LAKE COUNTY I1NDiPENDENT, P5RIDAY, JULY 15, 1910 APPrALS TO BRYANT IFOR $601 rIte '10 Wm. tarter of the ion 26, War- lsceaaed) te 10 acres lni on 25, New- W0 'olllng, south West hait of 'tien 10, Ela Benson. lots diiin. Higit- tUat now at C419 'ough ttiedy~ otbing un4afe thma mery to inany and Tar gires ullerint oe»e. ln the lisad andi healingi. tloney andi L ('1>3 l'As y il moail mizs LîrMEn (0 pal JUILY This sale starts Saàturday Morning, July 16, promptly at 8 o'clock' and con- tinues one week; until Frlday Mi'ght, JuIy 23rd CLEARM SALE CE Each day wIlI brlng to IIght new specis to talke the place of those wihich have been sold out. Wlndow and counter dlsplays wilI be worth watching This is.the one bargain event of the year, greater this year than any previous year. Fail goods are com- ing ln so fast our sto re Is getting crowded and the spring stock must go. Every department has some interesting Items; smali lots or overstocked uines, ail the best of this season's goods, and at prices you can not afford to miss. There are so many odd lots that we will have to list only a few f rom each floor. Corne early for the lots are limited. There will be some new items coming to light each day that will be of interest to ail so watch the windows and the counter displays. E ltoîa:. te of Chicago *beVayed" frî \d.r e b aya after he "reinoun- c4-' i tlu Chicago ln 1875, andi ever cîîîcct he diaims Nemeslm bas been at Lis heels untîl he la reducedt te uch exiernilty cat he habas ut séketithe people of the Bryant faction atVoit City for $60 witb whichbhis wlfe can go Intc, the chicken buineaa andi earn a living for both. OSys Overseer Bryant ln the ZVon City News tiis week: .Wht Bryant SUYS. We Iay the ecae of Brother Ronayne upon tite bearts of the eIlîdren of lied. He needs $60 to go tut a littIe buinees wbereln be andi bis wife eau support titemaelves. The writer will start tbis fond with a personal dona- tion of $5. Are there eleven otiter Who wll contribute a lilte sum toward, the relief of a brother wbo ta sufferIng because of bis exposure of Prea Mas- onry, ln wbose lotiges be serveti for mauy years> Boulder, Colo, May 16. 1910. Dear Overseer Bryant: Your Slnd laver witb encloseti $5 came a few days age and being greatly needed was very much appreclated. Botit Mrs. Ronayne asol myseif Most sincereiy titank you. PossIbly yen know that after 1 re- nouneeti ttreemaaaonry ln Chicago in 1875 i pubiiclY woraed the Masonie degrees andi lectured on that pagan sysiernt ln5101010every large towfl andi (ity 11 this coulntry aud Canada up te 1880, wisen that testlmony suddenly ceastid. no rail for anti-Masonle exPos- ores beîng nmade aftPr that year. 1 lveti in Chicago Juat forty years andi at ane timteVaes ert îopular as a Nia- son of high standing bt fromn the trne 1 renounceti Masonry andi began to éshow the publiec what a deviliâh anti- christ Ian s> item It le. the Masons witb itcarcely an exception, throughout the country, determined to rui me lù 4es ery way they coulai. 1 amnte ir>t man that woiked the"ttaaonic degreesa in public and have e'.eîy reason te be- Ieve that 1 arn also the lasi. 0f course the Masous vowed vengear],'- andi Maeonic preachers were posbly more vndictive titan others. AS, a ce. iiuit we are slmPlY panîlers toda> Printeti Boks. My first lecture against the Magonbc system was ln the lotige ln Chiciago ln wbicb 1 was a past master. 1 hati a large prIvate aschool at the ime andi my Doit lecture wRE ln my awn scitool room. Prom that ime on thte war bo- gan. Ail the different anti-Manoobe churches tbroughout the country want- et te degrees worked and of course my scbool was closed andi never reop- eneti. Wbat littîs. 