JUSBTIN, ~that ae nat aUd d&OM 1s~tbgo at $;-Srý own ta . - ...... ý&uI to es that white serg ~>Utvdthat leut $2000Z qt voile 4rwis, blue and blMs t$sm; dwmoyUs rlmmed with siseve ___ waist trlmmed with inen I&Lhe iuld 1"0lu14eV neck, 7 10W Uf ou aUd lxunona speclal at.. Pretty batiste dresses1 eyeletebroidered aq lace trinned lu shades f «W, l, ue 4nd bladc, a wînner at.............. Oter.pretty modela l a«-" ud mghamn dresse are speciafly prlcSd ýâa wsek j trou$LOto...... ..~..... The balancez f our lut-M shapMs i shanddaretom blt~ ' $2.OEts- 1,5 - 100051s*4O 9.0 - I FpVThis'CItY ëtI>,poblt end NesU.we.teru -Aev.ted o Ilf»sied end tee Se3e0 Chicato met-uer pt-aý.st1on <Promu Wedn.sdmls $UN-) Wlcb, ever wey thé est PuMPa lu tie big Chicago Dmrgof the e- vateà sud surface lins which ta nov neartng a citua, Waukegan belieite largel>, because of thé mrger are the tac liues wilc are ater tiie local alectricse ndaié vsh Lu purchase il. the Metropoittaiand the. Northwest- cru Elevateé fliads. wiat benselite thoin benefita Wau qIafsa if. as meerni>, licet'. thé>, attate hbeir obect snd obtain tie.coutrul by psca» oisethUicChiicago snd ilasu ke etBectrie -Ralrosé comipany- Finance Projec. The enaucina outhte project ham bieen compltotlu N~ew York b>, Heu t>,ý L Blair, Sud iL bas the entire aP provai u ao Birsso Chicagi sudé cf teLityci>,traction dePartmeut k pweqj't(>.womillion doUIaS b b. ýn~dfrwrtten b>, Ihe National CiI! aI saud othér bg Wall Street mtel las to maile the cuonsolidationm a ces W ltimui local msseistes bf MI - Itar.salé tbat, the anmcm entc if hp* cquablidaUun la preimatre off iosa'oet thé City, board 'cf supervhim t Ieiee s ittat lb. finanse ,Vans w.re practidtl>, coinpieteé ~~eek ao tIra M. Cube of Cube &MeKinnOl #hS aocie! local quupprtemofl tthe BIt, ,deparW dfor 1ew ,York écrit di>, to il ýpresau wheh the pape' t6é "ltail14 i ', r ,t P. thm li14 dét lu cemul Iel& ir M. plier. t4 et V«t NaMed. M The nýmilîg et tbbc no conlcert b 4t 7«ye~idmcfý11Y taken .ub,.1 tatts lv é. «Çthte l ie. à ë'hedetals cnt the Incorporat - bmin0!La _ of l"I~ an sd wli be pusbed sas rafil possible. "regard the proposed consolilda- plgW 'eoa facuroeta roindTom Kprton, AlMih A b ion ef the. elevaed roada. wblctb now MorRcesntra0tie.sas0e. Mm& a certallnty. severy adranPoistrul ub pclto oti nutpp 0iht~ ii . stgla~ . fficers or aguts if uuch corporations ne a ms nt é Missln ta5 ioJa 4rO~abU ageous ta the City" snid Mayor H1< fthe IIALTIONI sT 1N 0 . M PUY esRat........~.w~ Tion i wili go furtiier sndd air that and the. Public. aietï o «hb ris n..strongiy l n fav eor f £pla t to11 , ic derin te ifbond , stock hid er ,n n I m ' on.Fm dN sw .% h a r m ttàRi ta i t p 'Pt e r..ai te P II * e ,t w pace ail of thé. tiactION COMPUtISi &i 'yé '1y méiPaiake ts. bodstcknu ithéKJI dUWI8VFo4" aY aoté sorant prtPte, l....... J II~* both surface and levgtel under aynarkt._________ ~edgiyeut in ctiiéflt5. al" . ).»Mmte., i single managteent. Said conimittbe #halilun ts rdPOrt The. tact that tii st acmps'w te MaU fe 1 "it au mao il mcci more esy for urecommiené sncb furtiier leÇIsiatoti Im t olga Com#dyWiil 0 Lut sof thétIi.idini aind ist ti i..... t i mit>, ut mreey o Hugoii S teel mTrust, et Whlch Arn-,by'unre tg as l iopinion la de- Oose tentat pééple ln the. CIîti',mam-DAU man......f ...... tio have asingl e ort-Dration 1- miloin Stel & Wiro le Stib-I srable. IlPre e t Ner*b succesa.The PlaY 1 te nreIW usr. latu rubu