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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 May 1911, p. 1

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WiWEtMIWEBKLYSUN XIX O. 31 TWLVE AGES LIBERTYVILjCr, LAKE COUNTYuILNOIS, 'IRIDAY MAY 12, 1911. n tram pneumonieandidrvs remoyod trot tihompitai tva da" msa cm me- count of a foyer caae.'1 At the. caronor'. inquiot physicianm testifl dtbat linumonlahm Wvk- oed the boy% homt and tlmt it gave uny 4er the. hocI. MRichard and lihlhother Itaiph ver. pickod ni> friondea la the treste by- ai agent of the. Tonndlingmhomo lu SIIT TWO CHIDEENChicago tour menthe aga and «ve,,&GM MTSOF DU PONT CO. ~ N OXEIFN ment ta thei. ubnape oM UW G S .0àl = "011 I RN- Th damago ta the building mapouat fIG BUILDING ad teabsout $$,M0. Jau«,»L flobbe, H R h»ahané t tii. vouai ii viobo Mem- - or>' the orpbanmge Vwu oroo9e, att- JIJID PIONSUFFOWIO *al that it vould be resomredm soonîGi PIN O 0 CE Mrs. Itate Dyer, ahrvoman. vasu neaering ber home acrons trom the.or- eL l Agi 1mm n AppulJs for O1othing anid Ai4 'phanago, about 8 o'ciack Saturdayl ein gmtLctn oeldg. Ohe samysmoke lI»uing tram Lib«UY 0q=d tO thetop tonr of thse thre. tory orpbmn- gNul n County Now bY Xany Chuirches aga bulding, aid dropped a haset of Boinf Clrculated loUe.. she vase crrylng. She tartemi an a Uino for the orpbanmge door, burst Flammes mveeping tbrougb the Mlary lai Wtl a cry smang the unuuspecting Secret oufièthes-of a the E. L. Dus MaiaeHabbs building of tlïe iMetha- occupants af the. lover flars ad Pont De Nemours Powder company, of aist orPhmnage at Lake. Bluff Baturdmy duied ni> tbe stairs. Delawau-e, the. owner of the big 200 night betveen 8 and 9 o'clack. cuit 8h. soon arnlved at-the imperiied se plant which blewu n t PMassant the life af a 2 ycau- aid boy and vaa-d. The ciidren had gane ta bcd. Pririe ls OStI n Mardi, shook five damagoal the structure. Richard ]MI. 3MaiY vere asieep. Their attendants, itstes, andl asussal 0e500,000 damages Io, foriotten ln tbe mad rush mashuit 'four ln number, heard the cries of have 'ioiet*d ài f ltoil for fresh a dazon hcrnic deacaneimes, assisa!d Mn. Dyer as she nan thraugb the millieta bu conittrUcted an the IllinoisÎ hy neighbors, carried bis twin brother building anal came ruuning aflter ber aid. of thoe tats line.. anal sixty-one other childreu ta safetyi tram tbe laver fon. They faunal the. Odin0 Mon fouMon> omployed et vas the victim. He bâtd aimait dled tai-lt le reali1Y bait attlc(-hc'VY Pli.sent Prairie te the mille ut Hib. of frght on thc third floor of tbe blaz- vitb mhoke.' Frant the midit stuin- bine, Minn., as a blind, the agents 0fI Ing building betore It vas dicavered bied the vabervaman, tre. screamn-th. company have bein working out in j that be vasuflot-among those vbo a b1ei ng cildren tucked under ber amai. Lfor County from Winthu-op Harbert been caried ot. 