as k 0wUe.aitut bti"ll4, ICL o, Seo"d 04 li Wuer, POEsiso Pim VIAN TiwoTLY IN A tt4cE PR.Dj. M.£ dlto191 lT4« ogio RAFT CWAROIS. Tho aveaea ciIsn, vii. pays li iffl*M dwould rather soop lits Npsge oa 0&è M of mo ,'tinwt *e",met belong to him, rends vwltiia -OW 41ieguet cfellepui af l ath* Ohioe flolalture. Valu, ln oennaetion irft th# iipLelivar el"io&4 tih. Adamas suaty, Ohio, iilÏ9 tih* Pfttab*MIrsgat marne.. ta., on mn oulrea the cynloal feeling Amerlen poit#" le a putriS ap ht.~ M0seuwhils, the. averegebutinoes tirai oon lnde out that Ih muet give .> eedoUe*r. or tui iere h .a amgavestobe *ver ta romaine ln a CaPAClous tîth wéPj1 wony» w 1 et *000. mm jail1110avotege Peegle. vou "t see m o&the philanthrire Md*olptWeiip*ptistheir baInkouca- 4 their lamolel orthodoxe, théy efla.' ait iln Iti iee4 pen la hM eh ww14ISt th1ei the Amerleanpéopie boa iewMonnumadàig tel ad Wq jb rdgý4a midlocomotives, but an turning oui suci à job ltiarticle *. %aY ef g.vermmett A bg prebiem for a lii,. article. Horeoare three rusmna: 1. Te@e mçeiipoitise ln local goveumefit. W. uend te féel tint unie. bon ogmed wluh uà about thé. tarif. ho "aanet capable of building atreeta 1 ewera. ,Sugthteivotera art fast getting by that pertod of uhir politisaI 1 Yh linwrsl.of secret pledgffltg f'convetilon, delegate.'The. voter Ne up th te catgeus ballot box wltii a chesty feeling of patriotic clthzenohlp, Votes erormme delegte wiio purpoe And- le pledped te a&t directly con. ry te tii. désire of tWm.en.. who voted for hlm. The. voter.aore tîrel of inl t possible for office seekers te geat mIp power, merely by "eeelng" &. Tb* eleepy. slugglsi, pilgmtis indifference of many euppoeedly good Mqw TWYWlllremamiawny faim theceau.uate Uve a dolia0s Worth of a wle thée-rata of municipal knavery are waeting 110 lutexteq,direct end THE TALLEIIT BULIDiNG. Plani e wre nuounced ln New Vrli Wdaday for the. talleat bulding lu ,oktte ha M 0fautbigii. Ineluding a touer tiiet wilîl luf Up to the. ffty-; T*I "dM084 t b. çe d «WbY ' W. Weolworti,,"»0ae aboyath*. fanms WOOI114A bulIO4h by 60 font, aMd ever thi.e .ealied 'Singeniirn" by 13L. 111PV thétmory e0filidiedelm., o&Mies souid net b. rented ln our aIt- ý, The suolens td the Towr of Babel on the. plaina of Shinar te roacii te N lite sraper la huit te eoape lb. 'heil of net getthg ~*m tl, *yacrperit t nbe u Id hat it la a vampire euqklng lhUit * *élsltg bmblt nlblere a tocuoetçe xprsa.lon ôM tii. yraftuy Of ý 1 0 010 0 4 11- 10 th é e t ret 0 1 w ., M a n h a tta n o n a h o t d y t .h e uléa th - jýUM fo1I UitlsUl aMIs laturued lie lieheelokonenq lu eof a huma.' ute tie etier ibond wheta ha tunlneffeet of barbarîs pbwr la gîIven etet-Y of O*beoet Il telle. w he lo Pger of fotune.Manete thé e " mon.' e tr t1ilsti.m et dream4e, Wi n ofor hlnmealf his ai e*m eyW e .'bo tneead on un ocean lini,, heft a wef "-"eea MI W e i iret Umne tue maufetaton of Amerîsan on-ý Mké thet gu.IUtUhbat te coufori4 te lhe Individuel needs of Amerlcan S110 9peWielydiflratfrein tiS imor pr9U alclvai of Europea« con- =ie. wEne. pune IbuidIng edem rite above 1W0 feet, tigat the. for- ý1Tb OIWMrpw l bonr M te ewVonk than te msny oltîma, that have ib0 thim., r9m Imtetta. us001e1the. chaPple turne Up hie .trouera uhen M lftlmg duiLade.'. Sema artstregard uheee building# es notinq but 06@Me»ue anY Of B gaaieOplpedm, *ven. lcklng thge gr ace that go., kA lunch Of tapenlng fst.rY Cllmneym, But taken ln the. marnatiiey con- aa Ipeeutloltksons.e fpower. a Cit>. miiaped Ue a taie meaaure they provîde an economy of tUme. «PortesaMy lIma a 2,000 foot building can b. placed aafely on a 200 foot lot, :animexansion bhmo.'ly bogman. Tii. records of 125 people a minute paso»- ý . 