JUSE : 17. 190 r- BA 7 Tradaboum, onie-> i$ivrAe ajac f irtyvIlie. N. E Park Aveaus. p.li8-hi FOR SALS-.-hedal " a u bran tii 94=ad s816 psr ton lu 1b. LibetyvtýLie mber Cb. -88 . . No FOR SAL-biev, umem Urme mcm bouma end bath, oak fiaisi$ri.fsr ymilow lea se or0. Ranivooci ficva broglot.lu a vwiai *l .Elmlo .S .Ti, lmealr lit. - 44 -a--- FOR SLAAbaudmesie hsimg, ove jeu* li ralami ounSpIduatir FOR SALE-16 çpeseger bau hnqiulre cf J. 9. Dciii, Llbertvtllle, 111. P oui 46L .485-tf 40-df -e ple s. III, . - as luakme. ad Park , C-25.tf ~oe*m~~? SonR k»i i-61-S a.. t 1kW gocd MZd mr bo*anad f",s b r«a Ie fu- kW eiltee.,, iiish ta. hat. wih or ___________40-tf [WANT.-?we ce ditebets to dlg "~d IMy 12 iucb rtleOOroid@; 5to 9 t. de" mSd 50 -rode, 3 to 4 fi. deep. W..1 MOIIEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN-Gea Improve. faims m 5 per mont. Druonu & A rîmis Il MDcmLANDOUE il Autin Pblliu5z10$0 ab OUND-* POCk0Ibook eosinlg a don,05peDnS ue.àim I mmof mma.Gne meaiae an &$ u d~u e iil. ~ b~oIgpropsrty m ayiyng for tale $ab.divielon of LU= tjvli, sout a elsrie resd oun ulak venu. B FOR SAlX-ChoWIrlogela C Pesa WnlgbV&adidio, 80a150, for $20R.00 40-ti PARU-W. ave lam li oft b eoyi, aruto a&À ame m i04f liu 4lgavalmd. 'nTe ~atm re scou- asiiv Iftaearoma ibmlaierai vira., rif> ý,fétedlvtb aà oôotb tde. nmaklgasgooi melldstif eumsn.iloofee 20 omet erroi, 7 iwre4 48 nmibg, 27 etd, 9virm, 49 Ifa 11gb. 3&,. 12 wlraq, 58 la Lilg i 0meis. iiarb viii. $260 100 puanda. Pence eaphe gEne wib every pu"baa alghti> defimue tee..ver> cbmap bIi; Imt.Axammua iuu gremCgo .e«- (MGOD PILL.W SPECTACýL<a-wtb FOR SAI.E-Oced 'raeaS lot la manui es t imeluisi for. 01.00 aad IW. UàbmtYvill.DI eelmalé l)cation. J. IL. Have jour preset hum-s.ehauaor M Luri 2 ls. û8. buvm ubv# t1frmw..for jour pmsateae am 1 1IYuasesthut lid ftb camion.t roum, frOR-S^Lg OR R6NT-Uodernb ous1eLO ad p. Mackm..'a îrulç or i lprýveum»te. tau0 o* d C!U Rzl rg@tr, oer d B.beLbertytvllie, 111. c-28.il1 et., ad Madison Waqlegia, III. 29-ti Sitte 'et minois, eue*y or I-s, m in thé Cireuit Ceuri ef Laies cuty. Jeohn ora. AIé x0=Normomubeib Nerso, Maroila Norma M JoMwgiuo Siiti va. Bta EILle«, Loveil 0. Ives. James Morse,Framb Simih, Ulisabmub Mort, a, Aronce ôcm Il, James O'Cope% efgeorgte Morse, mieNorm", IlmilHumgriy., or.. Rivi B.1). g au, Thoma" W. Remot, Semuel imince aad the nekiova o*vaqof etiN oth ter muCgt tii muthe tbffl >.roma 1bereef> ot section ivpygt (28) - Tovueblp foriy-mi (46) Norh, Raaae1 zl6ven <1) East 0cfhe ibm Trf Idci pl edIi l -bmCni> liel Be.No. 4689., Public noticm la bmrmbY gi-vn that hi virtue cf un rier mii imceme entermi in luhei "Ove mmtied c»»setaithe Mamci Tenu, A. . .1910 thereof, tbm ueiied. Mater la ChaacmrY cf âaid Coutt viii, ou Teemday, the 19tb dlay et july, A. D. 1910, ai tbm tour cf Oie o'clock. lu the sternocfsai! day et theBmuaifront door if tbm CouW# Houso lu ibe City cf Wanbega lae@dM Lae Couatya&QI ai puble anse- 11cm- ta bg --àimtbu boi bdie for nUl .