Tii. aimgflt vas ma<e - OW fl Sohe ebatteia s f s jotne a m . er 's.Vu W yuu En.. ' *"taa&.la Dov beilevai f0be tlee vMla a eek atf.mlg te, Me 1%M !enfl.ra tluoarMthe. Notfbwter«kral S s ITen a a i.uis M9- 1j5d- rF ÏM hq cieargçeto pit0Sulli la4*Ait bd W40 kstb* Ous tiie étt. la dloiite a tae NgaP~ end, a, t effape. la tie u.5ntl o f Oumbo tt44 tii. tcivés amare corinfthe uo«Mi uvwrhhlen ogaste lamy M &A "0 rCoMer. fer Me a t»eM fora aIsU4 tepurfte lomWauieba are tue thé. p.niiues, <ehhh.gawl, gu.te lo Se tiat Cotiser did Dût tet tht elty to-wrock a train ant i tEreov. 0tor bis .escape bu thathéMot ipt h*e u.acmeuttul4601h ef140- ueut. sue II Otat le oe0 b or m e4 b b utallgit ie T auect .d Ttt 9P itleo fofiehéIWlism, PutkIulrllMI' cv9 t tfCos'.trIiedtO viwt "Pt ?Napls, Irisa wbuciiVn. I 0< cib Miisd freatu fhiat f001 1.1 cores. If-lta lbardte Pot the. ou- ***yq bavak- nOW baeatrsce se# rta mmis nt Engllsiiexcept that la r sa Waukean ls couderned. snd la the aid Moual av 0f an eye £Mr au *eolqualon la that fie fieoryeye ana a tOOtii for a toOtti.cOupied af Cnner la nov a benedlct $lB vlthe f. ciaMatri l llan " ides M«t correct, aI reveuge for scoe fancled mnunit or _____________ grievauce. RMU oas.eph Ns¶liq italiaui motiiers bave iieen inovu. WrkteaJohn Stapleton Cavl .ey se>a sti torti, te toits ther Infant ~~~hi. ~ ~ To boreierorti.TDsonsotend e0,ngrandsons sud tramE eq'n book rvbo dtp o. hua e tuci r nf.iiy Inllil the.Ide& fbat fley mit & wonlnovn Lake county CiliSe do th15 or tb£fat lcuut tuk Mt re the lafet tenue of the Ton Stery venge, kilU thiI or that man. do iis pet.or liaI deed to carry out Uic ogerta 1 am spenilas MY vacation et I g1ev. evne o* toumsd I., usear LUbertyvfllu I. iltbReeg Me. ibwrfMla 1IfMOuS arnong ti. Tiieapparent aller cel.WMenesof ags for the. . MedilI PatteraOn Uô. Vletia attempta ta uweck tiihfeIns M ftm de lue.. young Mfr. patter- -thii. adof a motive and the. Inbll a. vbc, por-ei A Little Erotier, ty of fie police te iucoverue echer fl be ak. Dope, The. Uorfl Mait an fiat tii. Ignorant lad In tis! cou- mi tier ocslllI plysananoe>. ftry but 1 mont)> rngt have vilsd ta a miiat ioce laU. s d cvetcosee vbat would bave bappeued bad a ilintii Swfoge.bum. v lb a a train b eau vreeed .bave lorced the. asMemufbous on5 so.a4. îrm Utttilles ta ore ocher conclusion -b b.. .Aathlnt spprzuIliiitlug and amont heorles la tie. Vlolettt* ~gt~Socallrn f Tcmtc. vio mui obeyod a racil Instinct and OU elltiiafbe liad Mdni gav e - t ollel the iPeta lava. ho pueqdaBatastelu te a dildtant Thuns a faIller; a brother, even a ~etest o~Iapueren .ti,.. granilaher. ýÀhiv1*mt vltb deti of ýh paterso ý«tIP ou thie Norlvester n sdreais miglt baveciierlabei a grudg, and augiil VIolettI tu avenge t. IAIK The tiuhug vonu be Impossihble ta an y nation but th. Italiean, but the ~ ~ ~. ~ Avendsttf . iie onierta. the Carnorra and eàâ&&l& hedeosrmet Of the tih sS are al four living sud vital MWov . lu qu cf l te c. bluga tethe Itallantemperarnt aud "ry ead m M anavers ftvolbe flylug lu the face of Provl- geeouf a aatteelau Oasl1 Y- dameforan italien te tterp nitt irio bfowanondoigti, t duties fiat omef*a Impose$ Pressit ms"ut o upon bu !Oày r th. tant 