'Tae 'cm," sbe said, ad, tbrov- ýfor uogek andl havi, iltja reportoa, Just as Mlmi Luchla Hoger, bougeliu gber wblmpening burdens into the clootal an option on 0 100 acre tract moter f IIs aon mîsea itchad.arme of tbe atonibed attendant&, Taking the hull by the homes, poli- August Sinsky, bea of the volunteer 1ebe plungeal hack Inta the amoke. Iu tiens glnst locatinq of the mlii aire fishiens, itagmoroal tram the dop a maoment sitee merged vitb anotiier &long the stte line havoe tartoal et! mftry beartng the baby ln bis am-m. b-mioal. thon anothor. Z10o1 Cii>', Wl!threp Harbor and wlli Withln au hour Rkichard vas dea and Pr.eently she wui Joineal by Ray- soan hm stU-ted lu Woulcegan. the brother vha had heen saved va moud Moore, a 15 year aid yard ai Due ta the tact that thau. le no 111.1 ieft vithout biaod kin. the onpbanage and Beatrice Santord, nois prohîbltory lau, petitions and an Foiioving thoemvhlch brobe out ane of the attendant* andl a yonng OmOrgOncY 1lîgle»ive enactment a hetveon m . r nal oclock atura llethodist student. Tva Miller babies the anIY thinge that clan gave the nlght, apponasfer aid veto ent tetahei--Ivines-vere the varda of 11Min Bn.countY from the mmmac. of the tona of Metiiodlst cec of a the North fard. <Jfnmft tasid powdOur, ikefy t. go uap Ohmroand mtnody ciatblng anal monoy Wldow Cmris. Mon t. aoty. without wamnngeaiany moment. ia beflnniug ta pour ln an theoarphan. lits. Dycr, vho la a vidov, ilves Mon suspectemd of belng agents Ot au.- dircty serosthestret rothe or- the Du Pont Do Nemours corntsey Misa Lucy ludson. suprintendoat etfthe children ta emi.ty. es M1 da by a cabmen of ZMan et the orphanage. wvas eated in the 'Ivas an my vay homo vhen 1i mmvCtySad dnvlopthiough northeastern adminlestratlon ofecog vbich occupy sinake coming train a vindov on t he Lake coenty ta view difforent Places Part ai th. Hobb building vben ah. toi> bar," te.salé .. q*' oppe mte aken ai for a site for the mliii. ,heard a cr7 af i re.- MiesHager blok laer and ln a second 1sw Onia mvieswt 0 h discaveroal the blase ln a stororoom. lames burst forth. Chicago and Mlwaukee. eloctu-lc Ah. lied tao xtiuiaulshIt and caliod "Fat a moment I vu paralYzel. t1 lred aud @Outilo h etislconsin a vrnlng vbon It got beyond con- knew Of the.hbit«eion that flion Mad lins- troL. my tiret thought vas that they vouid it l180M0 cres Of uther lbu snd Imm.diatciy the buiding vasil u an1mii h.burneal te death. Whon 1 re- ewampy guound, .ultabi. for ai- uproar. covered t fannd Suyseitnuannug ta" Mont fia othes- purposo but loca- Fint lhoogbt for their charges, the yard Uic building seraaing 'IFre!* tien of powdor mille. Ëix demconeaaom ln th building- "I ruaheal rigbt lunsuddni> the stitem- The other le ueet of the village Mise Hager, Mise Beaîice Banor v aY. Everybody vas excltted, tor tii. Of- Wirthrop Harbor on broad, flat, mi"s Ieds 1Cidrialge. Mima Minuelo. had hoard me coming. but th.y aid rather marahy lanal ther.. veY, Mima Ruby Goddard and Mimeflot ceemtu ta ealize that the bouc. It la dociausal that 100 acrts Judion, saved muant ofthe chldon vas On lire, have been placed under option et the rlak of tbelr ovu lives beforo "Wbei 1 reacbed thc top flloor it csantâ h dl.abin ai houp .arrivoal. vas a pitiabie slgbt. The. darmltony The tao hrceiirla h MrR-V.AA DOr.à wg5ew.mn., a, ..apdyI. lU,,9 wihah mnfrn andTheioo he msalso h living actais 1h. treet, sica herol-1 cally aldeal le the recnes. Flemeîs péu-oaRapidI>. Sa rapîdi>' aid tisebla e presé tiat Il vas ont ai tbc question ta tu-y ta ae pensanal prapouty. With one or Ivo exceptions chlldr.n atu-eal> ver. lu bcdt anal tueur ciothiug vis COn- smcd. As uaply as tue childu-en ver. car-1 uied tram Uic burnng building they1 ver. takon ta the Wadsvpu-th cottage, viseeh boys bei been quattercal. Fondc oto itreUo! are h.iug reuseal. by Lak. count>' as voil as b>' tbg cisurcbom. Aid vas sent tram Evanstan anal ap- peal bas heeui, ma"dinte he Chcago cbutcbes. .