E Ç<OTTNTY IN)FPEfýNT. FRTD)AY.)ULV 8, 1910. 4.u ge to m« Ail.f objet of hie trip mthuau I1k. $M0.- thie condition ot' 11oroc. He bas onioao rifles. 1w,- elisiIng tbe Pull-- ty, cent to linlu. cr. enlorlalucil u bowerei <hem iveit the a<itans entmous lu tbet? LF CUPS 1 Edwards ls iaking Front nd Up hMis ls One of Golf Play- iuntry - -[à Iay's Et '.W iVaukegan people. Sra ln the middle là ure off and on r.Althougb one yoru Mr. Donald L groal namo for flug world dur- ara aund tinere lu Cid u11 one or the golf co.urea bit t cou up among n-opa and prîzea e Maklng. es lui Cblcago wealliny bu-oker, be lias hoon oré- ire Mill learuinp e grnaund up. Be aummer munthz morning and la n some match f the ehîcago eat Future. n Etdwarda llveig .n and burmng hie le manuY lntlmate womk causob a' vorable crîtîcaun Lcbei hlm anb pmnisa hlm lu le cork PhUS tan Lraetlid ~ad e tame pr>omias-. et prointnent ln vorld ag7pln this golb méta la a onday, -defeating plaîpr,- and lie hie &ood foru. ubably enter ti [p mnatches and r cll foliow Wul I hao been l.Ie gn&Td"t mnai éd out to le"p la th er Sir Geùille Cav - Brow - Cave, Cowýboy, Baronet, Goes A-wooiug For Fortune. 11110Mi 4«"OS&d béon0ti i. heclub "" t4*os eJâl.WY>itWtkedAIr. Mar- bVi be %wtWrvélo bail tteuded . îýZ rn . r. GWÇdpe.d 'aso't beeu 1 bl~w11 thieuneoi'. ir. Anyî- wu> 4~a'o'MMgn lmi' afir. 1 doet tIdwIki,*'il bc.-'e agnin rery woon. air." MI l'ipri tii. cali'ptuoyothe loue* CiMMittee. *Yit to kir, iledwards tust *net 'tbe mcndO UtM. Ooodupeed or:t o "3eàndâIý What amdair- "WIî aOed btwtln'l *m end MM '. rinkie." 'wii dwtippetrý »Wily. <#Ir. 114'. Qqodopi 'd '10'i vusai <tie St,'riOlIlck. %W1. 'P WIgMn 'a Is oeeni. rom il- wber nbilo'. 'aie' sb.dd ndr.'wd. 8804 «aaplat 8»)1* Mwnatoilrw wn '0 aEh<uin"la odrom <bti' oe<r o" esO'Inewf. voilà a deor twlwren olit@ dosrwn u cked. buit Ur coti sr the olIPennle', thniaglIt. aod <he voire wax fuamil-, La.' Io 9m.iair. Olt wu*a g rry pion.*- liai VOlce. %Ir" -%Ve4I. vhul dld tifmir* "Oltit -h. lle. 'otir. Ir I onty 'ad vo ci ' Ton know Sir <,iod oppe<dz liri <mm#Istar l ,<qag. ir. 'Vi' U'pIl lil tonnon <ina ilt .r rwober-Ti<nmàa C. OnodspPa4 itM eo knê'or iii"rokbe rrforrl < lt sif "Waimirra no oIrunv "Vrs.. ar 'P'a ae.iulted <luevoita. 011 vagtétai boy'r aitns'ad b.oo 1Urm. (land:~c @po.'d: TWy **di bpn dlvorv.'d i.mi retire hefore. enud irw. Goodmpeed 'nd 1 mnrrte4 1Mr. Krlnkli." 'Well. go an. 'è ivant murrld <in helady. but< ahal vra ieaelflibr naoiber man. amlo ot loto <ha '&Il undi bopai lir dbut' bi,' <ha rouet lrie llbvoire '«<Oc froniI . %Itra Krlnkie , . <-tuîîin' wlib W,~ oe'k tu rcd trom 'lai. 'P-r dréu t<' ont.! o. ,M beoitsrad alibui maklo' 11,611 nolua. gnd. u<11'i<odowno ni 'lx knPe. 'e bogue tu 'ook lhuiPrcfdrP'u be»ind 'la flint 7ion. 