POIR SALE IFOR SALE-One Yearling Perriteroni colt registered. H W. Follett, Mapie Spring Fai-ni Libertvviiie. c-42tl FOR SAL.E-My Oak upiigt planeonmm FOR SALE-1000 lb. smon-el famtily $# stovage. Firat rims condi tieu, $3.,() driver, leather trîmuingd COecord buggy, m. R ave baS it enlv 4Y; moutits. ene tsi- sated village wagon wit pole Pog Information inquire at Bei-a Furni- sud sIsal r, wo sets o! s3ingie harnie8s, tumt o., 1188S Geneseest., Waukegan. j tlaîîkeîs. relies, liaitera. etc., ail ini st ]Li c-42-1 i-lass condition. ani-one wautinira caf.' 0""Ze;"*driver for family sbouid investigare titis FORSAL-A tdlack herse. Iiquire of chane. for I have ne tartiter ti.'. for 41. il. Witoe, Rückefler. p42-1 1 same. Will ccii separate or ail. (%aib. 1 p eu alli tuas. J. A. RAAIIE. 203 Sentit ýUiILE--On. e -n Auto aud eue 4reenBav BoaS. Highland Park. 111. at omc. A. W. Lutchield. c42-1 FUR1 SALE-Tise Holabein cal-es. 4 w'eks oId frein blooded stock. nt beifer calves. Phone 2612, Rocketeller. c-42-1 frOR SALE-An ire box and, kitrhen cabinet. Mrm. C. il. Wison. op -o.ite tbe neis - depot on Liiwaukeen Ave FOR SALE-Ramblor Automoi'ile. 4 = à" Dér Btatcbable toueau. Fil-st el à4odition. C'Isp if taken at once. 'Nhphnnsu 1764 eveuiugs. e-42-1 F011 SALE-GOond driving borse, wt. 1000powuda. Asea genti- ueny, any MUld eu handie.(Calil at tiis office. 41 -2 FUR SALE-Di-iving berces at Maffle Sprlng Fari. H. W FOLLET-IT. p41;) F031 SALE-Sail boat, 18%5. hut titisr ys.Cbeap if tak..u at once. Iaquire aI tiseGRÂveLÂsi PHAÂîtîi c.c40 tf FOR SALE-NWa, modern seven reoni bouse and bath. oak iniphljist tioî, yellois pins second ftougr.Hardwood glors thi-ouiotît. la Ravine Siope subdivision. S. L To, ltRovkpfelli,f OFOR SALE-lu i ass.'nrrbus inqire -of J. E. BOm, ti4brtvtilie. MI. Phone 464.c-If FOR SALE-Acre lots oni )vnond's aubdivision, close to town aud electri Cars. Price$300 00. DYMoND & AusrtîN1 IFOR SALE-Lotâ i tIe Dytnond and Auatim subdivision, 50x140; $100 ,.aeh; $0, swn, 815 per rnontb. DymSm o& Orm. 40-tf FOR SALE-16 pasenger bus. Inquire of J. E. Bo-in, Libertyville, Ili, c 33-tf F?~ SALE-Oue 120 egg Prairie State an wo '250 gg Model ircnbator, b ut littie umed and ta excellent condition aiio severai broodere of varions makes. eAddress P'. 0. Box 3. Highland Park, lii. C-25-tf 1 FOR RENT il FOR RENT-Furrsislied rot) ns. pleasant loction and ail modera ovecs Corner Park Place and Huributt Court. Mus. 4. VN 0E Envi. e42-2 FOR RENT-Ibargme furuielhed front room enitable for two. Airs. Knieker- bocker. Division St 142-1 COR RrfNi -We bave a lew good ued. r ,uses andfliats te i-et ais,> lar- nidber rooms. witb steam he't. with or wiout iboardi-d l)îiNu & Ai STIN. 40-t f _ _ WANTED 1 WANTED-iood coliciters, maie ami leinale, salary and Commission. For furtber information Calil on or addrees J. A. GRHÂit8 ls ,ibertvvilil . c41)-t! WANtED -Two good ditcbers te dig and av 12 tub rutie 1004 rode; 5 te f) t. deep and 50 rode, 4 te 4 it. deep. Wni Whigbam. -36-tl - ' MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN-Oa iluproIve aims at 5 per cent. Dvm.ozn & A iiTI N offl a- . . ' Il LOTS OR SALE-tu the B. J. Grimes 1 bivson e lefof lisut t alpIrosd on Milisauke- avenue. B. J.Uli5 wner. 15-g P@I SA..ECbocelots lu C. PFrank Wstgbt addition, 501150, for $200,00 ffl,~5009 sud $80000O. DI)UOND & AURTIN 40-tf MISCELLANEOUS FOUND-A sur Of ionev ln te park, Tbnrsday .vein, July 7. Uwî,er eau bave eamne bY Paying for this ad and eail LAURA RAWL. e-42-1 LOST-A plusb robe betweeu Waueoa- ....................