l.USo, 1910 Oeilamgo 30; .Obtogo53 27.,au 51 25tc, lçw go, ......... .......... .........N 1.... 1..... Id .......... n8 ...k....9 ..........1 quleky ceci .'ry theuw orne !s FOR SAL.E-Two UMttv t= v FOR com1ls itPOPàfL ouuav :FOR SLSM e 1Wbu» . mlng 16 p-87.B.4Bum'l -Sec, modem a.ven rooni ib, os finish firet flou ydtoiV pis. second floor. Bard woo~ floora- iluoughout. lu llavlue Shape eubdlialon. 8. L Tain', lloeief.lier, Iii, c-bO.tt ý,îR SAEAbadoeiag5ig, flcjanadled ou B gWb-teu 664. id . - , 013KGRLAT 1SALE-On. si-hors. pover agin. and bolier. linfâne cond )rhm Do n$'W Ir, Eaqul Imoudrave. Wank.gan, liii. SAL-l psengr ue1 l 1~~~ FORSAL-12 heu.asd pl.,i rock monera,82 ebiciene, a ceek and younger. Beni. B. William.,P FO > MCe-Ou. acre.-of gond1 lueUud bw oune.,bain sudb agischsuaeith toole. .l C4, -mntor.Everatiilbu ,lu t0ien. J. PESTER, Lake Vlii.1 F0,8 SLE-Or li trade for a drier.auOjernid vort borne, v FRSALE- 1.120 nP,41r1. aid io250 sICodU ~Uh*1oe lii>.ued md u suha 0»0 abo eveal rooetc va$ous m iddrma P. 0. Si . w115u6P III.-9 FOR I*-iw.lois CM 0oa' flYMOU» &AUrNr 40-f _________________ ~ORREW74 fsghtrom onnouxo FOR 8ALg-Lot. luithe Dyanond and reb <ob»e fl Maim. I. A, 4mtanubdlvlion, 501140; $100 a.çh; ubu.LIbmtyiIllü, Iii. ê8Rt V6Uw, 45 per wonth. Draiou> à AusflM. 40-tff MT -LOT$ 01'-nie~ . Soi MR eqlhdll'iao, IS 01 t ai,~ c WNE-A~umoshuac electrie roodon Miiwbuks. , 13, e N. B. GIZVItT, Libertyvgle, Phoue 2784 FOR SALE-Choice. lte la C. Tra i AIO-Two good ditchers ta dlg Wrlgt's additioun, SOzISO, fo M00.00 sd ley 12 Inch ti. 100 roda; 5 ta 9 fi., --98ê00 and $M0.00. Drlou u ZTM, d sud 50 roda, 8 ta 4 t. deep. Win. FARMS:-We a ha humla tof te. oaaay arneo ui uo ~oe.~n lt. MONEY TO LOAN F08 SAI~.9-3od r»eabelot lu IMONEY TO LOAN-On finprove... lubeev" .Deitrble "Siaon J.«a&l fnaisatS pet cent. DYMOND & A cava MAME, Uhertvifle» .1t FO4 JULIE OR1lENT-Modlem hu. FORSAL-Be.. ainhoua, bot yirUow i., s onfoor iardwood Bom .tirooshout. Laite lotwitii411 kînda oU rut reaeral fruit aad abade trees l. Connenton with escer sud dty watSr. combication fiîturecourtli enb a.sd elecrkl ll,<t.W. Pdan.Uhertyville. c,3-êi FOR SAI.E-Houea on Pivrot audliuri- bain Court 7 orne aearly new. éectrie llgbi. rmuer, elty iaer. bargaua. LeoiLbertyville. c iýf FOR ur41 -W. hlave iwgood amod. em , nus..asd "ite ta& taie., fur. iahed rmou..with uesua hat, ciii or wihbout board. Dvugorna & Acrne. 4041Mf FOR;SALE-A 7 room houue. oIl ilP and Stwart Ave. laq.uirfe 0 l2 . CIAEL, lbertyvîlle. 111. c-32-tf Oblfuary John Lunu Tweed wae bornilu lalanà Mageýcuty of Antrim. lre"ad, March 18, 1821. H. i.ft hie native country aibout Mal 1. 1847, sveudlng tii. entlre muotb on tii ocunan sd atrived iat Little, Fort, now ealled Waukegan. ln Joue. Ha llved ber. mine pea, eltb the. exception 01 twa y.aré apout in Muai.. gai, Miii. R.turnlng. ho maruied Bar. hais Stmus on Jnly 8, 1858 sud lin. idiat.ly uov.d ta tiie faua ha purchas ed i atii. governrnent. Hers h. cou. tiioueiwy resldsd until ie death, JUnO 1, 1910.. »ElsfeprseeMod hlm ta the better land. Match 11, 1908. Six cbld. rsn were bora of tues union; -the. eldet d'.vlg uin faner. Five daughtere are left to inoura, hie là.; lie. Lewis