'Owrdv ahe gld 'On' dld 70u 'appertte o e. n*'nod eîimno 1 wao<ad you? Toit gré the muibîn mouille lire mm A lier r'a"rd boy. W*iam ore 'are te0 hitton uuy diton - <ciab'l hall <'lIer elle 'on"or obl b*e& Toura nu.'h pareapit tului«t <k *look lua the lame. Tmive rnluio a&W a dotten dresses for me alre'md'.; Photou bir Amrerican Press Associatlo Mr poitr (leur Toin. whom i remuied sajalhnlcpd lyh..ni ~ ~oOt nover'a,.ibaOfgo tu Stiu atue, lat seeking a wfe. 'Thema PIIII Tom 'ad Iwo b bV9liis and aPo'.rude and New bMexico. arP 1incaiemi tii dl0iÎMton. Yon .'avret cer. 1 'a ve big kmghîachî wiîo bas. i>,u fanion roui giia' 'lm bup fer lue <everl ID theo wet. blnce <hO deat ii f li. r 1 «MIga lm uwey: laurnda the<bUulted ltotes ai <i il i "1fr. Geedatieoddn'î 8"yaynybligrelle. I amna gond cowlhciy. nati '0 Jugt cool «nffroua' for flic 'Ookut1that comtes tu me nonîby. atii 1 a i gud lookt' for ha 11070e.no-ver gecar- Ignsam ud-wpll,<marry i'aalAir lu' or anytblng chi b. moeldn't COud sag>lieo fp" "l. a ouî s.rf'oim 'elmIt @d pro. "<' Cht<he Indy Ml____________ tb e'aid a lri clamadiapoalqL j Titu e bat 1 cuit a model 'nbndSTABBId ,'VICTIM S dmeon cee rea noe o% te! WILL ffCOVER Ten Comtmandments e'oth' <bi." 11 "Oo*n. 1 dou'l care <o beur abouti na" oW4*1&- nt *teltg> oe c Rema o-9Offkiiis at Camp Lo- "wlil. air. when the job wîafin!." e&, ~ iql eeen 'oolnu'Ia alingtea.,« i MasIsThat W.Ibh and Need- on '<kll %vrent haie. lMra.KrnkW tufilm! Is-.Stabbedi Flght Row-- e&d O. aool' 'Prcm onir usiend un' Are Recoverlng f4ow 'la Ilote before 'or. misait 'er 'soda to 'egvel* sud1 *eftb04 "'My goodnecs a lotual' (Froin Wediesda> sStiii i Mr. Goodapred "rlua*a bop vitbL as ilthfr iitif ra1 jiiui "ebbeyoasa a mIIeu'i- nuld nlt- Latigtlej Jîlc Stiirt, wqj'aa.e bo colld 'opk hit a r t Wiithi'01iHarbor Erw.in Sî'A.t malài; drois, elîbout acoarin. and 'e that city waa dii'cl.arg.4cl ofit.'g,-'i me.:complcity in the al.ahtsîtig abfraii, "'El"m. rnî dear. Itou wgalpd me'Nenabers on ttte l"airtfî iStali- mtghly bc& dldait leur' Une and Josephb Stariiririgî' rah lit ""() bddYou kpow 1 cguted 3'ou tuder $lo.tioit banidsitanit i ître( rii ta 'ook mi dreau? li.ake. Wltbroi. Harbor li îrr'îirîig -Wben t 'er *i 'Comme acrylo' bearlng of!the rs i.'fl ri-trtt ni" t t'Sic fi 'olp In 'e.' bresn" 'roum t knuc <iircay. tuot'. wbat aw* cuttn-aunie une ta h rîiiîr t..i t. î,îî do bat. Bpeuîdea. 'l '"rd lotictil Tepioe, tw w i on mne for lbIaî botteriv Lake connnty soitlsuîi wii iîbave' i "Ob.) ~ Tom.' rhOu i1 et 70ueo, 1extradlt.ed ln casa liec cioosest,, rît dWdnit know 'air beî'eadbnt i eau on ji)a Ught againat go.