Ilevedto 0have been us»O t he itb4livý e s vho, on satunday, robbed tue ev. en.lry store a( C, P. ligalUn & Dm>0 -ý" ey- - wauaogal,'ot ezamSouca orta ,uW. Wouii ps~é~~ .saj'ii tu' lui* TIM.machins bat basstanilgsllnaM PlI' dIAMOS&4111108qaM Tliiil any lu th, . res' fa roonu ha omme dar, a"i- one cl» 9 pareti ouly to bA.*ra~ ptiterbotter cas on et. clair street, betvsn Ou. aid »M eti thes ivo élglifcant pointa: Ontario streeti, for severldoius. Tii. lTbe diseovery o! tue emptiedOti iso 1--ame4 that up f0 UaWurday two dbmonring tray la tue fossey lmm men and tvo vomen, awNanr tush ber iétds tiis morning, audd lis, propristor, had beau rooming tuere. tige.identiication tMay nmenelier1 .Satiy hey dlsappear.d, -leeving ÎWathte takers orthte tismoqis an the antomobtie, sud the police bsdl So n.Bdy tot.>~somtiswefor e etor een vatchtbg it @5in o.,iOU the et be6"or ha teya_ M g on aud vomeu Voeldt7*rehn forIL11 de" th ", ereaan t hé vuér ,'MarUty this mo<fllag jýwant je th te.o.'.. trmerfre.api-lby tbe mmi 3.i-C, . Insanes declaret Thmsduy and inM- "&uht ar<ila It9*0 t>soit Icgilsat h.oila r«« t ,msgotîate for eu"5 sud a tmatitr rcèhtf tue retn of thegeins, ait viEpay Two tien aM tvo voMsMare SOP' $1.6000 auntigamtee iumuity tthe a. oed te have iaeéitaîmplcaffliti u 1 takera. rhi»iery of tmgai,.üstre T -e c .«Cao deelop. - Tpour Chicageo roie arountier sur- w7h. dcs lita ti. sudpet q s-vouos ,iy Chicago 1detlectives Whbo 111 scb.utrtiussudiemou vevo hope te bale u te socure evidence the tisýoveni of the. liayon the top of vhicia viliregmitla uuujleatng them S Pile or lumber aet hfussoy'yau'ds vifti lthsrobiaof 0<the Iray o! dii. et Sing aid ciaytowstnssts ilu'ik- OlidtWfsm-tlis1099i Brothers store. gAD se the, discovery of a my$îerlolsDsîsesufreur tithefiuikerton agen- Mioen aut.inobui<r by tue paob4e aid «,,Ucaopli ceý are bot on Chicago who bU*yot't the-ngase- diamonti rohbers anti Chîcgevhob.icyehatticIngliswili lot le op the. searcb until lie gem enatchers usight have updthle Cflsnbab ânat luaeti anti convicteti. machine lunviiich to-make a set m'var. A1-S1 A iLuimber Yard. ilîmil o0" Theeey. .1 At sruh earch of thieHussey Amohertheri a tâta5%ell ' Ployeese, vio hopedtute discover more «V a sama of scWIaboys tank the sn teUl 0 Immitg diamonds thers. Vie le'M atatenate glak s cati sec, ami g,,ound la tus ilclity of tue spot fiat riuey arenowv ýu-vosver t h sre lie trair vas discovereti anti t&Un an w1h t rétm te gmetue $18 ring tounti ba been canefulli takig at vii e rtur li. gais raed At vîthout resulîs. Tits a s-viiitue Inga% M n 1w Asatrian Pounds-Ring. lustruet» the.lacrt&%pc tu ei ns Joseph Scubal, an Austrlan. employ- S t*0 neart man l box, or relurusi! at the Houey iuher yards tMua thm lua my oier vay, &ti dam the, morelug toldthte full sabry o! the uti- *îAlu lacash. îumuonty in abls uar.- no!f11, $18 tii;mondti ng.uHe founti anteeti. oc lt i t hree feet o! the spot Police a te01. mien, the ovas dscoveret early Tiie police are un- possession of tie Vhuraday momning. The ring vas tacta about the fSuding of the Iray, laying li tue duetahetiaite Of lie but lite the et.are as much la thc %lm IScubai round ti ioietook ilte dinhs ever. and eau mcrely ait tigi t ho saloon eor ol"ciek on soutu asd avait developuents. They wiii Genesee atréet anti gave Il, he dlaims aot matIfthelazens arereturmet vMintoth iiaaoomkoeer. Scubal saiys h. ie rMags. *thoUopsilt vma a ebp ring of!the itint giq« ial ay-1Snti. 