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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Aug 1910, p. 3

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M . O. BI. pon PAUL MAC UF ATTOUENT àw. DL C, IL MVY sis VIgo * 'Phono2701 * DLGOLIXNG Hor 9to 12 &M.-i to 5P-IL 1J. i ITrlr Buldig vltb Dr. J. . aylnr-Pbne19 L .Phono 1092 ou-t *k *2. M. and 1 ta 5 P. . - iis DR. J.- L TAYLOR, OVIiCUOYEE J. nuL. T&14«nLQ.. gons-?Lta 10 a. m. 2 te 4 andi 6 10 osidet..,e -aBroawvay. oppoittiPark MARTI C. DHCKER Utilla.Opp. 8it aSt.. Eletie statlom (flPhone 5834 Res. phope 60 ?J):tl oCHICAGO. ILLIN0113 w. t STUDER LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. PRONC 1094., DR. MW. Vý. SHUTt Blourltoli. ito4mnd7toSýP-. OfieMover Lynch, Brou. Store 8PCAL ATTETION GIVEN TO THE EVE ilenry Sine's sait Dam 2714 ELISHA AVL.LMON VIT. ILL. «Wb fer &ais Or IMoa t a t ITMea AIjCTIoeN O FoR0tJsm mmAL Ife BMRSTOW Marble sud Granite Csuwetery W oek of Every D.edPton çorrospouIdoUCOoil.dted Tii.ou uiesmlatob ui6iks at Our Suda Ruutadewboto you vil gebthe boit p~ les Coom said criehtifruitte. Y0VUWO1LL FOND Anaiti ,p-to.tate lime of Souvenir Goode oiiPotal Carde. YOU WILL FIND Tour lavoria kinti09 oSndy. 'Quai lty" leu r motbo. The Qualtyline of cadv Our leader. YOU WOLL. FOND Ai thu lateit U h«sl e ndi mini of1 tbe popular copyrighs booka. YOU WOLO..FOND A oslo 5oS!oOoo, e* *r. = Çreaaie foWor the *d&mmnr eb 0 a 4 - 4*sgommer irls. AT GRAMMLAIE PIARM ACY o YOU WOLL FOND Blesàquarteri for pauldlmus portins YOU WOO..L FINO Tb@ BrlnoftP Iàn4rl Agemcy.Ail work guaamteed. YOU WOU. FOND Our taoiphone number 11. vhere YOD conn oi p aMd orte th*0osb-$. rMM mmulstea sIMwIMa.pure lno 6am havaesame &=lv. tai or boue.. You WIU. rINO On 5h. e nst 1oiai lu eOuh month et Gmykake store De'. Potter, sye 1lt and opticlan; livelle yesa1Ilu asow Temple. Don't forgt 1rit No ln sWmàoth, YQU WLLFINà Oflie of Là«. »ûVoI'TTiNEPErlhEfl vhere you ome paueyîou sbutriptofl. basve your lob Wrkand advetiMtn a YOU WILL FOND Commutationi tickets on both railroade. YOU WILO. FOND Agençy for Kimbal Piano Co. For sale orrn.-YOIJ WILL F040 Pure dru'gi, a equare tisaianti rurteous treatmnflt u etores. .DUICE DRUG CO. Oralait, Rockefeller. Round Lake M. NuNoeNuC»M. R.PIe. L A. WATsOfi R Pm Il .ClpU$â» ýI. A. MUR'S WARNUr4G LlbeniyviiOe Peope Muet flecogetize sud Oe" Il. -KidaYsi ii oueqiti-imy Botnature @aliei anst Y Notce. 1h ideyserellote Se EiqewéOilesguùmti *M i.aasetiÎ gs ind m PasMagisfreluent,icai,1 ls lime the o namS Pou MU. Towamrd off Bngt'a dise Dosas bave dame great v Davifliekl, Ford St., Q ails: '1i suiered froue lOti for e*t Pr t«n years. I palia la thoe mai oi My, 4a "lsosabjeelta, duit hoa" kldnyo uctians yen Ouied ment and loofflti unteral, relief nouti a evw reokei msamet'of Doam'@ Kldnev procure a box. 1 bave steatl mnce sStakimg them.1 001115 pain,, 1h. kitney i more relar ln Pam seumd lnn v ai. Iameverym