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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Aug 1910, p. 1

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VWEBLY Pollng osn a * ilen ýtint be leia san.s 'o, job:IStewart of Lake pot-en t aif yqeg< bouieusAtty. . V. Or* B fW $phiM »seis t.e rem- tjia ofthti.tueAcre. et land sud th# tirebones la hite ieart of I.S -Voyat rcil; iW claimel ho edelo tu bulfe eowsrt la lahned by-Attorney Orvis te lim tisai elgtt wselc uhen b. eufféeod a steko et pieielysis ho meeup hie el te Ufe On thie bellftht hsi -WU j gO iie s wwoeit ug seln tlh", ho ehsrgds, soçorlng te hie attornfey, laInu t«itMvlWtisat tu ofe hlmeIildran esi>eat.d hlm frem hie wlfe en hle partiel reovery und kM iml nun .11.101 loke room N.e sy& holutetn.d teet an and e cie bis wy eut, and kiclc.d and peunded on t e er, second- lng tate i.attorney, Mn toteno avaîl. Me vishol te lget le hie wife ho daime, »ssth. attornney. Te asp ouplo had net h.ln gep- rated for 43 yoaru. M. hid ot siccedo lasassiIte charge, until hie son intonvesed and thon ho changes, te attorney says, thett ho was. annulaI for lei- uanlty. Thte rest cf the tery sa geuerally inown. lu brie! It tolows: Story of Sewart'm Trials. Stewrt vas sdjudged lane lut uek lu the, couty court. Hi. trouble vus al te b. impli tiç re- suit of the. filing et a deedlàtesoet propcrty be owued by bis vifs, lu thc iusanity case Sewart vus bis OWti Cilef vitnessansd made muci a gond Inupresmion sud hld sncb a tralghl shiry that lie Jury bal no ltffiulty 55 ail lu urnlving t their verdict. The. purs fiel are by John Stew- art. iy Athony Sewart Isenearest frIeul, vs. Mary Jane Stewart. Tic preulses ýare lieeosaituew acres of lot No. f80 la Laie Forect. Stewart cîsints that ho uover pated trams thc property, tIat h. bus ownu the proierty for tvinty-five yesrs sud s1111 omns Il. ]Wevertheleus, tien. la a record lu the office et the recorder ot dees aiouing tialtihe present deel hi tthe properhy Ia helI by Mury Jano Seart -John Stevartà vite. Stewart uakstm lai Mury Jane 51ev- sart le cotupelel hi have "pretendel' desI leereel vid sud set&aide sud tht i Mry Jane Stewart h. decree te execute a,-proper ree"voyane eofthti sald promises te John Stewart. Thie case la onet the utet Interet- fug i;tathas lien fIedlnluàalong tint. and la ttractlng a great demi et atten-, tien becuse o!fle unusual nature, It in clalme hat tuere sesueteto t a conspirucy asainatt hie al man onthie part et rel*tlves, unI tiat they sogit ta have hlm allulgel Insane slmply ta bo relleve cf bis cane. Tiie maiâ*n mory yeterluy creahel ne lit- tle"scnsatiou iln tic court roam. M IAL CINAPT!RM IN- lt la probable 1h51 tii final chap- terslsve beau urittes lu) tue trsgi Iliftee!i late Williams Yeung or .&tiach lu tue tort of papers sien-1 lsg rasfers sud assigumenha et prop. crty and papers 10 Jus tredunIl. r fllowiug the. fulug of thifinl. epr sud sccouats lnbils esa. 