Sb , b WmW Ohumi edy oaqmW " eru Md ils grSmtprogrei la slm art. ' nus Sumday monal55 ov. Carriaili prascia oàsmuon tb lie '%lbre.' le Sb. svselmg t lb hjs viib., "iai. Id"mbeoit." A wve.b i ou aaag b. emmusi mmorla er evsviii bêbe1»' Our, bal tues vWou eoî seo "iry cf un . t sar.1Norlb bcg toni Iend becis lb.y difae et solblpisse Sto1.lTh.eusas vasa placions e oep la lb. Sevual l'siaaiacar boye te ooOlweafor! Ch et I mmblu mda base oe b" swh mettit iv@ m sd o s lvaa ut.i ,iMd k"i hall u aUbert. bCk. Bab-& Whao mruledlhlm -VI' M"s vw"ilg r""I*v afelâve sud bell thea roulemfor'tus qeeh a utmllj o Evanon, balacf 01 tl» o*mbat. AostbW I m»ay et the Nbrlcb boumne. wmtV5sil smm wbo ifled sVis, irî* e"out fmo. Ciaicgts be hi ioule, iB"coek gsWsg lac uead.7evulng for tlb .dean. t eîu*hbèce bl 1deé u tunne Rolpia vat sis lb lee"ln b c kvlag bas aorce o - st work vllb brn s aiosas.. Tb@ boys pias tu r musibinebela preparaton l"e ormelsuit Uundai. bwu is i viiib.doma %bis ______ mmw Wb Veduesisi mcranmg for __________ as., lew, wbsrsesbas besofilre A" wfib ase. a bovel outtil.'"mi i Aailoeb, al is Obus. swecak Mdlmois Alvi, wu. Kusbter lut wedt. w»Vay M sd nday wll ir. aMes.mHoward BeachMadUt"l w«. sushIer ofobeco.visllsl lheslorae 'w w bak buulklatakec an Int paoS somdaY. hW IA»BienE oirbaiMS 10 jm Tasomi eadi allesaiael the Mbe diasmagefrom tbe resutc e e tm f* a -« b a"g usgslred. godmaI lm £eu Bouage@. Thsr- dey alesauc .Mise Logis (bnr day. Anl citboeoimm Bus N4Wt@ld. l a mesre bemnrba.sof lthe sos api lutodal howu easmotsawdm mmaea taie batteudace of afat but not bsut a bousillaI auper INIday svaung, ville plaging, jam sVsmPlv of Cbklv"'VId as. * lis. e agiaer of Agt hm e in tm uil. Woffz, b.d lb. .Md o oun01cf *sVirts bas bousa quit@. li i th ue ""Wes le tlméias ale.cf1 lueur.1$ ses. 1115 jus fUlma * e Who altemdeul 10 etacilulaverte ad m wvr..m ty meeting wver.» d lire. Rguiheb wml as lb. eccldeat m Mu. Adam Titus, lire b@ a mmuri issai1 ont e sry Kursansd daugblsr, aul lire L. »0 am joint. Dr. l'sylqr vas J. AMeI&ntreî Mdi Irusse ldm Ijury Md tbe Misse m»meCbm-b@rerlate *lag"iss l ulbof Prairie Vier, over ain ts wuoca vîiamidci,1At thib Smnlmoeetng of the Star à. Dr. oadbuv«aZ ".-"a caù*linoda md Neslist~eov11 verselecte:. Pméïdenl, Lisde KMsbie M"blwetuevie prealletI.LM@ S Buer; àeesary, Md a W" ll ever mari ge. l 111 0 giaiDolpi; Ireurerb aV i Elt iut*bm IsWvas Otbogtb1h51OSUBiSI. Mm» UCbmbsrlsl. urfg vý7»io gy!t*Pom o f Ibal be pet pmt*aIilYbas seutweatg - U1nomwiop vt" tSkla dllar i. thié satu R ome lsioaari b-. po ut alle dop Scid m bvaasrleesvudollars, te bU5olumm .A fumber eliiiluths bira'Tt. 1 I es te" seusddiba$ trouslir. M mi.priai Wii c lberty- geritwubaudisuss. 'Vllew Wivoubo allers 8SuudSY. l~ ~ ~ ~~~' fflt 0.1»n ils dtb RI ob '»Mst Masb lbe.bell for i sx o b ot o agr bod cllyigiea mnâiuggs a betar OSTOr. kIotbsman pie stlof loura snd f<îl4oniy by [Fl3eTT VILLE LuMBES 1.0 îwm a iaaýof a Q nse.ilSal GLOSING OUT 25 oz cons oK. C. BakinPowder ... 