leglsted L Qç*Tiea train' BTexiiýxmmrià and 5~~y ,kçu'l w4Pas-1 mesger Train was 8e*0 New Oregan,,sept. '2-Vou m.ui I*koamai.and arrned with revol Vêrs secured a large mmutt « yn 4* 'bV*'Matte'tmmà mail sar, M thb. Tess EIJWai e tbos 'outirern, pacile jet Ayooq>l, aum town Me a rsr, làç t flithTie ou .hetid the eustir 1li car force o!five men urider cuver1 of, revolvers.,eecured tiroir booty an# *ove. off la a large red automobile. ,letote e avelntibe> flred seversi sirot- to ftgirtn asenter anud crew.« À rallro..d ferry crosss thre li- 1D$i river at Avondale, and it wu je * er tire dru t tree cars of the Xreia irsIboa. landgd and tbe ferry bai aubacifur tihe reatoth tir in tbaîtihe attsck of tbe bandits ta place. Tire ngit wàs very warm and tire Çokb clenirnloft thre doro f the car open. Mail Agent su. Germain, Whro was near the door of thre mail car' heard a noise and ruroed to face the. b4ainea en of tire revolver. *"Iak eV OagIint cte .wIl. &Il q£ you." carne the.nuglecd voce. ot he ro>i ber_ wlho woye a m&«gi made of a etocikit etSt Germain anud the, rest of Ib. fore. did as tirey were tod. Ail- eirer roirber eutered tbe car, lHe forced on. o!-tire clerkm lu> Abow bhi, wbere thre regiaered mail was, ee, ckring il tire (vo men Iuined tireLr ccp. rades outaide and escal,.d. Wb naiel Webter w« àbo bi »à weyonmr roher baU a* bas Siven !mre mosey. Tbsy. tauted OU! gl.Mdty,, apd HU v as eveting breore chara#b-19 boe. 'WeIl, Oý-Muid tir. mnior Wo etr.viat 414 yon do vith ffjour ip .thre boy arusvrea &te- "4»n4 boy about yont Wirat 440 jon do vIti r onr mone>"" tire aube = ooyquolerbrocher. »i 'i r ai. wal the repl Oeiuhcy Certata, in" uW qooulewber. somekow. Thât 4he . e swlua Ccd aw w .eked upohe wodd sud cakdit~ n4Pfp AUCTrIQN SALE. Hiaving soldruy farta n invas tire Chras. Mler farro, 1 viiioeili at Pub- Ilic pution on My farté AD the Mit- vale 04» ie-Olraeuer mile souti n1 cYrk Hoôus. Cinarcir, and twç miiqm noM r o!B1uuldhggCorners., on raturday. OCt. 1,1910, commette- mat103o &. m. Ik8rVr,thefollow- tu ldea"led Propert>': - L A.»TLE-4ýC. oriuin Sou..,tlr Milkers. S 1lwo year 014 trsIferq. 2 éi eer i' ters. i I Roltelàu boit à1 moths old"I iDuram bull. ttoyeart old. A I es S tdli. S SemFeES. >IQOS ANOPOULTRY -1 9&y mare. lé years aid;'*l 14Y mate, 16 yeOr old: i Cletnut. el >ears cid: 2 MÉrO col.2 y4ars 015' 1 ijorse coý. 12yekr5 aid; t Yearlt4 cot. 3 50 I B oir,.5 Pig. 4 Chgipiena,12 ucks. PRM MACI'4 ?ERY A(41) IMPLE. MENTS-1 Deeuikng cri irnder. 1 DeurWsgrain binder, t Cornu Plantet vtir check, 1 Seeder. 1 Hay Rake, 1 Deerlng mowlngnacbmne. 6 ft cut; 1 Pul*briger. 1 Tiree rack drag, i ?uarkl,. 1 11er t. Cutter.', i 'iLkey Pl - 2Wt&i*lnkplcwa 2 ïTw-ôcries cuutivators. 1 One h ors. cullear, 1 Garden seoder. Mwytber articles too nunierouef ta m ention. Free Lipobi tNono. Upuai Termea of Sale. 119w4et WINEAuctiolteer. e. M ARIAN. Proprietor. El>W'. PAULDING. Clerk Eate ofIllinolis, CQUrntî piLake. r In thre County Court cf Laite Cou> t>' lu thre natter o! théeapplication ai Colla . < prndr uýrd4! cf ia ence Ostraruder, a Misor, for beave fi Oeii Rep.l patate 0o! nid Minor. * o i. pseons Whom it May'Cott Notice la bereby'give hat Lb. sud erigned. Coi-n Otrander. guarie of Olpiee Ostrander. a minor. '1d mai! applicatiou to thre County Cou of Lae Courty *'a t, ettdirltae tMu tbee5otut be beid nt thre Court Hiotl$à lat City of WauXiegp