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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 May 1911, p. 10

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Umm This sale includes every suit in the bouse, tiot old picked over suits but the réal new ones and the finest that can be made. A REMARKABLE SALE of Womens' Suits and Waiïgts -at prices ti mustattract attention. This is the biggest event of spring, for' havre taken our entilre stock of stunnlng new suits, and pluçed t4iem sale, beginning Thursday, May 11, 1911. They wiI We- put into four le every suit in the bouse Included, nothingheld in reserve. Look, at tht prices, then corne in and see the goods 'v Waist values that are especially attrac- tive are o#ergd at this sale as ve have mnade au limmemS puzichase of the very u.west designs and place them ail on sale at one pice. Tihe lot includes both high and low neck, long and short aleeves; ééch1and every one inost beau- tfuily *rtiued and em- dL broîdeeffleglar $2 t0 $3 valge .... . .... 95c Ot 1Beautiful tailored and mixture Lot suits, covering a aouasrt ment of, styles and cul- ff ors, al, satin. and silk lined, values las lhas$20-00 7 ___ at this sale .................- ...... Lot 3 A large num ber of styles.made Lot in Serge and Fancy Materials, inclu4lng Black and White and Gray Mixtures. Many of these 01 garments are reproductions of0Y the imported models. Values ___ up to $30.,00 on saleat... L IandsomeandNf Lot 2 ored or Fancy eû Tweeds, Serg-es and Worsteds. They must, be seen to be appreciated. Values upto. $25.00 At this sale ....... Lot 4 Congists of Slt ini Serge, Sacki Camels5 Mair anid the popuIIr, D'agonals'. Some are trimed fancy, others with self material values up to $40Oon sale at.... AIiAINST RAIN AT ZION CITY Folgmwrs ai Elder W. D. Tay- ter tei Start Çuh t fnew la Auother Place Sdp MNost 1ictresque ai R..- Mmi take Couaity Evets s y Reprts Cootabe WI mttd as OId m ilait le Persan When He livndes Shiah raylu#*abl fhromai heUic rk iancly ho~M of thl iagbtt I t nîlgbt not raba w ile I heir gQdl weme out on thelawn of Shilob floue, Eider Tay- Iori'àc hu is followers tound that tbelr own lruyeri wercot aiways anawem- id. The heavens opIeuo, and flhe show- era,çb.siodown andi tilugeti AUlthe fer- nioa .PKIfu whlchhbati formerlj graced fli&Rlome of the 1sf e John Alexaudel jil the goWd,cbattes andi uiiisl- 'lngs of flicfamaus 811S1lloHube, whch, on accouRt etffthc long iilge bas bicorne* knowa ai Fart Shiloh wer. dumpeti out on the law inl frontf et the. bouse yesterday atternoan about 3 olock tollovwin a clever Bf rsfegom iand iortie lettihy Conita- bie Vlqqncî Hicks oa, thi CltY anti followed by about tortY tolioweriot the 'Vulva faction lan Zion Cty. The assanît upqa ths-fort vai clav- -erly pianneti anti execuftid. Bycx peridlice It hati hein iearnedthaf t tramce.to Shloh MHous. wouiti b. de log PartY îhould in uentraîne te the! MrS. EmllY Grang 0f Philadelphie, bouse ln saome rituner. wife of a Promine railroati man. par- Securing two long ire ladders. the chaseti the place front Cobo andi Me- inviiling Prty pltet ibes et the sec Kiant)n of Chilcago and servedl notice ai sfory windows o!f the home, and lupon Eider Taylor f0 move out. This Pryin7, open a wludas-, hoy gained en bc fefuivd f0 do, and at one time Mra. france while thel r chief was taikinÈG <rng reniovc.d, ft la clainmrd, fram te thle Eider Taylor at the rear uoor. ShillOb fouse, a fanieus painting by Ans soon as outrance wss gained.the tbc¼orge Rl. Lawrence, valucd at $500 'It Invaders starleti ln at the work of dis- l ufrtennpyeto'rlt mntuing. Chairs, tables, carpets and Later notice was again a'rvedl upon rmgs, pictures trijiped ftram fthe lalîs, 1Tkylor, but stîi liebamd itsia hock re- and even a piano werî- ailtbrown tin fusdtedf vacate and the place was put a beai> on the front lawn of Shilob ! under gourd.