"ooutkg Iimmollmaon eUty wlek cama clown to us 1'-4gt gee',teaches that (008 titeuA"am,. mother lise, and M1 hein to tiiens to an etes-ity ý*t tbe bande 0f devila. Itleh oripitre iiind jrationai view wa*e cf OrIginal Si viél tu ont I~sJy.>d it la ~-'YO~'odtert' tise ti&* y bWe eupleevar drove usa Ge, trewn the Bible and r fehledup 0<<the Cisurche m atint Minis. IThuada 0f ouMstanleds. &fier arang ibiu oc thé C4hrwetian ctede forom thé es-tk gp have qnletty vu ftmothie=sIa heuart. if met 17. eayicg <o -theaeas. mit- IY mioeing acatleeare et 4 bile frein thon of sioin oui- abet late aChuebî isithout f, e 1n iu5# emtie = CIbut te mimaitumaldit. eb 1 wn ~ frï . te àb su a Ma M-M 4dia,ý mo7 aimoibiaa amI lI alu evorlly ahl amtg btta, ime bave. Wt meat memiesi m;mh meuh.r 0 aml tisenl wt(avery eCisurchea o w a bang uIsMi to 4h W« #la b n~e hma >--~ te <bei -*aIfmn une e»t -f £&LIN Ai>*"* ALL IN CHR~IST mmau~ au Mnu~4 * 49 , W teha»t 4 s =ttlhé eu od", tM"» eue te h hate ~u0s . ho Uintom, It WM viihaabemi" t hon moiii dse, tbt t*pi simeeed lt 1 o èet ai t tir tgb eens C rlatpoo.tm vsaa tel lta, e mue ofer e enec tdetdýtata qla » on tffl m gsteslti4seb ut unto b 0e a ela nd otetii ypEtthug, n Intei bebe fuW ll etateuci el la matensenta s de teo ontfirot parents tus-. sndimay m e w.aot thé smat- IL repecting sin and t I.penaity. Ltnu s W es poisible '?Tb" vere pntlY >* note that. vithout the. tvltinap of rellevidwhon,. iughuédei P'ouw rC tieofoo. re abouti bave no didicuity Jobn Cartaihhsud te th outI!I n tm euiUn.lag th Divinen. tncethi e ere #OM#Obute lIor a cmu OU? nt peutevetdntly.h.d oùti te reat IMA 4dots teta U!ule- 'dfficulty.' The- entene opon Patiier ture. KO ,ph1imsitInt Go&eto oe- S4dnm f« 'disoediene vu., 'Dylog ordninedAMlii geeetntedthèe e a-i thon maie. I DUlatthon art. ma i fl mut-that ho nlgbt *ho* ie fnato dugi niat thon return": . ueod vlmdgm and his power. Au te a lae i.grond for thy enke7;; ¶horm I-%Ove. ditana oearia andt dlatien tisalil:Itbring forth unto Brother Calvin emsna nver ta bave the.. nutlthou retirfiaunto thse g'onnd frm hichthonwasttalin" tenetis oughî of tint. .Brother Welr and fsa hc hnvmttkn Gnesother. mine. ýthongi leu -loulom an" Tins ve ne. thbat tha penalty for aitbs gtin 4';4oftand n r alde lio dmandI his racevas thiat they cdam ltheLove <04,ee hu egs.nin., Tbon turneet mftn te détroc- nlfe iémni opwru 2 o" 'am c t nI ii eaty enongh, tedo more tissa mucus a mr len' eufflcleoti 81.ulviAnvthlnkof handtoi of Adam' ame frons the oter- vla iielane t e 1., ine ntanl torture to which tiythonglit GotI 0moral andt pbysical. perfection and dns ned tien albcuaofti i ,gs-dualy go lnto tiie tonb--ito tise ~îit iEe rBIibelo it e, througiiost the Qld "Aitl n Adam-AIi in ChrÎLat. Testarbanti. And MAt"eeheol i.graver. lteiligi t o ontbetter Biblei and Mtii mb. o vhtch theBIble a"yAUmlBible Stndy tielpe -and mindi frend go. god mut bai. ficn andI por. lelY freinitise Ignorance and $umbrttlèn cmaI nhily. vas the 0417 bait kuovu of tise puit vamaly unmierutaull amoaget Unrofttk~ eople ef Ccd f«, ApoattVa voledani adla thons, fl the amretisafour thoumaad yiarmouly justiceAantI love. but harmony a" repemmgated tq i. teeciiigeet tihe beaaty. Inatead of atnU i'ikffl 80111 Cu41 eseament. 