13018 tu i.'Mw Tort treete WltlIn time be greatly exceeded. - - uMAT DAT AND LABOR. On May 2 1911, a eeading hitropolîtan nouapaper prlnted dlspatchs mcm «ytiir.e Amemican clilea, glylng reporta cf labo, troublas, uhlch tradîtional- etr cpite senter about May. day. 1 Ih&os tir» %sera thee tnike efPennsylvanie shopmen, the Lcs Ageles car- WAwle, and a assî t mie of, 450 Philadelphie phmmbers.' ,- lie>. y & 1M0, the. pame nespaper pnîntel newe frcm 22 différent strike tiUmléIn te United hIatea. Sema cf th aas for Instance ln theio Lwell, ~ txtie snit, sudthe. ahutting down7c48 minas ln Chicago & Aiton terl oryue.for roesg. *it Meuc»ued la nine year. thla uhorp declîne lu the tendency ta set- a taie disputes b>. us,? eprunolally a perception of the destructive power- of the. weapons ln the i seul of botii of the. coutandlng ha. been aesomre dsy t ulîl Iý Use Internuational field, uhon armement* become toc destructive, tse cern- WW unes of mankind ulîl rebet et thé uholesl.cs. the iripMtzation of smince b.r.lclngInto s recogniziqd buainéesas a. ced ës"I larma ln the bandseof capital. Ona New Yom-k concernuhas huit35,. 1Wbn e n 14 lIs lt, uhe ither from thé. 9mai cf 'Pe.ty. or dore devîl dv.'- 0 piar heouse tiicy uers of the holie type, wore willling te b. caled "rat1 a=8be"fer lth& ut. of *2-50te *$S»0par day. QWi4pat rlteihdg cen«Ter00gel *5 Par day for esch man lu the. Heu teail t" tIle, thls eue job gava raturnes ulel lIad equai te these ml- th@oPrl'eel oth le Usstu mtes. pawctmir iaédt»I laber arm>. isesdIllcd and aytematized wlth byeempanie for relief, wstehof mE dsaffeced wortmein, and par. 01-iebiatore. Sycileme of',rrnl have lu eome cassa proved le a. uicr1luontingeu al ltp lite *Main polete'portions of me- t ied UP s %obele factor>.. Thq eamefuL setthiernt etftMaan. 'c~nle >.mnarhltreton cemmhililvlswa e ugrWfisct lé em- *V iW V*8agid eIaiticlma tthaà"phtee ei>LW Pli ely ive celers uh«n l 4Mem, tpprIg o"m- à# eWgm eae u andt4ltng psephe r.allRae Il tt Mti moi'a t0 Job& »toeNiis po M»ler. motov a notWamal ne w eekt os. thea n pos~~ et. aret ml. ,e. m-a «»bn"em laaim& d.lai m lm fnmr D ~ topeovde a>.- to retle0f *3318 Arn ~ite tblsl ae.> mmê tm * îe la" a frouitai - uIobly, settvew>, mau viii a 1gb maelvi, givi on é'ep boe .tau>qpetf DfCoqOiM must Be, pmet& Dote oPJ 4DRY 7haA the opghteg of the uev savel raing station,e )North Chieglel tapidl> c e ; aý Muroer cidsod b> the Ùmy Chansea Wb", Rnptoi"on lu thge atation i atpreamt.71Tiie cOr. of thge statio. .Vitob*-* beelD heretofore omoëfinI» thofcevin ate- i tion, bave inovel Inti the mautaai- t latrattois buMidng- on the, out aide t0f thge grounda.1 à Omiom lehiNew Quartera. Tt bas oly boom vibathtie pMatwb veeks that thq oQues tu tht. main ad- P mlalaitration b ugllmg have een Ours-a ~lte a dut tutu o MMlaalon.TheL ,fàggUp of thg ie re qnred a large9 amount of vonlt, aven atter ~e build-b lug ltaelf vau Complets&. Te uteal of offceanarclittid. up lu, tbe mont appsowed mauner, al à. iglit sMd 4*7> tlroagleut. Adm" Roe, . ie wiii have charyge ut thla station, and iieutemant Commander 4ivanahave -eir off11es cu thm e*ucond fbar 0 thé structure, sund tigese oMmcc are by I far the. mont magnîficeut cf the croup.b ahows Approacii cf Op..'unq.. Not ouI>.1la the near apbroach of thge openlng date shovula this man-, uer, but it la aise evldenced b>. the I ceneral air cf cleanln5 