18Sc As ox. Cams ofK. C. B.4m,Powd-r ... lc 10,oz çmiset K. C. 8 o wder-... 7c 2.2.5c pkp SWitsePrideWashimgPowder 25c 4<, Oso1GradmasWnkbugPowder.. 25c b«WmofS ifte PM o.3.2 65 bar boxpf ExMp or xocSOOeP.....2.20 4-10, ou09cnu fiCoocorme.......30ce 4-10c pkgs Webbe tLaudre Starch.. 30c t4p10c p&pVielor Lamadry Streh ........30c 4-10c p&gs 20 Mule Trm Bora.- -.. 30c 2.10e botts WebbuB"deag ......... 10c 4-10c b,ttk SteveIPoMb ............ 30c 4.10c Las i mnegs............... 30c 2-BoitiesMy WlfesSulad Dresiing .... 25c 2-CamaSpaghette end deee.......... 25c t NEWTON & CO. ~ckefIIer lingis I..lnpp.R.F. loue.. Irvinlg E'Payn.. op-.sident. Vice Président. Cashlor. THIE CITIZENS' BANK< RtOCKftLLtR. ILL. - Our Savinge Depam-meuil affords the fermer, laba-en, child and eua eesiv.eni,saife 1ad profiabe means of isying asy thol, plsdollers. 01.00 opens sn ecCosut. Inerest aiiowed et 8 par Wt p«s anum. comunwdd saml.-Iwly. PARYNERS AND DIRECTORU: R. F. Rous. J. L. Taylor. Irvng E. Psyns., J. a. Gri-lisy ss6balliy Agpoexhaetaly $100,OOO.O4l. g»t hme ofMrsq. MmJ. P gi' w adiesiauffl Mdbouq, bled.ago pm.elaaiy =Sudera b. orneft. 551su lits and F. baaj ibWr bonber..ip 1 erp)y Md MUe lmara Cramrert 1 licuri Mise Comilla.0esr apal uud a s A. IL OBusras ofLa iouf, andJes. Brown of lbonrIvill e. se Veusond laiton isy Mb. Net*. lxwrY vas hom aven isfladey uMd Saday. Tb. leac ab the Oakiea ha i maI Pri&e .a lgves by lb. of Trngnallb" ch vwuas oc btl 0ocllly "mdmbuscelu. seurl 1 unth lsurrounag ovue verseu*ah Floyld d.* srr $Pm$et ea Mabd ua iy lluniir paru emu The asMW ambei1 ol ir people -1; lnsluour vig4. Mb.nTilsTebsipe lea psding -sevri veS& et bona. lMu. Vii Dove of Venhugn. epse V.sdsy sud Tianeda>' li barW parale. n mr.Fr»It gHroumu.. lir& aWl Hget l sd daglaere 0 Chicago, arevlullingl ber psre lin. sud 4ym. (lec Trut. lir. &"Min. Leo Deilebla &M daMi- ter of Chicugo. ver, lieasmeetcitli formons peeals Sairdey md Obaday. Louis Mar tin faukege. »neaaof lire Peler eyer sd asti buova bIme, le very 10v ah lulencialoole Roy. Franb Scilgena pmt BoSuayu md Mondow et Vauhegan, shere b. aelel iBsy. B. J. Scinotle of ltjospb' churcitvia o bbin upaon baltb for nome lin. Um .Kslbrya Hinonimua atteudel s suchre parly givea by lb. Catholle Onder of foruteré et Vankegen Tuusdsi Orchetragava thn saunai oDenrt lu' lias M. 9. Cburcb ahiei provedesa mmmm Deorallon dayla Dolt W fensud as LOUle iJYEOM'A-NIN THE OPTIQCIANi muauilthe, member of lb.ePalat lue GJU ~ memnorial association extend au invita- tion tu, ail schoole in tbe township to Mil». Aima Mteyer of Chicago, @peut join wltb theni in ohserving the day.1 îtunday aI horne.1 A. R. Baldwin ha@ charge of this MIr. and lire. Henry Meyer miade a departuient. businesstriptu Libertyville aturday. 1 Mr@. Charles Hartung vioited nidý Misa Barbara Amnau@peut Saturday trlende lu Palatiuerercently and wa8 a andBuda a,.,. Hal. l Ù*y and visited very weî<come gîlet. Berule Uliici 01 licago, sPeut SUn.