t ii age>,Icrae ebit0*tg~e Sald commite as a wboie or by> Chicago Autterlum ent front es>tblg tiiat bas «« b4ela ~D. li hstobti silreylees ubcommittetei gtborized te sit dur- _________ teiîé1 ht ate h oity imo jgis& p the citys revenue troin the 66 Pe îng sessions 0ff Ms bouse sud the e r- b>a hume talent oeut. ,antd the, people Film - nmeiau,ý viueoi Cent arrangeent. if the. leyatediCommtes lafH<use ot impre- cesB of Congr« to emplo>, lerîcal Play letory of Colege Lite, in*geperal iÏrelooliug torward teoi, t-teL*,m ...UF 1111 i rosés marge aiti the surface the e enn-e IAnlmm a an terassan.bmeéfr .ii ib eiiis1 t îoséeal tire systetu wiitbave to work lunder i..,,lv 1 n 11101 he DU es -WCiailiOAUS5ilE '5*w a-* the presenit traction ordinance. Oatsud pjitera né u dniiSe OThym Snirs -Cau of Chansters. imal' i.- I InHirtm Hicks, tatha to ViitflEss5. Hastmn subway. -The speaker sah nbave authoVit>, te Hira'.Il teks tii. DaineN.a -Ti il ue hesmltino ign and the cierk te atteît subpoeliaii (rm eîeda' U)..................Curt Ù» Wachter 1SUsYSiggis B 'i aéuaaiaten bwythé cmpitou 0fAction Follows Dissolution Ot during tht eceio inrSGreat Inerest bas been awakened Tom liortoit, Who arite a vrtiae- rs..... Stnnr Cil omuatebynot oniy ln North. Chicago, but ln meitIs..............Vflhk sliewii lmmi Ccii. hauskaapif if ei ofcongosted tiaI11% llnthe. loup Sgpr*eeCourt Yâstetdsy oe i o etiu ly" en pa, éftAl....A. To. ILi dituctbTeway sy ot or il of tnad01 enaI y SENATE CESJUDGE -11,ukeanthdesroutlnilayto"Hicas Pl oon, eton hi, b Qts"e*.. diit. T lasicloring tout ufoail of at coiîegî" Aiicmla to b. given for AdaniBédicut, Professerllaiorii............... t. W. ' If thés plns.lncudig tose or ub-IlInol Su o l I. P4ill n hthe tibenefft of the publie librar> western uanvivet>, ... Wa.. Wvbyfte ins Tint>,, Iways. ahilmean thé ultimate ecumins- <T'1IM Wooasoi.873çà llnoiîBd itto féyeeiiJn ,[ eit~lle, inc b clei tion of lthe present union- loup atrti h os frersiiio e -nt aitor u'. at Nort 2,(incaon ;3111111157 in-v e ture, a thing tîat almost ever>, one Tébueo ersnaie « h Uh IMe ot hcg. At. r , -az teoi."rdaY authoriaed an Investigation of fSpriugliel&Illii., UV Par 1 Cu-'Y. ece a 4Nu'twetn " favors."ÙILS tieUntdStates Steel corporation -teTvirt#lM>ladeidad r -t tai. au Some of tii. promoters ot the mer- by a iî eouinitoue iapeavitualycite ie s ,tor t» ep- 1ger deai doubt wiitier Mayor Barri- ýIlrStammey f tuc ilr. wapilte courthetrou ~ir, artst11 .son'# theor> withh regard tote i 5s o oe tepooiin ne ei tCîau Uvr . fhiar ceint la the, correct une. Thcy Minorit> Lýeader Maun sald ho di d.enunaenn itm ,»qMga wrs. porincu timatthée teated ro nds are lot obJeet to auch Investigationis, for Senator Hunburg li(taiod ra resu- woraklg gauntéstatheent sudmnythe Reiîublicanuparty hait always op- lution sSortng Judge lfiefur lbis "un- mai a lgiL aaînt te ettoccmntposcé the formation of cotmbnatons warranted Inttereie*ô»Wl«àtb. pro- 1cf the proft-oharing plan 80 tar salu retraint of traite. rgtvsi i.~ut'q sdta tii eivatd roiSarn~Ouet~é. Two speakers, fINr. Stanley, and Mm. the senate 'greatl>, deploog" bis se- Brland. Deniocrat of Mssouri. >,f. tUi>it i atu r Ta caeudina erred te the Suprêmue Court deciuiOn Pairapb of théc reboivtie ga tta OFFR IUNOS RGIMNTlu the Stan dard 011 case, oaci lakiu no appuiat boutid ie tbsa. i FFR WNISREIMNT heviw fJustice Harian- Mr. Anas.UPW; Naleai~ T ~ tin, Repubiemit of Tenesee, apoke for. SLAYER SUSPCT ft IT y lhe SBLe1 corporationi. orne Denes Mn fo Mexco. TIi. Stanley, resolutions provides Oleê ldMnl IM orPn Sprligiol. it.Ma> 1-Th fiptfor a comnittee of iine to ha elected aree, Ill.