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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 May 1910, p. 2

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LA"E COUNTY INDEPENI)ENT, FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1910 thïiàatturmitkn. to store up helth endv tlit fo th Seott's EinuIsion1 Mye. King juse returned fromn a vist withb ler son1 in Wisconsin. 1 Mater Howard Teipning. who bas been spending a a week with Russell Rouges returned to hi@ home lu Pnrk Ridge, Sunday rnornlng alter 9peuding Sator- day nîglt at J. H. Aynslys and attend- Ing the. Calico Hop hers Saturday nîght. The dancing parties isili be held only once a xonth after tlîls. The lat Bat,. urday nightinl each rnontb. Mr. Sheldon and lauiîly are back for the summer. Mise May, of Graylake, le viiting lIre. Irving Payne, aieo, Mrs. Agnes Payn Se l mIanhoe i role' Payed'Stuekl mari.d I rtir widow last Satu rday and tbey have ,noied into hie houce0on Park A-e. We aIl wieb theni every hatepinese, joy and proelerlty in their îoarrir-d hie. Notice. To theiee who arr heolding plan booke, we would lite the returu cef tiheame, il not in uee, ther parties deiriieg trilook aIt the rort. LuiBTÎtTYýiFi Lîirtli YORK HOUSE. Mrm. Harwkins vlesid er cen, i irrin, a few days iast wer-t. The funerai of Jrreep Frey wa8 field at the churcb iat Sunday. The r*uurceb was ful ofeorrowiug relative, ami friends. Hie chldrcn, one daugbter, and seven sons wth their wivee and rhildrcn were present. Iltv. BeriDg. of Wautegan preached a very beautiful and impressive sermon. Hie remaine orere laid 10 rest in Greenwood Cemetery. Augusta Adame viglted in Chicago over Sunday. Bert Raeside was a Milwaukee caller one day last week. The basket social held by the Spauld- Ing Corner Scbool. wasl a saccese in every way. The chidren ail dolng ullosuaily well. Witli the procceed8 rou, thefr socal tbsy have purchased a fine book- case, and etil bave some mouey le! t. Emery Shaw, who bas been viitiug le Kalamazoo, Mich., the paslt tbree weeks retnrned to Waukegan. On bis way back, he tayed over night wlth WiI and David Nelon, at Hartford, Mid., wbo wished toi e remembored 10 ail their lriends. He reporte the cold wave there did monh damage tu the fruit trses. Mmr. Merrili Nelon, of Zion Ciy, called on frendo boesthis weet. Estelia Baton vsiteri Satur-day and Sunday at Wautegan. lire. George Low hade the miferrînue to spran ber knfe nieri nkllast wretk Blanche Adlamsu, erîo hasire-r-equrle elck for the paet 'icren wr-r-te, ile ou y recov.ring. HALF DAY Born to Mir. and Mie.Luuie Lhudrrroin a ioY, Saturday. MlisM mule Heic r ie [ lidel I.;'arn Iaien n rre onted i learriage TlOuer day in Chiago. Coutractu r. Ne-m, ai cfi ir-t,, Wheeling are rrparlng lh ier eldng on th Sxauerrfarmri He-nry Schroeder, Sr., raile-to ir iu and rireund again, alier- lin attaîl irf the grip, Wiii Girason tout an.cObusinestrrîc 10 Miiwaukee Mondav. Johnil Herteli, 0tifcrage,. r ceteef rvth rilativeH ltre a fr-w dayr nest w5e-a. Heury Eiugiclrr.erry, ofl Lîler-ryvellr-, was bere (icn businees Sunday. H. H. Peglraw. o! Libertyr lîr. vieted relativer ithre Suday. A nulillrrfroîn hferc atterideel