~,~eww*Sg desSilbodland sud maiemt*a ituin lhlieceunI> of IAkeMma t* or hlIot.to-vit: In* yot jhiS LaNrl vait «&"« inn c.551ibe (3) roae uN elght, Tovuet Range limais coul tcIÀQN Datai un STÂTE CTir '- '1910.la ti of ha Te Iim 6tUei a", clomed; i blhk ua mai d Pl*»ceu Ma y be pneamut If Foe ses nt go to do.0 Dated tis l5tb day of lune, A.e .1910. I ANNIE PAGAN. Executrn the ibLs im au Test- a ment cf michael Vagin, decesmi, un ^@rmn Lone«; â tandine. ! re 0:ti W . LPet. Chi. ..28 là .66118L Ur .21 24 .467 N. y. u X T .6221 Brook. 80 25 .444 Clu. . :22 le USliphfL ..17 24 .416 pluts. .21 20 .5121Bos. .. .16 29 .354 No gamma acbeuwm. AMERICAN LEABUE. W. 14 et.j W.L1. pet 1.y. .28 la .688Clmv. ..17 20 .4U PMI. -.28614 Z67Wasi. .2I Si .447 Dot 811 .. I 38îCi. ...11 16 .266 So...2221 .61618t, L.. 98sa.214 Ai St. Louis- IL.IL.IL >adeflpl....00010*0-1#" 4i itf, Morguu and Bai ;,Lepp Po eal, iey uni Mies. nem Yor...002061604'-a & 4D e oi t - ' I I L ' L. %ton .000000 ai e*d robi m»CiN>40 iN 13ANK STOCK Tai "o HOgeae wutile show te JE& 0800UsaI Ttg Pemttîsa wth Pub. lcient f Uit e01Securittma Mmii by iNhllio1res, lncluding L ake Fopr- estroo-Pmamtia la tb Say Psy TIx- et lu[In Lai trCeoitCouniies. 11 i- Ot bi- blEU Most Dangerout lmimd Iî. US.. Tbm fi> s thibmce m agercu nsaet lu ibm United tit«tesidaY. It bas been provelmi n d acxle by flremosi bactertélogiste, pb7sWO ias aid otlier stusdenis ibai ibm 8v carnles diseuse germa% froni every plac ho visita. Germa, ire mucutoc siu lo~be aen viti thie iiiej e, aid la emlsî aen 1mw 4ae ,fly uca rry 1 maay bundrads cf imm on îliaod aid atlcklug tut ibebifruof Ia s Wheu hm allglits le vipes hie leps and tbm germs f4li o& Iffiles are tobo aaloi tba ci *M go vben ibey lplaise a ieimq tiioy plmase. coniaglons diseUse vil us b etoapreai vltb saiaeumie~m ifullta>le'raptdlty. il tb$lI' b&âdu bappmn 10 crawl on pur t &Omm orern»em tbey mliiluea to lIalye. TbLuIf jon m» 4«ýMtlrnor-lw WL WIth jibu publication of liste ef those ahb li âk toch Of Chicago thQe txassiora Lui calidtorg of Lake abonty amereecljlugbecause ubere- *18k bey smi a levorag on Lake Por- et u otiier cduty milloealres vbo !bmkésami sd for taxesibore oasonr lIlpi they psy 15 Cook aidvice versa. 114S upNaiâu0ia ir h es, the «&MW >ttar Cu 511be checked up and the humâtstock dmeesui 4eliai la sadVlcbei vltb Uthe udfps.Of ýâxke oresters, and forth abore realdents, and followlnglo juat a blet of a fev: LargetIndividuel- Wolder. Th* lalarstviddU boltier, salde If ti tebe fli meutte, 143YH. 11mw- -dé, tibmOouer .f <Ailalarmaof Un- ton Trust stock, Sera= W. lHarria ci! 3eWYork, baud et- the banklng bosse of N. W. Harria Co.. la the second largeat bolier of Iudividual banli sbires. lMr. Harrls oves 4,073 suires of the Harria Trust and Say- loga buok,. Joy Mortion owns 2,006 .sares of the Continental National, Sanmuel Alerton e.354 shores %)f the 'Firt Ntions). Nivard Moris 9,U sbores of th. Pirat National, J. Ogieti Amour 5,4660 aîes and Mra. Malvina B. Armniur '2.730 sbores of tbe Con- tinental National, John C. Black 5,069 sbires of timContinental, Georze MN Reynolds ,63 sbires of tbe Conta- entai, Edvard Tilden 3,230 sbires ef theibÙ,or Degrborn National, John A. Lynch 2.500 sbiren of the