OUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY -SUN VOL, XIX No. 2a TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKY, COUNTY, ILLINOIS#, FRIDAY INARCHI 3, 1911. ONE TO EIGHT $i.50 l'ER VEAR IN AI)VAilUiE. -mal, m 3« -mi lu& Ibo 2 Mhare for l* A ermer' 001 q. té ette fumt teo epd oulume.wul Tm l'h. 1lte- 'di.. re caicova bu uaeeeefrt 'Ub ul slom bu saimwpapeaty i l* aseugeo, et bondae, te. 1 rlwl.g this a.. gAve moe et the-eiv aouna edy; Tb*. taxes ai- the clleeu-of I 4r>' otier ounty sbere lIe count sm investigation clome the. proper ausdh- nduel -- naisaureted .Conueio n tiseIr ple 1v 'e-rs a eqtceufully ilai lu teh.ste-le. .Au lie sos-k1 iht or cuatom .pes-mIlitste 110< sud.c-eit-tao s 'rTé emessos-l vie lu the ueigi ea eiphieeed om of1 poliost>', e-u 1hbat bois lialeI -la Plin esbt~. If beeskmsto r ms.4 le lucal]t pt of b>' sylng eu am oseor liv Or 00otnt> vlere \uAve 1tu'niaite-mn 'a thligisu mu Ttw "rt sequen > "i lproper-> çeAW of the. burito 'me Mauohne-sio Md lotoe>hie net ;,*Ve 26 or 50 l 'oi tàeu-nei est Me publie expez Tihie se-oi-o - te-eïl cul> f~O th boaerd oft oi ose sho mé-ec ,le-s. ai hwyockbsn JW=LLMIT BE SPLIT UP amfoundI Kranz watlflg for le h h a U! a'WHITNEY NOM1NATED pull Lstnt Deelopmouts lu . & RijiJJTiCb ,gyand Kr*mb egan to lad wîth Rh i n )ILk Co ty anHsN h-ttDvýp tu f .&ler tobecome bis wlfe, t mlaway, LoreJudgesliManWARTIN IL. *hcle attIlIth him. M S OS ppougj, or ugnhi LI8f~L U lie aeecia toi have mnftereil the girl' T:11 1è votes ,cadltin Helvidere et the I~ I The iiJltjandII.jfkllle- es. Wltqen eur orlirprlznary élection audysy t t mçRa mod c.mponty int i,. dimtite neott CrtunfoIerJ lRépub lcan. pumbered 17.T eer -i b tup!it epril lli.caitles, but lut.ad drove with Kranz div!4-d Irkthe lirecincts as follows: lfina so he r* ' tap to W aul<egan. is 2;ecn,4;trd8.for4 MON FOOT TO pietusnn, s, nt m-TLECGRAPH OPERATOR The two tiera look a train for 1(pin- JUSTICE CA-^IH 1S; Ff Ib. 25. Eilt ballots were rejeet LE.R GR'LTX T P,&T»]M op 99M ýW1I( bo made ka&«n, ~~~~~~Ostie, then be-e to Chilcago, and then .Rmmm PNo dl h otl evn h e oat "ÂY~UT POW uL e o»r4,hw,*O"MABlUM WA te Si. PAut, Krwa"* pbarently gettlng RN EE PNO di i onlalgtentccs PARENTS PROM TH£ m i .teuei oa imio rspral&hulhipoiinodi,1. r TAXES êierist irstrkaosisorti -tiot IRLSATURDÂY. The ballots reiected bhadbeen ejioIV BATTLEPIELD StpltosIreiet1 011( the roait. - ed ln the marklng, six In thte foflrtb t w-heauim« 4= 04»WBodeeari Tetqgram. W. L. Pierce recelveit one croas hav. S 1158 IANY 7~'~4~ RONNCE RAS SAD ENDING From St. Paul Kranz and the girl, .COECT' ATTORNEY Ing been placed ln the wrong square. W ITNARL1,16 az h hmb4dppear to ba e ot a telegram eNI Sr.0eSollat1tew7cat -~ ~~~ji ertit dir. b dband lire. Harry 11100 et Warrentnn firstetîneot M.d One 'in the se-me- vrelopmnents ofthtei week lair t teflîng theý anxime parents, who dld precinet written ln for Jndgé W. C. imii- t1K0mÂrotdo 5j o uo htt d olwngtesd Case Involved the ValidiVy of DeWolf.' Titres, Soclallat- votes were -Tele Of Battie, Troop Nove-. aitla oken'dendiapparater teirdRghyrcafit Inthe second and titree In the t the anJL : te C auite, OrdanitnceGO -'g fut.W .