'fie big a feature e u ael ail te be tuai foiloning on ber di- vorce trom Yonug m short tinte hefore bis dos hte vider 10e. net gel a penny oethte esta.e tuehe odaugb- tons dividlug up su amutn1 exees og 128,000., ebhgetting $13000and over etbils persoual ceutate. By bon divorce tue nldov dofs nt participute lu the estute. Tnugsly of Yung* Li. Tiree or tour yess ug by scolleui Young klle bis' sou WiII- lau ultu a clasp tfe. Acqtttol et the charge of murler snd free bis .vite 5and tuutl? g4qVar ? vh thi* «. ception ef eue laughter desertel blun sud ho vus sinuned ot ils former foneansd compaulons. Tié 011 mas, uhoneoffense vas ono ot hstel passion and u6C deliherte - l appears. sicene suuf-.A,ý,ly lIed SApril 23, 190,u t-tbe Joue-Mc*teteri boopital. Th Tin laiblon vsateJ ores. How gilslp W... mtd. Me uilieÇhtetate ast i is eider ieghterMls% Emnisrua, maie a&. minltratrx. The, stâte nluned big --Atieeb sud otiOr'proîserty. It la believi t 1at tit th tite c the. divorce Young sud bis Vite osi. tu a financia adjudhtmoi Marcb ", 10, rire. Utiiel Youug r as Appointcd gusrdia for the 8younger daufftte Alio.ý Jus. 18 the Lfinai report-smiaccouutlt he large estae ue. u"l.Au l let &bout tis i. ue tue ppe"erser. stade eut ubovIng tue venus sssitgnueuhs et property tinI morts"e«te the-, W9 boere. Tbey wre. Oled-on record Yms- tffday. Tie d.stb of a son by the fatbma's bianc appanently *tié attening e« *à tsamlly pesce broien. herts, fluaiY the deatii .etute ueitu l utai *iamer. tues. y the Bramilloà& meutse oftue uiatetretI lle. - Tie lat papers te 1e led ris tirce asaiguments of mortuaires ho EmuaYoung. Tie fsmily le very iiigiily reupec-ý el eut at'Autioci. Tbe fsruns are a little ovor tro tuilas fronsthte village sud are amons tue bu.t lnt tii county. Youig'o eftu Patitotic. Yauug's dath ras patii.tc:' Onir thre. uuftessud ies dangbter Enma ver. wlth irits rs. Yonng Whelugit sud unable te, attend. Sie attended the. fumera] bouever. Young <lied of pueumonia dlrectly but Indirect1y of s broken heart as vile exoucrated iiy s jury und tic deati of hi. sou pro- nounucol suaccident uevertheless for soin. rcanon tiie vorl at large ai- rays b.ld him.ta bis.. andlbh. t ItIl i sd*thut life tinte cqusu- tances "eul hlm deal." B3ASE BALL ANI) àUNG' UNG ON SAME SPOT lh'm tne aid îtoiy ai tue ilîiiouaire, agaiust tue muscs downst LA"e Frot sud joli nov l itauastueugit the sie force tu51 prevctel tue ýNenfinesteru engin. nuistes trait DIilviinstetr arnlogs vate ry liieiy put tft, stop ho aseres of!onu- day buse buil guuet tat a lot or peu boys ar. piAylng nflihý Lake ceutys premier reotuer la saetue l encing bisl l leu tue scuouie. 1 1 ,itceboys of Laite oeal bave tir- ganlzed uàhase bailites. unh ulnn been plarins a serieszb!gainesMoun- daym ounritat la kuarn Us Altteg nlI but. rua sreslly tle Young Mos cubtond. Palies once with Gomes. Learisg that tue boys re.playng Sunudy bsebail on tue oDiy daYon nltidi tutey bave a chancee ta play, certain unsainel onhuenhulu ciu zens bauded togther andi gel out a petit- ion *gaismt tue garues. Tbe boys got vinud or tue petitios and started a coanuer petttan ritaý pie restnthat1 uen tue prtetors offereatz ieir peutios viit ay scor naines lue base bail players bad ane heore Mayor Cbttds nth usmt a rer more naines ou t sud te gantes rosi Then Quayle ToaSt a Part. 'lheu ecretary rThomaS tQnayle O tue Lake Connty Lawan sd tiner [eau, toit a band anti nov lu de- tanl o!te iayOrai prohibiten fon tue gantes lue reformer La cîrculating a petion -tuaI ait rua sugn vuhi ap- pear on tiie scene o!i te neit gaine k5ultday sue laie part inuau n ieair singtng service ou tue greun ignt nedt t.e bsao ballgains.. 