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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Aug 1910, p. 3

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DL 0.P. OUTrrERFI5 PAUL MAC uff 1, e-h t *ad a 0SP. là A.%. STRMN li s hlmglou Strias 'phone 2761 DL GOLDING DONT81P Houe S ta 12 s.nt-1 taS g..L L H11 Trima Rltlâg tîit Dr J. L Tay10-Fb.oia b)IL RIL LSM[TH .DENTIST. ~v~LA" oDufN AIOIALCA. ouses-fc 12 s. m. sud 1 ta ô P. m. DAILT. LIbertyWie. IMis DY, 1. L. TAYLOR. ortws iCe i. eu. rrsa'qe I. aavm:-7 ta, 10 a. n. 2 ta 4 sud ô tO . P. Swei.% -n Broadway. opposte Park. Lio"ti> viii.. ilu»Oli MAVTI C. DBCKER lifike Opp. iflut St. Electef Station OfdWihceone 5834 ses. Phone 3S0U NO.ITH CR10.400. ILLINOIS BIJRVEYOE Bubidividlug, Farm Wrt Sud p flvau LIBEICTYVILLE, ILL.- PHONE 1094. DR. rDw. V. SMNITH Gesri Pwgclo Te 3Moas Nor»e. ui. ortit lm) qua B*51 b, a et the e aI the wmry of i. M11 day De bout of n et laid Mr of the et blUet- ied land e Couuty ait Chie. n ttnuty. #) Moitit, te T'mmd 'ARKE. 4". BrP Spragua buid- 'eteor nlt~ p Àrae li eff- oea t. re AVSLAK E .Di YOU WIL.FINO Titi but sud latent drinks st aur Soda ronêCéla theresyon titi gt the brut sMd putest le Cnismuxad crqehedfruits. .YOU WILL FIND A »wv sud ep-todate lime of Souvenir1 (Gouda and Pastal Lirda. YOU WILL f4140 Tour lavarite klud of cas4y "Qu Uti lsounniatta. T Q rwtnôf:llfc yd our leader. YOU WILI. FINO Atlth Clilateal liasslnsi sud mauî r h poputsr copyright boots. YOU WIL.L FINO Au excellent UnimaoaI TolaC Gondls, Pif- fumes sud lais Creame for tesusmmer chape 04 reas Cha aunmaer ia. AT G1RYSLAKE .PIIARMACY * YOU VWitL FINO Hleadquartere fur Spaulduas Sportlug YOU WILL F1110 The Burliongon LaundrYAgsnîY. Ai tarit uaranteed.± YQ*U WILLIFINO Our telpepitomm tlbet' 11 tht-S 705 eau cali np sud atdIt- tbé hbeieC.mi manuiactured, un Weil 'ab pure. les and have sm itvredl et- oni bonie. wholessleresud retalleri YOU WIL~L FIND ou the tiret Mondes lu eau montb at Grayoiats store Dr. Pot.eYet ilotle sud opticlan; Ctweesrelu e9o2i Temple. Dout forget lest Moniday tu ssci moutit. YOU WILL. FIND Office of Là«E fotiVN TY iEPE(I)Er'Ç *liene yon apy up your suberlption. lesîs yo.pr job tort sMd, advettinewg f toitnRatsw. YOU WILL FOND CommutaClon ticketaepn both raitroade. YOU WILL. FOND Ageucy for Itimbal Piano CO. For sale or relit. YO U WILL FINO Pure druge, a square doa sd cOrtsoud trestiuueet aur *tares. DRUCE DRIJG CO. OrayWaae, loek.otliai. Round Lait. M. MNbeCuIC.tRPm #L. A. WAflTE, txPL. ML V. CLIELAND, R, A. GOOD 74tWs Many Libsrtvvils Racdirs I-ave Hoard ft and Profited Thereby. '0oood mWes travels tant," sud the. thounssoet ofiheuharsufferere ln [Ubrtyvlîle are glsad to "eru tht prompt relief le tlthin Chir rmeh. Clan a laetestee and eing bacit le b.d no more. thautis tua osus Kiduay Pille. Thiusaude upon hosnsd of people ane Celing Ibo good nets of thir experlence wi:tte Old Quaker RemedjT. flore lasu aexemple Wortmaig: mmr. H.M. Jengen, CaibounuStreet. Woodutock, ]IL, MsAe: "I bave- oBlY Word» of praise for lDo"'Kidme Pille. t bave need thon, and bave received 0o mach houalit tat 1 couider it my dt, Ctotlotitar 5T0daof Clis -reiedy. 