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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Feb 1911, p. 3

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(OU ,OO14TY tuDFZp»*»»Nl, IRIDAY, FEBRUÂRY 10, 1911, villas va. bit by the wout 4s~r tiele"t Sudai ight. Miss riaisDvinle tA speuding soumo 41lmeuvii brteutaiBristô. M. .lersud Mr. P. sirer 01 ïRsesll, vlaitad Frlday wth relatives lÉ Koppe o Racine, vasacaller 1lu 91* Volage lait vs.k. MIi. K. LKerrlgsu,Ars i. eu. Herberger and Mli. N. Smith of Waakegsn, @pent ,s.Ith relatives and old friends lu Mise AuniBrouersifnIlowa, la vistnug bit parent. àmss.quinn 10 Cicago. in spindina aa *iv als ai Pathir Voly'si. Mimer Curr bai accepted the position .a rural mail carrier, George Cashmore bavigg re.igned. Ts. second card parti iof the mee of tltt, gyes by the ladieu of St. Patricki pulub, veli Se bSud lu the Woodmsn 13g ll usdaî eveing, Feb. l4tb. AdUliotwoogf2c ach. Lunch s.rved. Dacan alaer. MIasa Elizawbth omen oi Chcago, »peut Badai atS Martin Lure's. Rsmmubir.VlsutitIS ay i. near. RUSSELL The Farmîra' tutîtute wil b. beld in the churcb on Thurada.vFOL. luth. eonimencing at i1)0 cloek. Ttwrs vil ii. a eveulng melson. The ladies ilii serre. dner aud supper uta a reanabli Pries. ir. aund Mn.ý Brookbus and lamilY apeuha livdais ti MnO..A. 'i. sîver. .Oara Efflugel, of Waaksgan. Pspeut s oupliof day. vit.b ber_,iiter, àUn. E P. biler. Amsud W lliii.Cornu vwée.Kenoms viitori Tta.sday. Cori Brai. bave a fHup vel ut thb depti of1207 fe. WIII Meoiville vas a Cicago visltol Miondai. pneumoniea Foliows a Cold Bal neVer 10110-@ th@. use Of Foiey'e Rofey iend Tar, vbich Ch.cki the cuugh end cils ti cold. m. Stock velI. Haiais Mo., saeue "It beau. ail the imeidles 1 ivir 7a.d1 Icontractêd a bbd eoid und caugb aud va, tbriatODsd felb pueumofia. . pbattIs o! Froly's lioDey and Tar compitlY r8rd 00."1 No opitis. toit a rellabli boneboid Mm gn. oidbi ailDrussit. rLCTU FeRVICE IN lIMC tIOME Scesthe MO oirect Of ilium &u.aft md à ma.uanithat vU do the i ~.. Mire. Edmnnid gévrr'»ad Ochiure Wt Wiueday for their bom lu ar Indiana. , r. HEnry Edmond$ iw, .rotily fil the. last veek but iseuthe mend. Mr. sud Mrs. 5umner 8WfOrd and sou loit %5deddy ta viit the former' brother. Artbur spalf.»d. st Topeka, Kansa.. Mmr. Davson and dsugbts? arrivid froui Iowa lait vs.k tw thoir future boni., theia ainko wu au the fp'rhney faim. Mr. and M@. 1. L. soua.' con of Miàepolix, le spouding the. viek vîth tbem previaus to movina bl@i fily zo Mnnispalia. Ermet White, of Great Valu», Méotaa spet the pait veek wvuS friendsinlu bis vicinity. Cbarileellgber, sounaifAMr. and Mis. John Gijiagher, le erlonil: Iiiwitb lagrippi. S orin oMr. aud Mrs. David Yonng a1 danabiter, Fîb. lot. Motber and daagh. ter are gttiis &long an.. Wu. Bck, veho bai bien s.riousiy Ill vitb pueumoula, i. gisting botter. L4eilie cannon id viiting the boni. folk$. Prayer meeting vas beld as the homo of Mr. aud AMrs. tien. Jgbrin, S ednss- ies 'Florence Andersati. of Lake Forest,ofapenuiday