5la TM en d idthe Deed. cf on tth ry, f te.Thmetu fMa case, im.plcer la r iii. c», a mp s if e. lad0etiV, bote u09Y a MOBtb sudUun- luypoPlebaYe efie labale fd upeat a vord etEllh. Tic tiier. linDO Wvsy I,IipOilce re puasiefiau teviieler h. wsm tlu or ur diar te mnwssn u uvekatano b &b iii.camp &1=tudives api vssn iet rekatai1rvi ,saonos abou thfie talirts ut bu trild th vreck IL. hSmp ouast trive. Bncb -ata u a lomerWtaheiisecret? I ,os1bave takea cmarste Perliaps. uê isbt 1 made a round ef t ogqtoie grog siiols,.sud 1 found 10 Cure Infantile Paralysis. týtbemr hor wre usot- iavery hhat rnay tead te a sure tou» avasalunt for Infntle paralyaie, a deadîr ds- a mttltiM&UaId ta reglr. esuc f cbtldiiood belleved te be cpid 0 M mybe parti>'du 10 thé tact eria ut present. ta anouuued by Dru. pr 7ba iasiandmont 0f lthe h& spet an thelrncney, but Sion FI.xner and Paul A. Levis It I the. viole rason. cf tie Rockfeller InstItut, for lied fliaf a god meuT af lieue l ese arch lu Nv Yank Cty. gon* e aont cf buines.prp L»ý he eul etge cst- Tbe,»punncement appearu la fie "utgi shows fiat my inter Journal o*tic Arerîen Modlcal seF scène J& ort"solation ssued today. luW ftr te Wna* Omo te Wsnshlps. As a reult of eperments on mon « V iugton, 1D- C, Aug .i9.O-lfltg keys, luaculated vîth the . virus rfiai *1s te vtrqil» et the Amreicauses Inlfantile paralysie, a sera. tespot t, lu. tabocea, ept UWom"él's Christian Tempérance bas besa found liat lu merncasea sitea,. viilh-reciently roesedprevents lthe disaea.troma eeloping Ota thfieProms" uhOn f 100 casea. and ID otiieru cures t soon allerfi et Osllfo" ula v tte .criser Cal- ferais. Acln; Uretay Wlnthr app ePt. day sent ateliE eramta the. San .= - The. iveslîgaars aIs bave founu tWe braahoIthé Wornsils CirW -1t lu poahbie 10 vaccînate monkeyî tlsO Tempevane union statlngthatlvîth Su Immune,serMm vbicl vil, iiq bai basa unabie te i a rel- aiM reforred tu b>' It as having been prevent them c9ntractng thie41»$as imu*eliy former erelanyof the 1 Infantile paralyse t4ac i&i ,tloaba DonJ. Lent lerbidtng tie use classes of chîldren. if a vctiju dose un vieowarzhilpe. recover l almont lnvarlably la deform. Tramp ed for li1f.. lase at Graylak, e hidy Crenlng înjunction te Start goan. Wb dlstmod bfie IBM nedby Accordlug ta impartis,, mreportf ý1 Utcrenc. ruce , t" "M lnovu lie VolIVa adrues ut Elon CitySun- 1ý'à4 poubr ruggst.day --ieoasertei thâtafbe ould pe. ,bfAM vua lreadY la lames tition an lujunctIcnu s, o$torta jtsvranSd. tiere see tet aft u gaatMtbe ladependants on bose o1 savin thbe buts. lti. lhe effectivejine of the Molue. Ilsemu Of tiihoMCIec ou"- Au.l kuov,,uay Itiund entubay bappene l.bfie èr. uin d" ho t rZin pery. viiIle *4 --alg from ILIi.frtenia Voive, bods tii e i.original Dovie )Vtie èburuMn; builing and ear les« ase te proper tiiuug. wvilcitab»laiteafey. Ttle l» iseuated fief Suniay la 10 buneýMus a ite, but hi maIn addreas Veliva pledlfg 04 ta b Da ot funde t, meet payrnetu lu hi. pur pu ynh m I If i cif e0 tsZMonstt.. Acoording tu lurtiier Information, idre. Buber mother et theirl lîavolv ..