1 receiveti ,.er anti above my traveling expeusea waa useti in printing and pubislng My books, or whlch titere ware four bn al. durbng the years from 1875-1880). Fromt 1880 ta 1905 when 1 left Chicago. the Citi- cage Masens aaw ta It that 1 got ne sil- nation of sny ii n nthat City. WA' hati a Jitile home-a lot 22x"0 on wbicb in the tiays of my prosperlty 1 but a large bouse from wbich we re- celved somte reut. but witen my acheel was cleet that was net ereugb te enable me in pay taxes. spectal asseas- mente, etc. We hati to mrtgage our place and agaîn we were compelledt l increase the debt untill t last the time came witen we coulai nt even psy the interttat andi there was fear of fore- cloeure. Dowie Gives Hlm $1M0 1 titi nt personally knew John Alex Dowie at titat tUme, but onse o hie frienda reqesetei me te write him andi otata ittielly <ur circumstances. t diti se andi is reply waE that 1 cal upon Zion City banl< andi recelve $100 giving my note, whlcb 1 enclose. In bis letter he atideti.-I wll endorse the note my self." About six months after ite wrte me agatu, returning My note. canceted. as )ou see, sud Ibis began my acquaintance with Mr. Dawie. Now. I want ta addtit is, were Mr2 Mrs. Ronayne able ta engage luîb-' poutry busInerss bre sbe rould make an Independent livibng. P.he under- stands the business tbornughly. but w.' nevet'caui get enough together te start ber. This 1l3 a gondi place for poultry keeping. Eggs are now about ,30 cents a dazen. Chîcicen (sprlngl 50 cents a pounti anti, ln willter, eggs are 50 'te 60 cent a dozen. Eggs for hatchlng if the right breet, i, <l brlng 10 cefits per egg or $15o for ifteen. etc. Sixty dollars would sfart ber fairly Weil, but et ceurse, a larger sum would he bettee (Sgned) E. RONAYNE. It la impossible te persuade a man Who bas ever Misea Bradley & V'roornan psot to use 50v oaber. Ùa knowa itow gooai t is compared witb the otier kinti. go wiltvolt when oneye bvetreu It. Absoutel 'Y Pure.- olI by F. B. preventive>5_tboP5 Candy Cold Cure Tablets will$i ae iy anti quickly check EaIt coltia andth te grip. Try them oses anti -1e4 >8.25c. Sold JtY SI-35 Teapots, large cîze a i. .. . . . . $1.00 Teapols, medium size at ........... 7ýc Teapots. small ones. now ...95C 70c 59C Pudding Pans, fine for baking and 42 alkitchen ose, were 55c, now ... 2 Smnaller Pudding Pans, that sold32 for 45,a hssale... ....32 85c Dish pan, 10 quart stze, of th 's65 bo n granite, for..... ..-.. 5 Cake pans that Wer23c, the ]oc i5 kind. akda ny. ..... 5 Cakte Pans,, 9 inch cote, the regular j. 19c kind for only............1 c Lawn Mowers A few OftOur $400 mowera lefI .9 Garden Hose Rlght ln the Season, Get One 5o fi. length, 7 PlY for . . 6.95 So fi. length, 5 ply for....................49 Nozzel te go with any hese .......35C Rainbow Lawn Sprinkler, gives an idisai spray, durable, for...... ....... ..... 45c Lyons Special Creamn Whlpp Regular 20c kind, once used iO you will not part with, now ..... o Salad Dishes Just a few in this lot, they were i tbis sale price while they last for ... 2 c Salad Bowi, decorate i n pàec green39 ws65c, this sale for -. .. 9 Celery Tray to match, large ont the Soc kjnd for 30c amaller one, . 5c knd2<)c 20c Lunch Boxes 7c WaerProfpapet Lunch Boxes 7 thatare ustthtng.-- ...7 Tumblers 4c Each A real bargain, for they are the staple kind: n0W............ 4c Glass Wash Set, Cheap Set of nine pieces, bowl, pitcher, soap dish, wacer glass, waterbottle, candie tick, tooth brush hoider, mug. and powdrc puff. hoider. This 2.00 Set ... 1.39<> Suit Cases in Special Lots Matting Sit Cases that soul for tn 2.50, at this sale for ...... ... .9 Aohrlot te go 12 at .................... 