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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Jul 1910, p. 4

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t4 SU8OIPTO PICEI.5O PER OFLAE .,CUTY NAVNC FR.ANKRTZ T........ ........... . ....... ........ ........... ................. Editor *FRIDAiY, JULY 15. ifflO. SUBSTITIJTE FOR BEEF. - Ail you have to do, brethren, se wat;; walt a little while-not long. The Mpi«rofaorsf political ecenomy are underrplning the citadel of high-priced aimts, aendaonit will topple ever.' The great and good-work le going righL ateno-"maveeping wth gigantie trides," le the exact description of lts prgress; and th agricultural "baron*" now raising 2cents-a.pound beef, jýork and tyuton wil, ore Igng, be lcing ikj leva than 30 cents. Oniy shortiy ago it unes givon out by oesof theeohampons of the people's cheap breakfast, dinner and suppertabies that ho had discovered that the lagooona, bayous, maraires and awamsps of Lousidha, and other like places in the sunny south, couid be utiizod- as breedlng, raising and fattening grounds fer tht hlppepot. aMus, and thit "hîppo"l met la excellent te eat and that such an industry couid Set s mlghty "pry!' under the mont extortioniats. And rlght aicng In the sanie <lins another "profesor" experimenter-this cnrie n our cwn Ililnoial-right In the heurt of tht enemy's country as il were.--rlght where the high-priced meat producers live and thrive-one of the faouity of tht great state unIverslty, has DINEO ON OKUNKI And this ln net ail; ho likea îtL Tht meal, heottle us, sn white, tht taste anost agreembie, tht food vry nutritious. Se we hfve It-hippo and polecatý two articles of meat-food heretofore whoiiy negieted by manklnld, uniesa it be by the "wiid nmen cf Igorneo" have flashtd u'pon us [lice atrîi navigation, beur- Ing signet of expert dietary approvai sel upon theni, and are now ready te march in, but the packing trust te littie pleces, and humble tht stock-ralaing autocracy into tht very dust auppied by thelr ewn ferme. If the mater was net se pureiy sclentlfic, se thoorelicaliy economnk, andl auch a "superb advance," even In thtse days when advanclng In everything le tht order of the day, the SUN, in it exuberance, weuid be lnclined te shout "'Buty' But tht condtion has been reached oniy after yeara of palpstaking end deep research. which shouid admit nothing but deference and languege of correaponding tante toward the great twin dacoery, It retracts tht very cern. mon, net tosamy vuiga r word above, and gives rders for lts butcher te send a skunk roast up te ita residence, say on Thanksgiving day A. D. 2683. WANT BETTER REPRESIENTATIVIES. ftecently s grçup of citizen& f ctizons fIllinos met t Paons te cen- aider memna for aecuing a decent and ropresentative legilature. As mighl ho expectod In such a gathoring thore woro many porsona who have figured as "refermera" nd expononts cf pelitîcai "cure all." , Thora watt advocatos of the single tax end othor aiieged panaceas for ail avilis; thora wers radicale who dtslrd te denetinot the iegieiators as thievea and rascais. But as evant& proved, the majority cf the gathsrlng wa@ made up cf*aSns, lmparato, P&actcal citionn* cf tht atst and the piatform adoptod withcut a aflrtino ivý and gftsr deliberatien In which ovory one was given an op- pstanity ta ebshoard, was a stomperato practicai document. A$ a.fundamentai point the