-Excepttfor tise bneskng ont of - scaniet lever le tue homial Richard vonlal have hoon livo taoday," aald Mina Judaon. "He haul hein suffeing &il the littie one ver. cnyng mné rbmif fnlgteued to death. Tise>'ver. nunulng alimiessi> about tho taons anal tu-led 10 gt mvmy tram inb. Sain, isy davu on th. faon aand ktcked vhen 1 vent ta take hotl of tis nud 'others, cravbed under tIheales. "I carrieal thon out three at a Urne. Am near as I cen remember I mad e about ton tripe. When I vaulal get haIt vay dovu the bottoin stalns theu-e vail h. sammenethon. ta take the ilîtie victins. I vautl rush ni> again mter othens. "Thc test tva or tbree tripe vëe dangerous, as the dames ver. cotu- Ing ot of a doon tuat I led 10 pans on tue second fonr. I though my cthtes voulal catch fine eveny lime 1 paiseal. The hbles, 100, voutd squlnm anal tu-y 10 getlioose: 1 vas becoming exhausel danal could hardI> lsoid **,*@@*SO*OOOOS OC 000000000 * O HELP THE ORPHANS 0F LAKE BLUFF CHILOREN'S HOML- Fiamea agslW evept the Lakeb luff orphanage b.twoon 8 anal eud à o'ook Saturdsy nlght, .ýSixtto elid-en umoine tuo. 2 te 8 y.-s of aglé hod ta ho caruisti, la tholn fou lothos fnom the buuning Mary Mau-lla 00s ittho ad , ichard Milier, twin et RaiPh Milier', end 2 yeone olal, laisthe 1aI ta ho taben tu-e. thse building, hlm aligne. not belng diecavoed al til thei bous. sotheu- emed UP beu- omlangs. %0 dlad f rom fh t ailé supsisete mek and S*mies. 4S-o e"hty la oslod ueImtu como a thé là Od f thse or- p 0anm. vl ewu ld W u* u Tise SURS e4 thl@Pp 7 uIIWaVodltuigegisanl supplies4r feu'ti.ouiaiUu W»llthie ouet 048&Mitr wmn, end lil trensait supplie*.m nsolvod t. L04 wguif, The w $udheggul oreu or' sesoi Sibo0sil>'te tise 1 o soef Lke. Coeat% mtnui miryle *aut.ý, vienso O O O o o compD»YOs>n. the Job as iand agents are PiaYlng thse Original ciainm cl us faUa discloslng their abject In gel- ting*Uic tend la concerne. Thase.vha have been appnoch.d by thein Are 9equal> mainana lLineilh- -ffMin lionen>' that the Ptomsant Pna&te-povder mliii are le h. inoveal acrnss lb.state tino Inta Ilinois. Agents of the compan>' are parlîcu- Ian 10 chooseL[_'uiy spots îvblch ire tanol>' anal remaveal frein the main traveleal vays, Ibeir soie vs h eing appareiti>' to gel sîmpl>'&Orne place tisat can b. conuecteal - vils svitch truckiaseuldaW favorable place liaI tuache anal a reaal systein, viic isl vhy tisé spot vest oa'i ltbrop Har-- Du-vsn tram Wisconsin. NeAr passageo f a dnasticlc evprta vlding liat not mon, Ibm 125,00W pannde 0f black povaler anal no dyna- mite shall ho kept ln tarage anal btia s mcDtl iInspection b>' eounty om- ciie UIIl b. made of ail povéor mils to se. tisaI tue tla ol ng oheyeul bus dti*vea the compai> fia. WI.con. miu Mdséthe juan» venthe im" lut. DI"lsa0believelte turnimb Uic emalooat solution if tue peoehoWiin Mtau4 te, St ««7 uo ove'ot>' aidOfilage la Ueo ome iswi x uua*élils alemia duO to *Xbe g prqbemué demtides etr*geiii eaci lesMdtda muffuet itt Wb tstouïto vqB ONE TO EMORT TEEN lIEUSENTAILiiir" A LM Or 0$10i,000JI3ir Wo fqiod Store, 8 111V 1 and =took Nbar DZeeld and Summper Home Burn 0 FOURFI:g:l:IN:OUNTV POSTER JOHNSNI M I FORTY-XIGK-T HOURS. ~ JH SN q * - * DIAII, LEÂVES GRASS O Lake Blufi Ovphanago, caus- O IAX0ORE S ln eu o0 f i11*o0f on* child; : OV IL S O nioUe*iiy lous et 14M 0. " Uhoé nd frittt*esln Hifh. * " _woom diroyjd by flue oaf O A II U DED1F 0 myoltésiui* #Igoin. Loua * totale, 0O .9- " Bau-n andé stock cf John Hailgo Tells Sensatiooa1 Story of " et Doorflold diroyed by 0 " flue thoiahht tg have bein 0 Hou Ho Committe« " aut byohildrsn. Loos $3, iCDm 0 Summer home 01 F. W. Cor- - " niait, Chloffo, an Crmbapple G) Huiragter Johnson gone back to " Iland buunod te the graund. 