W Do0 Avai L4Lthe *«t ta** ~ov~s Trou a M E?. 1* oq 'havbcd w« e «r bocal'e ait --idont li_te s&A* tem esitit I O O tgolk uelghIeuteoitusthat aMt ama~ si ter .imm dr o eha Pr tht Je"%. in Godo due wedo Sl r*ton sai t1h Apostle, a11 &O* Wlth tan 1 1 talor e Sbeleve that toi me. dotaffecta iotrine et be Chili- ý-w M ati.srhêtha 4 o t ~u staeob- toeapý 4ftDaoaaG. agi or eour oc. dolm«. rtàE1 M = Vi1tft lloelhinaand ail or our n~~~~~~~odto we4leut ua.mtlSIvss~h b!b bave troubied un no fW ei e, q n C««' unîa- t W (l051 f the 057. and iail 5g Uni. but i t l. e coun-1of tht lPtDfN Wit b. toundhar- kë o w gp.a.~4Ner.; . -Wut *v i. -CIftt aaa fro thne, 4g~nde4Jpte 'udZIFee t4t. frat-traita uof fw *d'"pep- cUe Po. .tmn ~~ ~ilfi'-ouolbqt mfou lerds qr orrue.lm evI£ inaméao. Ikiel>. licw Uul litf~lp ~~ ~ *d* ht, Çbthi' le-o anu gloqant vgaé15e fesb ~ '~L~*0 tÎntdaatt s eue elaitfaboutit 419 ,tesby II a -tai. «aaVor tu dan t9a5 . ,*rien. and ItIothe »Mn is haaienly weS5gtÏ*B isot a&%.for aitethes.gadput al of the, emS>#sf m o ouown ;Iéuukad m nI ltAr ail Mun- h~n *U ith temei b on -nt l-moso m ne ommez. , M fre-ms. o eus. lit r4ged, th *b I a ~SUcIIVU ..d1.ak Iha s, Etc.,eV in this City1 *mtheltrem«e styles clown ,ta.l é âi*4tIy*trntee a. u.lyWi b<conslderably cheaper e*I et4atht advantagt of.tueraâtn aau yuknow you cao gtar 1service wwc YO .A....IgIt re 4t or a tbat 6. e ja"e .te sort of -b . we ifid certai any Idea of at *1500wil iý lot 'utshovi e lothes am,, yu tfo lopk '&Io trouble Ofn VOS.' PurchWWI Slits mnap'by the best the latost<,r4 gmoea sUitgs aire the iie4 ehadeR gray,- 1Maeks anid blue sgs 9 fr made to .oiw uetus~i in sp4nd for a suit of clothék? Do t you want to get thfli ~ iho e1otl4es for $20?- Do you want ste as clever as whieh voit would get in i ùhig 1èr Ïneè sit, in fa@i 'thé hhileut -, t ~rs rel4av, a nctrîgha~iie they art s'tyles fo ý. .r the ma"t oung~ stiveshes for the oIder Men. 40-0 fe4hmd, wbeA wc sell a 1n luetepis lo shiow the sqhoem much abibiit'1 due e«- O*tW l flelU qasifffrou . ta d I Lte &# tthat sbiii ....... ... ..................