troutsit, ta, - nTho TUfýi5 la1«'Of £Waukt$@&a1N e I H.von r~ItsD kth*e»94410 Or F jf.~poeted te bolt»é sgt 00»91il'7khiusl.hoeveir. hi théeitm«mm Of Ub My cay iath*é uat"ItmoBIis. Pl,$*thé «4«4; an. net te is elo e utn *aaa pWutUl- h PIeII-MbatO th*0ofhii MMl, b. pt bis toett kie th lu.Th msaar ebrd4tel' t«. nid iid Iltthn. Th*e-elbons tber lk Iutttr OU *, l Mils t1104tu etthle feiod aaitrollsbus, . boeseit la 50k thon " Oare o e > but the mma 0tbstotlaIesteov *sî There ia flot one persan it aàt"u"anbut What dcbe 0eulvint togi~. *sleepIng~ nI ual tbe riqt gRaami l uîOgbt Hfe to bq holday resets. herei n es e b s replacet ut the thon Snisbed bu mielakpine.r Ïke t by ofdie pesnt. Thre lsa " « fetur vas'). f t oi e MmThé1lr ReNglen., - t, ton It iam't becaUes we begrud4e thenonby thUt lepeping vit Uir beat ticth*alS Th Turk nW-ankegan batd in on our frienda k i because we <lont know what ahi tte t t the caiter cf th théir neligileheoiera as strougly esa ve0 . hoee lu Torka. 1X in iiongbt brry b b tM w e don tî knaw w hat ariticle w ill. fit Our friend s "a *ho W aukeslsu ceheni r tIn8i"Y average Am reule a i t the T ei and at the MMne ime fit our prcket booka.other co"m estoftiis natienity. bave Doe 00 maFe, thoir No e 4b4«e are nocvern..This âtateduC but Bui% l r ý IXtthe came. Tey bis Plesse kt us oer a f ew suggestionh ih ay irY1-l k te tou ble- vhich the TursiAl Rêve la 0"ed la kchrist, but t l thei'urolempfaof ýabuvnoe try. and aise becu aus htint orientaliuîau i rist. la thte fiet place, confine your Chrtmas purchanes.contry thévs r e t bail4"Bm lbhl" vr ai at aunise aMI . thb fl scia PléO wich bOy the evot Tuk 6 rat«S himeolf iwelry, if possible. The givng of a lýButiful watc1%là Amwrca This verni are lefttak wth bis boad tovgrd the ZAst sud ne'- lurjontgr mst ipuan esm r etîmnnt thonan fy' thoir. native lii. sud the MeS o U eaene lu a veird allant, "Allah. I A1 d* in" çI m L.1. Asuýëh4e o «a-tJOvatk. 511840te My- lob oabbr Âtl ista'boMoas' elseut tns wrlj. mut ita aiflDtheY5 ar « ç e «ing aafev 7ests iluedan," bbrquelated sona "GOl reo alamys w11) estemutjewelry giftz mote high l tan ib tuis ccutry ail thoi returilig t e lagnist Ibere :8s;10 b d but Qed ud Our =yother- Th alogie ensive jewel possesslels a chaum Turkey la nt a Mrevalet -as t M nohammedi la bi m. phV" OBvu ~tIt e,.. toeveybay ad a log a itless l is-a iti Other foreignerein &Merma.The Cveral 110 mt'siielr mi3ionp. The hiieni ýdtapp o v bd n sln si uei l a Turks vboî thuY 0corne0haro atay In Mieion fetSIU<ieuory, tie Turkts pro-ur1 cotna enne fits giIb is counry and work. sémated tiemmeiv"fs sud neeted thil gain coninaI emnde o i Cerne TeRiscap ' Deth. chant. l'or a wviioft vas disconcert- prose "But." yau rnaysamy, ."What kind of jewelry hall Mmmi ot tue TurksluA.nC bvi:' l rohrbutmes.i: i1se -1 buy?" cornebhine toesecalle pesecuîîeL n ad earuied viat tbey meaul. A largo 17 st possible deathi Kta-hie iandrf ethle number ertîhese Trurks coule te the cour$ Let us answer that question. Our' business lives goveriment. silice lie Young Turks St. Gregory mission ho' read the Turk- flota are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %v clvîdt h ouino ia n polm~W galued centrol efthle destifiiim lab iblet,,sud ho tatk over tbe affaire dela we evte t te oltio o taton 'roleof Turkey, hhere has ieei s notîceablaeofthtiir evu country.