on ~1 The En-irbée30î000Stock ë otMens, and Boys Rea.dyuitoa.Wear Clothingr e. ,",ng Goids!kits :and Shoes to Be Sold hi l ef ýTfFL UA Y 16I MU baegaia y vr fédin akBvaltigmst go, and go inaburry--No haîfway methods. A reat 1 ouths toe.eVwih o than w ny M snde W.thefr very liberal patronage in the past We wn ~.ivu1 otaevc ofth Iet*portmty to patronizc us-It's more to your intst d'tanourso, but.w edyu ept movesulanemos SIOmkin Io short a, ime. Thit doig out btaîness wiil rot b., 4'ong, drawn. outpainful aflair. It will be a live, hustling effort ta ca*bdese baff a reus regular, busines into thirty dffl. Every effot -ifi Ib*c ade ro take cm oft the great crowds that are sure to throng our big, stpre. Many exereneds e willI>b. ngaged -to serve you. WC will lns ouh every way pssible. Store will b.c dosed aildyPrdmakg n% azgg the mammoth stock for quick seling. This will b. thé biggest, sales day that Wâu h~aahasever ktiown., Not a thing i this gra soebutwat wllb. uold at cositand even -way bclôw ýcost-Nothing wiil b. Ieft undonet to convert tht. immense stock of cWothng into cash. Maaiy piàg good art included in this big sale. 1~ Car aeih1-efim4dd to 8ut of Town utmr WAflÂ~ IO(jh5 Ton t*y-ov" eru ptone0f thra vithi Wou ..Ilderu are OOMPbbulnngthat IWaukegmr, UIIlmanio d Spilns 0" ent of mon,>'. r.malued et thie ebt cami -on tue local il». 1811te0Vafey 'a thtw MM@4.AIl,7.tcr da> U (ion Wedn"& a = 7SUN) 1011e station lant niait. meconnections and t(t55 ps p 0 th e eMIUaIMgi fer cnigovera- ab.DirqulmitruaacY berfla lutoi A ap expwoed at te tii au y g1«ale auerhni mm 4the oa.*oue ia ;t Bile beid tow»rrov. Doothnianbe"n.punPark aeueSu l hv at ha aIboi C47,*0 oreii. manfeV*ta 322.a I Ord« ur UBtutai bu ItU blthula>'niait mulus an aàann of are. No mot.rue etetdaainu__0f M- Pair>'tomorre, evegine. - damasewvuadoue *nm vl e thI 1m'tr otaî ix Te orWe..tocaofth M Tbuoau i loIc itiByTmlu î Ing a nov .04.1 quit. à joke, " a u 0seé a mreet mer W m" ffl..uplcatu for poition Uxolior uotorcycle lu the. dis Play piov tirhmtii.henov puma up 1ti bo heutrfd AuçAl eMoU.at aithe et l»e de"rtomadriver WOrce . Vlido0WOf the BrIera rnture omm. snow bankuon mtber bide of the areeti__ ls i om. Ikda>'. lobrUar>'24. wau.f la civil a&«Vice. - pn'soebt f Jetah.ThefluslWie 1 fbd àÏubdd b>'- th* U1W. CL. uPOu--10aln adog witii1 Tiie. ere ai>' ai fte *Dm o rnto Mr. a*d M. la.. Marrie I ~ ~ i.arlVd a l uh i.fa iuo-auffrae mutg ai the aboutuhiomo et Gunoe,on roi. 14, a boy. W l'.1*51 sait elsAuci-oh, m--ai ljuits iyerd&Y ,And fie nov members ve..-Mr. M Mr. L fJ.'Qunebt .- ~- that og vtI ahic.ou b. taeY~ ecei.~ -tuvnd rm a 'e1u1ý*-witbir iei daugb.W'nb fa .04i M A -4dmeP seguomai end et Nobel Smoi l cofer,' a famer remlding t« maufbuaboni ut OinaiiS. . tt .p iflhe aie mM *OkaW ber ikMmatelY, Dear Vola. 41.4 *me1. oalngfrouizg(u'i iulcagoveey»> auua tat bot. n abei0faScii- pneunlonla, frm whicii hohad limnti. cmpl fOnIrum 45 the lfW ity l .48 fm. wbtkabe lbe11. lyot nii about a veokgvn«anag41fuk4o.