LAKE COUNTY I~NDEPENDENT, FRJDAY, MARCH 3, 1911. THE ALLEN If PORTABLE- BATH' - APPARATUS -IlNt IDEAL -ATH FO-R 510 AM UTTLE S41AVERS A REVELATION IN BA."G, OLXViRE&T INVENTION C, T149 AGI. CLEANSING, FRICTION. MASSAGE, sI4OWEr., FOR bAL.! 'BN *W. S. MCCLMNr PHONE t302 tbi wStavertising to fInd tbe &Wd ý*0L wo4 yore Iooking for. .Jiut W«erni rqUtr a LONG campalp ofe 5fl7 lliertort of -iooking." if t%' a lob for a waat ad DONT LEAU I TOA PL&CARD! '3 i i i t- that wstch or yours Sud tell you juat, what la necessary tc, h.donc sud vhat it will cost ta put It lu Perfect Runnlesg Ordor then you canleavaioritot aayou plespe. Iu aIl kiuds of qpairworL, we do ouly thd very best vok a oinnoc!have n heltancy lin algti lsa ril in Our cre. 'A. 11 US$ SPEQIAL PRIM FOR -À SHORT 111 N#LY Empire Starch, wa. 10 new ..... .................. ...........07C 00W dOust Brand Asparagus 8-lb. cae 20c. now ....121-2 Pure Onso Cocoé White Mer"S Srand Was 80 25e now 80 16 Nippe, Washins Posesr Large Sre.............. ...... Washtng wax, was. 06C now ...................c Engin Brand Lye, on*, 10c nov ............................. we N4ard Woed Toothpicka large bo x, wers 05c now ......c9 Oremner Bros. Graham Crackera, 10c, 3 for ......cô iWATCm OUR WINDOW FOR A BARGAIN IN FANON' 13ERRY' SETS ONLY A LiMi rEO NUMBER AT ...87e J. EUI TRIGGS' Pghone 25 Pýhone 3 o e i i i "i o o o o o o -o JUST RECtEVED: A dandy line of Neckties, the beet of thé. Jatest The lateat in spring bats, Derby's, Telescopes end * Crushers. Some* fine sprng patterns in dresa shirts, in light weight Flannels and Neglige&s with an~d without collars The most recent in shoca, both in style and workmnan- ship. Our shoe line is better than ever. The fact of the matter is that we* are constan'tly alert to please you, and if wve fait we want you ta tell us, and if We succeed, tell your friends. We guarantee satisfaction or refundL your mQna. C-ive us a çaiL --J. B. MOR$E & Co. ryhlng for PMen U8ERTYVILLe, 1ILL EYEIILASSI AND W. fit ibm lateat Methode vicia do nol regulre thsee'mt. ibel '. drugged. W. fit vith a positive Quarante. .. Cebenefit thé patient'. If Vou sufer witb hsad1pchea or ey6eouble have moureyees - ie~ frd:out if thsy ar*e ~4 el:nd. get tie proper gsseir thern, 'uswIcl EN'E EXAMINAIN ARE FgEE ORA.DUATE OPTÇANI.IEIcfl U Titi ILIB1ERTYVVLLE BRIEFS) LCOOL ANE) PERSONeL MENTIO.N To insure publication in the Indepen- dont, copy must b. i.theo ufie n~ a Ilian Tutsday of oach %week. Adeer- tisers, espactalfy. are asked to tako particular notice ta this effect. ,Mr».. oe. A. Wrigtx as a Chicago vistor Tuesday. Paul 0. Itny tranated busines in Chicago Tues3dav. Henry Young û(AîlChago, vtsited his paren'14 bore a Ici. da378 nt Week. buiee~fMn.. Crosby oai Ecimiton, viited Mfr. James . Swantraueendd adMr4. Daniel Ie. ver tiiunday. Mtioch Tueeday. M1 n -nita imte Dr. and Mr@. K. A. Cranîe vioited lu vieited UAbertyi illh fticîds aven Sunday. Ciicago aver Cundan.. Nias [la IWebb resiiiîd lier dutlesaua Suiîprieîsr H. B Eger wase:a frac«Oiltb. ecoid g-atiein aurechooal Waukegan tiuminess çvîitor Monday. Moudal. .ttorney R. W. Chuîrchilîof ray'îlake, Mir. Carl Willlg lng returned taClicago tmnaaedbuiueso ln aur elty Aontsy. after viuîlng n 1h blis ugcle, Mr. Fred lir. Wii. Sli.ufAntiosl,, .'ieted relatives aud frienda ber, the. fore