------- le have maclé a successful study of the kinds of jewelry falling off iu th. Immigratîeinefthie of____th_ Spiople want. You corne ta aur store, tell us the ae arnd Turks to Auinerica. This lis due le lihe DIBSPOSE8 0F)pRELICS heur £ fniens how mch .~ ~ tact tint maul vieho -nd corne te n 5smtouloigs on yôur fin *,ho nuhyauu wsh . Anerica are 1lunsynipathy vili thlist - ;iiý ,and we wll help you chpose tasteful and sUitable Youug Tuks uprtiuig, ad do net fear Valuablo Heirlooms Are Th tinreens.Anlhng oubu a tisstre Will be exactly prosecuhi1on novthiat their party le la Beque#thçd by Lawyer. pel. tehi Obtrol, tbey roeit îînî hey arè at' e" ~WWa We tell yoU it je. QUality and price will be in prciper ln remaîning. , , Tve pages ofthe. twe and a iaUl"> Wien the. Young TurIka firsI oltalu- tint compris.e he ITert h. laIete a praortut-Attorney W. T. Xndervooedof Higi- OPOJIl prpoton d liethirene, Il vas theugit ±iiath te lanmd Park are -devohemi te 4 deocnip- leaa We hope that these suggestions mnay prove helpful viotunhe liersecutiona eft hnlatiams tien oetwtv famll heirniomms' goid havE ann md Armeuna voulmi stop, but iatr vatch and chalutmad a came, and dl- yl ~to youand assure you that wve shahl very rnuch appreciate Tîtla siovu liaIt th. nev party je juet rections on, hev îîey chal] ho handed Iienr rfligiit frot îyou ta our store. as Intoleranî t t rgof0 oliea Tic geld vatch and chah vwer. t euled sas vien te l ondeu asln Pover. preperty oethle losJohn Undrvood, Rt la facltiey are even vers ebcause the lt William T. Uudervood's tenu IbEed ovmuenEvsRea vleo graudtsther. sud etfiblé tatier, ont the ld overimet wuwes wl Thomas Undervoomi. They ge te WII- 1ev H u s LBRTYVILI.E, ILL the ùw ne eu hgirons. Iem Loveli Underveod sud atter hlm - ModeofetLIvIng. .. te iiibis rether. Thomnas Ingle Unden- The 'Turks ln Waukegan have ieid vood. rigily t1, hie cuoseof tir vn The cane belonged toleuteenantl.t- -fet il Tey Ieardu Capai John Wtgton efthie wem 7 mil 1 ~cuntry as fatn as they are' abe. Te Third Pennsylvanie reginient, Amer- a s sîilîl.have thelr cofft 'onuss, icanRevolutlemary troupe. Tt sen 111 viich lteenmen galber end al cver g9este William Levait UudervoodBa lieafair e hhirgevraeut id or le Thomia loileUnderiocd luthie nsai -th afair ofther gveMeUt 91 fermera death, and ithe vilI pro-of l not oniy liaI but tiey preserve tue scribes that lb. stick ehall descemd e 'IJ mam ~Q~ U~flreligions formaetf heir Mohammredani' hireugii eaci g.uieratlouit, le iedent the f oU ils 68 sx les omas fan as possible. son, "proyided thal ha proves de- lici Wben Tl cemeu ina aquestion of est- aervlug. The came ta Ot sAhogami. seei threeIL... In lenl hland topped vihhse unîî.muuîxa g pork, thiy .xceed Jevs and Ztcn. l're olmi Ivory. Captala Johnu Wlgtou Ma E. UR Il 5îiems-lu their hatredofdet l. uucletii vasthe greal greltgreal grand- te Dred." A sheri vhlch illuitrates Ibis rather oet heo, tle vii en vIt Ii,~..m5 ,lLa tact vas givên by an observer luh.