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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Aug 1910, p. 1

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J' EGANw WE'y SUN LÂKE COUNTY, ILLINO18; flIDAyjiAUGIU$T 5ï 1910.-12 Page PART ONE 81.50,FER YRÂ1 IN 14DN provea tt tkShlk"drainage* canai »W blai g «MvathtrOfflh La» 'oul>. front Roioizt 10 the Parson mr~m éat thé souti cout> lia, la ma *tul liti lgest propositions for thé amIiumç*entof this vicint>. that V«s - 'té tour ail bave the usent of hé. 1"a uieitely név andmeat a ucv -*g-tn svend WClgquoctesona, aMwen vb",e aaclinutilldeveloinet aMi Thé e, l ist boatualau. u 1. Sir çe$iet earth 1mai boom ~aasId fer thc cana the, Chioage, Mlwaukee&£lit. Peualrend haMdlpsi liscif lte locale fâCterise l0the Apndout district, p.'évded thaï:the15canai drain"d the.,lfnd sffotivoly. The canal la doins the worl n Weill that thé big dllch'la now dry, Protrng pcrfsct drainage of the 1~, Wa4 -hI$iscto. wofthicss, and thé Keily-Atkinson Company locatIon et Rondout shows thgt the rélreia ladolng Ile part. i Threc theusmniases of lani worthiess; before thé canal vas cacaralc nd wth no velue pasol. them are now hcld et. ail the way Item $M ta I 0an &- The water f&am thécanaéi whon Itlai cempleflc ful i.ngth will drain Into Coott ecunt>. and crcnleailly b>' nstursl courscain" th. north bran"i ef- the Chicago river thenoe ta the drainagec ci 4. Cook ceunI>. farner.arcnov asilng the Skokie cemmssionera te cxted the drainae iitch through their tend te 1the north branch and the' cémmissenors vili agre. If the contrastera viMOIreN a protcctirs ndanunit>.bond agslnst damage suite Thé cOmmssiemrs siemCam" Webh ef WîauiegmnAarv White of Grays ville. h>. i- sueamctve voriers Who arc e exili that the ceaut>.an tihénélilarles ef the ca- »Il Cet érer>. cent of their mone>.' wortb and thé dltch la blai;eton tbretugb laie count>. at thé rate cf M5 flet evèr>. tveuty-tour boura. To- der- & fchvaru, thé contracters, are verbim o n mea la tvo shif leday amidiight. Sit :ayfi I4lped Canal. When lié canai.vs rst projcti ft hecame noesaeto-g10t ithé nigo of thé St'Paul rond and lie &id if pos- sible. It le a tact that thé rosi of- sciais told thé commîissienera that i thé canal vouid drain thé Roudout vi- ciat>. thé rond vould locste tactoris Ibère sud boom the district. Thé rosi, admittiag lu aivencé. thé value of thé ditcb, turtlshd e.t, roc rght er va>. and labor te excavate thé ditch throusb ils propert>. lu order that su openlng mlght hé made vlth a large fonce of men tue Sont thé drédge sud bégin thé *ori. Description of Canal. . The big Shokié canai rue ma fon e miles and a fraction southéant trou, Rondout, ýbeginnlng at a point souti of thé !iéctric rosi tracia and éndlag on thé Parsons tarin la Deereli on thé count>. Ue. The vatèr trou the eauai hère taies thé naturai course through eiougb land sud éventuali>. reaciés thé north brauch. PatinersAare ambitIons 10 lot -thé divedge.