Lob. deli. of Grap.lak. Ml,. Margaret, wbo realded witii ber fatiier, lire. Carias Huckar, of Grapalake, lira. John DaizWe, of Actloch. snd Mms Alfred Moade, of Wadeworhii, &il of wbom Vers wlth i hm tlirough bh iekcneuan sd death. lb. Tweed vusaanuof .xemplarp habitoansd wclUb. greatly naleed la the. eormmnaty wh.v. hé wae held lin th big"id epteem hy bis friendsansd oc- qualntaaee.. He early Unied witb tihe Preebyterisu churcii sud llved auauprlgiit li.. H. dled at i bhorne on tii. aouth ida i Fox Laie, cherarsbsort service wae beld Sstirday Ju. 4, contiaae4by servicesea t the CobangeaioualM ch. 2ev. Cbldeter, of Wsuiegaa, preelded, aeited by tii. Bev. Duemair, of Fox Lai,. The reinsauaveu. tbeu taken ta Grant Cenetery, chers the. Musone b.ld a beantifol service. * Annie Loui"maApp"ard. Aunae Louia Hutiiluoa, Appleyard~ cas bora la Warren tki*n, Lai. couuty, Ili., APT# 18. 1874. #ho vas i MM, cia o owrodla.'in ,uWtk~s t 'Spt 25, 1893 e, inarf isil ll WlleouApplejad. Ther hou. se for a ein . aCordes, Wl., thoanuhsp auoved to 4urne., cher- tbey have Iflel er Mayls% Si1910. 8hSié ea rvlve4 ~~rhubiaad, parenta, oue bbsre a~e utihh m a udthii.. ated ~iSt7 etelfMru. LillianChaud LfdeMon. o - NLLNOUS FOUN-J pcatbnicntiin by pov_ property and epayi»X for hie .d 84 Un v r &mmthe laterai che .ecoryfs.t.u.d ciiia emoothU1 'nahlng a good solideWf n e.Hogiesc 20 cets per rod, 7 wire, 43 lucha, high, 27' eaie, 9 wl,. 49 incii. higii, M2, 12 cire, 58 lau lIgb. 30 rmnta. Barh vd.*.60 pr ICI> puanuda.Fe etpagvea Ie.wtb ev.ry purcef Urgbl dfeUve lae e ,y chesp wite> lte 8AM AN I W m o EC« Ce -2441 ZOLO FILLED SPECTAOLE8..III careful tWaiIneladed for $1.00 s&d up. Have your preaut lana.. eiisged or bave use framn for yonr premt lana.. *irnse that hold wlth coaforifr1 l $1.00 asud un.Msea. drug atr tii. fieDn sas one .h~ etaidMadganWaukegsn, li1. c294i Her ehaiecter i. worthu of enaulqtloq h nian,0of ifsattractive qualitie.. Ber* cas the.spiri of bopefuinees sud ch.., ,Unezpected kiodue.ansd tiie littis surprisesa of the geutle heurt cars hu minitratlone. Bere cas the. etr..Bgt of ber sileût taeîliony, that frou ti coof of suflerlng sud the, warp af uUk oomplalning courage @lbe woVe thi fabrie of ber lis cli beanty of deelgu and la tbq spirit of one cho binmelf "trod tiie cinelre«a aoce." Sbe us laid! turut lu Warren eirnetory. -Brght suumer sn, Shinea softj bar.. carne summer wfrd, Blw nahtly bere, Green bod above, Ue lght. lie liht. 0"gdabi. itondtilght. What a Summer Cold May. Do A summer cold Vil alected in juet ai api te devlope luto t.rancbltle or pneu, monla, as at auj atber son. Do Uali negleet I. Taie FaiPola Hanep sud Tai pmomptiy. t lomontiieougb, oathea sud barils thaellamed air passages and expeis the. cold froua tiie ytea. P. B. LoTELL COmpANY' Notice of Stockholderal Meeting Public no"ie l bersbj, giron that the diretors of the 8heldon chool have vot.d to lacrease. the capital stock of alëd corploration froin One Hnndrsd Fur Tiiousaad DiUae(0150000.00) tu Two Hundred PFfty Tiousd bolare (8250,000.00) and a epeclai meeting of tii. stacuholdera of the Biildon $Bobo.] cWin b. ield aftbheprincipal office of àli4 corporation ai Ares, Lake (Jountp, ii., op Thurmday. June SOuh, 1910, aith4W iidait of, 1. ocloti P. M., te v9otD qiw.tÏloo@&mid propoaed inorsasoui Oa Suaadred Fafty Thouffad os (8140,000.00) to Two Rnndrsd' Fuie Thousand Dolars (0250.0w0.00)>-&.