piatformi refera Indiroctiy te the littie bai. $M"' vota 6f 1904 "fon the people, by an overW'hoing voe, auked the legisia- ttare ta givo thoin tht opportunIty te vote for a conttutional voe providing that the peope mlght initial. lagisiation by direct vote or might refor objec. îlenal lews bbacka te b. vbted upon by the r«ferendum. Thetolâtallture paid ne attention te this diret demand cf the people. ~the Ptgrts platform new proposes that each candidat for nomination or teoction tur tht legisature shali ho calied upen te piedge himatif te the foi- lbwiflg propositions: (il> Thal auch caididato wiii work and voeforfen amendimtnt te tht' iconstittation previding for th. initiative and refsrendum;% ( b> Thal ho witi work and vote for the passage of a corrupt practicta < That ha wiii work and vota for the passage cf a bill providinq f;r a comprohanlva $te"a cvil service system. 1 ii. candidt.e wiii, off ooier, hava the rlght te ign or refuse te sign the piedus or any portion of tham. Thore !i ne compulsion about the matter, vler le thora any throsat. Yb* resuit wili b., howovsr, that the votera wHi fttfowtiw th canddats stande and If they believe In the princIpies cf tht con- <vntie * il[ hava the opportunity te support auch candfdatss as are for or oagmiat é19 propostions. Thoae-ara @ Ufrworke" about the mcvemsnl; Ihore la ne destruction, de- ,Ruimiimtk or toailinscdown. Tht people art givon a practicai rethod cf safe- tguaret ig thamaalvça through th* Initiative and referendum amd te select log. tilmters who wiii holp te safagurd thsm. A committo te appointd te aoe that av"r candidats la givon the oppor- .tunity te sign th. piodg and that th. peope know hbw tht candidates tand. That the machina willI mari anc.flght la te b. oxpect5d, The peuple may look for cisera and denunelations of the Paonsa convention, but It wouid soem -Okat thffl wlo aneer wiii put thsmselvea on record end that the people wiii be wth tho e 4e cocnftrenca. or CITY f ATt WRS Haid Wedmsday Evennk July 6- Monthit Bis Aiicwed-Other lm- portant Businessa Tnansactad- Board ýuec le tegular meeting. Fuil board preeet. Trmeaua'.anti cierk',e repocrt wan eati anti audited l>thse inie coi-ns- mlttee anti on their favorable- report@ wtt-e accepteti anti atteteti plaîtti Ont aie. The Ioilowtieg hbis cent rendîlanti anditx-ti ly tht tinance cotumc.ea, andi on thein favrable report wea-ti- çîeti. Un motion oI Lynch andi Wells. North Shore Elet. Go--------.... 1977 Laske Co. Igdepentiut, priutiDg. . 71- W. Lec-k Co., nrpairet-...... 9 0 9. H. ('-riat, express-----------..... 27) Wankegan Oil Ca. gaoulina . 4140 Pltta Nter (Co.. mtera ...... 10 No National Mter Ce, metteA. .. 61( 8. Gonid Co., cashene-----------.... 70 W&W. Attitge, tret conk- ....2100 L . c.Young. aaiary-----------.....1-,. 0 D. Llnbenny, seiany-----------......:4,. 10 Oumm »me... aork-----------..... 17.401 J. . Miollanti, livery---------.... î(1 J. iric. police---------------...... 4 (10 IL à Mac. police---------... .. 10() *,-P. Wboer. waik roisate....- 1368 - .Proclor, walknebat............. 720 ILfl ..Hcxihtt, waik nbata 19-44 J. S. iMaGtoâ, waik ebate.... 0 . a. Brwta..... . ..-........ 1.