lb. heolt I deriveti froue l)c For sale hi ail dosions. Pr Ponter-MllbunteCo.. Buflalo. iple ageatu for th Unitedi Sf Reuembor the mm-1 taesau other. lytpou y mu or dia- rorS in this jenuva, 1ll.0 mIn troubl' h"ti evore1 Ovïrhlto&kn fer Job WoOk Advertlslnq 0tao On Application dm.J ~'C.Ei lai 4 l' $peut sandowy vlth BartThoueson and Ivité. Mise *diu Volon, of asvo, @put Uaturdoa at Sntiay vrh A. W. auvel *ad vlfW WO"EsOadfla.r vapbittote vri batli. by bs one.cfflh dos, Jarry, luit BSa) aliM bo be e*Jeit 1h.bara 10 romes ie.siahis mn, Th.dos grabLeti hlm ln h. mootie anditomethe lover lpldevalaseailng1500 tutilythat 15 stitobse bW4to bealin. Baifacola n a vry b4 cnWa E dulorOmi, of Vaneontia, vas ber. Monai ookhog mter bis Interut here. R.- Os avlng the boIlding xoceupted by the Tims rpalate@. Tbeîoyàlgeigbé@rs viii hold a picmic nmt Widauid u t Utteraball'i Urove, on Saes Lae.. McCornucers orchestra vIl furnlsb the 4ue cfor th. Harvet doms Frlia. Mir. snd Mnm eo. acNanasaumd baby are spsmdlng a week at Mr. andi lirs. Walter Godfrey's. Mdisse Mary Boq# end Eva Doolittie J spent severai daisof Slait wsek vith frieude at DovneGrave. misses Anna Myratt. Ammliie Hanson andtitlnmcbo D4oolittle bave returneti from DeKaib, [l., vhere tbey vereJ atteadlnig Normal.. llr..Porter.and family, ai Wnukegen', are sopplng ab their cottage at (lagesg Lake. - Wsn. Moore transacted buiniee n Chiaxô Tuestiai. Mn..*ti Mrs: John Hart. of Round, Lake, vere gnestea IE. B. Neville anti fsmlly Sundt.y. jtb Harris anti famlly, of Gages Lake, ver. gueesest Eti Book and famBly Suntiay. Mms.Shalantier ant ielîdren froue Visconsin, are bore vstlng heParents, Mr. Sad Mm Wm. Smith. Mise Ivah Lottes a ssponding a compte1 of wees with Miss «BEmma «erlech. st Cristal Lake.. Goggles for tb. trbrs eatblias Grasiss haaneay.Try a poli, Pas vriii ksep thes duls ad char! out of yonr eyeo. Mms. orSac Towets, of Mllbura, Oa euet aet5h. Bd IKapple home. Bauid Webb,vi"sMmd Mies Iiitmore, or Wauk«ga, spmt Sondai at tbe horée 0f B. à. Lofinésad tamiOy. Mine Lutte *ele. of Waukegan, Oe.s àwi guiet of Mima Aida Loi tus. Mise Cors VIelt. of Waukefan, Os speadima tib. M ivth ber parents. Mfr. amd ie. Aodmavwbhte. Mns. (Jeo. Fmerick, of Libertyville, visitei bere TumiMdY. Rioumd O.ake. wisttd bore Tue.day. Miss Suanas Blck mnd sister. of Chicago, anre <uit thlie home of Ueo. lqvelanmd Mfa Ie ; Ratiolline. Harolti Cleueld took charge of the Round Lake drap store severmi day. thls verni, trlog 1. bsnce ofl Mr. andi Mms Vlmstie., Adotpbuhsd Mdtivife, of Chcmgo, are vFigslOog utelatlia n rayelake and MU. Darhy drove f rom Wilenot, Tues- day andtantmt ber husbanti hure and àtieiý t h. fanerai of Win. Came.' fraeSl rtes transactetibusinese t loihortyrille, Suany. Bd McCarmick. of Libertyville. called on tri" em bre Tuesday. Doumt forge t1h. Rarvest Dance ait the opera bonm, Frlday evenng. Suoder a"d $&aliors' Reunion. * LeS Couaty oni Soltierandi