* Even a school house' bu- 1-omie ln a short fîme. i ouging t0 Ta.ylors i fcion was lie- fi ltook about f wo and ane hall sliege.iliy folfowers of Voliva of wbom bouts ta strip the place,'and wlîen the jir1. Grin.9 la said tub bonue, froni' work was completedb tho naînt sn orning until 4 ociok in the mucli as a kifehen chair reînainlng ln atrmnts hrdy -h bouse. AIl this was not accom- In the house ot Stiloli were seventy îlihî4 wthout ruuilîfance. One of robesî wfich liaiti ben ircîared for the leaders of the Taylor faction hy DIr. l>owie, and tlîese were talion into flic nane of R. J. Grifitb, ln the uni-'Vo1ivas clîtrcblit lm clainied. Ail tbe Sqrm of tbe aid Zion (iuardîu. stood ai rest 0f1flic turnisilîs ivore îlaccdol o flie front door, sud rî-îisfed tbe rn- the lawn, aud st111 rciîaiiî b lure. It trantes of the lnvadiIng Party. He wax Ila the plan of Eider Taylor fo bcase atlait faken by the shouiders andti ilu anobftuilding~ and start biRa eburcli ont of.the hanse, andi taken ta the po- tbcre once more. lice station. Latur he wax f reed. In ane rooîn wbrre lie congrega- TWO PARi ~ 'N fie ofa tbe Taylor Fact ion lid ait ltb-I T I ered the peroplie eused f0 get Off one 1111'EE 0F TRIPLETS oft fhe muga. and four mien sizlug t. pulied t ftrat untier their fot, thraw- w o Cased 1-air of North- Rng thein n ail directions. Onîe crip- Whi pied wouien tlîrew away bier crutchles Wsterni Cooductor to Turn' anti refusited0 leave ftbe place wtbout Grey ln a MN4ute Other Day blngcarrieti out.. Bbc was pleket i)uîîOn The Po.id trn a chair andi carricti out ail the time ginging -We're Marcina fte Zion." (Fromt Wedneodays SUN.) Â n»istng of the' Divine Healint ' If vou were a railroad otseilger ýcaoas the Taylor clurcb bas bren cauducfor andi were tandeti one irt namue yis calleti lu one of the roomi, I dais ticket for a, 2,0410 mile tripu for a and Elder Taylor atidressotihie fpeo- satlierand thirfeensimil chliren ple. He.salt that the Scripturcsiahiti under 5i years o! age, wlîat would yau come tf-uc where tbeY sud that thie do? dcvii would set foot inltie Of thte Th!s was the sRktuaton fliat was put Lord's Houas, and whibe addreîslng 111)ta a Milwauîkee conductor wbea hlm people n thlî minsner, be cast Mrs.lFrank Scat t of Alberta Canada mgay looks t <'onstale ie1Rcks. Mon, camie over the Mnnesota division on ad oamm, prayedti hat the Lord lier way te0 jojan ler lîuiband, wlio olti retove tic dcvii tram the beart liaitihein forfunafe lRn drawing one of of the contahie and cause hhm ta nse the prairie albof menti oftltnc!e Samas the llgt as they ssw If. land lu Okahioma, At liat'the, work of devasfatian wa Ri hirteen cbilldrcn consat of comuleteti andthe thhit dishandeti. two Pairs of fwlus andth tlree'aets o! &4 at qvemy tti>, and ias &H coors-- and Windows ver, lcept locked and Consfable ficesetuîrned ta t4la cty. triplets, andi ailtflcir names leglu barruti a,, fbougb he day andti ughf Eider Talor anti bis wite wveelu- wlfh ". They are Ashiiel, Archer t wai gvident.tiat smiie meai simi vfedtut the home o! Afredi Bracltcn anti Austin, the'oldeif, 4%~ yeara aId, jar .ft ao os atirfl, andi rqmned there Bavera! bis Arthur aad Arnoldi, twlns; Allen, Ai- of te Begeof roy oul hae t befollu>vem vire f aion n by a Miss vin anti Almor, trlqtçs, Abert, Ab- at teaibe ! Toy oui hae t biJulia Nelson and the emnandîi' tound 1lîlon anti Abel, triplets anti one pair adie.boumneseiwbere. Ilof t*Rs not strbug euough fa carry a Wl±>h dii e endn vlew jt wvar -- acn eyt. "Méidthat Constable Hicks shoulti The t îgo'of Shiah Huetis ___________. enggge ,thle adeîer o f te de fend ers n o f t . ýmuoet alque aof ce f i es. i ~ eo*vegtýoüat te rea doiofiSi-Talei lather.bose. hicb ltthe lathi ld.hlicgrape eut back fa loit Hovas,. andwbatht ler was as Rf la usnnDr.ily flic matftý U t. oceupieti, the others n tflilvati- il the pnalemf y fa the ehureli. A 1teflrlb a t la producit i s Il IAI>rE7 lI Hi 0F REBEL CHIEFS' Thrcc Hour Flgbt To-drnr Endsj With CapRte of Mexikan City By Madero and his Men. Federmis Fiee (irom W~edrierdsy's SUN.) El Pa, T.'ex., :I.