1 sufferod for twa yeare from pains lu myJ beck sud asaorenees aros5 -Y ldneys sud when 1 canght cold, iy liak beaiut laen. amdaces sud dizzy spelle aoo botbed me sud I conld Dot do suY vort. I1i.s!ly procnred Donn's Kîduse Pille sud 1 have lmproved steadilYiy ic lng thein. Ths pain in uty baci bas dlsappeared aud 1 feel lietisr lu every ta,.,Il For stle by 61l deaier«. Price 50 cents Frogter.MillburuCo.. iBuffalo, New York, »0t. agenia for ie lUited 1tates. Remsmber the. uame--Doan'-aud taito no aCIer. 4. Il. W.FERRY SUPERVISOR, TOWN BENTON Candidat* for 1-COUNTY CLeRI fle Camb JoultrY ait et.ae Be5omoowLk ouut for citicene. Sli by IDMM¶'ivtYILLMae oe Lius Co. e8 mont saxyulnom" la Ualaigea" l>t-ilm ~ThlUWdsSpt.i. 1910$l. drtalts.Lie'rV L M uiuaCO. e41 P. J. OIR. EditIer- .' IOrdees Titis .or Job Wort Advertislng Rs*gql On Application Louis Gaiwoa ent Saturdsy snd Sud&i Clicago. MI@@eBM iltl er la vlsiting at Wm. Bradstultarhomne. . 1 1 mm. W.. Upngr te antertatulug frisade liom New Jeu.. Um isimetsaeitBrumg, oi Chicago. ta a &emet as th Joe Garwoôd home. Mr. and lir. lacFibrlse are enter- tshde fiands fiont Kit...l Iy. B. J. Lotu retured froin Grand EspW %Tm*odlw wbmrehb.purebased Mr. sud Mms John - Bock returued lidy trop a visit st thslr bon Chas. as Pt.kwsy,; Ohio, sud osher relatives et Dortotaa, Ohio. lMr. Bock reporte pls.ty 0of rain at these places and overy. tblsg laoklng lue. anrmIilrsd wile, moecaut at Loait.Blu, were gnoalt aULL ;Longs. bmngitfamltj v.l;uudsyï._, 4rchis Moore rode hie bicycle to Eoçkesler, lin.dsy.. - re. C. 0. Longabangh la on the. sici lst. Miss Winlfred Woodford,ef Oak Park, in spending a fat veeka wtub friands hare.' lire. Georgia Wbeaton, better kuown by ber frmends boesm Georgia Day opent eeverpl days with frieude nere. lire Wheaton w.. fornerty a teacher at com pletion of the wueti for the condensing lactury. Jee Longaliaugli tianeacted business un Chicago, Tuesday. The Ladies' Aid of the. Congregationat cdont met 'uith lire. George Strsg, Wedneeday. lir. sud lire.Wn. Ellis, of Lskeslda;« ane entertalning friende f rom St. Loule. Dr. Poster, the eyeo p@eclait wtasB Che GrayOlite Pbarmacy Mondai. ais maxt visa it i ho ethe fines Mondayinl Septeinhor. Chas. Dyke. sud Chas. lisson, 0f Round Laite, celled ou feehbor Tuaiday. Otto Jolineon bsd! the mlsiortune ta have a tes. 0f bornes runa&watb bis mew cernent mixer muchini sud brakit C ap qulte itsd.. Ed Bendea boa tsecoutrsct for build- ing lbe new Wheeloek business blockt sud le notw wrklng on tbe'bssm.eut. I Mises Margaret ittsvt, oilouad Lait., t. vieting bon at,UmssAnes Sommer. Mirsud lin. Engmee Brang, of Wantegan, epent Sundsy tith Mns. Gei. Stranx. Mise ubny Ghllunge vstitd galut-day sud Sunday titli Mies Jeutine, 01 Wautegsu. TheaIMie. Mlargaret sud Bertha Whte lasvo Thumday fouisaC'uo tests viil vith tClir coueinMm Mn.lfim ole ti, i Wiliamsvllle, Miclifle. Leslie annon, of Chlcago, vt.lCad hie parents Suuday. list the- Pit est. Mn. aud lirs. W. H. Sith sud fsmdiy, of orayelaite, tere Mtiluro cahiers Saturday. 