!EENLY SUN ____ - . Omti e 15814 scniptioDus, printi 99, esà Lact setculat 4q to Ueo, pévu braiers-as «#p 4A oi n fia MtWuia 3 thm rs lIaock Irv :80 whea eno;ia pasvof loi i 8:<9 Vsw tew m t th@ nabbesy et 30~ ~ ~~~~f thnodfagn ifv lit. the luton isbel UlMve e luidins twova atamm bot 4Soi larobbint lie mailajev- .tbepon.id bu a1d 40M o et ven a"ecgtv lshl aleel ai aau moausio scee "0 a a V 1W)F lois lcethéW part 0f be- eoc stSk aooetiaitui. ,Itl Iotic*m oai volsvsoa t 1 lU o abot mi affl oI t allai - Uiôèjtod tu 10Ç siy Ir ii>>V ose «leds Vimaoe itWas Pffible, vii cns r mosemoloyai ila tie atro avaltits an "«odue 'rwl>Vers 16& Mew lR*hery Teck Place. Becvfesn 6:3» apd about 7:15 the people vIa were ongaged ut tle atone voie Robert M. Ingalse, ane ofi lime ow- nets, ud lioard Haines and. A-. E k- 're", oenkIa Th ea te ic trc ai ténnvetc out et sepper. 1,11 Ta Roeret Ingalla came a insucid -about 35, dnestd lu as, lavculY mm-n9 aurasd rougI appoasina. Wllbeut laitnq Io valked ta lthe1 nez of tUic store sud asic tan 'vl>- Mr. Ingalla lft»rbMei lia fat tls stings veto un la, the iront 0f Uic store sud mcdo tovaris Uic.. At the a»Me Ume thec-man uaid -le vaut- 04 mmepiaograim lhmpltes, suyvsy. Ticplates ettahlb bahuitIsth whm tChersW.'. e wa. %Fbue Mr. luqalla vas attendlng ta iS.mm, cleni Bravm u s aitlug1 aisa man ut 50, dtout sud proeper-1 ou oa ppeang, vIaovas lcailug et soucs Overware. Clork Haines va stteudlng tva va- man. ai» loainu etilvervare. 1 mile aUl bsec ai ihes trésatache vnikaatias ae l teculenie. tIc 'Am mo e al Containes aor a*oopllce c 8 1 t m-i* du t» aIdai1 "t'ie cleverues eofthIe Voit sud the 9 siM n of a ceawtm tb»lIaiIlrequrei elep il. eeniré,affairsas fIe claver- est wnes' douée eeas voll ahe rg- What "k saiIer DId -' ere l-iavîathe mnir htief did: C~lepayomeh iucî n.- 0. Smet Whcu evsry, attendant lu a tb to ad lhWebaiclsturued,e ime ut to toi' acomp-e ef- c ur seed lu throgh thse o c opscn deen Islehas mt yet bai a- 6 e uiecreeup.W4U> a e WaIodel sght or ten fset te a o a two ftSt lnqngod« esc.lsIng o a belmnd 'the ousIs. where Uic o o disuicids asre pt . -e e Opéiâ ~ithce«»a nd teck euta * the lM" n ara'ew oisai ts'y o ogccnaîiMthe, dipiand rings. 0 9oute swy VIUee témry e e wtheut being doc.vsroe 0 Diacevered ut 9:80 « ThIA-losa ai thc dismond vawualDo 2discovenci outil 9: 30r, vheu C. F. sud Robert lugalla began la pack avay Uic stck Qi 1the store roa the tapa ofai the eountcnsi 1 Aft tIo tim\>o theI actuel rabbery there vera cnhds paing sud repaua- lug,,lIe stare. TIc olrba sud membena- ailIe flm ro vateltul -auldiligent, bul the tIbîim lp;v tuai a long chance sud Vo vouot, lu -a ltîx nSd a&Most un- iclievabie manias' olf e qm Renard ThcXlisai, hlug u't once ae Uic siara ta tloepohlce and Chefs Conal Tourg Bffai.