-. At Lake For-est e.4 lu Lawrence dIvorce suit, 18 mu Oâà = -e -aviy -is'ee. scaeavrti tolytasha b. or» stop aie ry of PL Aides snd " me toui lu fil ,laid dlmaeuu . a *»i 1*4 il ta. w*..b. i ud Xan cet tb I IuSW F rev inet eite, d*NtVU, ternouxfou=ai-the mnaW*lt tins l tbé W te li AfM v on as' 11 sat- fbi tg «f a man wibo b .Wé#WQ-ý et ou the steamer ht 41I drovned. Tue roc-Ai tbey e_40 uot shou' the Cbmdl mau but It teYoula lac 'un wuas, Utugaitathet no effort idITh Scriais o tii. .om jcaliQi 1 tilE li rgauO meetiO& , of a balue-m t~ la se t15U lw w~ the mmbèeeà0 -W plan m M -,b t t»yeas ! N; <m veuf out mai eu a n ome b' lubes llve vn lesti R1*Ioth> ettf0io. hter If vas vare brt. Vlteooomn. ov* idtie e th fe mJ5iug l o qcf Ire ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h mttlgl i ialiu vSjt*i bot, Th*e yraunu e re ro- ýcausedi l,eu. el otlm% wau tiihe 0rnved to the Hansen morgue and a s total - lo"U làithé esse - of the jury alig to laveetigale loto, tiim of ttce l lent th ille h mj1deat1 of tie uman. An lugneat Wii b*e 0f~~~~~~hl b ety ~~ 'ieîtCoroner Andre l:ter la tue due 10 tue recelaI. deafio!f th iond- jdey.* ,. t er of tue Imnn laïdo Alden of wau- igluv.e aîa b ln kegan. .bM.Eut viien saeocane loteport on Tus tire at LSdyagDtI probably last Moudae*«&vg an sd If vas do. started trams-the. bale or essameli oued10li batDfnouda ovensansd mode torrde progresa. ietuatb « ofiondy Tuere vat ne valet availlble outil> uodrt enthl lslgof tuelaci ale vrie.ouilgetupber'boâlrs ai aslan upent h.dey steam. for aIre à*ane.Tue vhnd l in ion aeit ieonwne uand bulle rm n s, w h asaitrus rte mrnwS amud on Tuesia>' ,vening hte svep tii* ieh a iend te àmiiHagelau vent tu tbe offices- aofie aDO lailg I thuMteros endi i-nd coniaiiy miuig that be vould and yIn It otowAseà naà _ lke to eap in hifunlding. He later1 Win Rebuld et Oute. vent te ileep os tep of a Iuber pile1 Tue lscfcry vwsa entirely' ecoumed vithima s ev leest cfthedocks. If la end lus etlUy iaciur>' viit IL1.spboasd tbat iie avale duting the ueof -lie maciifnqry vas,- ev. ulght sud lu a iasde cciîîioB slIp- ,ldaterials lver.aleo detroyel by t e rmti unur ieIt i.br Berce blazýe. Many changes velubon. Theo ra neDomarks 0f viol- progresa lu fie xPlnt. enSce anthe. body and thère .19aven Plans are nov maie for th. rebulid- reasoe bouete tuaItue deafi of ing 9; fie plut.lop$ maden sMd IrOe m up cietl U proccf luea Tuhem of fie Machiln- Janl upVpurel>' accid enta i Hege- ery and fie plantaméantm to $à,- Inisautupased te bae-bensfsnMe 000 viii.tiere la but 86,000 I luur.Tii. o0fcIaIsof the MiI. Cempe>are suce. mallng au effort te i dmarn trace of Tiere ans more aciers on the the relaives of 1fthe man sud- the body bo.uov w*b» tiinan su iedurlng la being icli et. the.morgue PeUdlng tl iitry .cft hisou Indutry sund fie result cf tue ssearci. viiflthe fIre-merle a loua the pros-______ peaqls for the tdture are tfief fils tind MryA a[%ot crnbermasment vilib e ougrevu bY ~ A .ao gecat ee olu et f bbalmosela fie Ticeiflsnt5geOf mM " imi.Scie- nev plant tien ever tu tie ohd. or sud M. Eslm« eIimMUielcoeurai Be0s AIln areetad. Maniaimoringi t - sulemolocl ut Tue sos o! the "lafe UldAlmnWad-vtb. Tue>'eteseieftfor MWI arc ail inlteted ltutheflantA vewultebut ar e peced bouetfils fie vm 0 f, the vter"n Waulegante. eve139.'