up, and aiseIli' tige Installation of inuch of tige appa- ratus vhich vwiii b. miel by thge stu- denUsvigen they arrive- Testerdayl and today tigere wve t our, cf ve tearns empleyed lu hanun leds front the Nortigvesteruyards up ta the sta- tion to leie lutaled lu tige dormitor- le. AU tiei.lesare vhite trou ln contruotien aud viiilie equlpped *Oiti thgeliest of lion sprinaa, a mat- mea. igie sigeetsanad a comforter. The furmishing for thge offIcers 'quartera hava nota yet arrived, ai-I thougig tige> yereexpeeted lai. last veek. The bornes for the oflicer are uLOW entirèel.ompletel, and aIl thami romains la thge arrivai cf ta. furniture. 'Wben thât arrîvqs, thge ombicre viii meve loto their ucv home.sud vu1 ismain eIt the naval station te vatch thge vont going au tiee. IntructIon In Se. Crafi. lu thebuilllugtnovn astige lntrea- tion building therp are haltgInstallaid a seu-e.of rovlug machines, cf a con- strection sellent amen liptere. XTe men vWho eperate the machtes, ait au a nat platferm, Mal as thc machine i. op.rated the mm e sd.lbook sud forth ,o thePlatforni. la addition te the fowin mach inIsalait, 'theravilii bq a numier pW steerag wieeds, liy meaus of vhich tac men viiib. taught tige mataod ef stecrnug a slip. Ties.' vigese l ib. ast ip lu theItoruc- tion building sud vIii b. equippel lu ss usa, the amne manne, possible as tige vbeel on a shlp. Cardenera At Wenic. Throughout the entirograndla cf the statioliare accu tige resuits of the vont ot the garluers. adothera en- gag8el lu the vork of leauIng up the station for tige day of laya vhon tige station la foriually thrown open ta tige Public for inspection. Ail around the Officeras quartera bave been couatruet- eflfwavndo rose beds, tige latter lie- ing placed in a amail plat et ground b>. taemmelvea. Over tige Iriveva>., ln min>. places havé been constructel arbora, upon wbich wll grov grape. and lv>. vnea. Tige arbora are bllit out 01 lirnbs and trutks of treesansd are built lu as flua, tigeaaie manne, as Nature lutended thernasa possible. Brick@, piles of- martar and dlrt vhich bave beau thrawn inte anne huge Pile of refuse &sncetige completben of tih. vont- of the contractons le being hauled avay, unI -dumped lotnoanc of tige ravines. A huge drill ground et tige extreme weSt und of tige station, uext te the tracIcs of tige ÇhIcago and Milwaukee electrie bave been rollnd. graded und aeeded, and are nov clotb- edIn a nenc suit of green. Ovur at the extrene seast aide of tige grounds in a large pince of land, lu vhlch have been llmee the rose buahes as tge>. vore shippel lu. te romain th&*r,unutil the lieds vere real>. for tisent. Ton IHors"a Ordrel. Ten hamacs, for tige us.etfthge O- cens aten the station la lu ful svlng havoelbceu ordèeoltram a Kentucty ranch b>. the goversimeut, it la aId.. Theae hors., viii net W shlpel ber Ounitl Inter tu the aunter, *flt cthe station has bo.' MUaful>. 1eor vaU.. *Mo. stbe e be heueseavl c am1ar skuetd Att hie esirs IMutstbst- le <luà th 9ture. Tb*, rabul isg 100f,4 WiCo ffié MMn IWtbiUà, et "toaU* blibft nd e *lit bd paiS su extrea wyfor thee aui bin thea ebasA. f .u time from thé alt»&sthe stulute iroudo a ei. s «reorcaUcua itigicli votlIld, i 'gt u thetet orami> Md fuit hloodeA reuuw man. AIl &Io"g oaaMd sio dlthe lasotruotlon bullifi ame proilefl a *umsil iPool bOUe, tise èablee tfor*blolt are nov Oit te *aI 1 t hé atto. luaddition te the pon oo 0*, tuent la-ln thge rear of tige mbin lser $ofihe building fouirielW tu* aUlicysud mal babtheftena affl« cq tolb, bover and Turéls biatigs, sud'& Iptig" eswlrnrng i101. To thge ruer of thei nstruction bul-' lng-api oOipytutvo fbora la thge tiieterf Tbelbu in aequippel vii at 11ma»r lu" moue te ieildt almost uny t ravoilus show whlM mtaht lia pou pimthe road. Oomnianes Wlll le sent te tii. sta.