautegan, visited rela- Eeery body coule. NeteKue eTeah ,- pitre orcetra furnlshed music for t ht tives Saturday and Sunday lu thie lMr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mitchell and occation and it was highly ejoyed by vicilltS. Cak fWdwotrtdfamily spent fuuday at tht latter's 10R SALE. &Il.s.s . r torved tht supper Helen Cak fWdw tvstdparents. wlich was; fine. ont huudred and ifty Ethel Ames for a few days. T hs h r kpiaa oteMcia ri n eeal ad tickets were soid and Ray Paddock, Doris Jamieson is getting aî(Dou ulrre Totoeewho inadreetica helanttMcia ritsdVgtbeLn Who hasu't forgotten tht willig rttpoust ince tht operation. incident in which E. 1). Hubhard, of this 820 per Acre, 31.00 per Acre Down ta a tire ,al 3 yeart ago, donated $5i 0) George Stephens loet a vluahie hormet ity iuveted 50 cents ln uoîr 'Wanit Ad" Balance 40c per Acre per Mcnth tht fi-e department and deducting ail Monday. rolumu, which resulted in hie diepoing Without Interest. expenses tht dance netted ý45.21, which Miss Hlannali Patch, of Russell, seet of 550 asparagus route. Tht tales wtrt ___ wili be piactd in the trtasutrv ta beSna ihMsArhrCakmdetpri@lvngItewsen osed lu payment of their monthly dues 1od wt ie rhrCak ae eprislvn uttwsen T. aitnd is etuated Inte fertile vaIleY ot the lu tt Ilinai Fiemen Assciaionad ire. Elilra Hughes, of Libertyville, and portion of the country, on at npr i.ttmnpmuine part pnrchasging ntcessary equipment. AIllire. Lattis Bain, of Racine, visited their ticular came overland a distance o! 13 Of Mttianý A teîi acre tractpror>rly cula' tht iitizns fent their htarty support ta mother, Mrt. Robert Strang aid other miles. ted mak aiiteIdepeiîdeut urin ra e. aîilY tht enterprises which wIl lis an encau r reativre Friday. bMichigau Siririelare tuirerbte i] S!otirer agement to thetfire departinent and no fichool tiection waefield at tht Bock- IAfl E1a-h-a, nr,ýt o-o doubt. tht firemens hall wlll be aunual aday sehool Açril 1lu. t I.1h1fEito careai.Iltacre teri>5000 , -hhith. B event hertfter. J. Ms. Lewis of this viciity died Tue- Charles Simpson, of Re Lodge Mon)t., balanieton tl! fit Claire e io i aItct. Tht i iuage election passed off wwlth a dayj moruing at theeicliîck lMr. Lewis le speudiig morne tîîîîe here with lls Iternat litile exitement Tue9rfav. there being 4 has been aiîng most o! tht wluter. latiier. who ts seriously ilh. i . tia lielt ricin ru -'oer t 11icil , tr andidates for tht vilage telistesandi Funeral Thur8day at 2 p. a t Warren Th stcWredav*sWilùhdbdinhoi.-It no oppostions for cleck. About 80 V otes ctmetecy. teddadalrpra o im. 1btý2lgtnzyýr -inf n wen enacvwhich ielted n a .fls C.E. topic Aprîl 24-Christ rvtiig Frank tioiph inoîved hie fauiily to thte edy tr, tti lii trot tart i lîcînet The (cit For village truste@, termi 2 years, Jas. the world-John 12:20-32, ertha ut tpae h isto heWe. o f e., iith, heril .a1.r9, dt alie eMra,0,H. . NMaiman, 61 .Vedddr Wlite, leader. ,rirîi încr3ii u, 'el5.f itlard .Ail r--Il Stone, 41), H. 0. Cookt, 39. Focr illaize Enîîch Bacthîrleîtîw died ait the home lire. Hanna returued htome the lhthairtctr helriierrRi-i clerk. Rînil Bahms. 