2He bas ne * l »s nv~lin marcescof the echidreft Of hie o0"an" tot l'olsu. 1uUeÉ âlul »MMsef aver made vith c5l M~ Il: th hW 1baby. tu P. veek. and lic tray vas placet A e pty ntuer arvic ht tu tubi an open anti Obvionls spot tuat Aueen Picty on tc svic biae b se nus ookt for 4t theraeat ail. .Unload e otainet a bed matis of ps- Oit Thsery veniatiso. paier coiiig t. Seuhal. lHe notticet tuis vien b. cieedthtu aron wec- Tie tioveny of thuenls ring uesday igit mal b9tôre h. fouet tic -tray aIetHusscya -iumber. yard Thurs- tlimond. Itla lo c 1epor-tedthtathle day >bas ciaettue satire os- Police rout a vig la lhis car, vbieh POUotei local cas. The tueory mai have been uset for a diagulse hi fiat the tileves got avay lu Mn auto. tictiamwbitietf. AiMl dotils couicer. mobile or on the ralrotIimmetiatl imnlug Iis tilsov.ny bad been carefuily en thee cmpletion cf the job. vanlah- & _________the _ouce_._ me funtti air. Dovies Brother PlIa N ew Church Mai are inciluedto believe liant t Bralierd, itna., Joué 24-Btsbop vas tue vont Of SOMinloca R aRf- Scirader cf San Francisco anti Bisions fies" or at lesat tiat tiers vas some James Alexader Devte of Chicago, Jouai accomspile. 0 he et a soclety stylet hi theu the. It a vry lea tht l wa th wo)ý Divine Catuollc Churci o et inca." Il l ver dea tia it as tc v r nivet ln tuis ctiyesterday anti lefh of more than on. pensun, anti t inay for pequot. lhe that ville lie actuel robsry' vas Blsbop Dowt, la a hother o! the late carriesi out bi ont of lown peuple vho John Alexandier Dovie. Scinader hav prbaby lft oWnby hléUm atateu 1ha1 be anti Dovie have uniteti if Dot oq Satunday ui;ht carr)iuig the "Zion di," saiti Dovie, "bas seen geme vililisthe inhooItium. dis- troublons limes. I au maktng a dlaim tant manket, tii, îray ttseif vas iot nov for the Interests pÔssesseti by wlt h oa opâeta holiea eilmi aebohe n xec ob uc- someviere . i.~uslae enful un tue lîtîgatînu 1have cous- vieheewere il vonît be roîud menceti. Frous Pequot ire.shall r,-! anti tu, police thereby b. put oiftue turn t. Brainerd and lien veil Chil- right trai, as tii. local mes unsioht. 1cago, ?New Yomit anti Boston." edly bas veli hitide hils part ln he - tueft. j, Wiii try Wlngesai Laite Forest. There are numereus ,Ibeories lan.reL iAerlal boraebact itiig y a Chica- I gadtu thé case in thei air today, anti toamIateun usountot on a more or les' gant e tamet biplace is the'lateattraction severml amateur tietectives here have te the horse, show, as annouucSd by signilledt heir intention cf seeting the tue Laite Forest oommatto li charge proper solution. O! 1h.e qWbieexhuhtt "at aies place Hov Tray Wus Peund.i. nuvee Ia teoieMrb The tray vas founad,tue tep ef a more lump a&VU train Sa fotIils heap of luinher Thoretay mormIlng asti mo, er lkes-v *lm. bolvas by Frankitog114.rath iiener t attue tue *,at" andthle sM h w u vsund.- yards, anti young SarIl iussey. Tiicy ertaiten by th. e lnttee sIen it bat vere t voit wsii ueî onileredth le pessiblw-aeimmt of wreturkwelp terau adres god antomoPi»»andfa a haes tue trai aIheto 6fe ile.TheyI cneltve to lne audgses. Soi et once notillet. hi. polio. tuibing 10 enlicemnts ame ratber tilts, andthte viat the. Su meait, and Robert M.i coMmInttee bas resOivedt teha up tu tbe andi C. V. Ingallea attrwarda ts iei cofrmsvi1lmS e% tue~~ ~ try.Ci 1- aet for des biplanesit It la the tienUtrtay lu which tueh ui.uesM,0 icet e th* ta rings dsappeareti andi b" the lok ta ialW osnloa1 