1Victor Strang eturned home tram Ciatupaignfuattwest, wtue ha loot a eix teets canre.. lire. Edmnund (i.nn's brother sud iamily, o. Wauitegan, are fstaylug 'îiCb ber. The Ladie' Aid Society bold their regutar meeting Thureday, Auguat 11, at th. chunch. Ice crean ilt o e-ovd tvth the suppar also lu the evoing. C. L. Tapi, Ang. 7, "Christ Out- Friand." John 15: 9-16. Ralp'i littr, leader. James Finiey at-d fftabiley Andereo, ai Late Forest, zisitedl reativeesaàfia' dayo Che paat test. , atter gt lnonau ont pcial priesonau ,ddns Stock Coatl for yanr hresing.q LIBCIRTYTLLE Lumtnena Co'. 40.tj ICKORY. M. and lire. Chue. Grillinansd ittie daugliter and William Griffi, 0of Keasa vlslld Sheir parentsud friende the pat lit deaim Bickory. Auy faed you tant t0 ui for fat esdtng sasus u andelter dolvery. LîUMMYxVILna LutinaiCa. 404l Mie inalé lIt-,ussud sister spouk Salurday sud aUagdsbore. N. D. PrtIlisi06t th@ fM. E. churei Suudaeevu.ist. due to te ets'4ldry wea$heT. Mr,. j.I. l'amai ls entertaluiug ber niotber sud ohi-friands froin Milton, Dr. W. N. alsk reiirned fr om Gardner, Ohio, Tueoeday Mies Lutu (tUbaittues guNt of Mies Cors Lobili, Tffsda. Frank U m rue olsuated business t ingWeide, Tneidoy. Chas.Kapple le tonting on the laite front illag lu Smo'lots for Florence Drue. [t.etilt muchi regret 'uechroniele te -9itui» ..xA.Crans bas îloeed bit GraylsiiSlittOliOand lias toved. ta Ubiatllua. 'liet ilt practice ut Lilertq«k vevy Monde,' and Thur- dsy thoraIlie bai fuuied a modern sud np.to.datç Once and titi ha glsd ta mai lgi male Ormysiake patients. Tb@ D)octor bas mad manv tarinfrienlis dnhng bis prctce bone and ha. enloyed a lue busimees bore, but Lihryvilla heiug&bts home sud thera being su open. iug Chges h.deemed it advioabte tu maire thochauge. Bils Graytake friendo tioli hlmn mus h uceis. Prcf. MaeCllnd tif t flunday foé -Sprngfield,IlIt., on i ,notocycle sud amived there Tueeday. Mies Bet" Kipple has reslgned lier home for oa ime. Thers te nome tait of urganizing s Sial. Bankt ut Round Late. Thone la a mmug t Ameun«i Hait Fridai eves- lug, &mg. 5. lire.C. -b. MacCtalnd lias eaccptad tae poeilon mas aisitaut lu h. hlgh eshool sait ies. She t. an experienced teachar. Gsorge William Becker, infant clild of lit. sudil. Win. Becey dilutat Fnl- day, Jnly 29,0of lumg foyer. Card of Thaute. W. tih to ltast aur tlud friende sud uelgbbous for Iheir assistance sud kindues duiiug to lîlmeesand d"sofa our litis boy, (tsarge, siso h. singere ebo no ilndlî haped ns. Wm. Baiitley sud famuniy. 