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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Dec 1910, p. 1

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D PENDEN WAKEA WEKYSUN VOL. XIX NO.1 SIXTEEN PAGESB LIBERTYWILLE, RA COUNTY, TTLINOIS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1910O'N T EIHT-1.0 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE -TBAT BETTER WAY" COUNqTY RAS 55,058 colony, turned pver 3.750 and a bi berd of cattle. His wife joined the Electiie Line Tells Of It inesu igr oplaon colony at the samie timte and is'still PoetryRGiui Tha a member, but swant soon recanted, s u q U g ý g rew w e a ry o f lo n g -h i e l f n d - left. He now brings suit to recover Whik Jt in generally lønown that for Lake countyt population by the cen- what hie Invested. eea onthls, efforts have beeon ssOf 1910 là 56,058. The twelfth Lack of appreciation is another Ire- -.---mae oSet the vared interes4ts of census gave It 34,504, whici4 shows Son why the Isralites are looking for matheCiagm iwakeElcrca gala of over 66% Per cent InteIanthe lite, It is said. They com.- RTSHE T lAoiLLBE 'Rairal opn oet ,fo SER F GTV era hl h lvnth census gave?&AY PECUTJAR RELI. plain that the residents of the city VENE AE"U I] A UnLARGED Te THAT Frost and the bond hldiers downa, mâ IBI424,215gaPoplatiopractically the GO SBD A E hv enhsiet hm hsi-BE E O E O Jitis an open secret that a reorganisa-11 - BD 9 A E hospitable treatment continues, they M EX) fo ZXTM tion Ja the end la view, one of 'the u zAfDisappontment will bie kPen hiere. HOIM Rmaintain. 1n spite of-the fact that the BARTENI &A ORS enations of the day la the myàt due to he fact that the new Popul-. colony annually spends thousands of withwhih te oganiersof he oadtiomem rechlIng 70,000 Wifn not give dollars In the city. ARDEPARM ENT POLICY surr R GIRL EMBER ASYRAY a r °coderas a "t°t""°"'"°' %YlNG ROLLIS"UNIQUE n'the°'°l'ny'°Beam °.u IDOL OF LAKE COUNTYYBAf an.ND one ýLnowf Who The state population by% the thir. la not In the best of health, and the pleins it except thbatFront, Otto R. tetIessi 5 3,9,tefth 4,1 Australian muembers of the sect feel ecm ed htTroops Hansen. of Milwaukee, the Caeaian Under Penitentary Sentence satssos, eleventh 3,826,3.1 we iembers Believe They Will the cold of this zone more than those Effects of Fall Several Weeks 1 ~The figures supplied are fro'm E. who are acellmated. Hence it is said Be Stationed Near d bnolders uth tIli b.sand Jumps Bonds and Flees Dana Durand, alrector of the censm;s Live Forever-Work that Benjamin is seeking a location Ago Had Fatal Outcome Capital Cities! Leres;ted. Who the guiding gentius 'à,atWashington, and conm dilrect fromn Withat ]Pay'where hie will bie less 4n the public -Burial at Belvidere. cant elere adisoelhus fat Rev. Wallace Stuckety of Pitte the capital to the 8UN --ý-- hmelight, Wehere the uncertainty of to pe'ultin olyburg, near Ottawa, Kas.,Jis a fugitive i D UT oAE NLK the harvests is not- »o great, and uaytw a em s Un e St am Wheosethearepganiton wi fnbron justice with a price upon his B TSAN H LL oNT"TPRSN.heretthe elimiate will be more benle- BlieeiNv-9-h e à he a ust e pl ac iz e pa fytr ar ofiZion City.. eNDgray-haired members of ma is of e late Judg. e Ro ert y pstabot conty, or .Arrested menths ago in Waukegan Cmahns ffoc.hSeveral deths have oc Sheridtan ilbut timcontal, port yt.x e p ht ateas deeta is keyteyin compagny with Daisy Irene Suther- Ín iy' ace Aios ivain ofDioneurred icat the gyHouse of David, whicH.,Wright arrived.in this city at TheLak contygovrnmnt il coe i abut ourmoths . ln, one of hie flock at Pittsburg, Jee sTine.Crosbyite itorFre o Ziofity s rfle liscone,rtinig to somae Of 2cTch tiatron tary pont will be enlarged from à gar. M"antime the generai physical cou- with whom Ise vwas living, it is aI- Zion City. e ovro the uneasy memibers, who are led toa Th-ue ra 'l ckwil bureld Ttr- grison -postas now te-& regimentalst ao fte odhsnve ena eged, and whom It la charged lhe led :Z ionCt ufrd h itnt Parh i eiv ta fte aeo aith - it fTnius eda t