. L. XECOUNTY UNDEPEUDENTIE1SDNOI OFFICiAL PAPER OF LAKE OOUNTY Cbrm Wile With Theft es'Voiepho.c No.- 1.<orls Rosdence Telephone No. 114. LbertyvilloEmehange and Drunkeness. EeLte- ait the P..iioffice antLlberyville. Ill.. àai Soooud CamlMatier M<uni, W55&ZL£. A"VtCRTJuNG sivos ADZENEOWN U LPPLECATiON, la tealiug money frornthe tilt of &USRIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR STRUCTLY IN ADVA14CE your huaband'g bottse, the saine as tac iug the saui change out of hilt pock. >FRANK H. JUST.................1......................... ....................... Editer ets. wbilebe la engaged ln enjoylIng Nature's sweet restorer? UAY L. HUBBARD .....................1........................... _.........OCity Edior That la thc question whieh.the jur- Iors of the Mlarci terni of the Circuit FeRIDAY,'FEBRUARY 10, 1?11. court will, have te decide for them- ______________________________________________________selves. Tt <as declded a short tine ag@ that a man could flot got a di- WANT CIVIL SERVICE LEGISL.ATION. voee from hie <ife on the grounds 1The. votera of this district last November returned a majorlty oflee U" that she tok moeey-front hie pocketie. ~veteseon tihe public-7pelîcy question ln tavor of extending the merit sastemIA casescame up ln Paiterson, N. J., «by the eactment of acomprehenslve and adequatestite civil service I&w. T wberea man asked that a divorce be Bo did ths et ever)' other senatorial district ln the stalte. This vote as a granted te hlm hecaureo his wlte <as ilwiol undoubtedly was representative of public opinion. 'he' people are In a criminel,.- i that shielied stolen laver of affective civil service iegisiation. money froint is pockets, atter ste had aille for a comprelhensive stite civil service Iaw have been Introduced ln lapent ail the money lhe allowed ber as tbe legitature ut Springfield, by Secater DaiIey ot Paons, and Representa. j n'allowanco. The judge ruled that tie iervier et Bureau county, the president of the Legislatîve Fa-"-r' the anomît of allowance which should ChIu. Thete bills wouid take aili etthe ordiniry jobs ln the &tâte serviceou ho granted toý a <vlie, .was the exact of $elitice The bille aise provîde for tifiwiating the public employas to of. amoÙnt of a mans Inconie and retused 101elency by eteans of up-te-date efficlsccy records and investigations. ta grant the decree. .Many legîsiators laver these bills becauée they, 1ke other public mec ln Suit ied Mere. ilîInois, have been much "Ipeutered4 b>' job-brokerage. Take the jobs out et The sanie case witi slight varia- poltici and politîica wiii contint of good flghts aver the meite et lIssues and tions will corne up ln court authte et men ueeking elcclive offices. ln the Interestaet premoting efficericy In the. nert termn. Attorney A. K. Stearna public service and et promating Improvement ln lhe public lite oet IiInoishhebalidasitfrivceorei prenent Genermi Assemnbly siinuld promptly pas a bill fer a thorough g1ingsmorla i t foriietvlle for Letvis *tite civil service lmw. <11te, C'lara Weldon Sunieralti, of Rau- doîpli, NeW York. The bill elleges CMERISH VOUR DREAMS AND DESPISE NOT. f that Mr. Semeraki <aà in the hotel Deapse ot deate. business atltandolpb. and as his <ito Desple ce drema. as bis assistant, seil constant impalpable though they are-lke thin amoka, or moonshlne, or rfere acceas te tWhotol cash draver. The *hadewe lut fli-lntrnslcmîlly worthlessi theugh they are-lke summer bill also says tbat every day the, ac- elèlds or- swamp roies, thlngs. tht commaLnd 1.55 an the markelt tan countaet the hôtel retused ta, balance, e1*hsgee or turclp.