- leOa 1. W4ZI -~~~ te ilem. I ~~~~~Potftion boaubeen 81.4 b>' aM« ~t idpbtàam, iri V«««te O lut ~ UI t&*U fýL uau or 0f11*.- c leuat- Needhairi for a probat. of **the ima baggunnbuv l W> tWe qme t4. : Thé #14m lmimi * bOhoun ote, At enomba lettm lin the etat. cof Auausi Nb.-b le lpont mter o"V"emil v.* omi t w*e 4U~0 it 51*1. abtbain. dceaaed. u filUdU labeabouttug6 "W Mvii minies muunaion for Thieeau.cof Docker agaiatCocinan bis itura tbda>'. "urieifSm au .*0- UWpw O anda SPolos à'at n lu1514tomor- wu boueti befre tUic muter lai cha»- Ilade lant efevoea u onalue a*leer 50cr- pue.>' oa>.Tiie oaeInbolve. amie e. n!ful, a2tw rierivài bers* 18 eveotu - *0 MtUw X, e 'yu ~ ~mIY buc dock«« a maUt oaiale.viWt it brtherDaifdHrtam a. d SI »W8 abmst uthfe 105 13 oOWgTUfs&M 1Uer.> NoMUa. 1* Lttle "Bu&' Cremble la 111 or in- Il>'. lie vît, pmohmMy 50. m m a i yphodlf far nid seref Winlake laJ«mmI .&flantion Of' the mapno. trlp to ÇAnaoate lup mmne lâce los' toumrw tes- 1 8- ,'0 li 9 bilalIniiiOakvOOd -coeter>'. Oh» ad 318* <of wbam bu appcarod ln the. SUN. 5 bha- bore for ivo Yeara and one ciid.Le Ko>' Haskel wvasthe. lnaang* aurvlvae boudýces ti. iband. The omicer. Me la &Mad eaccimaary. EddieS fasntly resides ei 210 Caroiie -plàce. 1uîrm planoloéiat i oilooi1 w otSay. P" R4r, a young ina,0f mo»k4blt ontertaiei vel. There* hriëm pover apd, ablity a preobW ere ver ulgit> piement and an ors. e f 1-M uIMWet .i .oWedauan athI*t-E. ter auppor vau cserved. V vlf iiad à ertes of mecu t a theS Plut' BaPtist chiUib, beghmu i, h e ciihý Wl.. lb. 15.-BeTivng S t, Smu Suad>' id marcb. At thi pe r iut a murdor Wau conmlrted, the S0 0 . tou talgt, the. vanigCQua ounut.coroner lu muking a cloiéexaianation # tem wli tie auPOInteul to'malte the înto the ftnding of tbe reanainu of en b necMUsar>' repartion for the ge th Iu n m inla a Ifid ortli t e. meeotng*. toy, 1WiJle the, mmliad a eO :M"ui lathelattdate qutfýbr the P About b1*18 nick - thermaau S'd 4e~veyofti. oem te ic 1 in 40 met ludl.t u> iulebfr Nr k~ 1 y ro Cu e and, m oKe i n. deptii i . 1* e u m a w , êU - dt aie I D S a < > t ba t d ay th e , suis o f OSi,001> i i b a t- e n g Ž u i a i tb « m * klt h av e 1 1 4 . lu4 e b - pa f 1,> the lm o t the court., -in hlm dentlflatfou iiad becs re muvmd S #m4e11e'court, .wdeped4ntos .4 Z"u m iliy have quit t6ir àIf for tiihee <>POUTO DUT. 0*I p e f tobaco la tbât qt, a . 1si m1 nd4i i X e1* 1 I n g it;tbe r rals d o'by o iioctln uOb*.i à EUhihI & ao w i>h 0 pMue>' W, ythe ie 0f, ar*rgo*,. Iiiief 110, and co«ti for. smokhng op ài- omposiia f Robert "bacouet Z of-li " '-eA die- -.Z *omfTrASgOp WANTI plu@ y.q ulOtu "» l vm hett'êüÎ4w" nomm ffiý.* àt b~ ~~ w m84a fl;>.l tuueêq$y IL You tes eo Wolne~54i. 00 ig . o *A Mn" t the o m to , 1. - ý iP0e ýA .- ç5 ange. V d .,ýby,,.)4,tSch, 20th,