0 Buffalo ta buy and put up a monument CD Lau«»M 0 O t the niemorY 01 the vite he says ho O Total las. by fil-e eatimmted et 0 killed but vho died ln mn accident mc- 814,00. *cording ta the Nov York police sud O coronersa office records? 0 0090000000000 The oitent. brooding Indien vba Tvo a bd I n l the .4- theastern stirned the country a Year $go by an- part of the caty caused a total lois@ uaunlcng ta Justice of the Peace J. C. of oer 5,00 ad ue t th noth-James of Antio±h that ho had -klied 0f oer 5,00 md ac t th notb-bis vifo and vas villing ta expiate 1weet neariy $3,000. Two stores inl hlm crime, Prompted by bis canversia Hfighwoad, onp a shoe &tore aud the ta the church, et the Urne be w"m other a fruit store. vere burned oUt fee of the charges stated that be vould romain at the Better reoa i ln a lire whicb startod in some mys- (;ý« ý. __ . terlaus marner li the iboe store of uil iaat au. vlien b. vouid go ton A. Reld about 3:30. liouday moenlng. Buffalo if be isal ta wlk. prcceed to J Two S1tores Surned. lb. Indien cemetcry vbu-e bis vitea Before the flires were extiuguiîhed îles bunleal. anal have a mouument bulît aveu- ber reatlng place. f the flames hsal cousuuned the luterlor Left Lait Full. i of tbe aba. store, sud aiea of a fruit Il la kuavu poilively tram a state- store ovucal hy John Hart of Higb- ment made" by Bob Seller lait veek ta tend Park aud openated by John Gain- a SUN reporter lu anIs nterview, tIlia brio. The %tor-es were constructed Johnson ddIndeed leave fo r Buffalo of cmen blcks nd he ajorty fsud bhlmnatIve reservation last full. ai~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~Sl cenn icaadtemjrt ! Stet eateal, bowever. that the tn- thse loge o! $e,000 van confineal ta thse slien ba not gavat veny much moue> stocka lis the stores. Most of the and that h. hardi>' helioved.he veutp logs vas covèeuéla'incllurance. The back ta buiid a memanisi ta bis vite. 1 lire was discovereé et an eariy bour tudeed. h. tateal 1h51 Johnson n- this mornnug b>' a vatcbman. The turnnd lu resiionse to a suminoni that stor& wre stuaed e th corer bish aged mother, like binseti a pure atoeswee stutel a l. ornr Ihlooe Indien, had gare totally' Waukegeu and 11lgwbvtd avenues. bileal aid needed hum.t Flue 4uJtuo,0.hd. Nov,. hovover. bc bas vnltten for tu'Deerfletd, à litho to the w .est of bis lolis a nd belonhingc at the Se! lier piaan d lt la belleveal that evon- IHighland Park. Ore Suniday nigbt des- tneîy use vIII carry ont bis navel troyed a baen, tisreo hemul af hanses. means of expiation 0f bis crime. f and tbrec tows, tegether vltb mauy Sald Ho Muu-c-seru. ets of baruea, holomging ta John Johnson, a itràight, trong. tuhi Hue,!afeme.bloodeal Indien tram the.Nigara S'lla Hsg~e a femerdistrict, vllb a home on the resenva- The oigin af Ibis lire ln misoas mys- lion on the brink ofthei Niagara tory. Itli la lmeul that Iflht