[«Tomtcgt ijatt Pas Il -coant>' CeleLuis l"eu- &neandx-Ceni AI 1enies ere bath viii, bouquetasnofSaon by I tblrfeliawwvotkrain lu foiet0 jiteespet whueh bath vee ccordid .fi.otier peculiar fature aiftae e ,Oflter A lite counl>' cleri's deai la '1tb.tt las>' 1,eyi>D Mnde.e cÔeeP- .>p4 the alile of coint>' eleri sud aise *ýjstn0ud bis tventy-nluthb îthia>'. -1Th'e tvar celebrailos cainitg bth lbé - Oe dsg la aomelhIng cht las uat I'- bei ore lu tht cynut>'. Bis, bou&btfl$$0.ooo vas approved about -avosago sud goes lto affect ta- day. At Hendee. the' retliIng affIcar, hbas 1014 ,thse Office for te putî elStea yeats. andiaster 1te expiration af M loc ceeschou ail 1the van aif1the noce la runiiug amoothi>' ha vii le aomnmoroeIu'hhe -orne. ailb. 'Shrl imer Green aud CouiL>' Se~pernteuiiut Otf ichOls bath tbai tb oathio! office and steppedI n" their dettes viitoul an>'ceremtoO>. The bond o! Arhur Smpson as achool auperltefliant vas approvei sund bh oIonk te osîli aioffice Ioda>'. Mie bond vas fen about $10.000.. .-carl Westei fielti vBa aiagvenJieo oath ai office and lnslalledlunite Of- Jlac o! the CaUnty treasurer taiS>'. Mils bonefç, yul esîlutate neani>' $500.- *000, threo, seaate bonde ueing ne- quirai tan Iis of15c New and Old OffIcers. ýjudge joues bas earned areputa- ten ,fer. and vIde ton tatrn«ean sd ,upnlghfness, and as one a! lie ablesl luises ln the étale. Hlmanuceamor la su ahi. young man cha vili make genmeil> gondi. L 4, L.A.Mnde la a capable son - o - . U- A- li euiee. for elteen Y-a- cjMtyu, y. don. HeowsataeIbusness of hsoffce sud vIhi houeti>'ani faitiuly porin'IL.He leza native ace or Waukegsu, as la Juige iPer. son&. A. L. Hendea leaves o000c0isist la tise resect aiaIL. Cal Weterilila as tinlliant sud esergatie Wankegau yousg man vho *M & al>' folav that n'odeh offlcer, os.Tnemarer FredBK A-mes. cho lbms a asplendid future. Mmeon Green viii maie a' capsl!le, k«e'an sd ludusîrloos sériff, ane- cýsdla e Uka on, Blvlu J. Griffun. ST. AIhun Sliepsonhas s splendid eeooni mso count>' auperntnendent and gouemia hituseif. Tis, naines o! -deputies bave areaiy h~ieun'aie inavu. -For.1the thînd ime lun11e history of Laie céunt>' thiae vere egolutlons dmwnutOpi court>' court lMouds>'de- S -parng tht' depanlure o! tho misg e!tisa court. The members aitih biar o!Laite cunot>' dev up the tai livingnegoiptitons. bisdiluz tarevell te Jutige Joues and velcong hie iueceosor.Perny L. -Pensons. >*Weri à public officiai, aller long jeans ai servIce. vtluutaxil>' toll «id saliedsiiaves tht' vonktotayounger batnis, Ilisla'iilng uni praper taI record ho matie of hlé ahilly air -' althiuluess, sud eonte memberseli tha Lae Canlnt>' Bar unanimouaty ulye expression le the respect thti bave aven bai for Juige efflt L -Joueaend l lte ouindliaI aci ex pression maP lha recordai Diua il cout aven vhlch hoe bas preiied fo sM mani> yeara. lHe han ever ds ebayged thb.dmlles ef juige wth ah- i ty. Hliejealousl>' guandai esîsti tiat tho>' mishIha erasorveti for til Wi choyansd orphans,, Xiti mofte tha aitla siminisfrei the affairé of o sso that net evesi a suspicion0 dlàhounety catithoieauterlslu>ed. .TI 1.laail sumn'ed up luntes va wria: Ha vas fathtul ta île trust U. wI as able. He vasbont -"The bar, of eecqunt>'ege tisat Jutge Joues feela tisatihe mus a>' docu the cares o! lb. Office sn lIe>' alucarel> Wlsh