éep on eating Its ay> tirough Coo count>. land tu thé north brsuch ItseIf sud are vllling te psy for it. The canalai 20 feet vidé at thé top. alopés te a wldttb et 6 feet at thé bol- tom, sud rangée heom 6 to 8 féet In deptb. It la now.; dry fcr miles, show- 18g that thé drainage factor la a bg suceas. Thé sieàgh lais on ether side bavé béén draiait perfectl>. as tir sa the iltel exténisansd land for. meri>. uelcisamidviste Ilow gu et $800 and #M,0ansarébWl-theé 0v. sera hangiUg ou for déar life. Soins of thé ver>. Peuple vho 'fougbt the, drain art novwis béat frilad#sud, have biiéd the valuée<61 theur holdings. WheéeDreOlige ta Nov.' Eatint Ils va>. tbrcttgh LImconnu t>. lasnd aidslougi saeà, in «cde vourse chase, steadil>. abipersItent 1>.. thé Toier&Scvta-eel nov worklmg ai a point naftlthc vil- loge of Evérett on thc Conlea Place, wrblcl Isoné or the pmtéatcovneru « f vhch coetetd agaluat the can lroect. H. Amhrtfort la thé tem at ou tbe plàcé sud thé rite la nov w«rknt on the lines of the on surrei belvreen - thé Lualsin ae Éé=Wuraeg bridgea. ' WoddItN reporter ste tré cepti>Md i tona causc t. admiré the resluté purPoaswlth vhi bthe nmg dredge sud thé mmn .késpept théir vorn, SCOOP afier scoop of lough earth aud grass eovr ew fvmoment for twelity four bours, tun test ai ca- mal fimibed et a more, the valet frOIR thé alOUgh drained off 1mtich -MuAI As it at it la dug. Ilo-ru>a aigfet of dilch Onluhed at the é«I 0f each tventy'feur bouta. Min>.Vards of Lasti,. Thé 100-foot dredie la noelmg man>. a 14k. count> farin âelt.inrommc veiithand pmopcrty. jit viii remove for thé cana, roughir sposin&ig 1»,0»0 cuble yards o r rt-. it les"i tbréugh lsNd that Couli mot posilir br -"s for gay purpose vithougt thé can4 la" itat netér lbsberausmi for a-Y purpoce excépt thé gtovth -af -oQuito«. and C"to-ne talla But. uhéen the iréige bas psasd sud thé alough waters are drained lute thé canal tie laid et once hé- coules a heédful thing 10 théetaimer, a possihllt>. se8g04lauthé béat land under ctLItivation, ga0d for au>. kiud of rhiug that grova troin gardén truck UV. 'é VcrY Accommodating. Thé commioseouers of thé distrtc4 havé tried10 b.haseaccommodating ase posaible for ail property ownérs and for thos vose la"d la affected b . thé dlteb vbére, il vculd do no harm, tu thé projéct aud benéOit propért>. thé course bas beén alightly .aitered lu 091. caSsuad lu aérerai casevherc ownera vlshed thé dirt sud cIa>. tram thé excavàtlOns on Oné aidé of thé ca- nal ouI>., thie> havé béén plscéd thére. 3,M0 Acres in District. The are 3000 acres cf land lu the Canal dstrict sud 1,000 more are pe- titlonlua entrancé dovu iu Déérfield. Thlin ladi dtion ta thé petitlauiug Cook county farinera. Thé c"natgla éerély an ordluary 20 fot ditch tbrougb fatm sud laugh land wt v ida1gb ii 0 xa cia>. sud grass ou ether sîdé. Thc banka viii hé ampothed off vlth sera. pers when thé iitdh la complsed sud thé iitch ttaeif viii hé sxdoothed às te baanMi réndered uniforin by lb. S Igfreaet. .ka* ,bbb» lookiut ca1l trom ever>. tiapoiluL Farmers vhoge laud bénélits by thé canai file 10 It and drain their land Int It. 'hehre are several systema of laerais Pinnned aise 10 bénéfit sur- rounding farineransd thé commission- erg are COnatantl>. gttlng prayers to 5110w Sets Of fermnera to conuect.witb the projéci. Bésides thé Okokié canal the Deér- befd iralniag cana connecta vith thé naortbx brauch of the Chicago river. Sys- teins are aao proJected for othér ca- hala lu thé séavé>. district, ovér near Wauconda, Ilhast Skokie sud ther place. The Etokie mai-ah bas for yéa-t bean auéYéore te thé farmers and land ovuers. Of Benefitto .Millonnilre. Oue cf thé great béneflte of thé ca- nal la te thé millonaire farinera of thé district, Thé overiow trom thé Ar- meur laites sud trom thé drainage that émpties fte thé Siekié cana> and oth- ér placés drain tt. il. ' -Cét of Canal. lu tact, J. Ogden-Arinaur bas agréci 10 meet oven>. cent of thé expeusé of thé canal héyond 118,000, sud Il le nid bas already pald over $7,500 hé- oii.. includig 400 acres of bis coun- tr'y estaté hi.