etuite i Win o 10otry tuoir vingu b«Oore springs on on' aide. Th.55, tosa*etite im set tn-tii. opeoug of ,1h. vlth the naine or tue maiter, matie Id- show. The ltct iaI ic oreaaf euitigc.tion péssubié. O &M ati ot ifu-fledged I[teafi rockt. Any Ceommotion H4o Ioued mas lending extra oharm ttu e Naturally thersarem, 41 Srts of performance acxt wvask. spectilatoni tifs, anit eue et the «i:i remaritable la tuat--tie atolen Staru i M*UrtCycle Races. Juiy 4. automobile tuaI vont turougisWwei. ITvo Jeu"e et so iotolele races egan according t.> tie Chicago ponts;truc uit day. Jitly a. anmiModa iaigiit have been uUsefby lia hlu«sj ull 4. TIaêsveta. which yMl pipi te- »Jace tue tray l Ine l*0Ilumiér Of the groel tlocal lateneôl, *M ib. po as a signal liai tue takirs *ve t »A Ot c nJoli 8. vhcli ait e "Y ti negotiatlons vIil tb ted.tO 'WI\k «4ani lité eob th roi bue.,u-rhw eam mis am ofiqMsags- m iombera o! hli finsareanxsis tÈý ýl hacithte dIaMOnts antiM 't'e4geveni effot inia tte -Tb*. Automobile Clue. lîlaeVTuraaîmomnniugE- Raco grbuce 01 t amiutChicagol ieet UM ea qly Ibis moX!rnîpa "eeiw - 5-à<uaêilereemtlr aloIs.#MI ý.<LAKË OUqTy, Iia hT, JUL,? i 7-16 PAge 'Airot tiue ad mad beauti meano nfsheer en- Caasc ~il ajJoymentthe, IbSh land 1fillene,. eA* b e CimvgW*k.. The. 811W e lm1-the only down Il "ollo-yte sl»st carnivai ownbusime.s liWOUg tiiat weut te = &in* ti et*rs of0<th* 0ity. tihetrouble .of!B ar etensive deceloa. Soiiwday Wl-cW Ing of the tioji=4a *4 11 * I PW1$of the. peuple, 4oeon fi 0<tlic*fiUVII, oofttti batil, ail favorable pjê flatterlug, voté sd4 onsai ihdUp t usnivl wok no~g, thie labor. The wlhm nkhutAt li atlory C Armory. grat al s Onthe front Of the. Orest c«0»44 tirongod MpIne park bufldhzg, Styl Mwithb budreds s 0f . Mouday on the. occasion of Wauks-e- ctric IllbtS*sé etirined wltk -ban., sd*as troueut loa.e deyWaukegan no na andozqdluong nt eu~ fa Ille. 1%ê. record of ,the. erowde of bunting trous t" ~of, the U bi ieady iat that0frIat yeor which find cuj' b=ond th ii. bilV t ralTyear d rn hc 0ft l gtié 'e fi m bl Psarit. e Ieti Wau -liu uit anames .lte 190 n thetr gala 4sistu' ewt] svsa* le etuwof ti* evat be- W vereubt -06»4ia ,qe.tIi.nuusiiestbat sMnded vas tlg ê e frb o the. *iol iest.pirit of holiday and tui sy dy. a s rc&Mand lucaudog. nuerry m 9 M g usfet. Notbinglaut cent Ilampau. ut on»tirr e oglan1u- amlles and lauiter could ho noteti ln Our ovéteht aruul sene that lured 1 ail thé, vaut tbroni tiiat fled from dar- tbm n oaège t Ing ride to refreahmenut booth andThé'f yoif PMUpl psrtlcularly h"d froni bot In *tiifoîuaela the eveingi viien,mas Ail Kidse ofShows. duru; the. day, thereo vsno net pro.t The, concessions, the ritiing devies,.gam.d anti the siiové vere arrangeti about the central dance - pavilion at the Raines tract lai the forn of a hall Wh.I5 1h. Carnival sa Locatet.. 1 mo<a -that raP clear over loto the. On Washlugton struet-etsnr fields. coanty seront Md Sheridan, ru& Here beginnlng wltii the dance plat- On %Mfkarend bstwô.n Wchfntr tonus anti pavillon,, wbere refreab-ton Sis WMtr ethlita.......... monte vere serveil there were ranged On Water obitM etsw.saa, one aliter anther- threatnlcal attrac- rond MW CÇeUtY atrot." tions andt reaks. oce cream and lunch Velolvon laprotent fynus- soin et0< stands, wbeels of fortune, spitilea, the. merchiats of nortii Gonesse. tro.,t pouvenir stands, cane racks, anti Cv- and reportel threated InJunetion iirything oes that goes to make a prooedlngi, the Waukegan Dagy OPM- great publie festival a busy scene. 