eclocmt h bria.a have been abardama, nper!y as can be learned, Is net cauis- andl sentenced the penitentiary, but The first was When,ate the local, SpiritFruit COlO l Wo anr. d w1l1 never die. .me ar of winnebagoend ty Preident Taft ls to makle the rec. ing any kicks taohbe registered, the re. as diseappeared. engaogement of an operaliroue ora Lake.ayat oete bnch there on many occasions. Judge mttdaan wlatndhef ommendation ne commander.in-chief cevers are practicing overy economy,ý ndet entertainment, the mysterious terri. rgtw 8yasod t u. nerai Thursday in a body. that they bie abaendoned. te rps omiti h ra n Now hislaMt hope hasgne uet tory back of the sceine was found lit- Holy, Rollers, at Zion City. Wih a NyasodH ssr The Boone county bar meets Another thin grsteeded bsfore the te rps aiatti h odI action, of the Kansas supreme court, tered with cigarette buitt Christian Assrembly, at Zion vived by h is widow and dauighter Hel- oorw Lakecouny sldie aaner ecoms aIts present higýh standard of efficiency 'and he will be arrested an sight and .Thge second was when T. .Nwl iye. h eewt i he h n oorw regimnfottai gatherng place I oredrr their stewardshipi, there re brought to prison to serve a term of °f Russell, 111, the new owner of the SCtteigfMomn came, and by one son, Robert W. Jr., Th dretcueo Jdg money frorle the wardepartmient. mna.u prveensthat can and*Wil easPBsdethraicndrtodtob Of Swees, formierlY opel ated M. who is awayfatoschoo.Wrights death wu à~ablood colo onT ositl biefae a sries art ii h- made ont the p-operty and the (-.ar». be a reward of $10g for his arrent, fr ytciwasfounid to be of- encany, New Thought, Mental Sei he 'l wat urst had ll nWue ntebai asdb l e In regard to Fort Sheridan and Its I aaky riwtd never admrit - The third was In the form of a foo. Wauke an and Lake county gntoweso e asaowe ala akgn hswsd Importance to this district. These facts repr-esent absolutely al]l1that tthere waf anything wrong In h abalgaea ouhon.1eten he BetnnHabo tcaNv 8Hotel Washburn rm r termined finally today. But there 'a mo to the mraiter thmat an lbe learne-d of the rond just 1relations with the Sutherland girl, w.as BarnesBibleacleby fJdeBno abrmylsiscloyo vnn ri.Teei neteey Members Of the Lake' eounty than this., a o.Am Plenow t xcept that n hien uie greorganiza-'a nmarrIed iiiàn with children, an ed- Smoked Cigarettes. Flying Rollers" andd some other it Yhg eet ako henrhsd ori indaue, whre tgin esto The policy of the warepartmnent !tien takes place. Mr. Pros;t xesti beitor or a loca5 papler, an iei)nister of The grand opera troupe made aun may be chosen as the gathering place East Water street, and as the jurist mjrt eie eeunnn is t d.striutethe my n reime mei an itor andl not the pres-ithe Christian church at Pittsbruimmeferbithwith Zln i peoleftes wlv ottribes of 1srael. tepped down fromn this walk tocross in paying high tribute of pralle a d ta] pos;gs. If the armny was of suffic- dlemi or mnanager of the niew road. Whien hiefled tige city'with the Suth. one discovered the cigar it"liim t Is extremely possible that thehortotemmryfthlteug ent strenigt h teie lmrtuent would DesMchAvetiig. rhand girl. He was eleverly trappedl back of the scenes. There was an an-:colony will locate Lniié ke ountypo. . Brakeman IDjured.RoetMWrgt.fth:di ocal#e a regirient near the capital city Dc uhAvriig in comnpany witn the girl in this city gry smormn,In the course f) which it siblyna Zion iy pnwihBn Rarely.has there -bean auch a tribut» of every stat e Inlthe Union. (Of late the road has done much Iàad-,b e .N Tckro h hplcame to light that the primva donna; ynaro tuonwih e-Edward Hogan was knocked fraim to any man. It s probable that tht There Is no longer any lIndian frain- vertising and the following lie hd Inclusded In her contract a clausejanoneethseyprmiganheltfmofamksatnltebrwl fier tg, guard, and Jisagenerally 9Poastreet Christian church, and through t h i éiitdt)ýloi g-,alliance with the late John Alexnderattend the funersi inles a bandedllil, atrreed by the offBeers of the depart. taken from a souvenir