12 Soins good suit cases of imitation 1 leather, in a lot for .........O9 C On the 69c table you wiil find telescopes worth up te 1.50, suit cases that area bit damnagod that sold for $2 and $3, and oins cases frein our regular tock at 98c. 6 Anyene of these for ......... .....09 Special table of telescopes, your choice49 of any in the lot... .... 49 Underwear at Half Price An odd lot of uuderwear seme tittdrecs shirts, ladies shirts, an I olc. btination suits trimmeti wîth lace sud a t them for the summer. Eaull Prire Wbile Tbey Liàsi Maif Price Table la tlhe Ec0oony Dasmsent The bargainé iu the grea* bargain center cnt in lwe. To miss lookinbr at these tables wl 1 be mbing te ram- est chance tUs s eassn, Ladies' and Children's Ready to Wear Bargains DRESSES Ladies dresses that seil reguiariy for -. ;o, 6.oo andl 7 .otrmade of white iawn, uolored lawn and colored Poplin of pink and bluc, jl wliile îhey last îhey are 4.98 Lawn dresses of black,wbiîc. , i.. eor. bice las cndcr and pink, and somne ginizharn dresses tn blue, pink and tan. \'our choice >l of any in this lot for.. . . . 2.198 Any of or immense stock of playv v te for children, and ail beys dres5es with bloomers in a speciai lot, for .... 9 Chiidren'c dresses of gingharn in ail colora, ligbî or dark .Seil regularly for j.2ý, i.,3; and i ýo this sale price........ 98C WAISTS FOR $1 .25 I.ow neci< ana short sîeses, a somnmer wait of lawn trimmed sith emL-roidery anti hem- stitched. Another ene poîkadot wiîth low neck and sailor coliar. During thi s sale they will ccii for........sae 5 Whlte & Colored Wash Dress SkIrts Some Pure white, a gond thoicé of linen colored ones. and seme of dari, blue9 Marked speciai at only .... .........C 1Undermusins Reduced WHIITE MU.SLIN PETTICOATS The kind that are made with a deep hemstitched flounce. Very pretty and 89 sure to please. Marked for clearing at .................................89 Others with deep embroidered flounce at this sale for ............. 1.98 Some soiled ones. Ail they need is a washing to make them as fresh ,as* those.9 we sdil for twice and more than twice this sale price, your choice fr... .. 9 Ladies short white petticoats tucked and hemstitched, others embroidery23 trimmed, for this sale .................................... ....... ...23 SPECIAL LOTS 0F MIJSLIN LJNDERWEAR A lot of corset covers and drawers trimmed with lace and embroidery,25 some tight fitting covers. Your cholce ............................ 25 Special lot of drawers with an extra wide flounce. Hemstitch and embroidery 49 trimmned ruffles edged with lace. Your choice .. .................. 49 Ladies night gowns, slip avers or high neck, trimmed with embroidery and 8 insertion, some with lace and insertion. Your choice in this special lot for ....78 CHILDRENS MUSLIN IJNDERWEAR Petticoats from 2.00 Drawers from 75c 15C Nlght Gowus from49 dont. 5 own to ..........1 .49dcown to ... There are se mnany ml ne- ha he prices may ch.ànge durtnig the wcck. It will be le the ad- vantage of all shredsopest e the as5ortrmcnt early for there are srnte fine bargains te bc had Dressbog Sacques 49c These lovcly sacques of ight and dark crepe and percale. Neat patterns and made vçry carefully 49 c This sale for ...... AMOSKEAG GINGHAM PETTICOATS made of the bcd gRinghams in neat patterns. Thev seld for as noch:as 1 5o0,noew798 Petticoats Black Sateen and Feather Silk Petticoats irý a special lot for clearingA splendid value for69 only.............69 Specials From Infants WearDepartment Hantl etbroidered inîfants' ssear bas become so popular that the sbosstng bas tncrensed every year. The assortusent n0w je unusual for one as