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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Aug 1910, p. 7

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12, 1910,' 09 L8THAN tI Idriver au yar Id uork hb u, .îb ff '. gnu t 4'git 250. »«kP-Tbrea eprlug ei"st noir, uith two pi. Buggy harme, WC, Sroimpblaukots, ne baltr. ad tie, ýbruie, isilaIabtargaîn. Grvvutou.)' liorn. Cor. ilatid Pai-k, 111. --- c --946-2 -Drivîug borse, 3 yer old.j i. Well trokte. Udr...1 etT? kx2, lUborty-'i.. 46-2 idi -lerl ew roubivt1 1f " lav wpriop. lJauNe ATN, *- P-I -iW A Week of IgBargais, Investigate FOR SALE-Nur 7 room boue. ftruadwav.! OuI>'$2U00. Lot 54%15 &»sy terme if- deelred; wurtb love gatln.ScsagaLE Watl FOR SALE£-4n. 120 un é wd-5e ma .Idwo M 0sggModel lwuutorb tusel.',d » a #i u t lStcndi<U altie eri-] brooders of vri-oue-mal Addree P. O. Box 3. Elubleai Pc I _______________________________________________ VANTÈD moaspt 1002 -t 5. per t cou We îuiI and i oitgales and have son. IWANTED-Gooi soltcampe. male -and bai-ir i bus n lt uWnkgt eiale, saaiy and eomWlsot. For LCEEO AID BLOOlsroELD. 217 fui-lier informatIon ecalIaoor a*dreee Wasieugton 8t., Wtàukie.aa. 111. Pbon.jJ. A, GRava. Libersyvilis. c.40.xf 28, . -46-4t -= "= ' 57O UG IIU5 o î FOR SLE l..lud wjUU n dotte '-ockerele. 7*r, ent e.eht ~a E. "Raymoud. Round Lake. IliI, R-. 4-._ ~~~~~~~1I FOR SALE-Two bonus-sou Stewart Aval voerl.vne-w; extra large loto; good location. ea -etf rie.>'UI- UMC&WILE>R, Lbertyt'ille. c.45-tf FOR SALE OR RENT-7 room bouse On Mteuart Ave. Lut u7,X225. Only o«me ble-k front etreet cars. Prim. ressoaeal.le,-qwya. terme if desired. FOR SALE-[vae tous e stIi 16ý ce heJkee tivr; re.a:onle. Addi-eut FOR SALE-l4ail boa'. IbS5. buill-tuis yi-ar. lice-aj if taken ar oc.-. l"qu~ire FOR SlALE-Acre lots on Dmond's snbdivisrnuu. lose-n totnand eleetrio' cors. Prîces800 lo'it UO'I, & ArsI FOR SAL-Lots ine tii. >moend and Austin oubdiviiein. 50mI40; $100 vs&eb; 85 down, 05 p-r inonîle. DYNORD & Avaria.40-tf IOSORSALE-lua the B. J. G rimesl m «tlllnA itwbertyçilh., sontu oM decirie roa" on Milwauîke-ee -ëu.e-.. Jiluurse, auner. 14-tf OUSALE-CboiLce-loto -<n -C.Frank Wth'oddition, 511:150. f-r $20000 40-ti FARMS-We bave a large Ilet of Lake tonty larme uo seil.,aiea bouse.@a&M iot@ ta villae. Tdrso9t & Açus'rI. 4tf FOR SALE OR RENT-Vodieru houe., ail Immvveet.t. Cutraliy lacated. C. EL ay. Lbertvrille. TIL . -28-tI FOR SALE--Une ix-boree power prit. aadlay l2lrncbte 0 oeto dig. ToaBt" -6t FOR RBNT - PR lei4 -«0 .*i-.'feu good mod- e- r. [jouee- aud fdate to lent ai..> fur- naiehed roome, uitb eteain bet. with or wl-bout board. DYMSIN» A A TI%. 40-tf MONB TO LOM~ MONETf TO* LOAN--On Improve farine si 5 per fflit DvàMORI & Aî.sfl Il MISCELLANSOUS LOST-July 81, betwecu Aicady Faim a"d Patterson's, ïa package eoetain.teg cbildu linon <'iesu ad collais. t'ioder pie-me remtr to blrs. Davis, c-o J. M. Plattersoi'. Llbel'tyville.