tinaC1the linosc bis ite n'a>' le cent lu peetâa -'placmk-t ha hie elong lun11e ri e' t hi. liban, peacafeli>'.happûlp nu the1 filinuions camas uasl i' te ail# uns. andi ceho h. hall Và.lotobiatliadivine preu ceb jii fhe bear 11*fouet- gritîfltis coir cýÈle apke'to mntal liii -X»a alvi sud diai an bonnetam =ais, Bter titan.tlaoperfio ý'To Perry L. Pereous. bis su va give te beartiest greetil <aI l hle! Ibat lb. mantie1 .voue* bas falien au void rM. Wa visi ta exprasa ce la 1the abihil>' aoi lain ',4 joiu. Permaus. vltb <igl m tisaI aller long eara a1isai 'thaeptblic Ima>'lehaïal *Me 'puorSýie dbs mles nt , pubaJune -«..--..... 1, ri ri Y. gays Boys fust Be PnIàhI3d ty. 0&"tober~fni, A. 10. w. br.t A Lake Conuty TIlle & 'rosat ~~~~~~~~~~~. f Thoy' AxO Guilty. 2= e11bt~Vte'ueKlel~~s~50* 1.waawi ue <It*If ite*TiIfri - lmets K Cite Bif lidgt o aeCu-5 et us sou iilsu h"we 4 Aberatal ile. Titims. G ateed -'Tbey 'May lien'y sans. but thtY are ttKU ones, e DTW*t IIS O.951110fC1C5 ezbi el Maseule Temple Sidg. b&gsIi oldlip men just the sane, sani 1have w t 4 Oi5 sltee. a-4 8alph workns t~ h.film f o»atnoa a k L,,ute J. G un, 1e. a 5iepau14l lutins atred for ie J. IDa«. ai Buofflr inrlTru& BUI tulired mu. breeti. 1'wo ysars Sao 1.waS 11,0111 SP j bl "y488 C. M. Lyon snd wlfeto G. B. snd C. sbae laen tor tbM pisoer-uc.! Pu o n ord'ler by givOlie- that8TO ICM -o 9. Tiser, central part ot lot 7 tblock terie Io ton S f#«- a lilwanMau. ,terei tu the .abev entltIed cause In 10,-OriglusiWakegsn, Q. <C.. St. "If 'y sons are tlilty ôt robbitg amaCirouitt 001w! or Lake <tountiy.at Watkegan City 0oicipW HB ontoc t G. E. Yîgei sand vite et ai te Bd a man lu tii.'puli e teeets at teffi ca>?Ti .D- 1910, tharo- ItsO E (t~ lU~i "ard 1 JDgalia, central part of lot 7 point or a putol, thiroi ii do ail 1. of, the uniers ia pter la Cobsec- Spýedit automobile., te wht 31 ghlt block M .Oilglual Waukegan, W. D., cin to elp tha police, send thon' ta ery 0f saiCourt, willl an Monday., 1h. ±Fx, actorr dust and moke,o-(peOii* andthe1v $3800. the' penitmitiai'y." 26111 daty-h! DeeeIibe, A. D. 191e.'-at streete on th. stb suIraie te th. i1,4- ' 4~u biarir L Rouiiaevlle taeB. B. Gay- John Clark, 919 West Congre»a the hour 91f 05* o'eWioO n 1the mter- lord, nit 'tele foo ilot 3 block 35, 1tet ticgfreryo ak- Ol fsli d.ay tth1e East'door 0f 1 1 e.wore the 'bain topies at ta**]8.e4 Hghand Park, Q. C. D.. 4.. gan, fi;lalesai, lb. father or Robert tho Court Rouge in the' Cit f .ilt y ofC0 etigMfla isI u logt W 10. J. suwaaid vile ta Moule C. aud Joseph,.Clt'.k. vin have lnbe llieukegan,, lu thke (Iaurty of Lake sud] the aldermen koew athlng etf aucuteaueltM Bel], lot 2 block 64, section- 21, ZMon te the graud juryas"a.tfgr ban- State of Illinois, oel ait publie auction Ilttie police report that wentut rea(t, raii City. W; O:, P,000. dite tn connection .vltb 'the rabbery 10 11the -highl s n doetbio o sl sat er~ardt hO WP. P. Cranonu and vif e tf0 Lna Zè- Of Attorae Chares Caswell, maie cash, the follopius doacrlbaudmilIesd ullrycmita a hc li O<l k.e'swUi, lot 7 block 14 Washbnrli thhs aBttement 1telthe fitantotIXavenue ad regi mstae,. listed lu the Connty 1- Wbat: ep7luia. Wauke«arn wDn, $no6«0. -1 polSice luChicago. Badechireitha jof Lare Sied Uate of Ilinois, to-wtt: up, snd ne,.'