244 1911. T. . Cia= . M am UWeveithatthie lrrvmaOtRpreflb.em ovedthat 8an milate loe. té Illie Ï11oved. . -( b* lii Smhereitau- )NoU ti rrlod. S t obovôiug It van uoved by ginievior IgUé. thIi tb:3 I ereby ont- sud oeoa4iby BuWevtaor CiAn. ,t-it 1thet aie» e l. aiton tua sIirhlwnti t 11840and enterei "aoId!lies -peraca vbO vraiethst lb - .&V c ' A c0 n>ncial . seUÙ#t*11 09 e1f, mdtintie Su »tw Ibert 1. , 1 n ~cled.>0p"' ta prove a;= ëD r MO$440Pari 99publiely.aipe I sud that 815.'.At- ade t» inuitof Lake. neT*y e Istrii ta Ia-.'lu ata 0*1 Mot r te-1 tIoc aruted& 0 Dwerdiner Wolcb subn>ttai ithe Plt.Wernsthé. par- toliovhlo ettu. bl fout niolaita maiWblion, erént application.il al i dta s t «n propety e vners tp gui-hmie vp luay "iW"sMoti tela n~iads eait ti adjacent te tuelne ai MW sOMOJS tdius MiieCoDa- theay teiovly ovn are noV- pendé. - mte orignatoitfisen mat g b irthe ii Bari of Bupervigers , nli ud viné the BoutE01!Ilis Ceunt.m sud t 1 ew iis 6"entE alas Wioree. notoira aaid board cm Ila mai r, t allaitut»&il tellgently mcl upon sai applcaiOUM » wtl1kg'r e4èo, and Il Wlieee.ser'thit Osalinvâaip1049 Pâ0 fur thé eunbty ansl&lis b. aurv#an sd patd u ie m àmai ,éa l natiars tt aar as teshow théimgoctimo f ho IO~ Ulaioula dallent,-gas i th reforonice tothe li a »v or ellqut laes, liat O*m.d hiyaniapplicants reepechlYaly. one t Y, .oment Therefore, Eeaolved, tiit tha Cees- $48. sai emoabe 9" btebop8wmitlacei ___i u i ses 0 IMOnnO-d lu ioiug cause a SUtveV Md Plat 1 hebar M& if s»Y at itsmplaTea naiseeuw m- Party urge. 10 pay, ortyepuha5wliwB ts.aé fo sand orvlceau rt or b. lacMet . la lo *ty er, ut r' he ttalam. ppicaton. vhieh may Soeel bty U'ent of Otalan>- b.eted ulit thi enrkof saliBoariT *-uile icibBDre avont ali r-on or baete ti 11hday o! lanuarit, ~zuiei iai u~ e ovut hah1911. Proidai, bowever. tuaIlb. re.- *wcaut OMdthe. Canat petiespicuà$hlladvance 10 st* colletai, and o other feu, ias Ithe aeuffea6gai liesr dem lu.c *@as,. o ahdenstion viatever miii Counuitite lnansd about the mat- pcld amenait sallaib.iepaîdt 1 e. n acaaaopuhaplea E&* Prty o! telietnpart from in eand fa cmr rfu. 1yaivhanceilst ta tUme, and th. County Clark li."reslpfatvreue to! apnneabas dir rd ta Isne a varrant te 1mcd vithe tUnisme etermcnodupon ~ t Haieforaaysuin> by sai Comn>tte. thon thoîrdopplica- 1 nmgt t ng tiepropit saiions mitaitilb.Ignordi4n tie makinig il> Clark of Lie County. proni- of 5uuch aprvceys. vooer, tilt, tnohilngs hah b.ie flesolvei, liaI saud Comiti.lit ted dite or owigg ta sai %rat par cause sach surveys ta b. mad i vî»M gl il aisotnner aeco-due 'illigeéice ami report lie . atm. . ï bd sd #I lt lis Couaity ru-.%- tagether with théir conclusions. At t" te< Dent- session o! Iis boati.' 1lleun failler sgseithi t tiie Papervisor Clark movei uh#t ~i AbertIL Hedea "I bave on unie1 ue acpted and adoptai. l r~ thvh 1 oincarri-la. 31 's ut I an't»comuPlet tis i. Superviser Biackier movod iliat $li, loik yhl (ban bauîsiai>Staha's Attorney lb. and hé la horeby eni pear b. may bave a roen uUfa »~ al~ ~ ~ MM tino vtila vbhich ta finsi lthe teour Painent a! ail manét a»4 t, -otiet' effecis due Laies Couaty '&a 'Z -sud ear tat bovewriten, Motion carrei.'e *t u"0 of Labo Couauiy llitharo- Splvlnr Chttandoul' ovai. l [ne Chair appoint a C.cmmttée of tva .......