- p-461-1 SEWING-By espemried dree. 11Y th@ daY. BERTMA »nle;E. Catilat- R. Noti ruidsnce Eaeî Park Ave. FOUNDA euhhandkereblei. ulti fancv bodgr. Calot Marnhali Lmb@Mr. repairng, ail ind. of rofe,g.aPPIC on ",,lep rqos over o.1 bi1 l. Roik garuled.PETER BK. .1"PLake Fareet. Phone 1581., e5.1 BREAD NOTICE-Mua. Sprnng, * of MilwaukeAvenue. .1111 continuce. 1 balte bremad dally sud ready ta ai ordprs to privi. efamille. Phion. 79 45-4t SPECIAL FENCE-Greatilyrsduced lu prie.. 12 lin. ufre,, etiRf eteel. stay 12 loce. apart. bog tigbî, hligh enouah tu tura ail kindo of s-tock, 27é per roi. 8:6apels iren free.uth every roll. Baitb ut#1$60 per 100 poundu. Aiumc*x Wîg Fam uCo ..... c4.ti I - - *m. nine and bolier. in fone condition. O ILE SPCA E-lb l. ouner bia nou se- for it. Enquirs-at caeful teet ineluded for $1,00 and Up. 115 (franc! ave. Waukan, 111. 28tif pave YOnr pie-ment 1@00@0 changed or *___.....______. __.___ bavhue nes freines for vour present leuses. lina...that hold with coinfort. fhum, FOR S$ALE-On yeurlinir Pe-roherome 11.00 ad UV. IMackenee'o druig store colit redse-re-d. H. W. feellett. Maple the Rexali Drug store, corner Gen.. Spinig Farm, Libe tyville. e-42-tf et.. and Madison Waukegau, 111. c29-t Àtéôrdiiigt th an" interiew tIbl u'ek -uith NorthiSahrie octçij ]suiliCoipnules hbaded iii-Samiuel. Insulf af Uberynilihave set acide elgit millions@aI 'dollars for Imprana. monta but wbiat directian lie Improve- mente vili take or the precise aigre of Waukegan and LaIte count>' lu lie * melon are Ivo tuis nmotItuen. "Ouiy a di.mm., A pretty littI. thlng, ut a drem,"lte wey lu Whioit the officiinnterviwsd We *ferred te the reporttha the Wou. kOOMP~ es plan wouid b. eu- iargid bynemof a twiu plet Jug ese large sud Imperftau Titis 'i. thé %«Y luý isé aec neled lte 1 ruemel ltaIthe cempan>'seuil bulil. e«ý wu harber fér cesl Au a matter of tact klit letasti by smie tuai smeveyai- lave be M aybr about tue présent'-plat et tbic e-a paay amid tuatubey ae eurvgylug for- u .lgbt turbine plm n e mupy1 paver ta tue cutire distritmo-t, et' Cblàrgo ani thrauýiMcWeryoty, Witblu a radius otf Deriaie 10 mtle la c»eary drection, eec.pt cutb front Tie eurveylug reu lin'p1Uied as baviag been A cît>' ggéie fylngto tue vateetrtr parmInuslad tue i-n.mored plans are stated t. b. "lotlier WIialte oDe With Light Miiius lime u'i tice "dreain" sbatiared IL la ardIy knou'n hau' Wsukeau and Lks caunt>' vlU bonefil ty tue lgit Suieus altiiamgi tiere la no deub lut Ui the eanny Insmîl kuova. T fjIehi 1in Mo'wn-'tuatthticlçai î0 l a gettlug lu siape ra-os O*r PlWI~'lIete mMd acs aaothte curont frOin Ibis clty by ineans oft leed cables. The Ineuli Companles. The, Deuil companles are lu part the Nortji Shore Electrtc,'elb~mmoii- wealth. Edîson. Illinois LaItes Agbt, ancd Power, Illinois Vallee Llgiit, Heat aned Pow$r- and Ec"omy EIec- Cani4date !or thé R ublunomination for t~J.iltr Wbere b. etaudi sett t ai-mers. If, le a merobantIta,land mayas- af, the City of lHarvard and ata&ds ultb the tai-mers, and ta prottet an4 beIp the, entire dalry lntereRUs et tuie seator- la dintrict bût bho igad eldIy against the entire -Loribu.,molmy eout and thel& bttfolalt.e, Mdti aa» gol"an a >reOW.lesta- Nation ta b4v*e ompulsef y tMDsn of eous naleu ee t.attw