part Theo LadiesAid sotviet rof the Me['ho.. of this week. -diet etUhîh vi meet Iu the churci Mies. Ethel and GraecsWheler returu. par Tieaday atternoon, Marcb 7. ed ta tbeir achool ab DeKalb Tuesday Nr.'S. C. Higuine entertained bier alter spoading s veek at borne.. nephèw sbd tvile, Ni r. and N rf.. e The Ladine' Aid societY of the Presby- Sturtovut. of Michigan, one day laat teian mbnrcb viii meet at the hume of wekl. IMgo. George Wrght Thuredai atternoin, Bd qs.uatin i. weariug a broad emile Mareh 9. thon durs. The arrivai of a baby gji Neat Bnuday moaulg u4t 7:30 the boralsstSaturday i-s eaid tua ho the huil-rômmuniou twill bc'ceiebrated St cause. 8.. Lawrence ini,"on. There wl b. no Mr& OFred Joehheim and ehildren were serve.. n tie Chicago lent Saturday and attended E- W. Proctor bas sold ta E. B. Nevili a pé«rosmscemai the Hippodrome nt the of Grayelako, bia farm of 145 acre. usar iao Ronds. milk Platform. lHe *il (-lot jor rchicken feed at Ibe Hoig bave au*anctionisae neit Weduesea. -Lv 0<> ,audisettbeiffst. e-22-2 MIr. audlMr&. L. B. Batby grave neit s; 0. Lincoîn, for th. paat year a weok for au extended trip tbrongt'îI réed&LLbrtSvi1l.',li.aviug-Uiied on Tezai. They twil visit the famle. of .Ligeo>~<aWe0itei, hipped his bousohuld Jobhn cAtee sud Wm. Warren dnrîng good a ody ta Biglapide. ib", thoir lournor. hie fotre bomne. J. B. Mors.o. le ng initiatid inta lb.h.eA.uswsm reports having seen a mesterles of the County Clerk'e stfie in imt yaa, robin. This togethèr vitb Waukegan, baving Commenced his wark tb.eIy le ýt snalboys have been amu there as Jioputry Conuty Clerk on playlgularbLa on 14e &edewalke le a Woedady m;oing. surs ig4.rlpg je herte. Ail meanhort of the Amnerican Star. o!f l>a et en you are. tired," Equity are urgently reque!ted ta b. advigeï&, daclor writing for the mifg. preâent at the uext regniar nwetiug ta atimes. ,Don't rend the foi stuf vrittpS be beld on Wedueeday oveniug, March 8. by dodtoes for'the magazines and yu A goodrme le promined. yl avoid a lut af that tired feeling. . M. B.' Coiby, Nonday muned hie par màuesal to put u p tîjat harn or houseliold furaltpre train the Propety houa. or wlatever you have ta bùild, on Cook avenue reeently sald ta a Mr.t us 4us. ir th you. Bouic LuntnEa &cheler of Lake Forfit , ta the L. M. Ca. C-22-2 Caîby cottage on Newberry avenue. Tivo employes of the MeEwen faiîm ver. arrested on our streets Monday eveningcbargod witbdlaorderly tauduet. Thoy wore talion bfore Justice Bswlk Toseda! rorntag, giren a bearing sud âned. Lôw=is.on &U leIssusnow on st the Dlosa a RCo. c-22 At ames.Iing Monday of the Meredth Ployer and Vegetabie company. eslled1 for the purposof teletiug a bosA 0f directard, tbeloalolag mon werocboeon:~ The W. 11, M. te. viii met at the Laute oi Mns. ü. 2'ug. Tbnraday afternoan, March 941i, 5<dy, **Paot and Preseut lu Porto Nlo Mr&. Pugb viliih. msaioted by M F. IR. Wire aud Unr. C. I. Che~r i.esrirereshimee. mr. C. Splag ha. leased. 0f Frank Brown hie boCa flronty kuovu sthe Kern Hatel oar ah4 oid!St. Paul depot and takes poamseloo ithe fret of Apa il. She yu eill iti mattai the homte hakery and restaurant hinCthe Bulhley block ou Milwaukee avenue 1 1 -1.