witiih.r mothir. '[hlcudren of Ar. sud tMn. Warren Blook snd Mr-,sad Ars. Bloeuni bave &II bien sc tb ilS ou, but ane gittina bitter. Alex fHughcs moved some o! i goadsa brough lat vee and ls preparina la tara i i s thera@ place uear Loon Loke. '[b. Ladie' Aid «acletY gale a 'ietrola concerfT 'hîradai eveng. The yoaun en'@ss latheb. uday sehfli viiigive an entertalinmint U2 th. cburcb F.b. 21, WARME Ars. Allen bai .qturned to, ber home alter a tw< moulu s tay inlu OMsau- Bettg aud tVermont. Eluer lR. àasbusinesstrip to Chicago au Tuesiay. Mia. Ata Eledgi of Waukegan,@Pat Bunid&y at lb. honms of ber brotiuer. TSi Warren CeesntAsORmiatin viii miel vlthAMr%. Mary Boyard et tSi Beldier bonis Wesdadi, Fe. 15. The. W. C. T. U. vu beld st tii tibipard home, Pib. 8. lSvryoni le glad ta kuov of Ar. Biiprdi glgon ia beati al tir ber long gilsc irs. Dar7mple la ipeadin a liv wssks si Lskb Villa Adjudcationl Notîca Publi Ue . 5itrb .fis 1a e t - o 4ehtr uiieStnl o its51h IRAVSLAKE DEPARTMENTI IP. J. ORIC!. Editr Pies No. 11 Orders Taken for Job Work Advrtieing Rate$ On Application Jobil Lougabal*i reoived word oL the. death of h@ucle, Jo. Lougabaagb, ai Misouri, lait weuk. Mm. Paul Avery, of Lake Villa, was a gaest af her parents Tueday. Duut foraitt b. big Firemasu'è dance aud masque 'al ast tb. opera honne Finday evenlua. R. IB. (odirey, of Antioch, @pentBU- day vith bis parentah.bi. ev. Toil eoaducted th services at tii. kuown a, the. Avon Park Botel aud Cot(ages. 0. P. enehau viii bave tihi manapent and proprietorublp oi sanie. Hi viii remodel the. Mary land Motel sud Cottagesud the. buildings wiii b. iqnippid vltb al modernu lut proveuteute aid radi for insipection b7 Mardilo.. r. RiSehau i iii@pare D0 effort ln makinil Aras Park Hotel aud Cottages on. of ii th oet ideal suraimer risorta ilunortberfiIllinulio. Mission Lnauday eveing._________ iss Marcia, Wlîeler vlited ber @luter Dinner Party. atbhicotur siovanii opn up again L. Y. its.aid vile enteataifird about Saturday eveing. AÀnDow machine ba i sxty ai their frisea ialnfeprt been lustalled ami a fueelin, of pitarea lait Thando v euina. The. nom. vas viiib. dsplai.beautiiiilly decoiatid viti pluk camna- wilibe daplaed.ionussud firni les. The dinner whicb Mia. Clara Keyea, o! Wsukegsn, lu 'à vai a.rvid lu courses at 7:30, vas au guest o!fAr. and Mrn. Henry Kuebker. excellent one. Mesames, Churchill, Meslaue Fred Kuebker sud J. J. peer. Lsoun neManne asleted lu Longabaugh aud Miss $usi. Whitehad 5h. serving. Ater dinuer tie gaests visited nIt te bonis oi H. J. Esty fliar yene entertsined by niasie aud eiOO Guru.. lait week Thrsilai. and tins a ver, plsant eveniig vOs ioule Garwond bain eurued tram tu et itit the host aud hastes. wio South Part, ludlafla, viere be biai heen are weli kuownf ay rayai entertaiflers. damag some electrical work._________ James Shermau and vile epeat. Sq.tur- Pecular Accident. day ad Suiay ith rieno aiut Saturday eveing wheu gaiug ap Waukegan. ithe stairesta th. Union depat Chicago, Jees Loagabauah, aur