045-1 : 1 I 0 0- - ýmou Miss At-mids Bromeof ai Leotyvilla la the gueet of Mr. sud Mie. 86.Luet tbis test. Mies Edith Nicholîespaent Frlday st Mcilury. Mn. sud lIdru. John Sahot sud son, Lia, of citiago, tire guestae t Cthe Babel homo Wedneeday eveuing. lir. snd lMis. John tichandeon enter- tained Mr.insd Mîs. (eorge Kuebler and MiesGenevieve Effinger, of Ingleelda, spent Bunday lu Voor". Nicit Frost, 0f Kenoîba, tue à vieltor lu town flnturday ntgbt. Retauamein-. pauled home ly' his son, Arthur, z'io bus beau otaying 'ult hbie grandpsrents far eome time. Mre. Jenuie Cosnu sud daughter, tinriel, of Round Laite, visited relatives lie faturday aud Sundey. Mr. and lins. Nicit Krelschiner, 0f 0naysjtike, tierogueitasttCh. Stadtleld home Sunday. Ms. lMartin Ely nd citiden and Mis Ely, of fitongliton. ,i.»caeSaturday for a visit st the lhome.of Mn. Ely'& 1parents, Mr. and Mr@, Ramnso. Mr. and Mimy. EarI To wntsend aud son, of Round Lake. tene Sondai glieteat tae Hanéon home. Thay Have a Definite Purpose FîîIey Kidney Pille give quict ratief in case.s of idîîîy and Ilaiden alimente. ire. Ro)si' CjlIssr. 'terrt-sHante, Imd., telle the' resutilu ler ces. '-Aftir sufer. ltg for nianTy easfnt *m & es am e .01 tldney trouble ud epooffingmuet mouey fon so catbed cures, 1Ifouni PcnsY Kidusy illIsth. ouIll midiqiselitaSgava me a permanent cure. 1I e ill»able h ta ho up sud asîtend ta my tarit. I ehail nover haitate tao .iie.tdtbem." F. B. LovMLtus apàiN. Foley idnsy Plle Tonlc lu qulty amd actilo, qulck lu issults. Fo abcitaohe, Isodahe. dizxi. nOs, notvounus, uinnt7. bit-elqý arC sud riteunatlin. F. B. LOyglLLQOMPANT.. Oeo. Quentn Caudiat. fer thoRepubllcsa Nembutiom for Çowity Treasurerof Lake County Thursdy, Sote@hr 15, 191 Yoi7 Vote amd >Uppôrt will b. ý rApprtat r . -t4f c rLi bertuville:iýews Imit4on st LM.'E.Storerandwerl reie.n- C4«s meeting t 10 a. m., b.d by J. B. Miiun. - Preachingait 1080 a. tu; hy tho pastor. 8ev. W. L. Whipple, subWet, -'Rld Prom te Wise" Bibis scbool et anoon. Epvrtitï;ee a 6:45 p. mn., leadertirais Witeeia. Preachluj sI 7:30 p.-Z-u. tflpastr Ïnhuuet. 'Troubles, Balamd lmaaiy." The EptmrCt laague ilt, estvo lis inea.uxt Cte part during tth bad concert titIs test. Thiy askt he pa" rouage 01au tfriende aifte eoclaty sud chut-ch. Tb@ Fanrth Qnartirty Confereuce of the yesr t wtietci ltachurct buttase for the sr le ronaded np titi ha taM Augnel 1Sth. The aunual confires titi ho h.ld tht. yeia t Dirn, ID., opalus Oct. 15h tith itiieop Craeton presiding. LIBERTYVILLE ROCKErELLER 4 The Latter Bali Teomt Met Withilis Frt Dafeat by the Rambiera. lu a Ohmsn and lrý'parttal Osme Las The finI aioa a ses imftire, gante .itteen Ch. Lihoryv"IiaBanbjere and th. Ares baie ltmCeontaiRoctalellai tas pleyed au Che local grounde Suadez July 81sC. Atar te bos«te asd moued lu lb. second, Ares camei bocktlu 1h. hird sud hi bsrd bltting coupid 'with a fe' coslly errore by "aour boys", pliedl up four rue 'hich put hantmlitae lead u frlhid su abmndat t ppoi. tunly for h. l&ar ambty ai roateri wueich follotsd Chir eant over ira. tie tatu vitb haeail1King@ usine ta eMvre Clamesive ai tbeir peut up 'Te Haine played h. steudy con.