--novertheless eur dranme stand fer that part et us that and ti Telst be discovertd tmat bis <lie comts for the. ffst n ltie long rue. was sysfteniatlcaly roiuing hlm vwbill Fer of mil the things of this lIte noting la true, nothing roule nothlng he vas off duti. o*,1,0no-but dreams. lThe ctles we bulld pas awy-ths menumentsitue Thrat.rsd Te 1Kilt Hlm. riare snuffed eut--worlds, aune, syen%,grow weary and îlnk back lnto e la alleged te bave confrontod ber the bassim et Chao-bttaur dreamis liv.eon. There la no sch. thlng as àwltb tbe charge of steallng tfrom the Omd dream. casb drawor. a.nd lnn return itebotbroat- Tisa? la ta us>'thers le ne such thlcg mn e desd droim that vise woith eneci te kilI biti, and Tit the place, thé dreaming. Ther. ire drsams and agile dreims-lrue dreinis and fiai going ou a spree wblcb lasteci for sev- -but Il la onl>' the true dream, the dream thît Is high and heautiful, thit oral days. Affaira Ilke thia grew ta ha Ilvie. The dremet luil-the dream t power, ef glory, of gold, of lochent au every day occurence, aud aetTeat --timbe mi>' ibide fer a whie. but lik. the fungold growthset the nlght. the>' iMr. Sunieraki feunci that lfe wlth .wvr i t'mSu o t clrue, asemusby thoology wouldh ave If, that evil hevt a uhalau eibr le more îibl4lng than gead. laling a few et bis belonginga <ltb The taIse dreamAs evor evacsscent and futile. T'h. Pharaohs et thei hm. Ho came ta Libertyville, <bore NO*, tor whose giary mec talied Ilke oct* anid died lîke Mies, who bulît therni- ho lied relatives aud lived boe ever bleuos tombe and temples such au th. warid fins mot seen sincs thelr dy-j sînce August of 1908. Today ho filed -sae.are thoy> now, and what et thoîr dreime? What le Imperial Theblesm uitfrdvre n -e htasm -Thèbe the "hundredgt.d" with Ils regîl palaces and Ite plllarsd finis? sutmonio e, nd aatedtut farSthe Thé, lange are duel and cothlssg more, and. Thobes onl>' mournfuiîy mijsstlc appeareuce.et bie vite. rutin alf-btinbsd ln deeert secd--bulbihe dream et seme camelese pries? et Drunkeccese Aise Charged. Joie or Osiris lîves an te cler the. tre&ofetpi losaphical thaught toa hie very eur. Tho bill turtber elleges that scion 11Pe Pheroahe dld mot dreamn rosi dreime. l'h.> thpught ln terme ot tri- alter the marrigge et Mrs. guminerski, .~iupl5 Cd tmh.-ad, y ti.Ira>' t Ftethîr omb, pnlisale houlasite stereletidrink and bas kept thse tile % hawe 11usd longer thon thet smemorlua ot their Imperil ibuilders. 9 tacoUabaneverhosiueten ovfoug ~a4e t beî-the>dbth nofsem et ter vrt ome, merh l h ol baad eh en ir. rtu ýýtWM@ft f luid e dremo lera. erntiesatr at f a ag on ya ut a tino, while sibe spent lu h', ilWip, iuo>'tj, rdot ust AlvlngItise truite 0f ber pbni- bleybclfigure, a droimer whose bolng la eenblaliy et euch tuf tou-iigtetuttfbrpud ~#ems re nad o"-my buI> h sad t hamar t haward td' ering tbe casb drawer. The couplef tiPu whole dynasties ot Pherase. were married inl Raildolph. N. Y., ln Ansd lies lbt may