%..... (i) eltasot vith lb. State', Attorney ln se. "W'bm' ~ ty of Lakte. St-ta of l- eurnag a Detective Agenot 10 capture ~IiIm. red E. Ames. ...... Motion carried. lu 9aIS !AI outy Boain of Chair appointai as sncb Commîllo. ci p~atopn4. iimoi ,SuperWvsors leko adi emoret» --------I Bperviser Matiier moirai terocou- é Clark o!, alli an ty oftidier lb. action0f.tii. Board IFdils- sloviug the blil of Tom.Tyrel tor il sormr er ninveti>te loy the. captura f bonme the!, 'evair Io the.Match meeting o! %lotion carriai.A iSupetyisor Demnorent moved tiat carie ' ' Ton> Tyrrell ieb.aloved $100.00. ri ,wn-Horenberatr Ooveà 10ta-Motion cernaid.t to - 1 6'lock P M. Supervser Wyun mavai liaitiithe carried î . Ciere be, autbiei lisue varrants: Clark reoi-tb, report of tu thi eerai-claata for the.êet- our ad aMy on lie oraihbislbe oe aI 1hismetlag. t of tie Conty 011ces. Motion oarried. Conaidniquei lIat lhe -BSperviser Wyan nioved toa augura amopted andaaieti. uject to caîl of Ciairman. on aie.. Mo tion carrlod. Waeh cf the Public lANtUARY SESSION. V C*qwuittee .mited th. FIRST DAY. ~t andma Genlemen o! thi Waukegaa, Ili.. Jan. 17.,1911. i i o! upervisons. Board mt puruat tea dlournmaett D«c. 18, 1910. viti Ciairmasa Meyen pronîdîni amcd rZ y=tmi= on uPublIc Buili- tie ioiwng membens promont. Su0: c 1~e le as lutzuiiai tho mat- erislors Bisokier, Brooks. Chittenoni, Il D lutoublbd.liii tùreprthe cConai, Cati, Descon. IemorenitFer- ti *I tIti meeting onicertain repaîrr iy, Fîcte. Graham, Horeaberger. Ken- t 'r iomm.Oiml by tir Occonîber naiy, Meyer, Matier. Klnaciine,,Eg-1 isy, lo b. doal t he C ouater, Pri-lin.Weloi.. Wynn. 19. t bu » Aire o report an foBlove. Absent. Superviser Eiwards. il ba, b.ave toiaushî examInai Minutes of preeilg meeting roiu e, -w u teb..dama'ami fini avrit- aid uvoamotion o! Sapervisor Hor- t c,-m omlng u»der seerai il!- enb.rgor approired. W etmas. o!ahor. as !llavm: Carl P. Weatorfiold, Couuty Tiens-1 Machualt or liou Worc. tirer, presented lie tolowing notices. »i* cage or set of colis on to-it: eMz* Sele alsérpî !al AtoI, Ji.an. 14. 1911.' SMd laver connections andI olier To Cari P W"terôleld, Count Tress-s :19 tha cagéA"ic elaon lot tirer, Lake Ceunt. Illinois. ùoot-s 0( j. .Dean Slr.-Thims hotunotify you thal oMt Watt. 1,i.tie undetmgae<l,.i. Chiae Webb on. Cemt SMooan frant o! lie Surettes on youîr Bonêam oua- ;w jjjj.ty Trensuror of Labo Coîtt. lîlnos ter Wor. deirei ta b.e released f om suci bondt aud rofittlng ail viniais atind requeshtt au tn urniai av bond negIt isit ufieleut siretlee ithIlaton Painting and pa.perhanls- daym aftetenhhs date. ToUrs vr tit. mirevarnlsh alfcr i eI i. Ci an. 14 , paot of Jail on §rit ioor andi1 Antlocii. I.'an 14.1911. Mdi paper valus sud callai fTa Carl P. Wsterfild. County Troua.