taxidermieS, Mia. Cels Strobuer, a mist"r of Mn.u Jo. ba@ recelved ion moaftinga alarge 015511 Schlass.?, jli itriking iloti tues ou the, guli unicb vilii e onuexhibition at "Tii. staira breakina bot kuccap#.. Frieads New liai" la the. ean future. from Graylaki vef r peet sud Isue Mis@ Carrne Witmore. of Lbetyville, vaw taken toa the RoberttBouna hopitai spt several dayî withî bergraudmaother e-berseh uuderweut ai, operatiofi sud reently. lu doing as vîlL.ai cafib. exoectid. John lagisb, of Chicag, ia ague3t 0f is Mater, Mn@ Rugene Rende., fora time. Chitago T'[ndai. 0. p. Renehan. tb. genial propietîîr o! the Maryland sud Round Lak otoe),0 transaced bsin.., lu Cicago Tueday. Editor ltrai and niotbsr bave mOted ta th. Wlmington boua. on Miser Ave, Roy Martin vas a Chicago vilton uday. Wayne Harvey bas bi eonti ned ta bis -home several day. by *lctuss. r. and Mn. L. A. Surgi rscivsd a ti'icpion.message frotau Suit daugitri Loias, Modai iahba hâir home b.d baim For sailed coin sec Trîp Met.aalsa selin a r cornetI $15 pser ton. Mies Olds lait for ber home lu Minne- sota Frlday, &sier lspenuinga a ouple a! veekeswvihhbers parenta ber.. Mn. 'Alen bas rtured irnai ber eaiteru trio aud 1Wvisitiog relative. lu Libirtyvilli. A. Cbsrd, ol Obeago, trsusacted huai. mua bers the lait of tb. ve.k. T[hi papi. ôittbsBsaatnck sciool and tbirtescbsr, MmssMareth, havi anrang- id gor san iatietalpiit and Sbaskt socilta Se hW4on Frlda evealng, Fib. l7th. ILOUIS J. YEÔM4ANI YORKC HOUSE Ellot Baconi vas a North Chicago vieltar thii we.k. Ir. and Mr&. Wluifred Flnîl are cougrtalating themieilvea over a litti, baby girl Whicb arrived at the home of tbeir soni, Edvard, at Lake Bluff lait véS. It beiig their iret graud chiid uatarally they are very proud ol 1. Sciol did flot commeuce util Wed- fletday on aceut of bad weatbit and' aDow drift. W. are sorrv to hear of the. sevee lluefi of Mr@. Will Barri,. 8h. ban a trained nurse. Lttle Leroy Barris là vistig bis uncle and auut, Mr. and1Mr@.. J. L. Burris. - fort avriy esau surprs. t ocabon fora Ar nd Mn Georseirat.hPlais ofer nadifr AiGer. Medru suPhies ChrliymaenorMrakelshrt candouhieiro nhegbbos Ar.an ia. hort aon tlui nueigbry irnina [b El biltjuale!titn htêayvien twniy o! Cbarley's loth iriedsgater zedtherofsud repatred w friind diniugroni ver. Lbasnd pa.advin drawnansd lhaSts tnrnid lmv. Charlev on returnina honi. ruark.dte bis niothîr liat Se va, tired aud va. gaina tu bed, vehere upou the. yonng people al rusbed out witb abouts andl laugiter which put ail tbougbts of fatigue out of Charley' mnd. Tii. îv.niug vas &pont lu games ud muse. On. ai lb.pleaéaut featuna. of the, eveina vas@AMr. hMeldrun's tva littie neices froin Chicago, or. a litile tot of about four jean aild, aflcing the 1HlgbIa.nd, liing vhlch vas very eutertaiulug and amusing. Whou' ail were tired of games dalnty reiresh. aiente. ve er.v.d aud aIl vent bome] feeling they bad opeut a very puiasant wARRHNTor< Aira. Heury AicCaun i. ailé tà hi up sud arouud agaifi, a! tir a severe attack of