National Bant thfeim lepuble. Women ore Large Inveétoms. Mira Bleanor S. Harria and lira Jeu- aie B. Wallier hold 2,675 sbires ack tu ibm Commercial Nationial, and ira., Emily Dames MacVeab 2,767 shores ln the Commercial. The largeai hold- ing by a womai is 3.000 ahares ofthié Commenta National owned by lira. Ainong s ea Who bol# ,000 abares or more le the estate cr Charles Ir. gpauldlng, vhilclrla credft4 viii82,7U8 sbires lu ibe Commentiai National. M. H. Wilson., vh4o'OtSlte bas boss a beasy boyer of -baolt sbires.'md nov holes2,24 abares la the Couiner- efl National; JamesLougley, Bos- ton, Moums., X040 ,sbires luth ifi l Trust la bis ovu naîne, al1,50la bis narne as executor; Mary L Eltir 2,016 s"ires lu the Illinois Trust; Charles 0. Dives, 2,010 shores lu tbm Centrai Truet4 Byron L. eiti, 6,000 sbires iu ibe Noriberu Trast a«d Granger Farveil, 2,500ahares lu the TParveU Trust. J. A. Patten Recont Purchaser, Durlng the lest two yearsliames A. Patten of Evanstou, vbo bas ftgura 80 prominentlyInl,.operuulons on tbm board of traieand on the cotton ex- change, bas been a beavy purchaser ef stockse ofbanks, bhou ln ibis city and la St. Paul and Mnneapols sud-, otirer large citles, Thm Ilit of Chi- cage bauk sareboldrishowrs liiibe bods 848 ehboresa cf ibmContinental, 125 of the National Bank cf lthe Re- publie. 476 of the Finit Nationa. 150 of the Sate Banik of Chicago, 1,462 of the Commercial National, 150 of ihe Norteru Troutand. 80 of thé LCorn *chbange National Bank: «.-1 Pieuld £*ete@ Holdinga Uuobailged TbeMarabél Field estate ecetinue te figura ln uebm er&kaia, Loin and Trust.company lit0f atockholdems ias the owner of 2,800 sbires. ]Civin 0. and Osar G, Fore-an eaehbhold 4,950 company. In the American Trust al: pars ibmnames of Frink H- Jones and Alexader Riobertson as tbe boli ers of, 28,880sbires, but besi are held ln trust for ibe atckbliers 01 tbe Continental National hank. la the Fini Trust James B. Forgan bolds 19,890 sbires, butthiai la lu trustfoM tbe abarebolderif ibtheVirei National bank. ycu-bAve C« t takeprper pnieaiosg Theom la . Y -Oe eway te he sure tbat you aMq mot iaylng yeurseif open toe md8eg O f Infection Of disease tb gb11eaey o et bmfly. That 0ue WSj la te kili ihm fly. There are' ivo vays of dolng this. Eliber you musi kill ibe huzzlng lu. sect or you mi«destroy Isa breeding Piaces. MaItOM&uatve la offered. Tire jour dioée. The way hie beau bliami lu bath ilrectleas. LIf bu eallOw iiiOiesuto galber'round Your bouse gY« vii be foilowing the miampie'cft boumada thit have par. lahed for ib*m iereasen. 1<1ibm hi), nd break up bis bremi- 'Dg places. TKISIM MAY WED. Kivamdi Nulsedd.Zmon City ...27 amuMa ulo...............82 BhllY KeMMUyn North Chicago . ..22 Mary OutdR'................... l M. A, hm*bllru, ailcgo ...........43 Margaret II&MlsonWest ....30 Ou. u*rl099 licenesupprmsmi. THE 1MAT! WEI... .... Mamsie A. Rb*»% tHigbland Park, 3 (4)titt3r. 'f4oatky ........... Au4rowv WO Milwaukee,.... Comintam .................21 Hlornmb -c ri ublinn. .........25, ilailluli eleu Norimayer . 2 101h11Wikmr, Milwaukee .......... 