a t mti1tv4 ake yoï lehpedext la atew years, whero e bAve nev*h a: falffl, et oopm and whbesthe oati were r&Wud that carrid Ott the $*p dke rbo& M tâte Worlda; Fir in -Chicago. -Why pay heu me qt a «ia rm and lo1t the otiior fellow get the. adace on the IM& ,wJlms*0 IAVUS pirt of ltheioay made by farmoeruau b enmai on h z" esof theUnd Why flot roap the beuifit youm.kl? If you do't buy a farmn idtsadvae.- Jôýga~ e UIs t *10 to $20 per acreand you oaa plow almont .voeY foot 01 it. uer*w for youraelli # you go you will liki,1t; snd buy, if you ysut land. I uoiover MW00 om .to, Racine. Kenoshba, (loch, NoReOry ami Lake (Jounty l d have lakp but two people down tbis year to, whom I dli iot sil, a b ail of Uesps.pI. were mistaken iu the gooi quaIit of ouir land? To îI 10to bu it,o Wdo notPut itoft ">rouai i ~p wfU c ou -enbut $80 and 50 ceuts per üIglit for berth, 50 cente me lhor mneàla or If you carry your lunch we will give-you tea or coffee frse of 94g. ud il you buylUnd ail your expem awll bu allownd on the purobsue prie. of'tii lad. For full particular cli on, or aidrmo C. L MITIGeneral Agent, S IOZMLt L i old Op NonActive. Buspects.'but ine arresta have as yet been made. Thie police omeiiaIs ber. I ~ s Taw i'ru, The hoedp m. h. sohave ptbe Seve fat 1116 unanwhocomte laisYsu0" âgý.q> workhng tu xemoha eem to have the. cri»m ouiay nîgit wua the smre moved ilovu the Unei a lîttie ways mafandthtwoketi at the station hers. la ou; fte 7Weock- L da ng ate kmi f0 make every possible sr hMdepiibenconite 0get nmne ciew to the identit>' of a d = ad ben ommitedthe mmii -Ienocha News. u thfe fuistation souti of________ Kenosha on the Chicago mndi lMilwan- ise 'Electrin lime. The lttle station Carfluffslo Gluten oui track. LiseuTvY. B4 ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 VCéuD Claiw t"Just soufli of Zion <ity miid the VIL.LE Lruagati Co. 144fl b.ChuensrTkat ci.wagna,-.. maniier of the hold-up le"&m the po- re v" tesuJ lice f0 believe that the crime vas V. vat seuap-comnuttei b>' the smre man who Rmoroin lD1ooned. ~ mvty orkei at the Kenouha station on Fort SheridanPark. i-be former gay' vithe - lut PrIda> evenlng.- in the littie *ta north shore reso rt, the center of soid- $e"Vacuum lice a4tVt .time the ci m ascorn- noml, for adv«r. mitteil vas Mi a ther Burweil of ter and civiliaut revelry ln the paiuiy r. efreas -Kenosha aida Waukegau, man viorne day. vien theéIii wasaoff, ani before 4FF* M erurne vwu mot learned b>' the Police. the mle and an eighth law wam pau- of MbeI. i« B urvol! aidthe man vere vait- ed l, tute wivped out o! existence. Mmde. ng for a north-bouiii car vien a R1 asa h a~le I h make mani entereil the station ad ttiii Hnsn,<> aqure al h premutun a rvlvr, deunaud that Fromt land ln Illinois, ouie the right pomiled ce e C t.o thmrOv petheir haiida. He o! way cf the electric rond, has go voté a lve hi$ attention f0 thse maii andibe-Isl h akst t h ntd$ae machines $an te eari hM pocketie. hilisema-litea'kmef0heUte Ste __ . endDwwel a u e tu miSt fur ibli. egovenment, anid It vill become a part $100111 hwaYmais ecurei a wtcb and $35 of thse Fort Sheridant milita rrerVW- front thse -man miii at nt that Urne tion. Thse reervation iln'io te madl. the WiodetIeo the oucomiig car wu lut o a huge triangle,.as oftesi staf eil sttin n ecae lath ak«.i the SUN, that wIll wipe out haif of »rnMoo« sa the car rrfved thse crew the former bumhnèm and aloon dis- veut oun mnaie a searchinluaniiet- tricf ln the east mide of Highwoods b qudismop fo t oSd nme cîe wheh vould main street. Pat CroWe fait used thIe amdl ocatuiig the daruuz erimiial. Mis Burwelva« o frigifenai hy park as part of hie falloil drink cure Inaate Amiss Wauitd ~ thse experience tiat7 she vas uiiabie manitait. té give mii>' aequate deecription of _______ ~uèlsmd md uectle mohamatfe -msu. The "polnleKenosba vere - ~ptri Clea er (~ netiled o!fiebpliupand messages "Put nione>' in fi>'punie' b>' eling men "t tu Rac91e:miii Waukegan -through a "For Sale" ai-smorn f ~ae8ea Sul. HACAQ. SI.Mdi a close vatcb vwu kept -for aiiy fie too-mathi lngis you ovu. ForRosyCheekýs,87 SRuddy Health VIsa the chidt CLU f atfrclsu a, - vhs, beths vitephot drink. ' te uinasIo àl W' thon oao s It Wllla"te the atholrcbodcs -und *~0àA «Paet Bonana bisro <bey go te be W<vlM Is homslionetops Mid vke happy au 181Mtikathe Msana. And BC0n hluber ot 1« tuép. " t p aka.ludia"a nd brtght oye., ngn&ElIuan leu Ma% alves y7M 'mul," ïai0.us, Bouma.h ai hM Varus aei dom l.. ous &Uly ripoasilauthes ublus of ImWS ttil W900 Mdii *à& ,thon panhUci, Iun ad bioado la" a mitmnwblcl 16 j IMsM uistboe.p iIaifyho ninuhaa il b*a<i <o * foraoru -«on anad alht- a drink that à i""ays taus, la 1s vebson «dda Chu--~ Nqa vnsu auy -. - - - - - m - - --s - -- - - - -O bingmaisoLLcIt i t baianelatfng efou au thse *pu--dmosMau4 i M« do] of£08 fnB eUUtmWitSday...à81?vmi me M sd e ihthnres-mmr. <hua May sot «bnweu IL ym ai aOdoeult bop t,sau m<he attacha cou, Mad vs vAlMd yaiyuample pacagMad a For eaus by J. E. TRIUO$3 -E. E. I3LLSWORTfi WM. WAILROND) ÙR SALE-4udgh Premier typpemnifer r sipleoidt condition, cbeup for ceuh. ppii stsMemeffiLc. 18-tf ho Mary ileher propeal>' ouiLake streef, ibertyville. - ontsf q sold at once. Ilqir ol A. A. MeMirlLÂt, tirolake, 1. Telephone 89S. - p-18-2t DR AL-Âtetyuliegai machine itb 5fet Pipe nad 9 ehandelleri muid hall bmp gcatit f0n tfi ee .ks mitIt 5 iho. carbide. M. Ba-etna penfie.,11. 124 OR SALE-k'fr y ~ ann 197 Oaem; âine fruit mani beantiful hade mes; goci oroiard, barnanmud meil- fairl>' toi bouse;oeusmils froin Nortb hCilcago id 2 1-2 milie front Waukegasi. Wil Il veTreaonable If ccii hefote Jan. 1. 'r particulace write Thon. 0'i0mhonqe. 7 êbermoi Court Rloekford, 1ilI. c103 OR SALE-Nie. higb biuidliglofe lui 1 parts of tome; alec irst clame busi- Ws jots on muif&Xkee Aveus. The "sre. riohe. bettir liay yoars nov. MUsAUMU & WwtmLitertyville. aâ a" a hall Yeu?