~cn ecue rmu a u i 1I1~1LtVJ1~ 7'iU~U~ ni obrs. A sieft fInie agOe oi:oThe Istelavalued :t $50,000 and (un vok as bugtb itk aooeotieo the tvo boirhcwnu it gees ef ortebesrdlug bonnsaf etti Turks. te lhe vldov, Gorgie LovelI Uudr- hem IYYIIIWbeu lie tact vas diacovered that voed. A go!d liuk vatclu and chainlui no efthte forbdden flsh had enter' csrrIeîi lu Berln iln 1872 and aller- th( etheuone every Turk n ltihi. plie varda ahthie Univeraitîes Of Berlinco pikdup hie tev beluglugsand amltI and Heidelberg guis te Thomias Ingle b JUnderwood. Ticeslte Mn. Underwoed b house. ' .tdmepped dead uuddely at Highland v O eoft hieTurksasetmvdup tPark Nortiveaheru delmt a veek mgo,1 onougi courage nle he epork sud deatih elng causeti il beart tailure. Qce - throv t avay, sud viien the otioru _______-do ver, told liaIti.ebatemi food vas Something vhicln yen NERD, but Si soustheyretuned o te bose evut mh y li do etieed ul da SuYlt L~ ibeiity'iIle 1 uii~ b r cÇo0 gee tiy rtumud t tî boue, uitw.ich y c d ver t ie ho dymSl Libe tyvile L m ber Co. retused ho est auythtng unil an en- novinuthie "FOR SALE' columu. th tlIely uev eutfil et pansssud dlobe5 loi lXe.-eoa Ia-mi'theOh Dep t er. purchaeedî sud the "mefled" one For Final Hearing. N( Dow" y the0 - ep tdestroyed. 1mg adaylciirnx au-i Hosa They Eat. day or Monday set a date for tue final iti - Wiieu lie caht for a meal ls eound- henriug lu conuecîlen vill i dsputemi et ad lu the Turkleh ihome, al thie Turks titi. 10 p&onof et on uestaie. ln gather around oue table. 'Pie bevI Overseer Wliur Glenr Voive, Fnl- or ofet ste, or vhateverthie main diaidyaemhnisut ttmn lii rekard le lie detaill hiat are cane- ro mo al b.ha, eplaced 1 h l.e oter 0f tiie iug lie delay luthie traucter et thew Sefd te M E E T t able, sud 'ail dlp Imb tii. dîsi vith ZlMonsae rom Receiver Thoms te huge veeden spous. Cole & MuKlneu amndithe ie eulead- s Blak bea.. nd uton r befer ton $900,0006 as stîpulthet.,A ne-S go rfriend; it will be an appres: tBwlakthe maid, s muthev ne serve, et 70 acres et Toale front laundPl ste lulii mae ieuat ver mel.made by liee te John Atexeander Do- layc ma , Fried mnts or pastrieu are practIcally vie on liehaht eft he cihy et ien tfor a el C-brstma prsent unnowntothe verge Trk. future valtem oks. la ou, mooted l untovute heaveaseTurn. point. Four acres et land near Edîn- al .ai boulevard ehovu on thie finat plat ol - ___________________ of e Bin Cty as a public park. but uer- i et ucemiase suci an. a second boue oet conhention. Tv9 iinndred andi fitty acres et lake, front lanid thie coutu bouudamy ho a peint a Mle te ortin are lb. third polît aI isue. Re-v Blo ded Sto k f r elver Thtomas cldms::thal h. oanugive K Bloode Stoçk foriercbsmtahle tilles lethieae tracta butP b etIles vould net lie clear sud Insiel ~ ~ua ~tuaI the alleged louda i. renioied. d c' 4 ~Tt laî i.hile malter vlci thie courts ara 1 sale a p riho decide upou next veek. VelîCta a. umated tint tien. lu no deuil of an ami-0 l e ataci a fev signature@ansd thie on ternis to suit j