> sIv Wvî«b th" ver on gassite pMeott diatuniauce, ti plat-lu a sl«loeim nItt teloarplilma aMd tcemoi>Iag a4aqtlei 114 -afthle arlles Ipicu to isicigu,,Milwaukee sud alber places. Wihtva sund a ait ichuW ta>ai bovever. theehoascies 0( "OUptUme i lt anorsuY oneQ e tour40 oeoap- lices ame alla sud lté eliem. Tne lraofi 1ng0llaofteas$1,00 ne. vvd for rsecovrv aofpe9«e Setirs the Ciy. Mec robhéty 4S0h place go qsaleîlv -e i at ~ure of the Uicft Iasdly muât. imt'.p sipU uûmiltheicnov#a pnpee JWU "sal c'vtu00CU Ti>'hy *lIglo no masturba 0,1uD cdiiol t h fniîe parv tir f 5ne, 0 ai vison sXdWUev.d te lave Ices lu tIc inierually cheretplot te 1lItestoire. Tic lmant prtcvleâjieoly store lms lyrebbsl vs 88000Mai Uice o- Man se, * irlm rs ýeutored -lu lie nit sud lolcL TIseele ne- deuIl but t111thUInlu galle store tabicrvla Uic langeaI thc ett1v ever cxpcnlenced. The pont aoé-robbery nettcd only $2,200. Cîleis Coly sud 'Tynrel vanSd ail UaîurdairniaIt, Bunday sImd Sun- day ulitt on lIra case, the latter part- lclarlv asbin diligent effort ta un-ý carlI a lue. À police nelvini vae tîravu sbout bhe citY aturdaY nigît sud Bunday sud enerY pcrnau ha letie hd ta give su acounllug. - 1 Made Way ln uAtaomobile. I la le etlrly Possible fiat thlevez 0o cliver made lIeit escape lu a fait automobile or lIaI Uiey we». aIle ta, mule connections ont aifClîcao for the tan esst or veet toavonld speedy captu. Thons la na lusanane ona the large ataci aifge0s takeu, but the fia aof uingalie la siuctd wyul a league fiat empîcys fIhe mitions on le- hait ef jevelers vwu lae beau sol- bc4 d ithe'enfl amaciluery ai Uic lest poliesami btM«b Mirons la thc vend vIh le enguacd lIning davuUitheaobons sad meting ouIta tIoa tleir deets. TIers vere fev devejoumenta lu île $4.000 IngI$amlm gnndrobbiry tlila vwc14 allaugh Uic polie lave lai- ored tirely, the chances ai catch- ing the gang of huai Illevea fIat dii tIe Pb- amrsardcd sas smn iti- not asngle dulu unlsglt. I. Thcedlv vasuvpisd.over tes tle trsv and aller clucs ail IvrecinS vain a"i eveny passiblehUe ai inqulny vas fai- loved. Aisltnt Chiet et Police Tyrill ou Monday vetured 1he opinion that Il Su-a new msugetfjewslirv tlbyes lIaI did the Jo& sud liat thst they are comm.> ufrein th. -south te de msuy snch jobs prai-' ably. The Plukantonu began la womis ou îie case early Bunday. It la bolleved 1he job muet have t*ken tbe cracks a mentI ai' no ta - rams ue, such was ils clevernes. TIc lnay cotining the dîsmonda vas of thé laitkei type sud vas lu tIe show case vIen t ilbclouged whcn litolei. 'The laclced traya bave a sep- arate loch for each nov ai rings. The loch la releaicd, hy thc pressure or- a spng anly. The filet bhas ,c oane lu aI tht apen d0or, stoaped loy ualt ta le accu spd veut beblind the counten ta gel the Ina?. Thau, if i laaoPing, le gaI pa8s'"10alanafer-8elilug bacS lIe slow Case dýoa, Put the traY trote ils coat. thc rings ualtiullftg out hécause ai tle tray Iloitrsud, e.1111 etoaplpg. gaI avay vIilc lIe tour aecompiles mus- pected 'te lave becu lu the store pre- l.nded la, make perelasce. What AceelulleseDiI. *tesy storeoenphyceou Ie nom éÏBde o e tIc cqppopito et sud basic rm, the dlluSWuf casse aud Oaied fer artese Pmemais then tuèet leU-b"sefoab** iiSa hWaitlaîse t t he cae& Tlia the théef acled. Que aleged acomplice bouti vn.a lin Stulnansd phalagtapîlç lates.to lie naine at $0 cents. - --1 1 1ie»tva -vamen auspecci -aifbbat* lu ni tIc geme baugît a f evelgi laI Plu. The toutl ailegd accouaplice moe-s tyO louked at silVenvare sud lls nl he valli»«àndbis vUe lu to boy. FThc quinîci aaY bave' ma"o *snx ,previCUS triat ai fltheu*sierv Wow.Hv ht e aNO one w 5 nv-a. issu MM '. IVu . llt Uith an Sadar biscmswa cu, Plan 