ttr- dance at Wbr-r-iig Saturda> leglt. The \c r-relu emetery .uisoeeiale li cIl havepa speulal r-rtiig at the tecvî bhal Tuesday r-rer-ing, May 10, at 7,45 eberp lu eet o feor tir- coring >,Ir. Al W-ho dûoutî%atceut anutoce, uet'ornce and rat yourr %tceat Halflhay. WEST FREMONT. Magdaleu tiryen, ao -bu endcicug echooli l hago. sut n aw"et'e aa lion at horne. Miss Tillie Tetampe 15 nue-,,rcekig for . A. DoltonI. Mrs. Auguet Gossell, rbo Lai.1e-e slck for some lime, le imprrur ng. Roy Ham, o! Woodstock. epert Sal- urday and Sunday wtb frir-udeanid relatives la Iis viinty. Raymond Meyer and O111e Tetaîcipe called on Ed Detz Sunday evenlng. 8ubserube nov. $1.50 per !eay. IWAUCONDA Meis@e Nettie Murray returued to b1ica- go, Sunciiîy rvénf[lg aller spending a1 wee'rr r acalion weuh ber parents leere.1 Mies Cella (Geary @peut Selurday and Sunday ut borne. Mies 11dbh Compton, of Elgin, men-t1 Wsdiescday wltb fionde and relatives fl our village. The Wauconda Ieepr'cvenulubir br-ld their iret îcnnual meeting at the village hall and elcted permanent olticere, for the eusuing year ne follows. R. C. Kent, president; Dr. M. E. Fur-er, vice president; B. E. %faiman, ecretary; G. D. Storker, treasurer; Jas. Murray, E. W. Brooks, E. H. Dalims, J, . Fur-er, H. Mi. Davis, C. W. SowIr-s, Gece Prouty, board of dirr-ctors. Next Tueaday evening, May 10 was set as lie next meeting at wiicb lime the work of boosling the town wiil tre laten Up and sverybody Io lnviled lu t. preseut and ex press their views and oSfer suggestions. There arr- now fity.onemiemberssinrolled on the club's rembsrship sbe-et and rnany more bave promised 10 loin withîn the week. Don't forget the meeting nex t Tuesday eveuiug at 8 o'clock at the village hall. We are now gettinig two mails dil tbc alternoon stage making Ils tiret trip Uonday. The village board lield thir annal meeting Moudayevening, May 2nd and 1acnepted the bonde o! A. E. Kirvran, D. H. Nlurphy anri J. N. Freunîd for dram sIrop lieuse for the eîîcuing year at an annual tes o!18$r00- I DERFMD Mrs BRosold en tertained relatives several days durng lb., wesk. ins Sac]. le very iII atpresentwriting. BornutbMr. and lir. Abert Haggie a baby boy. . P. Hutchison spent Tnesday lu Waukegan. Ed Segert bas purchased a miotor, cycle. Mir. Towusend. of Gsuoa. Aransas,. s visirieg with S. P. Hutchison ir. Davis epeul sevral days during the week lu Ohio. Mise Bvrne, o! Chcago, viited wti lire. J. A. Reinhelt, Jr.. Friday. Nirs. J. A. Reinhelt, Sr., spent Tuesday lu Chicago. The village board had their regular mnouthly meeti ng last lionday. A nom- GURNEE The funeral o!fMr." Whelan wa8 held lamt Fiday. The remains were taken tee Mazomanir, iW1s. The body of Jrreeieb GraY, lather O! J. W. Gray, of thii, lace, wasburied last Sunday, tihe funeral being held at York Bouse churcle. Ray Dixon returned rrrm Texas last Friday but will only remain fere a few dayS. hrs. Bert Brocher retureed home Fr1- day aller epeîing several dnys with ber si8ter here. Sherman Sponenberg was in Chicago on business the iast of the wsek. C. M. Brown le adding a bathrooliîî b ils resirfence, makîng it a strictiy modern bouse. It was reporteed lasI week that