*irercle n RUflfIfl<the Oewtrilzgtpa aformat statuaient On Chmre aMd in. NOW that thte clothesati' trunk of the girl fu1b.W L Perureeiede nte and Terible Scenes ilunnt .frotu au aut>orlty in Chilcago. >hme-hosnttotea.e TxioitWate- at.svote la the thrd, the nome wrltteu olilg OdOS latelytitfter Judtte Peter $S Onooleup Prigoner ln çÇoUntjaal lesnto emdtaTxspi. 11- olwngG 1it& - signu die e r a king Wilhlm 0. Renabnitg ln t. Paul for two day,, in. Ail thte refit of the votes were for Johamos of the. Wetern T lit sud -the couple lait 1t lTexas, and uil Charles Whiney. -y officielM Ii lime u vhgbockl thé. omtn«Lver 1a ,~ ~~ eety tleuf aebe iig The city of Lake Forest bas T.f r hteaws htmgtb he -IndOpeniOt pesuiuo e fo0 t 0 romit, suiiftle dise. have bene-lit s IMrontnWaswht dht4n 1UN that wore a tai frce rond, miietet once stlgaialoe- <a togther0Inmorne0e0as0cîy as!mitl ng dre-wn ent contention wlti celIed aeau*loner, baving no op., ditnctly novel and ittaogtneMturs - anal wfe: f tté LaesForest NWater ConTpeny.over position In Iàe primarles. The vote e- lott6r ynltteii by 0,i*ila009 i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O $» ma ~ ojCe. Wa~4 $M#t of 0 ! O ies Amy Flood, the pi.etty OIi0h rtsaonuedfwte u iatcty amlgb v:yitr.1okfr1ce R m ol put.scrme hiue-fi de,. u .r *rpeerDOW fle-,e-îug tfl y r hîlit tctimcfso rl Ufad «à 'iueane Inaccordîng ta' an opinion. handed dQwn 37 votes. Mir. Whitney waa of course'fild of lttsbuarg Leadlng, In taie War - ~~~-i0endsmn w>, whonfie-tileean her <ia i ery -nbâ10lete Ka Justice Cartwright of the Illinols nominaet. of the Rebuloni, Aprîl 10% leu2 ehe, offl tietas, 1-.= rn- te suad. Tho a* id * tà t h9 h4 b obtsi e- divorce o kép i te girl uuéqr hie Influence tiret state suRrmme cort, the opinion lho- Tvaetrle oel ortoem.: * .d mny te-it. e palir. Witou Juitge Groumgup o tue oe-Mien -or o pe telit oby telllng hert1W hoae-tueIly hitdalgSsll-tStrdy eee e Wat. hoTii.er.lt*cbaelooun i nth li Amse shore-ag oam- retea rbi e itri uOhiobd suA nt cihlm, And ehen, when il won e-oc odivorce anad tiemrwd Il, wes too lots, n lelntSura T the. cordiau kot thM atUeAd up e-he T0e contentin luvolved testalid-0cspiins0lathenfle thet they m rondituldeflultely thus fer asoetie 0 laee -it me- ah.was mere-îy ugt . admttlng that bu Oit Dot bave one 1nTle conwnteonleveit bytheeolile hlito maininrahttymo, lite .pofpa ty ais>' iye.tace,1the Owetesaitin- charlang 7h. heeiam cf thpeoaleoWho' bat wherqa ucluomies.01R>*WYmotter conuectuit Wltl K. o tlinga divorno.e andh"tnet tii: 0 but as em rely t' ege g~~ et onie. e îyofa py rdnoo teitecm ~te know Ibopeacae-hait f ct nd wln teO riivOehe Unluti. ton eorbock The Tiie thîn nluwhilduahovo 5-il Ot o ga Mosid&Y. 114he la edaughter 0 vbie the coup*-0de ln Texashie Lake Foi-est ad fixaite- rate on wat- ti-Ossurèr, te-t ail gueuses bave be ,awoe e n hw h ht Wokga alne"edi t e'a r rentaIs whict would' woi-k bard- wrong au te wbore ho weuî shen hémawolle ~ eh ht iifratra; emk odwlI net b.ie plî.'it-Te fi 0- -o -f lannFlPoodI of Warnentoit 0 conscience, lilu md<,belug smltteu laie heciy ard lte-t te le itidienlun. festiter, butael fighting with the. ut. ferce- n te "& meu roeit itlB lnlev theted le e-lige- e-be g hshipa on the coanpany, anal th it !ele oscre nook of tite fe-r wese-'IM tbraveny ant abandon,- puceteeheni.Th bsci f aenton taeWu 10ee.o m4 le wollknown socîelîy. .