weli be sait! lut the. dreame etf a bllnd bard are Icneo19,adim dltyate thomueIves the imber thut ha$ ava*Ii.d te keep fadeisethe memary ef Helen their niarriage. lhe couple startoci the 'a# Troy; that the. dreame etftthe Greek phiosephera and artiste are ail tisaI omrilHus tRnop reuiaiset the giory of Greece; that the dreame et Harace and oetlilus and thi e e t thir klcd are ail tuet la reali>' ablding ot the grandeur ef Banks Observe Monday. noms. Despite the fact that Lncolu's birto- Despîus.onet he drcim. For the. dreimlilvesanmd sways the Issues ot litedyfieo uaYtlYsrth viatest. dremmer la duat. lndeed, dreame censtîtube ail that la rosi that ne-dytason uda ts ath mubis te us et aur dreamtera dsad and gene. Se tir au we oft tua sisth are b anka of Chicago <i have a day off. tutions duriug the. veok announclug Sse ote t tuat you charlsh your dream and depiee htnett For Tt letho eaiy tthing bthâUsl youns tii? cen lîve atter yeu-the onte thîng of your fas-1 that tbey viii ho cloueaial day Mou- iep~~ lttcm opeta .atsr ite~ ~~ ~day. Pcb. 13, on accouit ore htei Liorlet TrederIcks Dealer Ini GROCERIES, FRESiI AND SALT MEATS LIBERTYVILIE ILLINOIS 0-1AB ETES *IERVOIJS DISEASES: OUlce.uiuly Treatsd b>' a Ph>'. llin ô6135 Y.irs' Pra. ClU Experlance. Pr. DaviS IH. Steru bead 09 Ik MPS Ot~Medicil Dapem«ey, e.uapb te heur p.rsouelly tron *9 000» vbo are iii.Write the dea.e il m u i cat¶tou at 1 se-~ ipi Stoi t ou tacts. M", ypatient le gvn telà ofenlei IDr. SterI4 e pee, .of niay 7M : PIs te Cerrecti>'419&g-0 *rue r-ML DISPUHI! Wm. LAYCOCK Co. O,âto iu. Nul l'rcight Dtet ULbertyville, Illinois Machine Shop! RtaPAiR WORK AUTOMOB ILE WORK A SPECIALT"< Englue. Overbsuled. A Fuil Lino eofilundries. Tire.Ilse- paim..whbe nln Trouble TELEPIION E - -yv 061-or26 employes ef banita tub year dOtimlt Feinter>'. Washington's irthday vIii be observeci vith a goteral closiug Feb. 22, and prlmary election cornes h4. 28, aguin affordlng an opîtortu- it>' fer e coupleto boliday. Oid Offioers Eeie&ed The .d i olilcrs vereailro-lecteci et the meeting oftleh Waukegau Rock- ford and Elgin Traction cotupan>' ut jPalatine. Monday .end the only nia- terial change mnade was the change lui tie charter andi detinito naniing of thie termîni ta smnpl> tise termini, no tiat te road can 'grow. Tise offIce?,: President-C. H. Patten. Vice roident-Robert D. Wynu. secreary-Juatin K. Orvis. Teeasurer-Thoo 'dore H. Duret. Headi Pbyiician-Dr. J. C. Volev. ujo you know tbat §Va e.> to bure suit coisi, (if it'. good co)l, <lObant tb. annoyanoS 01 teat MO mdonas..jui gîte tis ire a very lilttie air 'u top. Don't e" heet ovr.Pipe AdupertS Ilooely. Use Pyrolita WaabeW Nat. Yon enu ge ttram the. Home Lunbs.r on,- pau>'. It ode clouaI>, batiloly siemd lmoyue ougi air specola the tire to baro. aIl sg:.,es.usab" votid othaiiori MaWs.oot and suinle.. 16-U Sakcie hematlo.. Nervoisines Uemu disordemsi demVFiger' KI.e Pille bar. h.pedour. meabkor t oie> viiam uRau byeé. 1. .t'ouP a"u, lis s s ., mop, 111 Woua treubidWitbss,»yia.>' for lI? bleue in h7ivr7U au'b aid lde sda aelit O ba pain go throii*b a>' w" body.,i1ba, mmd mmv alesSeIeatmàbsove ~lOY dld ne goa 1 kibepcon maWtil1tolhr bustime bs> ave esteS O ai ofi trouble sud I heardlyle uom=s tisa.'