1mtions and the. Chlcago'Expoultion 1 There mnuet have been one hundreti Shows Comnpany bave agreeti upol the. and fifty different type. of attractions location s.t forth ahove for tii. boca- on the, grounds and ail through the. tion. of thse cirivai attractions for thu dey aIl of lthem i njoyed good business. WO.kfi The. main attractions were a freak lIastOa of the. carnival atractonsb show. the, Parisien modèle, tbe bouse fron tiie park being net up Tussday of mytery. the ladiy boxers, andio thi. boues posset lauraungfsa.ud forth. and no on throsugh a lengtby cat aîotu.~b>manyt tag wit mrcantsanad the.noir Due omn andi varjous rossons, Tii. tente, estan d various con- one of whicii s htin, Chefalo, cussions ame golng op reapidly now t the loop the. loop rider, ti.heihppo- Md no >bu flon lapera have beaun troue.aid Juanita. the.danie and lie Issu"d toliowing the, rstirement of the chasm rider, falled te, get their appor- carissi tran f Gfo.nesse Street. a atus op and ln action et the park, but MI l na U. Kit lok stbough the. bedi thies e veail 1instajioti dovu t.wn. tangle lbas sas traIOteneti out st-f Ohut Up Gàts.lsfactorily. Xmsy'dayitiiat what kick- One of the fiaet thinga that the. chair- Iug bas beau done. sbould have beenc man of the general comnitee did! wu% doue three weeka agot andt te.anver t. lnspect the carnivalqjSl tOP matis la that tiiete q no chance. to bottern .tbatàl ýi" ,C, I elean and decent and thb iî e4l ahTi~W played gave a -nsu a show l1or bis . <~ole noly, Asistant Dey. (illyVilC anager Bobard- Tbir,. or four gasies were foundt bfuir 510 Wtdu4hig thse carnival attrac- b. too strong for any place tbis side c tios closely and any faill games or thie vilti vest andi vere shut up at anr ohlectionable shows willIllie ahut onc, with a warniug trou State's At- Up at Once. torney Dady. who deservea credit for Tiiere were evers] arguments b.- the prompt action, that reaumption tvonmen who wlabed t.oOpen UP at- woulti menerrent anti fine for the. tractionsO and gai« nesdutthe caznvaJ l operators. manager Tuestay. but the. mana-e Tbey suid avay. ger wa fin and the gameo yul not f Soin, of theni managed to gel a gooti OPen - wasl of money. Mlonday when the Waukega.n Day Many of the shows were founti to comitte. claimedth le evluaive re-d be of lhe usual carnival type. not rank tresubaent rlght the managrprodnced9 or objectionable, but lust about on a hus contract ahowlng that no One iiadb level vlth mai tu b. seen at White the exclusive riglut, but tbat bota Cty or Rivervev. couild go aheati ant ili refreshuenta Several ateratlons anti additins'of ail kintis. Tii, sale offie creaun,9 vere suggealeti anti the shows were hamburgeri anti reti bots provokéti the ai]Il lneti p to what is believet by lhe arguments. committee to ho a gooti standard. Schardlng Brothers' Unitedi Expo- The shows and other concessioni sition Shows met wthb opposition al- anti attractions ail moveti dowu tovn mont efenywbere Tuesday whien t early Tuesday ani are no %.en- they sought 10 set up tie carnivalb cainped on the down town streels, shows upon the dtown tOwzi streetà with the. aceptiots of the. hippodrome and on vacant lots.a anti otier reajy 'lg one@,'whicéae The. most violent opposition was lu-0 locateti on the Di4'y lot on southen- curreti fxom residents lu the. viclnlty esee treel. of Madison itreet anti aoutb Shieritian AutomoblilesCluter Roud&. 