-TiieT ae ttes4 u Leozc nov lb pobafe, povded for the.c- avenue on tfis clfy. 1 tinglece o0fthe Ininsti>'by fie beys. Bath amrevel luova >70=t n, e Tue>' are ailuop ah Laysaflit i* ~le ddCabout 01 friands uit.la their famnillesa cecptiug Nail ct hlm iieping fiat theirs viii be a proaper BUlJuger sMd Comany sud Chiaresot oand554happy future. of fhe naaltrainm-uin. Tiec MIes Scheuer wva bleffl Tel Inusutry ovas for yeerm iUateaî luphone Company apertot dlatiiulu Waukegan»dO uoved oni>'y t etCloed for- ber gocd nature, aulIgaffl or te the sourosc i Intber supply. sud man sterling goiqgullte 'La4>'mtb le a suan bat huat hich endear ber tu a large circle âu i .ne- i th& &&Ufflty an It k. a n i. c e E, n li- r. o. r- iii M a L'le Gei- been ttciita tue ee. sd v.rnied *b" t" "fi.aul ou hen daugtera iuebslî. ýàreff alzaten A main vsent her Batutdmy ftom dL~ 1'q VII stamf Kenoua wviiotebuasbeeu vorklng OeCufflutieu for, fie C. and M. Electric aiu * w vlla bu He lnjured bIsand a ev deys aid til.!frtue Inury liasbeen toadlly grovln 080c, ym vl b. vois..LHe wu Mot boe b i tie em coapn>'sd Sl vas diI.cered fiat hoe bad*& oiie iob»weu. »..'VAS M40ffu l otés. al.t.. cil' of thie lumber distrIct., Tiiere I.a10e regret ber. over fhe Aidatençs sud uympafi>' lu cxteied liem. Principal luysa S of tcf ieNoyes street soet, Nvautcný Tucd«>'.mt lug tmlei te jta* o-ai e ubuesi s i the lustîtute on picture mfuiy lu tii. puùliesi.ls. - The purps. af plcture slnd>' lu to &ive tii. chiuLren nowledge of ae 1ev cf the gi-st plcues maiartis. »Y 1 teachlng flem, te me fie beanty lu lieue pictures fluci ae laitea sce sln-, lIer beay ut n ievaliarouni hem. Tiirug b ilsuuy tue> leM~a ev of tie fudsiauital prlaqplo f art se fiat tue>'bave some standardsby vhti t, judge of viatcocmtmues a gaod ploture 4" mome rexurtone fr Oumfor sfe tui>' of -"Tic bila. b>' Nichèlmaess:l- 1. Conterof iMt~ eeasiovub- a. 1410f. -, b. PosIo. . D"s. f. Sni4bUfilaof o ofer objecte i ue c« dettanl. . ugtvme . outyEli. . Wmuu- c. ouile. 4. Pnrpoae.-. Tie purpose iffie grwtw la ho We spire us vlhi edmirth im wt tulalu4 eSpable "Melf utb* -OU ý AMd beesuseo Ji: " A 84fie attractive young iMusr and fie, but wîsiies of the city- pro Ilh fie Yaun couple. "Marne" Bcieer' vIli b. mlaaed muiou g mI teeI n. pa trous s a.wonvas u.aIthe bout tu a, corpe cf especlally goG Oeperlc BIle la prominent socially, sud belengu, ton one of thce mcutYlI velIlukova and bigl>'respecte&i <amIs The malter may lho board to1worrûv. Min. Janganhuskiet of dU eet hy lie hem buaband, wbho lîvea6dg'tic apposîte aide oa ! hqstree trrested, ifor abuaing hen, andi h. bâd te Serve e terni un ccunty Joli. - ý belicgot. ouf i. cierges luit*ho beed at bun la iaov b.eInLea-ftlua et!. li l I fiat i Itdniaulnla , bt VU, hlm sud liaI atarfeui the argument thaI brougif themsluoti tu the justice court, Blales A WtUe« Dii>' orier ai tuem bt bl)> la" ill10 iévo. Peace varrant lnbeughtla th* eues of the People vs. A4#F*4«7 MIl as mnohber phase CfI th " thore IWS tveec rival litute oý #oo*- of People vs-. aiofor Bn nlléed tbtX,, e venge on lite par51 tee.bdmlan fe cate lb oIr ý*e'm1 th inltiov. -1 -1 i Yoi-k Vldov or OXidabire, 'for-0 fi. buoy v lmst