- reem n areience of Ji., tirer, Lae Ceunt. Ilinlois. c Plomber. Dean Sir,-Til le -ata natili you that ~lu*handamiconneot vitii vuter i. the un.ierslmuied.William, . West- M fit tir e tatloDstt Ianay ie onkenco! tie eretiea on your boni on. ga andrt steve. an County TreamUrer o aitsake ouat. .10eld tiat la oder ta eslai- I[linoiîs, deire t talie releasei fran> ffwIty o! undmslailag and sîîci band aui roquct tiat toi> fana- te ail blitdors. li. vîllibe lie neis bond viii suflcieat suretien te propare aclfications la within ton days ater luis date. Yours 1 r 0eofclas oa! andamivent truly. ' tâithe dhorue c! hie :William S. Westinke, ulcita actE absence ! oine Tic !oiiovltigcomimuiaionllO s oe.Usbus aot 1as yeh b..i rend. aar1719. eipiratio»u af-lia ircun- Tathie Honorable Chairman andiMem- - peiirqmmouid thithle bers o! tii. CaunatBoard o! Lake on Pu lie Builiga ho COunty, Illipals en tE iuli-odrav a"P Whreani itlabapparentthiat Lake *.ilsla 0fet ach coiîity ibu been lu the past sud nov - d-la on.sud té soeurs tg the conter Of n largo. -lntllligent *aitS ideb te lieie-. sud progroalireo tck breeijug eoa 1 la lia tu Clerk ofi Ils mualt. «>- bof9te a dato lie b. n-That holiel.Caiosheep, sviue ;ce- Cquûe.- and oiior live stock foi-m an Import- ~Jroominoui hat on tint Item lu parSOflal Propertt Soho- iit ogüm luemol viti diles in the Mse-srai Tlovnshps o!ttc ?égildiidensir ail Conot. vîli- h àthé aggr.gata i-Sus ta e la leac i nta - inndi-*o! tiongands o! dollarsm 10 lltdier. and aa lU -ilci 'acconsîdorabhlo K. a. sIar e-o!eui xsare leviai, ' Jan : Wecb. Tbt Ilm v!-na.atal liv. stock la L -M M. rr natoallt .nbMoed by -lie iniroin- <fora noaitt hatieno f suIblu d misncimeali -' ii. iopet. hali . abu s yl- cu rag-eht& 11,tle b.inots phultry 15à0d1oi5 seclation et Wauiega*t lllloî»lin M anolalon roo~lasly organisait et fur pi-it) uiie blàavmof the tâte o09lîluZAl nd holding a çhister trfrn> tor e .purgrg. ofholding mmmi Exiition& et o! ry. ai Pet oetk,.gai for tl Inacergonaho! eo raislpg ofa bote.rlamao!poidltri alti Couty. Th the Meuphcrshlp of sai Asso- ltion la compriaci ofDreiera ail 'or tha Comuby anmmi eone Iplar- «Ad la sncouraged te loin theAine- #&a=n Mai vontfoi'lie qper-minent hlpem.nt 0f liaepuro s anmaiaime. No* lierofore. W. trnpucifiilyagx- eUt teOjur Honlorable Body lai liii bmmîdlitlonhbegironîe court- qWm coiiodrallon ué eL Ioa op o nmttaeWU llltttlolai bt stli Commlttereport luack r.- maaiug Aoaci n&Mount an tiiet "y daM conistant vili th Pur- xIée o!. tha- asoclt lta b. airail- Mle for'i-lr nem >.ualshow, illinola poultry faclosu' Ai*. , E. T. Sergent, mt. Supervisar Connaidn>ovei tiat the. eissunicatlon I. referrai htes ami- idtoo6 Chrse appoint ai: ucy ithe hItt"s upe îmas Oraham, Fick. sud 1 Té follohslig communication' va. Ïkd: Waîikegan, lit, Dec. 311,1910. ro the'Hanorabl. supervisors o! the Towsa ofWaukogsa. * Genhtlem,-We the uuderi-ignod emmatttea apiholalai . by lie South Ie Prepenty Ovnei-s' Protective Ai* iclallen beg lbave> letuubiît theen- .1oid resolution lutroiuced and ad- wloai ah last. ragular meeting ai lié asièclation où Decomber 19, 1910. 