- Iiea suir o-*tile bahy hav, ha- coin. *0 tel tunotu amang the borne fane sud lu lhe sixtli, soveutitsand elghtl lning sbotad hir case ulning ont by Jta e.margin otfi8 ta 4. The iollating le the score by nuninge. RHE flatblere... 01 00 01 2 4x--8 62 Anea...... 0 00 00 0 00-4 10 7 Batteries, lBys,,Johnson,'V Doriet, Kiug. - Umpire Goodricli. The second %ante tilt ho playad ounltse Lihortiville grounda neit Budei aller- qpon, Aug. ?tt. (lame tilt ho callediat 3l o'clocit sharp.* Marchandise Business xnd Residence For Sale et a Sat-gain. Aýn establlshsd successful business sud contplete stock ai Dry (loode, Grouen aud genersi merdlaisesas" oeually carrisd lu a country store tu h.e sldi separate. or If deslned, titi buildings1 snd six acres of land 'seil located ou corners, lunsinatl village ou Main auto- mobilti roud froin Chirago tauMefienry, and Fax Lae'26 mites irnt Chicago. 2 miles Iromainsstinon Boa-Lin, R. R. As h. proprietor lea ver 80 yeae of ago be desires ta retire aud vil»Il e.tt a miScthfis argalu; t-miey. Appty Co BmyEu & BOES, "Seat sCe Agonis, phone 342 Arlington HelgithalDL c45..4t Theeltutit Candr Cold Cnre Tablets called Prevantice, vtilt l er,'boues "eah li ilcolds ai lagrippe. 'rty tein! 48-25c. Sold hy . 1AU. DBALEUS - M. ENt fin pianori t ete. wf *t fineireo ltonunsu JhnChis son lfZlrCe y Dickesltesd JutC imateo sn o id oun. Suuvd. hehmeO Daid.Youngi ClaynetraiidCt Ladie'a sd br Sndsy ectahothae Ladsm'Ald nd er oon ayon hor lain. fcecrWeam, ca erdcndies teebera. t bram, eaks andcni ere -vd mi. s u lire. W iml y -.stets 1 Mir aud lire. Whltmev er dti d li. and MClark, 0f WradsMr an Bond"y. Rev. Crsvwfoid tees etertaliedst Fred Willy's Suuday. Tb@ Mount Bout Comitery Soclety tIlt tuent ttit Mms. Jasepl Taylor ta Wsu. itegan Wsdouday moring, Aug. 10. Ait laote e n recoidisallin+0lted ta attend. Mutris Bras. lost s vatusiti botme lint Monday. R. 6. sud Wm. Mnne bavae nquite sict tha pu oi'wei Mir. Met-taI, of Hochecter, N. T., and MieMJ'rtie Cornes, epeat Wsdsdey titb A. C. Cet-rie. J. A. Beave. ie ou Cle i. el" tI Mn.,0.-A.- Strier geve àaprty the Juvenlie Bunday School dech lut ls Friday aflarnoon. 'Tom. aibo lira an titi rural rootule s Mu%ýe 4à»Couuly ixnaaummw and'LmDelly Inter-Oumenfor. $4.00 a i,= â t eeitljly Iner Ou»ceos d 1.V -N4- Z Mir. sud mmu. huasua$ms 9»i eamp mustina at DeePlalusmdsy. Thte Infantdaughter, aoflMr. sud Mms Ada. I* bdsdMoaday. July 25, sud tas burlsd lua tseFumaont Canter cra tory Wedneeday. Shs tua s brigfit ,beautlful babydsixesu monîbaold. Tte b.vesvd famlly bave the.sincere ls- MinE lizabeth Wlrts bas roturned ta Rtogers Park Biter speudins ber vacation aI home.. .1 Tb@ Ladies' Cantatery Socety iti holdi ut eU days meeting, Thureda, Ang. I1 1 aI lire. Dolpb's ai her. le tor t taote doue. A picole ltuchtilt ho oesnvad tg