1 roati. Automobiles .brlnging Waukegan L-ee rI" ' g' is reportedt 10bave people anti ont of rownera to the, sene g4ven penflils-on for the merry-go- I fairly covereti a hait acre of the rouîndti t be 'jet up onl bis vacant lot grounds ormore. there. butr oea hli residents tbreatened Four big automobile buscs andi ev- an injuncion and the Police supporteti ery bus or wagonette ln towu Incluti- the residents and forbal, tii. redind 6 ing some privale automobiles weIff- d~r from 1being îcttie. gy jamnuet andi eramimed vitii celebral- mrî-o htrslave operateti on thie. ors on eveny tip anti ail titi a Ian- I t liefore and. tle exact nature eft te aMfce buaIneas, ,oWbectIone 10 this one which would Net nearly as many pe-ople vaîkoîl be mun for thne benefit of lbe park funti 10 the park tuls year as lait and still are nQt knonnn. Sheridan rand was -thronged with Wben re îrý sen tatives 0f the carni- ieftI waîi:ers. 1 val complnniy ouglir tu place thie show Itlai propoaed that next year the lu front of business housses Tues- people be given transportation tc the daey tiiey wn re refuseti permission by park f ree o! charge or for tie larget uany nie'n4nanins. Alderman Thomas aus of 10 cents for the round trip, as IL MeCanîn was about the, ouly huai- lu this way the, park fond management; negs man wto- matie no Objections. will net fer more at the, groundis. Tbere was anmle talk of forcing the. where novfit gets a Petty lump Oum carnival company to locate ln Eiectric out of the. transportation privilèe. It Park.1 la bellevedtihbat whlle the gain 'Iu case te Waukegan Dsy cous- would li iery' uuch. greater. even Imite.sdosea ont fulfili lis .contract vith tie free transportation, as peo. tu the ]eiter'vith thle caràival com.- ple yeterday dlt mot takie surymm euranyit may face a big "ut for da-à klndly to lhe Ides, of paying 50 enuts1 loges. The, WaukeganDay obninuttee1 for Jthe round trip than tibeyrtit last 1 brougt the, carnival qmpany bere, -vsar, although the trip was matie lu an andtheii street anti[bidecommitte. automobile bus. The. rate the. Other of the city council undor aWthoe'ty of way by horses was 25 cents the round -the ouncil, granteti the oeshfuay the, trip. With three or four ini a faiily rloht to the free us, 0f 43,oe anti either way la contly. IW.»Iington streets for igiibtica pur- Maur Waukeganlles reniailidet tpas. harding Bfotiien etalni tiiat their homes ail day sud dit notleav. It la Up t. moli the clty'a*1.the Wau-1 theus for lhe celebralion, but the tovu 'kegan Day coumtt. o s okgod. district was tiead as-a mackerel. Preachers Oppose Cauniva Ne set ProgeMa. Tiie lant two l mniotet to attack Tiiere vas no Vilogran atever aItii. carnival for the tovu tavut streetsi lhe park. andth ie carnival Ideasg.eraily vere There was no big tenture. - FatiierGavin -of tii he - 0f the There vas no speaking Inmaculat, Conception ffl, !ondomn- Tiiere ver. no athletie ggles nef lit lu no uncertauisàgM agaBnp- i Tera vas no base ball)gUme. d= rqing anti Captala = ,I« th le nue. as no usotorcycle race. V rnteaof America oktuilsy nlgit. Thon, vas no panade. Ca»tain Cook dteclare t t; # 1 of the Onme baudi o!uix or eflgbêPl cOnefur. victory voulti not b5 1 iven ito Wbied ail the munic heyd the orsauis "the. devir' during carnival vték and of the merry-go-rounds andi tue vw that b, vouiti preacb i o h smja froni sou, of the coneesions. stro.ts andt y to get «datmfl Imerry- T* peuple