large is eeldom found in cities bigger than ours ('oin and look then ever during clearing sale Neek for their are sons good bargains. The hoods and bonnets are exquisite. The neateat and prettiet sce have ever bad. Wbat wouid please us muet je a vieil fi oiii yîo. Corne to lojok. we won't ask yo to' buy, and voit wiil finri the time well spent. We bave always had the largeet and most cont- piste lino of infants woar in Waukega.n and our linseof infant's long dresses waa neyer moere coteplete. Sure te be one you like, front $88down to Plain fisec bibs, during this sale for.......... ..... 5c infant's long nainsook slipis, embroidery trinined, some witlt tueke, in this lot there are aise sonte of fiannelette. Your i o ce during clear-49 Quilteri bil)H, trimned sctb lace, spectal O att................ Plain fie-e n b fer............ ... ..... Sc One Day Speclals Showis ln thme Wiudow Onme Day Speclls Showu la the Window Sce Bargain Counters TJhe vast assortment of kitchen utensils to be found in the Economy DaseMeUt on the 10e tables i8 stirprising. You will never'know how far a dime wiil go unless you visit Lyon's Economy Basement. 35c Cereal Jars for 19c There are oniy a few of thern soit will g pay te be early ... ... ..... 19 Brushes for haif and less Regular 10e scrub brushes i for................ 12 inch loor brush, that can be attached to, mop handie, and made of the veryga best bristies - This sale -. .. ..... J There are also a few 15 inch ones in thi8 lot at the same price. 5c sirrk brush, titis week for. .........2c $2 Ilampers for 89c Some $2 hampers tbtat have gotten a%, littie soiled. This sale.......... .O Knife Baskets Sowit two 3ee ind s aforo wS omn 5ewith t or ..d.some Fish Plank Cheap Made of seasoned maple, they make the finest bread boards. Thie 25c kindwill be f sold for -- . .... .. . .. .15 One a little larger, 35e one for--- .... ........ . .£O 25c Towel Rack for 9c This can be used any time. Larges.euC wth 7 arme 24 inches long...... 1 tern Dishes Less than Çost Made of glass, and have an extra dieh inside. Were 19c, now for ... ...£ lo Measurlng Cups G.radt4ed glaBss ups in our stock, at 8c. At this sale for ....... 4 .Porcelain'Pitcher Blue with dainty shadinge, gues wellj l wth any set, 35c,ones for .- 19 This two quart freezer, that will free2e ice eream in tive minutes and weighs lese than a pound, is going to soul for only 95C The quart freezer, same kind, ta .............. 5C One hundred ciothes pitn f for............... 7 Summer heips fromn 3rd floor Tables and chairs for eidren, very i durable kinds, chairs and table, each.. (W C Lawn Swings front $6 down fl te ........................... .95 Ail our Palm Leal Fan8-2 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 $1.25 Camp Chair, roclining, a for .. . . . .. . Speciai table of baskets, soute worth3I< as much as 85c. Choose at.......9C RiammOckS in great variety. Prined 00 that ail can have thetn. 96 d£ Couch Hannnocks of the best l grade, some for $12, othors as large Brown Granite Ware .Beiow Cost The bcct granite wtre made. The l<nd that won 't chip offý The sets have been breken se the prices at this sale wili be below cost. Women's 50c 131k. Lisle Hose 35c With heavy garter top and full fashioned spliced feet q whih er godvalue at 5eS.... .. .... ..3 c Talcum Powder dlown 1.3rd Babcock's Cut Roses, regular 15e can; Chas. D. Hessees Vera, 15e can; Sylvian Assorted Orders, regular 15e canH. ~O Alat thia sale............... 80c Diaper Cloth 59c Antiseptic diaper cloth, 20in. wide. in 10 yard pieces59 sold or 8c. Afew ieces to go at..........59 Men's $1 'Shirts 49c A good arsortrnent and ail desirabie patterns, now 49 on49c