la year chom, came ber. ta voit as a fanu ago snoe oaihelb. kiduen or! Mn. baud ou the Setter place stten hmviig Hagg se tie t thebamaccdenel-traveicldvlth a mehcýram& Company' Hage etIr talb breaccdeta- bicb vliteal Waukegan.C ly, anal as thsegermi chuldreu vene Atten monthba t lb. Selter place,t ceeu playlng lu the reglon ai the barn during vilch thec suent, broading mani but a sbort lime befaap thielire vas eatited mauiy friends, he startical Lake dinoveedIt a cair byothr rs-caunty ane afternocn b>' valklng into dhscvenai.il s cali~d y abernecthe offie of Justice James et Antiocb taents o! the vicinit>' thal; itleIlikelis sud aunounclng that heva a murder- that tbe cblîdren set the barn afIne er. Ibis lime. .Stary Of the Crime. The liée was discoveroa b>' lins. Accandlug ta Ithe itory tld by John- so e belecal his*vite untrue anal Hagg abot S ctac tes nlgt. r ater once 1 avng her at the resonva- the lime the reeldeuts 0f tise negbhordlon tnetanoalt accuse ber: Abe tu-led baud reachea these ono0f 1h. tire ito affect a recaudllltiton and the tva vas evident Ibel the structure vas lootank avek ta the oalge of the Niagara doomeal. Au effort vu asmde ta save rivereI th stock sud athuer Iinplonnts ln theIThee, be ci"a.iluanger. as ele tesloo4 an the river bu-tek, be delihenite- barn, but the efforts proveal unaviat-! iy klcked ber Sud sent -ber imb h1h kng. Tbnee hanses, three cavi, a river.1 y The atoical Indien toid vithauta1 buggy, tva surncys, a 1oft full cf beymIver ai a muscle boy bis squawv and cevenal bundreal bugheis ai cals caverca l hrheal vitu ber shevl anal1 vote deatroyel. The' loi la cati- ivîthant a cry or R struggie veut down1 mateal il close ta $3,00 and o ipr l tramn vltb the Curreuî anal vas iast cayeu-calby Insunana..- aspntyto10vîev tarever. .- WaerSupy av otFinal 8h.. Luter, L . upy a.Oi Later ber body vas tounal. eIo A hunket brigade ofrmoa tram haî-iug cane Over the. faits, b>' a bunt. a vell anal tank et tho farm b>'thbe lng party 1ha1 bad beau notifielof o uelghbors lu an effort to exttngutsh 'ber disapi>eraice, as livas tboughtl 1h.f mci. Tbevaet n tc wita h., and sellvasonIdentifleal by a1 anal tank ves loy, bowvevr, anal tse1 Tiheilurder, as Johnson celle It cou-. suppi>' vas acou oxhauseafl. There stauti>'. tock place. h. gays, Octoher S, wasnotingfurherto o bt t stnd11904, anal on that3day touriste cmv a an atbughe tuture dobutnt body>'caern a ven lhe fails andl drap1 anal etchtho trucure iiii. mbthe river heiov. Summer Home Uurne~d. samPeon Wlliams. brother of the1 Ont lu the northvatoyapart ai tb. dead voman sunal iiklenera seller of4 >couit>' another lire tlghtod np the Indien novellies aI Nianta tFals, ne1 aide fo man mies.porteal the voman mlsalug ton day. akls ormay its. A snmmer jeter, Octaor 131h, and a coroers baine, tise property «t P. W. Ceahsb. jury faunalthat alle met deatii mccl- 2Chicago, sîtueteal on <ýfboppe Islandl dontali>'. vhlrs la hov tise recordi at Fax Lake, about a milYs *I-m shore, stands Ioda>'. viaidestoyedby fl o a msterous The theot>'ofa al ber corn relivesy i vas estayedb>'liv *5 nystrlo a t so e fe11loto ho river aid vas engin. The feuIl>' Of Mr. ConpIsb8, drovieulanal fot tiIeshe vum ul- conslstIng of ovit."d t Ivo Oblîdrmn, deréd. togMtherwvith Mr. CeAst. hmd vialtoal Indien Ropontant, -tue cottage Sonda>, t , 0f Inuontraet wvîh thIis va th.econ- loutng e thePl- be smmerfossion of babnson. - . toctig B te ls0 ~ 51 i 1lO. Not giveate, democitratlons anal * ?hy had n neola pumewdIIe aholtol> nemotbuaiu,t-ohe rgve ticeeibut hrI' m ~t4nade Uss~saeand gon calol com- tbomi« l Xt rffa-o-i e ge eoest- 0 tamnfi re atr O Aatiooh, aotiier ahtLlIiest"vle the Ftua l wucm é e. -10 dea gh', Wehoua 'ta-gD wm i on*0ri. oJ~g4ui. ~ jalr. and s md $1.50 PER YBAR iN AI home near AnUoch, et the Setter re- sort. Tuavsu April 23, laut year. Mysta.