()) ,N- oved brboys md $cbhable tha - *a bauld aaPe p j popoition oi *#. %" suté ePs. a trt fiv-m tise r u**4C ast ice iitegtuliOrcîsard for*WU, Mr M 8a*pe egrade anti Ordileanca No. e5 a-as nesd aad. on iutoteuof Lynchi andi Rayes wasnapasseti an reed. Al rutieg aye. Moreti by Lynch andtiehnalîcie that tht marahal and tteel commisicuer l'e alioweti cee t-ek savatiotià araa Cariet. Moret lîy Boye tati Lcyns.c lic oal- jcîitrrî u ily lothu. E. H. COIttLETT, Village Ulirk. Garage anti Auto Livery? Thea flatter as- ote îccpeicicur o! n garae andtiolc i%-ry lté.iig Stricu3.y tisongit o f iîY eseral o icîr iiiens@ It seemtnisaI roinstht njuitclier ofl eara owueti bere. lu cccv eîîhiicg of-thse numben Ibat -stopi ottr" turing tht season, hat thtecci euietlc iilaugihuie. Hacdiy n day passes but -chiI lureare tranqieut touripte eî-ttechavehiîquiceai tii the wherenhuuta ut the Lîhastyville- garage tir auto iîvery. anti a-bn answoeeln th e tt anîve. they are set- pritd.« Rein? ce the main totncgh- faeabotet",ie hcagoanti thtlaits region, thora Io ce resen te donht tht feasbility et hariug tisese nensaties te thks respect anti hepe that thet tetr wclii net; haetinppei, ht puchutetocards n consumelalien. As te, a liu-ry, tiserearan a cumia-, of ,young people a-be are ncl ahle te ccc a cer, but ara eniuh hu santi tnjcy n spuneowanti then nch ta lisaIt pleanante. a-b>ouot cO grutige the paymet of ia naasoualie sîm por heur for tht usé e ttcar. AR&i[npleaêura parties arellaisio to ha gitan, anti for th!* reason,ý another arvente lu opaned fon ratai, btttdea Ibis supplies; muid ieh kep inlestock. Tise INDEPELNONT and Woekiy Inter Ocan$M a.1 sy.ar.1 PI - - TtA, Maea After s Separsîlen of Twoosly- Six Yàara-Ptures are Remom- bored-..Presointatioii cf a Peach Carried Thosm 1ack te Scheel Osys. A pieitly lecedi tile tiderly wcoac. with &ray. bain, cae riding eatward On theo electo elino thte ther alternooe,, cihtn an aIert looking hùsineess man 0o! tbtrty-fivr o nlay got bocard cilb a markot basket, 'aud took i e st lui- niedlateiy bohInd ber. The man studieti tht baek 01ciltht tlea gray bairuti comanis cead fi orn e om mmentecs Ietently with a puzzite ex-. pretlce, and then etigeti ovr toc.ard, the oulelde oi hi@ esat ta, get a beîî,'t vic of the elde cf lier lace. Having f gel th15 visa-, ha settieti back and anîlled M A quiet, aemiescnl sort f a maille. d The be reachet initu a Paper cack, and braughl iorth a tint, luseious lecking peach. which lha earelully steît over 'tith îhfl5 thîuibt oremaovethe fuzz, A moment Iter ie leaned oaer, and heidth ie penc in j front cf the ey e@ of tht plea8ant lacet! ehlderly lady in the sentm .nhead, and inqtticed camlîallv: "Cote Ionrnai-. Tht 'lady turDeet about in surprise. studiad the feature@ cf the bua!itites tcen,E whoweas sutiling at ber, sud then te a sutiden burbt oi re-ogniion exclainîcti: ,Wll, iflitt n'tro ofy boys! MIS George.,lîow arc yon? Sure eccinguyoli livea lu Liherlî ville, delcO ou? .And bo tbitik scu remembere th te nbictt tht peaches! 'My. oh, uc3. how 1 uceetitu enluos those out of ohr fcath-i 'e yard that you brought tu chool. Elie ulti cliooil eacher took thealiée-c heti beid cul lu ber, andi turlrd il nway je a littie baud satchaI careluls nu if it acre na reciti sîijtct, snd then bane tri undtilier beac!ni> anti )nde dlgtd- iy as she plled hlmu with quetoutks abulot tht whertnhouts o! uthtr "tco)Ys," about binîsel! andi olti time8. Thay lhaitia great talki.ilover lest ail tht cny lu Lake Bluff Juictioe. Among other thîngs tlîey igureti ont thal tht lact time lhe badlgicu heran afine, btg, luocoua ptacb was baek lu 1884. Ta-o ceatherbenteui, prospei