r. Abou t tvWvi rii xl»eqi 04,1,4 '~te b. deltvrvuf t tub.ndaetffl West lu- M&DaY PUaO.Made.!Foe. id*i bu lu othela the mou vote lafornmd tb.$ ne hutterîm w e v s oAed. Wheî 1a. *aje was refuei. It la alleged thst et- tuer Hansnor tdemaL" orking wffii bsuim. lookithe naeUSM f pjed t Ob caatismi Uf "le b.d tualy bea Sotg WWuttauOrdora. Whea thtim Urecame for delivery, H*wbao la allegeded ta bave go. tu tii. houa..n=d, sold the butterA.., sur. ing It b.d beau orderni. Wh.n the dîffronet members of the houseiold g ot together a»d nou ot -hein iiad ordorod the. buttevino Anu the lirat plac the mattter Wl aglaoAn lutihe!ied*- of the. police, wth the, .reault that thie alleged cuprit va. Ianded lu the mmO lice nMt &Bd gve a eii.ng -anpouice court tht. afterniooni The. man Itomea ln lof0ns., 0181 hoS shuIiW. 04 mm t5 lnaa4 vl4rq NOerth icuaethe 4ay AbatSchultz made thi. domitdoun Maor th* #mý couâtint frona tii."comfeiy tndaïs, sote thAt thie l944dar h. voUAi have aer*ed. papoa au !Àvim and Kahnf effloni for thq turini ,over of th» Trae stor? told b>' the. rieiaa0f tbq tva mes, Kiltas am Lewit, le Ibm 1 ata »» ete. is -*t ia..&..51 te pôr48t faclltyi Mid 4vomdto b6en umier dscuslgu for sone Butil Tii. 8ngItehk deirtnatu, OU omt., m itýProeeBor Jobn Clapo le theb.1 iair,» umuetr rooociiia cîiabla e ts temA tg Voig .28ethie th la 4b. o10o t 1 t polit fs n. 8Il la 1ewo groom"u the st*tl1 id Wb b imth ti.etate 48 4mte upr avenue, both. et whom baii ak ii4 izknuhg bX, boe, trylngtei âik».trou- ttene uPPOOI" 1the noth u U' flfor the compmy>. 'rhum Aýt t ber of the fuiily h d ned t c*Mul uci ht Kfflaand84lewis, bofore Fined iu Poli. CeurC, th. , Wier left. ualld -ut, thie dboo 'i. mun VIS Oued $21 ani coet# g&M windows of the plant, viieeupon aid vas told tnat f houcmiii produ Ililta tsi! Schultz got lantbrougb tbo taie carua in othor iiandwritiiiaU"i i wov. t Ia admltto4 that h. las 90"-. prt of the. fine wvould how ýflont haye deqnided the b-01,8 of mAtd.lianaop .aid that tb. 01.145the ompanv, but t 1% mtàte4 in ex. *ore ail at the, ltacier.Mld lir. plunatlon tugt ho vus frozon ont of Wb$ sAvon hi. teO Cai 0Oii f thl UOithe1wcom aayas ofllii aid atockioli- hoor r cfth Sm a"lii ak tb.t. thé,« on hoeîb.gave up aimastock viien âan amui the inde ho broueit, do" "*Sa Ute ndthe 8$no bus sud"tht 1%e go Waïkugaa.hm4 »fttbIe lbt itýmte. Tbi Dr. oO. WU t.ua ta es. »1 it4fLewi. and Nimaer to o 4m tih* tourt eBOinet E#au" ea"YIaUlin of Ibo té bg&a- * u terb t- »,m«tq.Nw 2m W tsm Wme4 ée~afmoaIte o A Lt. mpây. "d ithme t. m" ifla te çii y Mien. V55. **du m« >'p Y ita ly cillI vusar »Rem8018 pt4 m aswo lý oron Ihe Usai.. cfth eatus ahi lIe a« tpa more Imoortant ctes, Itf the. SOXA tlhe i1 m s feuM theme. au. not W rbitter sme- w viere pI sU,-W thint wol havoi ta e deo niied the c Profossoronpoor s»ollAn& 'rai. cSkdtrectoig. Tubg tuge ln blamed locau0 o se tni iiAB te toha ,&unot apelI.