CPI£f F. LAKE COUNTY sp ~ . .. 1 . . ........... ..................... .............. 4. Lbetvle E doha r VIDAY, DIECkMBJsKR 2ý.1()O. TI! EADLY RAILAtOADB. d SMf; ijutred $3,347, Il ,the grlaly report Of raiiread accidents con. i he inter,4t4ti Commerce Commissien's annuel figures made Public K~ Why muat our ralireada crente an arnRy of wldows yearly, anld quctrIY wltiithe. eméli of ether and heeptal bille, whie the Englih éeWYtletflpet hy à year havlng kIled scarcely a passenger? ttîerY le that th laber unions have eo protected the workman from 0M ch he ae ot b... mode te sufer from the frutita of caroiesanesa -we %»Ul cme aven celff te -thse trutis bysying that, our rllrond * -Oê h" e a p reW-hat thoerahea meot been turne or money for the ýý4s Odugîte Iuild afe rcad Ii»e % btweeq two citleà of hunldrede ct W à ~f distance *pan t u !slanid'a tight littie loie, nisere the eAr- r telle JUOtlY the Mostel eabeftte devices against iaccident. It le an inq <6 rua achue traclc lin hundreda of miles acro% prairie where Motinte tese eatty ta psy for high devetepmet aicnq efety 'Ines. ne la à spirit cf dare devil reehneae about th. Amercan tamperarnent cW tcaiy arocad men te tae.meny chances ln train running. The looded Englieh engineer wne gala hie train tafely ever iei level pro- udtweu~ h ewy bhun ecedues han lx came te running over 4taieue ur.~~d~,Vaee, od n nand eut among the. frsight A5iâ rW r ice cof cur beait developed roade do have quite s good record1 as ce- fe*ty. Çno mana they edopt towarde that end ia te quickiy qat rld Who *have a tsndency te amathups. If they mýut taits gambies, thoy te o a.Into, agame niiere the teke limit fe something lewis' than hu tes ad wdows' bonee WI4AT WOULD VOtO ADVISE ROOMT NOW? b edés* regrotabie thet conditions pertainIng te public Imîrovement Waulchgen are tuch that thoir expoeure tende tg hurt end discredit. d:ocdi loct ec muets the hurden cf our cty as thoue res3onsilie <fie cl> ia ls.eth aeoneibie no Ie: "Cas. publicatien cf al w te defecta4, eu-vrs and traudi1n Improvements in pregrese or whicli pWeu Itbsuts the city, jeeparixc ite credit and ehouid ho stepped K"~ fiseus*0f011i whoc daim ta.hae.tiiecitys internat go muets et OUte roallas they ae sonze te do tie seNtppinge thie errera, defecfteeid fraude end youMetp ail posibilty f discred- ubegeW*c creif. Sw. te ait ldy hy end permît continssance of- practîces thet chat the tu-t Do w. net wat thebhat poceible tewerand paving construction ,ucce> exponded 1 Are we net Peylnoodèquately for these Impu-ove- te It te thIe tetof te is»j.eI* thetsicomineofcntractere;and b f# 1lo mtrwite of Improveamants liaI sggregate ln CM thundre de iimW f deliéraf t.b»~.rp.licy te appi>? thie 'Sft pedl" end encourage these practices thco <h.u? ubllity*in the end wnul amuse that public genthient *ietthse oalY remed*for lihe condtione ef iich certain Parties »"*yMnt nothing ead. !ffy a &bult tseonry curefer th evils w. are -Oesling wth Mogt Iti IUeýt publoty cansst accompIIs tise cure, but il clii arouge the puu- Il ee <at a acot phlahed tome of sur offticiis nl mend thoir neye, 1110,11Ir tM thede té fceer abuse, thaet fOnt diecredit thom, *nd un- ~U1lwlilb. ompliaised, oft tut the tax payere and