ou look- li;g titla-aget imen acrose thtesll liiteeed tu, tht eonveration citb uîuch iuterest andi then amtled At ench other in a thougitul way, and banetu talk about tht ruthlesa marnee n lehirh Titleegoes romping astay duce thnongh tht eudie@ts corridors af the heretofora, whan elhecouducto nniouneed tuochanea cars, "George" took naceuthhound car, whilie bs tdtriychoolteaeher catchati tht disappaarigcar, cipiug haer oiml- eutd cyts, alter a-hidi tht waseeicgclsc tu L^ke Bluff. proper. Upon iequtny iîy a cepraetative of tbi# paper. hie careed that "George" 'ight bas-a be George .lamisou. aWho cas a acholan hrt about 1884, andi taece wliving near Rockiord, as it it tsait ha maisîea lyiusg tripo lu tlblj viitty. As to'wbo the achoiteachot was ai that lime, Do definite iformatioOn coniti ha obteineti, but to sey the leasi, tisatI "ons peac<' WB@ tise tanasof sciscol da) recognition, as Georg e. uneubered tht lady'@ featunes aed the peacb épisode, andi wbectcfrceîed hy ber, it ca@ mutuel. - Frida6y alteruoon while Lyle Andrews, who'la le the ompcy . or thie Gaé C.ompany, waa lu tise vlulity of thse old depot, with the compaey's team, fusi qnite au expenleece, at tbe @se timoN serions acident wasavrted. For some unkeewn cause the tugs andi othei banns *"c)ntraltoes" bcanse coeeed whtch caused tht thilis to fail to the gnound, the noise cf whioh frgbtee lbe horse, wbieh attempted lu rue and hati It net heen for Mn. Andrew'î adroitotas ns a horsenîaq, the equine wal etopped; thereby saving a broken wagoe, dismaetled harnese andi the hast of ail, a uarruw eszape on lice part o Ly le. YOUP, VOTE AND SUPPORT WILI BE APPRECIATED COUNTY CLERK OF LAKCE COUNTY mardes te ha beld THURSDAY, SEPTeUBER 16,. se Pli- or kNosIIA And tht RaLmbiera 9 ake Thair Defeat in a Cool Mannor, Despilte the Absence cf Regular Playera. I1reeentlng n badiy psttc-etedp tenus, cwlegltt eabsence o! taerai cf thein negnian playens, the. Ramblers a-eut1 dca-n tuc defestt mot Stinday befoffe the atrng Rîverside cine of Kenaha. l apile cf tise serions drawback of playlegé lui ueaccoalurned positionus and wlth( seXisrali iuxpe&loeed menî on tise ltai, buïr boys played n pluî'ky uplîll gaine. sud le the 111th anîd secenthininippg tbnentened fo ovencoîit ttel1>19iead cf the vîsitomr. le thtetreutbast-itiiv, whou lObta-to mec îint, thay scored thein oolltany rue anti bailtise bates full, tht cnoa-d axpeutiti epaltiio of the great rally, mode on tiîe praviaus Sue- dajybut the Keuceha piîchan was le- vlucflîile, am bla thint4uen etrhlteonl eteify. Neit undtay tht Ramnbicrs presenting a new front by tht addition cf ta-c strcngr playens, herslofor connetItt with the Rlockefellerteaîi., promise a close andi excitieg tiattle with tht strnegeat teaic o-an hart tiisenscu. R H POA STRII lisl.2h........i-01 92 2 O 8tacek.ib.......... 0 c 0 t0 tioeters........ 80O 1 0t ceerloee.3bh..............( 0 4 I 2 0 MeIt..<rt 0 0 4 0 2 O ttctitf.03 0 1Il t B)v.ttpi O 00 O 2 2 Muellke. rt f . C O O il 2 i 1 '27 12 1.1 3 Odelce. tI,. Rosi-il. c triccll Il <litho ch StOsiîlîeg. 