-0 lite coueclouesraeseas-fiaitat wrong hot e-lime "0-40« texu-at n Anlte Wleouen bhasncb, faouiLaeô > Ko-uit I la saidtOtld brhante0 boiddoue the rlaoent Lake connty cagngttttirts sfîd1yjrrtw .The letter in remarkable, ton, est vu-e dsat. lune, e medka Bluff teoWaukee-e-. w se Il o -srved i e he would rmalier hen thtae> o girl. thte company in Lake Forest were too lndeed. lie le efftmeal 0babeesteted m. 10 e-a close h-le-ul at onetlemttat >comlng from the. ycung Oxponbonce Intact,.lo n etwSt Peaulernoi-cedrtaia eLaite clie lest lits cfoeintinnwhn Tekxasen tii This l- neofte thîngge n Wsil4 O. nnîrve op, Pulorele-i-uop Lte e et ispsiin u sehgi Cs Oa-td. e oudtoelie lt sItofeed atothenee h.c tuCihttymn i firot&e- tIc.eh.'SUN jnitge 'Qroseuip lastefacilt. eceOMIDiSg O an i- e hon pute- a ri ailgso! end camne te Chticago. Wo aeSatd leIudg etew a tofee, ainoe soeo h lhigmn etiuâtne-fro0 etmu-te Cicao edîlces witIlAre relie--1oOoff until t"' ruached Texps, o; lePrents SloW Suepicoye. Tte caeaectualiy started in Aug- wit itIs -ids eoe ssud jerkwater bo,10.we ie upîyfla tter chance -,for conceal- offIces ndt generaesof theit.mebeoas- De Outllnlng condtilons bIe. Q thon tot i e he butai e-nue-. 0 J Meantime the efsplclons uf the par- bllInthecicut court of Lakecous'met.filect, Generml George C. Rogers cf tii nd ti -probable irem. mnent wihtle belti circuleteit lu tise- i o eleet,ýtKaz ýet ftegilb nart sd1Ev-ery place but tbe vest lbas lbeen'city. eIl of thse securty itolders ao e-lef -- rig-t l e-a îego la.* o, la the irst plaeo, tisey hd neyer by the city . of Lake Foreat by an ordi. AIglers, Argeltine, or Centrai and TheCOI'e, utmhendirvol re nnevenly. borne b>' c.pt tii he ages itécisionae-fil nd 0su todn oaadnhrteeo1 e KazI l-bslnlCuui »SuhAmic.lteheahradmte fmte Lek ocue-y, e-in m e-l nte .cotesteit . tn. n t aado hlitanes0 -c Kan u ille-logcorlbp arc iee nja ad neanndle Suh meîa.- ttahl ette ndmoha-f o eh Io sarhom; fâriq dscoery 0 ofther dugber.go eve calei etNo citese after hbu lesbelng nmain- battlofield, wlth mil teh.rack and die- y ~ ~ ~ ltw ri i.m-t, ~ S etranit flet the upsboota of the erhOneferin dncoen , o htelimeugte.thenvercelideeSbancstte- lmelit C-SOba ben e thee, he uI' cielit-tan plcee-rsecf yre-outhl, li hom t-m 'yiathe foe. Ce, e-...ter soulitlho thet tise WIe--0nemri-ron- feurlng disccvei-Y. o thé Flood reeitefls.mui nelther te fought over ln me-ny courts. fil>ofi oula*be-ut t itîsIIenti>' helg lit jey boar an cihee eseeticala an l lîlînoîs bonsennoulit 0 O 0 O 0 O O0O0O0O0O0O0O0Oo oo o o girl's motteh o sietthi ver eningin iteatae sîtrmo ourt. hliati- te b ilis wblctite einker-he -fabe lai eer ndnginth