1uu.ethe Newvte atarsiatormint.toi am'@ e.inmli Taitaum t tIemi tm etsnW0go 'lt. the Bible boiell i.grava, m JefflanidiaheApe«et , the Mm arnmount etIee -ai ail ot mn- aftet la the N'! ewit»ant 1thetai. aia" sud piml l*hi 4Of woekved SMie. rapreeiatgtisa ou race are a part of thh medXreiy. b. tbo Oeotb «Aal, k« thé Viaps TIare vouli have boas me l aet & ef the Oi eiauuasit 401la -«#t MMfuture t. gocor be ai, bi Mt "e posagae tra"I*aff focheia0141 Tes- la éhiaerypiovtlei thé Savie-tha ut len ate thé ev ew b5. "L.G'au thn e . Srîae randnsiea It vas umrly thftehaIMOrefl 5f o it. lu orGel'.tin me b.oet b «W ijefl m lthe tues. atte ti hebu 0"the. ppertmuity0ortieeonfa vultlsg et thé New «è%M b«»-. iimo% a ev. ThImmase asMadie the ocu i t s ftmission huaitm hiou- 414)Andh-'taetml ,i word Cugtr r .idtahé gm oir avyM»." Am hy woaa reuwi Miudi tbOubghtlsee id l tbeSci-ti-iamm eegIsentence -9 bathi nul-Id k Oo ffes wre ewtav, aith* People OUot < <a rae. .vAu meu b théi ei t cwegtlbave rialthé4 eoa-if t tli et tise man Cbrtet Joanq mate deatis bd paimueui bs; eefor long luetfcm nte lits, panai fr ai cectur i te bae tpet the*le ~'tbat race. Nevw a e 0lth*vie, rM- vavepte*u d ieag Bibie presetoam or paralttlng thi'e usaces taJPos aM i é duae"» or poxt«ty aprenl lIreuglieuea asa dilmobe lnate eover Otitenumo. Au trto? ortui- ami et hlm pemaaty. h vmste or >tbfl eiybej tMIt seeasa tha e '~at ou* atrie 1« td hiuiqb M"aetCi t l avryvb.wetut fmakepoosible the reèoneolt et othe t4 lime siale hlt.lnm#or et mtira race. sd$*hmen ùey meesuulta dia, Wgt New Foond oui mot nd d rfikfa ilt te hoseân«A mi-lIm h ut atutWtao 01dethé al bMuty mai trce.ThO 5pousari, hiteet hi ipiowb 11W' retetioci of menkuini he O.nt t «d udia, vent lna0m0 . 17tekI-al deatk &M ltomb sconodition <tedMe 00 gaufrl<e a uu'uatm D. glan fun etraoa, Imgeet Qed heu çatied ,pwav. er whlcb m*ody vblch theé racé M Dle Uthé mavto %»&« auydilsg arept viat ta r.vt ali Qed bue pCM rhm iwiel or A&.Who- liugiLt.thé taoellas te lat; lacli- ever viiifanl te attahi fthe *0Moi à » e ut'au ofbu mxity 0O te 50 m7 a! tru a i ,ogh poate11v1i *t,..e te bho vded UAadiwr-la tOI b'ave Iioonte Wspi beo*w»g et re. tued tor teS t54U~i~1 5a leetil>of thée irftér 01 mnt Al remie, *150<thaettrs Imm. ttmi vblch Gld infamit1ribIrmt. fer beau,- 'Ultmnstm is dbé m»tireU; -.,s, RuIaL. fo te L4" bo wer1.11OVeelnot ciatldkes the . mslua t ma- té h 555 bu fatim, aba,.lipte o parte-tii. wh te su ttet ftr.atorn day the gpeova y eplf uiitàai*i.vel lto a et- tioéeate the prenteai ,thée guhIet ht«iuar. h 1thi c ouihetore et tiie Alosgtty AM etb leblgdurng <hIe GoNWAn-Ia cmne thé puepa.th p ver. cil7Christ and tha Chumciidettes Mes- ousba relus et a thoon" cre. '~ ~J maw. iint ca ie md. $octei, la the. M:. A U8M MalinsMaie, Warm roir vaydurin; ttee. M'mOts.oe o- et fly aoitw a speint, a Cathoethdo-. titutée' hi PifwtxIeeeecii " r, bogueiAd ultechar Ion eoft <it col- mIDl te beto om"t0 ria t Cufm," WVi luge, caine Martin Luth«., ami- "the CInul et th* -ViJtDerW', itaataily r»a scisi a c«Wet th* Nev Tb@»Aiarae oeha meOWCW» r item dia -TUmtetlu thé Latin lagUagee. IB.