21 Thomaci n ttc-rkîoes. cf 10 hlîiicîc, s. Hartucca. n Il It l'll~A 810H i 2> l0 O i e il e I I O I I O il ci 2 I i - O - - c - i. .1 iii ~1 2 il li"î' Ci 1' 1, i i i il il ci i 27 -c i Honey Cnop May ha a Failure. Iiîsaiiy ane ahuedarit rope., whiîta clover ëpçii@ au nîcuedant ytetll o boni-y. Apiaitm, iîowas'ar. tii--lare tise is an'u nptecedenleti aliience îîf beti anti that ont mny se îik tîrcîugiî acres of chtte cdoreranud o,.,- s-r vttsu beta Thibi .due lu the 4i-i-i seiitl,,-r that Ioiiowad the statm tdait if Mîrî-i Maey boas penlstid ndetholîithta turviveti fonetithir foîctihaî ci-e kilitti by thteieary frists nul t1*tîey 10 petishei. (Oue aplarist tîrîtî<cIl t hi. lices lhrongh lîy featiiug îhenîils-,- liarcole ici ongan. Experts c-aim tieliîccv c rup wcîli ha altuont n total faiIîîcc INDEPENDENT *'Want Ads" brlng reaulta. 25 cents an Insertion and You reacit 30M0 readens. Obittrv Wha WCguarantet, by the proper use of our Cat.heriao Sfcry ichai waa hotu le: Greeock, Scotiacti. Dec. 21, 1829. and deparîed this l!o July 6. 1bl0, being 80 h fi e S p rao in y u d iy, s years, 6 mont1ill andi 15 days of mgo.1 She caël ut'iîed lne marringe to Arph 8.as ol w : Mc<e'- 'i heei of Gasgow 'Aprii sflo s alt8r.siel iioArreseet hoetotd',*1t. Iftcompared cilhSuysoterrmate et soparatot. te tganlnlu teld of butter lu Isar ef near~ ~ ~~pepn honîtt catttlie rciee.lthetthartless Separotor wlU Se atiles sofielent t to lii1P Priet lnlteresi on tht choie lirsi nelgr %iildren wera bhore t, îî,ie u,iîc, tt01the seuaitor each tes,. ad Ohe tenever ieost other saparateta ilcelunct mote soveil Of .ehetc wlth the aged lu«latîtithO hs. eni-vi, - the wseeand i eothei. Tii, rý ,îe l2d. I IfSu, skt15 the ttetimeus eofthe besl eravtte reaiets. etimiet thte moat taver aic' thiftieen granlichlldreîî llîiîîkig ableeoedlklone. tour gain ln yteld ef butter hy the use et thie$harpiaeTubisbsr 8tarator 'tItI h- ber irtr'.P front tl.e chureli it,, i-tbti d .îlu eecesàoftn Ioueds o tr eryhbuedred poueda preyleusît usade. teh,. tIl leti with thé . grat ii If yo fln r een thIî1e betlgtrlvty cnamer under favorable conidtioe%. thst Wsjack ef (llitrrlî ICI Ililburuandti c ei- l. 0 aveeytcold ester otite. tour gaine clii hau eellrase ofIcenty poueds. If tocusseebuinfecter lu ils work, creamer or vane. veut taie dillu ruite tyl-te to lllty poundu, delleîdhut on hew Inerlor F iceit1a l ie s a le ed l-ri Itte" d Oth e po~O i t f ti et eream or butter il le m ort dihîcuit tW m a le s d ilite zuar aeto. _______________1ashdirdt any t'to datrymen use thtesme amount ef tare about Itîr daInes ortaete #*measi ted almp f ur.bute, t etht balle is btreuu lal.w uree ethrt e eetath es 't d er lIOCO LC.PRICE Cen didate for the Republicen Nomina- tion for Countf Treasurer. Mn. Price was elected te this office ie 1902. ¶.ils effic iency was auch ho has bue reîamned from yesr te ytar n a clenîcai capacliftead the know- 1 ie ne has acquired fit$ hsm Bs la ne other mon, for tht office. Heo s praclicallf indispenaible le the office. H-onesite otht ast degree, ho makas an ideai officiai. 1 Mr. Price it receieing flattering promises of support fnom Republicans in ail sectones of the counîf, who believe his long and faiihfui service ls desanviîg of recognition. One Third below regtiar price 10 dozen Me's oguaranteed Soekm, made bY E. H. NeWsoITu Of týhattaeouga,-Tenn. 6 pairs gunraeoeed te last Il months. Tht standard pnice ta$150for a&box, conlainieg(6 pair. Wo bougistla is ttle lot ata figure whIch wileeabiotts n tut mlli tem to yen at 20e a pair or a box of 6 for.... $1.00 Watch for our, Special Sale of. Oranitewarel T-HE FAIR' Libertyville, Mi. CLOTIIINU Made te order. We have a nice hine cf samples te select from' It is only a short time belore the