Stalom' Reuniop willO b. heltiat (iraysiake. Wedaeiday meetiThurada,,Aua. 24 and A5. Comueitue on arrangements anti entireain uenmt are buîy dolng every- thtug to maSs this reuion one loba to h. reueobred. Oas fine feture viii h. tbs oction. th. Kmlckerbock grovi bas boomnsecuret ih la iam en pretty wonaslocatotion th lake-anti vhlch vii a a n Itisnsl" place for the nli soldierot camp ont sud holti their mlunon A Chcag, bandi of soliiere viii h. mother of lnteresttng feature ati a grand gond tOme le proenlsd ta aul vbO mtm&d .ej I ~ ~ih LEUR~i~fl 1 k Oeo. Quentn Nomimctloufor Coity Treastr of Lake County Thursdy, Septaber 15, 1914 Your Voteane Support wiII be Lierqvlue Nrews Umie Li-le Kukuck ld Vilating relatives bore at preent. Pred Plocw attended ýthe grand paraýde la Chbicago Tumday. B. 51 vi ic re i 53 au ck anti'W-s Mn. rpbba000a11189 MMd dagitee, Prof. E.:Toun,0o! Rocheser. Vis., aches. The of Sioux Cty, are vliiW et the homo wil idPeak at the Mlilîbura cherch Sun. 1 vth sedi- oif1Mr. Bralzarel. »d h.lpb*g 50 cure for day marulng lusteati of thebe tgnr hi I louaitiDo former' motervbho bas bée 4ulte Ill. maruiag sermon. s] &V' vbom 1IMS Vue. Keibker antiddogter Ada. Mra. A. K. Bain is sntertslning her r 111. 5nti lefl Moday for a vil itb iboir sonnanat, Mms. Judson, ai Evamton, Ibis 0 tmproiet anti1 brother at Mndai. Northi Pakta. vouS. 1 bave but James VanPieo f aiCbcagfl.$punt Mn. Roy Hughes, of Chcago, le viil- BeeIm &Te h1I -Sundai at home, iong the homo foll@ 1hin vel. wc grateful for Mrà. Charle. Slmpbom bas returneti to Mr. and tir. R. L. Stmuanti daugb- et Dmn'a Kldney bon homo la Nontama sMre psatiumotir let Satuntiny for a tva o uka viil several veekla norbbaeum huis. v Iîh relative. at lova Cty, Iova, t rIce 50 cents MIée Mary Paye visitti ociefellr Bey. p*ad Mci. SaifontiantiUmss ni ie iNew York, md rayaiake friende lait voek. - mad Miss Footse pent a îew da yslOne ýtti. , Mms. Dorier la entertaOmleig relatives Chicago lait wOek. u -Doa's--anti frou e o fty. Mr. anti MN. Wn. Mitchell anti son, ofilu 46-2 MinaM. Brandi relurnedt 0ber ý W ukegan, viseted s ew dais vOlh at the Waukugmn baspital Mýondai. îr mother, Mrs. Spafford. 8behm a be.m a guet mt th Titus boues C. E. tapie, Aug. 14, "Po ian jet Got for domo lime, plan yolr flOe!" Jer. -10: 28; Prov. 3: t UmssBelen Bekith bas returned IO-.10Belon Batard, leader. .t homo atter spentiimg six vseks et s Ciylon Denmam, ai Higland Park, Os t eummer scbool. tbo gueul o! hie coudàl'UM I e.k. mien Puar SSimpson b@a gone Où North A. H. Stewart receetivort Saturtiayi Cristal LaS. for lb. aémantier e ai ot othebdealb o! bis dateis baby, vacatlou. She ex'pecte ta teach at Mari Taylor, oi Lily Lake. Mn.-StewartE Appeton, Wlo., mégi yleu. leit Sturday for Lily Lai.. _____________Mie Caryl Axteil, o! Rtoehoter, WIs., sud Mise Cao Hucker, pi.o liake, Miss Bemico Allen spt th bat o! thevited Mise Mabot Bannir> Sudy. vet la Llbertyvlll. Lait Tuestai vble tlerublg for J. L.