- et ildeM er l« hie0 uta OvRk >7 loi an ofaced ama 'wuva li.te (o Thea ha holita hl", chuga ed o "« aIl;1 te tte vas aet ana copayhi YtebdèOYmir " W te G epnbansiPuff fpaMgat. hre et his glr. boner AMalul- thetr titius. of hW epetpbeyh e ite li3 uC t * héKtatdôU ot001 'an- Andlnq Wutgat a thée N*w Tes. ii i I b«""1i*isvWite bu iu- )tmaut ilUtried te intteçt the awo rate&i atiter the loreaaoet thé 1-. - 'bat~Ia~te)ý A» M , .- '?. ..- 4-,ë% -.tf i. i. t- tei thé t» 10- j tii vent f» d4114 I diba Ugt ' fre»n41 j'- i .w, vi-i bal 0< qveirtpgb te jM .vaeV un. la t ho msiuilwan tulb s thé nituie a nq <ho odapm lAuorpoute4iiiiter the lave t orise. hsOck yUl hou üd lt te etrae* M7rl la chinse foqr $8o0000M iofa "aaw luen a oanefor ive baste, mf4 tisa amspauy vilii oltI ont dia prOiniha a 3 por cent dîvidani On lIa ase~na. Nuplans for the $#f,09.m qontaod4ng, pratared m6e rot atam.' SoiGiing lateem nvoly"d Dankfagtateiatp, 1 iatal vtiJ. p. Morgan & Co. -areivolvai hi tiie organtua tion ;; thi .myi-.and that of ttiilmtai StatesmMoto COi- pmlsy, anohr 1New Jerey Compor* &laon. The latter condomtant Palm. as-y ob"aia o eîrol Of -the Maxwell- Érlecop Motor compar vits factortîs. ai Tarj aI ~ ~ a-' cap . N*~p$s mcity of 80.M0 mme, ansba.qnentlr et the Aldarl4Wupion MaufadtÇOrilIL corfflay of pittuel., Maima, tIse Brunis Runahout .conlpsaU, Daetroit , ami the.Colinha MOtor Car Company a1 lartford, Eenn. mucceemor t. dia Eioctrie Valde eoinPay. Thirtion Cempanlas Affihisted. The l151 of colpsu« leaaraady a- quiroi lala s 101lov& Andarson Carnage camnpeu, Do- troit, Nidh. 1 Buicit Moho Orompany, PEint, Midi. Caffllac motor eompouy, Detroit. idl.1 Detroit Moto ParlatsompanY, D- trait, .Mlch. mmue.maaunfaaurlag cenpmay. Clyde, C. lviel Parker Electrie ecunpau. Clevelima Northvay Mater compmnyDetroit Miel. Oakliand )Motor -.PanY. PontlWo, Mich. Olîs Ithor Wors-k. Labig, Midi. Ralnior 'Automoige comlmy, SBq- immv, ica, 1RaidMater Vehîl t OMPcnY, Pou. lUse, mfcb. ltalaIeï Noti onipany, lain. apolla, lad. W.Icb Molor Car caspaay, POU- tg", Nici. Thse odozeald directersa-caa foilove: Prmdmat-Wlhlcm M. PEston, New Yos-k, Vice pmomflits-W. C. Durat' ai pied I. L alt]L Societary . tramirer -Cnrhte ,R, liiectcue-Wlifar M. maton, W. C. Durnt, Cuil, p. Uadievay, J. T. 1inl",.H. o. Hamlton. WllllU" J Me&l. Heury Haeen The lIaneml Matafs iomr»5Yva icorpratid sept 1. eet lqw tug caaspany- vtb s 8AMOme prafar rai Mal 840.000.0 gs tockt authorlztll. Seml.eusaal imeda of 3% par cent ver. P844lào athe pro- -forai stock April t'l. 16eXv. Il.190$, mil a stack dîvidmýouit et»50par toet. va, pald on lIe COMastock ont- etnllg Nov. l». 'Mmy Fe.ar;;îi Athma ttring dlmcomfor a m ua",tae MnY Ipéocie but I'oisy's HospimmdTam' alva MM o deomtort <tuu 40b i oi. ItJ. thae (h. aon tu te emi tittrsandlee 9 l~ and hooieg. up. tr iiabut otqMe a ohqy fia lu lats-jlo ue eu F. B .og.CMAi Geor-ga F Ë. ag,~et4o.. ......31 Lillin 0, Johnson, ScaO.... 2 johsi Allen Joaimffm gss. '"m, -Vary Hamihis, NO@U...... 