64. of his daughter, lire. Buttere in Chicago rf April, after steuding tliree urnolths 9tihrltvsi ewr n ayad Addres, 0. L. STANLEY, Thetiremen held their aunuai meeting Monday. Burial at Mllburu r-tmtecy :Iorlaie uillaeaJ ayad and election lt tht village hall Mrrday Thursday ulterurion frrtîî the ltme of Brmtircîî il i uWUEA.IL ienening. Tht meeting wae calied to his sou î-law, Mcr.tooper of Antioch. George itratuacu was unanuîtruey ordr u'Chi! . . Bauk fte cu aili Ht wam' the fathec îof Ephriam ffarthol,,e. leted ssechriiiidirei trr foîrth lîy secrtary, 5llowig 21 nmeuiherse- n-ew a~ ndigrandfather of Rugene andiu cs il fiIct B y Pan fo sent. Tht report o .muittep l, fArthur Clark of tlîte vlinrtv. ire triiet n MsBrync Lbry y iiîn's bail was calied for rauri H. .Mal- ville. atteidtrithtLur. ies 1t at -NIrte Your flouse vman reporte3 forr tht romulttet u Jar.slast Thuced.y. dexpet: for hialls rendéed,$391.29. lear-à WARRENTON - Dou t rrug thte Strliral lî, Ocretîi uateý Don9t put of paint. iu g a net balance, of *45.21 tri beput lu Mc. J. Sheridan hem eturucd fctîî a fhlliart oi r iir3-t TIîtt le ru rong. m lgu os ed t- tetht trtasury. Moved andi rarri ltiat rvitlin t.hîîazo. t ttewen e lreflmnt are ccyingriqi orhos ed l- re port tbi- ucepted. 'text in order uva N irs. J. N-l v aul Mises eeîý ot îc ep.ttalizthetise ,ueàk lucide pamnt is necessary as a pro- Ly election of offictre whîclî rctuited in tht Waikegau tirent Tutsdav here tnclignce Irtr iooeR-tcio qis o n eo unanîmuusboieas foliows. J. P. straîv.,au n-ihiruckllgond Banct, chie!; B. C. Barris, Secretary isJli riudrIi sviittiezw'th elat-heaîtîî wîî rouI,'trI 3.,u agau. ITet ît Place gjour order M W. 0. Joline, Treasurer. E. A. Gold uies ele nd are' Soinlix' o frBale r 90 lng was accordingly appointed assistant Walterc lInuif Chcagro epert Suutiay ALL DEALERS 0 lo Bade & Voo LO chie! with relatives here. man Pure Paint. tNotice. Thousands of tests 500 lbs. Puce Vermîorut Maille Sugar lu I10 IL. ials. Leave your orders wîth under the most severe con- . ~ ** . .E~ UÂE. W. Purkhurst, Lihertyville. c-30-1 ditions have proven it is the ______JO%___à__a__à__à%___a__e_ Itnn41%taauAfIlflAfl& aFSa1 .1 tit or ýai wt o! isk Barry Kaiser, o il trtyville. serit Saturday and Sunday t Bot-I tVernon. Has tiîe ensus ennînrator n isted yon yettn It ot, dont despir. Henry Schroeder iost a r atitable ucow Saturday rom spinual diseure. Mi. Wi.t, îf Whreltiîg, huiss tuitnîip gawiug loge hem and mou cilîs tportahle canemiii to lieerititd tii 'riltimie toi-k. lire. Herman Pegeli)%v r'îît,-tafîîerl lier inrtîter roui Chicagîo lat week. Harry Galloway, of lîirty, n lie. t painting the buildings@'mîthîe Austin Tripp farni south o! tue n. Mi, Webrer çurchae-il a u%lionne ai the stock yards last weekcîîîîîîîecuîîîîn tuing Ir5. For Sale lune car of Gluten ou trai k, ut e25.00 per ton. Itriiti.Lu iîii3EHCo. c 27 t! YOIPK HOUSE. THE