« ho mil!,nlu dwfflulg tLte, and *le fi tti$u1Ueo'U. "TiiQ sttdoiltA 5-s it-opposition. pecied ta lesre plUng lAith* paie - c0404» t,. schools, but n mét Instanc e la An oyer the ga ovolooke o aoi. As m«nagro 0< getinresk ' -aomAi Ivite, 1 bav e 4spO loi! te bW,, I4 tomlr to obeic o*mqu14 *a aê tue «âlg tOt e aati~pm à çobeAtlae 1 u* t tfbae ImA thore hoa bho O.e~Ms r«k.f w u talhred *sfls, ~ E E 1~ - I upt>~SO@your ~hfre $ full le am. Is~ a t.ftii <l t aI 7rate X».NOW N5~80i! Leimteover 60% or tic M"latb m«eây Tic - op lZ"10m4 mailtmea et eo«s0'tPthe oo*M, wa.i but a trUiflove, 401 ot ir Pmut.ste ls f t lhi od»t a"d oid n0a«et "a so te Iw , Fiai I....... ....... ber- cent la-Psome re çog htn eu re. t As gr lucremaa eovn l iaclue ài*dkG1i. J*eviilO or a the Magres lit la expect dma vili aieabout thetg taie tate altiioiggb the. i.0i7of tiec ctes ibave Am >tbeenglvei out.. Muefgres oh the cit Mec grovt Ii n the.count3 bus beonj frgeruAnthe te bat heec expocted. and bua maie alnioet as good the ten yoara l. the. ct SThe, cit>' vii udonhte largegrovthbebtwe. Uime taie nexI dtate censu atremi>' sevetal ofthe au citp are Iookung 1tuaie b the h and li er. u aow a part eft the ecAI totalpopulation vauld bh zipetei 26,M0. Tiecc< tuenoelbeeat of tbe ce vtoel vlth Atet lub bat gpooe lntereted la aue bave 'bion decddidl lmc Mares. Uslerthie iâg la enttIe to Issue0 -hntoeo 11ceuses or teln i 15 t tboeit lux, e bo r mon bal t~mvudb. .int eu alu vIlle tic ws d" a peii imnet maaast thée rettor tthe oIm tiS 0f the. nev làav prôfllai eMIwakO.or the. te«tlng 0f cattlo fWtubirn-ý 1.111.Undr ots a" i t le probable tbat Kenoabi »d that Keso- county feruiers wli.snd a fiettion tei :eutai cty An la figures for the. leulatte aiidnafor the O Ipo re not mà yot of the lav providlug for the test., The i farn e clti.,tiathie wvekngo ei y of Keiouhî a4<101 nstsate u oun years thAn that lit la i'eMdlg luIa.ay l108es ta itii, countthe farinera. ii. livw eit ita ef, ,d . rvtb l eet thi ttof Doeomlwr and ince ýy. te&, à" . that Ume .more tha 3no0 b..4 f catie nov aid the la Kesoehu -count? hafre bftn coa- tus la taie. s94 tonow u0 ttal.! vlth. tubà=olools suhurbs oet4ub brouht vitgand havi ben. btbii'*dhy tic get":i saul.