0,8b. H. Wortb. W. Nagnasson. - Peter Carlson. Antqîn Wyagonlr.kI. Wioeaa. It appearstrom he Plat tls o!flIllnois tt hiemaximum. an> su ia comnatsons shbowabie-aunai *,l lie Tovnship, Coileciar lteitI 40*,i.aired Dolari. aid 14 sppearu uda thie recorda lu lte TovuCierk'i >#e. tint collectera haro- been rteloî ng ibigis an Tisont-Fve linni MAlai-s mnually. Xiv Tierefore, Be lit, Rsolred liai th* supervisora b. rsqîuented tu0 n.l i Ia.tlago! the. Tovnnip Board o Advaas O! tie Toisa 0f Waa«ogan fu the parpain o! autionizing salai serin o tmoae a demanaion any mi Rit ellectors or ex-caliectors for tii liossinlanionot recelvei iii'tin 0v er. ami abovo their respective legai a] Ioî*ncas. and tuat nuits ta recovai vucbirces b.leîntitulcdIif il suai rave Decasia-y. De il FniemheltRerolvei. That tb. ai lovance te lthe preant aid future lu ubante o! sali ofice lb. coafiaed, tA th luftaeu Huaired Dollars-a pr tes Imitai ta tiem by lais.. fiupars'aor Grahan> movai ta la: the ame on lie table. Moon cni-uied. Supervinor Clark. Ciairman o! th' Auzdting Comiltee. roai theafins report of Arthur Young & Cao.an' novai thsathelinenme b.flid îti ti Ciett fer futur. referenco. Uotlin cari-ld. , i Carl P. Weâtai-fiold, Couaty Tréai rer, pi-enantai lie follovîng bond. Knov Ail Mon Bt Tien. Prenenti trial ýWe, Carl P. Wastardliias prit gipai aidAlfred W. Meee. Binr N )rvlà, .Josephi E. Anderson, David EL Jackson, Arthur M. lAuyon, Lloyd - WVhite. Davi T. Webb, Lorenzo Biot op, Alexaniér F. Beauhien. uinIl >rvis. C. limmiaukWright Frainklia i Dymoai, George A.-Wright, IL Hlm. Brook, Richard S. Barnum>. Hem-y. )uaaning. W. B. Besley. as surehies. a if lhe Couaty o! Lake aidStata o! 1 Umolo, art helda i rMIY bouni un% tie People o! the State o! Illinois, I the penai Inn af Three Hifldre riaulsanti (8300,000.00) Dollar., tu th. patinent of iwhlch. vel and Irat ta b.e maie. ve biai ourselves. each c tors flrmly by theso prens.,li. flIguai viti aur-hmnis and soaie yIfti our semis and datai at Wsiuk, gac. Iliola. titis 17th day o!f.iununr: A. D. 1911. Tii. condition ofthe abave boni munit. tiat if lie above_ bounden Ca P. Wenterfid, shallpirfarin ailil datten ic i re or imat hée roquire iiy lais ,téa-b.operformed i hiul.-i Trasuror o! the. iali Coaat a!Lak lat tiitme andmannar Rrescribe4â, q 10, ho prescribei iy lais. and viien i aboali b. snccaeieinlaofie siaillaou reador sud delitor a ven ta lils succe jor. la o-ca ail -booas. palIers at nts yami othhr thhnge b.ionging sali Couati'. and appertalunins ta mn offIce tienti have bond to lie vol otherwise tW romain ilaNforc ane. Cari P. Wealei-fioii (Seat) Alfred W. UNaei.. (Sent) joseph N. Anderson, (Seai) Davi H. Jàckmaa. (peil) Arliur M. Lautan, (Sent) UÀoyi i. Wite, (seul) D-avid T. Webb. (Seai) Lorftumo Bliop. (Seau) Ahexaudor F. Beaublen, (Seul) JuutIu K. Of-vis, '(Real) C. Pmak Wrighit, (Seal) Prjll ,Dymni (Salit) George A. Wight. (Seau) .B. Eumer Brook. (Seati Richard S. Barnum, (Seal) IHenry J1. Duanins, (Seau) W. B. Belet,, (Seal) Plate o! Illinais, Labeonty. as., -1. Juiium V.. Bain, a JustIcto, r Pasoe.In aid fr ormi Cuntyinlat state -afjr-qe ~do herebt cert thal Carl, P. We.heilni, Alfred oioDavid IL Jaikson. Arthur lAnyca. Unyi I, ÇhTIito Davi Webb, Lotendo lhop. Aiexanier jooln -JasttaK.Oris1C Fr WrigiC F iuiaP.