OPTICIAN Mr and Mrn, Fred Setp made a trip tri tht cty Tnesniay. Chas Thonias made a vieît to the CtY Mouday Louis Geary, wvrhueasbenii-k %u th pleluiisy. is julproruiug. Ht brrtier from Wancîruda e aesitiug hlrttît ie i business. Mlies Rosa fclîolz, neho bar l,ten decil- fug in Aderousm store ut Lake Foriet for tht lut few yeare, le tan-luigat hoîîîe foi-a rest t îresrnt. Hery (J.Hilîniatui inîeda rcacrîtf mtrk Itu e Chicago îuarket Mondar A uuitbtr if omc ci tice are gettiîîg their buildings neir tai ireready for tte tltetiuî lgîte, i hdi et uet aIrrut then fi-ret u eot uiontti Thtervillage rietion Tuelaày urus a tains aflair. there beini! rroppoeituiii. J. 1). Fîik ruas elected -Ierk auid HBL. Pceii-, 'r u. 1Buerduug and Aug. Frei- lict for trustee Aî big numuber frirnuere atteuded the lai-n dance at Fred Buntingtont ast Wtduesday and report a good time. Win. hectuace treated al l)s tenant tht hospital much îmîîroved in euti. John Il.lMeyei-, ont mile eouth ot B. J. B3ritoi, rom Hickoru, nalird on Lake Zurich, died Wednesdlae. Funerai frîsude tbhswet. wili be heid funday t 1 o'cloct. Body Emer Sha is isitng fii-rds n wilI be taten to Barriugton remeterv. rlatives at hie@urd home il, Katnaziir, W RE Michigan, tht pat week. W RE The oeconl meeting wue neliitti(ed. Tht death of Mri. Leur-l occurred at J. L. Borurs turrted dîree-t)r hie bomne lu Warren eariy Tnesday lirs. Carrie ta-vier in ctsd n ('higo morulng alter a iugeriug illnees. Bs lais Friayleaves a wîte and thi-e hIldren. also Iast Fidayfour graudchildre ti ittouru hie death.. Tht communuty inrerney syi liStliOi. Tht funeral was heid Thursday alter- witb Mr. and 'rite Josepili linil non , wth hurialinluWarren remetery. tbeir bai-i-rost.lin le ithIe n ysr lr The Gui-use W. C. T. L. ii hold au Mr.y ave lirts.ahii r neitrhum s a ycar. orphanagt meeting Wedntday ater- lir ad ire ieieg i cu~înr iîii noon, April 7tîhi, witlî Sre. and Mimes ren are ou te i l i t Shapard. A fuhl atteudane ldesirerl. 1 lmse Gladys Mieade us r îiting in Fox Get aur friee inrt!ilriioI tirlîclîfre Lake, buylng. HOMéE Li rî rn i Cri 27-if tire 10. B. Whttmiîre andi Amisho visited relative. in Mlîburu Friday. Libertyville Feni'. lai'trry i>i thteb4t ire. Suydor continues about tht saute. Place t uy oyitnce.ftapIes fi-et wth At tht rect t chool mseting J. J. .vy ol. Barb vwfre #2 )O per huudred. Feeer wae eleted director aI (Orangs Ses.4. .25-9! j RSHuciOoL RUSSELL Thître ni lî e a NMay social iîî the chîîrclî fatnrday tutuiug, tîrcil luth. Everyont 15 rerîueîted to briug a biasket wîth lunch. Coure and fîîd out tht et onit. A. C. Corris te hnsy cîthuithe Ctutus busiessi. ilrand ma Melicilleliai rce tu rîîrd tri t hec vi.rtt tVill Nielville and famîly acre Kimoha vititorir Manday. lirs. Wm. Murîie and -tiliford @peut the- aset oftheî. with frleuds in Kenosha. lire Meiv lie and Miary aund Aliîsoi mwt u ttday at tht B. C. ho-uli meî. Dr. Lewin and Asa rirît wrre Wau- kegau ani Kenoueha visiture Thursday. Sriioi, meeting pased vtry îluetly. JI0 t. ieeves