- tics every lveoifçr one Performance before thge atudents. it la the alrn cf th er afoarf the station and the gov- erumeut te brtu ethe station su cf the, lnt clamashows vhlch nia>. b. put on la Chicago, the management cf the. show behug aalued ta seul tiger company te the station for one per- ituge Cleeli Now ftunnlng. 1.Over lu tige administration building la situatel tige huge cdon liy the other dlocks on ihe reservatioti are rcgulated. 'This elcl'saof a Howard inake, sud las mn b>. a systcm et vlits, each one of vhlch vefglis over 200 pouahs. it la oui>. neceesary te vind op 1h. vetights on thîs dock' ever>i tiirl>. dam. Tige lIi ofthe edock Itseit measures ton fotstluinaieter. The diaineter ef the circle.formel b>. tige toman nu- motrais la ine feet la dlfaieter, mak- lug cash figure ove, six luches lu heiglit. The minute baud of tige elCocli la Ove feet long. and the heur jband four feet. iWcitsi a N. ew Modal. The kitoben st thge naval station vouid deliglit tac beart of auyohoumo. vite. The coking la doueonoue range vhlcb la the sarne as elgbt dont- mou range. combinel. A huge cano- Dy la uspeude ever the top of the tii. image te carry off ail the stoke Mud odor of cooklng vegetables.' IAt on. aide cf tigekIdtchen la ar- raugel a sortes of pecullar oveus, tweîve**.n nuniber. which.wiii enablq the caek to bako ierty-elglit pies or anky other arnail pastry et on.etUme. The avens are arrauged three hîgli emcb on. monnected separatel>. for the gns fixuns,. An electrie dishvasiger, sud a horizontal dumb velter are tige teatures of-tigekidtchen or galiey an It la caled. Ove, lu tige baker>. will b. placed lu a short tinte a series oi breid ovens vhich vîli be capable oi baking 6,000 loavea of bread pur day and misa an electrlc bread mixer, vilch yull iit and welgh tige oum, igneed It te tige preper ceualetency and prepare It [realy for tige kneediug ldto boaves. Au electrin patato pariug machine hgan aito beeu ardered for thge kitchen, and this viii be luatalled lu a short tinte. This machine viii vash, peal, and alice a peck of potatoes In one min- ute. . Comprête By Openlng Day.. Tigus It la seen that, lthough thure la from the outaide but littie vork ta lie doue, there la stili ntucb vert on 1he Interlor furnishinga ta b. Onhhed that laviii be nomte time baore tige. opeulng day rnay be clebrated. When the day Oinally cornes to open tige nev naval station to the eyea of the pulic there viil ot be a single letail lack. ing ta make tige opeulng a complote succeas. Wbat dîgultaules of tas na- tion vil b. prernant at ths Inauguration .aud epeulng af tbe sttiona la net knavu a( this timnt ml I la aald at the station that thora have beaunon dellnite plana lu regard te any featur- es of the openiug. It la .xpected, hewvvt. that Press- dent Taft. Sccretary ef the NaVyIr L. Von Meyen mal otigernational cias viii b. promeut. The naval tia viliiaise b. Prenant aul vii cote maneuversoff tige sher.eoft o chic"g. Is o ov now tb.t Wue May to bu, - àoi ' éled8, e »». -Oé '1411 èteW * eo 11t 1 ou ' * .'ue~' - Snaaugmai ina mý opper MI»éthat yUl ami a MYd aumi lu dtlplghhe ieio lIme gles oncf théoPleinmrackg & toeirouaI, bar I>obble. sud ta fie eou mat ttige sfce a ogntug aetatptwTa.opeitelrevaim the ft that the pffbtI.