jehnl lafe ic Uthtrml Praminent Couple >IarrY Inspection is invlted of a quantity of pedigreed breeding stock which Wiliam LlndierL , pular hlotu- Je in excess of the requireinents of Hawthorn Farm. The stock is r g andMih et of Beuma ei re nt, 1 registered and consiste of Brown Swist bull calves, Brown Swlsse year- aun iesrha my R a ere Muniei ling bulis, Shorthorn yearling bulls and Berkshite and Duroc boars. at the home efthle bride on Lincoln e avenue tuis aternona a1 iO'clok. f . Tic ceremeny vas of a Prlvatlutn- mre, amut.I.e niidiali rotatives oft vu -th. pair baisPreaenl. 'Pie riug car-g t-~emony vas uaed. The couple vire1 irarixiatteuded by Axel Lindberg. brtier of AI~V LIK J1thle groom, and MisseItulda ScIluIs. 111,a H awt .orn Farmsister oetheii.bride. (ANDREW EFINGER. SupL) Iuinedaleiîafter tie cerémony, lhe couple vent te perUfer a abort ahay, Lib t"tyv lle Ilin isafter vlilci tueY M rehumn 10 lhetr Liberyvill, Illnoishome onouHelmholtz Pi.. TeloulieseLibet~vil. 273 - - The couple are pvinliiin th le mu- r~ WIiI I. s waw)iIen R théa hitnllIRlndbm teS. dMt up s artfcit, OMM., D. Mc.I-Pastel bore Ioday. fne addremsed largel th excellent aI- 'atlen. We re. e isaoretMbi oursesftroniM ' tii fotievlug teil: thw*byw e our -ci ur-4toehsW . S. tr En«I» wrd o» albsl a a fl1 iu for fant. Tt te a very pretil aght liaI ve sbould net cash awau fatb. but beld filrrny te It sud a revard. Tht. thought ie ex- sd elsewhere ln the Icripturas Tt -ln net the thouglit et our texi. t tue word omfidence miore promer %guline esarmuce or eal-epekeatiai rageons preceulatienet a mesae alwsys kiudty neelved. The. APet lurgune tthe folievers of Christ tI of gooti courage, or, Ian tht ,Inugutge te ,,;avlor, htint lbc sbeutd not l'ut t lgltnoder a linsiel. but ou llcik'wiere, Il vouiti alieue t tie lilecaîne etfnien. 'ere j la a ucticmal clîe te G.09o .Everythutz eujmiied uPtieoi- vrs etfchrist atud ailtIlîcir Irylit 'rielices ln lite mre wleeiy luteuiitc work out for Ihein' claruicler-devel- meut Oft good. limoi. fine texture. i amlstitké te tliîk. as sont.oetnt ve tieuglîl ln the talt, tbuît it Ith(t IOt f(mi tlit me aboult i ure1 ar et Christ anud gîve mu nominal 8s It te the rrecerge et lis deiitli lis .deemer aud tutu f rîîîî oulvar( rie of stîî an t ubn. couleuted vii rogù.resq. beli others t e ii. n, wstandards- The. Father Dees the Drowirig. nuile tethe ceutrary. the teaciu, Jesus sud lits .Ipostles Ignore th prid as a viole sud mrnelW seek It apecial clatis vîti iearing earsa5l unrecistive hearta. Tiie Gostuel met ge set forth tu tic Bible huer hlbng efthte ordluary mission vor rescuume druuknrds sud barileisan iprofane. Wite Ont retusing Pt tus aud liariots It dd ount go aiet beIng.theni. il vaiteti for them 1 ýk for rigiteencan sd, as tt [ster sald, "~No manl eau cerne ni )me exeept tûe Fathen whi aBe l drav im"; "sud vioseever comml .10 me* 1 vii unenovise cash eu' loba vi. 37. 44. 