. b.refe-rrai taagain. fvlgtnM< Rerais A. Ilisins e two le 'pM iho - la wy*trlefl.Iote a hhisuosV' The South boit t i otm i> Tito report, a prett>' 1111e tilus, -OM* M 671ski. lot 12 'block 7 Xin<or ~tO e o eat, but taI tiroir dio*taR .i n' W. ELBu. S ie Subdivision 0f couin lutwo partir, prt ue by Pu;i> L l tien teHilghlanld Park, W. D., $fi.0 halbeau causai by vIcious comtIen- part of 1the ortwest quarter (N. W'» lie Mogsirato WltraTrlmaud sti Surah A. Minsluta Chas. Ïra)l on.01>o Sectiqu Tw«bty-elght (28) ti part two by Chiotf at Police Conoily, ut teS1 lota 1, 2, 3 sud 4 subdivbbiofa lots 5, trhol WtikhaU5fl.Hî1ivi Tavnalhil) forty-five '(15) North. o- rsud like a jusav puftlo the. twa parts "eh. smy 6, 8 sud 9, Exmoor addition ta High- The tva Clar > Yboys avere sent trom izange 1'aelve (12) East of tht' Third bave ta e l laidtagetber ta get Me. Sl' ai land Park, W. D., $2,050. thilscity tethelb.reoarmiusry at Ploutimo nia Ietld rcrii cth tr1aur aminen Elien W. Kennedy ta . L,. Marbie, about neveu or eight yeare ago, for 1tat recoded ln the Recorder'â Offie Whut 1he ReportesBhowed.. , pul>'>to n9rtýon6afloti 16, block 7, Grays- breïkilui inta a bouse and tealiug ar- f t1j Cotînt>' of Lakea ai il Stte ut Il- The *police magistrato's repot thoenriis tairte, . B$6 ticles tram It. At that lime bth thei i s , lu Book 27 of Decdîi ut pagv sbowed a record -of forty'eight ar- t.hn lIa Sarahi A. iDagine tu Bobecita Bayer, by eevr'yugi atte ,*rests With tweutY-aeven fine. collet. fond o f hl lots 13 and 14, bock 6, EBamoor addi- were te yauugest boys ever seuntfron't îEU1VARD J. HEYII)ICKEr , ed and tweaty-ona fluies- unee.ilet" .-aIu- oe tien, Hghand Pa rk. W. D., $800. tbi tcty te aoy penal însîîttu*ftx. Mantes, lu Cbýalcery. it showed $39 t'llected -for the' city>' boi. afin Rebecca Bayer ta Auna C. îLewis, Their father vas tornierly saItes' CI 'ed Noven:O)er 22, 1910. of Waukegan tun-fines, The poir# roolyi lots il sud 14, block 6. Exmoor sidi- ie nth enrsga eieycredît" $12. Whether lteettcti ales lp rems tien, Hghland Park, W. D.. $1.000. sud vswohn iyr.icei ar&tii.112 histar>' sayoth nol. - '-su tle Frances Watts sud husband te jo- warklng m'an. The inother; ton; bore IR.içrgauni2tioi1 ol C. & Mi. Thée police. chlef1s report alec doit blidren là sephine 8. Lubkemgn, lot 1 and noth a gond reputation arnong ail wha kuew M'i . 3tte a na ew if anul'a,'îebop- with mtter .s financiat. 1gbc 3 test lot 2. bloëc 4, Birchell'asubani er. The boys vers nld ft e o atUr';< Lî':a the' cheme ta roargaffl4e i.' il hoîzedthat $9240crais bailt te rdivision, Hlghwod, Q. C. D., $1. ai criminais. One case la braught ta u efl Car Done su vf. o . P Csu'mear> o th to byseuîrig aI icago & iliiukee t,.Icttic i heen psud the police magotrate,.pr. fondber» B Cai Dnnerandwif te . P CI memoy 'f th tw boi3'eterig a ,d cumpasiy sud.take it ouI t e 1 sefumabi>'. at the rate of 14.40 s'.clip. ghraiy s senoak w6, Hglndrk, W. fot lot$,bouhe ohanse wl aithe vn su herin andadclte recelversi, tlie noiinlesd that lu savouteen of thèeucaes s aitiot t blck 6, Hghlnd PrkW. ., $,00. th ho" wite he om .of he of 1the namresaetttie n'en behinil tIheviere 0o fines wore cotiected, lhe foin'. M M. L. Siiumonsansd vite ta Peter has ult s~ ~ raranîzatian acharne augurs vail for 'casts vere collectei ail righl ail bqobao& 1 3Hsuliée, 157 iacre. lu vot at 15f oaior]quteti>' idi h.