ý the district for asseas- ment. Thé St. Paul rond bas givén labor sud ight et va>. équgi t. abeut 14,000. The contnacl pricé for tle ditcb;le about $10,000, and thé mét of the ex- pense bihll a for attoney>.ees, cen- i.mnatlous, court calta and se forth. Shecks Bij Fellowa. Chicago millonsires véré girena shack Monda>. vlén Frank W. Joncs, president of the MlinQs Tai Reform league, Sied vida thé Chcago board of réiev a slatomeut alîéging tuat 1200,000,000 et stocks la fgreimn corporaions evuéd b>. ctiséais o! Cook counl>. havé béen concéaled froul thé asisessud reiévérsansd havé not héén asaessed. Thé comnmuncation grées the naines of thé ovuéra, théenno!o thé companiés lu vhlcI thé>. mre aiiégd to hold stock, sud thé par valué o! the aécohles. Altogtbértr srare aevént>. m ulu tIe.léague'a Iist, wvilc lo besded b>.. thé namés cf J. Ogdén Armour sud Edvard Morris. «One lé vua a amme-nov ho le an anvîl." Péopflé ýa>.IiS ef men usioare a Utile "dovu on lIeu- mUCIL" A. Utle efthle igbt sort o! vaut ad- verlislng yl change yau béaalu troiSthé suril te thé lainer.' -'-Thé INDIPENDENT hos more guh.1 ebribeftsamilathé but dvrlsn médium la Luet ocunty. WILL touo c9PiNO coaiorti E.J. & JE. ralirosi A-dy authorlaé a statémeut tu th» effeet thét the detectlve hur- s&u of the ralirosi la emliisearching Lfor Joseph Comm and thît the search viibuécontinuel until hé la Iocated. Thé espitelauthoritileslit Elgin are %«t.making an>. effrt accordhig tu reparte f ro* sthat cil>. tulocate ColênOr. No clue in the woulen vho ver. lu thé car vén lit ftrot éatéred thé aylum grounds bas been found. mai dui ot attract nuch attentIon ait test lit la beivi that the. Plans for Coemo'g taape er. fomuuated b>. ftléudi he, sa hia relatives den>. that thé>. knew anythlng about the oeusatloaal escape, Attoruey Charles C. Gilbért of thé E. J. & E. rosd friday merning flied a pétition Iu bankrupe>.. Mr. Gilbert decllued tu maire any statement con- cerning the action taken b>. bis aI-1 torney, stating that It vas purely A personai inatter and that the tellov- Ing contained ail the Information whlcbhé desiréd' te make public: Attorney. Charle> C. -Gillbert, 871e North Stnte- street. Chicago, actlug for the blil, fOed a voluntary pé- tition In baukruptcy Friday, sched- ulilu$33_135.97 debto sud hauaehold fufn ture, booksanad pictures valu at $395.50. as i only assets. Mr. G11- berta largest créditor ls the Common- wealth Lite Insurance Company., 169 Jackson boulevard, ta which hé owes 12&,000 'on a subseription for 250 shares ef stock ln the coucern. sud bhé owes Jaseph K. Casa of Tyrone. Pa.,1 $4.000, which he borrowed. That 4os. Connor was ln Waukegaa Baturday afternoon aud evening and that hé may bave been theré aise Fri. day laie lu thé afternoon in thé.auser- tion made b>. varions vitnesses. Tva reputable young men vhot knew bthlnluthe old days cdaim tot have seen hlüt on east Washngton 1 street lu front of the Blumberg I store sud one allégés that hé spoko ht-o ffi but did not stop to0 crosst question.t It la further reported that hé eugag- éd a cab Iter fr145> atérnoon sud afler gotting 5nome f bie triends I1mW 41:ocab fer a confére*pelio. ve lia and vas net séec again. Policé Aller Hlm. Pol4cé ttenîla>.morning admittéi that Salaria>. ercniug thé>. vère on a tili haI for ConDor on a tip