@ oh mand tIta full cuidanDa leoai- eeks nId, unquirs t Ident l(Ie. OR SALE-Pull Blooi Barreti Plym- lb Bnkci okeralm. Also tire. fu lted Druce Jersey Boots. AppI>' f0 R. Thoules,, Libertyville, Phone 2658S 0-10-ti OR SALE-Au 8 ;rîli, vuesct iredOit. usei fanre veos. Cauil or iras B. J. Loertrs, tfiepitoue 163 FORA SALE -Hersemv n mcihares BErm i!vi 80 o or milt. 1tysaa hacer' citf LOTS FOR SALE-In the B. J. Grime. sub-itvlon o!tLlborfyville, soutIt o! elect rie ram on Mlmauke - avenne,. B.i J. Osuitme. omner. - 15-ti FOR SALE-Acre lots ou Dymconi'm subdivisi, close te dowuiand eleu'tric Cana. pri$ 300-00. DYtiOsa & Aus'nly o 40-tf FOR SALEÉ-Lof otfthe.Dyntoe muid Autin maubivlslon, 50x140- 8100 làc; 85 dama, $5 per monlh. Uvoso & Aumyna.40-11- FOR SALE-Cbla, lots ln C. frani WrIgbt'e adionle, SOil 5, for $200.00 #2W1.00 aid $8S.M0,Di-moiiu & Ari'n -40tfi PARM-ite have a large liat of Lai 3runt>' farmu toemlI, also boume.and tel a tID vlleg. DviTxegÀ & Av.INe. 40-ýff FOR SALE-Or vlI -traie for a lgbt driver. me8 yeer alà iwpri home,, me gh- ltg 12m). B. J. Wsusa.oc, Oraymla8, III. - -3cf FOR SALE O RM TMoeu b ouge, ail Improvement&. fistraîlly ocareil. C. fi, Bo>'ep, Libeuty-llie. fil. C-28 tfi VANTWDi RAW FURS WANTED-.411 unis ait higbest prime. B. BvL&ims c-il-ff WANTEO-reommai bed t pévat- houe"u for a ren of fweiitj -ave, yo -g «Jmautan from Jaticary 2nd tao Jauu .-> lotb, a period o!f two weei. PI-pge aivime lMt. Dreier a# the Sheldon University Preifs lun1egard te rates mcd itomber yeu nbacdule. Phone 63. c-12.3t WANTEOI-$2,000 0f 6 per cent for tire. or five vearb upon uval elftate valuci at $4,000; no commission. f e- qui'mat LNtEpENOENT offiCe. 14-1t WANTEO-To borrow $11,000 ait51 -= io Leto ake coccfv Improved fmrm. vauit*30,000. L. A. B.&UTiMUtOIEW, coekeller. c-14-8- MONÊY TO LOANj MONuEY TO LOANM-On irnproved faréau. Dymond & Austin. e-50-tf MOMEY TO LOAN-We bavre tome mon.>' f0Iari (ni go"ýd uiffprovP'I Lake fut>' real estate. n iLt [Cave 3 ou to offer? SCIINAL'EILI & IMlLEB, lÀtbertV. WANTED-To buN s.î ri rv atehed pletau' varlety in Iuirj<e or unaîli lot. .ii end ah et thun. Addrest l3'aîtUDWÂTER 'Ot'LT II' FAimu, Lisirtv. ville, 111. Phone 273-7. 1-t LOST m"d FOUND FOUND--Strayed to my place on Town line rond, OIve miles soutueast of ilberty- ville, a black andl white cow. Owoer c.a recovar b>' pa.vlag cost of ka"epad thîs miverfiseîîîent. Wtu. BE!ýu Libetyv$~e.14:1 LOST OR STOLEN-Oute aged btuýbf ba> rmre, 16 bauds. near 1100 mI; i2 white bled feef. star in fureeai, whîife spot on one bip. Revorul. Ficier notlfy A. W. Koozç, Phoae 26128. FOR RENT-A bouse. bau- n 'n0 Lu-uv of land. Inquireo!i)ftîaiond& Austin or Bobt. Ellis, Lit'ertyviîîe. FOR RENT-We have a leyv good muid- -n .tuup* and lUitt4 to rén e i8o- fur- niu.hîd roomq. %witlt steaun heat, wltb or witboutboard. Dy.io,,, & AU4TI 40 tg NUMSCELLMNEOUJS GOLO FILLED SPECTACLES-with -areful testiuIncluded for $100 msud Up. -Have, jour presbtflenses cbaiiged or have mew trames for jour preent leumes- Trumeu fat hold vifb comfort, from, $100 mndinup. lMckenaie'o drug store .the Retail Drug store, corner lienee et., aMi iaismon Waukega, liii. e'29.f IF lfs !"for sale," WANT-ADVER- TISE 1T! THAT NEXT NE3W OOWNaa> be the mlcemt, most cholce -mont becom- log one you have ever owuci-if you devote a Ut fie tinte tu readlung fie store siso. before yen deolde upon the Imaterials tu ho uei. Take Corel When the kidneys Are aileeted, lii. la i' danger. Read viat Foley,Ki.duey PijlI have done for your nuoighiior, Fra&i