-' day aI home. i lMns. Henry Meyer and amllniy attended tb. funeral of Wiliie Weber ot FailnOeId Tuesdup. Ues.. Adrea Ilatzuer sud Fred Amaun of Round Lake, speut Monday1 aIBaraey Amanu s. Mn. Roy Joues anld son EarI, made am ibs nes tri l Waukegan Frlday.. Mir. sud lins. Oea. Joue's made a business trip tu Ibirtyville lfanday. Harman Fisher eutetaineil coepauy' aven Sunday fram igbiand Park. issenia Cook made a business trip tu Rockefeller Tuenule>. Mes. R. D. Cook vislted the Ladies AId séclel>' aI Ivanhoe Tburadsy afternaon. FRMONT. àdn.. Alkofer of Libertyville, spent Sunda vwilb fineuds bens. Martin gtoflasd famlly &peut Sunday wllb Mir. sud lies(leo. Hertel. RM..Masîber froun Chicago. apsul e 1ev dap a aihomne. Mr. sud lira. Loo Deolalela o1Obleago, speul Sundsy altb bis pansule. Audrow Vagur of Vankmga, @peut Buday boe. P., MBR»Mow M Iv ATlJRRm or imot.ty Wplç et Bv.ry I DtMIoO. orr.spOU4II~ 5.IIc~id 1ZOGsmnq~ Sir Waiakqmui DIAMOND LAKE Dr. libepard, distriet superintendent, ahI preacb ut 2:30 p. m., Mlay 21st. Everyaue conne andl hean île. The tiare. churcee, ivaba., Rocks. feilar eid Diamond Lake, mi' .i bold union Memaiai servies ut Damoud bat. c hurci -Memorlal Suuday. IMay 28. Mllslers and choirm of each cburcb h Il taie part. 4 IANSWER8 EVERY A. L Lbertyville People H av e Pound That This in True. A cold, a straifi, a eudden vreucb. " litis cause may hurt tie kidneys. Spellm ot baciache fen folîua Or oe irInegulaity of the urina. A* certain remedy for sncbx attscia, A tusdicia. liaI answerseeecai, 1a IlcesLdney Pis, a tria. epeclflc* Thousanîsoff peppe rely upon it. Hem le oaa cas: lies.Rsymand TaSf. 504 Sîla St. Harvard, fil., says: "I liverogrtsf for abat i)oa's Kdney Pilla bave dons for me sud 1 Sa pleesed u aracoamend lassa. 1 snffered tram bidnay trouble »d beekacie. 'l also bad bssdaclaes, dlaj pelia sud dsîrasalug pain. luin 7 kid.i&a Vina. friend rScoumendçd à aaKidney Pille ta ume I procuamI a siappli.1 neyer ueed suoltes usinai liast 1el mena8sagnsell. Dosa,@ Kllney pilon not only recievel my aches "ud paies but eîrengtbied uuy baci ma" eoreetsd lie idney -trouble. Too *6 cb nol b. .ald lu tabInr aise.' For sisbildenere. Price54> cets. Fouts.uhb.unn o.. Bffao,.a Tank, so thgu frle United gStls. laie nuotben. 84-2 sud vonimen cul. thçg utunlobat are bnan as mat-bic bricks, ahîci ai nsed for building purposea. Appicaton hisuba for these bead- atones are sent ouil troni the quarter- iner generas office. Any deceas- ed, soldier, sallor. marine, nure or scout abo servelunuder regular en- listment may have bis lait esting; place marked by the goverumeitt on requent cf a reative, a grand army Post or a private citizen. The stonea are ahipped usuali>' by the carlomi ta certain dîstrlbuting Pointa named by lie van departmenl. For the New Ungiand statea Boston la th. distrlbntlug place, New Tork for the middle esIae. Chicago for th mlddie vest. Denver, San Francisco,- Atlanta and Houston, Tex., are otier Bonano Bfeter Tua. Tea or Coffec A lady rtes us: .I lîke lloAN0 e .