65). As a matt t act, those* vie came te lhe Ma t and thoe, viehave been Imterest h is message ever slîîce. have sc cany large propoion, leeu tic nic he great. tic learueti. lie noble,a ndlung te lie course eft tus vol ut m-liefly thme ioor. rieb lu faillit vard our (bcd. 1'ake as an illustraîtion St. Par Ourse e-heu lie veut te Atieue.V i0 net dind tint lie starteti a ise" înday t;eiol aud offered 1heec en the, prospects et a pieute er udsy Iteool treuil, ln onder te gaIL emi for a liait liur's talk abotut nli ng. -To keup them oifthtIti'tree ethher diii lit- seek out tic driunkr ýtic elumntsd eitabltlîansitm min oui. On tlie eoutrary lie sott ur of lie Itlligenit classes. tue tlb ig classues. itreu=,clli-e mottheir Wi', t estation. IViv' Bernause lie hta( message-S message avilhchi i tutt net ,mîsdlerruland; a meut,ý thii-bdrunkiieds vure tunaacit tom uudermatlinig; a iissulgel' - iould apîmeal. 1I 'at eople ot Atticuru.wiiittîcr nieli or p Hanve w. net liadite a comîsimera exteut, lIhe -reug idea? .Are ve wn than tbe Lord aud the Apesîleç able te gin. tics poiulert as tle n mis lustead et fotleving Ibeir eti île, as, -e ver. luctrutem in1 They- iîreealuî' htîe Secoind('oin if Mesemel ad tihe cmtaliisiien bis Khmîgdmni 'ey preaclied tial rery object et lie Relira oft iti ises for a thhuissut yen ne wtt!lit putttug dovu et sin lu Ita every f and the lifting up etfîîoom. fallen maiuty. They laught thuit there langer et attempttlig te make n ti .yte sud renhly dotng more ba- Ii good therebl. .They taughit tiat speciat vork t10 vici God's peOPte nov commiiseled as mnistenflon ente et Christ ta tic procinling the Gospei-"tie Geod TVilge of Kingdoni"-u-ot the preclalMlug Oet ni] termeuit uer the. attempt ue i lhe werld et îpanklund froui min Ibme rear. Tiey taugil thal lime vor tbls preeenh Âge la tiie selection1 amengst manklnd eftuhe Bride ciel h. Mesmthh's associâtes lu hie I dem, for the bleÏelue of ait tie w Th la Ibis message et the goodues Ged tiat our. text dectanes abien proclned vlth courage. vitb nes.vith outopokemluee. -A Great Figit of AfflictiOnO. St Paul la criticizines-me, vi for GUitse aie heen Chrigtlas "A"d bei. gretel large oppor 1 m M rowfo lkgrecosuad tk t#4 W. esié lat tusase. "For tie y, «Sit te ble toacheni, but ye a» t" Isee U nagaln viii h &,Mot priveheles o et .dectrlr ml*Ust" Oiaboa het sIthe firaI et.i, 4it uno f o m ohra~pwr~,mù *é iWq" O' Utiot vte bO-1 i futh, lve1-0. l Usked. CIleilsigarian Ut UtpoitOUt ths, *WIty fr»tor loue ,*wo@WU l wltta hlm.. thé ia( pm»t.te qusc tipl et or1byderendi8 ir l- £0051themut auivls Utb tho sowsMlp andf« a" a lwSiIeous sadm. - crrewto tum th lm f iewoeI amit provore eainit bieuherby goz e lle Me Wt« t w ad awid, or& sloves teo u lreposo anitdis- The u eow id y for tii, ho sug etos, OL O sem a. p o ito molth i eW - thet Ma on the ppart Of thm ewbo ba e baveWacov*4 a knewledp f e et teut O vr esattMlb soir spirit la a sob son .mltiui Umperom ts. It ofor in- matbth« ienthsgane. oondut weld tani*tntetogrtify bis dePlravo.d hy ave eenbutor.they eaue lt the bmula ure, hoe mpurecused a est- > rcouls r.atiosflhortpoftrlt-heottei atngeoIec « tlhe ciY Of rems.te 1W- GO&dsu etQe. ie smys. -Vr- if w- barel by Iîodarle$ ad that wbom li aflor t«that vo have 0000vee a ho feuaid, bey aigrithe peple oero- b»wiev4Iget fthe Trststh ero resmala- Iho l te h.entite nattei upon tbe ah nomemr aciie& f or sibut a IofnloChristian@ - 1111111117-DO Icortag fearM llooking fot, et coude-a. otabt. becanhs thuso ad no»fteiOS. 