pueumonua.1 %m. Bert Tompkins and Miss Pearlà Doolittie oi Waukegan, spent Tbursday ber. with thein parents, Mr. sud LMra. Doolittle.i John Sheridan i. gaining elowly alter a cri tical ilîflesa.i Mn. John Kelly vas calîrd to North Chicago lait vsek hy thi. ilineas aud death oi ber brother. Wm. Kelly o! Chicago, wax a visitor barseii t irget o!the. eeli. Air. J. Guerin transacted business boe on. day lait weok. Ausil Lodestcy, wbo euffered a serions relapse, la r.port.d somewhat bitter this veek. Fred Leable spnt Mondai ltu Ours«.. -Miqe--Marie Haarbaur is vsiltlng ber grndpaçenti, AMr. »%iUri. M. Bofu. ne 47 i Mn@. J. . NElsaun ha, bien quit, siet i Wth lagnippe the. pais ws.k.a Ail wni sorry t bssr nifitie death ofili Aira. Wibnr Hînda.. The finiuly have the @y Mpatbly ai Ibeir mmi frieuda. C Ar. aud Mn@. Conroy visilid Ar. aud Ars. Jo. Bruackaam tiii. vek. The. friands a! Louis Cravord are veryt giad tst iaIoIsgettlni bitter. Hiebai bien lu the bospitai a long time. r, and Aire.Ernet Barustable and Ar. and Ars. Fred Worth vist.d over Bandai st Irm Haldnidge's. Mns. Charles Pawirs enteytaied ber1 faîber Sudi mother inout Belvidere,. ibis veek. afr, and Mns. Frank Brooks&veon caliId to Keoo" Monday by the saddsn deth of bis Mater, AKrs.Edvard Aruold. S b adl betn vWstlg the latter part or tii visk viii ber relatives in ZIon 011% AUl of tbeItmilybut on son vul bons. FrI4.y, là Seing ber brolbt Frank'i blrtbda1. Bnuday as ésu vu retnrulng lions vlth ber bnsband sud brotbir's isinlli, shs vas suddinl akin H on tb, car. Ail va, dôn. liaS could b. don. bat #h. breatS.d berla -h- mro a * he . .n Charles Griln ls able ta b. about &;ain aler anflening a nseesattacli ai quiney. F4 Smltb, of Gurus., leunîsking pre- paratious to mare auto Ste Winter'a tari. Carl Johnsou'@ auctian sale o! Pib. 'st praved a tSuancial sueceasSa 5the entir, stlotaetion oifAiî. Johnsoni, bis cattie 'bnging a farr price sud bay seiliug ashigi as $15 per ton. Me boy- *vs vstalurd bie bonsi nteuding 10 tny anotbîriear ni agrlcultural experieute. John Straban. la remodeling bis new resîdefice inst wst ai tovu to wbch ha unteudo movina lu Ste eariy ipring. T[h. Mount int Cemetery satciety met st t he hom e of M n. E u i e t . o f Tii. Ladies' Aid soclety o! the. M. E. cburcYaia cickia pi. souper vith a Il.b po nd dvalintin. .potofllce as @idisbovs on Bt.*:Vait'lue's vila, Feb. 145h. Chas. MaCure Igrmvin b bis fan abat b. bougbt o! Mns. Susau cher. Tom Edvards lasnsy collecting taxis. Deii Faulkner and ianilly vin. Bandai rlsîtonIie. BgDiscount. Sake OP FW *MM -sig;a UW-m attedamnues@ tK. livufat ue . foi Wehaveso. waulg d bmin. goa he ___.mlden M tie omia omin Ous i lau u 1 * jBahBrooks vas married te EdwIard Wc av COI 1015.8 15 08ISUCVtY'i< aK. ii.USe ond bai n pnses 2 U E. L. jArnold inu Ksnosba, JnUe29,1910 HiRat down for quick no M ug d u aI I Site saule T H E: iJnt1Or -home bas bien in Kenouba for & long9 ity el laNE HEEMAI . Aimluls natcti. * vb. iq hmba ahoa" ai friands. 