satesuree outillsrti iclr hc h ikrPestucue adys: i te lie Me-de to a4tue-r the. roai te Pleceu e-ud mek.tsiwe rknnb.Sedcao fwicl vstnc lttn aecruetd >ryta dsbea i, e-rete lin«of it. This l e Monde-y aflernoon, ciarged ha b.mto f if h écso fwii a aditottn aeciclt keant tis ati bee elio, e t not t wRy rn. oslirtheb-lu thc seconidplace. e->o te-liter aluni-'Saturda>'. Pltt. bnrg Lendug, Tenu., let cLuittaatonb 1 Motropuliten «L?»ituateori. etc' MrazAmy ito eId obled upon lettere o'iCzte lte gir1,l, i i-tth décsthn. 1002.r SIJOL 0, Cilceo obectetim lài v ebulttMssAy~¶o t which lte seeeusito '*vu- adîtet ggittedcso uleCr-MatsiaER DENIESRuNoi Apiu1tý16. e f e-bu, srt have e-mînât the. appoîntment oaftW. «. Joe- We--b-elton 5eRbefore,tisleJme u tedh v-gt5ao htltn vl iliu iI stefa reciols et ad la à nuaibel- er tise 9soueeoperatlng recelvern e-e iehoG. Weîcb honnit Over 1telite grand juyv aiin thteevidence auttuitteal te show lte is ls athefr sudfni Moethe a- ste, o!f illmiinol uthu a. e-close man te the. Metropoitan lu theit e tf 500. litewalved eml- waa St btlime merely trylug to et ae ooayhdcnela Leased Durand Farm but Did îleti-taI coulai finit tume te write to Elevater rllîroait, ae-uit ieia.ppont- n-Inaa sea t or o5 1 a adivorce f-cm tler. gt ae opn otcnelday Mui e-e nos goîug on nient Dst thSie entane.'eite local 1inati-n ndng la Wteukegrtuteapp.iFtood thing taS wocid have a e- erîng oun ont Buy CiabtruoDairy j!Yeu. 1 Ougitlte hbeowritteu bet fi gond nian>' counlle-eInterarben te Chica-gona-or s ne o lau eattorney for lmrewiicb ce-nol h!' i my safot>', but iMit elooe gen 9que-re loop ta ho bilît b>' te bet- done untllihe faces trial lanlte cir l- îaccd the ratr in thte itenis of Co--lt ae -di hsoIintcrtsFarmn. kolgwt- nît oyo Je bln ou ns.erOPeUlan elevatoit. 'I eeiimi utcor opeit-s i ssw-sal lr:ce tHicks, e-m e-lIean offi- as tlxeai b>' te cty were sol unfaîr. epeu tem bigraau -ia -itiela. u tIus ie-t ohs- oc f Hue o s srsoe beatfrer tithiwuwth nlîît or inreesonable.l tAU~-iekeonro -gi-e-t dent of work te do. Oui- Lieut. 11bsgoncltsousscl-nfr I eteIpstIndnela e UeeotrK -easIsantef c iorsilsceMbr o mergn tTeiin.lIigncmltebs e ehi-yrtai mëeert of Lerorathan eidbuIfo'owta Jn-!tfcl.TeaSNrptrKaz Clitend Ce-prIe-Ina butoth keait nd iplo sito have moue>' betseen eee sud ston1 eid uInterview. assalsCtl.te-ul MajorSoi-oibae kîllei, anal scele ssesamnt. ersandIt elie e l filaetsie wil 1 w,>. m-klite-taement.andA asplendlidi i'- of M.on nev ery toi-a-ofthttccase. foliows: est, tan Iradea thterite %1 lra. Scot l c te as o s e. mors a tit r n e ie va r liit on vî our draesnpec-to ent Ir. Justice, Ca rtw rgh t delvere a D ur end o f L ake B luff In return for t te self so i e d or wSon ie . T ie'Col. larho oleni by i th nie oth naoesor ec.elen for Ray' Kranz, Sivo Yearse-go a teW- Tite Constable ai once teok thete raî te opiaion of te court: alte of bier taînots Crabtre Datry' tarinM'shm ikteCaanwown a artodl iict~ eehouelitso!the north oel ai-e Wiaat eao o e tld usntaoutt u ose heues e r tebeefilsCtcortisit at-e i-s pra nthe rali-ood