card bearing!his aid turned glver to the local and tafh epritdt nk ia oi hex rStra vnnafwmlsws n idat memorial reumltn ment fitat itlsa abetter plantoastation a picture if the new parlor cars On'aerwards to the Kansas auithorities.r s ewer ah fhrcubr.ouortr s omuiyo Fy f aeBlf.Itses hth wst b pea nth or tropsnar lrgr itis- te lmhd raisisa sampl fte O1ce adSnene. Te Soclolindiyteo n cStrsf r i Z er, numbering t wenty, now a brakeman on the Northwestern and The death III the signal for wrIdeep tf the gov lrermentieverurn the mens roted t: tuani f-ece wandiraly ater in affet-stthe fNll tpyaces ore n y u hyar o se-wslain oeml asot 1teadsneemunn sutffleient funds the war depatmen "TAT ETR A - . worn away, and while manyr haneafally-prominent or strong as yet.enThe rear car of the milk train when his WJud o will begin the .construction of regi-. mg trial not without its Pathos, con- sneaked Into the stora os hl iSNdsace eram ttBenga- oot lipedéadéhefelItot d edoet 1W. Wrig h o Bel ental ponts: Plans have been lpre.Bila(ck Anthracite met Phoebe Snow victed in the (d'strict court of Frank- dozen graw" or "two dozen fries," themnPueltehaofheBtn Hkegon.drI.,ddat1'cckhi øn ired Iby the quiart'erumster'sdepart- lTlha t was years and years ag, lin county. at Ottawa,Kas., oti two lalleged violation of the old Dowie rudee Harbor colony.this m ig e ,wstaent her J ane cAls ng the fec hosp tlbitaCico r &o.' en t for regimental barracks. The Wydown teast-not gat a feast. -ounte. and sentenced toa atermi of Is still too fresh In the imintis of the, iani y, morel nd ig ieiterhopith ailwer asoe o wsfou hlHe lefe fau fallit see weeks rracks are ito) be bulilten a city Peuple to Permit of peace ;n the eit enjain Pu nell and ShisanfththeflhacusdoefhsH cks wifin a court ih the enter. " By (n a ralmad track, yor know. S-ears in the penitenitary. of the white dove. Miar%, fouinded the coloyte ar;Bnto armis to bie broken in threPlaehad erng crcui jug of Boon eh an arrangement Jitwoald bie lpos *- Were sot and smoke Inftidust and! Appealed His Case. Al the football gamne F. .Wilton, 1Harbor six years ago, and it nlow has iland that his back wais hart. p a es drneigbring whcunte forolag dle to station a regiment at almost dirtHe appealed big case to the su.- a haberdasher, playing with the Btible500inhabitants. Benjami éihsrprtda woptl etmrigas arsprornetoHwch tiellhe wa Y place withjout an extgraordinary'lHad always held sway, pjreme court and was released by inat clas& teilam, sprained is arm iand is the doctrine f iminmtinlte à ah rpored a the sptlnetmp or nIn Chitate's an eta wl nw It Is no -longer regarded sas necellpidtr fmnyfrra se.1 'hi- pplIlv adIetatnkcutotabdof240pnig 4 to 0. eemied by his followers who con, that there were smnaillfears that theth re oPehtlhoMob -ry to ahastttala large mnilitary reser-.Il was, the onily way. appeal. Estate Transfer Detoyed. tenttedly farmi the 800-acre tract of ý fall wvould result seriously the dstretote fotinge mndjtdge ation fordrillgig urposs. I is ew coes te fas eletricPrior to the hearinig. 11oweve, The fresh anouincerguent -was nmade lanîl gwnied by the <organzto;wr-y . h itne1othi otnadf thought a belter plan to train trooiesaso reciuefnt, smoqroth and cleau, stuey disappeared and is bond»i last week thge: the Zion transfer to ing wýithout pay except food and(' lodg. n his heakhis hand bigbusd entestrpets of e til attelsonoun try 1 jus t ghebe beat a ile, men Iat once offered a reward of $106 1 s a ato talo lace wihetheffe ig ndpaietl aaiin temile- auin ablckey adsevere pine. aby e ouhtinsetld outres a r th aira unb tem o hsaet ht "bills receivable" and accountsheiniurn.- Ben Ryani, said to be a former well Due to neuritis, he was unable tocon- there may oon no logers he ay Tu. Limed TrainsWhen the case. therefore, came tupodue are the matteýr which is holding 1 Benjamin says lhe will be the ruler k snown Chicago Foxilistvmerios tGrashndvrareevntwie cant spiacesoin ti onryfor l a-Lrge FdTast Tmefor hearing before ithe Kansas su. up the transfer and that while Voliva of the twelve lost tribes, now nm isngovemt.o'Rvr rveluchfless to aid himself in a falltand cattlees hr inbeonr orore tF rs iequn e c rm eut fiais eefldtansists.