citizen. may GOT l~J(It ras thse mot trying experflence 1 0f the twenty-five years ot hie Young rli»3 Xid-lit.eand.Genesasys lie doean't vant "d butt efe, thonguiseaaref tise eý t tbe nlight-trecd 0W ee oc Z ne Al h s. This w ua <tiiO *y ket lb- *loW la g ay eit got Çqute rarm ti r bl ie i l u t e t e a e . reIW ,ýlie at g -oe t-au yoiiii men Vai. a lasi ho nili e cardateg dad> juttersial soîe. Tisesitie 1/wîwoofg"W'andt a sceluperig ait. Tise feet cerne torard hlm. tree vas near adGene ved Up tr. iptore you'ceuifi say -"Jack ~Act. Hie ecratcisci a match. tre. vas eurrecd bY back im Rv els~yce cht gleameti 0"l o et mver. on eves-ye ade. btbomffit of ail ties tortea lie ever- boarzd of inoceasebding tan ber hi reivea-WOLVUS. BMe le # tm agein, md tie . me Oud thoe ee rte. Ipnthe iPark. iwet by sud Ik veut £ftiliy ,At laut thse asima rnessevonf. &WOuiaMay'dey vas dawnilg. Wwily 't r» a dieu vieboa gt 1« Tbc edilacovercil tihe reaon I frelou* animal$ hlntise gosk. 'se'tIuiTyaul rlglt. Jijat ýAM bail eaapedtu-M a Aloken '0ieeud tho Sern a ma aier- w« takeu tiem home. 'Tber M!*"dowxiaodth"tseypeact 00 adMeand cf the "Mber- tb age rettuinng berne. oe uwsy andi vent for- had fiwgu vaspoor lu ch. a ms.las we a m gom 3 l ess cr-at eu m4 Wb,fu'tbPtrue ralsect. ~uOeU an 1 d n plsog ý t0' h* * l uesue"d t-oàL lns be vomi due ,o:eige bau-e eu amtwMu se n w M 0" t 5e1»ulVery ever ta he tu-ced agaln hy farmyard pis or valves, or lions or . yhlsg sise But h. ls cafe, though he dîi get awtully colti. Your Iiusband may bo a lîtti e çarele@B, madam, and the pictuire ihowtu how you can help him keep hie healtt. Put î i8radIey. FuII.Fasbioned Mutiler ots hic ,i,,rk. <jt tise color iselilkt-e. Tise itssffei viii fit him, become b lm, and keep iA hiouilder-i, epiue. neck sand cheot v*ATM utd omy. te balet of Duck (Joate very cheap t) o e oOnt. M. B. COLBY MERCANTILE GO. choses hi au expert for ou- tratie, tise aaaartmeut ai CUT-GLASS ghosuls er. eontstihse thé. hisit ren'"'e. af the makeu-'s metili. Thse piecon iare dilinétly isandmoss, im wsIî ettc el ss-i0lucesi. "y arP juthtie klnd t,, tdoru <the tahi. nu- aî'lelscsrd iviile m-s-ing a useful r .r- pssee. Tise pricerviii eticouroge .,t A HUSS THE JEWELER Lîbertyville. 111. The Mos Butifl CHIRISTMAS Thïra she Rewa4,& MILLINERY Tist the renard Plid te t a poilce. Voile. Madocare and Ladie Furn- mna or thtie captsurcet a decerter- s. I tram thse United Sftates simy caonnu: lehings for thé holtday isade. statleisatusre letiseposîtiais tak2 FIJRS and SWEATERS isy tise ver departinent. We aite have aboult twe dozen Lades, rufgias been made lsy tise r- de= :1s t luI reepouee te a re- Misses and Chitdeens Caste and <uct tram *e commander aftie De-.,lscketp. Somne cf hem loft-avers, pamnt af tIn NfP.lleeari au- a decte- ao o awnif t hia reetly been ne wili sol i tane-haif thoir ceat. enactei by -tise I'1.. tate '.glMatur-e. I the lowa h an <fl rÎld tisai ail reverdi I mo eyi that may le Cali te set-Our poods piti te a palcemau for extuaordliary services muet bu îukned over to the M l(TM poicemnesospensian tAssd. M.A. PROTjaîINE Tise question te nov findeu- canelder uBEtrEu~V,.. i atlas sy tise aorner gbsnera of lors, 'anS thse commader ofthtie