Doon. friende Wedueiday. Helen Clark, of Uibans, le th. gue.t of Loti linilt4t. lila Miunie Suyder la eniaylng a weesvacation froni harnetenbgraphie woat thCe Sheldon icitool. - li,. snd Mid. Otto Sithl, of 'Wauita- gan, tone recent visitoasboe. W.:Bmeh li leted hie non Fred, ut Rist Chcago, luet teek. go reporte him as gamnn n ucetî. Word hue bien received Chat on Prlday Jnty :29, titan tas haro ta Dr. sud tMre. W. H. Abliott, ut Princeton, N. J., sàfBas baby girl. The yomug lady jhao bais pamed fSarahi ('race AlhotI. The may frinds of Harry and lit. wile lu Laite County extend liunty congratulations. Nir. Simpon dted Monday, Aug. lot, alter searat mouCha lMes..He bhue lived hare for tmety yeare and tas tespectell byait. 'rhe fauerai tris hol at Chis chorcl Weduaedy, huril lu Ct Wauconda cemeteni. The iamlly bave Cie oympatty o ai al lu Chair honaeva- ment. C-ard of Thinte. Adami B. TiCu ensd family tte tie Mmode Who 1» utualh. udulghoow Chien Lu cMilg , M.gbwsd for týadot-sioiu~ .4. of lady friends frois Mltusta day. Mlies Vers Compton. a01 oduê spendiug Ch. test tb mIUEIU Wedue8day occuned Clii edeliA Mies Catharine Roelng tSam J. ef of Chicago. Tboy tere ma-t-ed et CaCtallc Churcli snd weddiag 4fpWM wae eerved St Geo. Roelng's. Misses Clara asudliais Koosa e«é #pouding a lfa, days. wtli tei cou",a Frances ttooing. lluy Red Coutb âne ehiet foed, ia»oue&W, the. littie one@. Don't L- ed coins"MWd sud laiClem die. Solo rilybylm V1fLl Lu.in tCo. EAS-r FOX LAU Tii. Esot Fox Laite CeniteryBSIstg tilt meet at lire. Flora Wtttalgtna, Aug.. 11. Piaule supper. Visioawl At CIe York Houasid. & çpistaitmua lui .veulug, Ana. 7, Chies ilt hi s ýmua l ltuxd service, amted-1 "ByEa" arrange& in rom Dadaa. Coin. Commence st 8 O'clock prompt. oltion titI ho aiten. Kire. Lneoiu Eglierte, motbsr of lire. J. D. Kirt anddositor, Mme John Blret1 mAd son, of Minerai Point, Wis., are visitlus lier. Mir.,aad Mr@. George Graham audc bailli vlelted over iiuuday titI lUr,. iMme.AunusBaird vlelted tht lire. Ornai (arman the later part of theteet.i Mm. Wili'plaida, ofCorrln, Utah, caled1 p.u esi9CIesbore lant Snnday. Mm ME itlBacon vlaieldber doer, Wr.Emma Bumerekt at Unbertyville1 MeSuudas. ! LMIncî Egbert, raveltng saleiman for thei Star W&ll Pspesrtrd an hie trip tbrough lowa lest tutk. MU. Mildru'a brother lof t for Scot- lantd tes t kiktao gonentilfaiti. Uir, sud lire. J. L.Du" veve Try plisanat party test Saturday lu hoor of tirs. WIliIBuarris, l*b.luig ber blrth day. Therswtre twenty-etz pruenst- Job9 sud M ll e iaScitunisu sudMWi Dicter wsue ont froui Wauitiglan sd stayéd ovîr Snnday. MmreUurrtp recived msuy toteno ef respect f rom those preseut.