-that the imoneys]due the estate'brn bu 4 0 four miles West of BarrinÏton, Ill.. the result of the fall was a compJeten Fresqofthe Wilerness Ince the signing of Ithe contract shail j 4,'0persons, and un-an ýpoeE n atu aolpud tthnevieok tbefre th is pn of ratn.rg iatsStuckey ha4 disappe)cared, the court ome tohim of right. Calbe & 31eIKIn- til a few days ag, we eot fi s e lyr mnOary olpedet h etd h mental eseths neait rtelaectinre- Tris a ly Betwee susaiewtemoin odimssteponrudas ie ogtte. tecotmltdrmvl ts omeBohem an rer, featrslitatie was and the downright Injurie. Imta be carrie ot the iarbe eesry FTvansnadlwauktee. ppalhs bond was forfeited, a suit It is reported that Pu agentt ofa big ohr0 ctinbgn eno brburned to death in a tire which de- The late Judge attended court the to abandon the esmaller posts that has been brought against his bonds- a nig a. thed cons wn ale-ncy, gin was accepted by allas the l f1 f strydarin óf t h buildingsgllyan on the nextwn day btws bied-osurne hae ee minaied that Pres-Soldiers Ama.ult Gateman mnfoIh $,00 n ofeteae s te osat ýI alaes tgadgtherJng. Now all sOparn ar xcptte esdnc dry gtadeonythfoina w s d theegrr- A ishooraby dichared slgle now trying to locate im. As soon as would last, four years in charge of changed and miost of the "Rollers" are Modyngti ruh o ec optlweeh tngeout of thisipolley tnd wil-l refuseo'p.e hi s located lhe will- be conveyed to Zidh and could not hoH upli)1anY long- preparing to move. Ryanwas seen gong to the batrn, died. to ntrfee ithth ablihentseof òfthe United States army, wearmg the penitentiary. e.Ti shrl eltd.Mn utain nCln one of the ildig bre. ut e ine Character. the poste as provided for- in the gent- hi, uniformi still, although hie had no When) Purnell came here and estab- fore the fire 'broke out, and not a Nertscppdhmsobdyha earl order right to wear it according to post ate. Railroad Alse8sed Valuations; Rob Freemfan Clow Ilshed the "Flying, Roller" h il trac has en ondfhm ice l.h irs ha tclarntpied wt i - -- thorities at Port Sheridan, together Couinty Clerk A. 'M. Hendee has re. On Tuesday niight somne one entered srmall place, hie had only IL hum1are ho 1igh parties of searchers are raking lf adi aie emnli DEATH I L4.KE with a le e an sai a enought acie h olwigasse au.the house of Freeman oiClow and thor- imore-converts gathered fromain oe h unsoh und ulig an eviually to give up ritig ltgth - tionste of railroadsant of Lake%'cannty -oughly ransacked thé house' after paebtltl yltl h edrand dispatches are being sent to vari- er. ewsualropror h W e11 KnWn Wiscnsin 40year old Northwestern gatema" fthe s t ate oadof ea iain gigte ocupntsnTteystppdlacsaddedto]il íess, ions helereun as points that Ryan might bie sought, merest personal services. for himstel Huneris roned to opposite the, post at Fort St. Paul, $597,183. to e t sanme lunch fouind In the pan- til now hie either owns or le#ses 800 . Fire Disastrous One. In his later days. HUILtr isDroflielî Sherdan.Chicago & Northern. $119,804. try and made their getaway with thefgr acres of tillable soil, runs an amouse- The blaze buried all~of the fartm There never llved a better man or Schyle Warou, wne ofFla..The only clute by which the post hcg&Notwsen$6539 booty, somiething like $35 In money,. ment park in the summiner and spends buildings except the residence. Loss a finer character than the late Judg beaulode i th Wiconin ildr athorities and the north shore police Elgin, Joliet & Eastern, $439,754. On Thursday morning Iwo suspects the winter months sending mission-.nbidnsi L0.Tee a oetWih.H aeu a beo ndgean tunicltonthe Watdrusape otobe atrg th tsold sultb lwake aeLn,$4,6.1rearse ntewoso h ristruhu hscutyad$500 Insurance on the barn. Loss on practice that nettedIhim over $10,00M 1 1 Miwauke a & Misisp$2Vle,6 $3 - Gere eelaindthfarm. T he riesbroad. Tday Btonbi Harbonr, y dthe contents of buildings wll reach a year togoa on the beoilitandoncee