Depart- mient o e tisMseoifJe eqseted. to adi li hattention te the rulit# eofise wat depasitrnent l iitg tise eplq ed tiatloi 1sc4'laallerc.i.lirI te, renie ervlcc et aI eheuiti bu regarded Masdo«0ubdn ucdcriatraet k cfne reltien vritit tiseUnàd t andutS AROI SALES ONE PERICENT tisat bamy ect- cf elallon o00tie part of ties tate wviicisoult depre i etfl ,11 et te rai compensation Wiilisrf b. la - Pi-ONE 1431. entitlcdtirecels-e sn4er tise Ila set tise Ufl tS tes mter oetcs ervlc ieWii ________- tal Ka rthe icsamo reàsoacuas vs appîfeti by tisee sprerne court t6 thse 10.L wSTRARNS mater of taxatten 0W stateat tise 'pal LÂWTECR 1. 2138W..hingon Strft tant d~ea tise fro e-risîici ch Waskegmz revard le ofre. l therefore tise 'Phama 2761 opinion otfDaUlce tiat t4#i$Utut> In quetion choudt het b. truieS7 'W evesisatise- rWards pld hy tse s ARTff t C. DHCK United States fer tise appréeina sud deliveru- of deaeuters.'l TRATNI=NBWCOWI mmbe le Opp. Ifitits.t. Electu-le Station-iBo TUÂTWE~TNUW OWIÇmci . uw'flose 58« Be. Phsone 8608 th*e 31008t, uset 001S let clbeoom, 'mge*- Yebave er o l y < NýZTI RCRICAGO. ILL NOIS d«oe a ite <lUse tu ruadlug th- stor-e a". istor yoe toiode opc -si 'ssait Do' . mateu-ala t b une&i.lry% penture films and i lfuotraw gs 51~iihai tRme A ". pge otS Ils. Lvglas fIor Sais or E etiau ZTho A litilea Wnt AdieU do ILMCOEN Vl SCSA el- ,w. -rb s #u an .a.MW s .slt "r COç ..Oe th"tMA&udu IGIT * ~ t<'f- auwith ep4vhast, l' he "-a Caic g ..of Nomr Yoek i½ve 23 llamuo* h Oe. r qfanion.F&*" sDulln& N.wYod)aan1,'!Z. ;d A-,the maki"îgof w quEtp ffldMW t..ia.r.ctx. hav . e u sat batg . tmal dmur he e ; .a lem Yuabat shawoiesSeparatOr in your dairy ,is ut If spasu"icr. tiese auField 9i butter lu laver ci Ohot tesWisaB casitor2e:parIo ver cmveutis;eeon thse loul Ir 0" et M bêpr#40r e ar. sud Me gau over muetnt et sekeamrwttsDe muets mut. 2d. If Yeu, a eisepemasi Ume. usee of thlie best gravitî ceemègers. tugr tise moul ever able udltioss.7ossr £ais lu YWW d01 btter by ibe uni of tise iarples a sb"lr lelsabrUor wilt b.- la ecresofiqnWunde for everv isundred poess ffljou»y made. If Yen art DÉait s aesu tis e st giavlts' reaner under favorable -wondfitiue. tatin.latck ot e, -Mod watr or l". Four galn ahi b.eau éseesOfut tenty potini. Il Foui ume au luterlor crusmer crepiss, Four sein wtl mu truie tweti'-Ave te ifty puusd dependini ou isow Iserlur iisy are. ,3d. Ou théint etssi usilirof reni or butter le asore silleuit te maute à dellise sumaassî ms berdup s"Y iwO dairuMan 'Mub ueme smuuuo et re about taseli daims or male Ise dame cuatitu- et butter but. otlser ttisisige sequat. w. gIarutee tisa i 5, tise beit darimlsls il iAd au impruvemessiluis e qutity ut bisbutter equlsateut lgoisr-eeete toi". eos ver potina by tise usi.etfosse mpsster. abîle tise aversateeu earefsss dairrssseu ahi cuure a butter woltis fries WOver cent te 10 ver cent more tissuwitlsuttise &adofttise Tulstlar eparator. Thes kltn-mttk. boletg can Sd freuit. wt b. mutis mure vaiable for stock food. ft ai be wortis tron twet7-five vensetee oty-Irventa ver bussdred pouasodfor ainet te.dtg, dependlaa larele on stihe ag fen t ock inaiicis h igled. SBot îoid .11k la weriis ibout one.ittls of tkl muouni. ab1. Th