îîg Iu W"iarîr Y0u. A eau never gPf atioîer mon tf01aie,, tifre 150 yards, north ni i t' rta1,r 'o.k My drouu uIli§ldi ii b',lifeé the filgit took place ti'ttiA:X "'Abd I d*dn'tknovlbhe force boy (orne>' Baker of Kenoruha c-îifittt Ill '*bit. Whiou y on t«i br"'kfext blbth* probabiy askhis..extraditi. momnID' whlîbot 'grie' 'ooked bup a du'iu ican't ent ma«îthlok. Btia 1k M&try of Figit. neot '11ain' 'Rd a cocktail <t o nesacbl Standrldgel narellstr to. . oreman at tihe Mimicîpai lCîîlg'îîîî-r-t tt '"For "00vO'g gke. Tom. wiî8t are (Company plant at Wlothrop . -iirttt we tbInkia' boy? 8«pposin' hei<ybobî ýWlfh Secinoit he canne tram Noîtt chenl 'uppen to carne hitif1'Caroliiluli "Wll' h <at ibe donri hiop sudb. an n lithe Neirafier saloon. li.' igtit w«Ikç t.Mr. Krluklc. ,the Fit'uThwhen thce.Ieffrli.lrrtî7 "'What are youî bl' blu lu icfes bedroom riei1f.Kruile ght rettirinit-aen-e <minh.g ii wre ttr- "nt "i~ W a ba nver dld clîIt- tWo iîamed, thut-pe? aldlerr, a nie urc,tt.î out ejuki' a me* boy bIt.' pot lu la civillan, ail [rom Campî Logaii. t Ml'c. grloJi.'Ig "w de loti hespect l'm o i eguand civîllan arEr camlphtier gain' ta gel Mo it hb*mmooI wtbout As the laest return cme InliLs salît somene f0 'lp ,tP?' tlit Standridge iacle santie 'r-mari "'I'm oilur IbiOM nb nud.' expou' about mo, wlnu woid lielon .foh:usin "'l'td Mrlli 'ae. yulafi~ aoyway. but fine caiarcd on watiri ""'i raher aveMy 4lawu us-n W 'bite." 'Tbeotinre,- Camp l) tgaîu band.' crleb the lads.. n'a uait nas donll know 'uw lu put an'0k In aunoldniiera are salit ta have tai, n II uîir bey@ cithotit getlfln'bit Iiitd tS llrt I liie the Nefnalrr tla.-.' Rnii î wroog place.' terwarda outmlde wltb the t'esuiftinhat "'Li'<nve tbe ruent. air!' crled Mr'. Arthur Needies, the civîllan, antii Inliike tua1Mr. G;oodupeed Zion Clty min sud Ed Walsh, a. sli "1'beu. ir.fihe <ifO É6*' toeéhtilu'. ter or the mlitia, were slainieîl lu tihe oit 'tbit c uihall 1bn l ot l-(;Oeil-nielee, by v4hn Il la 8.tald ual tu n? spiedwR, catiglif -lu MiM. "nfule'a I ttlu ronian. Andîb tat'.. be recors c 1iidaAriBad <kWiclcxet%r I-r lh "d O t t1» WouagAeBd c#ioalliiAO the grriî'c0<Viplue Needles la badly hurt and Walsh la - Wti àiiýtm.d* 'lia irWîIoètB 9mit, blairé . ' et +hrft .and a lf mp.lp n ~r toita n lnch ~ep11~ ~ ~ tt ihôo l- " 'hre 15<vlp* 1I .'r liaitor Yarti?r Hir.à' debiitcr l.icy «hoe u ai4 ý- luta a r.'in,. lier $hoes snd atècli- luit. ail e ldlu b.'r Iland ul itid lier' akltrta o ber tîîîem. 'Ber batir b cetu k'obuber boc. soine ler ani bmnt-hliien rin ber uilçk 1r taueilr lue %tus as lprett7 a place orf bumàw ogeb ag ý ever aaw. 1I elI ove citb l iber rWglt 9iWm>'aud.*luckliy for '«Wr~ dibot have i<urnib uble getng lier1 l Oui<st 0 SOL [lier fatwet u givoat The old man ornéb a stock fera. Amolli the animis mon If ws a bey 011$ vpr<"a i ncture. tunt, '4r7 Mu.ib Ce<îied.. Tliat cas ai t th" nI ti me I i lu<cd hi.. bnughtrraBsoi .r i< lUnfdi, ,I u. ofil job to go t i mnnd a-k ffisi Ilre ne tlýo girl bel'a1eeb' rnt irefod i d a r«'t bï'i'Q b i-Y WOéI4 ,lii Une tv' lii. îrill1' lui <lis' g-n e blflibina',fl lg'il, rf e r. ýi' fi %*>.iTyd pwt hlm lu a gqand t mol'd fon .cy ak 10 O'Cltiîunt r ~~ ~~uu<huoîi~ait fswgiatai. il l I îui ranji lél iottf gmo'îîp <bri ', Stil ~ler ,O9 pijp« chou ber a"" lu thelbré Viiilu cun>l i l& St ai an,4blîng (Ci Lacy Bel<teaSy tintioba cIii refard Io cle.n<t the aülec.foé wbéli ce about 1<bat. I juwt tld ber 1I eazu-u lle <obrilli upaod liaktfor ber. ' It won i bot erenfng dieu 1àI l thé' porcb. bad pûit hlm re-clil Qou 'lb, gcrbe'lobflit -w"ho lecoto' d g nore air. 