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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Jun 1910, p. 1

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:4' * i ~. ~ WEKLYSUN' 'tE ,LAKE COIJNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDÂ.Y. JUNE 10, 1910-1:1,pages PART ONE si. 50 PPLIY:g Mr. Edito:-. Wel 1 mse there are smrn new devel menta in thse lot nWlie situation. No ierabines4Lve not bècu roevd - nos' bave. the offenders been i hed. nie. àew developments I refer to are the statenients of .ýa1ph J. Dsdy, States Attornoy, and E. V.. Orvis, City ÂAttéwney. Both of these gentlemen ha*~ felt called sipon te get, into this matter, but their mode of getting in ie somewhat odd.L M*Ddy made a statement, so 1 se n.a local na- tr'tb= ila néi liduty to eause the reào w Ëeikmoineither is it bis business to hunt up «videne agàluat thein. Now, Mr. Edtor, if the above ie correct I would li- fer that the office of States Attorney-, in Lake county,' at least, le more or lese ornamental rather than useful. .Tise-laweays that "the States Attorney abail COM- MENCE ail suite that ebail bc brought in the name, of the people, etc. " Mr. Dady; wlse yqung man tatle ie, wae -probably in doubt as te tise 0 meanin of the Word 64commlence."!I was not- suretmiyelfesolooked it Up ji Webster 's dictionary mnd-find it te be as; follows: "Commence-te enter upon; te begin; TO PERFORM THlE FIRST ACT 0F."' Now takig into considera- tion thie definition and keeping in nmmd what the law3 eays bis duty ie, I arn utterly at a lose te explain bis posi- tion in this mater-tbat ie I arn at a loss until reading furtber in hie tatement, hie eays you "can't bluff him "t and then of course al ie clear. Njiturally I amn unab1 le to explain just why Mr. Dady feels he is being "bluff-t ed," particularly in view of the fact thatal 'the criti-. cisme et> far have been direeted at the-city administra-t tion; yet for some unknown reason. Mr. Dady bas juxnp-d ed into this matter and begun to, make excuses before lie je accusei, and 1 suppose lie knows wby. .I presume thie wiee young man feele tbat if thi siot 'machine agitation jsecontinued li Waukegan it will on-v ly be a matter of tinse wben it will reach tise "lake dist- rit," wbere tberçr are more siot machines running to. the square inch tban any spot on, eartb, and of course that would bc annoymng te this wise young span. Just why Mr. Dady feels cailed upon to corne te thé aid of the city administration in this,ý their hour of need, -1arn un- able to understand, but there mugt bc some powerful reason for it.' Fromn the stand-point of lot machine gaming, band- book making, gambling and general dîsorder, Wauke- gan makes Deadwood in ite palnsieet days look like Gur- nee 'un a Sunday aftemôoon; ail of wthich ie perfectly eatîsfactory to Dady, the States Attorney, thse wise oung man wbo is afraid someone je trying to "bluff" uni into doing hie plain duty. Juet wbat interest bas this gentleman in the ope-. ration of these sixty slot machines that hie ehonld con- strue your demand for law enforcement as a "bluff " at him? When some young mien bad an athletie'club liere Mr. Dady told thern that if they bad a boxing match lie would. bave them arrested. Hie did not wait for sorne- one else to make a complaint and swear out a warrant, lie saw the law was about to be violated and lie acted bimself, but wlien the" law IS being violated in sixty places right here in Waukegan, Mr. Dady puifs up like a pouter pigeon and says 'I can 't at," III don 't know anything'about it, " I"Someone el"e muet get the evi- dene, Iceannot" and s0OU wifb a lot of thinge hie CAN- NOT do, but lie doe not say one thing lie CAN or WILL DO, not one, if yoip. lease. 