4t t. fnoinsl"ve Mlles of thé Tvao& faut>WUeed"a t gcthwsat. *M atOiÂlMi At ahté Qpeu New MW onimw iy lecceble parus of t1b * tiebits-4OOtuil of Plan maote It Lois Pius. Ywn 1»Wanida ta Pailatine sud Sf810 lob sud uelabborli!g couates ibre ---lu alîve vlI favorable seulm, tee.sdu a ov'ctrie project, e thies tiia stIc prodet l taxe. furlas~etD. Wynn plan ofa i D -tstram Wauiege. , ,thI inal net r"esf thiecfeeling lu tavor of an eléecîreonad té tis nov aiment Inaccessible porfion or Uic Ti- ciulty ai Wauiregas le-a- publie meet- ing called for. Wedueaiay niglt. âme 22, et1Cialland Pavillon lu Waucodé. Prominentmu tMe.s. As la vell Suavu, lakoly Rolent D. Wyonn lIe leai aifIe praject, sud Attornecy J. K. Omvis lave bren voni. fat Up plans felthe laie rod suc,, and lave bren mgsilg trips Uraugh Uic couuty aehing lajnteneel île pea. pis. Promu Waucanda 10 Palatines sud Vole feeling lu tavar of il. roni la rcdl hot, except lIaI the Waucandsus sud otbers desire sud lave the prom- iase th* Uicfitrotsretcl 'of, tIc pro Paeed laies rond vii le luilt le- tveen Wancanda and Palatine. WiliIOpen sarreis. Tîere le na, nesrly tlree million Idle money lu Wsuiegan, sud nsrl ecren -million lu Laies ad Mcliemry couintiea. Tbe peaple ai Wauconda sud'vie- lotir lave pramised tu apen lIe bd> rlii. or la tact maoch t4e besds off fi tIc rond vil! build belveen Waandi sud Palatine firrt. wlist Plan le. lu general Uic plan la la get 500 men, &long flic propased roule ta lvé$St or more on Ifsu ta - moa up, 8100.MOp veh terond vil lbeb et once sud attervarde pralably boamd- cd ta mskc otber links pointile. The rond vculd couneet With tle Nothvestet aIPalatine sud maie fiue connections for Wauconda sud vi- It la belleved vilbant doubt thIlt vith tIé enthuiasa bock ai Ibis plan the rouidvilispecdily le buil. rLAW UN mils .WILL Resty in Dlopesed Ct, but Permanaty la ëlalmsd te Have Moen Negllected by Mon Wha 9.0w wsMard Testa- ment lu Rsate oft1h. Lite Joeph Bo0tenstein af the North Shr- Case lnteroits Mauy. A case lnvolvlng the vîli ai tIe-late Jaeéph Botenstein af Laie Forest vill be submitted ta .'Judge Robent W.. Wright of Chicago on Fnlday alter- noan an argument. The decccasd left real and persanal pmopety valued a belveen lvcnty-five sud tbitytIV t Blind dollars. The vili vas- djs*nmbÏ a layrnansd somle ai the propcnti wae not described acetiratery. The; eai estate vas devised, but the per- sonal rolnaerty vîilt made up halit of the etate vas nol' devlacd. - JudgA Wright vii le calied ta decide vlmc, thrth il alegs! on not. - Lived in Illinois Sixty-gUx Ysear$. Mne. Sarah Corser of Beuton, vio dled Sunday monnug aI 8 a'clach o aId age, ladll ved lu Illinois far oelzf, six yearo adsud aian aId aud manch e. spected resideut. île vas bru tu !nclaud sud cea- ing bere llved mail oi bar licla inn toin tovnship, comlug ta lIat vlcliie about 1853.. -The Interment Wui made inLakea5 Mouud cemBtery. Relatives ame MM@ Gracs Corser sud as ister, Mrs. -lier- garet Stickuey af Bouton. Tlere ane mdnyycotheri. Molorcycie Racg fbr 4th A grand motarcYcle carnYIva la bès- Ina plaimued for Uic FaitîloaiJUl at the ULerty-ville i!njdi y Westernayn 1lavé»'sunder the manageMenmt a the V.A. M. ItleI planucdInl gel the bt rUin thl îecounutry