- DymSloaieo Ba. WIhtqp, BiUa gk, ERichasi an. Heu!?J. Dunn&W. B.lor Irltbmnt et ol y baud imi lielne V. -Daiim, J011two 4or te aull. Touit <Waukegan. Biaitte o! ié Colio*, ofetLake,a. I do nolemnlY #sWdr tiàt 1 viii sup- port tie Conostilon 'of the United SIIe« n sd tii C=ontltuttion of the. StaleetfIlilinois, snd liai 1 viii faith- fulLy disoharge the. doti of to! l fice O! Treasurer ot. the County of Lako ac- cordlng te tie bet o tlt 'slilty. Cari P. Westerfieid. Subacnbed and nsa ikte before me thii 17tbi day 9! JanuzqrY. A., D. 1911. Lew. A. Handee, ounty Clerk. W. the. unierslgn oeinttee select- ed by the. Board of BSUgaIrvior.te»*aP- proveotiie Bondes o!fVOflty Oficors, bereby approve th ii.oWgolg Bond of Carl p. WoterfteiiCMtay Treas- u trer of Lakeo County, IMOIuo.. H. C. W. Meyer, H. W. Ily 9. W.... ooks Some Bn~ler. Thom aE.Graham. Commte.. Superviser Matiier movod that tiie bond bc referrod te lte Proper dom- mitites.. Supervsor Deacou nierai as an am- oudment that the former Committee appoiatend ta approve tbb Côunty Ofl- ecor.' bonds be dlchargiiad tint a nev Committee be asiitted tea P- prove saad bond. « Upan rol i li tii ipli aca, rled iiy thofollc>lugie Tiose votlag Aye aft SupervisorIS 3 lackler. Brooks, Cmtd& Deofn. Ferry. icke, Grabain, Kirschaer, Welcii. 9. Tiioe votlng No -art' SuPerviSors Cbttenden. Clark, Domoret. Horea- berger. Kennedy. Miather, lEger, Pri- or, Wyna. 9.- 1'here beling a dle vote Su'PervisOr Meyer voted Aye. Superviser Deanon movei. tint a fCoanittee of thre ho appolntedi t approve tiie bond. 8Sbpervosîr Graham> moved as Dr ameudment thatthe Chair appointa Cammttee of five, ialuiing the chair- mnan. Motion carrin. ('an P. Wstertlid.,CoÙUuty 1reasw - zrer, precsenteMthéliefollovlng bond: ý Know AlM by1TheProseits, -Tint ve. Carl P. W*trf.d, Collec- ter, and Leitoy *. Iimhor, Lorenzo hishc>p. Fred B&lrup h by Cha». Z. Bairstov, llvin jl:aM»;Juatin K. Orvis, Alexander P kuia Securi- tien, alilof the oîmz<flaeanc State o1 Illinois. ara 1 I~ad ofiyl iboui ta tie Petuplt et State of Il« aislanthe. poeal un.efOaqHua- if red Plifteen Thouésnd f 5115.000.00' Dollars, for the, payaffl o! vhich, à veil and truly 'ta bs gtàa. w. ini brselves. eanh of us, ot'hoSto, alec» a tarsan4anti ilnistrat0s, firn>IY ii thoeepresents. 'Signa i vtiiou. banda aud sealedv liot euti 'V 7th day of .lanuary, A. DU 1911. Tii. condition ar. theo oregoing Bond la such, That If lh. above bonnd Carl p. westerfloid hal per- à- form ail tii. dOues te ho ,earformed by o hlm as Col&-or o! Te* for the, yenr Ir 1910in labt.eCaunly etf La0é in the iitate o! illibois,la the tno and ia ma iY ner prescrhhed iiy loi. mai vien hc saa11 b. succeided la 615M nial aur rendes- aid écuyer over te hilsenucnsi el sor Je offce ail books, papotsanmd mon- i eys appertaiaiag ta uhen anlio, e. i id foregang. bond ta b. vold. étherwise Il ta temateîn lu fnlforce Carl P. Westerieli. <Sa) Laoloy W. Bracher. <(Oai) - Fréd Bàlrstov. (Beal) .Bt Chau. E. Bairetcv <eau a, Ebina. .GriMa, (goal> il ss-inot L .Orvis, <Bec» Aloxador F. Beaublen. (9-1)I L.orenzo Bliiop. -(îeai) state of Ilois, Couuty o! Lake, &a 1,.JmitM V. Balz. a Justice of tii -Place, do hoteby certlfy thal Catl IP .woestrili. LeRoy W. Bracher, Fr.d Dr Berto* b Chas. E. Bairtow, Elvim jJ. Griafu. Juntliu K. Orvis, .Alexsad% Pj . Seaien, Loreazo Bisholi. Who a e aci pei'ouafly known ta me te be ie aan>e persona viiose naIme.ai asuhscribed 10tiith oregolng iisttua dmont. rppared hefore me thiiday lu rPernon a&bdackaawledgei thatÏtbi ,y sign&usi.nsidand delvlred aflila ,f strulaent &b their f rée and voluntai a. mt for the. -ses and purposes tiorelu set forth. Given anden ny hand and (onl s- eail tii.171h day o! Jaituary, A. D 1911. 