'Jus po q*p....... ..85 ~*làhCola,. lom*ola. MIteS. I *agaritalafp -, wl*u zébu Mickey,.......... ......14, WalsbEgbb Curla, l.... thmi. . poUlt aouI Zvsy tur wbko w9uld bMag lIlbt te tousl 'ad 01 *Mériot fa"M wththe1 limitai eosêmiThé dataimnoueI poe, W« téke » thés" i shovsa'the.larUfflamil gratoet !of travliontg nneanseut timston, a» at the ane Uie nmait. a rndieaulde- paitor. froni ail saetila thle oe- gantstle cf a. afrèe. Thé bi s: ere iahI tIent ahéu lu th faioutm.. 4v4uuGrAye. Tbé! bave gaoteatfua tha eri ,O*r. Tb# muqglinlVOUPOUIm,' (oee Dot comtoa a Word vhfeb deecibe dia perfora,' muca of thie big crte". The tircne tentures ara of the ver5' hlaheattcs..The horne# are, tl, fineat osercarieil vith a tentaI an- ferprlae. The. clowns are' dia tu- niait; aleplict thé largeet; sa oulos the bout traînai; acrobate tdiamnt darng. - rldera litemoet vo"Mp ;- in, fact oves-y feattre enin-eout"as thé beat. BuperlatiVe. are amlee sccasy te dJencribe the beantifui cîreet paradé vhich louvea the. show grenldem11 at ton a.», lu vhicls four iiundred vail grooinad uevolmattiiodhorsm mre attachai to th. band wagons, open carssoeaand mamivo tarvomi ilat.. Tha parade caono fi vorth cons:miles t. une. Bottar met inu n Ounr aetal prît. os tudla.. RicohCoaopbeyonr thrpehlng. legx*?TViLH LmtuuanuC. 40-4f Mon lake Contae OITat Chuych. Snslllag tronghpwsp&luga hua- lied mm at.dia uerntg arvlea 0< dia Biilon aveniue Baptet lcb cla Oblanago Suaday dofai thoîr emats, boutgtbma. ovar dia pew bocks, blea heui Ibanits te lIe iiilter, aMd voie resiy WJlten te itheseumn. Thejimg@Z tou as loalaroldie mWet t len Cblcsgo. Nota nia laft umil je servce cicoe, moui of the, niaal«Oatu unusml geneeosltr' vhon qbe atrIbuntlonbasket vas 'paai, ae theiabénédiction i or (loin vmfted te shako isnm-wltb à Varasth net muarydue te tbe temoearne-vfhhedi. v. John" A. Sari and te axprss appriaioe of his tra otila dste bls congrégation. hediniori&sgla se valu." ho ai, "Wa6mhalI l va themeu the prit- Ule. of reniovlng (loir conta methat tboy Mar mok kdaelvei as unch at home as pomdeie urines *mlefrein Women. No one appoa ibockel etthe ajon mneonnt. The -weanen smn telo mach otiier at, the tbondist o<relta fer masculie dieonifert over vital by tbeir cool, litgit 4eue tbay bai an sdvcntmge. COeleanel toarai bari nafghbor lu the pev abeai. *«If John ba i kuovn Ibis, ho vauli hava coma," nIa hle iparmd. THAT NAXt'tNI OMN mmy ho the aiceet, moit, cholca, inost beom- luIne ayon haut *ver ovued-ti-I j tavotea* ~iltiê time tge emig 'dia alors mae. hatoia rom deelda aPon tiie matwa aiste bu asIO& Try ou Wtot diowumn. Fremont.' ,Wipoo4m Cuaba Libertyvilie VenonWest »esdoiibaeeugit ebi de ç~loih Iit muas moieareem tati 0110catIion «thie ~~veI&~Grame. nut woiaa'i tg4, aniotiter "deut uro- naaabitor mustbalor.e unavait lea ,fur- * ,î1x1ialior wlitteti Lo. t t etkans ei tthf 07 Y ot he i0C fe' AGUT.ns u, tentreons Lo lt. u hme m ntb>t Mt u>at the oi u the li ruspft ratr ho W or iey. Uetebli-.UI.u rdr i t eya my .I @plce S. t md lrgeat di.i ecèrefDivisin * 15'U 1 04t nd y rat ieitu Divison ANIlÀ Dent and tarifent dî.ply. Pl » DtlOf5 . l n0 0 lEWt and tarifent dimpimi' 