- .'. Finder Vt$ Oui- youth need.d bread end 'they ~S Of5 4 .S O were iven a atone. etAI Oui- Young people sethe saloons I Reul se Tanlea and they know tbey are here tiecausene Lsf~ishd yu. a majorlty of the people are ln favor Lake Oenty Tille & Trust Con. of tbem and lu laver of baving tbem Abtracts et Titis. Titles Gugranteed ln the most prorInent places on our 1fasonelcueple Bltlg. %Naukegan,liII. business streets, and that ail depart- Louie J. (iURNEE, Secy. ments of th~e cty goverument are lbi favor off tbern. Our Young people grow up with G. T. Cernatocit and wlfe te O. J. them and get an Idea that no matter Mlnk, 3 lots village off Barrlngtou, and what lsa ald againet the saloon, we tract et land ln Cook couuty, Q., C. D., canuet get along wtbout the m. ' 1.000. Men, who tbey see'bave the respect L. D. Corntock snd wife teO. .. of the foîks at borne and off the cern- Mlnlç, 3 Iots bu Village etffarrlngton munlty, are la laver off saoons. and tracjt off land lu Cook couuty, Q. Oui- Young people neided bresd, en~d C. D., $1000. we have golvn thom a tone. Marie Pesat and lusband te A. J. Our Young people get au Idea from Razlrn, lots 2! te 24, Nelsons second tbosd who ought te be feedlng l.hem sufbdivision on Fox Lake, W. D.,$, wJtb the bread of right living, that thse 550. church ls a secondary matter, that A. J. Razîm and wife te E. M. Ham almoat auythlng can have thse prefer- ovec, lots 21 te 24, Nesou's second ence, a visit, a stroîl, an auto ride, s3ubdivision on Fox Lake, W. D., $3,-J a littie tired feeling,- beat,- ram. ,-a few clouds, anythlung lu fact can be pis(e abead of tIsecburcb .- And to go to cburcb more than oncei a day, li we go at*al, la out off stylej and not lu gond forrn.' Oui- young people needed bread, and they have been given a atone. 1 And I do net Mine. thie Young peo- pie at ail, tbey asked for bread and were led on cobble stenes. Wbat kind of au Idea deoOur Young pleople gel f rom Ibat bang. bangt. bang tbat we bave been bearlug al oer the clt 'v ou Sundays. aud very promlunent today. CernIng frern the itractice off thse gun club In tbelr sboot- lng matcbes over on tbe West Side? Wbat are we as a people banding out te our sonsè sud our daugbters? We are banding eut the Ideas tbat do net make a igb moral char- acier. Ideas f hat make for Indifference to tbe deeper tblngs for a true lite. Here Is a wbole dinuer ef cobbie 9tones. Rut worse tban tbat. Tbe Idi'as wicb sbeuld be breai te tbem are beld hart and lu fbeir place. Ideas f bat are lite givfug thern a tone. Ideas, that scoff at pur! ty and ail sarred tbings Tbat Sesecral e the sabbatix. Mate light of the Bible Mlaking rewltglous restraint un- rnanly. 