trou the ame source mi came thé SUN informatio n sd liaIthé>. viii nab Counor on aiglt, That le vms hèo" theré socmsUaittlé douht sud It Ia furlier'sali liatIif hé ig hère 11111 hé la, carétuil>lu bl hd. lag. Q' Dtectives of Chicago, Elinl, Wou- legan sud ether places, agents of thé Pinkertous. sud spécial agents of ltée èlt Lîne rond are alter hlm. Chiot Réitz et thé Béit liue paid hie at isit. hère Frlda>.. He vas noti- flerd ot thé reportai riait ber% Satur- day. UFROSI COMING TO Positive sud deOinite Information troul a source that ceuitat hé dlaputed résched' thé SUN office thi veei, forésbadwnlg big devélopns ilé - cal and Interurban traction affaira. Thé triplé dévelopmént lBas tefl- laws: .1. Thé' Chicago £Mlwauke eléctrie roud cempsny la béing r.- orgmnized te taie over the entirc ,,ne and A. C. Frost, former presi- dent and evner, ls Intéresed sta principal figure. 2. Thé Fox Lake Raiiroid Com- pany. la héing, raoranhed ta op- erat» th. Wukegan short lino, In- dependently and thla vill hé thé firaI change te tuke place In re- gard 10 the eléctrieIlIns. Nethet Wynn net Orla are Interested le thé new-deai. Mr-Frost la pro-.'- bmbly the central figure In thîs deal, it la reported. S.- Thera la no.ttmth In thé re- port thet Mr Frosttls trylng to bu>. RÉvinla Park aud conduot lit independéntly, or that hé la trylng to bu>. lt il. When Mn. Froat vas caliei ou Mon- dS>. héoveu da>.little excépt that thé Fox Laie compan>. la nov belai; 1reorgaulxed sud viii operate lie ruai lniependéntl>.. Hovéver, hé encefl- éd thé réorganization of théecompan> to taie ovér thé meda lh e sud ienied thé Iavia Park stor>.. Th tv lînés viii have lo ho taien ouné hercéivers' bne h north abore vîlI réJoice et ile an- nouncément that Frosttle Indeéi 'cou- Ing back." NEW SUIT PILE0. Tuasm Mogg vs. M. Klsallove, ap- Peel. Casé coudernis thée setf borde Ister teund iusétiàtactor>., Clard, Shepard vs. Frýedeick sud iÈloi Dufty, trespas onucas, aMount talel $2,600 . "Mpxddy valén von't do for a i-- moi' au>. btter thau papér o! a snal ch"Iniatlou III do for a Valt ai. me&- Haylog la neari>. OVe with ln 1115 région mmd thé OW'bistrvés weil ad- vaucd. hé oMW la a fair crop, but the dry. bot BepLher bas ripened Oas a lttie prnathely and thé yield vîll hé rather Mogt. Cern la t-uggllg along ln à dis- couragéd sort ot w&Z, vith auly an oc- casiopal Pince ptomislng anything more tban a little fodder. potatoéa and Ilice>. to hé '*Maial and fév ln a Dairymen lu some. parts of the couD. ty are feéding thOir cows almost as regularl>. eaniidvUlinter in an at- témpt to koop up the 10w of mllk, thé paistum e - bwwré. Wbile fugitive ahovers have reiiev- éd thé sltnatm lo ilghtI in nme ho- calitie tbere haaeen no général soakiug raim for ful'tvaw montha. sud i noe neighborods there bas flot heen a aboyer aufilet to lay thé duat. On thé vholé thé drouth ln thé mont sértous lu its effet upon thé ferars and dafriee.that Lake ccunI>. bas ex. perlencéi ln many a year. WILL tHAVE TO "IGÉT A WIGGLE ON" W»sn ucat sprluî "as per aunouncé- meut" Louis .y. Svift thé Chicago pacier brcaks grouid for the $6,000. M0 mntion whic bc Ié nténds toi bad On bis 1700 acre demesue aoatb and West af Lakê FOréat, the gènèrsu <iplu- Ion la that, lé viii have te "go noule' to break thé record net b>. J. Ogdémi Armnour ami thé $4,000,000 taîr>. Palace h.ieabas ut for bis daughtcr Lolita, Thé Ive mlllîonaire 1,ackerï vîlI hc>vever bavé tnla mnch in cenmon; tai thé>.y il haspect their mit. -lus Rruedvu' ýthé Méat bradé for T':a9ge .fer Auercs'n veriiasîté'snud for A*t&Pseasu ut trals;. :.