ver. acaiy. -tuned makees as an audience. rPocep igeedy pIgelty on thtei WoThe firttprèach.r. tê idemn 'iu lof todo s t" t.rçmglauguge froua 1tuh It vas n Md l*tt t.001o »w llea' 4- C. Burling <t.sàMt *thdt y of aamy dint i*Ircb about wbofe&in the. p#ueular fettureIYU as toit. Mal$ileih fIT rs Regular drille anti guard mount vili b, given eveny day ln ail probability, anti tue sohooi la sure to prove a popu- Ian mecca for lie pleasure s.eens. The fascination o! ai anuy or niavi pcnt vilI he Increaseti by the' oppor- tuniti for quiet valta ausîidtue Ratur- ai beauhies of the rss.rvatin.11111- tari posta aie olten callet parts, and such a title voulti centalnly b. appro- priats here, Te Clean Walis of 804&. Ne littIe comment ha& erisu from, tue appearnuc. of some wvite s"t. muent ou tue vails etftue buildingsof the nev na-ai training ichool- ai North Chicago. Many bar. ohtain. et the idea tbat tue wvilasporma sient anti that tihe buildings amei alW red for ail time, bot snob la not the tct. An Investigation shows liaI lb. vhite la due ho a foreig s a tu tue dlay froin which the, bricks *$ite Muat, 1but tiaI vater even vIli yul t at way or auiatlc cit"dvaash 1111potiyply preveut le formation. - Tie valis vilIIsoou ha oleinoti at stue public vilI agalp, observe the buildings ilu the saine fresi al a"ceas u0on tueur compléion., Vie INEP5MDS tn M or uW sdvrliin îélàinLaic# eesASy. otoe 11.50 Suffrgets Cuin«.' The linolis EBniSuffrageAssocia t1on la inauurtlng Am automiobile tour of'& anumiier of countie lua 0e lutentt f organistion anti legisla- tive *Ork conntet with tue associa- tion. Mm Grâce WlIbur Sitout has beent appoin te te tks chargeor0f o0fi thote tours. Tie MoDuffe7 Menu- facturlag :Antonobl. Comupany la furatn igkSteddar-Diiiton macehine for part "Itbti tp sud tue party, y01 f=oolh the. scieduis lu aite ui, furisiiet he i.ccurt.ay of tue Win- ton Moer Cariage Companiy. The tour e mbr eparts 0f Cook, natinal rgaisati. Dagde* takthae erse n tMaes.. ý. Oiche speaker la m . 1C.9a 4iU pWoau f ull i neof the aitpf brn , l utage. oe aJ[O 8heb.Bha ate a naine for hersn im the legal profession, ia a justice the Peaco lu Evanston, at has dose mnoat es.t Andi siselflh w0rk for the mtaté e frage Assocati .' aise be tuer.. . la a pte a- %qoat emcent oe aéSgt i classesl.- Tuauday, Jlely 12th Bfalg.W*ukegan-.... . M. Leatre Waukoffln..........9 A. M. Arrive and speait Grays LakelO0 A. M. AAve (frai'. lAke ........ Il A. M.- Arrive suid lunch. Mclfnry - :12 I. BPeak.Me«ry ........ ..2 P. M. Leave Meffenry----------..2 P. m. Arrive Woodistock---------..5 P.. M. Dinuter Weodatock ......... 6 P. M. OPasitWooisttk .........E4P..i Rob Trevor Dopol. Tii. depot of the Wiscouahi entral ral Way aItue village of Trevor lu the. tovu of Saient, vas the scon. of a da:- Ing'robhery Just before noon Weslnee day, viien a mai allegotite Sa R~Sn Murphy of et. LUis, mag ie us va into the station tbrougii ai open via. dov and forcing open the caslidrav. er usagedteb gtiavay vii tIe= dollars ln mouey and sevelal raw*vy tickets. fMe *asn ttaiiiuigamy big eh-acolt, and before ho, loit the ataiOM h. ar=aged the 0cOiI'a s~tap or lathe dey.Murphy wu 1h. OettionBrothers 1I ta Lait.. hi Depoty Or intjohn Hie was brougbt tu Kenosia -W, I day nlit Mdai t nquetida*j ly hq district attorney. hoade, dtàohi4i statemeuts vhich vora practice> 4% admissi o f bi le . Tiose C= 8le vih tue tac that a ticet te ý r Fuu ton, Wanke* anti S