1 plead for the bread of righteous- nets for the giowing rte about us. SPEAKERS ROASI CANDIDATE BUJRNS a lrgelia of- Lkeuctity Wtll Wagner and rreeve reward. Represeniative Blurns of Belvidece, imARmSW. aealrg lt ba e WILL WàiuxgaC. Box 98, (rayîlake, Ili. lenocrarîr rinnrity representative eonqfum' o el, Alffobouses and loit@42- 1*ilg.DyMONqi,& AUsvîN. 40-t!*il .___________ _f rom tItIs distriêtt was "rateS' over LOST-A grîp cotaining jeiselrs-and te rosis y he .'automobile suîffragete FQfl8Ai..E OR REtIT-ltnderu bouse, brby l'i-s betise@u MiSHeirv and part> at Grayalake Tueaday maorniug aflps'oveiuts. Centrally locatéd. C.,. Gages .8 i sStinday eveninz >aboin~l a fashiout tat nutthave made bois1 U. Rysibrts-ie.II. c-28-tf 9:80. tcardai-Silreturneil te Mis 1i,i-tsesbia ?ire ande.r. Bral rý . p 422 earsburu ÈFOR SALE-to,4se on Fret and Iluri - - " o - Týe attomoblling vote entbuial bort CourtI 7 roo in earl.v neis. eci-e FOU N-A ireS ieifer witiî white star. weul about lb.' City annouuicing thse motl, ga. sevrer, oitv iater. bargain. 0Owi.er eaui bave saine by paying loi t ioi.w meeing at rslate tbrougb mega- »JyaI C . Laycock. ibèrtyville.-S0-t ad ,àlool pastai-e. Barry Retike. 1,42-:1 pbue POR SALE-A 7 rain bousfe on Mc- SPECIAL FENCE-Greatlv ii-Su'-eil m ble tire C erine McCilocb ,Ëe1ey anS Stewart Ave. luquirsol R. pi-.. 12 lins isires, stiff steel, stav 12 waas pe.tlgfI, party gol a lelegram P,SoeIIIABLt, ibertyville. 111. -82-tl incites apart. og tightI, iigIs snough rotRprsuafv uraay>gb _____________________turii ail koinds of stock, 27e per r-.1cil iR rsnttv unssyrgn «OR SALE--tIne six-hoee powser port- talwls iven f ree vitIs everv ollIt.,,l' arty lu faoor of'l, eu o afflé egiue and bolier, lu fiue Condition. wii-5 *2.60 Per 100 poutuds .ANiEi -,tuait suffrage. The womau justice as- Teownier bhs ne usefor le. Enquire at îîRE FE:iCE cb. -40-t sreiba h i otudrtn U5 Grand ave. Waukegan, . - III.tht h dd otudtftn ______________________GOLD FILLED SPECTACLES-witb wbat tbe "partialiy-maan and te F0O1 SALE-Oi- wll trade for a light cai-eful test incluSeS fo.r $1,00 anud up wbat exteît sbe waa to rouatrue the "uve«. an 8 year nid werk herse, weigh- Bave youi- lresent lenseâ changeS tir telegram n Wb'al Io il that b.' favors?" iug 1250. Ù. J. WHEEpLocK, Graysiake, have ncw trames for Viii- prement lenses, abe. ashed. 18 il lbhe cler of eur eyes, ~~l. ~~~~~ c-3f8 Tressesthat bolS witb comfort, !ro m. u ar a dcteoraly1 $1,01) andu. Mackotses drag storeol arouedatnu bityo FORSAE-A fine vielan.'Ne use tote h exalt)rug stere, cerner Genm'see vote unidestaudiugly, that bie does or qwner. Chas, bing. Libeityville. p-42-1 t., aud-iMadisoun Waukegau,litI. c2f)-t does not tai or?" Sbe tbeusasiS she UNE SîOrNFIN- STEAD OP BREADt Taklîg civic righteousness as att Id L eal anS tracing thse need off il f rom the home upisard to the istate anS nation,1 2ev. L. C. Buringoff the FirsI Mette-t Sist cburch Suuday evening atri-t- ingiy ldicted mauy Carrentultcyi con- diieus and pleail that the pmuttitoe Watukegan be -given bread atSndît The ifeaierfnl audreos folews: MatI. 7, 9, As whit man le there ef