Arbogast, Dixov, lit., inyq: "For à long tinte ,I1sufferei vith rheumati. pain@sudnibaeksche au nd mykhue ver, a&imiys coalgt*d. 1 vas alway. u@Wl gimeieine.btintneyer samei tu gui' any relief until i triei FoIe>' Kidnp.i Puise.Ater faklng theme for somîetlmu' I1an agaun weill oudhave ne botter ai a1 ih vîh n> kidneys or bacit. Fole Kidue> Pis bave done for me e muet good that 1 shahl always rcommec ttem, ta sufferers cf khue>'orýbl&ddeî trouble" Bold by' al Orugglste. eeeeeeeeeeeeee.ee.e*.eeeee 11~~~..~~ SAGENTS- WANTEO : Eitber te:x oseail a $300e 0 grade stock. N'o xperlence nec- a : esmor>'. Sfeady empîcyment. e e Otât fIree. Pa>' veekîr. : W.E.ROSSNEY&IICO., a l@omnglton, Illnoi.e Henry Sine's Sale Barn 2711 EL18HA AVE .ZMON 'Ct?. ILL. Reideure e M Eltiba Ase, MIi inus of Horses, ifarilpâm, Wagon's uid nus gies for Sale or Exchange aI i&H Ties 4UCTIONEERtING FOR PUBrLIC SALES What WC guarantee, by the proper use of our Sharpies Separator in your dairy, is- as follows: t. If Ccoutpared tai l, Our oc-malle of eparato. eein inu rieid0olbuter li t avr .1u ta.UiaruiiesSeparator sit] bceaIt eail mfciienl W par10 Per cent interest oun the0 'hole lui-t COU th 1eseparator eaeb i-car, aud theetain oser mostothier eparatou-, vlcIii ehorb me td l Ye Kto IteeienteUilme. use one of te test auavili-, reatmees.- uiter te munifasci abie0ondiiouis.i-aur gain ta vieilofnibutter bi- the nueofte Siiarlex Tubutar Sepirtor viii be- lu extuo f ten Ponis for evier tiendraid ouida nuevouty made If, You arc utiireven toi bestsgravity creu-eer uider favorable coniditionis, tae; e. tack .1 vfy veo 'swater or tee. our gain wtt]ilsau mc eu of tuventli-pounis. If roui use au Inferlor ««Mmer or uPan.us, 210tai %fi cutifrontweuîr-five tl.bifîy pounts. depuedinug ou iIow e ierfor ffly are.. bd. Oui theePoint Of qaslit y OS9reoin or butter itlia mou-e idfiteuit te Mane a detinitue iant?. on bau-dl>' mOi-Irno datrynien use the»Mre amount ofmre &bout their daliek or mite te Ume quiyet>'bttter, but. other lil beintequOal. w. urasee ltat evîh ie best daiymaun WBt maS au imsirocceu lu Inte qualit>'of b-uIer equiemleot tethre. cent. te Ove cents Dec poulec bg tasof onr separatr. witelsthe average les& oareou datu-ymuau iltt secure a butter sou-lb IMMfile ser cent tu 10sur cent mors team tioc thueaid of 1the Tubular Sepacator. ,Tbe:mkim mat. biliir eusaumd fce.h. *111 be murlu more valuable for stock fond. 15 miilbe w"et# fIe. twenty-Ove cets h foct>'-dve ceutsar ueiadred 0000dm loc t ock feedi, deaiendiu butce on te se o! te stock te wich it ed. Souc. -eed m.Ot te wortb about oie-tfIh of tels sapat. Obi. Thc savlag lI baudilur o!flthe uailtor bmviig lte selarattou made rlgtt baide 1the row ablMe, muid tee stim-mt]t fed hat te toct wbule uit la wmcm. tee savIin ll1k Pan@, Pluie, IMie, Mud thee 'siig anid carnna ieUme,. ad"- bundred and ou. cibler 1111e savingm, ulecd net h. egsltofd, atit ughUn lev amoult 10 a maiet demlu i tee mgiagte -* ôtb. Tisere wdli bc aa ving ot te.Kelasuseil, andt the thbe ad esuiteo f hudtinu the les. ifteanecessari-oui>' t cout une5the uaranteed increase lui tee yield of butter endi thee uar- & mute aproveuuIn faquilit>' twcuble Yrocte sec bow abuoluufeîy ecemarv te a troper sePar- toi a e sOmi. n.sd hOw cuider no cfrcuemtances, eau bc bliesau cessuul 'sitiout nue as soid by M. B.