-eedir>tly Weill, in tact better than ta or oe. 1 cld use. it ail tbe tinis The firat cup 1 did nI like at al hbut nu -t 1 wbuld nul be wltlaout it'l Original of abô»e inouries. IAil testimionia ln pubhlsaeul aru voitintary and lunsolîoîte.. ' I'rial pow kag e m a tes If) stamp. international ilananalF0o41 CO- Chicago, 1li. Dancing EVERY SATURDAY1 EVENING Ilrtels Parlçj Foley Ldnsy Pille tait .ibod u9t yur èvst endbee ouho i punesf of lmi ed asah lmapemul ing I mel ig im su m i U I A I j or kid - PliaIILION OSalae eisecsLD4l HANSON STOCK FARM PRAIRIE VIEW, ILL.- MILWAUKEE ROAD FEE $12 to insure The Grade Percheron Stallion Licenas No. C3484--Romwed Pabrary oea. îilî MIXKE la a beautiful coal black horas. Me. . foaied in June, 1907; is a coming tour-year-Old and weighs 1700 pounds MiL-e wiii stand for plibilie-3erviep lu the senemon of 1911 at the iciiowing place.: Monday et Prairie View, Tiesday St Diamond Lake, Wednssday at Long Grove, Thursdsay ai Lake Zurich, Friday et Buffalo Grave, Saturday et Holub's farm one mile north of Buffalo Grove TERMS-Will @tand by the season ftou April lot ta July lotet 8te*ofe due at end ni siaman. lu capesmare talle to gt inlutuai duringthIe season @be May be returu..d tre.. for the next season. Wil! @taud by loueranLe. fl ta lueure a mare witb tuai, tee payable wben mare le known ta be lu foal. Mares tried or br..d once wîilbho hld for the seasan's lte. puean a if breul by the season. Wben mare le sold or parted with, tbe insurance fee becomes due and payable. Will stand bjv the loap or slagIe services aI$5, lee payable nt île. of service. Gare'wfii bo taLeii ta prevent accidents, but wiii not bc, responsible sbauîd any occur. IFRANK IIOLLJB Phomte 288Wa LUbertgville Prairie View, l. LAKE BLUFF BLACKSMITJI SIOP Lake Bluff Bi* tsmwi h lop ad go repairs PIow end gee aljblm Give usa fair trial. LAKE BLUFF BLACISAMITHING CO. e ,1 lu h I mi pointae cabtmt cesrbas uaun markedl.Tv a sa egt »IMer of thalle nair eu ut 5g u !leUi Mise Mihi Irs us geut ofapadabaye beauasel up 'ln ArliagbcaBIBls gopaam a" u bave ovai- dey. 5 S b O d t ID B i l ! U - T * G 0 . ' R~ T f 2 b a ud , oth r gov r m ent c m et ules; h ir grav s tlea an hi bte atones bu 11The UniedMSta overninut bas ali" thbe Iiatone tr»u, but It P"%5 lira.EJgiy a"Ulre. Anus Sherman of provlded. 600.000 narkers 'for the thee *relabt tg lia dçstUnllolt. .MI .h.s MARRIAGE LICENSEs. 0h15, vers tee aiis fline..Adams gravaes o siera. Prom lvii aarbie baiu tbe dons visa11the cstoébas Bua4a' r-quarria, oeset le, Méess,, and4 0" beau delîverel la in bave il 55I11ulth0charies D1ny, Kenoeba . *t> V»s Illsslonar o ealthe lasPresj. t Rutbland, VI.. ail, beqe tombatomm tlhesgrave frn tb.trelgbt offlcog and rUsamu......l len obh *MUl#A the borne of lins, bave besau taken.Le.bau futnlalt est Dp..'llany grand army posta lok aryKr"".MM..........3i îiols flw»dsa ailacuca lhe.meeting 300M000 arkera lu tb. lanirty ter S'es âte~M. Bnp- elr Vn»Dits, sa......... 3 vas lu charge of Min jouephilas oeypers sud la turniug out g551«tm Hundreda of atonhg beau ien up- Cla Zaitale M M.enePa......le mie. a bte rate of 20,000 a serua.De eM u911 ,Hihadfk...2 Atpilsd l mark thb. graves cf vomatt ouis. Woule, OsEa............. 23 MMim Iai Vilmttgiemd Eaccbmarkers a 3e S fout 1 .ifontnrseabo servaitlnluthe civil ver.. Mr. mal Mm s. Smsr of Chceo, wve w ide and 4 luces thlck. ald veiba Nearly aiU lb. applications cou'. lu the. souset fMme.L P. To"lSirnda. 