1e gante and tue service vilii DcliiDe. allonOtl. AUTO AI,&ULCTRIC Tiiere vas a bal automobile acci- dent t Hgirool Sturdsy ulgit vici resulte lin soriously Mnurng Mr. L. A. l'émie nie nu iding niti bon hnsbud i tuir Ratubler ru- libount. Titey nore truci ftintbe ie l hi tue car due st HIsiocIt uat 7:04. Mr. Fous 411 nt naIo i uger unutl tie car vus square upo, hein snd uubblng litsvifie otrielItelump He. usagodte net ot ail ngt but hile vite nus cariel on nearly tiirty tet vithithe. car. Site nue pite badin Injured asud-la non coMfnite lier lieue. The car nus coniplèely aue and lua à$tal wrck. Ih seemus amiracle that hotu ver. not kililel outrlht us the car vIs eng t s goo speed unI truethteis ftlconthe i.d1e us thor startel tdi WEEKLîe REALTV REVIEW. -The Lkie coutyTt. & Trust 0.. reports rosi estate transfers fer hi. Chicago buligcontracters bave bande4 ota&~ lIouas rar on the bffl0k trust and$ viiimaie bricks fr0. the. »»sou te i.. - Cl~ ay for their ,nqw loba ight.by the. ide Of ose of lielurgst of tii trust'a lants, tue llls B rick Comnsy t Déerfleld. The eontractoru. vitu nain Tiomas lestes foninerly ot Wsukegsu, lo ail te bd #%terestel, have baulel togtuer lu a Corporation kuowu as the Inde- pendant Brick Company sud &fier bac- h<g hoixt over 100 &Careofland ne"r Deritel sund tic trust slan amnon 'Wttag ,ohe tiibuidigsfor su citen- *I. Indépendant plut. , ?iiey viii bave te figit tue nov brick masihg snd hostlng machin. ultb vilJci the trust la armol but arc Confient that tbey cou compote as thir brick viii h. exuctly tueman us tic trust brick, tucîr yards sud pias being loated on thé saine cay lieda. Tie trust bas an' Investineût of ueunly $100000 lu> Deeril. The Ill- inisolmany, basi ver 300 acres of the best day ln tthe state. 919 Plant Ciouel Down. The. Chicago Terra Cotta Company plant, vhich for nm auy year. oper- sted t Blodgot. jut vest of High- land Park la nov dark sud shut dors sud la for lhe most part dismantied to boat. Tii. indepeudent utakera of terra cotte, brick sundbIle recently Pold cnt te, the Northvestern Terra Cots Compauy of Chicago, vhlch i. lu the trust, sud, as a resuit Highand Park'. ]argent industry Je sud wIlll ho Tii. plant furihel the reai 011 Dutch reof tlliug for usuy uillicuaire roof.s anqfre places lu Hghand Park. *01 Laie Forest and hel a large repu- tatton for excellent gools. Tic Nortiivctern company'm .yarla kre right along the Nortbvestern coal rlght of vay ln Cbicago itaelf. Ravine Drive ln Park. Tii. Highland Park. pari board. arc Ittet nov planning an extensive ravine drive throitglitue Ofeeusouti of the businessdistrict troisthie Notvest- eru ufiltary-aalcu, tote .laie. The divle, il et 85,000asd viii maie the, cty linons the Cotutry over oves as tiie dnive t Fot Sherilsu tothie lai, bu mnaIe tuat plaji. fantous. TiceIHigland Pari drive la pîsuned to «xCol tint t the tort sud viii Pau &long by tue Neuthieeteru acadcav tii. MacGregor Adums place, the Cnab- lug place, tie ShaIne place, Attorncyý Und.ruood'a place sud the. Miliard Log (lablu preperty nilci la famons vierever flue residenceare novu sud appreclated. Reckcefellersud ZMon City peuple are spccululing on tihessens fen