i i muid Çoq tyU' .rd Monda>' of OCtoberlA D. ap irnthre 1ittidat thereci 1dm, e.s 9cb hguar1 an.taei - te ht. titIs»* interest o! theiil mideûbSaoë etranerici I asi th .. described rea1 estatetoi .v;eL Nusuber Trqe (3) an N m erirY, ýM 9 r _________________________________________________________________________________________- Girs'~coats #Q Thi i our final effort to closeîlX*'a l ofýmed- tuiti weighit eat.s for girls. It's w seleetioîî oéf gaîments. hi(ludliug ialuéç, as high as $4.00, made o <f ail wool sers 4 p.i an facues, the), are lîeavy enu boerýlebl fall %eýr. i: to 14 years.' HOU&£ DRESSS- WomleiVa bouge dresses muade ampy o! Iue1 lâgvY grades cfirheeked an~d atrlped 1. perces a1 nd gliuabauus. prlced iueiow yalue a .8SC WAUlflEGANIS BE IT ANb Âhtenations freechalêe7 "-n ou iivî a sulit att.hcGlb it is aItered freof i-ost. Iîc'obseîgrýve the greatvst care iu alil tiriititerati irus, endyiga *uuîpeteiît fitter. and gîîarantep satisfaet im. OW. aim to pleafe ouiirpatros4 n pvery rpezard and where r nercbandize 14 #lot eKactly wb2U you wauut yr.ui have the priO- llege of r"turning It and gettinig your rnonéFy hack,. Ve neyer urge cone littake soniething Pise lit prlau'e of thenoll. S'YORE.' M ~iu~i i tIiej>I< f4ii o 011 ull i(d.a EiSbihIfluw ieea l arge 'olleetioîn of -snîiart new 'lal ixiodels in ivouteî's anîdmisses' staits. ~W e noti't hegin to uffer vo ueieig't. a oey tailored garments aths t t t~iiiî' if'it wasn 't for eertaiui co)nditîon8. wé houglît thle uaterials eal hIii4w aoitat big sarritiee, then Iianded tliese fabries over lu a Nvell kiitoWii garnient.mîake i before hi$ husx eastt>I begai; foi- this reas0j] 4ie uid4c icin tilp for close to oethîIwlat, later ini the seasoni,lie woîid have 1betit coulpelledi to echarge. T4e i-esvit Ï4, WO gîvug vn te snw neuadvîîtge as we sece.i ar w'in1gyuth e isai 'usduralenire Mst-Pd. v aior l r Y~otl'Il nuit fiuid a sufiit ite lot worth less than $20.10, and inatii wdwails. strifd, aWd plain serges in black, îavy, new brown. r ~ greeliand L,*ton snoe; 34 bieh eoat with satin ining, garan- teed for'-) years. Ilere 's snai> and style to eaeh garrent. Speeial, Nw dresiskilis A very strik ing model ihiake Wo diagonal weave, ini grayv. also al wvool panama hi iv and biaek. plaited .ith paneh ini front, si4de-s and baek, ,ý » IDreu . akirts $1.98 - Madle ot blaek panaîna and iÎoveltv suit- ings, (-Ut ful and plait- . É9 ed, $3.00 values, at... Kiens correct .Cl'e*- for Filland Wof If Vou want to Pec ýa heautiful lineof eiothes step into the Globe uind bave a look at our immense sho% n'g of the correct new styles for l'ail anîd vnter. Yott'Il fid bore as inipressive an exhibit as ever vour eves feast- e(l l1Jon. Tiiere is nothing laeking; everv new weave is here -diagona Is, noveity stri pes, elie- viots and eassineres; so are ail the popular ý coilor-ings, inclîîding the new shades of bipwni anti graY. rie est niakes of the eonnit-v are re- presented. ieluding ftic fnions Kaufîjii Pre-Shrunk gaments, clothe4 that have ehraetiýr and indi- ýjinaity tu theni; tlat give distinc- tion to the warer; taiored froni pure wnol fâhici oùlii, garaniteedto giv'e uîîegualled service. Our lne-s at$lO, $20.00, $22.50, $2.0f0, ani $30-0X0 are the strongest and inost eoul- pete theý- have been iii vears and represelît the iuîuît iu valuie. We cai fit voil, po inatter wiat vour bauld unav bc, as