rvas eleted echool dice tor. Obituary Mtc.tPatrick harrell (lied at biîtroi-l deute ounileerpafli avenue. ceet o! Lake Foreston Monday, Apri llth, ateleren or-hock a. ni. Mr. Fui-mil waeboru lun tht Parieb o! Leur-y, County West Meth, Ireland, ou Siarch loch, 1829. At tht age o! seven- teen ho came to America with hie tather, two sitters andi brother, hie mother hav- iug dieri when ho waà very young. They marie their home lu the cicy o! New York for a nomber o! years, whers they were eugaged lu tht business o! statue cuttiug and hsid contracte o! many o! tht bet buildings that were erected lu New Yark ut that time. lu 1854 Mfr Farrell came west and haviug great confidence lu tht future of tht country now tnowu as tht North Shore, ho deelded te, mateblts ornein Lake county. Ht bought 160 acres lu tht town of Shields, ont mile west o! Lake Forest andi reided on this place untii thetime of hie death. Mr-. Farrell was married in 1H61 to Mise Marie Far-rell, a! Chicago, who sur- viveshlîlu. Their !amliyconistsofteveti childi-en, six of wham are living. tIr. Farrelh cas a very public spirited man. le iîeld publlic offices lu thstowD aut var- ous tîmes anîd always ditchiargtd tht Éutdes of lit office lu tht mo@t satisfac- tory mauner. Be was towu clerk for unauv etact andi was justice o! tht pence iu 186h2 and hari tht commiseion rom Gov. lates amoug his Papene ut tht ti me he ded. Mi. Farrell mas a man ni! simple, kiud- Iv disposition, honorable sud truthiol lu ail hie relations witb bis eliow uten. Ht will be sadly mlautri ln hie hume pirce and hy a&l wbo kns* hlm wsl. ROCKE-E ___R i ng, most economical paint. Tht Ladie Aid met wth lire, Black Evric n fl e this Week. E e y c n fl e Tht Bakery Sale bield at tht Drug measure. full value in Quan. Store tast Saturday turned out agreat . d " - deal better than tley tapectedit would tityj and Quality, made.'of couidering thte weatlier. pure Carbonate of Lead, Their nitre thirty at tirt dance futur- pure Oxide of Zinc, pure day igetý There wii ho a dance uext faturduy Linseed Oil. for sale by F. nîght airo tire folowiug faturd ay Be Loveil. night and alter whîch tîteir will be mulv ont a turrth. StateoftIlilinois, County ut Lakte, lu Tentnis and Saillîng are a couple ofl the the Circuit Court ut Lake Crinîii John L. Reddiug vs. Hîîgli osaker- noon lîrur epîrts at tht Sheidnon Sciîoiîi field, Ernest \W Baskertield. Isabelle A large nuinbr-r of soldître uamperi ut t)aikertieid, lielen Baclrfenled cr- piaiîotî , ate let touday ilght aui rrrw, souie ries kuowtasarrnid caled l~te1thrrugh here errly Titeoniai 1-elen fîaskenfield Darceli. atîd James îironiug, gruuîg tour rd Ltbeti9i.. .tarrow. Gen. No.45Mf. Publij0 îotjce Ib herehc gjî'u that Mise FlorierîIuiduipl sireut Et few have V v virtue ut an ondcr and deccie tri if larit wek witit ber aunt. tirs. King. tuerilu the aboie entltlcd canne ut tire Ndurcît Ternît A. D. 1910 thereof tir. Wiieon gave a short tahl to tht ut rafid Court, tht uitdecnIgned Master Shelîhon eiiîçroyet tonday