1 '. julie V. Bals, Justice of!tho Peao St. c f Illinois, daunty of Lake, ss. Il Cal . esterfield, Connty (,P nr leclt- linanmaifor snld CouatY. do mc "e emaly avearthuat 1 wilI support hi Bd donaitullonof the, Unied Stîto, as an the CoMüttutiqn or the, State 0f lm il vois. mnmtii at wvlI aithfully I Or charge:tho dutika o! the. office o! se te Conty Collector for the yeat II, ir- cordiag tathie beat of mY abilltY.e D Carl P. Weterfleli, Colecter.' mid Subirhaiand avarn ta beforo nà te thIs 7th day a! Jauuary, A. .1g ld .Lev. A. Rehaie, County COeW~ ld- Supervser Elger noyei tint ti bond b. rofrrd to the CGmitOitteo b. appointe&. oîaclri. - mvdh l~zervoKirchner mvd ei coniter. the motion of Suprm Graham n l referonce ta the apijoInlI a a.w commtee leanppecave bolide. Mation cariai. eupervlaor Wyan moved tint tiei. g lglaal çomnhthse stand. motion csmried. Supervlmr Wyamoved ta silOUX untii ton oleck tamarrow motusN Motion carrlid * SECOND DAY. Waukegaa, Ill.. Jan. 18, 1h11. Board met pirauat toa&adourubp wth Chalijan Mayer preiiiag,- a9 r'the. following mnemiiers presoal. . S te erviapra Batier, Broks, Clark, 00 J Eger, Ferf.7 Ick., GrahELuzi l N. Absnt. Supiervinqs Edv5rds, T. semner. - 2. Ir. Minutes o! proceding meeting ros wk ani upon motion of supervisor Bret -ga allprovéd,----- le fupervinor Prior moved .-tit- I las bld.fOt-trw>ul vork and repaire ab,g Bupervior lb«, 11001 04that the. ad tiat the. Cotamitte. no olected re- inatter of ietting the contracte for port lis action and doings ln the pro- .1.11 wonk b. làid over until f o'clock minos, sit the unit meeting of this P. M. Board. Motion carried. Motion carrled. 1 o'clock P.* M. Suieryisor, Ciittonden moved that Eiupervîsor Elger maioved that the the. matter b. bift wltii the Commlttee matter of erocting new cagsln the on Settlement with.the County Treas- Jali be laid over lintil the Parch urer and County Cierk. meeting. Motoný,cmrrld. Aye a d No vote being caflld for. Superviser Chlttenden moved that Supervisor Vber.a motion tuat caried the initier ci collections mae by ex- by the followlng voile. Superviser ]%Ilior for rodlng the CColz- Thon. YQtiDg Aye are Supervisor ty Para i lildins bo le t iwlth the Blacklr, Brdoks. Clark, Chittenden. CQIiilltteOou Settiemont wlth Coun- Elger, Ferry. Horeniierger. Kennedy. ty TrgAsurer end Coaa z:y Cierk. Priorn 9. Motion carrled. Thon. votlng No. are Supervisor. *9up.rvIsor Maether moved that the. Conrad,,Deloorent. Deacon, FlckeGra- minutes stand apProved witiiaut rend- bin, am. ether, Welch, Wynn. .S ing. Supervisor Kennedy submittel the. - Bupervisor Eger movod to adjourn folowing resolutionan moved lis t» March 6, 1911, subject to cail of adoption. Chafrulan. Wherean, Certain Township Collect. Motion carried. ors ln the County ef Lake ln tht, ctate LEW A. ffE"'I)E, CPrit. of Illinois, have retained a andfo their feeu, sumo of moaey aver and tate of Illinois, Laile County. ma. abotre Pitteoit Hundred Dollars, aliow-. 