'Fie * ktd Ome lu fiât*' a ecnllt at n ai lde hlm. and I 1 p tdown orti.the bardenst job oetcok b' b lcj 3t nDow , Wj 1 e fa fac animale ao a" ilthe». bt 1 tcan't ai l'lm dota' I"îWkon1 iauCaotkeamo f lemoit your bOm itf iou nd ii Icuacrge ou i ;pl'ife. l'ya tahbagant teo 311<lit- tic bay il 4 âVlh e , i e M* * Il' a wbite hpot on ber foreheai. 5~~T 4 1 eaité L .ey. Iàl'Skoa." «I cwu opeakUn# of tle boyaill,01"i ne, but Otherwlse ail nîglît, fitî lir aegom.J,,týi e l h-1PeDMneB t4mouelLg<.pàcilng b.bai fora' Iitiaof "Kl d 'are." as ho was kinucm iamoug tha co« iy 01Cl' amîk yilojet fa'. "tartlir',Eiit-Iiîij Sîreft.i, aHalil la mortgaged, uchl tethe. aot'ow of '11h.'. Lucy. t've caUled ber aller i s fi) the UVIrted Stateîfr. nt fhe hast <irée yeapa as the, best Enili owfboY My diughtr Shena a rattI1wano&li.eu rat ieîr a sho.rt fChic ugo the ibaroînet bas been lài tngland. but Oëw ho bai re. ing af Itlclumoîîd Bih, S. Y. "rankl,"aya the haronel."I ar&aM haga "Yob bet."1I btened teo diur n e. e ir.t'laa.but lo>ali tînte sIa;c's. Fin brrite. but for a bit of a pîtance tr ýe iflii' of nuirtguigts on rny pirri1-ry. woîild like to clear op thl meort- ."Ild and 4gentie as a sule dtç ini girli l. ineheneouiirune 1frl.. Ifrrness musat bave mobey. '14 Cote' n nea r".,aot e. e i lii u.rr'ltg...ltirgays..fi(-i'b i nt wn oleycm4 2 tr êlann~o~ét 10 1h. <abotbr a-n c.mle tule.boaiutle girl L'va gou n the, Stanclridge' iaY etac r-ai lo iirt' ici(le SU.FFRA iSTS Niplace' re ndi httnsreif troint acharge of att gel Tbt1 jla te isoatlo wut murer.TOVISI1TP/tî5.i.(.G or 6»t# " l'e Chat. 1Idont béelleae rtne rtleattorneys riof Ile atndl ulg tèwilp uà* brcai K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i etig'b itr"Illrttft... lilbut . î trI iI'tf t" l K(ýnoKhaounttvsba i bo1 attendIittblni lt hgt te lie lieariiia.Saiiiiljay Fl itiiirip filuAbandoned Theh'ToIr Ut 0Yr@f lema .o ei". bui % ln This Stale'YWW9tdY Be- '-i coulda't mini putin' bier lbrouigh \Vali'.ls r. bitir1 atteiileil ai laiiî. cause of EjXreneIy HOt berPaces te o O sOn*bat elle cmii li iiait r. iq"i-te t.sailChtuaI its W hrd wiiiiils- .r tit lail bail Ilie a Weahe -0b,"Ol. ant'i eeuasary. l'va amen iurtii r ifte Secrfi ioisii>tNat- ber gplag. he'g uigh<y' elA put up rîrîai ri ilrît ircrrt. nit bt-r, r r nr Wduisdaston.~ 'iat d YW wcat for berP' iý,iaI li an bersa m \ednsda'sSun) tsnauouelllooklng up. 1 ac girrir ilert ir as rhough the woensu!