- - 1 - Card of Thgnks. !R'e vw"i tthank oun finonde aud neighbora ton theIr hînduesa lua fferiug symvatby, belp sud floyers dnring Our lIs horeavemeut. MUne. S. 5. Wai.gx ANDu FAMILY. ZLECTION NOMIE PRI MARY Notice is hereby given that ou Tnesay the 14tb day ai March at the Town Hall lu the village of Lbertyvllle lu Ibe conuty o aitansd StateoaI lilinois a primary election vili ho held lu pursu. socs of and subject ta the provisions ai an Act entitied, *An Act ta provide fer the Holding of Pnlmary Electiolis h PoPiticai Parties" for tihe purposof uoainating candidates of the PeOples Party Citiasus' Party andt for lte sleciion ai (1) Ou. Presidont (3) Thnse Trustees Whicb primary .'lectlon yl ho opened ai six o'clock lu the mornug and con- tinue open until tire o'cloch lu the aiternoon o! that day. SACRI FICE REDUCTION' SA OF WINTER GOODS qMMmýj Sylvester S. *Wheeler. 13ilveater';. Whéelî'r wax, born AîtgusL 30, 1851, on hi@ fatiiere t ari eouth or Diarud Lakte and temain ed inthe place of lii, bird ountil ixteen years ago wheri lie morédtot Lilwrtyvillle, whee ho re',ided outil deaîh frouî tYptaid tirver tîîok blini on Febrnary 2.3,1911. fle waem tariied to NimjeHuna~n Newton nd reîîîtalued tà' cars tor the duties of the old home ftaiountill hil rewoval ta Libertyvilie The deceaieed became a member of the Vettîîd jet 1Eiieecilal oliurcb at Fairfieldi mider th in:ntry ofailer. W. A. Adron, Who ha»,ic(l ied in Calolria wwhere he gemoived ta rpeover bealtb. Sixteen yearg aga %Ir. W VleeIer iras traîie'erred ta the Lbertyvill i. r . Ehurcli where ho bas beetn a trumtee and a faithiol. attendant. Hie ainother died iu june. 1874. and in th. iear 1905 hi@ lftiher also paoteed to the. beyond, white a brother, Anson P. Whoeer 0 Libertyville, survives. Niue ebildren vere bVrn ta the. union o! Mr. and Mr@. Wbeeler, four of whooe, Mns. Nabel 1). Corfer, of Langdon, jAlberta,, Canada; Minse Mande E. and jEthel H.. Ch. former a teacher in Evanston, attt the latter a situdent at Uta. SUite Normal School at DeKalb, an sD . LeRoy Wbeeler, of Chicago Hleighte, survive. FÙneral services -vere held fronit thp residence an Milwaukee avenue Saanday afteroo,, Februar, 26, at 2:.15 aud Inemet maede ste emn akebi inmtery e de te miaof bag departed cilîdren, Bey. W. L. WhiûPlo, pastor of the Farat M. 9. chnro ai wbila heho as a nember, offiiciting. The aurrm'ing wille and ebildrvn bave th. aincere sytnpathy oi a large circle of friende lu tie thoîr bour of sorrow. I ' - e '4 Ovr. n .E.ue ond .. ranuuWle.ueon. I Eigbty-five new book@ have fut been jDatedSt LihertyvIlle the 27th day oi Uvesan J.E. on an Wm Noto. a,!ded to the Like~rtyv1ile Public Lirar.r February, A. D. 1911. Wor.l ha. heon recelved hiere Iront The lEt iticludes twmtyave ai the uew- E. Et. CaIlLEnT, Village Clerit. 4 Mn.. John Welch whoveÙtto tjltronells. est fiction. The clrctlatiou for the Florids, for hon healtb, ta the offettht mantb of Fermq averaged twenty- elbe le much lmpnaved in hssltb anzi Chat igbt a day. % ,vevut nov names hbave Village Tickets F'iles 4 Ch.y txpect ta remain thero tâtil mncb s been added ta the [lut oubscribers the A vide range lab choIes for v.lilagc, Urne am ber health Impravensu 0as ta paît montli. officers le offered this spriug, three full enable ber te eturn te ber h .ome bore. One car yei>ow Gluten ou track et $24 ticket@ baviug been fIled. Ea'..h ticket le Tjiursday evening of leat weeh the per ton.' Tîe