1As 1 rend iI. DadY's inter'view I amn convinced that the States Attorney's office is li dire nccd of a "damp nurse." If Mr. Dady thinke for one moment that the' slot machines are going to run in the lake region this sum- mer as brazenly as thcy did last, li j about to bc porely disappointed. A weak and vacillating official, when lie d'bes not2 want tô do hie duty, always hides bebind something as an excuse. Lu thise se Mr. Dady gete upon bis digpity and says nobody can "bluff " Min.' This Wise yotm'g man reminds me of thse ostricil that bides its head li the sand, thereby foolisblly thinking its whole body lsecov-j ered..1 If Mr. Dady doe not kxVow that the slot machines are running openly ini Wankegan lie is the only one in town who does not, excepting, of course, E. V. Orvis, our liard working city àttorney. This delightfül, refreeli- ing young person says in the saine paper on the sainet niglit Dady buret into print; that "if -Suias 0 rump willl swear ont 1t14-e warrante- and get the evidenre lie wille prosecute, but under the law lie could not start thse pros- ecution." On thse same nigit li the same ptaper. Mr. Orvis sys the saine tbing tbgiiýtfr. Dady does on the.âame subject. Its sort of queer, ign't it.à iNow let's see what the ordinance eays about Mr. Orvis' duties: - "Thse city atterney shail institute And prosecute al suits for tue reeovery' ut fines and penal-t ties, " etc. I Ïgain looked up Mx. Weboteié's dictionary and found the Word B pat as foilows: "Lutitute--to begin; ,e commence; to iet on foot;, is, te institute an inquiry, TO INSTlWTE AÀ SUIT." But Mr. Orvis bas been bitten by the sffne bug as Ur.,D'X aua1d4as a cure he has stuck bis bi'd-in the'sand in the sanie manner. I aueto say that if Mr. E. V. Orvis would work juut on-tnth as bard in, prosecuting tuB siot machine oppa±os a hedidin is vain effortso illeqally take th oclotion proposition off the t 0-.shP ballot, there would Dot be a siot machine o gin Wauke- gan 0iteen minutes after h e diart d ~ thte gentle- men in whose interest he was word in h local option inatter are largely the same men hoar- rnning the siot.machines t-dy. 1 L .I lookini tbrough Mr. Webster'a ddtoni-~y I ran' serons, the word GRkWI?, and the defbiiton given was 'ais fellh>s: "(irAt-to insert scions fr0» qme tree or kind of tree, etc. into another." "tig-The act, art or prooeua of insrting grafts." Upon inquiry, howeverJ fJÉ4 that 3Mr. Webster bas been dead a great number ofyas Youstuy Ré. NOT AII=DOU' With not so mmch ina a bluali, the weather man for Lake counity, J. C. JaMes' ofaiAntIoCli, offera 'the of- ficial record for the, weather durlng May. là tact, lie seema rather proud of hie . wrk durlng the past rnonth and In giving the. data for ten years back offera proof that afier ait lait only the. real genuine old fa4hlonedl May veatiier. For instance. the coldest day regsa- tered 'only 28. This was on the 5tle and