îi n lime hla 4'i Is maestic béaut>. V'if, .1.menr rllaý stands on Ita h,'Ivit. thé émtres of al] résidence. wcPt of thé Noiroron outhé Hiud- son dat-id. Men In Mumbers et Worc Vet Gué hundred *ad sl4y lre men ami tbti-L4vé ean.s,exibahgmged lu héaI"tM9'ugthé Arumour gronds. TWs bouge, thé etail ie. thé Ivo laies, and s11 thé main teatures are complétail Sud acres@etoflovi- béds have béén in.- staléd and are Iu bloom, but thé grand area et 1000 asres bis ugt yét Yet béglsu 10 taie on thé béant>. thal il le predestilnte, assume, sud ail 18 nov crudé and"lu thé rav. It teck Ivo yéars te scoop out thé tvo tlny laies and thé conctlng chaunels. Thé grounda are absolutél>. free of acces and are réacbéd trou thé Gre Ba>. road out of Lake For, est. Sunday Visitors In Throngs. On Sundaye -vîsîtors lu automobles snd lu aI typées etvebiclées treng thé grounds but are iept eut of a suill cîrclé about tbh bugé Ilséi b>. vain- lng singe. Evèry anceof thé ronda lu thé grounds la privaté but visitera are not bnrred as long as the>. bélavé and do nal hecorne Ico crowdéd sud ten numerons for the coinfort et thé méat pacier aud bis faml>., vho are attended by thé way b>. ever sevent>. servants.- At thé dinlug bouse for thé e rce cf men a sixty cent dinuèr la servei. Thé sixt>. cents la, thé actuel caSt of thé matériau luInthé niésl and s chmance visiter can le servéd Set Moatimésio vlth thé méen for tventg lire ceuta. M4uy taie advauLtage, of the chance. Tétva. lakes are drained as to over- lo»v Into t11w .nev Okoile drainagei canal aud thé entiré drainage aystem of thé grounda, which la extensive, draina mb ethé laies. CaIlle aI Meeker Perms. At thé Arthur M.%eciér farm vhlcb lg cRllèd Arcady Fat-m tiéré are nov 150 fane> bt-éd caltle thaï are se caré- fuily rnurtured that net more than a haIt score are éver let out of thé barns. Lolita Armour te b. Séen. Mise Lelîla Armea, nov a girl ot about séventeen May hé senz taklng a hersé baîk ridée lmnost an>. day aI thé -Armour grounds acoupaised b>. a mald sud a taotman The chances are that Louis F. Swift vauli aI once Ibis' réar hégin thé building et bis 15,00,000 rosi- dence veat ot Laie, Foi-est.mort, it not far eue tbing. Tlh. soilîar>.obstacile laid ta *b. on. old settler and férly sires of land vhlch hé perélttotl>. *ad vlth characlerlalic Irieh pisack re- fus"e te tell ta Swift. The hand la that font>. aératract on thé road asèxt 10 the avifI frontagé Mud .jusl a bit vesl 0Md1 souh ot lié présent Svitt dveRi MlotifsPrion Ilgl Svif t ovus ail theé1"4 lai &bout thé Srtshman'a tract but hoé Sn't get Ibat vithout paying vhal ho tuis 1la a ai>. bigh prude, e lie riÏiusan site Iu bis fart>. and patiotiy avait. 1tffé day vhén thé millonairé pacler vý iii bu>. hlm out. Hé viabès $600 an aéré. Swift evua all bu 170Q acrée. The "hbold ont" tarner bas a aiscl suad ont buildings sud seViiirel patched 1-lf garden trtuck sud crops conlanda buthé's a sticker. èxAING~JAT UROLD CRIME John MeFsrlknd la iu the county Jali tu a ceil bits>. dénylu gthé Polic charge that four years ago hé $tels a horne from a Blue Island aider- mma sdnid iltoeC. D. Flint, thé livéryman at Lake Bluff. Mr. Plnt. Màrshal Pétérsén cf Lake Bluff, M4listnt Chiéf Tyrréil or Wau- kégan aMd Shriff Grfin béllière that thé>. 