tar fhl$ae t and MOa>v i Ilt largm anufao#4 éehave *caiy .sîgnfed tiitlateplion: or , uumm5 large eninie. Tier. fle a)oa. eibllty fIaI mini te UcJocial dera 1 WiU eter, but *Plauare'as vstratms BÀNKISUPIY COURT. F91mtiçsa utomiedieana laiave rIt "Il beIlgemlpUSpt.p tu lIes t leave1 hy the, 'sage &hma KaWÂY,4UJNJK re IW VaheableTips ton , vanisini for Artbur XePaiY ai Chicago lait thc * We Prinday attemnoan w" taî:tat If tliey dld o puld be forcIbl eJet- la ncessary. Thia b*htdly Suporvisar ça anMeyer. Audîlot Il bm ÀIcd up the amec myoxr Uic long distance ad iW1ved a message ta Lud 4 at »ibof the Sud. il nlSt for Chicago. 884 ostth11e tva auditars **y meal ýaud1tlng wvIl pexig dabbled ln tie boaks olusge ter the prpéc longka a timè vilt ýt lote tle audit oa, wiu tbi s ten years per.- 'ittIrmsan vhlcI Uiey O B k d h t. a m a a c thou"ver biydelci rbon mae by otler sud. 4. report galuci curreucy Ibis veei tisi thé' aUdites from the office of Antimur Pirng & Company fa a 8#,Sttiss l thes aiccunta ar thc cauat ote ahsdmnaugtIesorlUnIlme 1ev Vonuisa thc couuty boaks.. Net Anthonfle. 7%« repetieh iol eelreulèled vo*n sauthcntlc eud did ual state lu i" 01office calleged chatage ac- -.mii'Whillcai vran aItîe court bouse Uic auditars variai au thë io irvaor lIree ai the couuty ai- rs essal a, dt.ultary mapuer aud ton -ha th1rgenfe report la not believeil by ibmanybo esaret tIlt sud sa large le , ge'onuld ual be tauni lu so ohme a tlflt. 1 .1Pert Iluah Punil. - Anetil,' report vmicl galued cm- culatioù.tm iii veck vas that a fotnd of $1,200 vss ralsed. ly vbaa il vas«0 boted. lta hnlng about a clinte Q acutment, sa that thes u- dit ceud olle pet Ibrouglunutil tle Beptamber m«tlthlie board. SÀ&W WAC' 9NIS out MR CLPERK Not la ye^u m.ai a palitical annoan oemeuL~btdt<recîi vth greater fan- or 11h Uic ailiincmmenot Mosdsv by James L. Uvayer, thai le vili hé a candidate for county cleri. Tht annauncement coaca becauit tan s long lime many people lave aiS, cd Mn. ivayer tb maie lime rausud ho la really.fulflllig a publie dnty. . Amin ofI rreproachaîle clanadten, a straugmai, sud au bancal, a Cap- able -a miad nce vbo vSll put the peoples lneets cven tonemoat. bit mnauncemeut ls meeted vith vide- sPnead fanon, sud tîcre la ual a doult whateven of bis popui4rity. Ames For County Clarks. Auathen announcement ai greatlm-. Partance lu lIe same race le lIat Fred E. Ames vilile a candidatc fan Wauegsn, Man who viliibW s Con-j didats for Ceunty Clemis. Auueuucc- ent Deiighta Many Frianda More sud cauuiy cltrk. Mir. Ames la fthc present very capable cauuty treacUrer, sud ha aiea scrved as deput>' tresauren. Hie la Su able business min, sud a ncery papalar yaung. mi, vho la ex- peetBd ta develop greal utrenu5b. 1 Tbc Ames annauncemeut le ual inaie aflIilally, but fan Uic, pét day -or me o lb ui Ien lellng tinedi 1151 he vouli make lIe ru vile a very cloefindconfirmas thcne s OlincandIdates'for the amc of- lic0e are Ltv Henese, Rirain gt sud Miles T. Lamey. WREKLY AfEALTY IRKVI. The. Lake County Tit1.10Trust comps4n,'irepart oifIt chaosîesIt taubteor atlie vece lfng-e.Baiu I- *-* of Instruments*14., 8 ... . .. . . . ~12- ~ TU PiMERAE' SupervIser. Voe Down Report te RalasRa0 cf Sboard af Revlew Psy te IMI a Psy, sumidoceede te VIak Il $440 a 9conteIIam s Les« y4frBridg$!a to lieslit with the Bltab 04M Aid MOntr by Veo. Theo pracedinaof thUicboard af isupervisons Satnnday uaturally teil lu- te tîrce great division. TUc main eter., vers-. l.