ye, when if hl* son ast bread, wili be gven a atone? (Children are buugry tbings. Ail grerwing orgaularna demaud feeS. Plants, animais. Bois careful w.' are te ge just vbat is needed, focrise know we will nover get go rettmns If ise neglect i.bem. Our crops isili b.' a fallure. The team canîtet wort. Thé milt snpily whii be shert, In the care off cattle. tiogs. berces 'eA bl bckÇns. some people seern te U" vemore conceru thlju tbey bave fer children- .Aaything VIII do for a cbill, bat thé fine borge muat bave thse bei-I off tidti ne actiie tcwoîîîu îhave ,rotuaea eliher bread or tone&. le lelegcapb were bie net a candidate Wbat tinS off bleus are we glviug for ree-Iecîleî oc orrereitialive. She tbemn! marie. sport off tihe' elegraîn aud the Wbat tînîl et an Ides do tbey get crexad leudly aîlaiîded. off religion by abat tbey see lunte borne? "la ifs Woi-th Saviug?" Let me Illustrate b> astiug wiiat Mcrs. Mollie ltlcRaney, Pi-enlics, Mliss. titiS of an ides do thsey gel ef a cer- write@ titat site baS a érevere î'ase of tain neigbbor, by wbat lbey Iear In kidney and bladder trtiuble, and tIsai fotir boules o! Folyvs Kîdne.m ftî.iedy lb.' bomne.disparagfug remarts. dis- n-S dber. solitittandu well. Sbit>-!dîtes lIteS, cririseil conîlnîîaliy. he lettýl,' a ivs'%ing' '"I bierfif rornt 'S'u nay be as pîlite te Ibat nelgb- iifri i f it, isea>sv,- h 'vI.ii I*it lier as you llease. aiben >ou meet. It lif. a'lI iot aller thie Ides you bave put 1.I, oe i 'i'tiANY lu the ciilî's mind lu regard le them-______ Just thse saine, If yen treal, religion Notice ligbtly lu thse bornme. n alb.eas Toil ti v%'a lie, are hiîîdiiîg iniaiblîîokg ssnctiuîonIous as you please ou Sun- ewoîlld l'Ii.e tIse returu o! tIi. siite.', day but It does nt ater thse Idea yen Dt inl use. ollier partîies Sesiiiog t beo have pîut ln thse chlda mmd about religion. He needed iread andS you have given hlm e atone. Thse man Who keePs a jug off whisky lu thse bouse. even If be seldotu goes te It, le putting an Idea tuto thse >-ung minds of thse homne. tiat there is uotb- iug vecy baS ln the lblng, Iseif. and tIse yunug mnd wiIi grow up te be a voter Who thints, If thse saloon ls ouly properiy regalated, itleisnet a baS thhjag. The young mmid needed hi-tad, and t ha$ been given a atone. caré. iour youtb gela aniMea, that thse men Our chldren need bread aud ise wbho ai-e lected te office are prom- gv. thein a atonse. het anS honorable mou. wortby ef -W. de veU if iso glve thein gond confidence, and thia sheuld be a coi-- ise for theé body, but a chislS bas i recl Idea and le In some cases. aoomMilg o»1" to b.ed besides the When tbey ose. bey these men win bodty, and hr#"a Iosbe. e are poer thîngs, they thinkt (at Is thse correct $*edama Tb.é cWildi-énstave on the way lu de. and that ail who oppose 'Offl we féeS tiséin.tbem are cranta and bacit numbers, %**icé es and gIrls, ye.th, young se that a street cpxnival Isoa&U rigbt, m m Wwesm; ides te tt..m are even Ifnme people are agaluat itL at tIse a-ek. LitîicIE-TVa I.E iUMBIAt THESE MAY WED. Saînuel G. Taylor. Chicago...55 Amnda Gacuett .................. 