braters of Waukegan, was drowned Vita in the fact thant Vita bit the dinger 40 thoroughly searched but as notýIng the existence of the Israelite colony,$.0,adteisrnews$0.teesoe ossino n on FPlambeau lake In Wisconsin oa me an thea bou eThe search ls for WsosnCnra,$4,4. of the nature that would indicate entertains moreAustrallans than will' h ie rk uta as ih adjdciand temeameknt templedwit Thansgivng ay wth acom anion 1-1 a hlag son&sin lwntaukee34Eec. 5,85thema as the men were found, they be found lin any other part of the its origin Is wholly a mystery. mryadhmnknns H a while olng aynitrip Acodi ot Vtaastri e. Caiaockhiago&elwaukeewererleasedGrayslake 'TImes. country. Australia has proved the Fox River Grave la the former fa. the MI of the Lake eounsty bar nd The death le a particular cause of hi ligt Vtashh r e was I Electric, $31,560 most fertile of all lands for ,enjaminvrie cm paefrCiaopc h a fhsdsrc n naåo gref here due to the fact that many teco laeheu1et n Assessed valuations of the capital Will Fly for $5,00.o hr i rahnsh tkn kr. the obench e ws ustciinand mprtiq Wankegan and Lake county hunters dtdejudge of righteousedecision, An frqetdFaba og n nwtired as soldiers, entered the shanty stock of various corporatior's: "If Milwaukee will Puat up a purse seed and produced res; . Instincts. The district utf thffeveen Wosnunte r anFlamnea6:3up. . Mnda and askd fr Bruce Ice Co., 1,000. of $5,000, Walter Brookins will make Various reasons are given for the Died at Throttle. distInct loss by 'his deash. s oneer intimately. Local relatives con- match. As hie turned to get It both Citizen's Electrie Co., $1,000, round trip flight ta Milwaukee fromn Israelites contemplating a miove fromil Michael J. Crowley, engineer on the ----- &rm the deathr news. Few details are attacked him, aone wielding a club over Highland Park Co., $1,000. trait onThursda.d . Hema, e Michtiga n hefarothe. ruitCicago, il awke on&bst. Punrod asinon, .Comm ov 2.tee known, h~~is head and felling him to the Highlard Park -Safe Deposit Co., Mr.- Herman is an Inventor andcropjastpingndbrsouhboss, asing dhiedg i n t c a hie onhi ruo Wsigo. a.Nv 2-Car istatWtru adhi omalorpose was robbery. Vita was beaten Lake County Title & Trust Co., 1ts wth one of his limproved machines end of worry. Fruit has been a big Crowlev lived Pt 108 Thirty-third runittee on naval affairs. wherein la de- laetthei dath in anarrowhleopn hdy buttehedbu eorstht$,00ha t e Ukn id Smakrebhis trip source of revenue and -has contributed street with is wife, and a son 5 years veloped the administration navl pull- MicDermott lake, two or three miles there was a big piece of fron on the 1Hotel AMoraine, $500. according toahbis mntepar et orsth okin tWh ley i 736 ,Mwlle ohertoorow to gfiet bl fraim camp. Moses Klauber of Miadi- end. of the club are not borne out by North Seaore Consolidated Gas Co., "It would nmean a good deal to Mil. gatentbaofathe olony. o Bn-o'cl • ithe trineeit Cor a the:3 omite1oehe oilnlerto Jonwaswit M. Wtros. hethe facts, as Vita was back at work $16,000. waukee, as all of these earlier longjan'hndsasoieduonB- best of health, but a short distanc.1 of thle naal appropriation bill for drowning took: place on the 23rd, thecnext day after havingspent the night hsac ihsaemkn vainHI h attreyas down the road hie gasped an d 1fell for- t ll EieO daybeor Thnkgiin, istadofIn Fort Sheridan pont hospital. He ila .Herel8 Your Chance. hstry, leman isis atwork Halfa dozenbrich men and women ward to the floor of the ecab. The fre-é i"hedsd Chairmgan Fousfto on Thanksgiving day. Al Seifert And unmarried and lIves In Highwood. The County Clerk A. L. Hendee of Lake, landing stage for aeroplanes to apsessio nse the lontred teird oatbendi fowarid, cagttecopeemlaenig, tebllbfn 1 James Hull, tWO Waukeganites who probabl-1e purpose of the assault was county, -who retiresfromn offiee De. used on battleships. 1Hisinvention, (lieon s ovefnfr t te sreltefad1"m awfuly sie pa o the dyn ateChristmas holidays and have fit

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