>'do Ibeir w* tat the lilinois eo0f !ho eraid. vasthp'> Iright. Th'.ee hamdnred snd tw enty-id alx aitd tin 7 vuantonhip, W. D., s10 [ . va u l avree i 1eh. tact fh$tare pri-cipal'Chit'agans, chile the lu fluas ver. voe.unpal asdd 1118.80 ),TUe wu Bio17,B40.ayn biba l b anentlegâfirme, *orklog au the aclieme are cotea vre nupai. À. typicil instance tost lliu &lseComanyny e c laer lua1the day. i P' hbelean esy Lhotaise& Le* semtaireuu>'his Cioa y1 lacatai lu1.IbsI cly. ai th"ire "wltb h ithe report list a,* 1White coubruelionCompha>', lot 4 in Ch tha>' etu seul irahe b s t >' If 7hom. ehnd Uchae- vasu oai vawon150 fdne on the ta- uw. vW bloc h,.sectiou 22,*zIon City, W. D Che. Treiot As n ha f early as eau lha learuod. lte mous. CuUi Meioiy. Cuil>' voui m 6500. ~twoud et ha onfthe fusi l-habo.ndholdera' camnlttea. chicbla i.bave bhrn van kpaylog a fine etfàa aue oee SitaeBank of a! Ls aForest ta Cari 1 agltei n itomi'workîng on, the reorganizilti, la cheefs.sandwichi. isen IlVogt, lot M3. Green By adiion. ta tuition, tut after 11e>'left- tie ta 'composai otf C. B. Shedd snd-J. V.1 Theseoutb a iderealaim' mataithr -th gt 5a Lake Forest, B, W. D., 165. nîiivshar rn hn. Clark ai Chlesgs. ýThe>' repr..aeut ailSouth avenu. or Ôduiaires% le epoel: déclae là TrhOs. Rudd sud vite 1n James' C. thterestes. inClill te Fruit Interesta 'ta lraffc 44 the laie, atiegtng tL Bu Diii it Mrchant, lot 2 block 1. Tlffanys third NOVEXBER WA8 COLD la the ioai. The>' are repressentai b>' otherwine tirafie bas (o go s ned'o Ibmh ahip aaddition te Waukegari, W. D., $2150. Attorney JaoabNevîtau ot'Chitgo. ml;askeed thea cil>'e(oentorc oigo t a 1 Carolne 1S. Cobb sud huabani te Past Ikonth Ras Record 01 _As ncurty Sascoau b. learnod,Atto-an ui-apaed lava agsinat autofficbUcklm npemse Crace P. Even, lat 6, Lawreuco'. ub- LwTepray e fOtto R. Itan"fti of Millwaukee, taeviicli rua fart>' uiles au haur .(-srnts id LW Te peraUre. whor wasdeedei,, auccessivoky the jurgod tiret the conseil atrive te ira' isdua division, Lake Feont, W. D.. $E4,000. Ita ait rlght ta bu>yte sylis sud îLibertyvilie mleé track sud varloio nd o pasme u oniluanca for a whee bath woû y. Caroline P. Cobb and hoshani ta put îhem atsarc'.:on.' e-:,~'~Tamatr eeaT eerd Tm Grace P. Eeren, part of lot 22. -Lake J . 0.James. oficial weaber a i ubs ttaNute vFru u ~The atrsd brdeo uiteferdT' palmt Forat, ud ot . Larene'ssubLtae couat>, gasys thut tiIs year's rni, ît' r e' val ayof i e rosdlopi hth11e cit>' attorney. Thts is ouon s D om -"oou LaeForest, W. DU, M7000. vcnierýwaairthocoldeat lu ton y>'t',It., h'Wtenaîbn-~et0 fAdrman Marinl. Tht tast (lea. . Brown to George Flesel, lot adIslm adnudraielaaj ~ rtne u aulvtl"nh Sd apyr~*Poetv c44; WasigtnPark, Waukegan. W. aanaporothre( 1 e. r nzaino! 'egn.vtc pai hsea- a ara S ashînglan proteet the bron'ht n i hai x cheme, le D. 376.00 - }fere's the record for tae ton yea (ri. . ellent Ililagsthbrougirpetitlone oand ila î. Sanul owll~n vte.t C B ealt'r Report for Novembo'. ChC. oî:r e. i , t resaoil 'Ommuvletions from' commilfeles oa i Orne i Powell. Part O ots0e28 sud 29,. Ri _bj-arment day, 70, u lat; <ûO' 11-r n. : ' ii'- e .' raýoetty ls mombera. deserves &hia ver> heart- . emtae le vinla, W. D., $10. est dey. 13, ou î7tie; average tempe 'ý- ineridel i 'â! -. rianjza-. lest sot of profise sud commanda- te betrSi Theodore Koch ani vife te0. J. tuit'. 