48 AdolîtitWoifust, Renosha--------..251 Elizabeth Sharpe ................ 271 One lu the latter marriage, thse bride was a dia orcee off July 2. 1909. WIsat would be tbought off a rnan aibo wouid peg along a hot anS Susty road "foot tarir." when he couIS ride lui a 40 horse powser automobile anS save ttOue, lemper anS sboe-eatber? He would be'coualdered ne mabre fool- lsb than 1he. îmanî iho tries te run bis business wibhoul advertislng, wIsoi the big 40 berce power automobile off uevspaper putliilty lsaet bis com- mand. Thé Independsut $1,50 a year Wrn. Mlarsalansd wite lu W. R. At- terldge , iots 34 and 35 block 2. Hotsa S ubdivision. Lake Forest, W. D.. $3.- 500. W. D. Kapple and wlte te Mary C. Palmer, 83tý acres lu northeast qutar- ter section 35, Aven tewnship, W. D., S8.00., Hl. Z. Durand te John J.- Fiaher, lot 18, Lake Forest, W. D., $13.000. G. S. B3rown le Elvira Unger, iota 16 and 16,. Mock 3, Lnox subdMltn, Waukegan, W. D., $650. 1 Hannah M. Williams and bushanci te Wm. H. Johnson, block 4, Bireh and Wtillama' subdivsion, Highland Park, W. D., $25.000. W. B..' Bmitb and wife to F. W. Mc- RlInney. lois 1, 2 anxd 3 blockt 33, Lakte Bluff. Q. C. D., $500. Anton Bo>ienzewcz and wlte to AS- olpb Wojuicz. lot 9 block 2. \Vasb- buru Paart, W. D., $300. FEIa t). .axnpbere et ai te H. M. Hoelscber, 20 Oacres iu sections 21 and 28, Wauconda townsbip, W. D., $2. P. W. Cornlsb and wiffe te Elizabeth F. P.,Sehmidt and wtfe, tu W. Joern 92 2-3 acres ln sections 34 and 85, East Antiel township, W. D., $13.500. Hula D. Lamphere te Lizzie F. Lamn- phere,' 40 acres tu section 28, Waucon- dton. .shielQ. C.D.,lfe$1. H o NA. townsl, QaC.d. $1to. H o J. E. Wl r!s, business block wist side Gene. s treet, sn off Washington St. Waukegan, W. D., $20.000. Charles Lansing te Elizabeth A, Sar- bere, lot 4 block 33, Laite Bluff, W. D., '$750. astate off Eliza Nettieton (Secees- ed) te A. C. Thomson, part bleck 27, plat "IE," Hlghwood. and part bYlnck âi. sightwick, ltt11 block 20 , Lake24, -E . A. Meâ asplat ofHgwoD - Bluff, W. D., $750. 200 HefrySie ad ifL. P. McClernan anS wlfe te .N lots 36 anS 37 block 3,.',Id erm 1ell'a Crawford, Jr., nertb 100 feet seutt 200 subdhvis;ion. Watukegan, W. D., $1. 9hnliiUhadPsiW W. G. Antes anS vite te Wilfrid Mil. ler, moutb 45 feet lot 3 block 13, Ex- moor addition to Higbland Park, W. D). $2.850. farab A. Hlggins te Adaiu Ohiweln anS wlfe. east bal! off lot 6 block 14. Exmour addition te Highland Park. WV ).,- $500. =E.Preston and wlfe Wo F. 0. Sheridan, 10 acres lu soutbwest quar. ter section 15, Deerfield townsbip, W'. D., $50G00. Vaciav Vosabllk and wife to Emmaz Krasney, lot in nortbeast quarter off section 10, Grantl township, Q. C. t)., D., $1. Estale off Ç. J. Hambieloît (deceas- cd) te LawrenceBuck, lot 55 sud part lot 154, Ravinia. tD., $5.00. M. T. Larney and wife te T. L. Tur- ner, lot 77, Ravinia, Q. C. D)., $175. Moritz Reijîsci tol Wni. Stieger and G. R. Beeruer, lot 10 isubdivIsion off lot 180, Ravinin, W. D)., $625. TI,ornas Ryau -.nd wlfe la .1 A. Ry- an, l1%acres lu northeat utiacer off section 33, Newport townsbip, W. D)., $1,000. J. J. Page sud isife te J. Pj. Pollockt. part Hiintley's Lake lu south tbrec- iluarters of nertbeast quarter of the' no 'h~tquarter of sOctièn 21.Anl- och townuship, Q. C. D., $13. August HallbegS and wife 10 Wm. Lassen, lot ln southeat quarter off thse soutbwèst quarter of section 26, War- ren township, W. D., $175. Estate off John Alcoclr (deceased) to Elizabeth M. Aicock. 