24 Mary ]EL mine.,........:......20 Fraujt CiL Milwaîukeep..........21 Tilda Ivalusou........1 Alune D. . Zlnmerman ............ 22 Malo Tn. ................22 WIikae MNpli. Hghland Park, 23, "Sige ICelie . ...... ...........20 Ailes id . .ie Forest, 11..... 2S Cel iet, aine ....... : WilIa 1 BulZIn ity.. ... m40 EStil ~. 3rre.............t.32 8!e*man Gueuer, -Milwukee.'*27 "uma Flemming ............... 26 IL. 5, Hubiley, Chicago ...........31 Wlmlfrmd Ir. Wîasb ............. 27 flarli Manuel, Chicago..... :..... 24 WMl, e Sevea»acu................19 vMi« D. Plumb, Fort Sherldai..29 ÀMoim omy..................18l Niffl'Waramakl. .... ...........23 »U». * b........--......21 Ifelil RelIer, Racine ..........21~ »iiib latte ..1...8 Th.loHuner, 8'uiemton, N. Y.4 Lotis Marie Litais, Channel Lake . .28 Ailes G. Heviti ................. 39 à- a. KOlliy, lobe Forest......... 21 UIihiI uses.......... ...21 Jus. Qdu.................8232 Marly Frieib.............25 Prospecta GOulO 1Pi<f Laie Sea.. end Cold Wsather. mal, crep vWiI be H*j(*ý * Grain siffeorn, Theiagh Dackward. Aiso Promise Wel iljune. FuIrnînhes Seascuae Weather. It' aDeçi4od Mu. -1u*. We~ Str'aw Hat Weathe r at -la W. e - here wIt the . 510 cfo - '0010 If you wa nt ai Sshoc thIs Rl please you.Z dress> H f w- Pew fariera are Cemlng, tu town ibeme days and chose wbo do appear haire mot long to etay. Tbey ara bue> uurslug the corn crop and are feelng ibiS h wiliineed extmordinary careful attention the»e days lu order tb binga jod ield. 1?he cl and hiebvartl Condition of the. saion, ince tbe CdomO of Bardh, bas causal generai umainees oser the tate, and tbe entire corn growlag behai tu tbe crop prospecta for ihe presput yean. la the lanunage of a aubmfatlal.larmer ive bave bad ive aprinâ "iismuosn, oue lu Match wbicb wasau n uuml," wari month, and ihen mouLe metextma- ordinary andbhhloiet*m a ver> lite apring lelloving, vbicb in bmrdly 0f ibm balm> aprln* variai>et. A cod. vet spring ila lvi>, produc. tive* 0f a good graes cr09, as ibm old aaylng rue,"a ves May fila the bamu viih "aY." 'Pasinrea are lu a.eCoudi. tien -aid tbe meadowe ahliag op tue, mil viih a few seamonabie valus haiveen noir and Juiy let bmeb"Y crop yl be &boire the vverage, SBomelarmera put lu thelz corn bj ibm middle of April. The gmpuud vas coid and -wesanmd mû remnaiuMiaid as manj plmmimi deep, tbe warmntlh ef bat lutile min we hba-Idid net peustnate te lb. undi, aud ihroiied lIbm. greupi and mieverlcamm up andtfi"ib ha vnte- Omnted.,L The fariner wbo vas wf»m. profied ljy tb. patexperience aid allai till the te wus ime chance of vas, mbehr and plaàtmd lhlm cern about MUa 12 boa been evardei b> a fair stand. 1$ In e m low, basanasof the continumi ccli aid Imomi> nighie. and looka jellow, b*t vithvarm wmtber and a reasouble §asoU wlîh rainapropery isibatbta, a corn BUILDING MATt$L Xi price.anes ighi augade good. ,Wbtber you 1*. op no et mmt>*ur"e. P-PRI . . unosau baru AM a ~-.w..-.--- la f-ou butO. are bOMs, mattes -ro euml w. AddrmIL BOS=OU 1. - . . - . p4l4 fil .19 JE - . 1 1 . - - -- 1 ii la l ý . .11 111. 71 .11 111 v 1 .- 1 t-- am UV« AAA- 9 T6 JF4