l4th. lu 1907 lt was colder tban tue. 23 on the #h. And the. warmest day of the. moni4i regiatered 90 on the l9th and 20tIt This la the. cldest warm day In the elght or ten yena' record, however. Ai ta the aver- agea tufs year la a pipplu compared wlti thie 50-odd average during 1907. Hereas the record In detail: Warmegt day, 80, on 19tb and lOLli. Coldest day. 28. on 6ith and l4th. Average tamperatur,, 52.83. Ralufali, 4.84 tache. Nuinher daya 32 aud below, 6. le». Warmeat day, $7, on 5th. Coldest day. 26, on 4tli. Average temperature, 55.91. Rainfail, 1.05 laches. IJays 32 sud ebefow, 6. Warmeat day, '90, on 25th. Coldeet da3y 27, 'bu $rd. Average temperatur. 56.46., Rlaufali, 5.24, laches.. Days 32 sud2.10w, 3. Warmest day. S1, on StIM. Coldest day, 23. on 4tb. Average temperature, 50.99. 'Total ralufail, 5.29 luches. Days 32 and below, 8. 19". Warmest day. 90, on 17th. Coldest day, 31, ou 9th. Average temperature, 58.76. Rai[tall, 2.10 lachea. Days 32 and below, 2. 190 'Warmest day: 95, on 4tii. Coldest day, 34, on th. Average temperature, 55.89. Rainfali, 6.45 juches. 1904. Warmest day. 87, on 25th. Coldest day, 10,,on 16tii. Average temperature, 56.120. Ralufail, 1.90 luiches. Days 32 and below, 2. 190. Warmeat day, 85, on l7th, lîth and 22nd.j. Coldest day, 33; on 8tb. Average temperature. 62.04. ilfail, .65 1lrches. Warmest day, 85, on 19th and 2th. Coldest day, 37, on l2th. Average temperature, 58.07. Rainfall, 7.45 lriches. Cruahed by Train Monday a it. Paul train struck aud lustautly kllled a boimaker by the name of Wash at Rondout. The train ls sald ta ha,. beau the St. Paul Pioneer Limfted. There vas- one train going noril afid one aouth at the tume Walsh was truçk snd the vîctîi vas ou the private rlglit of way of the compauy. He vas hurledsnme le et Ibita the air by the.piliot of the. engne, Evei.y bone ln is body vas braken and bis l.a.d haut a yavnlng bol. ls IL, ou thi body vas founcl ,a union -card lu th. boirnakers' union and Cos<.r TaYlor at once telepiioned to the.Chf- quo police to try to locate "ône of bit Mrende or Information about hlm. Hle I about 40 years oid. Try ouir Want ad oolumi.' see cPraaOugt. On a Up fanai a coaductor at Weda- vortu lire, husky ieteciles a! Lie 81.~ e~~am Mouiay nahid,,a car e oie. nedov lu the village sud neltl' a~ outiniallegeti despoFa.. dos viaare chargeu th isystematie car bwaoig. Tue sixare aIl fron Milwaukee, snd age o ai al ages sud stale..Tiey are climedti tabave uooLdd CM sOn Lie Chicago division a! iotbug and siiees. 'Tieyaien Lok cigare, Il in cliargeut. The Dames a! the six vio hau t toi' iearlng Mondsy sud vere basunu aven lu Liesmroa!$11.00 each: ffank uisd, John Kodus, Casimir Besicbi, Jas. Ciile'dsti, Jas. Wal- bnzak, sud JOs. Eliovatl -i zThse sextet vas seen at one Sunday launa ta break the seul at anti enter so gliiL car at Deeresit, s anriiug bycie igbt of s a udJe. peneti 1200 vorth a!fsiioes,,clalig, sud elgirs. IAÀ negro miv Liem stili ai vork aI. Watisvartb, sud gave the alarm. Detective Wsnnscke, Douas-an, sud One aLlier Sot on PoJob, anti rundei thie six up lu a meadav near Wads- wortb vhoere uiey *& teluge. Saige o! the boys are sald.La %xxe been at Lhe busîneas for four moutha, sud Lue athers are beginnens. Tbe trick la La ride lthe trains La, lonely spots andi Mounder freiglit cars. Rivalin ~MjIk Business 0f Mrs. Scott Duramtuttuffers Crait Loue« n Came '4sZ>mIuàbic lard Mnym0f hilci mare Importeut rail&NLed from Boinesln Saty-.Lack of Waler a Lots Cause. A line ou the, Arthurn Meeber coun- try estaie on the Milvaubee roui vesi ai Lake 'Forest Tbursday resuieut lu the total bs aifihe dairy barn anti Onie silo anti contents. Tue cause af the lire la belleve t tahave heesu overbeaLeut electria englue useut lu Lie dsiny. Mn. Meeker la a veil kuava capialist sud la associai vîLli Ar- moun sud Company as one oflis pin. cillai officiais. No Water Mains. Tue Lake Forest Ore iiparnment vus summoueti snd rentiereti ellIieni service at the lire. Tuer. ver. no vatermaIns ou the estate viich Lb. depanrmnt cauli use sud Lie aLLen- Lion ai Lieflirenien vms iected oai savlng adjolning buildings. No defI- file estimaie aofLthe aMount of dam- age coulti b, secureti et pres lime but Lb. js la belles-ai La bave besu about len tiausauti dollars. Tbe dslry building vas oai icuaconstruc- Ion sud vas a stary snd à hait builut- Ina about tva huindred't' est long. No caile or otier live stock vene destroyed. The line started t about 11: 30 ibis morulug snd vas out near: tva Lbis afiernoan. Celebrate 501h Anniversary Mr. sud Mna. Robent P. Roua. ver, surprisei by asof !helr relatives aud filentis last Saturday nîglit t &~er bouse lu. Roctefeller the' eveni beîng tie fiteenti anlverary . ai Lhiu'wedinlg. %Irs. Rguae, vba vas Ml" JuliasHarden, lu responée Ln Lie toast, "Has tie subjeat o a Iilmouy beau tboroughly ibrasieut ont?,- salut Liai lu uder casa her anaver la dtl dLutid 'Ys. A number 01- eut glass d uies vere- presented ta' the happy couple, and tie guesîs amused Ibeut- selves lu varions wsys. The siory ellers af Lie commuuîty, velu kuavu lu iheir line, Frank Mit- chell ai Prairie View, George Ray of Dtamonu Liate, HamryRouge or Rock- cielien, anti John Fouler of ClMcago, beId t he people speli bauni by Lhiil- lung narratives ai Lh, esnjy idays. The Young people !nlushcd vocal'sud lu- strumétisimusic, wvicisdeecnvce aur sPeclal mention, for bau ,qusilLy sud quanUtiy. Tii. reinesimenta vere Lb. beeV ever, anti ,verybody vha attend. ed baut a very fine ime. IUD*. L~NISSUS. COUNCIL TO ReVICW vlti the couut lr TAINS ION R!~IV!RmILQue!SNtY, McHenry County, conny ud iWIU Cou iýndepeadentshvlal effect jol UnezPectedly sud lndlretly, SPeak- Kendall county siionld the. &«r engagement lu their batie er Sbartisif and the. joint. commltte. the net. 1 would ail Alat the sale of the MIon eatate ta of the 1Jinela hanse aud soeista lu- Boards of Superylsors Volva. Vffday morniug Judas Keues tAndis vestllgate the tuberculin test and pas ltus counnues, ai Lhiu tain Lundis entered a court order teililatlon, of milk anui iii producti, select lu eacli respectil dlamlsaing without preJudIce the, peti- have corne to the. probable reacue ofactclml rdc tien of W. H. Lchty aud others lu 'Wopkeffln #d Lako county, as re- pective cOuntila makt regaM lto the sale of the collage buld, gardaetibert-ulogig, the. typbaid aud 'Itt)! fLventyIosrn log And land ta the Seventh Day Ad- otiiergerni diseasea ubat may be car. respective counties, oan ventistis. Thia disposes af the. preseut id lu the milii. mittee ar tvently-four Petion but leaves the way open fer ln à îstter, 'aO Y-O * Ohl central place aud be rc Lhe lbtrQdwtsen of anather If the tlu- f lleil idth.eSON, the speaker, the. aubleci wltb aOur dependmeladeem itviase, i rMas et -heti e9ljute. unigulius midi avide IncidentallY the. ludebeudeuts by iti ee litte. ins the the local situations ai thé decJIion ose their contention LaIte eounty>bomi 01f prvgs ~miliiian han à hearing agaînet iteceiverGuns D. 