- Lucy a.d-ie ri Locy-gi the i;ijri y ista irIlte c-lei t liai Siand- f bi lno't llerMI'vB't a indv.E b4rtbbe'gbauk ewu M riiigt' a t ltt t rouîblel'n Sot rit t a ita frws iiiuLate i Ii at ari' lir, ao bo could'i meS ber. 1 tînt i:. is iit libe îeuitucciîIli,îti-arri ke Trî'rn>iv iuiy eleventfu as lInzfç4 ber. le'cure s vomi pécullar nr goirii ilitr f i ia-iiteirrrrhîgtothe tollowlng dlis- exîpressin, lmseed. aine iooked mab - bol enogh te btb rough 4aliait. Wbat Ar. «ii'i tu r xgm rhue ,aîîîrî iir nil Itifly t -Exh4ustedobt-a bd cei thi.Islteration in ber tiLltf itI dIt aji lIi.t ati o hçhfredMs ince the lait tIme 1 had sean ber1 in, irrir ir rrttnt ii-rarltt ti . îrrrîr- ,w \atingbMcCuitoch and the Icouldn'i for My lir. Imagine., 'The ap. rit nr-artr ii .ixîi- ttrgea o rLIr frin ackparition tbnec me complefely Out of titri- Blotint tsuffrage caa)- "if yati wàiit Lucy," the former <e- ouagi - rrnd up auNeîaht baya' plmId. cii the dtlibertG WAU01 o Odd Haîr StYles .îIlit r t t rltrr(îtglr iortl n sd costI llnois' or aeiiing a borne. "700 can bave ber tî 'r mu lj ii Iuicr uihi &i nr ltrit 'irliti f0 il. If you [Ile ber you Cao keep thcr i lt ii' te t il u' .I 1tel ic.i[). l(,f rtt,BinHaunt andti Nla..Helen, bet On duyeraatufeoy oyu tiîlt1w Il.' Qti 1tinii lrrMuiib tir ti tritrttined covet te apeak tborse1 If iou ddont ltke ierYou eau Cureber Il 111thrligl lu e g li to ;,it jw iv% %fs.Hf4 hez let ye.ýbacil un me." îtt~ ~ 1iiiw tttîiouzThlio r a i ;rri ti lr frs tohe homt es-n' to%,/mmmucofth uil y love heard lI rîrrinî a itrf if ltttfli lli' tlri'qie'ti' t -ti, nr it maitfor- le brne ldct't knoc. for betura < t coflained! rtn'.fat ortîit rellirîn r ' hav.itîe tat] n 'l (t;mie, 1. h, Ira. Hughes wIla be duckab,. Irluio tii i"-(t tIt- a rt-les. onue avîrrt-t rt tr aeeks, after wblcl. ahe *"Yon'.là bave f0e cuse me mat Dow.". c t-l empnîle'. iltlie ettlltitra.,tw'i r111 tilrnîrtt>'trueGalesbuu'g continuai he l. an. 'l!lere coinea ri.tti u f Inîil ir.-c'ot. îiit 0fisîrrtf, ln.a mun t0 moto a dîcier for sbme 0o hiii iiwe athin of errr fimilracla' stock. DoeS 700 planm lits iettlie ar adm.id ratiloinn I t , i r tri r-r a.,fîîiy .t -I' reenr#resa but ' u cy." fltjs fîî ilsjrreiio urt-slii-i,tg flhe r rt naîd maliy wotub-eb in a lit sau otfrrible isappolutmentt 1 rn-,t "ff iler' tarini-, is illitii, r,' tpave' ' r ih nhite et a construction geê mno turtier ]lu tbe rmnît4ror. rather. roi, lisif MIrte au.rlîrirtrr,îr îtts place. Tii. negroe at i not to it tCo theoreal objet:of ni rLrrr tri tI' lrtiry ait"mî trra"gb. ttrr- rirrî.-ît hete have been very InBolent rIt, but a man calme lu utthebmgaâte Eaplainndlttri-rucnai kg abbut Jeffrios for and bine fermer centteb moot Ils. 