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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Jul 1910, p. 13

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LAXEOOTNTY NI)pnmtNT, FRIDAY, JIJLY 8, 1910. Mb -i. -T fl' ke room for oui new stock, &hse fkw saal lots have been mnarked down to, prices that will make you take thern. Al £romn our regplar- stock, and the Most, seasorable goods. The (prettyL things are the firat to go at a sale like thi4. The very ont you wanted May *bc taken first, even though1 the assortnient is large. Sà corne early C tsand Suits at Bargain Prices Your ehoiee of our stoc-k of al wool 54 ineh eoats, and our complete line of ail wool suits at this big reduction. At tbis price they go -for t!asl,-t-asli down, rio alteration, no0 returning, just take thent along. Neyer was there sueh a hargain event. The assortment is as cuînplete now as il will be this season, and the very thing you want may be arnong those here. The pretty omes, are the ones tat go first, sox-oînc early before vours is gone. y I i . LADIES' (bATS. ULit efl wool, the ail around kind, regular $1 8.00 to $25.00 values, for 12.98 in nhany colors, there is sureto bie one you like, reeular $ 15.00 to $2750 kinds for 9,98 Anotlîeî lot ini very lin at aterfls.--........... L&DIES' WeSH OKIRTS. XV'iit , linein colors, antI bl-, i lar$I ,$1.35, $1.45 kîntîs for ............... .~7.98 f d toit antd iîîeî, regtl- ...98C BIG LOT 0F LADIS KIRTS. st~ panIamIas, voiles, serges il, v iii.- ani bie, a large assortnieflt hi e1ioose front, I~-î1r49 prit-es $.Qad$9.00O b go ai ........... Mohair skirts end a few vtjls 29 tot-lose at ........................... ..29 LADIES' SILK PUTTIOTS. TUle rtgular $5W t>kinti.lt iý' 12198 finiished, for,. . . . . -.. . . . .. . . ..2 9 CHILDRENS DRI ES. Clitîgliatîs and percales, inii liliN-f11.light and dark - good assortiment front tlte tit >1 75c .lo 14 yeat58. Special ... .............. A Il play suits, sizes fronii itlis bo 8 Years, thle regulzar 65 andi 75 <-cnt kiiil for ol .....49c Boys' )lti)ner sutits of t-ambri- for otIlv........... ................ 49c Undermuslin and Odd Lot Sale Ladies' Nigb Gowas, high niec-k and long steeves, some with low neek and short leeves, made of the hest nainsook.' They are trflintc( with embroidery and insertion or fine laees. Most of (1losing tiut the lot at ..................... PET TICOATS Long and short pettieoats ttiinued with tucks and em- broidery. Slightly soiled, clos- ing tÈemn ont at 39c. Another lot, tucked and heîustitched, at only A YEW WAIBTB. A. guaranteed ail linen waist with long eleeves and higli neck or low neek and short sleeves, worth mueb more than the sale priee of 98c KIMONOS. Short kimý)no of percale, lawn, or erepe, regular $1.00 values, speetal for this sale 49c An odd lot of long kinionos 89e Bargains ini 4e's I& Children sShoes Ladies Slippers and Pumps at $1.65, Laiit's tant si1>prs, llier Lasi laee; rt.gLlar $2.54) kind, just a few ý1j6 pair to go at .......1............. 1.aiis' >1-kpunips with ankie straip 1.6 $2 and $3 valutes, foir oîly......16 pntty style. regular $2.50(.6 kind, tItis sale ......................1 Ladies' tan l)tinips with ankle strap,- 16 retgidar ý'-'.5() kind foir.............1 6 Ladies ad Children's Canvas Shoes Whîite cauvas oxfords with white l1w iîîgs, îuany sizes, $2.7A kini, foi......12 ('lii itît-en 's raîlvas oxfturts,75 goodI <hICs for ... ...............75 I nfaîts'i-aîîvas oxfords ini whitte,50 reguilar 75c kindls, for ............ 0 Any pair of oxfords, white î-anv~as h forfld. t-hiidreît, in this speeial lot ftor ........ L Slwi-ial priv~e on about. 8 pair of chliii ren 's black oxfords, regular $1.50 kind. .7J95 iigl gt-ay o (xford(s (tf canvas, a x el-y neat lasti rt-glat- $2.(x1) kind, 10 go,7 5 tlt w-y list, foi.tnly .............. 75 Childrens oxfords of black leather. 9 smali sizes, good durable kind, for .. 59 VatatiuîîîsItues, boys, and gils' niocea 1M' sis witlt l(,tavy leathier sol, setl ê, QUEEN Qt'AITY SHOES in an odd lot. Sînnre wortbi as inticçhaI .9 $4.011, fi.- tîîîl....................1 9 TheThinds Thqýt Help at Vacation Time Th 'Nall lent is the all around cýamping tentbuf-tts>- il gju-s lwthý- r 1tetit)ri. 11. w a traveling cot- tage, good for the whole summner and for siintînte!