'ruomaswiio .t.te Dune Mebtlng e,,. h.14111,_ Jecteand tiat viiifor. le Indicael lit every respect, aud t0 select hre.rep4uentàîîvs tbat C"-! coufer togethe wiii have ta u'ntagalu'"viiib orne. -mliii reduucesto Juin aconeil ta ?ecammead legllt hbag etrougr- 1mewre tii. court. oft-ety-four frrnm elght 00ou". legisiature. sud co.Opel The pointa '.a the ludge's decision tien, who mwlii revlew the entire Our commutte. appolotÀ ' 1:10 rn atter are lu detail ai falaws iNik production motter. -hlcii1 trust tii.Ciii 'un literaI taxi. not belug follaved -Whil, tlesession viilb. eielly vit] 5150 do. hovwever: .;ý . cancerned wlth the ubrculin test, 1màglit aiea add tl 1--ThOe vfli5fts oftheii. p.tionortsud 4PWto swte iai P.qteualzMion Deiiartment of th&..ci As-l te @MounOofl0thefr fisancl-1an d ls the Dg~~,1 4h o OWnovcon&iès ihbat,'ý otier interea in lthe Zionart are thinga L ltfltai"M âWieral .sb. testîng or cava la almpi r*,Ouetii*ed. j jCt 9,I_ uM d ita sourcesas regarde Pertalus ta Lie econom 2-The.Ila nothlng to Prvo hht Dat oulyi cattle but aloLthe daInles, adthat jisateurizati« the. Mceler,, Gui D. Thomas, did flot It la probable, and tis la vhy the. important question lu off., the Adventiste and Indepemdent. matter la no aImportantlocally. ply. Intlet ln iocatlng mondas colilee hat Lie delegates declded upon lu Wauld YaP klndlyc ln Von City morithan a tair deni, or -coference vili be faM eleote the ie. advlse me as ta ibis si tta ny dellnile or authorîzeut propo. gisiatîve commtte. for a halsor ai . Lukely 1I*t vould lbe am sitlOn waa Mod ihm up te May Riat,, 1laailon. Countles of Roue sud1 Or liat anYthing se tangible ne ta sad.' Waulcegsn Nanda Efforts. OvelIi5tead of tLime. mit 01ftacetance haut been oSferait. fWhat Wsukegau sud tii. county 1Iam Very tr 3-Tii. every act of Reclyer Que! ueed la a tboronglihirealilu< oni ai EDWARD DBES D. Thoma« in regard le ail parties la the. sublect of pasteurisation of mllk. austainout ne jusl ta love ta.s, 1to t. 1Pastennizatlon l5 claineu a atreat- pa¶tlss atter the. deal, and t thet .court!nment ta bill tii,-germas Inthe -mlhk, Catie of Wroek.BelO whicli .ppolnted hlm. b aud lier. la wbre pasteurisation Ieg- The Za, p » Z vr 4-Tii. pellîlan la dimamissut îhoutlalsation willi b. Important as Wauke.- tumned fNlday mOait prejudice andt the court fixes Mondgy! nu la nov ataggenlng under a i.d 0fosai 0 f the Bpauldiug next Asnithe lime for lhe final engage- tYpbotd sud scarlet fover bathof tonrean ucharge va mont that mîli asel t act of Zion 1wblch are germ. diseases, for vhlcli iiatii ILt. Ne,*88Us esate. isllk is an excellant culture. accrdlng la »portsa The our delaln va grete vîInlupart the typlid au is beautraoed ta the -Sp5uli«Ug tati< Intense ierent by the. parties lnvolv. ta the clty sud ouiier. waterq, vilch froni Lier. e su Sga eut Md viiile ludependeuts are uat- People drink, but tiere la more acr.a- mbulance. urallY ra4ier lnellned ta bc dîssatis-: let lover even thon