-IKeInsha Nevs. ýy propo? the o los te tl 'sugart el me8 th"5 la. m- Roi» et nousa bet~diomaitb 3tau" o eL tcSeniot tot tbo ligaistjAea' t" Ip:tos fortaie bWMm a se au~ erbreeilo0f 4Uu Ut agAae! auongeam. raie Batu 11*1»bee laeli. aoei tei ,e msuke> Aidtho>' ulilni i vast- eoVetion..' aunar 1 ofe tbese.parus «Mii hodioplaye S-perse paemt vii b w ogs itnatom. d i * * 'Fat elugiveboisEl Liausi- ion havelp dUas i4i AY y ho ibel= *rudpovel. hsrroveg, livelei toi aodded, ani taie Irees trlanol., bas been macadamlized aud th. roui, bas immoAehan" ~te vin slng sideor0 the C. & M. JE . lii on the Oaiuet thie riservmtle Lave been trimuici anl tic dod tnbir and lie q.,,ut out; th. eum ahm r heen beantMied y crlt'b ' tic addition of. flav.r beds aiang the. taBAcaand valks; ncv walks, roais and - ifences have'been beautifwed. >ev satables have bien bullt.- and te ohd bouilg hayo biai pqItedc, aidý tuis gemerai>'IF irvd -vvormone eamns lier. dufAn thie plat »iomn bas hemn tavcrably b.- ermo It the marci tmpuVO.MetgÀ MmadA ie . 0'héeua, durlngtho puot tve Umotha. UU.wts are bliug maie hahave taie liOCemorY baPproP!ulaton lmdotho 0da numimer otetnov quatersand.l QUM iu laIin*8tbét oui bidiznool- 44, a clapel &Mmiitaadminitratlos imuilua areo pestA>' aeded, asui. tih rwsent tfoe the oés m authe qa1mW ltndel for iarraks.lii n gloie lno euot' clapsA. It is the.deisuoef Coloncl W. Lu piéer. t4e pnent p« opemnaaa<r -kt e u $bÏAýtii SskeIit one et. the 1. uw o0<the AOrt. 09 vans *4v*Ub as e I.. of worm you're, loelfng twi. - would requit. b iýLONGS campatin Or 0f ongroiu*W'otuê Touge 14tus dare.. a UI8I * hAagaveatb Ipotn a hsoso. '.Atofen ahitiV. TaetitgUl ioeiiAS.blte I u8 re viobet.tmaigr-o frgeae iprtnetuI ti. vt o omo i nueo çf" wio te >'h lnes tisu ttiru fIbja!o et pqpuir "Impourtant rteu *tte *Meni. purn Ithecainisq!W Ta 4helng i rog.ve ».bje& ti rlai. ph. pic . A Mr . fM O 0- mef . fa r gae nImportance lv fot S th e. t cte Au roi litat eovas hi mIe _ te M nat lma t Je t fq olg tod«, bupe lestIn Peopal keonajaeaimpoer te r oyAl. 511054 tee h tu. o boue, oel e m tawof a bi' pMmcbuet&bt seyeatsof to r ie ith atlve B dai Ot«A. laoCPlO 10ibi04h. Jj musie Iuamtu tion »r g.Pminth te'due T criaiuOthe W«@l-S um. Udro m" iý odaeteButonetMuijn ou lAis. ernela r c ,U0,ht#0 goU u Oera e.i.spe cia tii. T1i0 1084ieus. lu th* ~ ~ sujec 0 laic, 4ollngtu Iui~r ilg. bicread & seq 0M eu laesau 44$rcrd"tt t heMt4<Uieofro"r n Aon uràorlrïsiat t levn t «=P4sul.et < la Sos.en m uent.1 td6auaaiz k >uU«; oin qehe aInu bIi tnlAhve 0M. 44 OOA DlY tat cmpeogi30.et lbaiTb*ui e #l*1.-?o--j tht u-te"t-Md-wmlaanet putrye Iaop e<liet ab&ove itt4,wà*j, Mu ttO lrVU0 oàudpomgahe-oftherarw the»=i Ofthý*dt ec*bI4ýene l MMet he VàUe mI 8faor teiltle M b, oroaemtoi 1w * wlA' 'L t« O ue 'RIOM « 4e - tl»,rýiu'of "OÇW t> Gober t M -te» patton tWlTe seof mne Quibim wOnM* tubte 4cèsfa tbe uaue a ht illiaw 0*1Wcm 81Ythatýéméà*M= o Iab ý o- elbé t ' .iit tlhrt " ft bv aiý -Il-lu ....-. -.~ -j-