he1OUM pF ur Id 4ga irvis. to tb u ie QIO*er as Ia month snd viirom IDOeOW »«ü,l I posubu laPieilIî d ffo, ube ËPsWL7 tu 5» *pfui vire oao«cou- e, b4 Vtont OW"vftheO tiiqgr six votes paoin p>'. fa*uà-e1pousa or a reObý-tuon"lu- iiutulnvile-blie W' e up pr- emüucl ta bogt WlaWssii ave gutiarlaoi fie isymeit of $324 coula lant ti#. MIclC enn njnmctio si%, tikes vip eveut fie openl1*g cf fie iftai"e tomereansd it la eaud fiat leter ig4udm~eto.care te Wau. keg a iaIulnîglt folluig lii meet. lug sMd Pm tbfie u.f0 btreýrionl befSo e ie19*vasdry on tEe vant. Volivenade *01 commet n t ui meeting. lui-ler tiiau ta se>' lai lhe ajpe bond Ie l >' the Iniepeti- dent aldermen-supende judsmeut un- tiI th. langle la sbtragieed aut. - Néom Lik«ea nen Elmen Green the candIdate for Sherif w.e dvlsc Oui- fiends sud neiguboru fa vote for cornes fionu tuej auls cf i e vonkens. Whlle be lu frram WauicgSu b as ne teint cf the prafiselanal policlan avou bis record. .1e lasismply a bi lcmesme- abafi~c wvine. mains sud.pehmoal «i- erg>' bave mo .ljpnsse4au agio havel knovu bin liaI hobesueurped te go befane tic public-mas ppléantf orthfi respansible poulton etf siffol fLAko Coneun. T"fMt M. Green béae ailfhe qtwlificatans liaf yull malle bitu a migbity gaci officiai fiers la no doubt That hé ia a vorker sud bau tmrna ble living b>'f.th eet of hil. mcv cannol ielp but appeel line tenau- îug eleuueul aI tii.couity viia duo vork und mal. thelr honest livIngt by fie se. uni of th.kit glove varlel>' comiug ouf of Weufn an sdalng us ta, do thluga for fcu liatIt Il £- Most mas us disguuted vîti lb. viole lot but viien a. nul eue cornes Ilii Mn. re.en, a man vic erna bis imîluction b>'bonet vark ve bâti hlm villa joi.-AnlIaci Nevs. ',Muid>' vafer vant do.for a mln- non" eauy befler flan paper af a sami circulation vlI do for a vacf ai. mai- lot. fila mttsrla brtoed sud r=flie te b. bttlele , is. vu MmeCeleRavai"e ië' -uywo i iuured b. dropp.d lons cogeltgs mmtroite am i4usAn- Wt[q be qUiuttd,antutfamt b. mae . o t be dut sevon daY. dl l1- la Cer oonula*ttee ted picomrs maaubiuwta *nd New York, &04 Obi wtýU"@ wiilcb had bern OUgt,suO a Qm4alttewaè appoftted f0 casuldet ibe, uquut i c omiIUOSakmud re- port et "b %=mal Metina at Dretton Wiçiqd, N, . , la pP"teMb. hsunn" mipeuI4mut Hotçuklu el New York M4rusIsl the meetba' Mt%-uuntmod th is bad ext..44 mm seimgmbe o ctoéteii Ithe*aui- ia"MterlSug ceps«of Ponecy otu Wb~ .5e4W b. uselui tii.stat, unfie tbo nuaédard provIson >w. The . o lý&Ws.attitude 0f tbe masacbusett - - -des) Me., ". Mm «"",,a Y' lie-hl ranvl isot'v efe :reuetative. ometla18Morefavorae to f.ber -4 bIslfi. ]»K" 0114444 i Jisedar mrs. al$UIi" Or PAliTNBRSNIP. tug liatville fth 4MyeSanhotl l asW te -maxé a &q usceftar>'C*. eOeParueinb1p lueretOF4 e ue- brother la t*aig chargo f theé &are Mb elvedi Alexander Robertsan dO. of the paeckug conpny aMd leIa»l RoZbert S. Iveestanden the Irum e mesapleanSd rlston car 110- of Robertson, & Iveu dot"g busluee ilble bu te here. John W. D*K57 la In the cl>' ef Highland Pgrk. IlWlu s*W1 la Lonion attending te fie affahtis a ree y uuicnet of thé compauy ln Europe. Thora filsd> lel. uulcuet mlLtIdi Englmroney InvegjelutfieTii. bumneus