-On W.y te*0. SibéeMà aprit Ma.17reitit iy the bouse. The proposed commit- Egn i. i> i~Vrae lliilols or us b>,tii. overmentlu tee will Investigate thé. United States reachber haT C -lie *cms tbe remniaarrnsétcnainlsl oprtOils organiaatiob Ir. aChu adnDput4y - butie@ A ~ vlme $ unad soul prve nsltaentoaîg"ad operation msud Inqutre ahétiier IL Germ-i4 aitureg pce th lb. 2d"acas revolution vas'm e tubas iii>,relations or affiliations lu nlo- o! banninudere e ii w wioae r1 làboity;,vas Sound nttr ttis ~ Iqlt P'o"eru oeneen b>, Lloutenati'co0i ltion utf the lava alti tée ensIra m > ra Cild s er.- lit O ý 1 jbsT:Galraith et Ccrbondahe, vanie Steel company, the. amin nu.c tre ua aoat _____loti__________________________te_________ it . t-an. otcer oethle Illtineismnatinal SeelcMpaithéeLc4w4it nguatd a4d 115Mt jr Futb telcmY. or au>, otier trou rtourteau itules West oewua -b nao fteý ttime i.Pineere. saud Mlapone bI-U( es5 1*2>u2 ......... yiay %thi national giard. Steel Company. Pinwes acd Hes re ftpgcoe aiePtRas... SB ekOolo-... t sioletheGalbrlttl.aeit»Oled b>, naarNttevecNte ut b.........uao&"6 i q aié p 1 amécmparc. Actea e cImvetiglled. pan>,Ttea meao th i bfre PieBibRatlc 4U r- nflor flie proisiojiai regîmetit. btii.eJPimedy vas fou...... Ile Am lt b'Ih bon urgintac- l 'immtn-kW Itla aisan ssed ifIthe Steel corpo- the odyiaSuedr;for tiF I¶Wltb Sirh Blomn Steak ........... 1,4c ,w,. ..... î lijes lie 'rwent-Fourthi sud ?wea -ration han or ibkolhait au>, relationis .2/ WhaUt*lil, AIiéti i.ePenusetrahie Ralîroad con m-c a. or 1a ttbéxctta y or an>, oter railroad couin", , 1 , Po"t'Lhou"e Stea............. eScu'as biSétt ~ dir su>,ceai cuupaiýies.;national bank FamsI r -OI~ $~Ceunty >uBe .,........p ~ W*4¶ coiipanles. trust1ciipahles, insurance &FIl ~bre tek.... 9 b.~~iid... PRIMSERATTCQI AÙI companies. or oteiercorporate orgaut- % ugrSek.......81........ - bI~~~~~~~~~~~t or Cmpany>, whiile bas causeil Chicago, Ma>, 17-7 ~ ' okaae on ~d b b i.5~ .i4 Çhl"W 18neK ckedbo e- nreateéb>, owuariidi tirabteué b>,'No. î Mai nokd eseea u ou>,e i.folîu*lug resuits. - ciera Iu the. countylî"cr, ut ta - ~ ~ ~ h Jeitéi sIl ra eNcP. 'iéreetriction o r dsrcinc oe inlt atup b>, Qu',-----ipa ln lu Mirductfoii, -sale or faine. abici da, > r.ster>, -M T 'D 'n. building et 27-29 alret -i, u noe.li., Ma>, l7.-rîîter $teain-transportetion asn ac 3. -' #Ceualu ie -F' ,lic î n u Vt ehShldhv o nia-UXCessve caitalizatloi on d. t hut'halt a bi4 ]Mai ld Y"'r u!........... ý zigIn OS Corporali li~~ ~ »,tions: Âjolif54...w.... - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ad tP1dP1h. 5-ieat .soiodiio odcérthro afribrgnd-alRat. ............B0..... tuit »ïw, supia . ut te s t ca oregbo tohrerhp. i1w> o0uS fibl 4, mié rVe artop............2<~ mafi Mutbibitaté'OÔU lieiïéelcôts or agents 0f unecmorortione WnsSw 151 tua aithe- iiil-*ÜIirt h oa~l , crua tii.omeersDr..gets..f.ther...-... 1111t fro'. Md, it ta~~ oç> so- BSpoàretio b>,ddldob t éreW~st esi ire river4 t 'Q'tii mpte 'iuètiélN5 i studioaimé oudCab>,aid obs rinds. 1t uner ncopt... of the stck orbois ofsoh at. ~ é~J -~ f~5~~4f<o, - ýr i agreen aglensifon crporagntio Suaiui ie.~8hhyatf di k jtalit. i sco Wti 3.11 t i c es 6rsuagends cf uher cor- dowmdbeoe epeoi mc , -~ -- ,-'m