pktul «. Deumc.tiioref. At the . lest a.agloi of tim .legialature Siisfts.R ncOMd teRepublitan part* u*4 wu the. eulaformlag thc e o.rU4iwt lefflee «NeU Biown..8toa,âe. 1*sm tlsaatut a- 1, wblob Made ioIuf spoaker, Leriméé unlted Stattai ana- ter. lad plaed Noxley le emgre@si wbmre b. and Lor',mer cia aow bc wonk $ad rot» infavos- ot tiir .40e M ai 0 .In te Aud- te o iue the. gb.nneu Çaon o1emig arnd tit ure il.dalry laedteo the ett. ,Cn ru vote toi- gay uau uha endaiSea these men, andi apDroe. ot their Domocrtie Alliance, the. oloo.. mai-satu inets, leglelative "laok- PMti" "egslative brubery" andi say that rau cbof, eta bavetiiem eaun 1 control et the. neut leIw'atire? 182-lt t THicUel MAY WIED. tJames C.,Miuga, Chicagoa... 21 lieurittà . L Pity........... l 11 yOhmu La Crosse......... l Nday, Clark, ................... l £rijohd Tiiecore Linder, Wauw . U »eim vai1 Imager .......2 has,,been b store to tal kèèps up. I New baig4j onily a few « since Wed , esday. We'w'ent every customer of the Mstage -of $tIinoiiMoey siLvInt sale. J* Mbg stock Mterchanlse, ilt, but Il' the Îush of' at tWo dgys ýst barggIns wll soon go. Bc among the'earty biaeis. [I be a'd4dcdurinig the sale., We cali your attentkon to many good snaps5 offered: Mens SuitSoft Collar Unde.rwe&ri Bargains - Shirt Biarïains -SargaInLs. a Fine lots of sweil up e t the fine dres. shirts, reuar 1.50 25 iebirga ne- Men ,'de" minute suits, blue.sre and 2.00 valural ies 4.00te 6À greys, tans and'mIied ebeaval us R~ nueres, bought especlafty ferI.E this ýsal!e far bel.W rtegular or 3 for 3.00 1 6c prle,20.0 o 2.0 suts Negligee Shirts, the Lion Regular 50c balbriggan un-. MIen's wo i 'fflBrand derwear strong ai a Ur& sPF suits that soid durlne the sesson at 15.00 to 1800 now 12075 Great snap en single suits, Choice 9ê75 69c or 3 for 2.00 ýMen's workIng shirts, worth soc, for 35c Men's fancy hose, Worth, 1 Sc 9c '". Men's 25e hose for Bolys -Suits 16c CWc of3.5 ,and 4.00 Men's fine lisie 50c hose in suits forseodfr «ý Àérz27c Choice of &Il boys fine dress suits that siId fronu 6.00 to 10.00 for 4.95 HAVE MtADE SETTR rOR COJU. lLRATES Ev.ry factory lu Wauicegau use. lllublaceai for maklug steam se thet tihi recefit tise ICti~es la ef mte.h lu, pertance te local Industriesa. The. ity water worke and sou,. ef the plants are temporarlly uslug Iudiaascei, but only while the pi-ceont itrik.la ou. It ia net g.ueraliy kuowu ltait àfter thé rise.lu rates cou[ eperallesa sud teralgread mon geltegothei- ale patched thînga up lu a @*setmye> manuer te &il lucluding the. big Indus. tries. ' the meve affecta Waukgm as 1:14, lu "Fuel," ergon eoflte ceaI fi-sd whoele asd' i-chu:. i'as nteretelIdlalte ol us-4111 try alreftdy gnou' a! tue negofafl<ii betucen the cmalproducirs o01iaim andi tue Mrade 'uuci gi-eu' Mni -e original rpioIo Wraisestue rate. on Coal ta Chicago ton cens pet ton. rhiere were nmine seatret oe.s neceflti iO aat ri-lise tai 18Wu f.ai-d womid put the lillUMis cestyt- diic.rs out or fine la Sap plying eea ta tue Nai-iiu'oel. mud a coprteee va Iflerciore aangea lbotuen tg i-5ilr5nd udtue Goal operat