35 deXtees; total rainfaîl..1.1 ~ticlioare Att u. c ,ýr qtmrey j don. the final eg SChmiÇIley, lot 29 indi 2, Highland luches; suav storins, 1% luches et 0of ch:cago ia,êt .. :'Caf-I Aldermen Erakiiie sud .'îorroa- 1 potai t ps Park, W. D., $2,100. 23rd. trou, Hihbad t (lv,. >i ntî- ;aoda wvheel totan di Alderman ued r Olga J. P. Cran>' snd huabani ta P. 1902-Wammest dey, 68, on 24; ceYtornes for ti-e ' e' , . e latter 1t.iner urged that the apeeing enta- coion.o a A. Baer, lot 16 subdivision O! lot est day, 18, an 28111; averag. e fl)' 1'firr re npï'etl. ii'lytiete cversaYsi mobiles lte cit>' over 1etaclid an d ben est.r ii 290,, Laie Forest, W. D., $450. alure, 42.61; total ralutaîl,_ 1.80 luche,18le t mîxîag i.L .>'rartblaaatrmi-made te stop. 'H lsuamoved liai b. atlos et J. G. 0011.10 sud vite ta P. A. Bark enow alorm, light on 26111.. bhs whataer. ! .the' liceuise comilltea droft 5 abihel limai., as Iy or, -lot 16 subdivision o! lot 290, Laie 10-aina a,69. on Ird; .F~o.siaînPra. tiadnua i.mto i n d u ey FOreat, W. D.. $450. coldesl day. 3, on the 2th; average As a n'aller af face, thero lu littho carry. salle>.1 U. G. R. Lyon sud vite ta J. J. Andor- lempe'.ature, 34.06; total ralutai. 70- Informnaion lri ho galned regardiat' Aiiow TOwii5Uld Bill. t5Wo i M- son, lot 114. Lyon'& thind subiivision 100 luches; tvoanlches enac on 28th. the' reorganizallan excepl litatItille Thil. of 3. W. Tovnsaud for thiset i. o th Par Gonude; Waukeegsu, W. 1904-WarDilBt day, 69, 'n ot n r1 sud or aoff sud poasibi>' nest laite $7.80 for damages aunizanci vitona >e or -D., $66o. lrd;- coideet di>'. 16, an 301;. average place hetore Jîîne 1. There lise aima Iie truck cet lhded witit bis bnggy vas anuclr'o là* J. .Harvy> et ai trusees te B. L. tenaperature. 39.80; no anav. 1the fact that A.1C. Prost, farmner avu- ona eeai il ca-w coul 'Wn Coolige, lst3 block 5, Lakte Bluff, Q. 195-3larnest day. 63 oùu B81h; er. preaident and sct»e nsuagar. viii paled, b>' vouehers or 0: KW&- But tis, es c. D., $1.coldesl day. , 9,on 30lb; avraWitesl tiltbe active lun111e affaire of th. roadi. Aildeîmau Fluer movmdtirat the' ver. an he Lawrence Heyian ta Faon>' 3,t'lu- perature. 1616;tal ralirtsll, .1.70; Net mucts atention las-bing poli ta 'IOI'e and! judîlar>' commInttee "rn verbo.n an> tah, lot 4 aubdlvl# ila4 !ltàt290, L.ae -one lnch suav, 7h. -the 1raid these' dayÎL duo' dli 1 ,e mga lverY Mslble,qe x se4t a otJ flOt ' Forest, W. D., 1375.t dy, 4,on -#h and-'ceas tht' recelversare nmeeting luhie Itsbgiaes out aoafan Iléy>et een M o!c~ 811; cldeat day. 20, ou 141h; avarage Ôpeaon lan sd CIAYtau StreetsA rlagma tant.a> e otsubd i aban t t lemeralure, 37.82; ttal ai alli,3.10; i t eeting 11e chaîrma et tb.commit- bâi501o ~~~~e lo«9,lI4O uwfurry on 21s1. 1c prompt)>' gave lhe aiier t e Englini. Lai m.Boeadawi, W.e enryG$1. 907-Warn'est day, 56, on 27111; tgit NeoCtgs. Dea,»tb. ief o ýlceaso i Wittviii eaerrlad cr.w We ea m5 .6 Bae r slo it e ta b ennc GIBar-.coldes t d y . 