120 acres lu seutbeast quarter off section 25, New- port townsbip; Q. C., $1.400. Wrn. Blume to Auguat Volllug. south 110 acres nortb 59 acres iseot baîf off the iBouthw"et quarter section 10, Ela township, Q. C., $1. W. A. Benson tn Mary Beiison. lots 1 te !8, Beusous seubdiviion. High- wood,Q. C., $1. ili-ain file are very cheisp tust uow et LItiEIi-iv¶-II ILUMiiEli'o. C-89) A tit-kliug or dii-vceagi.(cat ii iikiY looseued witit Dr. SitopéeCougli Reiteîdyv No opium. noe clorofori-in nnhing un4afe or harsit. SelS by ALL DELALERS. Hay Foyer and Asthma Bring discomfort anjd iser! te ,uanY peouie but Foieys lHoney and Tai- gires case and rîeniieit tu tIse sulierinugones. it relieves% the eongestion lu théeIssaS and thi-cat and is sontbing and healiagc. Noue genuine but Foîey's Houey and Tar in the ýeliow packageg. P. 1B. Lovl.LL Cîi). 'ANNY Blisshipuient uew lu #&il mrail musés drain tMe. LiBERîTYVIL11LtMEit (0o pal ~H E AYEI HIIAR YU LI For the Last Cail Continued. Read the Following: 90c Overails, n-= 65C 50C Overafls, ==--37c 90c Jackets, -- 65C z 50c Jackets, =---37c a .50c Ties,=- 35c 35c Ties, = - 21C ~zz 25c Ties,: --16C 5cSuspenders, 35 1c G=ô$1.25 Ladies' Kid Gloves,= 69C e.,-Pint. fruit jars per dozen ==42c Quart fruit jars per dozen, 44c $1 .00 Tablecloths, = =63c b 60c Tabîlecloths, 41c qi$1.00 Corsets, 63c 50c Corsets, 32c 25c Corset Waists, .16c VLLE APPrAI B THAT thse nicel Ing one 'devais a istore sde materlil -------------- 'il 1 ý j 1 Lis beels Un entien)ltv t people ut i City for $61 go lutc, the a living for Says Ove City Newsa i We lay tI upen thse I God. Hei business wl support the start this f tien orf $5. Who wil Co thé relief el because of enry, lu w. many yearé Bol Dear Ove Your kim came a few needed sa BotIs Mrs. slncerely th PossIbly nuanceS FP 1875 i pub degrees au Ciy 1n3thîs 1880, isheil ceastid. no ares h.'iug llveil lu Ch at ou.' limf son of high 1 renoanre show the 1 Christian s3 .lcarcely ar coantry, St ery wsy il - man that Ni ln public ai Ileve ibat courisethie anS Maso.> more viedi. siuIt w.' are MSy first s3ysiem wal which I wé large privE rny next le. i-cer. Fr gan. Ail churcea st) oS thse de@ my schàol ened. Wbi abeve My 1 iprlntin8 of wblcb il the years! te 1905 w) cage Mato] nation off I baSl a lit ishich lu t butît a 1er celved son was close, enable me menta. etc place and Incirease t came whei Interw ta cesure. Oc i diS ne, Dowle at frIenda re4 state biei dIS se an upen Zion givlug rMy bis letter note My s lie wrote i rny arquai Now. 1 Mirs. Pion; poultry b. an Iudep stands tbe nevet' ci poultry k. 30 cents 50 cents i are 50 Ie hatchiug 10 cemls etc. Sb fairly wei would be I Slgned Who bas e Paint te t good it is go isilI No It. A bo Preveiit Tabiets a% c oldé and See14 l-2