150 vaukaout____________--- Yanng 'bandpansuS, four braSiers d ate furnilture $al out Pl=nof wfing bout«ecst o.al. litésR,555e57, _________of____________________________ove___,_ udn sl tmse.r lut ril -T er tc Natreslacude, 2 metheto sy Adjudication Notice quago.uned and Ibi cbldren vers . M" rd, ! g onntutiy etll.H r a.îvordU ver,8*Irs ediwnb îwi n ulater 24it c hargsd. a y mz1Bav U nea l. ub- Wvl&h icarleL lever. Bunday i tii Ar. ad Mn. VssZandt. me.". Rat oung lifs vu cnt short inT e di ou t W no âeetcwg&b risan~ ut ibVoleuletof Lte lmOimaTy:5 Lut lte Arsd ir.FrDoolitie am spiud.AMr. Tiggs spenlt bseriadaYs lli 01 tnt1ar0 .etrtchC ViUYiC te es tehabodon 51th. court fleuse v saran, ina Lth eau vx itbF. D. Bttsrsbsll sud viet lu Chicago. earîy a&p of tventy.ivo; but aili.ss_ oOe o!~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2h oo oCaêSlOfC el 91 tnsdsiea sao aisluii D.Oustavouoreturned 'boni, tle lait ha, noS ived lu vain. Heari dlsas clairon alfiDt sad BalaIe SmaOre ed aud MsJoe Sciloaser vlsltedliter sister at afllie vee.kria i s iit lu Chicago. vas Lhe cause of ber diai.GALL, e Clo relqk ueste 5te Diveni tiie San Iolu id Court lafrs Le S rpren" adcaton.FRNILEIAD Eec tSth Robins Burns boupital Tuesday. From Specioi No. 2. FA Ja"eea.ut.laafl23 1911.' 019-3 There viii bisa big lirai Fidai iitgt Weil, yer n luheiHI@uligut agakin. Reil the îurned reu d * ~In ARE- lu, SeIl y.ttbleg cecticel ae t the Firensue big mak bail. Evnî. We've had auother parti and tfis time the paper toda-aud tin write a Our 4ap1ayrocna ai ithe loeat Adjudicationi Notice. body ie gaina. C. C. Âmen va. the boat. 15 bappefled .3ETTERoui. I15,11inut you a ladgen.* Public ».tire aIoaereb Y niven f1,55 te Suit scruter Kaeutor oi the lu an d i'esaneut Valsutine&, the very latsst styles, at of Frday eveuing, Feb. 8rd, and about ____ plices. ~~~~~~t Fred Itueffer deceased wlllattend tahieslnaca!als ieiîyobsiiud nilatcliae. -Cou'"anCourtnioolLake Count ati. a rais ten. cs nrsh fai tteGrayelake exyo i rëd cm nt eert t. e a olden aetlite Court Houes lawatkegan.Phracbis birtiiarai. [bey ver. entertained aSt la u tiliCouuty.un.ite finit Monda? of Avriil I IheR a North shore F-1 CC. itl.191sansd U hei Pious lavinaiMis inin d onrd, ai Oak Park, cards and Ar. Fred AcCoud sud AMr. Protessioal Cards -i o et 91-e » nms'Me iirdclots aalat said EsSe ire .nQtaleâd su - qunetedt tre eqt the saute te oald Cout for attended the Firnmaur i a@s ballire Walter Beak canied off tiretbuons. At .... adjudication. ?nidi evcing.ef retiim.tte veresearved sud HERMÂN MRt'KOER. Executor. raldnigbting 91AHE ES 'M LLITU woukgau, Il. J au 30,111. V194 J hn Bo k puchosellaiiw borettde ayr cakecke v wt It fonr-f-fr DR, DR. . UO.iRra.,BgentsForIFeeDS Lii Al Frm etRhumaiSll Adjudication Notice. lhis week. ta use un the mail route. bciduren.'[.gstdard VETERINART SURGEON.Mahn Public 1)'tlne lv iterby lvin tastaSathe -Mns. Jaseph Litwile, oi Libertiville, vw îast atmn ap ntre ~ sAUYT5lA1i Now Curable Diseasest scr eca ýlttcstu't elat inaiCavinaJ- transacted binese bereuWeduesday. iof l heb o at uapyutun à.