con- uectlng the. name of Louise Huber ot botb places viti tue divorce suit o! Mra. Gog R. Lawrence agalust ber busisul lu. the bil for wvItci Mirss Huber la uatued as c-respondeut. Ticy are Incilued t10 laie sewlth 1 tho gisnqto tetake Issue vlth Mr%.1 Lawrence sud cannot particuarly un- denttand niiy Mise Huber's usmo la menianel as that et a "dantestic" lui the Lawrence houseood. As viii be recalled Lawrence faces a diverce on tie grounds thal ho toik an Aticas trip fer picture iaklug, thus ieavlug bilsrite for a leng tUme and on tho allegation hhat, the bill gays, he vas lobt fienly vitji Miss Hutebr. Lawrence esthie tuasn lo teck kite pictures of. Rockefeller, Wauneguu, MIon City, Fort Sheridan, the naval traininschcol aldShelden scinol. Mliss Huber, if sic lu the oee refer- red ta, sm eranrou boing a *"domtetl" la s steoagapher sud prIvai. ec, tary ta Athur NenSomi t tibIta- don sciool t Bocioteller, unI ilagit- en tue very highegt kmd et a reput&- tlon. Beautif ni sud talentel, aid la descrhbe asu one of the lovelleet v"- mes of Laie conty sud ber triends are inclined ta bu augry utthle Lau- ronce bill and 115 Insinuations, tuey mosrt. Mis Hubor's utetier la 4t Z" nCity deacanseuaudse$hieeù la rigidly oriodox and s doucee Tise Buber tiends -are Isclinel te trace tue divorce blflie a nfietjogl. enmy sud cdaim tiat Mia. Buber lu unustly reated. The famrinWhnuo uses tue 011dtas- Ionu.d craîle tu pretoence te hie m«.d u slt-ululer la os s psr nithhthat re.ol. NuMbor ot Instrmets fuld uerchnt wn odee sot bohHove lna &d 10t,. doedu $84,183; ans 1U9145. jvertlslng. ,Thompsq#% ta Apear efore Toachets Tbé oauui 1Ai.county teaciera' instituts ni, b ell lu Waulcega fr0. sund ineludlng Menlay Augnit 22 ho Auguet 26 sud viti bis usuel live lhiat elu the nelfare of the schools sud tewciers of the. cous- ty. County Dupmel'tendeut lmnpion bas propsreOd'tbéabt progman aval-. able.. IdM issEa BsUiey, principal of the Noyes street sebooil lu Evanstan, sud the taudier u sjohityln Illinois aon Atteuiptinsgho serve papers to, dis- pomm e,. ieac Mines of Lake Bluff or ie ouse. iti.eal, Marmiial Walno Pîtensoii of 1.ke- Bluff, Wone 15aise a conatable, va iot lu tic leg sud subie by mines au be onterel the. dwellIng. Tue deputies uer, vith Petersen aud they carried thé vounded unI bleelhig man hi Laie B.uff lu a nlg. alter wuli be wc s. tabou ta Alîce ýe amom W-j . unHome ut Lake Fnrest. lterature, VIII ie eInsructiosni I Mamstint Mines feared the aI- P-h - uoiid, -lteraturo and veut et thc coutable sud bis aides. empera t MI G. Clark ef 'Ie isd solut bis place soute tirno ugo, B WeM eoth Istucio suad the orner rastel possession. Str.tWWord fmr sentetInstruction l ultbmtit ad georaphyon ce tp the slierirs office sud Dcputy asud. b,lHellathecor.omectre la Sl IeTigBer»' sud Assistant' Chie! of assuré ol. Ne a tuelfermer peallest Police Tyrreli st once speeded te et he No-he minis eachrs'Lake Bluff lu su sulomobile te makel Assocliatio. tecpue Prof. Oliver S9. Tltompson. principal tecpue Thei. Mines fsntlly ls antous loca]Iy. of the. Menembta hb tsciool sud a Paterson le marriel sud i. kuownuas Waukieaausa nhos. achievetueut agn lIe hua ecitimrtion, vIii give At AliceFiue, uhero Peterson vas conn insoiol hglen, pysioegytakeu. il la