1nation an ie donindgnation whicli sîthe? at court or ajuongtisthe peOpl. sbm') devour ns me Qd'. advearee"They coud b. blased vlth I5piltY iveresa213, 2T). and the Emper's owIàvicinale cria. R ave w. grasped the inPOIrt oft1he allity 'ouItino b. htddsm. OU thig ticuloght? ItruiFfiuethalt thiin cf neRacc-ut bindt'e65 eOf (hrtttas veo- who have scceptOd thi. Divine terme a zbticliand hostauh pot to diati. ' a nd e n te red th e ta m iy c fr Q ed WIin G r at. e m e n o g a d rhave no future opportUity lnamolie? patrbureau nature Ande Il dieUlt y ne. e met lthr mill ou "elltastand alone wlth Gd aud vlth th* lng and election surs" unddl the. ternis few who are on hie ide-ihbe ide of Boof hie catiaa cepted, or b.e reJctedrgbteousiift and trulli. Wbe, add- as Unvorhhi' of lie everlmtin-5s fitltonaily, uer. coen esprseci" dnit fott. S co d D estli- Kal ifl i ttOfl. trestl i e rre t . proves hbsr IOY Rit. fie Who deplsedi Moseil' Law died Titis im exaetiY whai the Lord desigs. e* ithout Mercy. But lie Who, liyt 'L fi e u now -kng sa peW Icial can Of coin. le clciar knewledge of the oeroner te lie jomu-irs wttl bis a-Trutli.cbath, e found a itlitug aluner son on the spirit piala s lhe Bride 'e pportîit nylb ut i oma ut rof 31ewoiah. Tbrougle tbese b. Intenda, oppotuniy lntheprecelit ge, but bd siiertty l0 grant to larael ai. tbrotih a verlastinglrl ut off troin lire. deRtrOY- lutte].,10 imîkind glorionales la- cd.-"Got isteabiete todéatroy lbath sOUtI jugetftutructiun snd restitution. Te u ad edy"-he lpreseut lie sud our fu- I h.qusilfl.ed le hu x serve lu i t e - tutrehore. Tse. hbouglits sboiitldstruction aud uplittîng ot humanlty It maile very enriiest. very diligent, ail ln ueressiii'yhbat tiue itdes ,Who have ocepteil christ and been siionld i e or strong eýbura(ter--<optle g9 Rceeptêd by hlm. fet heir bMaster, i the. spirit ut their cd NvrhlesU e Dsorgd mndo;.Te thée e lesays. "To hlmx Tics. ethoi 9. w er wt ten. cuet- .oel hat overo iith will I grant te it it Ths vîuwoewitn nt ny Wtte me luniMy tiroe. evPr a aime Ric s for the. iiî'lrew Christiain$of i$t. Paul*'sloraé n il e:doi ihM i. d a y , b u t i te d e d b y y be H ly S p irit Fo v ,et s l ae . lit sd r n p * e vd o lt i1 1 . y f o r as l t h e" l o u ee l o ld e t f a il li , PW~ i t e r c li r ,n e ' 11e v . I i9 0 0 1 0 f. h s- Rieulti uit ro k ourselve it tea seep. nor r W .e au iri iedi l s e w r n e mt orid ,UT gve te eacb other eplates. W lîile tlb Whosni er r elui t oloe i i e -od oi woi . o'e ntiifreterniil their 1Immycty te the pîrliIles etOf ii lite , the ('hu rnh ls now leing tealed- rich tou uec a d tl e us n ine O f Je- m e fo r li te o r d < '-t h e te rn a L. T h e. t lîo iît logditb m o n e d O e c o e eo l! olnLt' Asthle s)ile -r' .and metiube-ra 'f the Elugilen cioses. gegs. -1 But combcmow." ieFniqm.tine, il teaiiffeuitfor ns te tait til. tlm n t e I ni lies footâeps ot dttm rn clearly b w flc elu.s promU - I r Je su . . n n t, le mi per f- e tied oues st ain d i th 1ke But Stl. l'uti or. rallier, the lly ;dK. ml. . iu'aîîcrgumnent proves tuaI for S pi it th i -,ticli itotl , ook cogn i a n e lley stan d v el- lia t tiO ti c on u ts theum »Id ofthIbm' ta t ihuit tlie Lord s Peolîte are In ns Martyrs. as fatuiu unto deatb. es' in î a-worit ientla "ne frlend le gesce If iim'y ave the. martyr spirit. If tlieY te leU.Ilîlilon e (u." Tic Alm sîl are loyal. oî<ur:îgeus for the. 