14, o n 14 1h an d 16 h ; av- T he ' question w e her D Bna ys , » u1eout. pe e f 0f t5 rîngloni, W. D., $450. erage temperalure, 36.33; one Inch ex.pligilst ai Chicago, 'cas uli i Aldermen Hobau asked that the Thougl ast Gu(D. Thoa'a. recelver. le James euow on 2d. deathith Ie fire whlis datxroyed 1-1e.dlson court secer contracter le Ciotighi 'dH. Dolan. aoulh 1269 fot soutbvest 1908 Warmet day, 67, on 19th. tarit o! hie employer, Bqa= opetray, eomîtelled ta level trompa la thetia ept. ofquarter section 20, Bonton township, 'e& a,9 u1t;avrg ot tPxRvrGrove, o ed >~nuarlystrotlef u swrw are. e't ber rt deoil e4,04;.50. .perature. 38.81; .*ptal raintaîl, 2.70% wanderei off ua heitelm.e ofire1km, Ave, Is Bertha Huhn et ai ta William Butin one Inch se on u1411. vas setlici fnidi>' cmhe bodbyi'oft Ad-rosiers become hofoouas d el ittract'o an .d lu secîlan 31, Daerfield 1909-Warmest day, 68, ou 121s h; 1e man vas teuat ad lh*1eseit fa. moatitler of course-foi' lie>' GCTIN- viltwsiadi etos2 n écoldest day, 16, 9u<8a M; averagee 1usD- the fine. TEIWBTUD 11< THIEPÉO? , fait bu bie V'ernoaniluns ecih5aip, Q6C.parature. 4.6 oa eust .tPROI>011T126 l iltS CMy, ma * '~~~ ~~ D.,sip.4.3; $1.r fai 38 Wheu 1the tire Bfina 551ei ilva.the>' 341412< ihliAout. rul fai et0 i ha W. i~ Nlanthl. . C D$, lt lu2hches; tva luches quaw ait 22d. teairat tla yant vol&i Ioailit he.vo rie1910-Wanmest day, 62 on St tcO* lu 11te camnes. as hi. liiibot »mcata ' ood Wl 43, 44, 46 snd 47, Chicago RHglghiua , estdi>, 1711,o 611 ves au 9 is , 99a:ee.é4o~ewe.e bv3 D$1,000.pr tre. On2 is; atal ge'itifal teIolieftre varilscaloert iuni Wi te : fl." eni, B. S. Iaminafli sud vif. te H. M. lues; ne 32.ri; ' oa ,80(11i. t t ire vasont, 11e auea ed Whto pIn PRIM et Davis, oeuftthree chains nartbvest cuuriri e ut IsNveb Arem l ii np*aieuiu is lio.qareruteatqurtrsetona vraa epealto a svo-i e u olu a 1e ac ba.teliaCaC c'Waepuda township, w. D., $1. bustclt'.Iiu n prvos ow 11 iniars theranetei l. WOIb.?5C asosaas"Y, iug Ev6rte Wrenuusud cite 1 F. J. Gar. vmepan.Iisrcr lm sesia' etn n tefn ulthie ouerta :est~" ~ it e Sfrît y, sentth Qne-half lot 24, block 3' îept snetti eoi AJkO>rmvetrn o utb otr t 61M I S ÎR i os' t11> Wren'aaddition. Highad Park, W. kpi he fine,1the baidy vas-fnet 0 uibold~at>Ie1 sur n ~ta i vlah ail teunuderstendt t! When no aigu a, the ( ugtin: NUYU m lsU : - tic $70Olur iee-141.1 lihi4 cuib.sanl bqirua mow * :Ie .g- F. J. GarnIt>' la F. A. Tucuen, seunti inî:ov lso.h nvfail tLbig nadso4 I va seenrta u!lê ~:SuesiyTathe li>? uPi>'. rstnill 0on 40) fot lot 24, block 3, WMont' iii alve.en auilesre.TIa, of sdmn' iuthth.**l u s. ulaeulyois el a P spirit erv- tion Higland Park, W. D4 $600 Q . J43or'su ib uie ue. ours,- ;pandgain moreld ay. he : .. à t1 u ! ofP. J. Garnity ta mary A. Gerr1ti t>'.. -- iui a taon tep tua seveo6 -P ins.t bly nortb 10 feel Southi one-heif lot 24, -habit'orie.it. * C r. Diva! R.lthea Woods 0: Thena block 3 Wrenn'saddiftion, ilsand h tai vaa ocaDriia * ) ( YW l'pH. terbdet ur Park, W. D., 160. . nate aiody waxbel 0!..rIdy a]oevs ae11 n~etwt u .2 France. M, Mesue>' te Bivand Ho. s aai 11fte ohp4 ni etw1istai- in, Ilte111ar I >'a iîabi fe ueberger :ait Zr% acres of Southi. aule o! athe l p ed wiUtan wstle vi d al. - ~ township, Q C,$154. 3'ai eclost e the. solution 0etltheocause ety patient tegivetea- b » .21~~~~b ____t.f VT Ry»-wmint e 9 .didsl attention of Dr.- st.' .21 hetinth« hoo vin'sev 1150ls l e tsI bffl « ) e..'> f >-. bery$" ' .23 Aucia sae otie.publaed D . vs uie l. fn~*m- ~ iîaiie ltet. arec$5"ili-rC 4.5 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .1 -b.ueedulvi1ac.anno.