1, Lew A. Ils e*Cbunty Clerk ln ed 1>y the tkatzt. of the. State of Ilii- snd for saidzd y l inte State nols for thoir services, and viiereas, aforesald. bereby certify the forego- It ln the. délire of, tie members of t a ng to ho a true andd ..oaplete tan- Bloard that Collectors wiio have re- script of the Proceedinge et tiieBfflr talned foeen.ver and above laid sum of Superviaorsofo laid CouIIty at the. of Moteu fflndred Dollars per year, Noemb.,1910. 8Special Ses0fou and shouldi. sbock, soch exceas. Regular ]»ectuber. 1910, Sébslon 'o! *Therfore,' Pe Tt »eaeivod by tislssaid Boutd. Bloard that- <lie Supervsors la the. In wlttieu wvireoif Thave herêtrato severai TowWWPin lLae County as. subscruhad my anme and aflxed thé *certain wttetiqr or not the Township seni .of laid County at Waubega n lc Collectors haris retalned fae" over sli County tuis lad day.of WbruarY, and above sli maid t Po ifteen hui- A.D. 1911. red Dollars, and la casie such la fdufid LIOW A. IiIINDEH, Cdent, to ho the tact, that the Siipervlar la (9eai.) t he Township viiere such condition _______ rexista, taire Immediate ateps to riecov-i 1'rwhatover amount may have bhee re- ttained over and above the amotint ai. LAKE FORESTER' 0 oincarrle bite d the1USIN QUANDRY Supervisor BIafklet umtf h n1followlag resolutIon and'moved leal 'ojition Nonuy Refusesté Accept Pap. Resolv.d, That the tate's Attorney. of Lake County, Illinois, ha and ihe ia ers of F. Heon fGi& ofi hereiiy nuth5qrmed and directedl to.im- aim e resrte CMuenMhip ofg reoerfon rd ,Am.ort, Thot cqontiy Thôag«h EFrre boailnmen of FredU. Amien. as County 0Treasurer oS tbe.County 0of 141e. or tiie. Bondsmen of sald Pred E. AtMes as Couty Collector of laid Couna (Froi> Wedfledai n SUN.) ty of. Laie.. pr ali.,or ny of saI part- d lu ll onsad popetin which That Norway hal rdfnned t» gr$lnt ycame loto the.ibads of laid,- Fred B. eltlaenshlp to ]P. Hermon Gade,. for- Ames. during I.eterm of oilice a.s ncb merly of LAkéo Fret fi'mely Norwe.. County Tremnurer -and ex-offcia Catna. Ity Çolector by vîrtue ofibis ofice as sa -81 and Lako Forest mayos, auck Couaty Treasurer or by virtue Who reutounoei American citiaeniiip1 o f bis ollice as suci County Coliector to enter the Norway dplomatic mer- and wiich laid Fred E. Amen tailla vice lanstated la tiie Aftenpotof 'y or negleçted ta tura over ta Carl P. Ir W'epterfeli, the. prestent County ChristIanIa, a copy et which vas re- STreasurer and ex-officlo Couaty Cal- Mcevai laChîca» oYeterday. Tii. al- lector of laid Lakre Couaty. as nue- ticle tat« saiso that Mr. Gaie tbreat 19 cessur laoffe of sai Fred il, Amen.en »ttthrulg0ti.ora ýe ou Decemabor 5 1910. eàt etterln rteNra r- Motion carried. Depanmeat of-Justice lnas suit. The q Supervîsor CbItttendea0 suiimitted OXPlanatiftn *lv« of the refusaI to Lthe followlag resplutioh and mov.d Ita admit Mr. Gaie lto, Mnitenbp vould ladoption. . e a violation of the treaty wlfth thie R- Whorean, It appoas fron> theii.n ttevihpohbt o T- port submlitted by Young & Company, ,Auditori, that tees to the amount or gian-Amarcaa rsscqnilUg NorveiM ~approximately Ton Thousand Dollars.. ctli ip unil aler âaro e, r romnain due andunpaid. In l5ke Smretura rendace. Aà,achncaxEalanx l yinthe office o! the Couaty Clerk, en aiClerk of- tpo CoustCourt cof ".44 tura readonce, A techaical error in laie County. and bis*pplication la ctesaiui n ddtàon' Wbetean. itIla * the enre of the. ai roes IruF.