L. W. Brachers ltIle son was lck Sarle% lever. The report was witbout any fouadatlon whatever. Van Nase Young and WiII Alrigbt @peut Sunday at Third Lake. Lynn Vncent bas recovered lrom ie illuaesatiad retnrned 10 work this week. Foley Kidney Pille are antiseptfn. tonie sud retorative and a prompt corrective o! ail urnary lrreguarltlss. Refuse oubsituem. FRIANK B. LovELL. FOR SALE-Three h. p. motor cycle ln eecellenl condition. ýun about 1,500 galn lena 1909 model write or cail at once on Peter Newiouse, Gazette of- fice, Waukegan. 1PALATIN'E lire Heise is very ilI c ith muscular rieumatism at p resent. Born10 lin. and tMre. Walte-r Torgier. a eon, Tuesday, Aprîl 26. Mr. and tMr@. Kirchofi and lira. E. Wood arrived homer from Califorula. The W. F. M. 13. wîll ilîset aI the home of Misse1.,na Andermiann, Wednesday alternoon. May 4, at 2:30 oclont. Mr. and lMre. L. T. lieuse aud master, John S. speut Friday wth relatives in hîcago. LAKIE COUNTY W. C. T. UJ. INSTITUT! Will Meel at Liberlyville Methodisi Church, Thursday acd Friday. May 12 and 13. mittce cousitiug of Messrs. Woodmau. 000Tli ticîi.A-MOIi'.l'.i Wolff, Petlîs was appointed to tind 10 Meeting of Counnty Execulîre ways and mrans tu promrotr- tir- luterel Comuiiittee. o! sewerage and cater. A colilmittes Basket luncie-on at nuon. coneîeîing o!ftirssrs. Pettis. R.cenbaib At ThIi\ccr and Rouimel rrasappoinled tr eseeaborut :10i-eotonal, led by tire Loiuise getting a c'emical ire engîne. Tue Kahler, Wantegan. folowngcomuncaio fruith i145-Ger-lîîîgs froin Lilertyr 11e lîcîowng -ciililuuiali)ll frîîi th-Union, Nrs. Edit Her-rick. prr-îdr-nt tri tle board waei read: Itlleponsu by Countv liresident, Nr. Tre Tiltl: ciOiAIILETE iîl ieAlii OFLouise Shepard, (iurnee. TRI SEES: lcPOulient of Ccoimittees, 111101 LIC. teportocf CouuntyFxecutiveChoîijiiîitîe. I matre thie communicationu rith a Notes from ths Treaguner. view cl cîgratulatnng Iis board and 2::31 How (lau State-wid, I'reeibi- the itzen at arg atthe lire luted es ion Ie Seured inuIlîlinois! Bec. iecurgr- maîinfesed or ie'b nie dieult ilI euit MDiscusionVukgn in 1reîuctiug the wellare of this tomci. 313bxrcc s chlîcl ldre-oco t- nt,> recommeDd a sricter econoli',' durted 1ev licesStewart. inu expenditures lu onder 10 create afnuîndGirls ti-ast,, tecr-rîairsinWmnusaB. [,,r thue rsablieiing cfa aIr-r iud lsnusra lr.MiceB si-O rrage syctein s u mcb-h led lirre. j îî cix, I~~~~~~~~~~ nir eouii-d.rwî 1 leni'ra h -0Matrunci grand gcld uratorical leiniiîiuc for îmort, licence. that the salooncicoiti-et. lceîî ie inmde nol luwerr tinau*7-0. tinir fcy locailtalet. Nct learîng aîcy marshaI I again urge ' hiruiAx--IaOlNlNii eah eibr fthmboard chic Li.nug l io-Prai8e meeting led by tins. each îîe-îîbr ufthieCiletia Thotupeon. Waukegau. cloîbel aiti policesaulborit.v lu cee 1cr Si50 Reporte cf Conîmaittee. it that cer Sundny cobservanoces t. 10:00-Co-operatiiin with Misionary triclly adhered t0. 1 furîber renom- lire. Jeunie Juet, 'caukegau. mond that a goDd mari be appolnted at 10:lti-Phlysinal Culture as a Depart- mueut. a commissîiuncut o! the dog lcense fe' Whte Ribbon Recruits. 