- Ii1h-a iftsiI Sbud oaslist itbv isait .o 1~ L.ake Cetutpt (Z13e ltus l idisaet>' ted b uer h»al*u4ý raetoW, vas bhimpad vie le 1e1111' a Ipper and vasvwt-I " i COacte1u &"est I t imij tti eyiw -aire aime tu lit.bouss eluir M Clouregarni --%maoa <s id . 4i. 000 Crimeaides vM*, lié, Id-ra ilim 'o#vstei a bat t15 imLwu ar se raclai MW on i tus.tic ies agi" ewc. inlime *am, t'he, t.boit- bh magua tisber pui. iougit- bai beau prese tOtOl àb asflIi, Kilherlue vs Ma blim that gsie conlnot *bean, of-oallis fa hl Nacomo' uerl arulsg,. Siavlsg-ber Iqt off lien hait,- put oea susit' i suIniila sboat rotai se mon-t-wr. Tisoeft.W» 0! s» elf si t lut 16hm vas' ceptedvIttbe« à sphysiil ar- içi isd d'oued aàailor'5ua se tW» coa. rbaoniasd b> lier but M» gave-hies ai0 sd b.s did sof britray bâ«. Niaiser aillai abouf for »M. LiueilOUlvaters. lu captai 1, ti i9,ipmoag a as- tue hem 4«UsIn ta1 auiioe hm klm a imoampilo- s as pemaibta Jobs sad Bals Wa pieanvms ta a555151 01:11 vwa>, Sitt ter b ble mwft1 lier sme cegt itachuli. ybath mev that qg ou"Sa*4 premalnred on lb. A-mObSM ver>' sharp catch wvou li thase Aimis ir tard b.leau al.dm 1h1aisi v ooe sot le meompllabmoal. -Anaiif lb.> [a attempt and tallai osé et i le-put lu irons. rapt, a Sharpveleli for au OP- y. bnt go strict vas tle wateb i.e oceurred. Finneit ~preputa. sklng ior a voYege cOaie bat tbe suivvOeu co000,sal id if lb.>' cen ta Put inY Auto ezecutiau sthe>'muaI do out fartiber dois>'. Wa> Katberlnce left ltae collir ai or jeciset open mast loy anougs iber mai. A pet oil ce Mai t t diacovet the tact sud ne- fit te o lafice'. of the deci. se Was summonià beforasthe rder. snd aciauowiadged ber de. .Tite oflâce. voulu hava Put unre'ah once. bul she beggai (o rai 10 remnifo an s Ime ai ia ". lien reqnaat vas grant- àh sie as trnogtrrei ta tbm Blut ia fhere ceasDot e vo- germentlofai su, uni sioari t neeis retlan ber selhorloge. avenins chen tbm sblp vaslat off -Newv Landau Jobs laid bis ia has cosili mi'abote if b. sa>' gel sway troin (haeslgp. je vals Impossible. for mernes a naatcb. sud mn>' ana JUua nid couli b. abat, If haicane i;a bat votili ha haerai, ani ma 'ho culplîlfl h lviore lebâtbi a buirurd yards. The sal vt ini oi the Intention ai lIa àtosesil 'the eft oini fat d. an the EnglIshmen aofte a0r ucb doligites nt lthe Proe gaIng home.- tb th1e night vss nî4t: un. thi la detorinu a airaksu at, Abouit elgtitilel a grilat fiew bt appearla t h. galley, &SIÉ lune,»w visara secrétly Colloife0l lb inflammable Mstut Ai s1" oneai soi beid touchai a -bure rad ta If, ralaedei MI' 61a a- en silpiceni, uSiotoeIll,.on q a atM-af-ver. yiimti-« M e Mi ad marC . es.iM*sulhlflOa rreidy or qa., lae iagcmeunom arimnt &ateumnt*AU l&is"f calli elîher lt Ûe Olegair lan ichpa, and imlbaiuds uaifpt Jeué babeyei. le. e.go b» iON it btheime atlitag th* mpab r hlm. Tise maw»vuteosai4i la ougve bis st. ut, w»! vte futerstdin t5lie retat i i Joui lllI<blht pIboi tu w O o n trea *i t. irsmI'lio forth ria, . b1.tm arle luthe ab ilagr twuscoi a ww, ami aofttlyas il à apprsafei for wallCflsatisSe uildeecta $151 aise bai béea A lu>.ý 94s, ie becs a mte*iab lista probli b aihang&I i srdàrslM s ismij"tslp he DaËgHais portsite vwli lA turniien ~ta tiescivl auti Au Il *as ehé, vms easi«i "ou ta gSt risiof snd vas s, et. evea isvtug beemu4able.t i «cWe5g tht. pairMtet Atheb mSiteemi buggad Ieir 015001 m»W cêa a Ondrinpper. m e g.c, ew Ma Tb "FIo (s 4> ra044viwu* ,ra.