uftertîroiî, in Chaticr of raid (touct, nlon naett ii; rr3,,l n ry ttucliby ail. iî'i(ac the 2lth dan of 'îrîl A. t) '191(j at tht hour of otneociock ti the tie rs. rju- and 'tre. i)ane irîil i otit altectloou ut îairi day a tjîe East florr fuiay ne th iîlîrr parente, NIc. asudlSre rît tht Court Htuîîre lri ture City o! Bilhueki. j \ skegari, Couiîty of Lakte atnd Sat ofutllinlois, reil ut public vendue ti the hîghest and bert idder ton craît tht PALATAINE fo! oimng drrcrlbed ]and anidi eal 1- ertate ituaterf In ture Coîînty ot Laket 1.,rest'IN'seriau iedat hs hule nsad State ot Illinis ol f nit Erurrt t eeîîau led t hc hntein oto nîînîbered Seven f7), Eight (8) Pliutîb Grume, of ty phtiid-peu motîta, sud Nine (9) lu Block nunoher Ten liîrday 'ni eiug, lipril 1IL Futterali ()inluMcKay'a Addition fg Little wili be hild Flrîday in tht Pluînb trove Fort (n0W Wategani tltuated lIn the couuty ot Latte sud State of Illinois. Cemnetery. Dated Marcb 23rd A. D. 1910. lire. J. B. fchurdinig, lirs. H. fciîucît ELAM tL. CtLARKE, 4- . i -. - A i .- ihnîaMaster lu ChancerY. lire. Bouse, Viola and Elmer, enrîrriseui lire. O. M. Olsenu t her home i, E vans- ton Fiiday, It being ber birthduy. Miss Gi-ace Van Haro speut fundaY at homîe. f he anticipate being a member a! a îeisonali.v conducted Enropeail tourc tht eomiug sumuier.1 lire. Wallace Putnama died Weduesday1 moruîug alter a long and painful ilinees.i Tht tuneral was held faturday at 11:30 BurialinluChicago. Heu. Cady eutertailled his neice, Miss ltnth Carl5, of Evaneton recently. Borntur5fr. and lire. F. F. Dauilitrn, a dauglîter, Sunday, Api-il 17. (lard of Thaniks. We tuile tlis method to thatît ouri- mauy frieude for their assistance during tht ilînems and death o! aur dauglîter and sster, Ester fchultz. MaY (lad biesynuu Berman Schuiz and famiiy P-i30-1 Tht Vernon Cemstai-y Association willl Most with lire. J. H. Weerfield, Thurs- day alternoon, April 21L State of Ilihols, Conuty o! LaIte, s5.: lu the Circuit Court o! Lakte Coun- ty. Matîlda Kotsky vs. Fred C. Bleder- etafit. Emmna Noethlig Sutan Bit- dtrestadt, Viola Bledtrstadt No. 3772. Public notice te herehy given that hy vutue o! an order sud decrefi en- tered lu tht uhove eutltled canes lu eald Circuit Court, at tht Mai-ch Term. A. D., 1910, thereof. the under- tlgned Mastei-in-Chaucery o! eaid Court, ne-lu, ou Tnesday tht 26th day o! Aprîl, A. D., 1910. at the banc o! 1 ociock lu tht atternoon o! said day at tht taIt door o! tht Court Houseslu tht City o! Wauksc gan, lu the County of Latte sud tht State o! Illinos, stil at publie auction fo tht hfgbest and beet bldder the !oloing descrîhed laud sud ceai es- tale. to-nit: Lot Number Ont (1). lu Blockt Fîve (5), lu Hall and Ostrmau's Addition to Deerfieid. ituated ln tht Couuty o! Lakeu aud Stats o! Illinois. Terme o! sale: 25 Per cent cash on tht day o! taie sud tht balance ou tht delvery ot deed. ELAM L. CLOARKE, master-lu-Chancery- Dated Mai-ch 318t, A. D .1910 27-4 Ton îc or Stim'ulant? There Is an immense difference between a tonic and a stimulant. Up one day, way back the next; tbat's a stimulant. Steady progress day by day toward perfect health; that's a tonlc. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic, a strong tonic. The only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcobol. 'Do flot stimulate unless your doctor says so. He knows. Askichm. Do as hesays. f.C. Ayer Cc. o7uîel£Maui brth, debillty, nervousnes. Has your doctoir verreconimended AyeU'st Pilateou? Farmers should est more oaneal. eAltbgh the fariner o! tody luab"e vear or t est he st P. i.g enough bteton .ydvauegw<hi coin.e to hi, uwn table. If he bas been watchtng the exten- sIve researches and experiments ou the question o! the best burnan food for muscle sud brain he will heed the advice fron ail aides to ineat more Quaker Oas." Quaker Oats is mentioned because ïs [recoguized lu this countr'y aud Europe as the best o! ail oatoneals. Feedîg armbande on Quaker Oats m=8 sgctîing more woek ouf o! thein tanif you teed them on anything elac. For bonme use it la packed lu regular IOc packages, sud lu large ite famiy packages at 25- 6i F. BAURSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Marbie and Granite Monumeni s Cemetery Worlc of Every Description Correspondence bolicited 126 Genesee St Wankegan State of Illinois, County ot Lakte, sa. lu tht Circuit Court of Lakne ('ouiîtY. Mary Kcuger vs.('athaclue Alilu. Pcter W. Ahbiuk, Aurelius C. Turpin, ',ityfl cf. Tucpin, NMhldced Spear, Jeu- nie Keniiedy aud C. Wltowane Geai. I ,i P 'iihîlc ntice le hcrehv givu-n that hi nîine of au orlec saif decrr-e eu- Doss.frfae eno,0Mafssgl4pennyp! tenr1d tr the alue ne ittled cause lu And 1Wtllwullm twht'y1Mythl. sial t i IccittCourt rat the tiarch Terni. itta = :Wu if t).1t1.,thereof the underelgned, mdCI levyr t rfo Nto oune d risS <'su ons irle tieiiY Sîl>al 'na.qçi r i Chaucecy ofr aid Juge hik Wb"sUshu nnatt hsufeidiit Cortinc. wll itnîîTîcday. 1hei-MIdifay of L&i nctith.v n ,May Ajt. 1)110, ai tie hour of one 1 ..lh hoe 1)lI dmor,. aud Wo ck litîthe afltcctî o rîlosaid rSay ihola1h s Peuny. U at the Eart t fali )r co! the Court IrtU t-tousi- thîii-City of 'aukegatri î t ii uhi a csses t. er 'oif rt talrc iii (lSiai- (rît lhuoli,, an ya«=edbfnt iho*e ciai rublic aucliît tirl. hghrrt rriketdare afno a jif t o ' andî lîisi h1drldr fria.rh, th, foliow- flia Ti154lkaiL5offie in rt-tlin i rî-i .tilafýiri d hîî bmI Andhealds. 1 aân o 20 e no tir1 niSaSaV Tf i fat !lriotiiilrnt iîtt tveiysiI osenddTlSdnWti* flic i soîi rt Twn-iiforur 1i4) lithe sasuuohiytdu1 lVTiOlS ltîiîtn tri tIi Nrrilîust additin0 Ai hc6ie iongi su. ad rtsee 1ilîr- Trrwnrf ittle Vrt.n î ri he lt tl n, y tj ei-Tage iv liirfwaiihngiin dritecnlt asîorno- ,iee elO aieetled le ith l niiiîr jn rt a ro niii etîr li îîîtu e l.ietk--s en cuites l S.ine atone nI.