10 erforce and collet licence trcîr every Wort lu our Colleges and Uni cereities, lereectîs owuing derge in Ibis rîllage and tire. Horclng. keeçing neighbcring dogn tromr eain- 10'0-soug. ing hrogh ur trets.10:40-Tbs7Younîg People'@e Brandi. lung~~~~~ bruldr roî.hreceomend MieDorothy Hornîug. ways and ilîr-ns tu be îrccvîeed tu iay 10:0-Effets o!f1no License, Rev. W. lice drt cn dur main roade in the dry L.. Wlipple, Libertyville. lîcet nuer% m uomobi. lese 1rnd oerF:1130-Parlis.mentary Usage, lira. Ida wnylu r-rrîtautccîiteleerou cir-rFrans Haines, Lake Bluff. reachiîrg lbte rel litnt.rle cf cir il 50-Noonlide Hour, Mr@. Fanule gnown îg vilsle 5tIns increase o!f1the Quayle Lake Forest. Canada tileîrin10our mdst. iitruîcg song' flinoi oe." r-orts mbouid be made to reduce Ibis AFTER>N'i pflet ud ca prcldd 1 îrep ue 1 30-Testimony meeting led ey lire. peti anda wa proidedtu 1p th ýI.Burge. Grayelake. weeds of roni oîr treels. Witb a i3 rl ou the Division o! on. williîigness on alsidem to promote the Hundrsd Cents, tirs. Hornlng. ardvancemsut o! oun be-ni which ie being 2:2(1 The Editor'e Opportuuity, Rocv pronounced by many. oe o! the tent A. lu ituhards, Lake Forest. 2:15-Mîrthode o! Dealing Witb the town-ship@ in lhe Lake Shore district ou hideur Traffic, Dr. J. 0. Evans, Lake iccounl o! itig higb altitude and favri Bluff able location we rr-lli8sooîîsese a City dring, 'The, Drys." rapking wtî lisetiest. 3 î-The Verdict o! Science. R.Pepecfully l)-Effect o! Alnobol on Lilfe, Dr. Respctfuly. Margaret tGrant, Waukegan. Juis C. ENORir, lîresident. I -laeno!LrrA etimeî ____________tir. C. P. Tilibett lire Forest. 3 -ScieulificnTemperance Instruction, 'OdAt." Brand FerliJizer ot Cbîîago Misse'Mary E. Lewis, Lake Bluff. fertilter reork@ for norn, potatoe and IisusiOu. gardes. Dubleyourcrop by sin 30-Adîournmerit. gardns.Doube yur copsby ufng Crusade Glory Sang. IL. flomit LuBzCo. c-31 Beniedctlon. 1 A"e ..1 LtrCommander Jullus A. Pratt Post No. 143 1OsplIll_. G. A. R. Mis Getrde arnrivistingfriends Mr. loaac Cook, Commander of ahove Mis Getrue WrneiePost, KowanereIli., writes: "For a at Freeport. long time 1 w&S hothered with hack- I@@ Rose Schultz. of.aýFrsi ache andopains acrose liy kidiieyo. oc ati Foeet ~About two nontlis ago 1 started taking a guest of Mme. F. Kerii this weerk. Foley Kiduey Pille aud soon e-aw tliey Mrs. E. Ml)onalrt jr attending the wredoing ju@t as claimed. 1 kept on1 taking tbem and now 1 arn free frorn Supreme Convention of Aniercan Star ackache, and the paintul lriadder iiery of Equity, at Freeport. W ail gone. 1 lîke Foley Kidney Pille so wr-il that I Làave told niany of iny friend- The Ainici Club lield a May party bail and comrades about theni and shall at the Town Hall Thursday evening. It reccrmîîend thecm at er ery oçportuaity." -a 1rg-1ate- ei n-A goou-ioci- FRAÀNK B. LovFLL. hie time was had. Albert Kllcbmann slîîpped hie horse 1 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTIC .1 Chcago Wedneeday,ltir-heHoreSl Company. The equine was ofirdfo0:er1MlaSec iAie sale yesterday. No. 3. Notice le berehy given tu alil cr W. J. Sweeney, recentiY an smployee intereted, that the Board of Trustet of tbe Macaroni factory lias gone tu the Village of Libertyville. Lake