greîteet mutk getter ou made up of good representative mten aud hom o!G. . Lceun akeetret udthe tmarkt et aRoux sLVMBcR ta. the contest at the primanles ou the 1 4th Braillard Court vus'the oceueof iveiy c2 2 promisestaoeawannione. The tickets L festîrities vbeu Mis@ Nyrile entenlained Une of our retidente, a chlaracter nesuled are as tolai.,: albàut a 4dzen of beri oung lady frienda about te treete. fan' against a sung PoL' icr lu honrof Aile Donc@ Webb, vha, wmb on, ["ni lay nigbt oaifeist vert when his For preslideut, R. P. tichnaehole; fôr ber mothlrier leviiting friende au wh.ivlh had homo standing bitched trustees, F. <. Cle;elaànd, J. R. Mach and reoatinuisbero. A very enjoyableevenide , e1. ou f a busfies bouse on aur J. R. htulballaucI. vas speut after wbich th" n~~ treet orbij le w r41và en joying CTîZJENe TicCET. departed for their vrins hame oting bimBelf cOu@uW.iug ha t aPetizing [For. preldent, Chas. Kaiser, Dr. E. A. Mliss *Myrtie a royal hosteas. horerage comnouly celied bonze, wne Crane; for truster., R. C. Iliggina, E. E. ...,he édieee t th iiu4tmod- taken n l harge by IMarahal Limbe'nîy Ellc wontb, I. E. 0,borue, J. E. Meredith, - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýtr an.ader a t lntnt i" sd put fil. ulbol01id's Iltery stable St"oly Eatôn' aud Wil Decker. given lu, the N. E. cbnrch lent Friday nud ted. SoinsttiS later the mian While we do uat say it withauthorits, ae1veniug taxed, bhe eapacity a1 the dîscovered hi@sborse baç een taken rare rumar has it tbat seille o! the candi- auditorium aud «vili necesitate openîug ai anidireut ta the maiibal demauding dates named inthe petitiuu, net havilng tb. parlons tu accomuodate the people tahe.1le get il for bita sying the livery given their consent ta the usfe ai their vbo are taking the tour ai the vorld man refused te let iC go without lie pay names viii witbdraw frnntue ticket. viCia the Rer. %N. L. Wbipple. The charge@ for stabling And! feedlng il. A hARa-As ve go topresà ve are B~a nd mi ~uer TheSuunse aîd ha oiere to hat the tIh u .1t audîdates unamed on Lead o! Japan",u Friday evenlingoai vth 1hich ta p&a tien bill, but lweooîd tb. Citisens' ticket have withdrawn thisveetat lghtocloi. otbjfou nd by the bmvba. 'lberefafe sbsolutely refusing la allai. their namos N. 9. Gatzort reently lurchased at h. borse remained la h.estable ait -ta ho used. the L. O. Logler iale a nuniner of full icht, the ownsn boing fumrc e ta va blond registered Holitein-Frieaiaacame home aud wait tili açat moning vwhen M . hurh Servces. among viton are five. vitit A. B., O. h. suceeded lu borroving lte price 10 -tords. Woodlavn Curnucopia Walker, uooSsmrnv taretese th.animal tromntCh.e lv etnRv .B a 00a . . rochuffithnpst a young boll that cardea h second business man alotertloned. As a 1:0S.P.cigb b atn blgheat pedigree lu the registry bas aIais reutîthIe oivueftCtha one le ont tva W. L. Whipgîle. sîtbject, "The Cneed, basoe puncbased. (Iataert viliebe net buggy rides,,tlis businesiman le out Tbe ChurcIt." *tek Ca punchasebath grade aod fluil ane beau aijî thepropré >starrof the llvery 12 m-. Bible Schoul, eubject, "Eiijab'e blood Hoîsateine ta lie bred ta PrInc est able io in an. dollar. The miarchaI Trauslationl." ïbmal$ 645) p. ut. Epa'arth League, subject, Xb.