stated tbst be ti. sot lu su Tii. sessions nIl bu fromn nne teonaruscdion ud iir- ivwelve spd troisoeto four for thecoer entine neei.. Tiie papers liaI h. scugimt ta serve _____________ou Mines vere a wrît of lîsposseesion sud Mises shot hlm as i. came friside ýTAKIE U A M IC S tic' ioue ta take possessicn,fit Is CIGAUTE!HABITj rportel. Mrs Ailce Uoseveit L.ougvcrth There may b. Rame ulce lega] points viii sot recoit. a petion front Wou- to decide lunte case of Michael Minest kegan W. C. T. U. At least for a vile. via M-ouduy emptilI a sah gun Tii. laigliten o! tie ex-President la luta tiie leg of Ilarsbal Waluo 'iieter- honever g.ttig ber full siare of mail son et Lake Bluff. frais reports, and *Il because gossip Mlues' héaring viii came betore Jus- bas ît tâtasie qmekes cigarettes. tice Welmb ah 1 O'clock Mondai', sud Tic local noises ugree that it the meautlme hbela ont on bonds et 125,. report la truc, lura. Lougworthi sould 00%Q supplIel by William Denne, be ushanted of benoît sud should It may be s question whul to do ptaie tue plodse" but tbey viii net vltb Mines If the. gosslp of attorneys petitian hen yet nleasthie movement aud oflicers bis uny pover. gainsmqmre grou. - Deuht Petersen Act. Tiie report. bouever vas discumiol At a malter of tact, some of the o-a by the vomen uit their meeting luzt lice sud an, or tvoauttorneys Icubt rock, sud itleh sailt!iat tome nould; the proretcy of Marshal Peterson*e bave beau ulIllng hto have fallen lun sct inunehring Mines' bouge Mouday fiue aiready anI seul s ptition asi- El asoerted, titt on s unIt o'fdispos- Isg "the nations laugiter" ta stop If session, ou tiie slrength of uhih e shebas iatlles s vieti tuthie habit. veul bave meved the. Mines fainily Clubs and socele il aIl0,r the sud their possessions out of thili count»' have voted aganst it, sud lug that titey ver. supposel t Mrs. Lougnorti ls being falnly hu- have removed scrgss tic rosI f roinu barlel niti requesîs te stop front peco- heir place a!teselllng the, ]snd te pie nie fear tuat ber Influence muy Mr. Kelly cf Chicago, Petenson tooi au, bc effective lu promtitng the habit 5.1 and iopped bis nuy tirougi tie amng wveen sud girls ln this ceun- reur boor, ut the smre tinte holding nt try. 1gun lu bim band. Laîe reveîstions have siavu thah It la clainsol tint Mises wrrel but among the. "bol poulla'I" ilah consil- net to entel' sud tl i ut b. onî erel "hie tbin"lforuomn tu he iu.shoot sud liat Pctcrsne ,ane lu suy-, their 1111e cigarette sftcr theIn linuervmy, aul' goig te thie panr] veut tai or dé the. club versuda lu the. atter- issr eîngt i pe an noon. Mines uppears tn have shah ut hlm Loc-al sncietv vumen declare tha front same place on tie flgbt of stairs, the. crase bas net truci Waukegan snd tiat there iu no Immeiats pros- pect et Ils dolug ta. and one of the mt lpmineut socety L"uers ln town al that sah.