éer u tmea0a1v!4iyfaur $wees 1o - t s idotl 'Mel qanf cau% toihe sCîMr 19 thesel midint froua ollieagu 89 WemOada, IllIitIs. Camsmetkg4lf auoi$tct*oy 20). rd lb. M'Nothé »w7fît &.. a O et î t*onuîy-itturi 14 To-=h p lflyutbre bird PnalMr"#" hu ali.ae ortis fort>'(0 Iraqda, ime urnýetforS>' (40) rois. t -oeSath fort>' (40l rade. tb% etflrt y t1 *m #0i. thlb.pheew ai bagialu inc plS= limfa-as abat Part aOsvsjai h>' ee.bUas te fleur> Corde., b> carreaU demi siw 5. 1801, suMW rorigi la th. 95 aiofa Pega4ll1. msu».J. Rsia-arnea, Moter la Juis. Robet W. W uisbl e 1619- ,donc, lit, as luaIMi la ' 5e« du Tiiuraip. oTbeà .ut asatludby eau>' lMetrs of lb. bar. Tisse huairmi mambuga 0!et a is f' terait>' fom s Zlsk ad usrasI>- Iaefo iro mb"aa l ftmodsia9a'ty t-bat veut ta, the louerai luasa &Peel&, train. A-o«tifantv jugea"miiim- bumers theb Chicago, Bar .Aaacilan tait tisatitcil>'au s.apmeamlcar alliai- e4 te tise negulur 10:55 a. iL Nantis. weserntrain.îa*enty-five men'bra, ai thse Wsui.gau Bar Affloclation Jolugins lte hart>' At titispoint. 8ar- Vices wene helu et lte Wrighxt roui- dence ai 2 omck lu lb. atlenon. Thte baunZiâY pgliber.ei' camiu tàm the Chicago Contingent, inlu"d- Juages W. M. Mcea. Ses M. Sith.l George A. Dupu>'. and Theodang Bren- tana agi Attorey>s W.fa. ]Îles, Jos- eph Mioue&. C. F. Loech, filin.>' Gr- haut, H. J. Taper,, Charles W. Bey- le*_ Barry J. Furber. and John àMc. Cube. Judge Wrighit die et MaBrc>' itospitai as Weduasas ro=' lb< ut tects. ai a fai ustalueit neyerai eois "*Nutwy» swr enaoi. Thal lilan Anale Stucia, 30 Yeans. ohd, 1201 Unlm avenue. a uqemner e! ZMon chnreh, ca'mttai. aucide chile-- dementoi axvenr oilslon,. vas 1th*atube lons at Liestenaut (George Prim E thlie 1Twlouty-secandstreShOQUa~IQ@k Aile fan' ail daim l~ti1lOgtson ÜLia dealth. mieu Elsieke vis. toua! demi lu a& rvao t il 2>4 But -Bxmi Street aenItir Ï:et* e ?1 eak Btt- unis>'yisst; theivu sseem0<CrOMM aa apen: or*jet. Aunatuiluusheit letton aM*re»ee "Oe? euDacs" vu imsitluli te rom, part oaitIlruand -Zlt-Waitisa b- ove'.>'.one atiauli lobk tise cherin sud 111e>' volit boetfil Mies141u&il. belstber yoicm mveral 1:mnh, mmlaa., amd cas scfflrlsgfront a emuce vhileli aIe wvutib >'ph>'. sinana vW«ea Imuaba. Tihe luqulkt Winibl e ide Merlns at Dâfemu"a tIF laseiblg ruoms, lm 8Wabustsav- eune, w beliebod>' va.tabou k , N W »ar t e fl - l t Mi0 Z o ni C i t y', ,a & z » Stîve haras Irolstinonce aocuaed « a- @gbe weaaulltib bis vit, unidt leor ttira. otbera, for lb. es(h !or?4rs.' ands! ls êgi tIuperc iî'ed te cure Ia n aty.two yeana' -rliemsa. ttiseb> pnsyei',sud b>' trai lgllng, -nut;bar torture&. limite, vas Tuesdm>' r, gifenI*paueves- donoemesabaitises 11 o theii.tJned Stilq,' Thailargm of kà misasiaughtet ioesetalprevoulIthe- lnan'ass papeota,"e. Isa4tlhbber IL- le Idiils vlisint del*ietioui. - kt- Miftoliel 'vas neyer coavilai, ne la re n»W rormes d u nolousm!t iei a" m cuIt et Zicu Ctt.ilm" Ispr#u4w "o le trIne visthlb. for lo ds 1>prayat, vat Mded .b>' ib.s yng on 'aibdan &:n le oforoibie alraîhtaugt i a.ppled XI1the rlglit toent la 'netIpzciiod et t10 ei joui' p opOrtl r a ie Y u x PM= "" t* ttuonat rougis a "rFol e..uey lb lde o r h e o o 4 " y h i e s . 7 " * v u , (-~tro ' ai PC ait b nu o Or F(. Pc ail pi ai Ld FIr lv