~pofford il tb and then olierud for derived cotimiderable mnloymntutont oai Methodisnis Moderm Praphet."l «" 4e. page 6.i t e air. 7,80 p. m. Preachiug, W. L. Wbipple, egubjet't, "The Evengreen." î An îveuing (f solid pleasure l asureui ffl VALU& OltMQW4EN'AND NO HRITr&CHL pýVE ON 9LIBA* Wl;.L'* OTP **F SAVE-1>* r*O NYNO E0YJ#CII Djo you tuai. that i'o paoy to bu ai sit 0aI, (il it's'good coai), vithout h. annoyance af soot antI smoke. *Jusi giýe Lefare a vory liti. air an top. Donît check th. stove pipe damper Cao closely. UlsPynaiCe WambeeNut. Yoqu "au get It fro thCie Ram. Lumber Qmous papy. Il bedseloaly, but lfghCly, au& ioaves4uaugh air spae la C h. f ore ta hum ail Ct...gam s Cat vonld oîher;KWo makta tandSwaoke.. 16-a BOYS KNEE PANTSI Knickerbockers,- ioomers snd stralght pantes 1 hieeost complets assortment you have ever sn in Libertyvill ia su> as usualai. THE FAIR conslderablv baiow, the regular pri.. WE HAVE CLOSED OUT ONE LoTr 0F 207 PAIR AND GAN GIE! NOU SOME SURPRISING VALUES 65c &Wi 75c BILOOMERS AND 1(NICKu. legaBOCKRS 50c '85 a*d 90C GRADE 65C $1.00 QUALITY 75C 50c, J35Censd 75c siraight KuelPonts lu Woolor9 Corduroy At ..........................1............................J 3 Blé SPECIALS IN BOYS KNEIE PANTS .THE PRETTIEST. NOBSIEST- AND. OONSiDERING TH£ QUALITY THE CHEAP!EST WE EVER HAD THRE -PFAl R1l Libertyvîlle Ii111 LIKE -FINDING MONEY By takinçj advanstage Of car special cash Sale op u to date lurauture.W e oe couupelled te dclOséot" Our Midwinter stock at a greet sacrfie a MWinU goprom it ëè- *ii t-& 8 FcyDining raom chiiarsa18 Drossera 014 values t vale t........814.85 Center Tablest ....... 618.5vaues.........812.48 Rcesa...... Marris Chairs 09 vagues..$5.48 Medicluebne ts Oiuuing Room Tables S16.80 Plate Racks et............. Values .. ........v..... alus60 Morris Chairs 0.Qle ~ Itit "als We vlue a 08.98 Library Tables 08. 50 Wah.saM, Daveuporte 828 values eaI.... 015 .8 Seite.. $20 vagues ai ......89 Rockers 83.7 values ai,...,*,~ Soda 82.50 value AN 1.o INew ibon Bed. $3 valueswgtutr Colora' $1.09 -OPEN EVENINOS UNTIL BO'OLOC'( IlE LlwF*yY1UE ISSomm FIJN[IURE C<>UI'AN A. R. KLEL, Igr. L YS ç ,p S.. L. , 'R. F. Rouse, IrvingE. Palp. President. Vice Prosideni auie THIE CITIZENS9 BANKl#z ROCKEFI'ELER, ILL., Outr Savîngs Department afrords ihe fanvier, laboer. NIld i* overn a s equveent, et. èand profitable meilne of l"IS ewa - srplus dollars.. 1..0o opens ant accoui, 16t~era as Met "ent par annuras, compounded ssmi-anntly. PARTNÈR8 AND OlRIZOTrORp # ..Trlpp...W ,Rqa Ç Men's Duck Oas........................................ ...... .... Half 4190 Mon's Fait Boots,......................ialf 1é Mens Fait Foxed Shoes. worth 63.00, ai .................*.....01.70 Menla Il .. l. . . 02.00, ai .............. ......92 Mon& Sheop-lîned Shqes, warth 81.26, ai....t........................ . 7 Manus Woai Undorwear'worth 01.50, ai ..............................JO Monu# I - .. 1.00,ai ............................. . Mon'$ Gloves snd Mtoens .................................Ona.thr fi Men$ Wool Pente ....................... .......... One.thflsà CG' Boys, Suites........................................ ue-third 0R Ladies' Wool Underw.sar, worth 81.60, ai .....................81.00 Ladies' " " 8 .00, e .ai .. . .............. ..71 This is a Chance to Make a Great Savmno Wl» .PAY_ -MORE?