Cou Mlwaukee, ishere hos bas a Position Illinois, baving ordered that a1 witb a piano bouse in the Creani City. Improvement conalsting of a conne mystem of sanil.ary sewere, togetheri H. Meyer@ bas gone 10 Foi Lake, Ilushff, otanholes and bouse conusc where he will engage In fishing Ibis lants lu the Village of Lberty, Lake County. Illinois, as folowo sumnmer. Ho bas ali-eady soeured quite atnd ronnecting wlth a manhole t a number of ordero for the season. built by the village o! Llbertyville o funds provided for that purposec Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mc Laugblin bave than by epeclal asseseiment, the cE returned trolu a four wesksa bonsYmoon of sald manhole hbein g located ai a1 trip. Dnrlng tbsîr absence they visltad ln a parcel of lad acquired by Minneapols, St. Paul, and citieo lu tbe village of Lbertyvîlle by rleedd September 22, 1905, from John V Dakotas. They are the gueeseof Mr. rdge and Calle Woolrldgeg, i wi and lire. Lew Fîagg. @aid Village of Libertyville, whlcb 18 22.5 feet eaetsrly from, absn 1% Soste les on the inside than on the north linso! North Avenue prodi outside and wvnen yon*re ont you'II the southeast corner of Lot 15 filo waent 1t. In.luo corne ouin aud doot Woolridge's addition 10 Liberty t. one thats@ out. The Baud Boys wih sald addition i§ platted Anrecorded in the Recorderes office oif1 datces Plday cveuiug, May latlh. AnConi Ilîlinois, in Book G ofP evenlng of fun and events wahen the toile page 60, froni which point eaîde of the weary day ra ien e haten off. @hall rue westerly 121 leslt lu a pil Goodmusc an rereshriets. th" <-eter hue o! Northî Avene au Uoodmuec ad rereeiiiutethe followîuig strer-Is, avenues Percy Bock bas returned frerrn 1111f courts uor parts thereof li ths homa, wbere be was calleel by a fferlous village of Libertyvîlir- Nortih Av, Miii Court, First Streeî, 1Second i accident tbat belell ie bisrother, Albert. Sprague Street, Newberry Avenue, lb appears that Abert waè on a scaffoid. fStreet. Hligb Street, MlwraukteeAv cngaggd in ereting a steel water tant, Lake Street and Brainerd Court, r wblcb collapsed. preî'îpitatîug hlm sald Village of Lîberlyville, quile disanc whch esutedin racur-County, Ilinois, the ordînane fco quie aistnc wfichesultd ii factr-saine bing on file ije irlveo lng is kuces. Mr. Bruît rflu a nairis Village Clerk. lîaving aîrîlur- t t0 bring his brother hoiir, [l'ut Ir-t hîm Cccunty Court irf saîd Lake Co lu good bauds, wlio wrll gîr îc tu li linîîis, for an assssnuitieriL of the vo cee ald imprilvern, au'rirdiig Ici I. bet cf rare. t wll t. scelle-weekg and an asseecrnent therefore Ii before Abert n iliLt. able- t,.conne homîe. been nînde aînd -turîiscltolu ield The celebration ce! the fourte-eînîîtnî lutufiai heariug tlîereeî will ire Il the 23Ird day o! May, Au. fi 1l (,irh vcmqary o! Excelior Laeip, No.r 187, ealoi' lherenate nu iid-theîeîuuasi R. S. A., hsld in tbsîr hall Wednredny court ili perlit. evenlng was au enjoyatele affair. one i! Said ahseemnenut s payableile the eatue8 binizthatever ineberinstalînents wîlh 101,reit et the r thefeaurs bingtiaI cer înertcrr ivr per nentuller aucuun), was permitted toinuvite a frcrnd, the