'bave thé dead *bod" on thé PrIsoner, bowéver, aud are taklng mat- ter% éaslly. Thé o14 dictuin that sooner or later thé crtnaînal Muet riait thé scène et bie crime, Is sai te have héld gond ln thé casé of Mclsrland sud il vas due ta a vii that hé paid te Lake Bluff attér four yéars that he wae cal- turned 3NIonday. otri iTheft. The policé tuay have ma>. made an Important capture, If, as belleved, Mc- Farland ma>. hé a membér et a gang of borne thiévés, and hé in belng put through thé thir-d *dJ'r ' ' out what hé knows. Fou r yéars ago hé la sald tê' havé camle ta Laie Bluff vltb a horne whlch hé sold ta Flint for $50. Thé day altter Flint ýread ln thé papers of s Blue Island alderman f rom wbom a barge answerlng thé description cf bis név ane bad beén stolen. ne com- muuicated wlih thé Blue Island man, thé horse vas ldeutifléd, thé alderman lndemnlfied Fint snd thé horse vent back tu Blue'Slaud. Flint voiked- 10 capture the borne Wslks Ints Trap. Friday %IcFarland, thé allegéd borse thief, came back ta Lake Bluff, and Fline t a nce récognlzed lu hlm ,thé man hé had sought for four ýears.. .%lcFarland bas béén worktng for Mootî, celoréd ezorésamnan, as a driv- er and may have béén planiug anather horne thef t., Hé neyer got a chance, -bowever, as hé vas arrested Monda>. by Marihal Pétérsen, Shriff GrMln sud Assistant -C$lif' Tyrre» vwere called ln, ha vas. taken to Waukégan. Hé aimi.a'tbe eale te Flint, but aya hé get thé barne of his brather lu Chi- cage. It la kitovu that hée bas béen ln Kansas CltY, Chicago, St. Louis, $éwi York and athér places snd thé police hère blière that hé bulas ut flished aérvlng timé somevhàere. JIJLY tIOTTZSTF IN ENGUiT YEARS Accord ing te théeofficil vether us» et thé Laie ceunty, J. C. James et Autiech. vho vhillésoeé daim that hé cannet maie the véathen lu advance con certaIuiy gather l t t- géthér, pusb lIt nto, a neat bainch sud offer itlnl thé torm af a report, the mouth of July vas not thé bottent month Iu élght y"ara bul il vag périlously uéar il whilé It cértalnly vas thé dnyésl, vitb cul>. .85 pré- cipîtatien. Thé hottent year vai 1901 sud let yéar tg evén vlth Ibis as te Jul>. veathér. Néithér vas Ibis Jul>. thé coaléal, 1904 brolds that record. So bock ap and kwltchékilckiu about thé véather. Thé complété report: Wéathér report for July.. 1910- Warmest day 99 ou lot. Coldeat day 47 oun11h. Average température 75.23. Total nain tali, 83-100 Inch. 1909- Warmést day 99 on 29th. Coldeet day 45 on 5th. Ancrage témpératuré 68.86. 'Total rai faIX 1.15 Inch. 1908- Warmeset day 98 ou Sthida i30t1. Coldest day 49 ulot and eth. Average température 72.25. Total ramn faIm 4.29. luchés. 1907- Wsrmest day 90 ou 241h. CaidésI day fil on 27th. Average température 72'12. iTotal rein fal L02 Inchés. e1906- t Warmèst day 96 on 22. Coldest day 47 on 7th. Average témpérature 71,41. s L Total nain tall 1.65 Inchon. t1905-' 3 Wanmést day 94 on 1M1. 1 Caldeat day 48 on 28rd. 3 Average température 6%.~51. r Total nain fal.80 Inches. 1904- Warmést day 96 eu 1611 sud l7th. Coldest day 42,on Snd. k Average température 70.56. i Total nain tali 4,41 luces«. WaM~est day 96 ounStM. Coidet da' 50ou 318t. Average te uperature 71.62. Totai ralu' lu6.60 Inches. 1102- Warmet day 93 on Stb. Coldeat day 44 on Ist. Average témperaturé 72.58. Total rain fai 6.2.5 luches. 