- MolSb>' MiiDruigiebe, a matter et meor-otPe>' VMrUI TuauSu=IN Kil fNPOME PKOP~OOt IN TmISCM 4111 -9w> LRAAI<1m iPipa b. remt41011111 Now is the lime to order youl' new suit. Prices bave been eut from $5.00 fo 7.00 a-suit New Sprlng SAMP LES Rcieved EW. PARKIIURST SCIIANCK BLOCK A-' STEWART STOVES ARE GOOD- A compket stock of Base Bornr.. Mot BIasts. Oak Ibeaters, Stoves end Ranges. COMBINATION OAS AND COAL RANGES LET US SHOW YOIJ SUIIANUK BRos. Temporary Heat Qulckly ,Did you ,ever stopa <o thlck of the mny wais ila whlch a pefc e a erla of value P If you wacî îosleopwlîh your win- dow open ln violer, you uC e 1sufficiece het tem nan toilheater vhllc you Undreu utjilghî, and then titres t off. Apply a match ln the mornicg, when you get out cf bed,and you have heat while you dress. Those who have to eat an -early breakfast befote the steve la radiaîlng heat can get Immediate wrmth front an cil bouter, and thon turc h off. .1 The girl who practices on the piano ln a cold.,room iln the mcrang ecan have warmth, trm lin il heater while she plays, and then turc it off. Themembet- cf the family who has to valk the floot on a cqid wlfl- ter'a aigh vith a restless baby cao gel temporary bheu wltb an cli boiter, and thon tutu If off. The le avaumb. U km .1 ~cky gvlniset.Aplysamatch and l la lot. inediel>' i etprt, tbua for aine -bouts vîisaout refilllng. l lm amle, suohteleeend màd oe dloper top and a cool bandie. An Indicator mwy$ thw le s*OMM? et .0luteh* btou l buasaul.aI..di fpue gpre.ader icis preventa the vicie front belmg tutrneS1Milleqh tao e an dla easy te rernove snd drap bort me d ll ie VieS Oaa W qýclesaci lita me nt. The. humer body, or tancer, ceo bcme wdemd ca,be quickl ifucm i o r retvloh)a. Phpi9ed; ln le aor aicke,àarona, durable, veli mude, -huit for servies, mmd y ela ai otummeala pJub#wâv& *lst3et yu. WONsfr davàa ajksdalo go -nw -*T T £RAY FURNIV#U SOR ILE L SAVNO CCOuNTs~ Opened on or before the. loth of -any Month -will draw 3 per cent fromn the Ist Ùf the mornth Wýe pald to our Saving De&" positors'for the year 1910 Interest arnountlng to $3239.43. Try US. capital $50, ouO.oî, Surplus and Profitg 30,000.00) Totml 1.30,000.00 e WAT~ GOODS SAVIJNGS NEW LOT 0F 31 INCHI BLUE PERCALES. THE KINO YOU USUALLY PAY IOc FÔU AT PER YD. 7 1-2c SHORT LEP4GTHS ARRON OINGHAMS ALL G000 CHECKS AT PER YARD 5c CI-ILORENS IIOMPERS MADE 0F 0000 BLUE CMAMBRAY T RIMMED WITH RED EACH 2ýc BLACK AND WHITE CMECKC COTTON SUITiNG YD l5ic GRAND LOT OP EJKBROIDEIES UN AU.. WID)THS YARD) 10 AND l5c SPECIAL BÂRGAINS IN UNDERSKiRTS WHILE THEY LAST VALE/4TINES W. W. Carrol Sonj * PHiONE247 oLa$LKIYVILLE * LUMBER CO, *Down by the Old Depot ALL K[NDS 0F COAL 0 FORKED AND WAS1IED AT OUR #à OSHIEDS NOTJIINO BUT CLEAN COAL * 0 THE BEST. 0 PURE, CLEAN, SWEET "S H-OME 0F THE RED COMB0 POULTiRY SUPPLIES MAN FAcTURER 0F Ma and Granite Cemetertc of Every .-- Description, Comrepondence bofûclted I 26;.Genesce St lb inar tuire a& short *"campein" or w <ut mdrrtimlugte fini the PinS 110 <ok vnt.i=qku for. Eut lb al>' -0<1er sort of, "loeking.'1 Dit. E. V. SMITHI GENERAL. PRACTICE Heours 1 ete12. 2 t0 4and 7 to 85p.. u t. u over Lynch.fros. store. SPECLL A4TNTIOq TO TRI M LIBERTYVILLB. ILUN019 W. IM. APPLEY . Auctioneer PARéi SALUSýONE PER CoNTr PHONE 1431, MATNC. DOCKB UmS o pp, igO t t aeeaSo ofBeS Pioms amSi Us.Pham m" M VI