0f, tour - inrt Pris. Wlnnene ...... ... . . . le, e. -.PÂ prTIl ÀL iOl 0'WPRi i;à; Ts. Euery exmibit etiould 1tuide ai taet- *BARAit-Nt lem thn 2 varitetes.1 peck eets. PEla-ot fris, tsu Rvarlete.. ipeck ecri. UlrT-o mmitsuâ v el.m.Ipc a~ CARDAGE. cadi 0< Witr and Spslnt. N. C Ea PLAT-.vsemplabeea %arlf. nfrc.i -i CItROS--Oe-hai bufflech arper. tii.eCtioVr orEdi t eu tmpa. ateiz1pokec TiORN mI ER 12ne ur aetb hwnatltof ie et;aw12 eandim. mii.nv ofFnt;laes 3~h l* dameerof Sot; 2mqe CaleYOf. bOPO M. o N OLt leu t an 10mrum et en t a oi 0bTISndlmtrlemcttam i3 iaets erck of varlety.ety Ail fN h. Inesstrsw o rte<aik ml1 old b.ett.. .t gRound oteteeha tisa itd.. if env eaie. AvrdMn on ssiîarteii b. %niede tseb.tovu anar.:koc e iieradflz..P M hï The ua.itas af ........................e or nJeàv...et.km.tho.à....... in................3 blmétsu Oet affl £ mama et nit". cote o! f lAite. me CirmitCourt c£ Laie Couny.ocite ber ?erc A». M1910. AtuW.Wihtesvu. ea&BdWU- tom. fa Cimtoei7. Ne. 4169. atmtatory eEfa'vit. that <the e- fendant, PentB.'. Witon namno fanai and thpt u.ndiliget tegstiry wb tu z o m suâ *ofr tbat ""rMe ber Place of remldence mmafotbo mu. sortaf« agi m htpromeu. emalte é owve iupm ot, ba, bau inlii la tbe ouice. of thé doit et nid. Court. notin lterafO abero Ilitente tha mami lma E Wiiteu, defendant me aforeead tbmt the ahove nouaI eupintant herçtofora £Wlais ie 11 et complaint Iteuel ctrt, on tbe Chameau aeUe thareef. sud thet a sumulm tburmupfbmeai et ofmi OOrte-galnt tthae Oe usue4os Cousty, to h o lid at ie cout Home lm walka*aaitu »WdLaie Conuft, cm the VIlOt Monda! 0f October, A. D. 1910 aq la hy làw ireulred, asidvhfch, mufl la nampeif, . LIB 0. f nBeI1KWAY, Clark. Wsuaxm IlUela, lnuly lsth, A. i0. .i31= U Clark.Cospaeats BoIte- 11ctr. 424 fitat. 0<9lutn", Cirnut Court hrT'arm, A 0 s, ConaiofLaits. Mn t fLaka Connty, ýOcdw amam ,vu. the., unkuovu 0 *mclera. dleta @Wlie s Sme8 of em oplabtlat hiM court. oùtise Clkaevry idathereet au Moa aomumons thorumpo. bkma" ont et sai Court sialnmt 'lIa boya saluait dafaaiats,retarnadon the fret dey o e t iatars thiaCircut court 0<t uba cm", ~to e hé allet the Court »» nsse f m alà A La4»eCouuty. ou thaefl MoniayF of Octoar. A. O. 1910, on la br mv r.- de wb, ts"v satcit le M ilPouding. W,(. BR0CKW4AT, Clark Va aagLI JUIFelorhià-A.. 1910. Claire C. Elvarda. Comlhma 8onclitor. 424 S1mb.eof lilluein, Ceuaty ef Lakesa.mu circuit Court et Laka Couaty, OCoo ber T"r,', A. D. 1910. Lanra J. Perinu v. VUfliaHunier amn, Kathailua Hlendormon. - Cloa B. Wflemeia. herat M. Wlrmrs. Willam Wiemten, Jobs fl- orn, luIvin Astin. piaiâas cr tha saietof <mai4Haubert M. Wio Mers, Wflltmu4 i Wtmors - sud Joh" Wemer, "mhihmrCooke; John D. Pape, nud Willi M IPapa dbing m1i essasCook». Pope mol Pope. D. P b auQaega l Tooer, Fiaak Bijeetroni. Amcerilcn Radintor Ceas- pany (incopt'tol) J3 1fbvdgn, Jobnson, trading as JohnisnMai Cci- pOur, James U-8 ret, Admtnltratoi vitI tle vAt msuaglai théa ealt Wl il Y. f linrs.dacesidlrat tit .*ltt L .Jous, e frmt de 1r h 01 alTumite, m i Dia W iai<K thn e oflarhë s-8Id Io. lsika, Oomuiln00,l 11,64-.I 16eia iês -t 1518v S