> Stili SRnmins. Thun the. myatery MtOI remain,. Foster Jabeon porsi&tenta ln his declaration that he kild bis vif. hy kicking ber Inta, Niagara river and vatcbing her di.. The New York records show ti4at Jobnson'a vite spparentiy dird ln a purely accidentaI manner. The etrange onignta ot±Ihe indlan's mentality hidi tMir nover to ho e olved. and no one knave ovon nov vhether b. la a murderer or flot. Bac< ln New York, ho le, moantimo, and there ho Intoalds to stay, accord- Ing to a latter vhitch the $*oiters bave recolved. Who kiowe? Penbapa ho wli tbrovw bimseit on his vito'u grave, hou ber feivenams au h. ae -htriao bcd touched hlm, and buld a marbie memoriai ta ber. ,s the beat ho cau ]do? Money Suiberibed for Nom-. orial for Dr. Dawson Tihe monumnt ta thse aid country familly pyicie, Dr. Davson. of Wat- cuda la nov an aceureal tact, by r.- potrts wbicb bave reaclicd bore. It le said tbat Joseph Bouchonvilie, lu whaae bande the raiiing of the, aub- scniption for the tund vas plecet! bas raiseal about $100, andl this amaunt wilf be ued, vitb înch money as mi> be turno l int aler ta erect a monu- ment in the cemeter>' at Wauconda for Dr. Davson. The chanacter cf 1he' monument le flot ae yet kuavu sud ln tact no dol-. nite arrangements have beenmd.it s the Idea et the outset 10 atant ont for moucy vithaut any dellnite nm lu iloy and rais. as mucb as poesi- hie for the monument. The farners arond Waucondm euh- scribed auc ihenaiy as possible andl ,te amaunt ls nov abount $100. The monumnt viii be punchascal In Me- Heury In a short tUme, anal vii b. placoal aven the. grave of the weii- laveal aid country' doctor, viiot in l maid no cai vas ton les or too e*nty for- hlm 10 mumvon. The monument ta .Dr. Davson ie tbougiiî ta ho thse init on. over Pl-aed ile comry vbkch vu ta ho orected ithe b.momor>' 0f an aid countr> Physicien. Tiiere are mair former$ lu UctherobaorfWauconda, who bave gond neasca b nremeinhor tiie vonk of Dr. Dawson, andlthb. kind. ]Y 00cg t bey hav eecielatIse hsndsé' H'e Wi alvays ready ta ansven aiy Cmii, no matter the distance ta ho co- eved or the lime of dey on nigbt. *Prom thos vhaver. untabie tu apy he-e vote neyer aiy tees oxactod, and fo 0111Y for thse practice of bis professiou, but misa for other kludiy "acte amnt hie neighhori ia h. ta ho reinembered b>' a monument PAY STuUENS'CAlwRPRE Deerfiald BoardPays Pare of AU StudentsinDisbtrt la ander ta aid aiu Iboseviso vlmh ta obtaun a gaaal educallon seul fean- ing that saine might b. doherrieul fion gsinlng a biis scbooltrtning, lb. schoal board of tii. Deonfild Tovn- su>p bigis sciool, visiji la ituateoAt a Mlhanal Park nov pays car tare ta ahi thase vîthin thoedboel district visa inay' vieb tacoinme, Imt scisool. Eoach pUpul, reidiig ntaI a>'dis- tance train tieschoot la pravidoal vith tickets, whicb sare gond tram tise nartberu limita of tbe cIl>' of Leke Fou-est 10 tIse street on vhucb the sébool luaituateal. Thesetlikts tat lise pupils are provideal free aiteengit anal are obtaineal trom -tue principal oi the cchoi. Far tisase neaing .beondalLke Forenal anal vho selltamuin le . chooi district of Ileefll, ailt lb.