*ass lnful mmm- pathy nltb lhe mevemeut ho, petitien Mra. Lougnorti ta stop. and. sa11 tiat ube veuld sigu s petîtion evon If ose ra circulated here. Moreover sie saId thst sbe knew lihaItih habit vas lncreassng amoug society ;mon but salItiat she knew t i hI ot have suy locs sympathy. Dance Cause ef Sopecnation. Wiieu Wm. Pollen, a Waniegan bar% ber, goI home Salurduy nlght front nok, he found liat bis vite nus nat thene. t 'ecimed. About 1 e'clock she cime lu ulth ber besl clothes. Hen. haiband vas vsitig for ber. Uposhils demaul for su explaustien ah, aàusîtbed that sho hal aloved sont, girl friends ta Influence ber undI bal ukippel out tc a lance t McCan- ney's hall, itlal reported. Si. admtted Ihat .bo bal sot catI- e1 hiu up and lmmedlatol tuer. vus "»eihng dbIng." As a reanit tue buansla ssaId ta bavo e tItewnusud the vIte la al 10 bave a black eye and t0 ta otherwise brulaci. 1h la said hiat she attemptel a rec- cellation vtihonerhnsbasd,aud oves, bcgged hlm ta forgive ,her, 1remulmlsg htit sln er occw *g99"- Mr. Pothen deidol tb«aI' Wauiegsu coud net bail iti hlm sud hlmite.f an i. pacuel up and loftI,toi.ut Mesit- ville Mrs. Pter decîided' at sae Miud Bot slay ln the 5a104 cty .as ber huebaul sud ens io tck theîr 5- year-oid son sud le!t forthe haine of ber parents lu Micigsa.ý Penbupm tiey wmliiIneon es icr vanderns.and become reoouciied. frieuls hope so. Ptterrs very voitliked here. *INDEPENDENT "«WaistAdi" bnlng you .ech $000 reulons., ýeteraon standing belar. Fdlony'and Treason? Accorîing ta eue autborlty, te only excuse te, break inhi a man'a privaI. ImelliIg la an charges of feany or treasen aud Mines faces ue charges. The case dssy take un luteresuing angle before itlai threugi. Demne May Dfend. Itla sreported -that WillamtDeaxie vlii defenî Mines, and liaIt biug s Ian atulent and nat haviug the, liceuse 10 praclice-h. viii seek permission of a JuIn. cf the circuit court te haudît thie case. filal salI that this cant be doue. Negotiatod trom Window. Mines' urresîer vas negotted by Deputy elieriff Berry sud Assistant Chiot of Police Thomas Tyrreil yes. terdsy rien Mise, appearel at lhe minor e! iis house aud laîked mut- tors over. He bal lie mades drawn unI vas neuly te vilisîsul a seilge. Aflernards a sumber of csrlnidges vere !ound lu bis poesesie n sd Il ln belleed ho coul have shol off au urnty. Mines Surrendera. Laie Bluff and Lake Fiorest deputiet aud policemen ver, aumumone< ad quit, s crevl collected. ,Theée wnon luler jaied byAssistant Chief Thomas Tyrreli sud iConstablei. Berry et thii City. After causîdorahie tali Mines st lut gave ln sud vas brenght ho wsi- Legun und piacedlalit tbg ýcounLty Isi niiero be non lu.1 Msuy une oethte opliIo»n tiat Poes- soun eiliy oversteppol b ilgb teali breuklug lu tue dber, but Mines ln hil miootlug sud bis tiireuts ho shoot the officers eems to have a lisd case agaiust hlm. "Once h. vas a harninr-nor b ia. au svIl." People samy his et met vie are a littie "Ions onn hisir luci. A watl~ e t t ad, vetlslng Ilcbnç yn uiagali froru tue suvil ho the 'a--mer. "15PER YXAR IN AV% Wouid Sumnp their Meades Togetier. W tC N it< "If yOn rere Yourgr l'd telle yeti outelde snd bump your he«ad togeth. er."J.K. Orvis bringsa vey r Tuls la ubat william Stelubreeker. eoto h rgesob ad ezeutr t boesat ti.lae 5- da-Palatine electrtc list.." Phla Berger. Monday tol bis own tati The gradlng ta alresly Wel e-l-law, sud hie attorney, CT.Hey- uay and the. uork on thi eewj' deCer lnPrbat curtsesios. culverts alll b.a tarted soom 1k decir, n Prbat COrt mssins. tituber ls bolng cieared biers Ilt 0f, Jug oeovarhaard the nunE»'fesB with the. right of uay sMd i1$ remroriantMeemiOded tiat it ie sre. exPected that the. contracte su h peated.' Stelnbrecker cernée out lti costruction of three section$ of ffl it *gann.rond vIln be lit tuis rok. il u yu$5adconte and cm. The sPecificatlons for the constue Mit you to Jail untIl yo u py I£t,"the, tien of the. rond and fer the. Qul&. Judg. thludered. 