lu future *viii b. car- proposition and several Englli tllai leion bY Alexander Robrtson- are Included tu té ledrectote. Tue via viii pall blls conîractei for récent Mexlcan élect ion vas fayot- sud colect aIl bills due ta lie lirm of aile In result to the. packiug cofl-Roetn&Ivs papyi Sud viiu ntal afedt li a aIM Rbrun 1v ___________ALXANDER ROBERTSON, e~oeFIcuàia TROBERT 8 . IVES, 80« ffl TO HihlandPark, 13, à.o The National, rternal Congrea The réaldents froin tie Nortihbore c.losed Ils sessions aI lDetroit Titans- from Wtukeganto EvauutOn are la day iiy approvlug tihe tentative léale, constat danger cf tyiioli. lever snd other contagious dlueameefrom teint. tv bill negulafina fralènnail; ueur- eau vater. acçinhg te a stateunent liY buce,.vicb If enacted vill affec Oe Davi . H . aoi of Lake e Foremi, 00,M000memberu of fraternel siccelles président cf lie Northi Shore sanltar>' la the United Statu. Tii.eanme- .êueodsticn. ln the bulletin of tiief aure vill b. .ubitted to.the AMci5I> ommrgsnlumdn vhlch wvli b. ineiho- ed bItttntt«et ah ir conventlmIondiday, and vhlci . vas publnhed tire. Atlantic Ciy Dent vel Afteiw& veeku s&go ln the, SUN. lvili go before the. lusuraâce orn-______ mlmmlaiof the UnieIli Btes for danal If îon vlsli ta &«e os.lotus ue approval baeora It le uubmllled.io theofaIGrausAkela u *IDaIlthier glat>' isiste législature.1 hurry. John .. lins cf Buffala vis ciiosen"Thé blouacuis are even ncv dis ap- président; D. B. Maciiey, Detroit. vic peanug from ltie 100 acre bed vbîch président and C., A. Govcr of L«&alle elargest ot liaeIid l in tevold ing vwas n.-leeted seceta7ri-rmurer. q4 by. fieenad cf tuis,, veek lere C. P. Robinson cf Chicaga, ecretai'- vilLbe ev lotus smciias cmu be sen treasuner 09 fhe AssoclatOd Prterul. nov. Tuer. are rnainly buis nov to lieu of America. droPPed l in A llter coin..Boni. ciali tiat a 11h11. %ale alulng qp the. situation exPresed thq pet ne put into the vater &bout the' opinion tiat fie Autmcated finaerni- inde viii maie them openansd Wau- tle. vould apprave the leglelatve Mi. leganlles amegolog 1 try the e«Vert- Presllent I. W. Donovan of Detroit ment, agrce i tuhlm. Tuer, e r. 'nany Waukegault«et a Praver Change ln Policerse. Cran Laie yestiay mand th. lotus At the cooference et Abany, N. Y., beds are rapidly becornng one 09 th. Weduesday cf'fie Internaflontl Amuo- main count>' attractions. céIâtincf Accident UsiervrlteralI- ______ partant chlanges vote rgccmrended Tue farmner vIa uses the aId 15db- lu accident and biiaîth id lces vhlcb. 'oued cradle lu preference to the mcd- If gentrally adcphiid. vil sîmPlif>' the present foames. Tic upecMia commît- cru self-biner la ou a par vltthta tee recomnuended liaI tue double l-mc b vi. .ouat belleve lua- dienlty clause b. restrictei la Iravel ~rlig Cup VielerIf . mSk. mm Setb1gwb y, va u avm te ehuil 51s4«"ubW~ et yw marne-tuai wueas, ami oesog WIbhANo -i 1J. B. TRIGGS- WM. NWrM*RND SCou=Io for isomis- as.m Ma* 9" Uhiat ~-.1vo] i ope fiat I ln th*, lm£ flai can'n break It I heard Âmes, ter ln er tii sate. ings a missIT Tie plane. Bravi He bis br Sud a] Âmes. Clai Velue! edea cmatly large It fi frimai Âmes Ope] foretb vol North Pm. m a cletI kegan id