t Givesfor Xuas Mi1x~tUpnlu olly Boxes. adies' oBeu,' 25c OUld'u kid Mitta, Guaraàteed french k 1 Gloves,89 $1.25 value Ladies'. kid walk- 10 ing gloves..*... Ladiies' fleece lined do;. oeoves vear. toe',,b"h b%1us $5., o 2pnm U~J~~0D y PFmW 'LEA*ER A1~DBÂG LaieMiameand m -~ors, wotJl $1.. '-....... Ladis'reuaw $5.0 vool sweater jacket. t. orsn ov at scarfs, mufflors and auto veils, pliai sd. ..........ns '.0S $1.0 an O c d own to..2 value ..................9p value $150.. .. as are dea G1fts Us0IIfameut -tancy ha uffi J umabrella, Mc, $1.5), 1*2100 aid up,in Roly boxes. Packed il EoUkÎboxes ctý ual $7.00 robes lu in an1.54131< shades, rmadeofbutgrae Elderdon. Doutd"lY\, 195GV J t,,.'. At Friedmafl'S You ~ Czr ~ytood SPres eis f or We have engaged th additioial force of sales. Rpe, whlcb agsuresprompt atê1~ oal E'very wE Ladies' or Miomse s eSi- beuett a et-ag for.....*5 uSes, $20.00 Pur 9.95 -72.50 *500 ~25.00W Sweethea K, WifesMuther or -Sist.er isComplete... .Long Pur- ScarfsinDb"ac worth .9 *10.00 0u0 a'w $1850Muf, at 70'50 $11.00 Purw -Con" 3*95 $15.00 fur at ....... $75.00 Puar 5 0 $100w PT45( nov .... W Children's Pu Sebo, 11w at 98c, *1.50, $2.50 and up. ý"&f T OF FURtCOATS a jéýW00.00 ir Mo ade Zuula Poîy tv 35iWale-4-500 You chlce0f ver100 ditfreut -itylow of taucy tatlord or ýlingerit *aais w hite or colored, every onesa graud $2.0 value cl.th Caits $2.95 $5.95 $9.95 $15.00. ad upO $3195 $5"00 $8.50, $ 12.50 $T5.OO Mad ùp Why glot H,ÏnIbqri 500 faac *bite =tdkreI at BUx of 9Iitialà keW"es Pu" UIk for .>.. . . . . . . GU/1 AA NT/iL IN TIRE SA 7181A G l'ON OR YOLJA' MOVI,'y HA CK GIMT AS$C Sht . Pu... 1s Nlegcantly embroldère d tailèred vaais..... 811k and net wa1sia iii Meosline sftk 7 vaists .......37 ,81ki, chiffon, net, lace and otiier 2.< fanoy waistl, upto ...... 2000boxes of faIlace andd.5Uk jabotsasudcollqs, your, choce, 75C values at ....... 25C Othérpat mec, 75c, $1.00 BUOHIG-i& different plecesilus pretty box.. Large circular lace col-. jars. plainsand Persias -5 Coat anu lait NOW la-TOUR GOLMM OPPOTNIYTO BUT. PONT OcACAULOATA Pul length,, suai 1usd *odel, verylustrolls, $2200 coat for .. .... SEAL PLUSH CO0ATS, Pull length aid satin lIn.4, s $.00 value ýý14.50 Youlr