*agple Coper. À1 whole wagon l o e c bbiee of copped "aateken eut eoftige bois am al lb. s'I& it laoheievel tliat the cepper lin.1- tber tige rellc of snm preblatorle mn- dime ache or thet receut, thefis cof 'aira frointhtie North, Ibore Ulectrlýc COmpeomy sud ObIcago Taelonemee hav" becs rudet>.MialdJute tngqt b>. th. e gW t tbiaves àaàlthésbar MdcI egita 1oKtown pio. late igeeg 'of va>. g5ietla vibi twh ersfoun". irez an, Ânswer Thtum QuetIons 140w, anytbing- about tigose Who rie you a boy tha>.do it? If f'on thi n od, ase.If you oaa anuser the follovlng quc.tlone given U la a test te the ,eveutig and aigigtig grade country achool puapis b>. Coup-' t>. Superntendent ef Bebools blip"o Whiatls a tovnship? 130v rny In Lake couty' lu vhat townsilp do You Ilvie? Namne the oMcicmn of tige townsbip. Who are the olfficers of a achool district? 13ev chosen? What are their duties' L. lu vliat tovut do yen IIve? BounaI L 13ev man>.tovalu Lake coutyl Naine thge efficers pi a tu». Wbat la a. town meeting, sud vhta bell? Give tige dimensions of our cont>.. What la thge population? 1ev la tige board et aupervisor.' made up? Wbat do tige> do? Mamm the count>. oecors. Plame the. raliroad ln tige ceuaty. Wbat comiprise the leglalativa breigof the atate gevermeut?' What la a &.uterls. district? Wbat oicar. are elected, fror noub a district? la vhat district do yen lve? What comprises ou, dlajrlct? Giv. soj.eofthtie powerseofthtie ge«v- ,Why vere thge Articles cf Confeder.' ation a vealk fort of govprumeut? Novvau tige constitution mmdc?, Wigyv as Sitmade? liovmsny ameudmeuta bave bieau addcd ta tige consttution? «Me Naine tlie throc departmneuts of na- duca~l goyerument and tel vhat com-II prises eaeig lepartmcut. Wbat are soeteof the povers oif_ congres-not lesa than ten. Do vo vote directi>. for president* and vice president? Expiain. What la the prc.ident's cabinet? Explain: Citizen. pluralit>.. duties mod excises, democrmcy, patent, cens- f us. Australlan systern, @minent do- main, poase. camitatus. lieveral of Our setimable Young men under the mga of twenty-one Tuesda>. uligi perttipated -Iu a charIvari anul vers treate lilbérally 10 beer vhlch tige> conveyed to the )Zraçel pit -vbere ibm>. propeed ltô "pun'sh" Ibthecon-i tents of two case. At the bour ot tvclve o'ck lamsbal Lsrnbern vwas enAxiieupon t10 quiet thoecrowd who hal, becomo.. quit. nols. anld vgem- e lturhing the peaceluiliuum-snal vearby esîdentf,. White d4àrrm-nioe. k1iltousaoda ot ehîcks. Conkev's White Diammios Ilemuey >. p enta aad cure. ,Mone> bask i! hflu,. For sale b>. DOCKtER BOND. .p,83-1 fOelliug safable propeni> la a *'Mero' matter 0frvm*t lvertiinz." -ex,'reme 5h mitamp lik arck ag heeh -' r-hey arc ail h.cre,,. eady for you inspction nd your ,choicee E.W. - ICX o o I. o o o o o o o o o o o o e I' PN MPl Gr ini the, nev styles' rSmar? t kt«$,, BLOCK 10W' We have a ýPECUAL SALE on TiM .PosIS end CIEMEN~T. RIGUIT NOW US A GOODIIME-TO BUY Our' Stockis Large Our' Prices aàre Low - Our Qualitu is the. Best Our Service is Satlslactory lW. Don'e 5.11 ail the Lumber, .Lâtbo .Shifigles, L.Screens, Sash Doors But we don't kuiow of angome Sgllag better goods fer leus moneg thon-we do mOUSE PLANS !R!E Libertyville .Lumber Compny Down by the. OId Depot phione 47 W. have nMame hoaaspecMl und lm teSlme oldj sa.-0 Worth l ' 09 1 smmbls toc uuftr> la. J. ss. a -c-C . t feMtIIs u =utOmmsrsfor a wtti.perchm .ofi-n .44 ...... -..... 25C MJuI>otthe taqos ~ fa iel «d Wb lvaaut ni WE WANT YOU TO MA o o o o o o o o o 0 o o * t> o o o o o o o o o o o o o e '00