À -Mrs. «lady Elletige te visting irientis Ho lb thestre-a tlonil envu andti inlockiorti. peîliy burle e t. ber md lrev the . Mnir. Atdis Manssr of' LaS.YW'Ioonm ata lb. grounti. No aeoe onelyà vstn Thé v"ber. ~ 1 lbesMiliburnaCongreéaliosl%=eyis ma i- mC WbrJ d»ysebool yl bave a picn Au&, 0. The - met vlh Mn C. . Wlbur sduotay rounds bave et béee.sbseted. S forgton, Aut 17th. ',__________e__ Mr. &antiMro. P. PymrnoitivoguSst h.Allen home th. pet vueS. - Morchandis Buinie aund Reiltence S st te. .OoeiviiigeitvFor Sale t a Bargain. (SJ DNlu Visconsin, she vawu cespalst hi auesetahlilebeti uccomshl usi t" anti bot iste, M. Leia u Vuogs ~ colpleto stock oi Dry .Gc6Ôj, rocorien Mersatele arnu *wt hi t qu.sOcS 51 eta serai merchadioan uscalir the.Proet vnting. tes iacurybe soiti separto, or If dosinsi, bhufms Thrnehimg l th. ortiraotheiir. y Maioszacres 0f lad ilodn à ugoo :m n athlue lisyauarepute-I "lerond front s < ito tif pDwsiue, aueoflg*0l MWs n sBmai ox Lake. u6m àm»~ un ulap, Viticami, Rsicé, Mateu, btit rouestatiao (011 . R Lsmb, Detige ant illier. Ai th priotor la 0vw, oi 1 au. s cointe aui% oc4mtleemoitiPhome 842 Arîington Relitm MDL 8tf f@jraole100 nstso. -c.4. es cemm antitsk 10 conte, at Mmr. L R. Hanby's Fritiai êeoing. John Vynm. of Evanston. viaitet ieI ster, Mrc. S. P. ÈEvllisor, Sundow. Tb@ lanilli of John Pester mnovetu Fox La. today tlieir fnture homo. C. F. Wright va sa Etigrton, Wl. asînei lr the forepart of"tievek. Um Kat" Ibue, 0f Nilirauke., le rialting ber sister, Mrs. Peter Movore, ais veek. us Cliauboau. ofi Denver, Colo., li laitlng seVormi veke vlth Mms. Peter Moveri. J. W. Murray bas retunmeduifroue Wagner, Oklahoma, vhere bu purchaudt 100 acre. of landi. Tbwi, Boyal Ilelghbors antitheir ebldti ma vIOl give a pfcc aljaLake Bluff, T'hurstiay, Aug. 18. The iesm' Aid of the Preshytermu leurcb viollbave a Bakery ale la the oas office at 2 P. M. Salartiai, AugilS.- Un.e. N. ilSe anti Mm. R.chols ettendedti h. e mtlvlst.o! 1h. Ltthii chureb et ArOlngon Huegt@ laslilua ThoS. IYhough, 0f Evanston, vwitor tes doter, &meaMC B. Fisher, ou@ day lait rssk. Also MondeMbayhog,ofchlcm<o apent 8oaday vite bOa uent aunt, Mms C.B.Fisher, anti onsuý. ,* Thur4d&yl uveng the ModetI Woodi mon Inittia classof four candidate. rbho vire "~pt ise" ta the myalinles if tii order. Refueebments vore servoti arter vhlcb a àsmokevwas givon. John Ausi la Obuilding ia nov barn on the itot h. ons vhicb vas tistroyed, ey fire soo uewes. mvo. A satisfmctoey selement vas Matie hithé Dommonclal Uion Inaufance Company for thehurneti building. The Itamblers wyul, h. acompanOe, toa Rock eteller Sunday, byaàilage edolon o of tboin inmentis, vb.re it Os expecteti thal they vili vOînes. one ai the hardtis1 fougbt ga.. of bail playeti hi th-se tesmithia year. ,c Artbur Brenier vas autidonly caltoti1 froue Mimnopois, Min., Sersi dais E ago hy the serions Iliumeo! bis