or& ta. purpase or ulilcti wuvi tarrange e 'gl.'oa as n 10 oIflletfwet, vthii tiade vith tue Nratuviamy or tban possible.' The final resite« thc Joint nogotlations in 'tome n u e tol- loving repart submInUtte thte lIle Coal O"ertore' Association by ]P. P. Miai-u'odchiair--anfathte coMnt se On tue part ort tat body, Mr. M-ameeds eRepeut Aller sOMeaiCantcrenc eIeeu the Jtereslec rai-oas cmpanlsa au aomt«0 tOult o I ue lnCOWa-cou Boy's 25C Black Cat hose 19C Boy's 15c hose for 12c Uperators' Associiaan, n uw" spe-i- tlcally agreed tuat certainIn lequalities1t exlstlug ilu the propased adjustinent or silvances tat liad bO.n clected 1in by the riliroad compenietries. ail- fereuces diaturneng the relatiousiiip orý adluatrnt between tue narioe min-i lflg districts or Illinoisad Indiana. 'l'e raliroad coinmittee or the Coal Operetors' Assocation consistec or tue followlng: H. H. liaMinand, W, W. WUlliams,,e. 'I'. lieut, H. N4. Taylor. t'. W. Lutltnse. . w.'ier, jey. .onnoilu, iJ. A. Aiges,,F. fi. karu'ood, U.narman. The raliroateis lterested vero a. toi- buWs: Chicago & AlOita Ilra00, ci.i aga &Eastern lilinola ail-oao, uni- cago &Nortl>western Itaiuy,cUt. aga, iiuriington & Quine>' "Ulroad, lilcaga, Mlwaukee & kBt. l Iitai- vay, Chicaga, Rock ieland & pacille SWUaaY. Chicago BtieU t a Ilway, l1oua Centrali Ralvay, lillnels Centrai aStroma, Mnneapolis la st. Louis &tairoasi. New' arYo nras ut>w.,M Btt, lýouIs, iranon tm ia Bofttu Ritalvy, lloo Une. Wabac& MUaa. Tihe New luIse The represeutaU'Je5 s i-l ui-oee,, Mad Yl. H. Hatvaod, chaltinan or tue ceaI opeeator, cammIte*, vetoin aemion a-nainber or days rseaecaig Flte raies@muid the resuit « %bat cise£ le ast fallaus: Chlcago sud Chicago Swifohlpg Dia- trict. Thbe ptaposed alutitMegIt usea& hoarizantal suvauceoro!ten eSts par tan fromt ail inilg disîrICtsla l4wnota and Indiana, the Cnicago bo«airate, 5.5 Wel!as the proportionIl rata flng qdvanCed. 'l'e foliouIug are tfil ewu rtes as checked Iu: Clîlcago Caicega leflerlille...........00 àk lUf4UOln-------.uu ilprlugnied s.b S North er min oDlis . tianville .......... i tillta». .... 1........80 B3razil.. .......... .. ilentan .............it k'rinceton ...........9i1 EvausvIlle ........1.30 tiooneville .........3ut rs, vey Boy's blouses, to close out Chti4ceet 1.00 and 50C #Blues o>xfrds mW, 35c, There art a reat"many Bus. ter Brown louses la this 046 a lot1 s ses 3 to 8 ycars ain . Boys play Tudor suits 319c Boy's knee pauts, knicker. bocker aiùl tra4ghtstyles 0reti 79c Men's malinu nl§bt gOwflà, EWysfiedi 54 Inclues'long < MOC à 0 -via illiluos central fi.fi. '(Uc. "Via lîlinoas central Rt. fR. tue. 'l'O 10 per cent.ofailtuerItiîOt', 1U cents pertoIn ativance. Tlo 30 iper Cent, ai lue ltrilol7 b ta 9 cents per ton ativance. 'l'o 2U per cent. of the lerritoi-y, 1 lu 4 cents per- ton atvance. 'l'a4U pet cent. 0f tue terrltbty, noa ativance. BUTTON IHUNT Tro Se, itiElAD- "Bufton, buttan. vie ha$ the. but- ton," tue ance popular gaie, lsi te baunutuanov snd greaterftarer, Tii. neu leaseOn litse; "uttq-p. But' ton" ha. gol came. of the anti-c- lng crusade. Tii. refeminierg. ling lu New York, sud styilug tubunseire. I'WOrld'a Healti" orgéanIstion, In- tendiug tp kIlT oculation,. 