tYpiiolut, sud Itla sHaevwu pluneutbeàei lied litla claimed tht tiey have uaL a belleved t Lat tuis mgt heitraced tateiron for an bousand a, iiooii ta liansuobjection upon ab thse milii. !"u iers e@od h I fain vas tii. court. fTiiere are nov about aixteen cases or fiesMari e« baiyth Judge Landîs yesterday sprung a af typioti lu the. iogpital. upset cWM n et~ be oitg bombabl hie bs wn lu the zion Cty Test of Louier. la rgpdrrtM LiatI 1k iearlugs being lielu ln lis court toi Writea Speabuti'Shurtheif If c tth* ieuav determîne the. umtllate fate ar Zioni Tue joint cammtige ai the tîlinols iiig ta put sOMOe frel_* «stais, viietiieu IL sa oli tinue un- bM-an.sd assiste 19 Invesllgale lthetlie- ti'Uk » - tm- ta der a rocelversblp, i. ruleut by seven tubercullu test and the. pasteurisaton cram. or tichemroil trustees or bie sold La Wilhur Glenn of miliiiasd Iti-producta, vWs appoint. vrack tratin amli oas Voliva. ed biy the hanse sud enai,, upon a dont. The. judge slated ln effect that 1 'alninitroducd by myselli, tu he has vislteu the tii. îvary r. nvesLigate thie subelci aoftlie tuber-. .e, wyrsP cently Incolinito. "I have linon- culn testlng of cava, tue PanItOrisa- According to word ln the homes of zion. i have Lion ai mliiiaud tbe miliii ubject genl- day Iroin Udm.hi, X.' seen the lite of lthe people. I erally. ftira .LBae have vlaited duch element ofthle Tecmite a eealLin.dati luofiJ. Uealeu c population. i have attondeut aud pages or evidence, Iucludiug tue la reudered eoe« mor1 meetincs hefli iy mach faction. 1 scientilc sud af the subleet. Itlà-5efilit the . atbu-laJ.w, havO elhord the vaiaus 'leaders Lb.e vîdeuce of &Il ithe ubted bacter- MrjamnaWhbrl speak. I con judge At firat hanut" llgathapil sueltednssd1f.S a. li mas miat lhesaidluin substance.- aud the Ieadlng members 0f the meut- les,. for teLsie eg Il Tue effeci ai the anunucemeut vas! test profession, Ovayer lJeoves toui.soW electrîcal. IL came as a great sur- Lately aur commttee basI lulalieu kegou, W. L of ew Prisae LaLhe overseers sud leaderz i iakiug tie evidenceo'f the local siu.- C. RL endIMI&N. t IN Who ver, preseut andi Overseer Votivea aion ber, ln Chicago, lncluding the laie Mr'.. OayorlId particularlY appeared ta b, affectai. eiec iD.Eas ueitnetdy Tuepratîcl rsul viI b Lii tiOf the Healti Department or Chicago,- Jurist la fully equlppedti t decide thiijDr. lisebler.hils assistant, sud Lie AudIomfg OouAtIy matera atIissue andi vi]i. aile ta otier heada ai depattlufnln lu iisYouug &*Co. Meut seParsie the exiraneous and Iliated'ciiy. ThIs bas led. luni-Y judgmsnt, Audit eo! La boo» eto mater from the Important sud thie 1ta a change lu attitude an lb. part Amesnsud viiAudit a] accurate. Of 'Lie Healti Departmoeu0th ie Ciy aI coonly Ocera. Favora CloaînQ Recelvershlp. of Chicago; ai leasit ram .thelr emld. IL dev.IoIPs h51 Lthe Jutige Landis auuounced durlug the~ ence upon Lie vîtuesa stand uiiey cou- thiel Meeting Sstunday bearng tiat lu hie opinion Lhe Ime cede liatIr !ail cows vere tubercuiar as the -vebfoe 1i bas corne ta close the recelverabip teaiet sud the SUPPlY Ofainlk derlved Ilust e i ce trept andi lt laepecfledti lai Ibs isvlibe ouly tram tiose tuat paseed Lthe tty ,e.Modyvl rueo!iii sep taen He anounc- IL vonld eliminate only about rivetper tors suit tbey are bord 1 ed tai the oSer af purchase