'4" e 'Pa a te seRp- ker orOak Park ThebO*U I t. Ust draeaas vii be 4atyei"d: "Tlb burlagiChumb &M ahbe iCty 4paiI - ~WilliM T. clen.Uai ut f "satrb 0 ortMstel ffcttheobmho Is pbt .161 if , aM Ila MilmhtMy'D.J. B. ftO sst. ÂAtin. "Sbh. tvaii8olUêm «, Suburban OommUnty." Dr. W.. Way Boyle o Lake Feonat. ta Mgr.. bM"' mdiraeux.) 4-mompart z. Irb. be sau ilmeh.. Tbheau lfor thé conference le.uigu ed lix tour pamra of Morgae Pawtigeb Roy. W. B. Milard for the. Oaugrela- tiomal chutai, the. 11v. C. L Luca.for tii. I'rbyterlau- ehurh. tue la,. ýT. a. ROu ai tbl ~eMthom iatUjaow aue mb, I bm ta1W. IM. C0a1*j fon theBaptit chwrell&A wiSh abdmg *'W At Palawlek. la <lloetteablu. tige Wta&% Oaptiat. 0-W. Uuady llowing Sept. 8I.OII bY abodlat @l r thef .the curluDmeei>n. Sculpptui un- day" auqi eone4ôd wth a quaint euu. umaa IU bi preli. t*M. lu the ',chrchiri are ntpety. Dine yewjireeo4 and r tdItion aay»-tiat' aMui-O . ~ ail attempta te com-piete tlb. lindred Sby plantftîamotier yew have ISlaIe i". teRe. W. a. Aber- NUtvti oS Our lAdy-Sept. 8-thbese j'iu~ !bu.~yua*i "- iee u- are cllpped. and tige Bue ~bue'Dr.W. ~ Ur. er'lith*. oct&ver" thua boeaiat aprocesdIern of p~aidota V.tm Nu o beUiv ebbrb. Vnafy theýah -e 'AU wdl.peaiieat t e . .tmbi lllglt be bdin4ti5* 4< te cuferce chace'déor, frin whilc a »eM Mla Ritblo outm e uiben thia wIoI ia- bé,mOtm~ ("~M Vr01y's Dw r it)ê~ - Sa M aaýtmPb i VgWe*À1I Î, Miméasha 4Ity aud bM atit.itaieh, rulaiô waadlAm «o» vaamau -the . b t, w bone.cf tha waal<: ,th o tw gri "lb. v waxblth a isajiouety cou. t .kïoW *wc aldr ii.éilovmgartice. boeuui 1leaeMMW.T tW 'VIi mye e. tm ram the iueuottomfrai m parai & their' property axi .64aadeatb If ta t mpfflaai-m4 th.y lot acecaringly. It the ewme1 ota. ti . oemetstatci tii.e oNeut; bocas ieople bave e rlued *IbM mlti. mlracuhga sie ciiamiltles very evldenUy liecame re »Mpr" aeouMtoir o'W. ay mg i> à meugetaidoa, ci <o P« Dm udertie g the. magn ta bave tUa eaagprbtlmtg ibé ok t att~t a bu% "Orbutel aR bii aurpb im re manigu" in latbb eat= ea t ou -« orui it.a.h. ai. Puit9vêwoah Dm" qsê from o4e lua "at -4 b. are. almichuror I" ure'ta the ivai th saw4 of tbi e ait be w Eddy.' l& Vu pou MUi to e» «, bge bhabupec ,Var la 1 It 0 Ybur I*1cê Ofbur 8Iq, ab' Ciirtal1 eriln, very fOne sm 'for pli utaita» Tbie many. new draperies, that arrive 4aiiy vÎ4 bc of greet in- tercet b you. _The offeringa tiàis mgoeiare mo'etasty. lu desiguM Rfe-nco- tn,twe expeete.. ils apleamm e te ultw thé geoevas dtoa ien et n mtn2iabL' TùOL ame ff tho ëieàtor tooe, lèm ýnm uat te look around. You wil flbd' tii. tinte pro0tuibly and i ej6yably set b lt wtbau buy, idaa tùuatMtlng mabam it mmmau oulr. laird ...........2 .Eauela doloI>herl reob@a a am tdel O. - «Me sale ..rd............ wu a Imuiuvt pam Febo olr e< m papUlar iglul g a ilir Te~la umathaa- k t *a a B- ft- I ~4 59Cj Ini going tbbrgh tk stocke titisweek wi# haVe losutia& god nmy remnmfite wwh ~h6ve bs0n placed on te Uemnnat'Tabl on thirdtfoor.* Of oora t1ie beet wil1be thfà-stto go' sooubaxd' bette;, 4 here ee~y. . nadfei- nant'prlee-tink of iti' w w- 2< Itid à& ail -obéi to go 1 te la .11 voS nopa mmt K Rate froix stra hga 0 41*W