1"Yn m ln en».tuent re.adoptel at à meeting oftb teulpt of cour., bottd ci dîrectors beldlulet Tuaa Ilaudthat Attorney Ileyîecier AUl ecelitwto Plece of tii. rlel* hua csrfred tiie case alomzg on stain- 0f " u vsObtgiued for stock la tbi brekerm belbsîf for a year or more, Company and frmers long the. that he caie personally hi tie rnan" uay are according the engIneera ao aid when taken ln Chicago on au ai- At, uork oïl]the. assistance et their leged wife ahandonment charge, command. .e voucbing tor hlm and tbat ho bas <i»n* The francise grants for all th@. cit- ail ln his paver for Steifibreckstr's les permît et frelgbt, express and pas- cae. froin the beglnning. sEnger _service' andIln thi elîbiiboz Steinbrecker aiestangereui st.a ocpi itood of!$200,00 bas been subscrlbejl tlnuance of the matter juntîl neg iiy People aloug tieroal. Monday afttr he had corne f;au i . Atty. J. K. Ovin Tuesdsay motniffl cago. He wlll bave te malle unsuer started Dan Crady on the. rork of. s, neat lieuday lnstead of lt aiMonday llclting local stock sud St ta expoctel and thie set, haek of a week whlch ras that 5,000 peope lu Ibis vicialty iii necessary angered hlm. take 1100 ln stock, paying 810 p«? montb. Wt uh-a subsorlptjuon the rosi ASIKS PLEDOC (of ca mha ut ithe rate Of tro mlles , Tilt CAP4DIAT!am te, The loirng letten sud plulge Lake snd Waukegan. for. wre. usel 1teo«Cb candidate' The plan ot stock'subscnipilos, 4, for the legiffiature ln tis district opted by the counpauy p robibits lb» Tuendsy by tht. civil service Reforumartgsging or bondlng et the rodý Association: andl nothe steckbolders ar e i Dleur 9ir- ornera of the rosi. Thiispln le t» As YOn doubtlesu know, the. people 1o aneIedout viti the. udr ez1dalslp of Illinois are siiovlngt. rosteet plaCCad. foerosI viiil y h. hu t interest ln secnrlng elftiency. us volas fasts the moue! luasubaoetbed. "s iioesty and oconouuy, ln tb.e publicefPrOmOterm. &Me1àcialug astthe service.f freigbât ou tii. tee front oue laite bu This association ia prepsring ~tii. 'partsou hlât bâtit vii i vte c give the, vîlest publiclty, tlirough rosd an earning power 0f $1000% neuspfeers, cirloUfansd public ad.year. drosses, te tbe t;pdIwiab eUh am- Il la 4180 pointel ont thlat at leet dilate for the Lefglltnre taI.. on the siZt ete .5.a day are sgsatd tuiiS* efllclencytissue, lai f raisât. maila"sud n.som~ W. tiierefore elose Ia torm ofth~ ectiogn the.rond la»wov hl pledge to tiie voters of your district, buUt ttecoter. Il la4estiiaad m With the. respectini thquest tuat yen thecm tpar tast se u t hau $0 ,,uad return It hteiis association et von sMd enable au eutosnmou My- an early date. las tiiere Very truly yors SitiW fortee bou»menisd .liU% e ",HARLES ULCAEN, ala gTiadm M sd bottrog*#wm*"m- pr.silnt. idroady beau tais. qudaropte' A HERBERT E. FLEMING, theiomate. 