@MATSriAyuiiimioisA. iO ~ O 0 Âften 5w 1"Cen of Lake cotity, at ati thref tte olt i ,lden ai ____________________ N of veny i i wo? ii the1CourtaSe in Waukegan.tla aid Liauntyau- Mn. and lire. Chas. Wright enteriaiued ansd cdentlal ex.te final Mdoules ol AlunI net. 191. unien PCHtiaL SNOTES. thein bnather-iîî-law, Mr. Gray, o! DRSQ P . GALLOWAY, Veico Dr an d uSer ail ersons heitavg clhg glusat peid IL . a-sii smtald Ce ot ind juedtoa OFiCEOiE LYEL'5 ata 575 "dcr0 lits ante mornete sacld o reaed ai ressS Mothîtests thmouhOut tbe Recoal ()sage, lowa, ti.laSter port ai the. C tol .,icovered IEDVrH COON ROCK Filtre udy 1ek rEOl OYL' IU T oui-cl, ite Lvs .MASN ecutors etndAida.eî.os-fi la8ud6t8p.t tirobleui whlCliliai aukeetù.,li.. .ianiiny 19.12911 c-18-4 Tira aigu have made bis bluff gond il Msire.Bck, Chard, Sagesud Kapple gluit sais3inds't 8 . Lalletbi s.11 of the piano tall a cnank auo .ve.,ILog iis. Who had vood-LSetylu.ini.ii 111F the blitsphyi dtS Adjudication Ntce. 'b uylm is etpi iiavnhs et V11III. il u rope-dAmin-Teouytig htwetps tew. o M R eim . iidt,,dde Publieonotice laIn eeby &aveu taSt tieSuit Citanihoua. Mndai moruina biior. ir udArs aunsd danabter PAUL MAC GUFFI. us slo .ve r, n..ed scibe? Executrtix 0fqte last'and Tetament , er ýio- ie. rointlit fJeaseTosipîinat ece . outa attend tae the snov va, wonuhe Marbals bora.. etis, af Zionu ire ai the nard 'drea dis,ýse iia-CouaS? Coirt or Lake founty. a a terni tiereof 1ATRE TLW lrotd s. 9 bIS-ottute hialen et taecCourt Houmi as u ateat', Canqon Neville bai resumed bil. tudie. partiFldaî eveulnug, r llig tilvhi. imIsj O upUeiofr1 t".",.the fiit MYn a, Apiaiter awe f iie.Bandai. lietvle alt t-r,'- oix.91WiteO sud ere au Dorons hae a vs.k nillufiesa na is.ruD itcli nSnasasale u at ~~ca~set '[uesday Mn. Abîgrim la enoinnà vîig îiut aua8Omae p seqitdsvîSou iiiîl "-Y liîs ný« ai atsa xliian . "'f" and the igiatnt. nugsLr 14 eiiund vuwihEMMdA R. BAtIDDi>At, cExicaîrhx. ig up liow.. B ndersoi's boots. bis brother ila1udi!ana. -6frtbefot e ti l1of stiade vWaukegân n. 30 1.Mrand Ars.tieo. K&ppi. speut Sun-.M GOLI,.DO'4; Fery,8yrim kw the b.triatrnsut. At thei eîilration of SAM 5. HOLMES. Aty. Avon Park Hôtel ad Cttage day viti relative@ at Rolling. DFORIBONEuom" evdis as siet1 etreinTheshit W ~ [.Marylandi Rateansd cottageS sud AMr. Croker ila glvlug iatirtlumiiento ilu fours 8Sti i12 &a.t.-155 .m. * 5g A fia Theisoqn. réaniS ot t tid l il tU ortue Adjudication Notice. tiRudLtRaiSrihncu.usgbolgovstI ievt ii.E Ueist h.tiatl5 fBlnd. liniada e PubloNotice il e treb siOtestI te Suit' htrl ilh Dr. J. L.?