intaluieuts frorntinshenIste!fîle latter t.ing impreeced wltlî the wirrkiug,; coucher issued on aicountif.!wuerl of tbe lodge, lu mauy way8. Be8ides Al pereous dr-eriring uay t1e erîcî ch8thr as a lterary roraielusid court bt.!cre saîd day. and Ihie theceappear un the heariug amîl imalie the participants einievng praise inlmanydrfr-use. Lîbertyvilie, lilnîroiM respects, Iu order 10 complets the 1910. eveninge prugramn, the loor was cleared WILI iAMtH. STe 1)15, for a danc-,an old!lamhlonedone-wbich Preru napuli îll'te c ~r- tice Briard ofîLolecal lni;ce-piineîîts was enîoyed by ail who "triptued the V ilage ofut LlerîrvilI.. .îîaki tc llghl fanta@tic. Refredbments were Illinois, lic maie- Ilie aieecrtell'It. also served and were partaken of amid merrimeut and eociability. Twas good 10 t. there is the verdict of those wlio atteuded. H. J. Sauborn, of Huriey, Socuth NOTICE Diakota, caled Wrdnesday. ile waeas e sfrihyu viior at the home o! i nephew, W.C. Ld u frns. Weuc i Sanhorn of Ibis place. About a week dwo-en.W s ago he s ffwai t Thomos@ons Station,. the bst material, an( Tennesee, where on liarnh il, 1863, a our miii conditions ar battleislrfthe civil war was fought. Ilr. sucb that we are able t Sauboru cas a member cf the 22ud do first-class work. W, Wisc'onsin reglment whicb wacie fee ufortunats as te, Li captured. Be fe sure you would fir( spentanticue in Libby prson, wlieu ur our product satisfactory was exclianged. His revient 11,11 Ire durable and superior I Thumpeou's Station was forth.. purpose department store stoc of ceesaiug nId meinories ufthbe c ar W/rite us today for pi He eaye he lruud the Pjeople Ili-re r-v cs r te ' îo kînd aid lîrspitable and that lui.. ilcet cs .M-H rio waseerp:teiinaily leahnit I lin Son,' P. O. Box 283, Ltb souhpiimai, r.Las, rît Tlîuîliîpeon ertyville, I. Station, îresr-ted lii aitîn arair- whîch le a noirel relic o! the war. 116 s of ced redar. rrcuraed dpoîninheelandi lu unr- sade revealîug a c arped liniir u e ,e hall wlîich uns fouud iiuirr-ddr-lin heiueiie standing trer- chers il led rerl~iineIl al thece reare, a ingularîs rloeueiît re-leu, )~ 1 C fI-. e-hîc'îi@ licghl-v 1rzed. I% lnu îînîccery cof J. F. Blaît e-be pauoed nîeray oie year ago Miay 4, IlcicIr l'eeîceioi b. lily ient sinîber. PeserfU] II hy grave l w Thu.no ee cc,, jolio.o,nU.bc,,,r Then no e-oie- 0r uurruw Silo, Velt &sce Wr-eboeto elu rettire.. Whee ihe dsy oulule la fed. Andil eraren uIr lui lu.rrerî th,, e-ire..nie f.refl lte.,? are hed. Mes MAIITHA CLuuIt ANieD rUlTEH. SUrrday Fataities. Fror now until the end o! summer tue ue-spaperseveery Monday moruing will record a lonlg lust o! Sunday faalitie- o! auto, collisions, of trolley wrecks, o! boating accidents and o! drowninges. Not a sommer Sundar passee witbout dealb îaking bts tolfroni pîsasure- sesters. Yt moet o! the faal accident@ are avoldable. Stricter cuforcemeut o! the automobile laws, cou pIed wth a littis more precau. tion on tht' part o! chauffeurs would alrnoSt whreily eliminate the automobile accidents. Le6e crue-ding in the trolley cars and better supervisions at rossqings would redons tir- number o! trolley accidents. Mcore cars lu luepecîing the euginesrs' liceuses of aIl motor-boats carnying paosengere aad in eeeiug that adéquate Ille-preservers are provided would preveut most motor-hoal accidents ' Learniug 10 swinu and a little precau- tion would avertmoetbatbing accidents. Ngligeuce ebould not invite deabli 10 attend on tbe summer pasthmee. STALLION1 Bon Lawrene NO. 65188. Weighed 1826 Lbs. When 2 Yrs. Ofd. si rrd by lînportr-d Bon Mcareicie. 