- EGER,- Libertyville. S>' CLARISSA Ml Copynlebl, lite, b>Lo ? 1 RONMNCE 1B, Nt QIJAD C4"yilgt 19t10 by Asece td it I-Za t>' yoors ohd. lie wîîs uneiluicatel. un. coufb ond awkward. but lie titi ro- Imauice labis mou. [letu-Il la lov-e viti fth. nom mchoolmuiom et once. and as ho mas tbe bge8t of the boys muid culi lici an>' one of tîteit]e b.i telt i. bai the tiest chanoue. Hie vas go Iag te marri Mise Seyrnobr or teov the reasen ait,. Wben ne began te betra>' migacf bie love bis father 100k hlm ou 0 ý,po lierua oiturnêd 'N.w je ~ ~ n't You go and niait me lma 1,'I of o!yourselfr if was plaln--beaaible fali, but Jci -oulda't take If Ihot vo>'. [le wu% a paonreader; but be bsd- digesteil so mac>' love noveis thot be wazult golng f0 lot gO mîthosit a try for il. lne buù drawn the sehoolitinn*initiblIlimain sied. hbelbai skauted with lier, ft.>' blid mlii downu bli logesher. lbe bidbrouglit ber the biggemt appies ef ony oi1e. but tilete os$s-eally aofbiag -luishem lhungm te oaousa lier roinsa£u. mani h. realuei Ibet romnce muet corne fe- fore love. After tliinilng ci-et it for ton long aighls oaîd lîeuing heure o! sloop bo gof bis plan. The scbool- ma'am mustf lie bductedad b, mumt rescue ber. Ar fBrut the trouble mwmm ei te b. te lied the chiactor. butl jei Smith haba o ay mI i m. Enviag got fthe cerf biggest boy tu the district ont f0 the barn vif h hlm. lie ua!ldei bis pion mand ici: - "Jim. YOU've 9ot te lient the mchool. mam ms>. muid l'va got te reomue tber. You've got Io sura your cent vraag aide Out sPd moar à mat aid @Peak ln a boors voies. ln remculug ber l'y. gof to give yen a migb% gond Dliigbat as i amn golng te give yoV 50 cents Yen mustu't miai fhatl' Jit icturret. Ho iuc'f vaut f0 aliiuct a scbooima'arn, mand hoe iinf vont te bliiclsei. Hechintaf0Ifla dime bomever. Flfty ceafs lu cash mas nttte hb. mecezieahdmche. oulut ho liceaIif ha rtusei 1teaener Into e ePlot. It took' sots litI le f lue 10 perfect the dehails. but ah lait ever>'. tbing wuvas eri>. Jais olut faîher mev fr.eb *'signe." and heok ai lim atetait "Jeil," be sald, "If >'ou are goiuug fa moike a feal et yourmel! Ina n> a>', tien look ouf for me!" la vînte-. especlOlly on a cloni>' day, if beiegnm te gel iark sennui ter 4 O'clock lu the a!fteniou. te achool. ma'mm bai oftn te sf8>' mter mehoot bai, beanu dimiete look over lthe moi-i farth i eut iaî. Oh. hmioui>' balt a mile te go vhea s.aiy. Sotns. finie. tvo or tht.. pupils mtayed ad valked along wili ber; nmunefme. @be vis mie.Luci 5ud she con- mpirators. Il vas@>'ouag JitÂAdrews Who vas te do the ahiuctiig part 81m faf her'mlianwuoer thc mcheol- bouse, and b. couid heth vicb aid have a bot.. Neai>' arneasci. Jei Smh i as te be vaitlug up Lbp rosi. One AitenOOnfthe ignal vagiven. mani the pjot vms afooL Tbe toache- haut renalbeiutil aait&5. be vas Just douining cloaât snd bat mien a mamlied villu appearei before ber mai announced inu a i lvoice: -C "Cerne mitb me! If yen mreat or Struggle It tneaus