&&ylor-Pbone 19 lflefrte atIeBg vr nons aud Citroal lsae inttiP licit D. Seullon d5eaid, Va l e tCMn. arris reprte alvilylaineU h eg. ii.LbiPhoia noe * lliv est ! iîcitwenty-niln5onn o rt of Lite connu,.a t m ttereaislesfhni19 rom s er.e yeuS lunpractticein ChlOaKosaki 0t yl0luM vanknsJy t gaL P Y la: producens meetng aS Lîbintylîle____________ end bis Tannerons patent tere coeais- ni. ue u ir ueiosatloi DR. E IL SMITILdo tiyt isabiliti sud strict hcne't-â 0st91, w agmnd ali saa.aintife' udb. usai wh do muehthcoma t0 h. r« e promeePr5ft hesamle. maî oifr To comae and gt your Buits and Ovîr- Ws ame glad 10 Biaisibat Ars. EnSeTpain utars50 i iiBracher i. bitta? aud abi. ta So Ut bans DENTIST. lap 'ate onin9tif a suqoe@W U Mi EMILT ADA EOUIsIOl. gSetrhx. caîmdib.dr = t NS s sepoesi.At5lonce dise- vsukegan. IM. JsnuMa rL 9lii -19-4 _____&PMU.______ iaLASCUST iTOl AE sng « osms attble ofIeS«D:. T3"000 o _________£ 12 a. ut. and 1 o aP. a- uravsiae mm N. te-S tihi patisut mon &Wl& Es H E vinDELICE, Ay. SUITS AND OVERCOATS $15 UP. Vsgtrplsfc~IOPN. DIT VelU #"ygait esu iriss. bOokloS. ritie searboraet 81. mSe U ca ài ~a et.a0 Va" retroublsta Adjuadicationi Notce, YuNi wmrepls LbirtyNlIs.URLoI vTosa s trutm u b e g ~I5ti1eSub- CLEANING, REPAIRINO AND _______________ d ' w o . » & o ! J a D Y E I N G N E A T L Y D G N E A T R iG H I i. i . T A L KG o d S r i )I S t* IZIÇL iSrIit!,4t. GNIesti, #5I5Oe Ri iS. L. P . S. ILTON 9ý doing us a fav'a I5~ii305 Sts Qt*4~A~*5* 50115 ~ Si lest Ai.5f,~'~Â1-1LIENSIED EMUALMVER 10a .2 4sue orLbryi M ad tw.ue SasýT oa1.s. m 2M. JtillIbo orL Lrt IU Es ddia at d 1 t Wb& M J NS, Tailor AND FUNERAL. DîREOTOR B~.~ Ego - , ».= » 1 1 U ZdfJ' M E.,NOI oedS.asnion Broadv., oppoots tari »K I*N dWo- NkUntoal'PwesntyAttended To Uft ild»iÀ.06 000 wleteci out invoice and meruid ,k d. ad mkerym 11fer nov Sticls of eapandlMuly'up to lch as buffets., ales, cimir*ýS.r àg deskie rugi. kichena cabinets, on ail thesc>rtilea 1. 44.10~ IED.PICTURES WHIOi4 WE BSELI:N07ATRiEOUCED meS to ny klnd of ByrMpg%»T am Osum ige a perfect one. GTJAB.NTII =Mei the Lakdies Kavelous Bpoby be lino of Bot Water BottIS ad ry one reliable. Rockefeller and Ro mm stores stad WorQ»Ua1Y Mf youi do flot cet it yon WW14& ùr by T.lqhonlflg un &t Q7h1bo> e2887. FOX LAM C. M. Spring wasaCbkeSOWtvidh Snday. Mien Ethel spring returned to b«V home at Libertyville, SBndY, uItui @pouding a iew day@ witb relatives bOMi A flamber of theYoaung pOople bol% bere atteuded the dance at RouBd 1-6k« Baturday ,veflifg. Mr. and Mr@. (luy Morrili speettlis Sabbath witb tbe latter'& parDIO is Wooster Lake. H. W. Kîtchen left Tuesday le? a kb' days riait wîtb relatives aS apeuo Iad. Mrs. D. McCleafi le ,laltingbit parssb at Sterling, 111. Mtn. E. JH. Scott returned irOni Cbfraê Wedueaday alter spouding t" .Wuuk witb relatives thers. Mmra.Jas. Malil and daaghbs Kathryn @pont SaturdaY With relatif«e at Chicago. , .AMr. and Mnr. F. S. Lyug efltetalDSd a flamber of the buoiueus POe Of tO*b as a sociable card garniTus.ds ,v.ning. Every ooe report.a afine 1i-. TI4ESE MAY WEIX W. F, Cormlsk, Lhbertyville ... Ethel Doreusa, sanie............1 Franik Beabke, North Chicago . ai2 Stîlla Kowaleflska, CltY.,........i SICE LilfierYarf 9For Figuiti on* BUILDING MATIERIAL M e priosanre rght and Is gond. Wbuhber jou bwy o0W ot gsi my fwwss 77PRMsPARED WITEWBH:. i' S tt DîPro., j: 1, Pir i ý i, . nignT "ime

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