et; and fitle duo Se bis efforts tiset Ki-anz On Januar> 9, 1905, lte cily coucilaIoroiorlei at Lake Foitanalvicia-e-aldeil of tite labor aorte-klug care of niais tii asuesmet 10 enef- Chcagoaise Werrenton, ile-a priannler inteLk la seemnîgîy et t itiIme brougitt uoft tce appelice, thc Cil>' o! LaeFor-.I, aithougi t4tt ricpl io> th onebrig h ei t. d e-be conséquence le If te ielropolltau elevateitd donscounty je-li,and al aik of bis troubles jjciefrbsslga nstee s. ascleaodnnef Iglt liy, due te'. pricipatlitedeal a tasealoolvdea l u thmy el tctt te oui>' asea vitlta not gel tihe Chicago privilegos cfuticlfo bi al liteboede-toryasod etore-acerixia teatic love'tthatnhedet - locl lno.e-hu ebe or fse th' leîgan soof emeu tlenioent Fitmak.MsWl No~ rates for iveten tairnisiete0lte cily 'loS qultocompielt. Cas F. Baber uit o ye-urgeons. seted 5111l ' nal anlrétailecmentersanalnlitnJocs Flteri HellHeker b-s aNqw.eai ChasIbe-aiBaerber-cndratheniurvieilst nieny questiens about No News Foi- WukegaVol. en-deceived girl, anal lte fil a(e Theofra ttig for lte Wankeganrai 0f mlrivtî cit umigitaho chr- Jurt aertclyMîon t a-iacursa liteBitnen aCtraout. t itt e ea or onîside i-rosI- Tise merotary te Operi-lumRecela-or nouncoment witeu Kre-z onz sas cov- offilcr te do ivas laufindi Krsne!for-r nal oîctewi b>' liaelchar utNrtlawestelbernracts ta resithe ah-ivtn t a lales omuctt. e ha lid e- knocker, or be le Johnuson yesleritay state eaBNeod ehv a*i PI Mlake er t.igd n clete yteapelnarhwsentaks rmtSUNb hnte atecmene.W a arvoe-e asseeit ou reporter fle- t here te, no ainouasce- OAeal 1cabve e- *fe p lu alcwéeee.Pmebe- te LaeoForedt Waeîr Company, Iree deiry.anal bas 1e-ced lte Dur--be xetn o sletm eat tuent of Interest te Wackegaù nd e-u 3Te girl lu ttc case ls Amy APIui, tpcae -oi 0oe ouce po e-- ih ws-sfurinsbiug ive-er te lte km tai-ni ot 55 aeci-es dJoinng 1heeye-Coitbuts>'atis veotimenta lathelinte 50norti shoire th, b.emade as yet aidthlset, Ibo proty iteugiter ef Han->'Flood'al, b>f roinone etflte girl's lettons sisicitch nl0rvt omue'ute lt rayteimi o itnef-n Ith f us e-uoitho ut seyenu tlei B hy r md. temebdof getunn lte electr-~ie d aIe-eleedo anal poulinent fermerait mise sa-oSe. continue-ll' troni theoTex"s provisions etnOrdgliasnco peaees ain annt edjolning Ibis ]And, white lb.e stptofhgusmean d oit us ielt te wf peo ie to ta Ciaenitrc tl o nes. pre-b]>' dàie-iu 01eWerrentan. Who enjcys point, Il la salit, taS thei. Son, .UveitDecme 80,getn 1 ie Ce-l-ear> a-isIei ut iios tili-to.. - I lied s t to.bae---- ilasunn ses e-grhe od soleeshofwlpore b ns-lit epet0 teotîeccu>, lilwaukee. I c. many litergrits te he atraintreireairoani, lite la uit aoat eek, teaeput1ou ad nt shit e- mérl liAmte-4î c ouu nie-koil it own lu Ci- Ii. oveaibe-.bert.r"ie fiica sroeand.Ti.anl îerte ore-pelalofeti-t'oirb-aroeîl' culei, vtîittndofb îlecomnc abIe t yu udr.~~ cage fin-t te t ionise-, fer liiieppro- Titis 1.la iCi-e-us sole excuse. 50me-nla mae liaeme we- aes yena h aerwrssytmi aid olre-o lte ac>'ut eIre-d hc endis onttearcommernc e-s laerit eeoua- mte le that the people eI. cil>' anal 0 uaiter re-SOi-tem ttc icIS thatlis e-ualsofite trie-b-ccm.l.