ýi--; o ne. rent 7 feet by !) feet, eoînplete........... $9.50 Tet 9/. feet liv 12 feet, t'oilplete ......... $2.90 .l'-les Manly tthter sizes anîd wecanigel thei al a day's utotive, Ciltiilitýta ns a i po Camp dshes, plate, elli) 5 c saucer, froin 5eSoc b-------- CamPil pails, a i-cal neces- 5c, sity, soute for 95(, down t.e -Market baskets, in ii any styles, front 3e down to. -- Coffee pot, the thing youMic liave tb hav, $1 .65 --- -....7%) lift, ew-h ....... 49c Courk serews, a thînig you cannot (1o withot at 1 Oc -atI>, 35eta . .. - "** Keties foi, ail around tise, VOit '1l need mite, $1.25 to &O f IL a Our corset deparzt nnt offers. somle Spe- cial values for thi sale that am: very unusual. On account of -Our conbtae1 p1edges we cannot give the naines oVthe -corsets on sale. We will give yowx the stock nuinhers. Not a comPleI% e of sizes, but ail are clean, frýdas goods. Number 155, regular $3.00 value ......... ..1 9 Number 506, regular 8 $1 .50 values............. 9 Nuinher 551, regular 6 $1.50 values......... e...... j70q Nunber 403, regular 75cf $1.00 values ........ ..... .q Draperiesf«r Lms 36 inch colored Madras, 35c, lind, for .. .. .. .. 44 inch colored Mdaf 69e kind, for.......... .. .38 outain Butas. 36 icch cutain swiss, in dots, figures and stripes, very durable,4%, 15e ktnds for ................1V Lace OurtalDa. The new style effects, 3½/ý yards long and 42 inches wide, regular $1.25 curtains for............. Japanese Mting. Mattmng with a cotton warp, the most pliable that is made. Green, red' or b4iue, our regular 25e matting, for this sale, yard............ ' Fancy Colored Embroidery Galboons, for trim- ming wash dresses. ln many coIVs, ,-O red, pink, blue or white, 12 yards for .AW, Fancy pink or Mlue Seersi4er Crepe Head Scarfs, a very desirable kiad, for this sale only .................. 35 36 inch White Nercerized Lawn, the regillar 15<- 9C quality, for a yard-------------....................i...... 5»e perslau Mull. the newest thing for waist and bat 39C drapes, at only,a yard-----------------........... 15e White Wmush hit,. very durab le, at---------------------....C loc SHOE SOAP---ihe very best shoe polish, for il keeps the leatherl-l. fresh, keeps il pliable, and polishes it. These regular 10e bxes at only . ......................... . .... 121/cINDIÂ LINON-Like fiuîdixîg money when staple gbo& ri marXed down, for t hey are always usable. Thisz staple India Linon for ............................ ......... -7, Tirâish Tâwels - worth every bit of 15c to go, while they last, for loc r -«Màm A, Few Odd UnesNMarked Down LADIES' LINEN BUITS. rlj(v lvte it trnilne<i wjth f'uî ;e-amti lianti tmade soul tachl>îjaid buittonis.' A ver.vy -gwifi-îhb' suit and one ilitis eatily cleaneil. Spetejal l-i109 for this sale to go at .................. 109 Japanese Decorated Fans Oune hundred eYzquisit Japanese silk faits, beatitifully decorated. Not one hut whiat wouid he a piide to the owner. Worth at least 15e aniv tinte, 9 for this sale they go, for ......... 9 Parrgs Soîtît- ,or tlhe taintiesi fancy eolored par- asols. The kind you ail like to carr%. The rt-gular prive was $1.75.. For this sale we have marked I lietiat ...................... 9& f 'iildrtî's fartî-y culor-ci parasols, jusk the tlig for the littit49 Qioves 16 hîtti lerIgtb and open wrist styl1- in mîalty colors. NXavy, gray, white, blaek, green pongee, anxd the newv gold 4-oltîr. Your choice if our $L.75 and $1.50 kinds for ..... 0 Long length lisie gloves in blaek, white, brown or gray, opent wrist style, our îegular $1.00 values,65 for this sale................05 Notioens Witch ilazel Toilet Soap, .....loc 3 cakes ip a box for... - 25e botîle of tiCarbona,'" thé ....119 best grease remover, only. 7 5c paper of pins, assorted sizes I in the paper, this sale for .....i Taffeta Rlbbon at Onee Haif Our good quaity t'Meteor"~ taffeta rib- -bon in white, i'ed, pink, or bine. No. 7, the 10e quality, for a yard ... . Se No. 9, the 13e qualiby, for- a yard ... 612C No. 12, the 15e qùality for a yard -.71C7 1 1- 1 .. 1119

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