51Md' "»" bave Te the votera of tiie Eigbtb 5epo. Ctiasas of tllSUiShOf Ip# lai district of Illinois: mlotri alathe. bae~oîiw.W t i e e ui, for ti . promotIno f1 rm is" $50,000 fr tock If tb*u ale, s grester effleucy, the. appontie.eoff- nUletul Its lnettom Th'ies, ces' and places ot employuont ln the. gin Commerc11l"IalA SSOCAto bave aôi public service asionl tataken out qf coule forwar ald ot9ffrgitbdir *Or-- poltie s ad place! upon a business vices tui iOlu stock and obtainlug r sffls. frauclaoe Ifthe rosInd wllk.p on- Tiierefore. 1 pledge mysoît, if elect- conn L em r 1 ta the General Aesembly, to vork Aut"icox zLakte sud sevossIno- and vote duriug my terni of oilice, for thoe- WI500usl ciles bave askiettbat, the extension of the meit syâtent neiauge, t*bh.hed viti tIèt .la orltitt the state of Illinois hy the. onactinent get tube t09011 iti the aitualo. aid of an adequate aud comprehlensivdtiT to st au extenson te, IA"e Q. @tat& civil service law. nova. Tb*e direotore bleve ti.,pilt 1 aise pleIne lmtself te work sud coule Intbàe, but Mr'said te ba part>%' vote for thi, extension etfthe mer t ilarly Luxioanfou te get Imb Waircke f systeni ln Cook couuty by the. ena.çt- " ment ef un adequate and comprehen-TbOOe viii be abig public meti& sîve civil service Ian for Cook cou.S- 505 suupy te oxplais hbp :eapt. ty ganli5tt0à 0f tii.ronId nd reasesqý Name .......... . »...............wiy lopet peeple sItould subucnube M& Address ...................... aa 'bo~~l' for the. rosd. Date ............... 1910 .. It 4 »» tilat ne subecripUem s g . t he ai, 1e r -et the.meeting, bWIOt--t e Libeftyville Morse Wins Race. Men ui*l-W5er selicit stock, am tl*I- t_ Detroit, Aug. 5.-Sonoms.Girl, atter PresOsi VIII askMie bIU»tiq acauulng smr nsxlety by breaklug and sud «mw.si the nous 0of tii, mrood'v nlsbehaviug uhile the. trotter. vers Pu scorieg for the. fret boat. mettied bluIond il open a largle tW adors and wonthie fro..for.all trot hi PÇA e Wuh or oca lerait, sel n traigit bhetatoday at the .fuir a bl.p el - olnv, butâte Mt- grounds. It uas te tii lg la!cftii ohei bu~~ Grand Circuit meetingUet Ihtr'it and Mâle, " houirmllt ace. M j M ,tien. wu.a goodaeuebut no record- akM* imon ei.ve'ti*, dbreek:g tiine. gote ým n Wetii 11sd aoid.1- t4 fins boetofbis iv.qk La stt eat, but took thi eal dfront Mire su0Se w lgin uttiithe -g*urtel flby & 1>7 90.--1- lag up on the. outail, sud wnsthie *IÇaoî &gsrasset àt hat, vlth Or* and ack Lybum w ac uom l* ar il cos iln second sud thiuilpod«tc« » an ndtd'* ,o00 respectlvely sud Margia 1*537 ledg tiQ «telUMo b»W oâ beblInd. Tii. second snd îdWlaglig tiluft.be l r- buat vus 1-g01Y a reqtatitinMargis SS uons eaulitorea u g *ý la leallng mach ofethie nay snd Sosoim of te ed d ot a 0b laGirl taking telad lathis"jeteb.'YJ toir le Margin sud Juck Lenburu divld e w .,$K.et tJ. L cethird and fourth mnoy. - ho, 'n't ig" ev«e ck4 et «À -an luagonerailuabtter pleas uI 1oial lleed nn e iha got a gol 41511 TU mogIty 0cf the. bod, tita thas itbis vif. talis ,GreeiYmarstffl amessmuleb$khne Ba grupr age. Thonre u . tu Iiambug t.e pWlntviuê M- ." Issuue hîci beur ou the. problai. ôf,& ng y. rTe houri n ai t1- gool Ihnr-aul tueY ougit toe1I> au the rend «t51* ýfi tarateveu ionien Wno oua 11k- Greek. rry Or oufWdt S0 JN. bite corne. >eigt i.94 teretir smbobini n *e ai

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