-te iuo ovr steteanl isbl îu~ ,~.-~Wtkea i-ncles. Dte-le Of te-ho91fai- rosd ike e- Marquette. He loked up oe"r>'M-r. lenwihh ebueIelie Sa>bbe, isItmlv-le- fi--qotel lt liwiai ircesyeui nl l it-ilnssOsAgbtoaras-di-el ii sie-,blg ns-ed i akaeudmcchu a-rls av a - n i' lonie i t ommiseion lanis- uiler ie-uc., i.fe--ish îmeî peatonthenCiy Ta r.Drad hs ire ap nafw iue ew 'naoe tae-e-oar a iot e te comisst ionplaye or hne l epané,danal anit al>' i-an ecross a brotherteO te 10,aiend-ercan'fitt a aloatIot i oue s opeanb Si e A scn otain.sadmrhgt h e-bonflie finaldrame-tc theie-hee-idells-oe- taie-n tise letoacs itléaisaaseand lteecii-uit fouSlot cui>' fane-nai ttatcaIn Ienker s le i n Hocoert Nese îoses stocks, Ibonde-, s-oaile te have e- hard tus.lé-esuug i ytenoeleineveed'Trug nHrmtlN trnet destitn ecaelie .franchise llla i cttasîîmis esCintyuI isaa-ietst.Iiaz. b> lt nin ieimtevLwakeTsn coak ccS>, llgnglie- heraeseer-t asoc fri' ftill-esel-.W a-eheHnlurateissn Oa eald Weaege-u lela ,Position met Dugîne- Wth Elapemont. abserteal site sas loceteai lu Mukwe-n. omto býýbeMea h oigihore. sîo penhe-pa noste diclteterim, e-l;e- nov bridge- Tva yeers e-gr, whitle a rail-oai -o Ws just, cnrcasone-blc anal insiaficient t ' neani>' 1,200 acres et Lake Biae Comnposnaavsatact it of te-be d i o au, e- et of> al tale o li tîn eîne neudeitsitue t ore e-I. I- g Wn.afford i-eaaonaiale compense-Sien 1e as owaer anal lassée. There wouid liepoten clindsDvsoW waysthe rai-on aregtpavlg fe ItsPnoceedlug 10 lIis cit> COnBe'the tecompan>' for te service rendencai. no reamon fracemlriog ptite Uplon e-udsDlilon W nee y . Sere lee-p-ie e l Ii'l ésimde, iCi-enz -met pi-et>'Arny H-icIka lntervlewedte vite. Bsee -ol nalpeln tecliSo.deiretc etie- foprtesno ateche-elieivr tonpe-e ln ahndetc eh v te e-ameslouseveil shore ositicle te roct' vil] bae.teOFlood.- Il emunte10have teen ae- nso ei-r mari-iag e-apre-and »e ýad raig he 1or0t -élir h te rprte daette thA-teai>'figtho lebyace - Ieibtteil -fther square Ite boUt $16.000 on e- rougitof love et firaS sîgbt. site be-ai teesand teeniolath neyý gt, the boysWbavi 1e-t lt'wl. r cyIeasuhoens-oait ues. Tise Cil>'ya itme bs l o" lise- irazl e-saddsm tasels t t allée-itoba i t e eaidlho beit ls proîdol.ann limb piae-eu bets edm t.talui- reee eat. i E àuplviso» teemplo of oher emand, amog thra th Kraz fi hand6joëchapwelcevienomieregimeutlend hait gla- there-th Ars. mil.a te raatlla- suis the repe-Ir of tise Weasingtonu te-io- n-ruîp a reaitl-kes-and aen lImsioued tfreit laat diorc e i eem.hi l>'iit anasvi e rel it bSdeyig sm. Du rat erlréinslatgveWy-k ti-ecksa, ote-ttebehoussetfreatldents Présider. Ho dire lte ne-eusel ftoi-a-oriSite tegtaioceiTmp.