ai the cent o! lie unhéaesîuinîgerma lu tue Âm.0o2c. Tueyi ZMon calege building by the, direct. milk. ceed toa l off ors ai the Meudoia aduilatit college The Department o! Healuli aoilshe endes. The audit a WOuld b, given full canalderation an,, Ciy af Chicago ta nov of the Oplu. moniha. -r. G. Morrel Liat ihe yull ualgcousîder auy oSfera ion thai the pasteurîzatîan oa ilnuitlLabore ai present. nio purchase eter far separate parts la absaiutely necessary La procure a_______ aio the estate or for the entire estate. Pure auPPlY a! mulu bi itlan Pnliu.a Undenatande'SituatIon. govugoul! bfiIintheh- Chanc .reras i Juge Lautila salu t tie t .Lugii cagao cîîy cauncîl Overis ordiuancea. hre ereali Sht h be eli uderstand Lie situation led by Aidet-utan Hey sud aibers, a ver." 115 arresteti bYl aorussiters lunZVon City sud tbat h. conniiîee La Investigate bas been op. Liarîties' lu a faid en bati been lu liaI city on numerous paluteti by the mayor ai the Citîy. Iesat TWenty-third st occasions. Hie tien tld O! visite ta kuov nothiug about the, mate-up aof 'tieilMay, Emma NE Lie bornes aud laiks with Lhe peope. ibIs colnmitice, excepi Liai one pro- lotte a B ere r b Hîs aunouncenient tisi bie haut heartiducer a nof WS amiaim ng- aIs. rgei Ir who Li dfeentreligions leader. in -gesti,ntiudoue Oher represeulatîve .t vii rl ai harff Zion created a turore. Aiea h. siaieti ln the clîy o! Chicago, ai oui' coimmt-.eihbinigCaj tiat bie did ngt conaider tise situation tee. - C#Isteag tramn Canada, iu tie clty any difierent Ilan lunaijien Produc>Or@ La b. Hourd. Irgted belon, UntitetiE religions centers vbere division bil, Our commti,, appoluteti îy i @tast St' ark A. bote taken Lbe placeoa!unuion. sael o euyt at pt e J erigon Jan l subject from the producera- stand- hidi the i.Couuty Jae flan't dmg the Stauuaci, or sîlmulate 'Point, andut viJi give practlcaJiy ibe StBAOObail. Reord-E the Bosit or KidunvfTiat lI Rongbalnc It ls tb. vsab nens-es tiat are c a-baane fitIs tume heloe.he Liel01ks ont W rbeip. Vitau.Lizes. woaenrb d% legisaaive convéee to iaklug eV - 'We » orejlhPlm cOuttalllng narves vîLli Dr. Siioop'u le. ence sud studyiug liarougily tLb. omai t lhlef d storative. anti Ref îow quiebly god ulksbctfoiuepOl0r lb * uset> »dbet yl ole b jo aan.T stiandialt. Thisafieldla o large sMd Wo.lilu la ake cmut3 anti DeEALERSi ¶' cludes 8rnany lu numbers tusat s t L.eqaY a Ahi DELEI8Sla a dîuîcuJit prôtiiem ta detevimlue You cget replies tram INDEPENO. boy te, rosc e/inLies onouuleaily~ IENT ment ada. sud rcia i3' havé o Co «S r. Jhbea lat ty, The aélm Mad byi tzmý Dt Mr. saile. neimei ae »I, J. lu o etm- Irneste. Tbt* tat noan I'ii- day beau the (Cuty Treas. hil of Lic booOg asuiierviest 1 loit iblau »- ite& Tue anqi. 1 t weS% itu 14 vili nest Pro, fcournty C"ut May taielest. Ila Lishe "ySa Slaver. Lihe fedral bu- a lit ýIet à a ret, 0h1,oo tisond dChe- ;restai s wtt laIo the owviat leotte 0»0119 got Btes' cvio sud hell girt'a fro, nd le d-ê, d e sud edla,. ine t Lue n Ee otuJJyvil Ia. ],ii, Mtb Li-eot hf Iyo t matefrri. ndta Is l Lemr rh mee aup.»O greeaîlq Utl4p. W-i t ajipe 4-" erate. RbUYW" àago oningtha. statiotheame&" Cirty luChicag sud vaster thit on la il rumWm a thé mlk nu> 4 .LhPrý Mdi au #ttm mheabe tôrth WIO toappoit trl. lBis.

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