MaL è. thé folewfn rqlt ttudD . B lae aUD (0 ty. US. Dclun. 14 îpnl ors LS ¶iIRL ret tlem' Axe on. LM fAtt.. oBoLm.Te m.t t mgoat lor th rsmrer sud ConU't r i.nIreport f AI.m" t thWareport USO orik.. ç le. nI correct by Youueg il ~A. lRendséeil bo,.w isa I . emutre bd herswitb for the. bgi- a reportY.8.8U, ti îerklsos*4 re rsoemmedata*Mdlà on-- 08s Jh la respecêfuyixiuub 5UIwi ,ý44çv mi ~h Seglst pe r OW J. m nai aoved fiat thO MM ofrq tlbo reqmestel m te e re mz et aierrequt- w.ia4 totion tar etity TW* Mer subatitted thbe bntel ti bu abd move lIa tate cof 1 kaiWfO5QBi5d Dord e wim ort utatte afti. V-1o' k» a etlemme 1 : K w Urâb L muvol. Tinttbe. 11c1w4et si ba Ocart lie imuem- Yeu, coma Mit. la rote i.Cooty 1, teotur. Oa-Clan. toMwl salop lis haiter ut U. -»4d hlm ~ ~ t O.La e u ecombel km beg b lèvelo te Ud fth la rfttPoCUUy suIs- Ce,, thse Audi rendiot tu ab g«M I hie. nme due lm P»4 wè%w. bele , mu., m maléd that the m.-report b. ace A"i adoptai. AU ot Wb 6 & BHarl for am- e ailowei for $10.0é. Oupervisor ~au.Cbirnu of report be ab esale, ubsntted the. Motince m i.Li.cou'. as. eors i uty eors. Match Trm. sEm=MmI1 monUess, egt arl1.1 T. CWLit wSu Ïiotel tlpt thse ei «ud adouffl. r motel that the ev- èt street hats of fine stUc braid. see are baud mace hlui 25 érent styles, »dèM deii ur own *'df" hi s2.95. eauq t. regular price*2 g9k waiste iUn hndsome shiped effecta, secîal at. Beautiful sliowing of lingerie >waists bomorrow..9 ýPheseinclde -values'as high as$P, Newets styles and egFtectfi. oeus1stgeup to 14 , e Seeial tomorrow. *Between the bourm of rorrdw morning, beau- nà drm«s every. on, and up (one 1ýo er)fr.. rfeis !eetns.111 iiauBdnIaMixlthe -t Y okSe, lu 12W A. MENIES wd WhaI. Slais meeecqosiat = i- deepy4*wte s." et*4*u4.1 auisooMmer Conad presetel tâi folfloulnt reeolatlu4 sud May" Il adopto- limoovel That tith;Anka et his Bioutl beextendel b 11.0 .Cbsirqu FL C. W. Meyer andIto ,Cierk& X A.i IleqMsd L. A. Rend., for Ahe able, wcotous and impartWal mann lu " blci i te'hl uai --d:. -W Ii. iwoms et Inft- , iel.cswIAIilua Il r>' of p a a t 1uIIl Ofwill peme al>bsut .1 Pretvjy trimrbe. and iibhous. Thi sjth flowers W-0üderful- ly s=art hats for Fapter great assortment et . good eombinations at. iwear- a madie of oeatuw ,new materk o r'.collars or stri.etly taloe" t wili pay you to Corne 1 tà *nd see tieieegarments» -Th Colnprise junior, misse' and coats, strictly $10.00 iound coller diects. $14 tal~eincluding a-lot of eloth coats. None in tbio k lm stbau $15 to $16.50,- 1 tomorrow for ........... A positively $22 .50 and $25JJ haaidsorne new effeets,' tomow special at .. ý'dd' subite m"q, up' wi ed elirts. Otïaranteod $15 values, on'Msle tornorrow at. Elganit notnu ta The dainty littie &a ýthe is tteon«t- morr amuyino a J ie man e- Wewuid conaler it a favor to be alowed to "hW yo the renlas thinge, for we know you wifl etijoy thofr beauty. Pretty littie Btraw Kati that are-, trimmed witb eloth flowers or pretty ribbon iii a fiight color, unusual v'alue at .-........................89 Another pretty straw hat trinuned Nwith plain light bine riblion an inch .jund a*half wide, the stiaw of extra fine quaJitýI 8p>edeat.. ...S llé astha t the liftie boys asud gil ie to wear b pls.v in, wide rira, trimed with ribbon, eaeh. 0o.4f Hood of Swiss and straw, priced fro i 4 )c p. O"epetty hood with lace edge, lace fr111 in front, émbroi- dered, long ties, for .......... $15 *ISS-Honey ombod-and Ina .d- zed Lor le, qullted 1befor 360,- band embroldrwd bib. for 50et up t0 $i»5 UNpAWtT*' COATs of vIle. lons or Mbrt onu. deop collais. ald emlrbider.d mufront adon mol. lma"su cQla, asM» perfetly pfla. prileti fi IW-GO p luW-o" iàtAI. CIILWS MNTR? sWN85 open sud buttonel.l, I9% MiMMO UNDERWEAM-Robin'a shirts for Infnts. aIse 1 for 4&c up lu as» 6 for Mec. Infant Sna os fool for M& ' Cotton bands for Mr-. nud pant veol bands for SI&. Pretty Coate made of, blaek uilk, sme, wth deep lace ct>Uar,. others nwith turu down collar, toroso white pearI buttons in, front, ieh fo,....................... Pogo loata. with turn clown coll r ýtriunmed wîtb blu silk and'%*ftd, huttono cewn "front of cas 4u- m*pi †0il rivstl f15 ~1 Dle k ...roo........... Lism esEp 0"ewihdepolr enibroidered edge dou0 re é off and on colare,.each Apretty Eood made OÈ ïii9Wý v Ststrimmed in front wîtt ÉtbImn and flowers, long ribboà tles ... . $150 O TCCKN.ý-a auiUafor *Ua pair' c~~.auisiot. ton tociapa. *P&. Ucicot- ton ae , rt ICPANO w fou Id. paie. ntu RIAPUS ou&s WA~'5 O8?H-~~ 10 bota 18 lies ww f". ; Utcbes vide for p. P^"£ T 1*hIe-aWle o- ualpttemo tS a I~ma il- - a£ et mou ti, I o tse 11111e cms SmIsdj Inci'vdla thupsueses Quateri>ls5A mlAsfe Mouti> yle b ave ' as> »ndnu aai.MU. e Gain tin .oh.u vii é te lumeu ii~~ M. 133. N. Gen«e s10 MalWAsa», Rmios e St. man n anum eaIA.cSlAI..W J J tsAVUl1l. UIC îbAted&$Ana HW' styg les, regular $ g during this houÏ eue te a '- ïtomer at ........ ... ~S-SpcIalalse t W4,kIg Skitl i*IMgrymixtures, Waek na ai wil resdiily rcone these as $6.00 a $7.00 irlues, specil iducemeuit at;. as lot comprises over 200 akixtethat boÛght at a special bargain. iens a $3M a bes $2,~4,eé* üt, colt skin, vici kid abd èrei Sod styles, your léat ... . . . . . .. . . wsaOzxfotds lalllthrala valuet s ii for thi» Oak ........... êk .............. ............. ................ . . . . . . . . . . . ............ voit.. f -vo te I i~1b. .. ~ are., 1 'ï - lu Wol -----------