24001 lbs. Dam. 11iorted Clberte, -)000) les. One o! lue Topp»r Young 8lalione of Arnerinu, eith tiret-clae bone. deep Ibriogleheart. struuw over lbing ciîb fime eprîng o! nib, and the be8l middle sou er-er aw. l'pbended, ana rau trot lite a hackney. lu sereine aI Rodney Farnrî11,e miles wesee o! Liberlyville. R. B. SWIFT. Corne and ses aur liard of Pure Bred Jersey Catile and Berkshire Hoge. (31 Dc~sNot Stimulate Ayer's Sarsaparilla does not stiniulate. It does flot make you feel better one day, then as bad as ever the next. It is flot a stvong drink. No reaction afler you stop using it. There is flot a drop of aicohol in it. You have the steady, even gain that cornes from a strong tonic and alterative. We wilh you would ask your doctor about this He lknows. Trust hlm Do as hesays. J. C.AiierCo..Lo'elMu What -r AycsPla vrPla oIa ae they ben tom -î Nearly sSxty year. Do dodoesrecoeniemodtbem?wl= your own doctor aMf id ct. FOR SALE THE INTER-LAKE AND -IMPROVEMENT CO. This Companry has the Larg est tract of Michigan land of any agenfcy in tht, county. 5,000 acres 10 select from ai $20.00 par acre. icu rcnly îcay $1.00 per acre down and balance 40 cents per acre lier montb WITHOUT INTEREST Excursion May 131h, la, aur lande, $6.00 round trip from Chicago. Tb@ fruit in lot hart by the rold weathsr. A good rrop le asured. Write. 0.ekea L. STANLEY, Ilnf -If YOUR PIAN- NEEDS TUNING Gert our expert tuner looic iiI. laae crden aiti. LYNCH BROS. s4tCABLE PIANO Co., Chicago rtrel. 4 RîiieyE 1utk@Do i our aIOUSe or the oftit h Need Paintng? cet orI wýIe Give it a coat of hü.1t Bradley & Vrooman àbso- or ae Iuteiy pure peint.C I h. Made of Carbo= t nate of Lead, Ocide of zinc MI ail .t and Linseed Oil. Pac ked full net' i their measure -ful U. S. Stand- laY 2. rd galions. It of The best paintî o,ulltc, Made for wear--appearance 2.1-protection-and economy. -Saves gou fmoney --increases the value of gour property. Try it and . see n- for jourself. se F. B. LOVELI. AT STUD 5 yjr. old Percheron StaIlion Herîeaf ter yoîî may breed your mares to my Percheron Stallion PINK PARADER 43.298 P. S. A. At a fee of $15 with living. colt guaranteed; or at a fee of $10 cash in advance, with- ont guarantee. Pick Parader witl make the follow- icg route fronn April 1 ta .Joly 1 MýVONDiAY- Prairie View. Ti-r:-cD)AY-D)iamond Lake. WEDN:icDAV-.Rocktufeller. THittecDAîX Lake Forest. FRIDtAYi-East'.of ilf Day SATI'RDAY-HOMIe. bf-NtIAX-Home. AUGUST RADLOFF, Cure J. M Pattercon, Libertyville, 111. (24) PEIRRV L. PERSONS. Attorney. Adjudication Notice. tPrublic- Notice n herebv griveuthaltir-e Sur sfiee cuntor of tir 5s1,0e nf tire Led ttl sud Tentamrent of James M. Lewis. deceesed. e-ili attend tire County (C0urt u Lat, County. ut a terce torreoft. obe-bulent thtie court Benul le e-aukegn.ten aid Ceuini,. oe tire filt Monday of liy tient, 1910 e-hp, adserieeeai tertone bavingeciime againuts&Id eeate are notifiait and rsquesled 10 preseni liresaine te satd Court fer adui&JAMS... B. BONNER, Exer-uto.. Waukesan.May 2. 