'r tIih )rk -0cogu i lt he it we îulghl beeon3e di- evea thougi tiey neyer sel hbeir tes- o c edwliunr owu feuls aud, timmsuy at lb. stake. eve'u hbiueli lhey ut-Wans;% ecatrer«] neyer are î-munted wolliv ot -open. or, tuexhorling te faithtuinens and energy public Opposition or îerfellu. Hem. the aud afler paintng eut tie dngers ot lu au encouragement for ail snd Ibis nu slothftilueqla andI ot being over-charged lae xactlwhît st. Paul would sîlîn- ent vlth the cares eft itsite andt h. de- niai. un te in the verds et our tat. thceltuiiese ot riches sud lilesin0e e utLt h iht$lc il"h th @pIrit et tiriçt. lie ttuuse fren Ibis W utLttsLth h.. Ler threnteîîlng attitude and uses encOur-. He Beyas, ah etavl torfuo [lg aglng wonda. your outspoketiness. v'hielibath great HPt soya. 'Cail te mind th. fermer reempehise of re-and.- 'Ple Lord bas u~lih elwu oriln net premie.d a great revend te us for not, uasîIu i ulitehol Spirîtyenîur lui.merclbelievlug. merely truatiut' and nea at i lleilot spiritllons." st. î'iulIn lu a eeardly inîîînner keepiug or id. iutlmaleihlof tin Sttijat lie. wiihlt lihdueli. lest lsq expelie heiiid ted Iufntiaiong 19 m'rccntteu.tit. br ten bring te as perseuiioli "r reproacli. ta vfeipe. giy u a ieu.te netre. le seekethinet Bcl. Suc, yl net hc wer rall i abeter mre lie.counted wortliy eosf a l in heKing- ul s spirituel emîdtiutuu han Inter. The d m wiii.4 t Iý4 t e w rd we poqi,-rlY.PriileesfrfllÔn fam tI. Nul vcleweitre deelares. "If vo Io pcrem ît10n unjoyet i edtn m a dIe tbem d eima' li .l i ite u ît aie deuy u " Ill ýbit- io llfut an di le se cour ge Otli le. Tli t il1, 12 . if w , have a e Pted Ir a would harve he inand u % cutte mmd tth. t.rm a mg ourt <'ounseller. Guide, lier he vI:tirles von l1iIlie pa . Iiat we Caîitalu. Teclier. Exeuiplar. Bride- tIi- miglit bavîe courage for tiie present gratin,, tie expers er us co.urage te ýet.1' sud thje futuire. 11ev gracions.,liow confegghlm as surib andi ou lsu it- l'ilS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l bapndar î uepeimeu tor I u proper occasions te let Our' ini cood for t ioe lwbo iecr bear lits rclltIg oidnebfrmntR t lb. aud ceek le walk lu lusue' clepa! Te lt abt e a ulne Ito ne or n loi re tliii; tie e lie guarante tht ilevery eper- uray te r Wgoo t g or a sud icti ,afli nceof fe bie, Iis revidence s i.