$'- Siilou, C~ N. Duisnd, C. B. Psitieu- DlWoshi o f thei. Sblduca Sehool. 4 Folez 1maKiduey Emedy uap h. teeiiMdréen i* -duirabie realta. dms 8*47 w:9blied w "d'gaila s teomueudul or vne. star eIe suet liss eer. P. B., Lovii.L Consàu4 w âueDMUsine, o WILL BE At ifs'Highth- Sgiturday 0f the. marny hundreds of unusu'a1 hargýain-s we can only tell yô 1u of these few-m.but if you haven't been her: têg' for. youref aaku IA5 surly 61-i fact MOST LV *1gjyn o 4S Near Poat OMie Waukegalieit.U d = ~7jrq~ Sjpeciala Lot.of new colored tait- Wot 0fored wat .29c- Naturaf hair Uwltdchs worth $3.50 tor.98C 35t Corset cv Wornen's rufinI2 Cwuldrns 50C nlght 3kc hair roua SweU new wash slcfrts ln plain and plaid mia- terais Worth .9 1 $2.00 for...79 $5.00 bLack taffeta silk r'ettlcoat .3 9 Black ptiot for .........4 Over 100 styles of# and collars woêth OC for...... be,Itlcw urus, .- 9 wiorth $2.50 fr Chuldrens mulla -coaw for ....... La die s' chaui vasi ove fer:......... Worth $ZS You iteil in f e Swe11Long Coats.maThest are ail fl 54 inches'long perfecti? plain ta -and, amade of such n6bb material,, as diagonals and fancy striped c'overts in tan, gray and many dark shades---actually worth $ 12.50 for ....... ........ Pongee e*,Repp Coaste-Thîs is indeed'a handsome assortment., ail 1tailc pains-taking manner found in the high price cloth- coats. The *pongee coats are trimmed about collar and the Repp coats are guaranteed to launder fine, your choice Natura1 Litbsa Comts-We venture to say you neyer saw a better coat for $ 10.000 and right now when you G need them thie mout the" are ...... ............. .9 »rêses' Over3 fine sh' ofbeai mae made of eènch linger. Led la dozens En.oeh rad. 32, 34 au ,d1 36 Inch Costs-This la a spéCW made of ail the fine materlals shown in short cmats and sorne are worth up ta $7.00 for.............. ALiftie of Lverything Sape. 811k Walats-Made of finest quality tafftta and trimmed wiih. large silk and laaçe ruffle, and mother of peari buttons, worth S6.oo. for.......... 2.98 New-Saflopr Walts-ln" white and èolored mateîas-also handsome tailored wnisîs and cmhroidery trimmed lingeries, Worth uppta $2.50 for. . 1.. . 7 9 C WIlfte Lawn Wal1te-Big lot of white lawn caists, Dl handseigla.hm mcd, worth tip to $1.5o for...... .. .... 5 ;c Chdiido.'i Dresse*-Of fine white lawn, beautifuly trimsp.d, and pretty gingham, sizés tf014 yrs, worth $2.50 for..98 ChÜ 4'.Coàt-Made of hcavy poplin in-chite, tan, k. light blue, pink and green, orth 82.ao for .... ........ 70 8welt àIr#ts-There à about 50 styles lai Chiffon Pan- amis. se0jadnovelty materinls, corth 88oo for clLdies' julia -Marlow sample pumpa "40 - orth p ho 3.50 for....... swell tailored 25 styles W urt iii alO' u Sýweli whitesoune suit$ in.d with guarainteed stin Worth up ,to 25.00, for ..... Beautiful mercnld m Ées j igt In tan or Migt blue, Worth- 'You nver.in Mljfe uw waéh à*itat 5» é kaeWC IrA .j - - - - -is,04 -- - - - - - ý 1 1 oj .11 ii mw - - -0 - 1 . 0--1! - 1 A 1 C ý:wè" Post Officé, w IL aukegan, 11L.,