-c1> v Te e ite- te aes enereasoebiinahie. et uatnt it-tsteil peustalniemadtagOur-aus posItIon 0f tg. thè. nd faminllea-vîit iteelong tise stre-sot wll noS beejasi-edito btagtn' pfecl we nenn ie b ilreu h otdneos tno nées in transsacteite 1places. of- hiseslmpassioneal Kenuncky blondl Consta-ble Hicksts bd liert .hatb ues- epleIons- ilanlo eu sebts-e de-i-y .te-imbuildings anal ment lu thé Iagit. Invstiaton nddis linI ie 0fng cocue-y co vie-b h elles-e-tee liing dieArélictine.s Ile, ad n Fh-opeat t -e invat h lgat -n ead M M ygirl ed i nc upletely o u ber con f- hat a pe r nluaoe i-iy 1, 1906, the ca cao w as referre ai i *. rm d a lias a o d OI'ed M d llfaitn liengagemhentg m, Y F ,le.sNew BoUiL. douen. suother vornan as tia vite anal emiort i teaaspécial master In ehancery ho Meekos- la teamea for hicitigit prîceticommenced e- eevy fia-e, upon thse boIt fs-uni essesanleut 0gl finite-batuc socIdaeid lapos iAs-tait>'mik e-uitforbils importai »Ahv tesieun e-g, s&"Idos o! lhe proabnlnut FluR e-ill ai;ungthe girl e-at ho hiait epo-te-ioeualdreport 10 tte court eje evi- enoni>, so vum bul e lite-le dit"ee - ~ ~ ad e-a eîis>' te-amer wsvit eaiay-o-sheenmearei,but btisecurei ea dtitl5 uünh ttc lînit. Siete urolleadouee ie ate. OuJn 0(ues-use>' bei-dm, autmcof theanimalsfoiu. e-rlc i eiet-- di$ sieutt. ee a goat In, th e -lioe-uisthon ldWu Oc h laeuwt lpon as e- vaîcable Witneac. - 190 -ecpcelmemd-prcoe i bg ve-inatet $11500 aplace, Ho le aurrgi -- i-olfrn -g the ure'Ysrbut e-gno, tl i ant! e-ean îeth bi Gicebepladit51hber toeiopo Theit i-e-ttiMra.Kranu la descitedas e 9e- te-kepevidcal otelarceedehite --au officie-I etArînourneald coupe-ny. t O veihtnu u oî Ilinolm Regnt r esa- tet Il eppeass etfe- ba-ck laont, ssuueit etei vihihm.u bcre. ,erklgyhadc fi tle wnin k isense-mad o. fi-ou 1th0 - baY er n teIi éesntsap fite.t. - rldt.elt ah cquittai lunlise Circut 8h coulai Dot bi-iig ihere-eit ta de 0a-es-y attractive iiersonelity. IÎoftesi, rmiet te hovever. Sqve-al bteisntcp ; isucceaafully itou.sin bond o Ikicoityi>'-basSfilet a e 15tiis, and it luet ft itle lime Fi-e-s vea up tea M-sct24. 1908,.sten te evi- GeorgeB. Lawrenoe Indioted tus-nit fe11libodkonae-iunand alas e-ma aras tebndDsaMit.atrix of istestet ranser-od teo a~o psetrs -Thon an Kranz'a Trait. douce se-s ciosed, analon Jue 1. 1908. GeoreR avec.forment>'1oofliirebgitaur lines, stîlI did Oua- refi- am eicesu Oana llutlb. aete-r ofthetisegea-ite-shp aothrpetr' -OgeRLwen, re-y e-modise-andcoue-e-( tber. daugstei', Olive. Tise bond la13)Pet e- uit ate leboge. Tise Couse-bic the took ehoe-ail the specialatets-reiloteae-the-mo Zion City', wscindicleit on 1h. charge'ment eloue standlils grouud. Wheu of thé ee-Ii-e-ties, o or to- $0.000 si emil f$ie-itee-20e-b Onflline hoseul mono>' Is a leleatter e-rne-.tolte court. Aflerward lhe court - f site alandoâent In- st veelb>'the. teeenemy>'sas lisehUesteouoaa-riglit e-- hi débit, la lielping Tier. am-eususuel festorea -c lithe-ote gli, plee-diug diat elle corné e to Plie btoundai Sthe-t.Operetor bee-i-the évidlence go talion eadi-e-i grand jury. tins. Alite Lavrence. bis jbroken analtte mou-numinge-by li.Occuroence bOUauMM'eYoimS lied- leloue, viten lis, yl a rhriessy'bel-,lbe-d test bis job ln 'rerise- sud vse lu poi'ed, e-ui on October 7, 1908, on- vIte. vito e-fes de-ygae-gons-ueilthe-e Préendeiupea us. Several diaies did