perfeetiv amil t- iAetory as the tîestuson alr.Doý A beautifuil s ef çlttieft enom- paring, favorahly Wi.yth any $5,00.1 garîinent, uîa4k, 'of Qbeautifu. - quality of taffeta, ilin lublsk,. deep shit re;d Ilouince . ..... . . . I Waah Pettioom - ('ut 1P Igood gr'ade oY blue?, pinkf" D- gryehaibs'aý, embroiderysw «fe at bottoni, . * â W 50,valuIes, at -,. ..... fi~ Re popy R rps" bqot for autumu ('a"boof l1t's as bautIsoine a style as Nv'c bave ever r nan-apîfareiitî± desfMm stedw ie.It esses the saine fleýxiliilitv% andi eoîifurt (1nitiés of ail Red T M.lqter conists o Lbe moi elect gradem o velaurcal!- - le , -h Yeaf nd durable; ires tire new bigir to lAi0t fth a Suvra -t ii Pny Styies fat, aut,,iutnî', iiiadle of a heav,%ygrade of Lin- wteave; front bstwýo rows ofinle tîîcks. and daintily émbroidered, otliers are absluteLy plain, theN' 4huttoîl oin fixe side and are triu-»ietl Wi.~vthi beautiful onean pea$r A b- iUtttnhi a bargain a .. i ilk Waï8te $L98-HandsOnlce É ilk w'aistrs, ade of blacék ta?- feta with attractivâe, nibroi- eedfote; lo e hi 1' Wc 3vant to try one of tlwoae ueiV boots on'yoûr foot, ;iud shiow you what reai eoîaîtfort voitcait iljoý iin a oIW Cros.; ail siles, Pai ............ *Vu w,««Iws shoes at $2.5 New short vampt effeets in eaif' skin anti patent keathi- crs, lace and buttonîý a slîoe that Wsmade for conifort, yet possesses. a superlative le- gree of Stye izes 21".,tO 8, .e245 CIWW=~'s ahoes 9$c - 'St>'- lish altoes for 'hildrcîi iii sizeasRt (o 8, vivi-kidwith pa4e.t;tips and elotb tops, £11Jlegther isoles, anticou a- ter,;-a sboe vou canunot u de$........ If you kvoîtk1-havethéýt , fte mIan at-. tied ini a nt!ppy up-to-date manuiê;ù bunr hîs ,al Suit at the.,(*kbe. '-ýt $4.ý5P we show a< line of >hor' sits i" that ceannût bu matched for tlîè tnoney. Tire> are tallrd of tre neuf casl mnefea and cylors. andsone trip ellecta » b nW bda !browux and . oai cmauer e ul They are doubleAwieAs*e4 st.yles with peg top kiiéh~~'tosrae 7 tg 17 years, peil'xvalues, at.. ...... - r. A* pIv~gd~Iof tailored hats -for Fall Just dr-qp liiioui-nilinery parlor toinoi- î'ow, atiîd et ic chaiTing colleetion iof tailored lbats %ve have to show vou.' Therp is a profusion of models on ex4ibit, ail of whîe.h possess that taîicl of elegance that inivariablv distiligilishes the Glo0be Inillin- erv. Wt tailor Our bats ruglt here 191 Our work roori; w, use offly the bert grades of! mu- ferl and empoy ony te otuatkiled mi- Iui rul. igeiubrau'es ail the late whiîns of fashiii, fi u d it the Madam Sherr ' here, as w-cil as new plain brini turbans and draped'bats. Thrce speciai priees we -are teaturig strongiy are: $3.95 $4.95 $750 >' > Unequ lpvelues in -sweater cornu It doesu't pav to buy a sweater ueoat ni1o's you et a good ine. Ours -are kiiit from the best gradés of MI tWooi varns, wiil give lasting service and fit perfeu4l ' . Yon caniiot equal our v alues, no iflatter Nvli»ie Vongo Women's sweater coats Misses' sweater cats- Children's sweatqrS- Knit froîn a finec gradé A perfect fitting gar- In red, %vlîite, aud gray, of ail wooud varui; couie ment, fanv weave, knit. lan.f altuy wcave, ini red. gra * andi bie, fromî ail ivool vr, ini with or witioit heit, faney We'ave, two poek- red, gray, and white; high iîilitai-y ,ollar, a ets, pee.iaI Ia&8ver>'low. p ' cd AR plenuhitisweater at a values, at . .... l at . . ... . Ae l w pi . ..... .