Fair and you wil waut s new Suit, Ndw ta the time te leave your mleatue, Some cf the linea have been cut te a very low Price, We have itia recieved e uew lot of al Men's Kaki and Blue Shirts al ie.The popular colona thia season. luit received a nice liue cf Mten's Pants at $2.50 a Pair Men's Kaki Pants,$I.OO and $125 E. W.'PRHUS SCIIANCK'S BLOCK LIBERTYVLLE, ILL - r m by the use ot out stpisstor, Whte the average les@ rstreftl daîrymua wlll secuire a butter erorth frere 50 per cent tu 100 per cent more than cithout the aid Of theT ubular Separator. The mkimmlrlI, belng warm snd tresh, wclii hc muîts more valhable for stock food. It l i ha 'torth froer eetive ceets te fcrty lvç c<'put er heedred tieudm for stock teeding. dependinot tsrgely 0u the sgtetfthetstock te0 chSItlea ed. out, col mll le orth shoutoee luth 01 this amoUet. 4th. The %avinir lu haetling ef the mut s y havlee the separation made right bemedth1e ce. stable. and the skIes mllt ted rght te the stock chite it le8sarre. the cavnortu lemptane. Dalla, etc.. andthe seahng sud tariez for sme. sdd a h undred and oeeother Mletitaviets. eted net be estimsted. sîtS ýuxh Oer amoueit te s erest desi In tht e arete. th th. There cl btsasavînw oetive. Il seytaI.used. and thetlime and erxgteinetfhsdliîg It il eepessrcocli te reuet Up the gosraeteed lecrease le the yld of butter and the anar- ajîteed 1IMtiroemet le quallty te enabla rîou te saec oss sbsoluetlcnesar, lm a prorer separ t-to tasdairyman, satd hew Coder ce rlrcuoîslsuçes. rc"Stbc bse euccettbl itlhîut tee sm SoId by H. B. EGER, Libertyville Good Coffee Won't Murt You. Il c2olle(?do"a ycu barm, Iheres nacause-lied t'ut chat ilteg liayb t Io loutl prcperly matie. Mayha 1k caseS nîigislCaSeta saret witdj. Mayba il wans otichap-aud too chaap ('offéea tathe deane@l drink any person tvr draek. But dockt blame ALL Coclle@ We hart sevrai ofCI(hase & Sanbornt iigh grade blende.i Price frram 2000 40 c<'tlspet lb. Gladt t have you test itl leehont No. 30 Colett & rrecericls LmEJTY V-iE ILL. and are going to do sema sonsattonai Merchandising le Mh ~celebrate. Jusinotethe foliowîng listI We don'trmeelien values Ihey speak for themstives. !ridaii JuIq 15. -Monday-jjulyj 25 Coigate Taicum Pcwder l................................. ic Jap Roese soap par cake ....................................7c Ladies fine Embnodertd Gante Vesta tory apeci at ..............18c IAproos and Shrtng (inghams, yard .......................... c Ec ie oqsity Bath Towels, Pa h ........................... c Fiee Box Wrîlîng Paper Box .......................... 8..... c GROCERI ES ili uOlis'-a.large atot per bittlt . ... .......................7c Americno Fantsly Sonîs 6(3for ... ........ ...................25C Large Ivory Lit bp Starrh, par lb .............................4c W. W. Carroll Son The INDEPENDENT ha. mors ub., Rled ('omis Pouitry ail aIses. Beai t od acibore and la the btat advtrtioine for eistckena. Soiti by LfsEntr"ui;z~ medium ln Lake ciunty. 1 Lojeanen Co. c-8 o o o o g o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o r Ai One for&a Patenl while Our s Ou Our 1 moi I.l ccc 100 rvlw Ln rit IIARVEST TIME COMING FIX Up YOUR GRAIN BINS, MIAY' SHIEDS, BARN ROOF AND GET YOUR MIGIITY GOOD TIMEf TO BUY NOW POULTRY !OOD JUST PRICE RIGIIT WIE ARE DÉLIVERING SOME CLEAN lI1ARD COAL Libertyvîlle. 'Llfber to PION! 47 1 )

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