* Misse uueta sud Sadie Adamis, Jas liaseek aud Emerjy Sba* uîstid over Snuday at Rockefeller sud- Diamoud iLakte. Theti 8800 ote. 1900, sud el employas. un o029600 amuatly. ueleSams.ilt 6Mdeutluing WO lions hrougitout lt. cuit-y for 1140 ver" Mal Çsis, Vetof 0n oUai010* abtom iieie, Dophbmsupt-, 1kIport mu àa u sto ud otber eoviam"* ' te Ma". Amy mai or touaSm WI la Ciy or commt-y- cm n elnCs4 sud bInlformtla iontvIClmg u é6 ta ts BOureau aIit luulo, 459CHAM, Do yos kuo t Ca wuasxyw em soit 0061, (d<ieu 801Olco), 'vICo%êtI aesolammeofisoot AMd MsntoJ" gir. ltse a &rery liCh a irau QÏ Do't checitbCit slve pipe dpitut leli. DsPyrollisWago t ,$Y( cm get Il front taeRoumaLuait ysny. Itbhidi çey, wbllgk barai inogt MlI sa l it mutemaot ad smalte. Wî besvau m leeO f das*bton laiml0 Rit S ,pries. x-mc -et mise Ut. ou gO nmssori "nlsd u. uLrnSar Ti Laisem Co. 4"-m Tsesa Sasde for Shssp. Evai the boy. on Ch.efnm mm have sotiomi hat lu mldsmm.y de su ver! fond ai stade, spul m dé stades poiellie. 1h in aoC Clii w mme ite stade her ". ,bM 1 d»Auke. Whi? To prolmeel* odirsifron t e lfy whlch lastC i wht afterde bicomme. b.gm* Cita bia&. Not, no furmer cmiii feaigood grain sud bay, et Ch. jit piivmhllag Chieyesr, teaCot 09I a grabi he bonsd orsuithsroi>ic , Ttlmere, boti huuuanty.msd1 tallai.eofth. pocictook ot suli IftCh.rleno natural shade lu le b Cime sitasbonld bave artIieml ihom ne dait as possible, oomm.Cilg là trhleh'CIey eau retire lu titi ilimw Io dey, we thCe fy le a hurden ii VU Steir nases 'uthmita ly out amigli Ibm. Wbaiitis cassai h dç d"tesi h eep's nostille tit tut Situe ave food uqîlt inter. Eiiep uldoin de isron st-ehlal tesi..Mors of Clani hicome u'etê1 pe-lait muni dieeesas bacase 0f94Ai tVunb" la the @Qstpnil; but osa04 1 bât ways oi prev.nttiig uffailq ltae aop' sud Il'inuy" aift. ft- pctoo, li ta pt-avide *hadoin 1 "Ptepopsture. O-" "ii. in"esu goo.macornelarI timteW diwamo? Noitody xuo If itereilas =Ythln uIMO t man TRACI, a mail ai.WU mm onte pgesto 4fi gous10to 12. 2 tu 4"d 7to @p.m. 0" ice rn Lyncht iras. ator SPECIAL ATTENTION GI VER TO DIBEASES 0F. LUUMRVILLE. ILUMtS IeAlry Sine's sait Ram ont muSSA vi. -goy orn. f LL. He"n Mt.msasAre. Aul Kinde if Boumu& l4a s.WMMonud Be"- cwesfor Babs or 3Kiefls a BTim. AIICION P«NOFORI'JDJCSAME Marble uend Granite .ceetry Work Of Emrry eold.scuego n » Wm. LAYCOCK Co. Opeevlla I l in~eois' Machine' Shop RmuPAIRWOm AUTOMOB I 1LE WORK A SPE.CiALTY Engins Overltauled. A Full Lineo f Sunuries. Tire. Re- paired. 'W b enalu Trouble T2LBPHiQNE 661 or 1262, LOUIS.J. YEO-0MANI TIE. J'EWELER- m 1 E Ili .1 Mrt. and lir. Wiltensou sud famlly, of Elitheru, Wt.., are vieltlag the lstti#'a psrenté, lir.,asd ire. M. Blg, Mes. J. J. Botrnitahle laenetertuabg bort-cousin,Um ies, saTottet-deil. F. Orvie vtslted G. Bell Rundai. Jin Brovu sud biseloet, oai Ubity.' vtlle, tvhere bers lu bils auto Thnraday. -Hesit Covse" le the clavret imita. tilso "freisoife vreyet m.)de. Dr. Sitoop created ilt#rom pure parenits igraine. tails, nuto, Ott. Flue lunl"*or- le made in mast oui minute. No 20 W 310 mtnutes edioue bolitug. Sanipbo. a CORLEITT FUEDIKRICS. Ra*IlWay -Mail Cler-ks 1 r - -j-A N -à-à E-.

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