(Iiouttliuw v. 161l. Our gond works ae il a permîttoliaIt wmrk fir god, foir bleas- te onamoriti thieMaster 'litteach- iren ing. for valuntîte experleuce sud edu- lug tts. bevever e may lie repre- rýi i g c a t o n a to u g h u e s o t il t ffl ' u i e s a nsu a e n ie d b y at l e r . # 1, Wh e o. » w 4 , 1lu - - item ! ch uract r d ev teîOP I ,I eit. ti ate v ilI t e k uo leu g e e t ns '1110 T w o C lassas f ltm e psuthfu . tin t ove lia e ticen W t te Jean s sud pou l-lime of van net ail eau go forth bave lcarncd et him.Tie ainl alteoo olie- Sont.. untit for surt sera'- aise) cee tint 0cr couîrage. our botd- i'ier tee. mîuY perterni a uoteltpart at nes.unout.amkiic.l e e and boee u)prllag, envouragliL a endi- ire te preseli ourcelveli. nel vatnglery îin- iu î~pli'e tîee I iefrntneL u urselvee. but tint.ou the coutranh. ta-Andti ltlu i iu"aray oethtle 'Lord; w, preaçh CiirI4an sd thie giortous xam jecpontn; npulietattis i measage et litaWord. wiiich alwayR ulu velinlir! i- l~ n umlîler et lim'hl.,s i.-rrIgllt rp cIIr nd perrnecu. ln lu timsetvuaý_figltilig a -gond féglil wio are îuittbui umuIioig imtjl'Ut tons- et falli' rnd ovureo uing the spintI Ev ry fimîitl ollewer tshow its ofi tf hei iRhllo,11ui .rgeU'aalabout mu8t lie a "')ue~e-uUC hwlt ter th i. i ta trîrri e vrwhu tln il ni m-cor.We do ntmuan byibis fiitt fautal wCt-tîm' u<'îll lie must lie betilnePreill :;ail glt a Si putl timates a strung persecu- camnai aarfmre. eilîm'r %willi swords or rosen, opeuty manifeteed h wOrtdty- 'pears or band% or tongque. On the ) spîîe.inandcle iep e e.coUtrary. 1ke bis Master, lie Suet evef e Beany%. "Ye endnred a. great fight eto eaefled od il nestè at it inherl -Is y er tna e leCaptîtîn are, *"Speak evil. etfno, le are afflictionsatrhermu wt sseakeforth mad sa- 5gazing stock bathiby reproaches sud Wa ems pa ot n g tafflctions sud party whist ye be- show forth by bis lIte te the doctrine t ofe came cempanlons o e I tient 15were et Chrit-tii, Trulli, the Ligil.11L If th e ucI o .le epslno contrat with the prevalltng Error and d i e m e l u m y bond , sud t o k J eYII Itn e ii . Da k e ri tspoilng of yourgoods" (verse 3234. 1Tiie reward whlcli the Scripturals er o meugsl the Lords toltoers natrl- great that. le thie voridly, It seemo. frmly veuld recelte ebrunt et Satau's teetiah te helleve iluIh. I111ate con- las, e-allacks. It ta presnined tintthe iedpe- SittOeta ciare with our, Lord. lulie Kond, hie et vhichOunr texrt »la spart wvas glony, bhoer sud lmniortality; l inhm worlet wrllten ville St. peut was a prison- Medlatei'tal Eingdemni ccu10ieuestab- es fer atBrnie. FelIOv .ievS. sefat fron, ilshed: lu hls greal von as the Medi- id be belng syinpathettc tor a conutryrnan 5h01' ef te Neyv Covenant in.grantng boldi- repreaclied hlm as a traiter, unrtie: Divine blesînge, Ibrongli the meit et dox. seettIng te leur down tii. wurk tho better sacrifices. ho tie people of 1. et Ged snd le ignore tue Divine prom- Iaet sud eveutually tirougli thenite Io adhisabetougliigt lre larnsd thl"r sa- ill senklnd. Net ail have a knovl- sa sud crcd traditions. Dy the. tomans, toc.ed sge efthtrs great reward; neot ail. tuul- he vas regardëd wthh Suspicion. as ons therefere. have thé encouragelent te .nool- gitug alteglance te anothherRIng, ffttulness whlch tht. knovledge lua- i lime jeans. and pot hheretore dtsposed te sIpires- Net an even have thé . ee neduse his Roman cltig'eshlp gspecilliton -heun. lit la wrttten. "Tiie seUret ef