ise a m udsdur o u ie astisor basinstise »pmeusaatomade listeboleite ise îs stale. maithse skls-»U MK&f lergii tigs tok White tl la wsrm. Qutise natlu mat Pau.s. ai% oe.. sud the as abinsd natonfer came, add a isssnsred asdcet c ise s.avinsas. ee so te 0itein. Sh4ib wi &se Mount go a trest des) lu tise assegace lOb. ,TChere Wlll be a aine ofle. If »Ysur esed. and! tbeise an d res. , uadlilse the, tee.1 1h l* e veaarr oeil te rcul nSontise Isaranteed lieressetu tueeField ut butter sud lisetonr- auteed lmprssvengeut lu quality 10esable Fou lu sue. ise atmolutely nes'ecery la a truper separ- lot te s datrysuas,. sud hIsun tder noe civemsitamssvevauss be bs uv-ee8ul e tisut tune ab SoId. by M. B. EGER, Libertyville. Q sality ansd youllb. suprh.ed *0 E. W. P ARK11IURST New stock o't dure Wisconsin 0 SCINC LK-0. Buckwheat, the saine brand 0 Î* we have alwayjs hnl PIN 47:Corlett & Frpdttrkks L lBETYVILE LL. LIBERTYVILLE * Down by the. OId Deoot AUJj KINDS, 0F'COAL ~ '~~::AND WASIIED AT DUR *;).IN BTCLEAN GOAL,* PUPF' CLEAN, SWEET FEEDS -. HOME 0F THE RED COMB0 POULTocY SUPPLIIES STEWART *STOVESARE 6001) A coniplete. tock of Base Bornem M ot Bidets* Oak Ileaters, Stoves oendRauges. COMBINATION OAS AND COAL RANGES LETlUs ShiOW YOU SGRANUK J. DR. e. V. 511Ht GENERAL PRAOTiOE tsurs10to 1. 2to sd a 1t . . .office 0,cr Lynchs Sies. -Stee. M. M. raves. AUICTIONEI SPECIAL ATTENTIOS TG TU£ET£sE LIHIEMtYVII.LE. limeiNOISDi PAUL MAC~UPN A,¶'OINY Ar Là*. LAblbe'ys-le, Ilnl Offioe te N. Geomepa St. itegisleure Phoné 4WJ lise. 144 EisnwousiAs 'WÀUKUGM'l.î lU.. IHEIR RIGilI TO KNOW' People who intru8t thoir monoy to a bmnk want to knowV somotblng of it.. financlal .tegti. We fullY rooognlze thia right, and gladly furnish dfd~pstor with a lst of our directers and stock- holders Thon, frOm tirne to Une, we publiah reports .how1ng the condition 'o! the bank. Coptes of these reportsanar kept on hand fer those who wi* tW seo them. Lae Outv fnation l ask Capital $5"0, 000.0<' Surplus and Profits 30,001).00 Stockholder's Liability 50. 000.00 Total $130100ô.00 I LOTOF TYPESJ SW. have pureisead a large number ai Manufacturer@ $ample pieccaoa s' Mohair ant Wou-ted lieuse (oosa, ail higis prîceti goode 'Tise@ pluce are vide and rus up ta i% yard laln inti, sitable. Atfou-Soceise, Mufflera, ec, chaire for .......................... OC Ai Unes Rucela Cuas for fàncy nork -yard.................. :-********"**....,***... "'"........... 16 Asstier lot of <boa. Kitted Skirt. black or grey Spucal lot ai Beys' Sweater Caste, isandone braves Peae.......s ..................-...... ......... [nants single Crib Blankrets S GROC ~IES "aPleinse Îos bottle.............................. j........................ 32r Freai Reaut (autemala CaUft.1...l........i...............................lice 80,cer Du-p. or Kara Symup enu,...................«..................moc orilf piipared Bsckwhcat pkg............................................ 12@ tW. W. C ie1 o i i i i I I L F h b j il a I sol, per cati mis Natie lntemaebt vent ofi dralnag 1910,t Seaveyi County aud tise 8. Kera. affiue st lbe-ty, lotis da ln defau tracte o ment af amasint A. 1). l a halt d Sis-en et or estef . 1 m - L 11 y 1 g-1 r.,*- RC %.ýdi 1-