-On the buas oa isesalutlon iF Oupsmvlims'Claie tIe board d*cldc te bdll uSture ocounty bridgelau- derti e UPWVhIOIOMet the stai* brud- de'u apector' taorce,sud &fitar plans bridge inspectoe forSae.d after plans meeting, wItb Instructions for the saI> aIld auditlug comnlttca taaSt bide for lime'audit. The bide vil! be Oï-e e roirt day of Soptember, ln the ape* board, sud the conîrat wvi thon le 4t. co .-hmmile lu iii repart Sat recmmuendad 11151111 board ai reviev r ",eiv,, 5 aday as lie rate, but Uie report adoption vas voted dovu; and flumlly thé bard de- clded t a py Uic sanie aulait yoar. g upivisor Deacon apingd Uiat Uic supervlsors, vIa ,el 13 a day sbauld recelve as mucb as Uic board of te. Brown la Made Oounty Doctar. Dr' Allient E. Brovn 0f, Waukegau vas, again avariied the conttact for count y doctor vank by Uic board af snpervlaors Prday morini. ,Beven bide vere received. The Brown bdvas tIc same au lent year. $1,900 far thc county dactoring aud $100 for tbe county jli! van. Supery!sar Wynn made tb e matian tîat reeuited lu thc TIie second term as caunty doctoç cornes ta thc Waukegsu physicisu le- cause of Uic able manner n luvIic l'e ad"Isnlaered thc office durlng the lait yean. At,,thé supervisors' meeting Thura, dsy lbe opinion vas etpreàied fat Uic 'saler rent for the year o? I384.70 vas tea bligI, altbugh the ralc dbartg. ed le cansidencd law. The bill of the Noth Slanc Gao Company vas cul from 898.50 ta 883U.50 sud Uic commit- tee auon lnting etthle bill of Uic SUN Printing & Publieblng Compapiy from 8120.10 ta 8115480. CtM~4OTRAIbED Clalnma lIa Mysterlous Mon Namsd Peaot Came te Mim-and Offored lit Mahine mmuulty bath If He Weeld Instali PesaI Mqdhinti, But Iliyu9Ne Dscined snd Along Came Old Man Trtwbls. Edward C. Haward af Fox Laie '*>bdli iufdrvleved ycsterdsy after- nooassaeented lIat le believes le las bren made tbe vctim ai tle îlot ma. chine trust for nefuslng ta put tîcin machines lu bis nommer resart St Fox Laire. Mn. liévard dlaims tîat a .man Ulngý Pesot vIWrho le tiacî, represents the filpuIVIil'ii onateà most ofthtIcmachines$*ifi tIis' qounty on a percentage basie. Han'- sort i as'heen afipnogched repetcdly by the trust rtprescnitattve. but bas ai- ways refused ta pult lu thc trust ma- chines. WIen tiret approacîed ly Uic trust agent several years ago Howvard sya lie vas told ho vuld lie guaranteed l mmuntyt3 ram prasecutian andl that evenylIlus as "fixed." The trust machines are aperated on a 50 per cent lias, bait of Uie receipts gaiug ta tle trust Sud thc aller lIto tahUi man vho keeps tIheumachines. Wben le retuoeil e wvs. lId tbat be would bave trouble.. Comparatively rccently Mn. Hpvard, vIa le an old saldier, purcîaaed five machines. vbioli le clainis ta avu, sud says lIaIt tey arc vortm $1,000. Il lo aiea rumared Uiat tIc trust tma- chines . veenôt toucheo li thUi raids sudt lIat Uic ovuers wvee tppcd off thal Uihe orir vascoamlng sud Uiat all ai thc machin«s vere om*ced bW- tare Slerlif Griffu srrlveil ef Fox Lake. Mfr. Hiovard statcd