ipathr' Mien Seymour miss properi, shocke&t She hsd never Senato a asked villain liefore. No mon. holding a peaeh atone lu bis rnoulh te maite hlm voie terrible, bail ever tbus mdiremed ber. Bi, f bought ah. ceeogauzeut the figure. andi there mas a nomethieg about the terrible voice that sounnic familier, but &ho grew faitlber inees veak- enei. and ah. vos about f0 mit dcvii mhen the, lillaie seizei lier mifli s grIP of sesel aid bote ber ont te hie .1.1gb. SIte sereamai and stgglei. but alle bai ho go. .lei Smith bai mmi fliat Il meuh ho ail the belltrf2r the Plot If @a.screomed aid slrg- glai. More creQtil ouli ho due hieu for rescumg lier.- - .Whst ceither o! the, plotters bai counfoi on mas that some one nulgit coe r inig aloug lbe hlgh*ay at the crItCiclmontent Borne on. dii conte. He mmm a mman mitheut romance la bis seul., He wvas iving a famt hors. t0 a cuitter. and mhen the maset mon 0wuitfhe mchoolma'at lafo bis mîigb mai starfai off et a gallop the stran- gar tollowai on miii cracici bis mhip andi shoutai to let the SgIl nov tcft hellp vas 0fbond. She heard hlm aid $0 iiJItm ad bts horse lafact tbe borse i-an amsy, i-ni jusf r 'Ne ruacic fhe point miere the ne, Àpr et6ai valtitie .$bled tr la irift mai thingS wme .uPm.t , 1 Jmmpei foa. vard, but he bu ca4 ad red ont "Die. VII " -Wban heoi iknockei 5111>' b>' fle ifrar-in. Thon tfieh"rn. glUng ui caugbi .( Tic mclioomaam wu& puIlmi Ouf o!f te robes and bien. kefa ai mi n aidme, ani flua r remner ent la te have, mne ta ati abdqctor mi emer Re e tood t tientonthalir hée in luthe drift@. bojamaietthons about, luoval- IÔ f lthu p aid domu, miii via lie>' ahoutet fer mere>'olu mllopei the bardiler. Thon;, mbun tirud ot h flth@ iegirl unfObis cutter miii iove >er home. lfit id Dot1breaks op the 8cI1oo1lif mi broire op fe romnc o! fie f bin. Whoun rarmoe mti bai got tbrcugJt UM09 thesudaionthe. bafferaiei h. hoitrsv it amidq mai Ckptoiui Benjamin Bn4Oa< dowu the dueito! tic opecci lthe tabl in doi Iresh breere lolovug ser&' huatied lb. coffeepot -one,, mfovo ila the ple- the frying pan beauIl mut alisp. oui meloln the boviprlt-end for tbe baker', boy te brin -ba fast relis., ILe Lovel>' Eva lu>' ln veip îlles just abovo blWb mater iu1- grass anidb.he whit e simd> ai lier garden plot. Beach pisn»a pungeaf buyberry bumbes. &»& W mon, te.laitpick rltulww"q# terci oaboul ber black hou. - Above decit utl[ won s muimmor cottortable.cbalru adSi uider a sul twnling iade. Ci lounglcg jplace for Capeuun BSom bis asaccîtes. lu mînter the$' ed shoot aglomuug sfove i0 lie Whlle the coffee frotheu tlu tb*, adlb.ehoccon sIzzled crmpila pan lalnte galle>', svleels doma the be.ichi-coi, ami ti.P waugon roleliideom onthe moud, and -ent lielfer 3keIfer lied. hsu acier lthe bow o!fsthe Lovel>' Eve. ', lieverai hiouri pauseil ln iis ton- 9 gentol laober, wmule tbe sua ueUlm* ,_i bige- oid the beach becaeft. Ing white strofch. A venta i ffegr. semi>' aloag thitecani holing hliolu priit ikirti prIhiil sove blt' tý mhoo tope. 8h. wore a vidé e 10i - bonnet, and iber brighft i-omit balr s$ iresh, yodffh!ully prétt>' aq* VW, frarned ln Il lute a pleauMiapebO. Ber iremu e>'ei cliamgod znip mIte came upon tb. bus>' captain a uiê tee of ftle smiliboat. "'Hamdy-bowdy. Ulm .WlhlhW cils- rupei lb.euuaptaln dellghteily '?fl, me itm alie look@-nue na*B..hI?, "It Iodks heentiful. captaun," aff MIss Wilio Deeses crltically. "kt shiae. 