tiughter I He retunel tomae Tesday, bie Samily ta 1 follov hOue ai sooas bis daugbtier te ahie $a maSre thé trOp. John Anstlm solti four acre. afimlnt severai taia mgo to ChaS. BERuMn, faimiCg Amn aAvouai, for 1h.e mm aof*OMO. Mr. Brmai vil subivitie bis boy purOhislaot> builing lotoeaMd 1Ilàl .014 viiibull a numbor or -eo'li* Nonrot for Nauglit. A ceiréaa n uaS...mmn b0o en. fyast the bora froua bis auto buasc lati boom givtgg voalImW$841om110 f "bonS" vboaevseasuarn ta #IV* varning oi bis cars appicoch. Oror. taking a Ger mm fariner tbr day, the banlis mm lot eout a ausm&I &Mount of unoîmalli icel bonkot- v baops, sethe mm vit e ées i sooueti 0h. Oniliriat te is appr'mnb,' thangh th. boruesstemm meuw it ,cut-up." The autoWstgos pont vit1- ont cauing a ruuavay, louevoer &bd the méat dîieme .mv teb.fmer, sud toblue. "Inéyomtsinia &» ta acmret .imy auta?" aub, moIi » ashe.reply. "'Temeot 'irmit o! yor mutn;a; isfraIi yen ti- visteIl' WiOI Hotd a Grand Pe, Brother. Grove #Mon. Pt-eoeds fbr B.nofit Worihy Cause. A grand picml vil h benefli0 t.- Josepha Obrkinrothéei gro rondi andt heDsPlains vile. The grave vhic beamtlinO On the tovn mi xcaslon' ai reai reit i Aide Irom this tbore wi some thirty-prlee n. Thîre viOl bhoa algaz C. O. F. of Libertyvilloe s C.. o. F. of Waukogam. races between the mai single mon, boys. marrie laies,.IrOs, libres lom race.pie soitlgcracke beau race, ug race mnd rail gooti laagh nom, smàoking contest or ri Thome viii h.a mmmig la a tout, item hy tihe yoi th. wbole aftirmoon au excellent dainglupIs eisti. Anti ta rouaitt 1h. ladies vilî be prepar viti a gond homesmadi Boumse. vl hve t ilric deoaiaftermooni OU9 5 U l A laeru crowd attentios dmenbow' ttc n Olwistien M ise lanche Obîttmnten retarniti idy, AignaI 95- homa t vek. iof Church. A flore, Ace & to Mr. and Mm. S. . Flooti.ma tigitor. Mri. Ma"W eThora'vasuiChicago se iven for the several day@ "lait viskvtb br. brother 0cbmrch at the who h basem Oc. e on St. Mai7,'e mms Young andi Mms Ormiaby spe. iriver,.Librtî. lbthettf the. w i vtb friL ndgl eh 19 thO mont îr.lng Park and EngfevWooti. oil make It anuVolt Allbrlght ipet Lait viok vlth and oplioyoept. reni MII b ganesant fie et Eliaii. Mies MabelHughes la visltlng aÛLOo âme between the LaS.. tand the Geruesie Mm. iH. B. Sponeobnrg vason 1Ut A tmg of var, sacS listthe d frt h. vsek. rrieti mon, 1h Garnie wlt avi e aboites oang saud ed ladies, yomng Plleon Thritay, Au . 11W,~ - rco sSocoe4lon promis.. -ta ko n or ding F5cii, th.ecanéldaùo for onmty oCam I. a I do-wat aexpeciti 10 attendi and umsy Jom e a 4 M tances. u Tefvil o ho rg suotalnguoa w mlataiumt Md eo.lug. Au morma Os holug t]6s day'. outlugi brtit taerve ion diwor. the Lihertyviils amd eveing. FoEt B&L-Tbree youm cowé, one freub,tw Imo rebhy Spèber lit. fCl nt this offie. . p46-lt One car of lnàlama Block CoWono tracS for tbrembins putions. Hamm LoyaLE 00. c-40-t! R aiway Mail CledLs Th. Govemnmnt .par l itvwalMail Clonki 0800 ta$1200., md alli employées ute o 00annutly. Unclo SBa il bolti eprtng exami. oua" tbraugbou tbh country for RilI Woy.Mali es, Chata. Houe lees stogapbmt, BoksqispD4 oe quatail ClerSe indmd obeversimmal Po. silions, Thousadi of apipoùmteto oe matie. Amy min or voima ovor 18, laciiy or country cma getlaiusruclon sud fre nformiiui by vrliuig &a.. oc tu the.1lureauofilmstrctilom, 459C Hm- nB Oùltng, Roecht.su N. Y. Do yen Snov that l'oeasy, i. bum soit coal, (if O'î gooti coal), vithout tt annayance a1 soot end suik. luit gtv* the lire a very -Utile amarutop. )on't cbéck théetove pipe tiampen i00 closely. Use Pyrolits Wawbsd Sut. Tout ean gel t t ram the Rame Lumber Cou.- pay. I bots ciosell, but lgbtly, ammd saves epngb i mr spoeSla thb ire tu bura aIl tli amas. at voulti othervie make soiot msti amok@. 16-tf To Se. p your health sont, to javolti the lis i aivamcing yserstu comrve bi taking Foies L7 They Have a Oflinta Oýerp.ii. l'oley Klisi MUle geteI ela O came.of Sidney menti M.~ Rms Otee. Tera Boule, lad.- tille b.reidîl WeQo&s."»Wr n it.!r tgfor semryrm fim ae srious Moforai cail a to otai y KiiPilsa ime "y mmueiine thmtgave Mffs prmiialersls galti miabes té h op aMd etmod te lMi wo I Folsy laeoy PUIS, Tonte la quslt Wo mo ation, quicS ta rosis.iW osiache, bomowbo, tisasi mes., Deoru miuuly. lg ins mmd rbmotbouMp* if there teayitbngiýqa(l tmym «Rn TECACHa vaut %« viiiémit Fm sMme prOrata papOlt*au ate iX tmoeemg. races mmd qoe moioi. DtM &a vIS b grunis.A fam-worlh' oja aid candIl e& wuboa plcnlcvlllboglivemoIblb 0«termes b. 'h eploxLo Pobt. MoWaheaba uhIg»d l odbIp iom Msdriverof FtramS MrvWahetg.ý The bal arUam mg4, bs C"»g boys agalisi 'os.Lawes vas vos bi tIi forpas? vith a seoiie l te .8 Mr& Faaay 101wl fwi liwu Baturtiai upou hie vu tob«~l momo l Rtelskowator émoisp *1 wmk ii er smlWs. Mim.J"s. Npiet. fo a kv daus"biswt tbA iwo4çbld joba ?solw sat odami"et LUao dli.fl Mdd Mi Mm.lir a X&09imma v i - rmMoit. xxS**0 "b Imitceaim ci u aléOl oUh Yondi., Jas. P.i Çmia flf5*?iidmifor ley vidkte smulvss. ih lemt KubietiTunpi&r comudavs aIt lahqf TbsLIes> 'Aid Sociti aIMis. oé vas met v evii attoititi. Aitpvois hati uas li me. MfsumsBlove, Bita Per antMo Devloi pent leut TussdY vila M A. a ObrrIi. -11".- Mm lirombaugh, of Waikegae,ep C.M. Gorbam asti fmll cs MMlBrou.,ThursdY, AepCordesend Or. iavimVo '010"NOMiS l pe ýb due da.la Oblosso ite sofahi ito latter le havtbo evt@in ego. Meammbu bat h bC l». Mulv.y sbov vu vma *& doblgt. E"tis vyei 4 Mr. m&dM MBrndcof W *Mme Lui, cf Vadovoutlt., *~uyvthieMn .E.P.lwur. Ur Mu.Uas.4 1' du 'r.Mt.Al 3Y2N D Aunual Reunioà 0 F THE LA4KE COUNTY SOLDIÉRS AND, SAILORS AUG. 24-25, 1910, At'Kricerbockir 0,-ove, (on the Lake) MuicDy S*idle,<Band of-Chicago I oo Spaigad odT tseS ' " r ria s- liter M&n ult. naidkr. gm ! et laià --l 1 Il- il LOU,1,6Je YEOMAN TFRý J.EWELER.

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