lIaI le la vllling ta dea"st ram opersting alot miachines providlmng othérs tamslo restraineil, but claîis It la entatUiat bis machines aboutiS le caufiscatcd sud trust machines sud icepora givon lm- muaity., Deal for Mearse Delsys Vtl4ral. Willun Glenn Vallys. overseer ai ZMon CdIv. wnôv au ncbue, or ratIer, C. W. Saillie,-an adberentj owus one, tarccd to boy il i7 PolIra. To secure tIe conveyauoo-7 of lIe dead Voliva Interrupted fanerai ser- vices he vas cancluctlng oser' tiE lady ai Oliver C. Puai, bis former deacan,, vbo died lu agou aW day ulgît tram the offecta 09 a ritticaaS bite because le roinaci modiosiet- tentioù n lu cordance VithIdels réli- fous blets. Vohiva StOPPcd 81e ouusof 1Uic I ady to a afna eIlglio p ,cOU"TZ :n PART ONf$1.50 PEU troduced commerclalism junta .Ue bur- t fo rites. because an Indepeudent, therefore bis mortel enemy, was driv. lsg the bearse. Tho tunera! at Deacan Pugh vas bold Tbhursday*ternoon from ZMon ToiaCle Oerseer Voltvacpreacb. ed the Sermnï. The. pal-bearere had lut borne tbe coffin out ta the. watt- ing -beai.,.heu lthe startllng climax Came. Voliva diecavered thaât tbe Indepen- dent R. S. Johmsan vas du tbe box of the'beurse. Thera arc tva uinder- ta"esg ros le, SMon. Th MoisO>- Opflve autmrag Assocaton, wbà* educ4 n nde.fla u e U nousa a "lolue. bad been given tû aeabecause t I'&s VOIIva conuay. But it rcnted a - seue trom the Arm af Hopkins sud John- smm, independent tindertakers, snd Johnsan drao eIl bimse!t. Voliva haîted lhe crtel. Juut su t vas atrtlng frain the tabênac.1l sud rtlred ta the. churcb égain. No ule- pendent sbanld drive the body af ane, etb Oývqýer* t the cc f deacans ta point ont'la Jaonô.lth utter lmposalblllty of hie position. Johnson fiatly relused, to abdlcate. fte owfled tIbearsffe, ho Mid; tht- fore. lie lad a nit tadrivé Il snd be lntended ta, do sa. The deacang vere filled wllh con- sternation. -Il looked as> tbaugh thc tuners! muet bc pastponed igIlt tere and loecontlnued lu a "second sec- tioni.1"w But Viliva proved bimmeif capable ta cammuand tIec situation. lMe started ta tai business vIth .Johnsonas soan a" le bid recclved the report ai bis deacont. Jobusanwas tu gareoetkve maad, Sud saon lad sald bis hearse St a handsome profit.l'ben hoé dmn1- ed trom the box, as u a nObeedcd by C. A. Suttle, s staunch Voliian. vIa vas the resI ptircbaser af 111e béasse. Vativa condncted the ceremoleS At the grave. CUl IN T*CS flolivnssan nauntement af a cut ln ment pricea by th1e pubersa new price lst of drcssed bêeet vas lu forte today. Thc reductien, bovever, affects th* cheaper cute,. vIlle 1the brieof athle more expensivo ct bas boeen dvaae- ed. Herc'a a Ust showlng tIc changed prices: Cents No. 1 sud 2 beef rib ..1440184k No. 1 Sud-2 beet licns ...17 014 No.A3 il. (redoced 1 cent)., 8 No. 3 loins (reduced % cent) 9% No. 3 rounds (j cent laver).S No. 1 elucis (j cent lover). No. 2 clucke (% cent lover) 8 No. S chuclce and No. 3 plates (% cent laver... .71Y&083% Oldae tCarpenter lu Lake. Ca.Dead *ed W. Hangebrtanci ai U. LaX couuty and a former deputy abenlf sud tovu officiai, le dead Stthle sue of 80 yeans, the cause beln a#. a~He bas been a citizen of. wauklegsn for aver eity yeara, tageller vith Mrs. Hangebrauck,. vIa survives