-JÏWriez fell lîta tRie lands of Nl;tdero's ebela of- ter a flirer lî<urs'iglt today. Go,. crai Navarro ied w if lute feuerali f roojua, pursucd iuy (i< lerai Villa, wibiu 'Î utrebeis, decrniiuîcd to capture cr auniblafc fRic ederal baud. Righ t on the Job.' At the tim e -wey captuiredth ie Philippine Islansuithenre as oaiyoanc ligbfhoaaî in operllon le thePhlRp- plue wafers-t bat oniiCap Melvfile, Baiabac Iliand, sauf h of th Iland o' Palawan aud marking tbe entrncebé fweeu ftic China ama andi the Oulu ses. As le the cusfom in tdîne of jar. the Spanlali authorlîles luindo»it&etili ilgbthouseu tavli -cf hir aghbR. tin- gulsheii wbcn t wia dIscovd that- an îftsck on bManila wai *êuéteod hy fthi Amerîcun nar!. it a pcethaf f bis order was carred out at 411 otbîr plaes except at tfeli lbbhlelm-ie- flaneti above, where ftle îrt*s wuv neyer reeelvcd. The keeper of titis liglit kepf lis îglit burning uaite*oue. 3.30, Wo wlfbout assIstanmeaiVLo~a poRti for bis services tram May 1, IM.e ta tbat date W tfhe i'blipin. gavera ment.-PlRlpplncs Mouthly. The RZort Goupteaeue. James IRussel Loweli wu ence s gucat af a banquet lu Lçoudu wherel hi was expecteti ta rîpifte, a toast. The speaker wbo preeoed4tMr'. aoli saiii meny coateniptuanq t*Maq. about ft jpeetftflicUnitedot tes. a vov Ing andi repenting aai an IuGui flat fhey were ail brcggarts. Au ,&miri- cau minuster ethfle court if St. James .Lowef i couiti hazdl.y iveioo this speech, no as ho roe hbu a ld smuilagly: "I hertlly spot vitis the, gentemanWhobolai juat - pokeh. ÂmenlcaAindo brai a griat dentl, anti 1 ioa't know viiere fhoy goit te bah-1 if. do yon?" Big Mouthigla. ulYeonwhispered flhc man vWhe knawuu iverybocdy."lihe i chaop over fueean fthe fuirdt fable la a great gormaut. Reu a mautain n flhe fliasoçiai variti, yon know." "H'fm!" comancafod ftho qulpi observ- er. "Insteatiof a mounalaho ie looks fa me ilke a greot gorg..t"Clcie 133 N. Qenesce St. 310 Main Strs.t, Rins Wlseutn.m 4 Why pay top, prices foç your meéits and provisions when as thousands of aur patrons already know the. Chicago MarRet gives consistently the best quality and lowest prices of any muarket l he a.clty? Con. vince ýyourself of this fact by trading with the. CHICAGO MARKET. Special for Saturday, May 13th. Native Steer Potý Roast... 8-6e Native Steer Rib R-----...I1Ie-8c RoundSteak............ 12/3 Native Steer Sirloin Steak -... 121/c Nâtive-Steer Porterhouse ... .13 Oarn Ueef .......... ...8c Ftre Qý*arter-Lamb.......... Se Hind, Quarter 4,»ib ....... t2C PANCY WIBCONSIN MILK FED VEAL. HInd Quarter .......... lic Pore Quarter Veal ........ 8 Veal Ohops ........... ltc Val Stew ............. Park Shoulder .........8c. FancyDreased Chiekens Sugar, Cured Ham ........12le Faacy Breakfast Bacon ....14e sait Pork ........... 12e Kettle Rendered Lard, 2 Iba -. .21. 3 lb. pmis Lard ............Sice 5 lb. *pails Lard---------....S52 Prk asasg 1oç; 3 Ibo .... 2c Frankfuzrt Saüuage 10 3 Iii..25c 8ologna Sai*sal10; bo ....25c- Llver Susage 10c; 3SIbs ....15c Pollsab ausagel10c; 3lbs ....*15c Garlic Sausage 10c; 3 Ibo..... .25e Headcheese 10c; 3 lbo........ 25 Armour's Buttercup Butterine, Good Lack Butterii-------...3c Oountry RbU Butter, 2 Ibo....25c at Whou", PIe . '- Siurh l oir ic

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