4ye but addqd ga'#lf to is lors la slgnlug up reei-ultý ta vear bidden buttonssin- blazoued "lIta. Not" Iiowouldnlt hùuit tuebullon. That vauli b. came gaine a bachelar declai-el tôday. The mollo of tue club le -loges Nat, sud club ineihers get a button bear- 1»g this mollo. ItlaI auggetid iy one memiier luat "th ' 0buttonble put ou the, bib of erery uau' bei-n baby and vaiu ntIi t te cbtld la elgbty years ad." Girls are tu vearIt uer tee adt viiena youn mn mg u eearul they. are ta <rau' sli. tFi. orrng and flash the dread button lin Wlace. It Iol saldt that thé. w.crlng ,eft th button ulîl develap lundrcds oft mt- ers lu Lake county. Antier adice. la ta lhe youug mon wlfl bave san "cw- full" bount ta locale thie Mies Nor, badge. . 1 t leaear.quesleii at the local reporter to moud a liai of tbosee vie woulfi be mout hble te ,dlacurage the Cutam af lsus n nthe 1Upc whenerer lu the. pawer et the. poceeca- or of the. lIps, and siie bac aeodt tiiat the. naines b. sont at once viti the. regulred number ef buttons oe. Thie président auggete ubat a but- ton "Nies Not bo pigod 'nder the tie" andslpped itew ieu vbe eoi- od. 0ue bas bout - .efkuising eut> r-oaa, but eut> nocktie ba.t he fascina- iton 0f sametlug u. Aue erobdy kmou'. viin a.y7ouse mn le cSo-tei l im a ljiete, eaucyt tue anad a pair of i-id lMMuhb.mlght fee1 lk. lndulgins tu tie peculclons ialbit, but the sigit et on. et thege bu ttant vwould 1maibit uble Iveen thie eyes and h.ovenu l oeil t oui lîke bls a botter eadn otler mu., Ëy ýthei, atu attachlngthe. buttait ta a bib, dose It mouentui t theClub meinlel muet vear' tue bib unit!l h luelgiity? TRAT NEXI 101WG<OWN mm yb* lb, niceat, mmat hoice..mont becom-ti fugr on.e>'eu have erer ovn.-it you derot. a little tUme te i-eaduiig tb. store ads. - belai, you décidé upon tb* ' mate.-lals ta b. uaed. '«Waete 01tim n athe mm t e*- gant au ensui, et msiexpouee.- ê.uI negleot te read the d. beoroi'a -c sbopplg" la One *ai o! watbe tt" -,sd ai 5a uxur 'Wbtolt a I El 4lfr ~isIt k- ligu. s4q~e ~i. -n 0ol»m l i-ag %uuet 16 Tb w9 b0e t otoeee im prue* , ie-ýulli b.ui&M" specUaMs; s»d est-b day tu@ vil.mei. af tie son aMdo Isdmeie, -hcar-de, eas 644~, ul*i guide. ta .spila4a lamphrgs. Ail ubl.afj publie ani every lairqerIa fi. 01 Diokla le Ivited.i. 1lle tatlon, glèlcbthb.farrmos piI*M. noanaVoLird t10 <'sn, - M4 Dilai taroma,.'hleIi bues *orklng lunco"Perajpà i qageural CONlg *~ We. *>Ou ofno èqewwgk Ibid bau male mnmuffl growm t athe i oi& 5ach visitoit j, ton or *w" >Obws dtb yen feu ead.em, qd "-4 mis*o à*" bM. "b la loua I&%Ob os " or z Pthe Famew*lbwýb m- rapid *sines bwI s bi deotab.n eztemiob *Webcarry t lic*lftral .duea#acie du-nI féwmre. W, do Du-I kiuvthis wt botter dascleritbe amgi-eh tI bmaie tisa $6 quais fi=i "ix 'pa laa. mseInis"asa ymps ago w. bare4, 3.bWqdý Ite' tmerlu th$. ai s facuhty of four or le bar. oenentY.foun lu& éutiton, us have ow -. tien el ft>' ofis Dol ,,md à ~ 111 1« 1 Il m 1 . 1

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