Ihu. lu addition lie vai ane ofthîe tounders sud a llfelauumomber oathtIc rder 09 German Worinigmen, whicb, altbcemal canfIned ta Waukegan, leaonc of the vealtbiest Insurance benefit arders lu the, cauntry. ho funeral vas held et 1:30 sun. day tram the reidence sud St 3:30 tram ltme Germn ulltaiorcd clitrch with Interment St Oakvood. The death tools place Tburaday Diglt. TIc survlvAra hostides the wldov ame the folloving chlldren* hase (Mn;. Bers), mallie (lira Morrisan), Binas. <lira. MarrlsanY. fred, Ronry and John. AUl reside lu WàicSa I"i 111eexception 0f lits. Ema oineau. HSOT DAY HgEALTï4 KINTS. 01ve baby plentY at vater. Heat tic mllu là cheoièe. Rest ail the miii lu bot vsstber; 1h51 tar adulte as velI as lIaIteo cldren. Give ilailSmat OM, e. coecam ai mllk la bard to dilâet ln bot vealb- or. Gond butormli b la e for babies ln hot weather. Cut davu UthcqusuttY on hot days- Keep everyUtleuan d tregi.. Be careful atm<«utlics. Kcep 8the- out ai the hontae; >Seep thon away tram baby'. flfo;tram toood and o4 stufs afor very 'nd. - Train in Laie týr end Inquest DOI>voleutp. mg & on TraIet Obeyed hMs«64t FaiIed tae Slow Whestle et$4!A garons Nattaweteru res <FrointWednesday' s Wly Sua.> Thme tact lIaI Narthwentem raw tlraugb Lake Foretare ul ot pie ted taew v hIstles at the oadM due, ta a proteitlf et icmllluI« tIaI Uiey muet net le ditîbd 1'~ sleeping bouts, bacnoeut a 1 l it, cumretly -Diort$£d: The li îris laai ofReaS 00, wvI vas rqn dovu 1v a traila oeBuds nigît sud lnjnred go lIaI abe lied. lit la sal fIt ecgmerms lave bO i»nuta hé laid- ouffor Iloving-trsb vblstles vtlthe àicciy limite, TIc testimany Sà île main lovete> tIl Cam tisa 0db hmad sîster luIn os la cuicaeo a brother In HulmhaM'od ad ab er parents ncsid laSu Svoe. É« m vas 28. sle vie exeepflonaîte pftt ty sid lad -been vorilng <1*'tUie . Wolf tsznlly tanrulv In hge *esz lier left leg vu, braSes, ber Wk ara vus slaltecdsud Uiche >Iiw W5 brniien. The englue eumler wvaSU Q s sungfup vas dais 0. . neTicl 'mtpx etoSry, la id bereate. Whort #a Moeins Masnt' Thc story goes that the Ioadlgt tram & atreet Cres = 'Icrurblis ne -blhltadc On fi. ah. w va nle toe me tmin ring v*lle a slarp caine béoi Scrsiacslngi roaced , adefi tte 0*«- 'The tan mcWasul te np lt bq lum aible segnber vilà aei~ bao slowS atthate Y, tcttlan qae sid Il. baid'l ve t n ls Àe il~ uw en, e eeq aq U vas44 ott> e ain!ds wei u anc éetic:Mba eS. 1Oýtb4 tara.W More o * en or qhé 'be vau rcmmtalpaayeesy. 1 «g ng ttrl" mlié%ez *a e l I sId. Thogirl et -lon> the spat baumd traci mAd vateocthtin- *95a enpgue' aptirosol vlwtheut. PO-OtY inovlug'vliebl mack the <lin wu1 Comlug ufon. s1W rami iglt ilu kw ai il. Tbcotboras lIpals eeelS emplayed ln Uic scwly opsned4*a'v* pis af thme ibléago, Milvuls.q et.. Faut tslltaedaI Spaulilea ammst lnutily lUIllO BaUnlY a lernaps,g4 v steppiluron t t ai* MZ[giujollet suddBastenu svc it- gine nt Uc. erassing ai tmg IV. MIW roads êI Spaeidlng. Thte omro'sjuy exaurated, lw englue oe, Suad blanicd tUic t" an Uihecls'.carelesspeca. Inceet VAS C. Paulcy i et l a4 lic Uromanu sDan Waukegls. DL Thc lpdy ai thc deai Orca 14 talesIoi. UiunderUtau 41 v ý B»XoC am boM »MUM bo b&# oly been eaIhelit>p~ ottb êcoie tIre pgnvIe " - 14aUasLin OflB et