11ke o !reofed. cake. Wbat baie you narn e ho" "Niothing-cs >'et." eunuei the cap lain] uneasil>'. "Whst are yeogat o nmer?* Inmlsted UmaWullle. 'l hsven'li houglil o! a naome l', been trylng ho »ttni o! sotfim pretl>' 1mtsay 1-m lut resfed loavimlt, yo'ocre gelait fa cati jour mev boet.' mmii Miss WiIIIe. Tihé captalabn oys e. tîbers le puaied liquilyVé' dsoe ay-1 date me>'!" le murmures lookung ammy tnrnit the IUmc s uho- neol.e lneyer vas gond at namling a boat. Mine Willie" Mie. Wiilie Carmai %iîghtiy an nit u veyei the couticai home of Captau Butn wllh o qulualcal eae fiat ln., Sertit ouitle cne paînîci la mmmli glit latertia der fhe boy. "BoloUa you've utaed the sloop miter art Ray'. moud you ougbs te name th, salboS aftet soinelody olse." fier gom» came bock te the ciiptnun'a teddenleg figea, fThe coloin apreai unier the giSM wlilskers, moualet e bis forehesiani isoppeared under fth. peak o! iii wht bd dck cap. Hie reniovei hi@ pipe mani wsved Il lercel>' ln the air, lit* ayem bluziug ominousi>'. "Bis liaymomd!" hie mnorlei. "Wbo outil l'd i arnd lthe sloop miter ber?' "SM l si t." rotunei MieWildie .complâcenly. "ani Svauigelue Cool anoya Il wos namyrd afler ber, sud ma liatTaylor sUya t i ms atndlot ber; dliey ail ut ite. 011out dve . lem &go ah ithe nissionat>' society', ad tliey're net Ibrongh tltkiag about th. menutings ibaf Wv os se hto aid -Ir e ut" .ver>' dey. IThe$ bitte éeEh PIlier hie poison.ait on atceunat ef Ii. - arns go! thal sleop!" "lThat sioopas been nahned LéreI>' Eva for the iast tee >'eami"' "Butmhet You going te nome tic naw lioalr' asisi Min Wlllle oveet>'. CatuuBeun lrompeil through bthe Sand unhil heo cod hostle Mien WlllUi. "I've been wantig te tell youdn m thiug fora onog Ulie, MibnWillIe. f hongbt maybe i couli my if botter ouf on fie lis>' mtb a goei IStbusse flling the sale and the mater runnhng undci ftle keel o! the nov boult Ivq thougif o!f i nome fo r ftbe b«4tbut 1 vantai You te .guff f t."' Ire va looit ver>'ré&ted. iunconteWetil tudee4. but biu square uioliu!des. mure setr3oufbfit' ereet, toi hies biaise. face wan die«Ay>'ikUimf Miss Willie mmv ail luIs broe u e- long eyelasbes. a"iiber veMe wpal a Itt ia hh>'as sicleepléd: 5Ulb on thfic blgIoat lah cm vly xouiui. *b don't jeu namse i »Wv eu mulithi L'va? Asti the sktiff you cia a«Qit tic Xva, Then tievioe tir.meuhi be mllmii. Tbatlai 5>' moee.lis" Thc captith ilreut SaesIly. -2ies Yeu, helleve 1 mnaS fi g bout ailet neof them wmmltealiedilléq.. "*l iaveAi-t lougia mach abeedI,'l Oeil Um WDi<o areleIs'd. *'IiVI# îý your bouta. ýNon» in mte ua« y"$r 'Ail rljgit lm.Will. Tie en l > cmli tic m»w boet WüWIeI*tssý re. bacana. yoq uni-m. DM *s vUs plag te qmi:>yen &M dome aidliv. ici-e w» 0*4 avert" i'Te cmkptgaubo u4 on itu Wiilie@luteauhwý a emugulagtouesu 13« face grcvpiai 5-«d th» mimUly. . Wi< arefuglls01Q - --------- e 1 1 11, 41. ýl ----------- A, , Il