vor Lako, bérii is tuu fflrve b It *aiam net, long tov until -lie »aval tMU **n ahol yllcesse t. b. .eroiY a. st of active building opera- lionsand boodin,,, ln reality a dassi Dsisyod Worc. If tue voit continues at lie pres- ont Mae thicoott tue sumuser tue formai dedication viii probabiy taire Place about 'the.Middle of Octoben. Tue bagidiag thmelsves are practi- elhy oMleIUY ÛPO obiiltb the ,sin- pIe «060$1i Of ti.heoSpital mmd the üsr' tmfa. veton wiiich vas bolt up for about aMx veeka due tu tue son-arrival et the n.cesssry steel. Easy Lakce Acce»s.ý At present vorkl a being ruaiei on fiae sitiewalka andi drives, fine maca- dam roeds wihh cemont curbing bing pianneti for the entire reservation. Tii. vert on tue Jiarbor di alo hein%, rusjaed, tue inner basin bebli tueji boýit houas. vhich yull holdth te big regulation men-of-var cutters, nov h.- nef ~ W~The arbor n, enab- ilng easy aceffet; Laike michigan. Much Equipment Going ln. As-soon as tue contractors nov at vork are thrqugh. active vont ln ln- stalling the Immense amount o! equlp- meýt aMd apParatua vlî begin.Tis ln Ilseit ls one of the. blggst jobs but vil, i. rush.d hhrough by an ex- pert fonce by tue time set for the. op- euing. Tihe opemng wyul be one of tue big- gSt events ot the yesr. anti altunugh tue present tend.ncy of the. goveru- ment la t., do sucb linuge as quietly as possible, It la very probable tuat the, dedication vili be carrieti out ln full naval fashion iLith appropriat, ceremony. Naturei Saauty 01 site. Whon lie North Cicago site vas selecteil hitue goveramesnt as the lb- taton, for tue Great lskes Naval Ttginiug Sciiooi. one o! the moat uat Isfactoey features of tue location vas agneeti iy ail to b, Its natural beauty. *e&atifying main Tuast. The. buildings for the school are practically completeti and tue pres- ent vont la iargely tbat of beautifylng the. nesenvation and o! putlIng the gronnds tueusasîves lu &bave. Tii. drives are nov beiug paveti andthetu g-ratlng vili soon h. startet. 'f. beantiful ravine vliîb. claret! and muatin patuis vili bb utt. An expert goverument lantiscape artist la to su- penintont aIl tuls vork. Sleautiful Nation. The barbon bansurnountieion ls three aides by treoes-vilI present a beautîful appearance viien tue wite- auiteti lactes train lu the big elght- oared cutters there. The buildings of tii,- norli group vili face on tiie big parade groont, which wyul b, cleareti of aIl trees leav- ing au Immense atretci o! green. The offlcers» nov vill face on a sort o! a privaI, park on viich alrmtiy splendid tennis courts have been laid out - Tii. natfaM he*a, vi& enhanceti vbýne neces'eary hy tneea anti alrubs. Already flowers anti vines bave been set out anti witbin a comparatively short Ilu, lie resenva- lion viii become one of lhe beauty spots of the beautiful norlb shor. Mecca for Sight Boers. VUA~ What looks$hike a doole lth citedthtei.attention or tue polioe day. ÀAmmswio reproensteI to be a hors. bayer ,for tIiâ Breving Company of let. Lou reglterped aIt te Ril Wawii IL e Mciiomald et Dayton. XK Iday mornlng b.e 100k a teain 0< from the Coursop Prs. stable the intention et dilg ont lg eunIr ýloqklaa toi borses. Ticre 14a a l tat the mn, ign orat W. ,May Tea retirn Sattrdày amd. fotgeWtei1 téeophoae tue local vsry. m, v.s off &tain meit, tlgluihsieéois fur houes, but =.beo incident 0*04 suspicion o isvBW A~~~l «1«meau 5 %erd ytishé *tiaiaifor tue arret' a"docifnio buthe tue oice- f or