1901-' Warmet day 104 on 101h. Coldest do.f 45 ou Sth. Average -tésnpetature 77.01. Total rain Ealu2.85 luches. To ArbItrate th* i#sertnc*$. Juige Péter S. Qroaacup oi aiasi]& Pa* béa beau sakéi te bu>t«a Ibo loislatot belven thé membéo of U#o Brothood et interurbm Tae and General Maniager E. I. Dovue of thé Chicago & &MIlvanieelecti léoll- rond. Ail et thé demanda of thé trahi- men bavé been met b>. Mr. Dovua vith thé exception et thé requéat for an' incrésélu vages of 5 cents an heur. Général Manager E. E. Devu h agi-eèd te an tucreasé lu u'nges of 1 cent per heur sud thé récéivérs et thé moai are Oinu lu tîCir stand that a ftqr- lcr 1 >~notbe> ganed At thîs up Ihéir fight for thé larger Incrégée sud bavé madé an appeaula Judge Groescup lu vhose court thé recéirèr-1 ship pracedings haxé héén pendng for aéreraI yénra. Thé feilowing demands havé be gnanted by Manager Devus: The trainèen vbe are asalgued 10 dut>. lu Miwaukee are tu hé iept Ibère and'cannet hé transtérred tu thé hItérurbad rani vîtheut due notice. Frormmriy thé mon véré tranferréd froua théect>. dut>. b the ruDe hétweeni Evaneton and Milvauke d smaom- ènt'# notice,. Thé m9ormén have hén grantèd s concession of ering ovérsls Sud a lamper and viii no onger hé forcei ta véar their héar> bine' uniforme. Time sud a haut viii hé pald for dut>. ,on mevw ploysansd similar vonk. WeÙDiNe iEWEiLS LOOTtD B3Y THIE!F tirsud lira. Chandler Egan wb occupy a hésutiful home an RaVine placé ati Highland Park are moUrmAin the Io"s of sevenal fine dlsaondai vl$cýhver.estolon duuD4tbiitw , ding luf. hé%tor>.y héiBd the a. M ii CGÏÏ7 Ytk orke tuéroa iifS champion, and bis, bridé enlo>.éi brief posseesion of a number of thé isygis that veré lncludéd ainong their v9i- ding preseuts. Their hone>.moom vas mari-éd b>. thé thefttof a pluah bon conteluiug thé giflzansd the personal jovélr> af tirs.'Ega", vho la thé daugbter oft Jane. MeNaui> Of! lie Ramd-tNaliy compas.. Obrnking trou publîcit>.. Mr. ESAn veut about the tasi off éuppreesing re. ports of thé robberý, a soué-ue ceenfui tiat. thaugi hédisé«oreebils lacs on Jul>. 13, the neya dii nOt léni ont until iday. Oema Valued st $1M00 Thé geins, vhlcb vére valued at $1,. 000 ver. la aeuvhich bai heén tasaed intogatrunk vhén lie Egana lefi Ocauomoo. Wis., vhere thé>. bad bien apendIng théir baneyinocu. For sévéral deys thé tunis la>. lu the héggage-room ot a Chicago rail- rosi station vhié the couple saa>.d ai thé home etftirs. Eganls parents. at 66 East Division streét. Thé truncks véré sent te Highland Park vhen Mir. Sud tirs. Egan vent 10 tiseir entmer home théré. Whén thé>. vére upack- éd thé Jewels veré mîsaint. 110w DFi Thief 1<00w il? Detécoves imaetlonéi the servantr, but ne iight vas tbrovn on thé dia- appéarance ot thé jevels. Thé policé are puzzlèd te account for thé mon- ner ln vhiçh, h t ibet learned tit thé gemnte o hilnthé truni. Soîdier Drovu nt Fl. Shenidan. Wbl le péntarming inilitar>. tricha on a svlmming horse before a lange aud- ience at Fort Sheridan Sula>., J. Frisch, 22 years old, member of lie carair>. that paraded lu ChIcagos sane F'ourtb pageant, vas Ibrov hinte thé lis sud drovned. Frisch vas a mémber of Troup M, Fitteenth cavaîr>., sud vas canaiéer- éd au unusuail> god rhumr. Hé vas cli ent ou rd htaor e couithele 10 et ont retrobat oéeuen otlal mml lboy it hsppénéd. Thé borne vas svlmmiug lu about elgbt féét of vater. Frisch, apparent!>., vas pré- paring to stand ou thé -borne baci,1 and bbeeof-,thé el SfaulesuMd alipperfhsddl'alld eff tut. thée'watr. Prlghtenéd, thé -borne ftracticailly tunned tovard'shere. Frisch dil uot ié t. thé aurfacé, aMl-Itle sbelévéd hé vas truci b>. thé-animais boots. Brother Against Brother. 