e.perfeceli çpe ond outIleit.long belte t1 ad the dut>' o! tise-coue->'filimbut *heu le- ses louait tisetPf-fle- sa.Chtice-go vie-b lus sippoeed bride,- li-oita itecree fitlng tSite i-etes e-s-iest o! ber sou, le, ounlte chage thé halls from oui- muakets mule lie tom te lookit m fail.e IÂms, simajUg --reeeu-revethe Thi-ses e-tie lime îliet ho s-sice-e--Gong teothe Chica-goa e-diseulie dirat' ite ca-éodnante Ses-e not mat of kidnuapping, bis yôuflgebs'chsa-faIS be-cIt, but e-gem the>' our e- 'te tiese aepeunées>- cdty wvuehcit eraen$27.000, WlUnit -bed lun T"aa-aa atelegre-phsopéra- foundat ie-e b as ton le--osits adiat ead ieeone-he, eald djudglug the os-. Lee, ana ola s le t e-ide - ee iea nd utcbarge upon ua, but *W. 2fl raperty lmsee&fonre-- efloet uoa»M of die Anige-botidamos ten. AKct iians lieai left te ttc cil eaving'bis dînante t te luopere-live,.illogal eald o! tee "appumuCieo -l edr thora itoiv like gnome. 1 111%,W -.bu> il>' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n t-eae. cmebtvs et ioo ie Oug14 Qurimte-laiC-mm. euppouid vite Ibere. sdneuit dvoli. B>'bieorr. s- 0 ieh la tire. lvelyn Aa-rtur-'Be., Idreds0of te pouerdevis bites i tbe t.L it eeotastocke, bonde, pi-om#tl>' viitadà-v temgies' W4ilTl%*'itedmax caa oChitmsaove test. Prom e-be Chicago & Norths.eteta tseusssetesoldte e-uitannulleit 51!.cfthde toudei of die "Aitoluto AIniose-oves-paves-o it b>' bure- tre-le-e autevitenq ohésise it t oaie-l -an su ail -ses Pi-e-u va-oe -not e tiste gini. coud- dilmpaecher'm office, iCi-e-uswue ttlloanal the e-ty vaspermaentl>y enil- Lite",s > tebeouI>' setues aegelnet - probe-hy I>mx.or savo-m gu rses*iiea lu ceber w s,ou.-t --béecomaW anefiaie-t. - lugIt dirasigb e- chiiof bers, emklng teAntigo, Ws vtlsrVu---i i rn sfrlgispoiin- ieL-rne uage tll Menai.aet- -tPreasing- upon Oua- em t u eniet*50 e-i tttlsi. -Thie Aim"na mIe >av fa« yol diat misa PInot mae- iina ebutonce Hcks dopearloi!nome lIme fise-naday. ciA>'appeaeealtraini it thec-e lite te-achient-forle-e-Lae-nce te appear sre cOmpelle t eo fate-Il"oMM . *M, gire Z - ~ ' ~ - ¶ ~ ~ ' V ¶ e- iii, th e lb. -mi ise- se- fe- o w.l e- P I ~ Hlm me- u m a Ie-ap p ellaeto cou st f r th e ,s econ d districtt n ture- c l t m Oa-ung te a ng ser l u a e es li ie . 1Ilo o le rt e t *. net1y-CueeheHct ,esudta rn nlrmntettt i.eols ici a _dae _fr _a__11" __ 'b. e gis ir I eia-shiniaclio lemet Aaa, ,teu oue h.auI aAt-bees.0 té, stJ m o a ubo th d e- u. be-il hor sd Vpgu nt f erlie e e . At th e ptc be 'os faic i e-&u it td. iet. co rt sevrsait duthé i cnt inp e-procee tu gsfor8. 1 , su su o t Co o nel te m ia w*ïvie-t w il ona petit lu por ovqTh-ue-tr sd se u arlice tWe-ri-eueo ne-ts tra ieeafned t 0 pmt sldcort.e-dec teons t1thcicui toi>'rfe cu u£. 18. 1ie6gion e-oe wo 1 cfai>' be.y ,w 4- Ç*S~84h u VMe ff A prie t, s-etitn a i opple-g i traiet e-it tpclitfe-s-bis vwithout pruetice e-o- the rigis of'thIncmolier- iuring s aate sume --meu> fei o,. - -, - Teftlu. le dul, i- le le-lneit 01e P403eUPosae-uT (aoSTm'ni 01q o? Ag£ 71 suce pooesdl5.I r Tk«ëý I& thi dU814 It. leelMund, Me,'