'fi- ri uîttt-isr","sitheflet .s- -rne ir' imeanti cera lioating thai t. el pa hew1o ~eam et- "r r1 ill-i i. lt,'iiaitii o fclit',sr unorid i h i hte man. nI'e girl badl appearcd. bot ine cau' oot r ur, lrri util liif.iliInit îth iotirl frof legi ri. ir..' u d kintl the inlr th~ iere. 1 calte ob t al ee n obpdr iij, ha ;"(,llt fr ,9l)vý-rneyabout. cau lo na ot f4 p -tt aka l titini .iie t -rileiit iiilitleit' 'd C ti i r , tr9edi tAO.white tucôlie n a I io!tatm ,malefrte i r ii il' CIose iutoicri c'îbvic'r 1 tal(iî l a itrta p9rfy' cm..'for»m e , uaçbia . ii< a m .m i o i Lbuttr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rod t1i t I i isrr ie 'mmt.ifollowed olnd Celleb to ber: '-Ttti-~~~ tic Arl uihrî ampar "e hacmpte Lucy! l'or ieven'a gakg clata lb.e tr Ex' , lr riligr rMtitle rrîti acre ýn'ýlby volley afteu' l ln i %îrl, i1cîrirtir fromtthe negré<a. but Wbmit dir)yen menby taigsol Tha oati..of Lave. t ~ ~aitnde Tho*hl~ ~ about me?", T he Mrrirtithrftoti' ellvestic tiO cu.'tri eil th'A e. i lngtereu.e "About ydu?" w ~ ihrirtrs pst l the qma ëig reliie. 'heuire-t. t'y"ee..9Ibeard yeoi. se you're tolus whi lis pnt jovritu akig eaiex.gi ndwoIundiný liv. o àtra@, T futeappi>' tee blmmmlwJeu? Neu 1 fo JiOorist. iiir-if.nli(fiihc tua .uîeelinrg nilr ybiÈtlr and whites sayme. abaoutt ire tionisjinds riI'minute fu,,- titan inten Ln ta u Qe negrues out f o au ri or)a. te surai-ce of a lesn. 'uerie therotin tý. Go..lirown bas aeu Adfto!Wa a on v invrisibteasat s are reali>'y b f t nhorîI i t tC 0aop ltitflL blini Teo fbi of -bia aaylng flttiL mrrutii rtiirotgli whfiflu e letrea ta lisDepriti.n. 700 dou'tlMe m,-youfcan <uume~ èat tou the ~'suîi irfi(ut fIi't'5"g an, "yeti «me el it ï. na' aP u.~lu*lgCfclg et Fut, la on uotntopouuing 9giiîmiclcDYI la i knôw u coIf.'*i ' ~I%~ ~t. Ii wax bl par t '1S Lu ré offl nd el urlemoîi1 re apet c-a 'w.,v4 ta -euipiti--- ,a; t o t William A,. Claiýk Enters Race For Senate Agg4iI I'j t, b: i s 't T'ne BestPl er Ever O0 re AtaI'ýodraterie -' H~EUPHONA PLAY* Pi' ian instrument that eirý of nusic whio does flot play the o0, 0 aryr pian, hd s. It mnakes anyone a musjn'jnrn at Linie becatise lr- itiuires no long course of Icrison% andi consitat «- f I tlue. Withii Euphopayoucas'pîavimmýedi.l Tbc wonderful mechanisr~Ià inside, ofthe. case makes it unne ' for you to. train your fingers on the. board---and yet you coh-trol reut few pianists can. - WtcLhave the Euphona, on sait at the stores of t C. F. Ingaits ,& r4)., M i uk egan, or Lynch Fros. ,Libertyvillle and we invite you to cail atnd sec, it--to examine it- -and to play it. You wiII be interested even if yot> are flot rq*4, to buy, and we shali be glad to have you c1osdfrUi<s spect this instrument in wllich so much lngenu.s*lxt showii. r- Il yot haive, a piano you can cxch.ange ît as 04rt paymrent for a Euphona and pay the balano In mnonthly instalinient. Easy terrns are given to aUi purebasers. Expert TuningI Ioulawhvaspae u.a CARL IANpi~O CoisW ASkiNQ FO1n HER Bt ÔSCAR COX COitYr<UIi<. 111. la,> Amarisan Pr, PAGE' 0"V orl M Ei