êoi,'61 vOue next morlg m otllisd cfluS ibery vithi a ful descrtption ef 1*15 Issu mam Mdtue man. Th. hotes vo!. blat wlth-i» faces, andth te butai v» rubiaep4fted viti a top.,7he adsqiai about f.rty-#v .Ié.e i lige, taon, and Isvery icvy. %éàmk ttRperiapéamcit m soO lis vore alilgit uit. 0. lus amie ehthe<rt4 tN. V, *me, ebf ougf 0 pig « oie Ls4n n s!e titU Titbmk sesastegcn o~ ~ ~ ~ h "Wiausétt - - e We baveg5, mw n. te "e- ete bey Stm fStiuma addmt 0mev M. UpaI w»L Ki o LsMO liavley a., li. LcmWia e 0 g ,* bpoc saut, # Wihh ie Trotter&etahLibsniyvlle. Vvo stables of horses tuaI are golng t., lie races scen, Mcliaxn'a std lil'a, are test rouiding tutu shape. Hail leaves Wetneidai for Chicago, anti viii start Ibere next Salurdai- Hie tien gm oestiuthsellinois circuit. MeMaion's fiaot start wyul b. at Terre Hiante about tumee wees trow nov antifrtramler, lie goes te, Kala- mazea. Detroit andtheii grand circuit cîtles. Vwo o! bis horses are readi t. race rigbl nov, namely Fairsatid, i frotter, anti Krecordl 2.01À- pa iug. Vi, latter vortedti lre, fait miles hie uorninîg lu 2:02Un, 2:06% anti 2:06% andti ten vent a cooîing oint mile lu 2:23, Inuis second mil. b, aleppedth le laitt lalu.59% wer, not 80 fast, 2: 16 anti 2:12 %..but site ateppedtheti.last quarter, onè lu .31% and anothem lun.110%. 2'wantinougi's 2-year-old in a steady acing on.. Ho steppeti a talle un 2:24%. last quarter ln 35 seconds. About tventy borses vorkcti out ho- day, ailtIlie vai troun 2:18 te 2:29. It vas an lntereatlng usorning at lie tract. Parole Vaid. <Proni Wedn esdaî'i Dali Sun.), Lakte counti nmen te pni. son for varions offenses who looket for freedenu unden the parole iav de. ciln recently mate by lhi spMmne court doclsnlng the. law unoeoliUtu- tonal ver, jarredt of <tusir bal- sue totay viion the court roee its former tiecimon antddlanedthéli parole law valîid. Tisi.msans -tuat hbas c orpu or vnit o mrrprocostiuga nov entier vai te fre. Laite Couty coaviel Oo.g1-au ent. Vhs court's Deoision Thse suprein or uta ani dovnaiin lu tue celeisilil 3010e cas, a inlch it blIds hat lie ýparo l lu S cntlutional, lins ro versn"il. ecialoli at the February tom wvien ltéûciie thétuela*v uuoon aîilUUUcittibecause lt hel4Itimatie natiUon fer tb ue paMset c.tue et i.e parole lav oMceffl Tisé Court nov bol"a vils Attorao' Camerai teadti liaItte yards '4pro 1vide ln tue e at hacouatrued au net maktag an appropriation, Anthrax Again Antursx, a nmtch treadei cattle te Chief et Pouace oll roe: teroee esa e r I M 1crab ethm 'Co«swu sUe f M anti iomm lwv<e sem .two Plie of. Kengsba tàmmt u& - « Police Owlare or Zsttisa We proit aet a&d 11%«« Ote lu M4gautopaeiufe6t, 1Weàebs pa*ylngls aothé *pouile The. repart reeiised lbiiotM andtie 11. ORre et Kencéa i tue effct thaàthle atMsOU g va geing nortis on -thé Mliésobe vest Oe t Kensisa.Chiot Ô1lIIt fer Racine ailbecs Lad aIl cttii cens, Kenobia uorth i t IIaukes assistiag flaiiieffort ta effect t turc of tue ilbye,.. (Ipîe raguiot hb g. out aU over tue souternpil> staléet fWiscoasluas fan nqr .m&ma afls id Wsssksha T et pOflce aIMatilso irlusimed ta Word tath fe, sii*ff o! the county penionsily op<na aautomobile I suitt ftuealloge tbhtef.'Tii. M kee chiot aloe volunleere tat lu purpuit asti te notifi tue, 0 anti &Il or tha.min uon bléforcé. on eitiés vhlai arm asslat 19luh fort' 1taespIon. the tulef are Itm neya, Jao.ePIle ait lyburu Cest Vam Slit-ch fe o etseTI% "09 seo mI futesa iM&reh n tg 2 d