200oopoule fusender lhe roilulel the nemes of prIvaes, or malii».. Oc- Mir. aldMm â. Me !Laoreffe, van. top> la outlued au 101514 sbluld'Sud casîoualiy thene la tnadltlb.Dame5of If 1the rigbt tenant la m clnaitd 0 UDeOslvisébore SuadsW, spendîn tWrair lbthi tisla out lb. nase. au., nom- in10 s ouk"e leur tinae belvese buseof James Gallo- iasy, rani sud reglment of tlb. o, 1a lin. oMeier Sud Ibere have bu.» oc- poerysék the ent tirouait a vay and Mm. LP.,Tod. Ier, sallo- or marine abosgrave It casiont sa listhegrave of asatar Doe cajptingaof celebâ d vertlslag. On Ma~ri 5t Mu. ader entetalaed alat ak Iwo ammar bonon of ber Prom Ivo querryts epIL m S 1them. blr*àle. AbomWofiaupparvasserlved atones are taken. On tbe grounds et aMd, Mu. RkeetW"stlisreciplent of thequarr>'. te« 'a eout, polisebe. SPECIAL UNTIL menked sud crted fou chiptent ta a, inil! ~ centraé distriballugpeint,ÀA lares et Tb.P«ybUiI chur.b bave cilel veat ymen a éut»tl sempoi b JINE 3Oth I1911 the Rl. ,ia* QuirlmgoiChiagao. t. b. aoutrecltor. Who oblae is lm ccnla'aet lisir pM*oul.Osa 11as 1. uLAil areilxwaueiho em-nuel r b edmmbercf frisaasallering 9>1-average ise usie tforbeauetoaos. It 12 DaisGlvamk e So.p 51.0 5 0eSataPa"m Ove Fro dsy ahusroou., Mr. end MmsSumm lr la rua loto tbe mile a short truck of Chiacgo, vbd' bava poreba»d tlbs»4su d fs. e r a gag cf as 100Dat Ovasie Soap 54.35 20 10e Dat. alm Olive Free Inamli neeldauce vieoprmue t t0hb. w icaioldescends ,iti a swing-o EU55. . lg moionuad ct turugb l. Then WA. RAY filULUiW151 LA K/E , niuguSpplevaebavlalirinCiamSPas. the block la ralel out, chaînai to. I La-- ~ ay z a .,"L Uti, Ssturdua mdBandar. . galer, tunnel -over &udaset tianugh the.same pomu agala. Tbe as PO, 278'ERYVI ar ipebads of truInca telgbtb cf _________________anInch__ tblck al lb. cutting e ite -n Mm cngieu««. lefflet tethelripplug on thewo. relaive frm L&rou Wi., gturuismootblng Il iy grndlng by audand M O TE ES A LO en ud ater ona a revolvtug Iron table. There wd. Vl Mr. d M. iemsntertained friaIds 1th e -er le ready for letterlng or Illinois Staliion Reglatration N.A3625 e we.Vl : frouaCbicagri Ssirdsy, and epet SUn. numberng. 16 a black horse weighing 1900 and of unusual quahity. day alia relative lu Gbamberg. A goverunlent lnapector exsznînes He Is abi4oltîtely aound, sure and bis get are of the very H . a. Hart lu oua businsstrip t eeryi beedatote .,sad condemua al i hs yeo rf nmk ei op hthé New Tank at prwauat. lat bavs Oas or discoloraions or hgettp fdataias ei ot hthu Thurdav M&Vth the8Lbhrb.amare rougly leltered. The dscarded proven himself. Re