'Broher gainert broter" viii é the iramatlc situation pi-oduosi by. Richard J. Finuega. démoci-stie ap diaté ton coummese lu thé Téna Ia. trict. wlén hé takes lIe atuup a&piet George Edmuni Fons, Be viii usé againai Mr. Fosé thé same aumunit- Ion uséi b>. Hugéne Foee-Géorgé t' brother-tu carryiug satiassachuset distictinluàaby-éiectlcn. Elugene Fûts. a démocrat on a têt, te platternl, ovéturnai a big repub. lican ual@,.Mtr. Finegaba oh taui élu uéentsandami yUl. h legeGé u~nd Famé 10 aré ihemmand it-defaileistand 'du' the Aidé iolMl. Papers havée ie ithè* * cuit clerk lu thé case of.Ellé< Drl, vs. Thoma Canlon, for a dlaim of$I~ 000 damages. Thé plaIntiff, it *é~,b Cr ion'a childrén 10 cars for the»a f"iuw. lng théir mothér'a death. ishlig thi fromn their bouc a luLbcrtýYvllto Laie Forest, vheré thé>. vére uim re, ceati>.. Carlon, levever, vas not salluahi vith thia arrangement aad destrsi the' ebilirea bai again. Mmre. Devine,, Wbe -lms hiWvleà ai4tér asud thus toêý thiidreèm's niIt, 10 l litat thé cùý dren over9 botter off vith ber.Beél*~ tirzasltoaeClaima tbat Carlon ovési ber cousidorable mono>. sdIbthab*shé.~ i-éd hlm ta, setti.lber claima héforis anything detlah va decIded about the cuatol>. of the chlliren. .. . Hevever, Canlon leaaiMd 1 bavée b- talned possession of the.éhldrèn on a vwrlt trin Judgé Donnély>, atter tbre*5. ognMlptra. Deviné, It la isbamei, If aie dld net givée théin up ail right. NIre. kevine Dcv suée for,$10,0W damage. miels J. -Devine la attorney for lira. Deviné sud It l% sllekéd that Cariosa made vrioie réported tbreata *SsMs Mrs. Deviné te gel théechiltan am héfore hé sotitem., Tné Case la0f gi-est local imÂterest et Libértyrime.mê aie fýoréet.Thé pp~lé5si-e mnoe0 file 'hère, ouI>.théeIséip Jil Ouied, NOTE 19UÇSD Bécaise oah. chargestint her, hié' baud beat ber amd théecddré aMi uladé lite-unhéarable for li e mEé Rosie Nauarao of Wesboý FrIda>. attérnoon liedthe City., "d Ibère la quite - a myster>. about tiha mon Who are sali hoehave atiqi-bét ln suaieni>. ahattèrin 11 at-iss lwain#m. They, amcsai su hve hase Cllcs froin alu - sote Téli* thé, *top>. A note afted WM aVIIIà mn Pb~ o0 thé top o e séiiné'ré tM toid thé taleeofthle figab t e b ,a~ "I in ala*n e,1" mSO oTe noelae a isen la talo dieu it oeaf Pldi oig fore s , a l moorÇ menthe' saivts eta-e Mtplic a nighreà-wre slald il fer adSa bd antelgîors . Tht Nasre ofttce bealn lieaasan amth o>t beve ma et ot àeoe.1CL i Syn UNiso NotWIItira. Ngssovu e chîlaén ee e tl t rabbun a I sadmév iilya. Thereverbe le aenen bwseidere I théliu Thé vh insu ft at I ol ci FutIe>H»4nh bt lave heéed landsbre ba gs. t theffaavhre ah.elaesai te ohavé rÙ brTher lu Nev Tçýonc>.a Ie ld asdb>tia t lat thérai tohp case.,té buy a e 2a.S0 ha care eei.,sdrtsemé allégé th thefrn acar iethé réltandet biati ea ha ît fe t obteo#i là 7M nshlp lu stop gyoutil * é. vid abcoutnauefeit spot vitIa vu thé frooln dobor g- ai dlan laya th wexchoang e f OW e oveso ofa lm to igbt5V U a X rtit erOs- benacer ple '. seutshrouth a pathétl N oni t bgoagvtIber eym>' cergNç a,««lnithéougb tua hé h Ite * oo léfl )Imale Péww mAérlivyo affectionbu vIla av1er blaid aosalé>.hipts shéal tee 'ou QUa ldrl110,t yh mortht turnel1ev l b - = éryona girL iba ap1liw Ee. To oa'tgo gasan>.mreMbM Van muebcir . as a no éa>.sbow, suzd t rte béID maio the enthuslaa* - eal Lodi

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