> are n- quured 10 pay te thoir fane froin their hsome 10 LAke Foreit andltrain heu-. an the tare la palé hy the scisaai Fan tisae ouonalde the district, vho conete 1the scisool, Ibis cantaete lanot heovialedanad tise>' are mre da to psy tue reguhar tare, aindma lb. hetuition for the piviioge of attondiiig h3er- field. The pua a baunla force lan D*wq flusfor a long lime mAU bus Pnev ver>' sutL It bas 4fre w Dgl Imt thq achool trow ue ailseetor0 the district,.ann>' vhougItIW kept ont of tues cbol b>' toièc havlng oprteu> 1b -c' ar Îèt'O place are nov 428a b us tho mee th Mesu au.oh , ahi. 10MIlRImai an in Wnd. pome ot et lbegt, ofetwl to romvetbe- INSANE MAX PRO* COUNTY VICI W" A89AULT AT ULGIN IS PROBÂBLT -- iiiii Violent sud Noloy Ho A:> quirodni WIU o! othoe Inmate, wu Eotom Geor-ge Odett, Guu-nsa vîla matn, lmý pnisonealin a cage st thlie Wo ve8t 0fbsf horon vOr rt>' yeas.b. ceuse bis motheè, visa attended hie0 ber lite long, couloi at b teta s him an fumetst.cf Elgin. te visiolis vas sen't aller ber daah reconti>' 4 probabl>' dylug aIi hopitél of attack b>' John blabla, an~tiier.aisM anal an epileptic, conlpsltted tra Me Heury ceunt>' tva yeanm mgo e The Ivo are assignoe a b. sm darmitor>'. Of ual. OublI bb bosa tremenoi'nis>', se Violent that Q*« patients counet al sepI% Thie - bls nndelng, as Monda>' tilgt st, - standing for the Ieulig anda e'gob., Ing ut the.Ournicomai fon tes aiîý thabio a iseal b>' Iheattendats - bave' attacked Odett andal eo, vIloualy. la ln* CHtical Conition. l)ispatchea frat Elgla m"a* 1 cnal statemout troin supoilatu Sidney D. Wltuar edt the i lia, due lu hi sévanod salag, 01 Io In a critical and al lngemom lion and may die. Kblbla esadal sbuY tahave * trou bis b.d. gon».avente 0& led, ww bes '-bvva ' aii -ft. of sttaight is9keot ceil aB Zu Pack, and -hoss. hlm sbout tbe* anal bouly'tornltr. Odet *MW deteial bliusoit 10an>'gmqt 'Ali maé dial sot punlalis aévWn Odett la about 65 yoatre ail gmater peu-t of is lite ba s i le darnucssla his oei mr' O There marentot> eila tbe niltor>'. Odott lasalé tauhave b veli behavel *utf our on Ovo aii mga, vhen bo reusoal 16 go ta aloi bc quietseeming lirelesi la his ai toan ta keep the other p»totleag Reutteu, yelling. $~îggln&,, h hoon piacod al ntheomedicai pool keep hlm la restrani.*" ami frPM ]y harulng others- Kabi# le mal iiav* rainsil hlooviou he m»q body te, maIe hlm le»tMI.- W. X. CIlough o! W*UMo Wii M. Clougi, brotierfn-law tu tonney Homen Cook* ot> Wa vas FrIday MIoraine tonné haujN tise neck ln his horn des&"d remeoniblo cause cou thua 'fa, ho signeal fon lbe suicide. Clougs vas a weiS ta do tfaîn th, Wmuconda district. A Ignmit Prueton, bis affaire vowe la i de. Appartol> bis bIgalt ois gaad. Il la nuaklmu vIel..' l any cause Ior vont>' or mot but ual hetiovel tbat b.obho&PMe 1 10 survive him 00 IdV- dangiitor, MMeUMM bq ~fanât y h l ot>' l1wwg Mtgé C101411v m>W«al a .b"* frugal u»m. néava acou oit *10oisé,en losI -ne vm» hitum 60 MM lie top& O e O O e O e e e e e .0 e e e * ý (irass Lake, wbere he Was employed; 1 si 1w b, il fc

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