1910. 5-M241; F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Marbie and Granite Moniumenis Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence bollclted 126 Genesee St Wankegan Tell Some SI* One It In Free Il It Nbus. Wlfl yoedo"s stôetHmunity? i ionytel! so "cik.nd of 1h15.mi Tleil hi., or her. thm T oc h.v.m-.1eof th,. , clk. Ilt 1sirsoluislr sad i ioîconeLtnjiy Àeel yen. no donîr. .Ir-dy know of Dr. Bhop.a iri-à,rsteevu d Iltuwnieliy. For 20'.Il)..,filh, .» 11, Or .. .dapl re-, sdi fo Ptror- . tduy as1hlan su Il.ell -M h-l ee u mefram. Wh- t h-, , Iiileor rcr rilu llervesf tieuorucec thet .. t)Ieiirlî rerla ri. nrt.ir-î b.ta u eul b . 1 do -t l-dithle P,nari. n.r re ni1te tire lit or Khiolerrilîr criai. luth .e 1)r , et, c. l eririi ,gîe iren*W t h. CatuSe .f the. 1i. ,,5-ie ielfdbsicg. fide ,or eeîirolli.e lorr- Aril hurin amthl gile,-ir., ti tete ieo-ta.lund .1 1 i 5îch i t re. III. I r-ri s.,cir ia .iilei i.y-, p Y-e.îl rOntilhee TIir, îoshcî1Ili, or. k take arty r-hoa e ou alo nrth'~r r t, ,îIît ore -tos moa rr dore i.! bo,'k Ujut a 1 do lui tI/s rrrnarkable offeri r.-dy 1. rr.rdtil Ilsani- idnen. No belp.. no pl Y" protlee la en Ton l..yen eeare"le, rohIit oie utr. Y-- oill u hmeilul M yi, i, il,1,eand tl»i bouSinAs rc r0,aid -L.en c Prerh. a .word ,,r tlieu Irile wl le.,.41r .p bonieH..ou, Inrî t -i heIpltre-ondm e lu, rîueands b7 nuiy prîrte îe,erltdeuor J.eoaiiî- 1 s touDaMIf, et effort leii ..'ethr -or utile reo ient co ietm.cid Yo. ieai coca. Tait thes bn9e. lic h ,îekIrn A toual .411 bel lae oppr1h, ti rjtti vl1 1 ira nlt,î,e.tfle îruworltydroh. n lahciln lrm n umniuntly go for tie 80 da', tu-t lifI int. ut e fr h or, for &M,, e 1 drus. 919U nre net ruiihorlil o qic.,tire 5)day te*tý so wr-Il.,ne., ..t.d ve .11 delaîsRe. m.bilurtirat lourorra e-c, core Addeen Dr, Shoop,. Box 12. Radoa .Wl, le.,. 1 (M Dru cl. NO. 4 For Weu Noe 2 0.th.srC Nu.5F., Me. rio. a Ou th irs dnsye Ne.ô . nRir.um BEE RUSSELL Lunifber Y I Or Figeir-eli BUILDING MATERIAL M pries r-irglel unI lgratelîs Mreee I.W lrili-rceîlelv cr lit l git miii flarur. PIIEPA RtED l WIIITEWttASII I f. S. HIEAD, Prop. j La Belle Park colony. l)ivide-d Imb sections of 630 acre, and subdivided fnto.20 acre tracte Souhern Land andI Investiment Comffly DYMOND & AUSTIN, Agents, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLS, - ----- ------ Crystal Barber Shop Shaving i15C Artistie Hair Cutting2r5c Flrtt-class Work Gua raîîteed. Agent for Scbriver LauDdry. CHAS. E. MASON, Proprietor. Itazors pnt lu ordel. 22 LOUIS J. YEOMAN~ THE OPTICIAN Them p~ $1 Wec We bar 3S Lake G Mrstraetsr,! .%jam( rnî'Tet W. T. E Austin, loi lots 7, 8. l3 AdrI , Lue- t',. t-: e crI 1cr, Et E- A. Ci Iir,lots rCr Nri l ec 1c , al 4 t'Ilîl g:- 1cr lei 1. cIoi Bl. Qr Ire e cS li 8 roie M- 1_'I$ Eigir' Il cîae e. C.c D i 8ary 01 M aga M Ir-Pr le A I c W.1,l F lti Liomn prare T-_ 1 r

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