ý)(In at poit ti sad lo nuiher But "te e It f r an rdilc ta citi fi%,- 2 i uhîî poîitlm thicty 1 hvan .gsni. lu dti tire temeit- (no) feet westerl, fr0,11the en.etsrly 'tr eruistidn areaisni îîiittiori.ehi nt0 lit rrf sali lot iTiity fluî- (25) sud l"-e'0d"Yt"-L S0 drup me a tin. pteasenid éme& tweiiyone (121) fi-it nortitecli trom dl..pyointmmts and deiaîe t ie soiiuiti'rlitrhe rot relInlrr t wo1nîî- Beadns.FU am e lcsluruuili me Il tte tire r Cri anrîriiitîtii-uce ithb y ,ouiuld yuaihume ptYIirm. s~Dow Ie andty l yiu deSami, d nd ibebo weïr-lu IraaetiiO eald sout-herly beturu are poses-sd b.thost et. Psebae. a uincii- îlîti 'ifret, thi uce soutb-. eid or two tImme b.11 citaiop boune MSU weiiierir- v acallei to ihi're otprie* f]le b y rte p»rids rpasna dve ot î,ald lot twr'nty-tivt (25) ninM'ien an 09)fr) tI, thiioce uorthwosirlyciparai- ta luIthe w M. lt openit n mî5)tanMd iei to thte oîithirly flini- oit a.ld lts10U euett hoee inlHouei- firrtv-fii' 4.,i fi-et îînuire ion lrer 0 toale-. i lad!ief entIle etnio point tony-on I(4t) feet wîeterly tram 1î ~~- w& s-u the eastcriy hune of sald lot twenty- tgâB eau lis Ewis5tmi four (24l, 1heure uorthr.-ai3terly pai-a]-"-b oh uudeInMedsor powe em. 90v je 10 the saîd earrteclyUne of raid lot ernan rail. v tsusDr.nioIIe twvett3four (24) sixtytfouir(64) teet. io P v "flac DSes. thettre toutheaeterly liaar4totathe di.s . th a blr e ut l moîîiherivflune o!reld aid os ixty-thcee vlthli. pwo.r of bIb ug. SUlisbut (63) feet mioce or lems to a point Dooein 1vusy lethlgowr tneenty-imo (22) feet southeatrly neeosem.. sp. B« 2. .. eWis, front th.rreeteciy hune of salfi lot tweu- wlmb55a 2à - 8-11Vbel ty-tive (25), theuce nortli easttrly çîar- 11 N~5~sSIi CO 4 FoIrW5UU 2 on Nou. ô PoMen aluel t the easteriy litre of said lot 25 .On th.Kid5i5 NO. 6O iUhauU- feu (10) feet. theuce southeseteriy prallc-l 10 the southeriy litie o! salidt ________________ lt tweui) tire (25) to a point thirty r30 eite' nerterl * vfronithie eaiterly SEE 1lul- o!rsalil lot i wen iivIe (152 sud flience rrorilweeiecfrytftv-flic (55) RUSSELL a tAtLl J. DAtIY, iY r ' Master lu Chancery Çt liPairf Apîrjil ti,A.D.)91911)I 8-c 27trri1n AT STUD 5 gr. old Percheron Stallion Hereafter you may breed your; mares to my Percheron Stallion PINK PARADER1 43,298 P. S. A. At a fee of $16 with living colt guaranit@ed; or at a fee", of $10 cash in advaiîcet, with- out guarantee. Pink Parader wiIt make the follow- iug route fromn AprulI ta Juiy 1I MONDA-Prairie View. TrESDqAs-Diamonhl Lake. WP.DNEISDAY --Roc- rfeller. THURODAY-Lake Fore'st. FRID-AI-East'.of Hhlf 1)ay SATcurnA-H1OMe. SITNDAY-HOnIe. AUGUST RADLOFF, Cars J. là Patterson, Lib.rtyville, lU. BUILDING MATERIAL MY 1,rir r-r uc,- iglît ani grudre ,int get 113 figure, PitEiXiIW IiiiTE-WAtrlf F. S. MEAD, Prop. ILa Belle Park Colony. [itvided Into sectiont o! 630 acres and subdivlded into 20 acre tracts Soithern Land and Investment Comffly DYMOND & AUSTIN, Agents, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLS. se ----------- SCrystal Barber Shop Shaving 15C IArtistic Hair Cutting25e~ Flrst-class Work Guaraîîteed. Agent for Scliriver LaUDdry. CHAS. E. MASON, Proprietor. Basors la 9m, 22. -, 41 1 lonnest wearino--nicest look- :A-, e . 1 k-