-aioNAIlf members of thii.Board that lmmed- al ras,»». Friands o! ir. -0a"é W5y h iate stops b. taken ta collent ail or vîtnofplic eei. no muci tierof aimay h. colleet- lath iciO pltmiom« uble. Nov. Tiierefare, ho It resolved by Net à Dit Aenefl.odMM*~ tas Board of Supervîsors of the doua. "Meatuestt oiks i over .saw là. Iii. *ty of Labo la the. State of Ilhînoa, that elty," gravie-i the man frolmnthe. VAP la committee af tiiree b. elecd bybac-k disftrict. ,Why, Whou joil mad & Pballot wiiose iuty it ahal ho ta pro- fletan rgi orvs iio.c ,dceed Inlte.Immediato stepintacause elrgn'rgtyu"ywtoe ln bneh collected, ail or sucé portion 0fi tiien> igcar ho wo't give gon a lilf auci feesnso reparted due aad nov r.- vîitont ciargin' you a nickel for 10.- remainiagunapali. as may hoý coicthbe icbn. 'y e- -y p. 1) p. o- il~ li~ a- i. 1. 'le te 't i~i Il n o lU o o' tii i i Bride WbVW .. Thsgimtte 86 Biossi Wl»bLW*, filois' suitW ivore, Mil. Joie Broweu' AsIcs a- ation oni Grouad ot Diser- tien and Non Supitort Picked Talismans in Front Yard At Ev.et6 Weding, amud Hoped fer liapptuss (Ptom W.iemarbàY SUN.) edai O~~ 05 hanied foulr-ieae choyers o- lu m a t h! oumaa.h"iip- pens vîth fberbind Jule Braves toile-dsy h. lusd paps- la a sait for sopua8e nalnieene.. laProrlng lthe cha-ma etf li lue eéloer, baves. ,Theo clavemage faSi hoevork iii Sianing lhast oebos vian Ur u-a- mtie limaseft-OM M e. *.ais Me vins a. 8000a pear, auutbtln lai ns l Worth 8200,0W U MdblauanW-neOfo about .810,M00a ytnt. 1h. ia séïd liat 1MuS. Braver mi giilap along aàri, .rein nu mutEdmaly; iamount,a la.8t yPinut fSes lth tuan aofgramsàatogr-l.av"efle. iM& don te eohhot.- George, TMy,4r,« M blntWl. lia fath et oCàarioýTbgpouet o!Ibi cltt sudi-a fermeGr5yslaite MO. lè heme on a viat I4.nohà 1.to baZ aiOb"et Oe- aIde plan e r tue ui0tn« .a umeo- tric RallUat tbe toml a rugiSe mmd t0 Western paota bltheamer tUt s ater, Juhin *.Or'4l., féie Waakegan viol.pren«Iutlnisb" tnç o! a Ul eb i U"6sa theWWu tegan. ýRooAro se gtea .«* the City of W 1a '1A ,b. &> . a « nounoal tbonthe MM bln-théll*p viS »i sk*ho'to 034>6 Qýffp the Uina sud maie *moudnbe hb" shore odli a teru forlS e'WOgif NOTICE 'l'O 1$E DEISYMUEN pfleÇtM TV et- - miii. for tbrelel.UAoIDSu- . -Mai» ay tartiests,50(tSmfl"as-« 00111 aiid.n prirte qo50eela. IW D . tI N. exi "t 133 1 OM s. 4Sit, a55, 5h 310 Main SUnnt RmlUe4 WismMb si ali Bsa.chimea., IUmm,* Voit -wiIi make no m(gtakeý by tradtiptat the Chicago Market. -We can 'ave IWore motiey for youthon any-mai'ket ln towmit SPECIAI FOR SATURDAYAJERAR_51g11 Sirloin Steak .............. lic Porterhouae Steak ......... lc club Steak............ f ]Round Steak ............ lic Coru..................8 .Pork lausage -........... lOc Hamberger- Steak..... O *IYACT m PEDVRAL. Fore Quarte ..... ......il1 LW 0 oVea..............iSo E cn.f Veal.......3 au gar .ured.R.i.a.. . . .12%0 SuïgarudP@iEEs.!l Fpaaoy »rakfatEa... at Pork...............14 2 N ]#e a,3K2for-8Me No. noim4hi. 8 2~*u................. Prlime Bib Rosat-----..9e id 7 Toý r .sli Pork Loi---------Ucie pru P Good Luok ffle ...... 18o. onW ut. .9cau