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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 May 1911, p. 9

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.ND EPENDEN~ WAUK.EGAN .WEEK 1LY SU N VOL.,'X --.NO. 34.ý AudmtoesmP.v, of Lake orest ».ùlue e-day ,ZoÇ ity $«eu eafr Office of Ileerlk« Fre* Cuety court te Circuit OM Aled Zie. Cty tleleasod Fr.. Jail This MN'umg Afler Five Deys irrom Wednuay's SUN.) Au far as natters lu Circuit court ame Conosrnod today. the, eblef Inter- et centers lu the trial of former Voauty Trasaurer Lewis C. Price. Tii. talng of tenthunony lu thes case start- éd ibis ,uornlng. sud go far tiiere have béau but two clîneune placed ou tbe s@t9d, James bMarouwea resonti cty eléei, sud former employeeé of the. of- fIes of thée outy trea«arer. Thé otiier And main witusas of thé dar wau Mr..Sutlley, viio bail charge et thé vork et Young & CompanY of, (oelmego lu auditlng thé county books t vblcii thé allegod siiortage vau dis- covered. The cane Promise to,. h s lon drawn out one. Tii. Urne as taWn up loday ln ithe identfination of maaiy spcImens o!fiiand wrting. aud eéxplalnlug entriez madl. on the books by the suditlug comittee. Îtei's Attoruey Dady of Lake coun- ty lea asaltod lu the. proeetîon bY MtMes Attorney Joslusund Dot ewatos Attorney Pîtcher of Kenashaj oeuty, anuca» stated yéterdaY. Othér Court Dones. Ail thé glory of decldlng thé elec- îles contents of ZMon ('lty are sot te devoivé upon lbe county judge. Il NSdmovered tIsat Ceutv Jade P«osn, chilé hé bail jusiedlotlun ove thé coutesta for various lty oMulal. bail no power over tiiat of mau'or aud the. cotest papera 111.4 by Aiterneys (cooke, Pope sud Pope lu Coonty court for Jamnes A. Goudie ag*Int W. Hurd Cleudennin bave liéé trausferred to Circuit court, sud the luatter clii dlom. up t the Octu. ber ternI of tbst court. A grand Jury wlii hé lu regular ses- sion eni bis court, sud I is I.expected that the luatter af Illégal votîug at thé ZIon City election on April 18, vill thé threbsd out at that tinue. Onue of thé alîeged assaultera upou Frank Neceli at the ZIon parade, Covingtou vas rieased train sil te- daY, hé bsvlug boarded out bie fiue ut In6 et the rata of $5 per day for à daýa. ,Bueil, suother lln aîlon'thé mae charge la sat ln lu aUbis fiue bhavtug beeu $100. Au ,effort vilI hé r uider the defaultera set. CILD DIES FROM' BUJRNS 10-DAY Twremty Mentima 014 Son ef Mr. And Mmu. John Paole Pulls awl '. Hot Mlik Over en its Head et Home Mo"dy (Prom Wedauday's SUN,) John Ponlu, the tcenty monthi old mon of Mr. aud Mrs. John Poun, of 038, market atreet, 41.4 et the Jane XcAliter bosptal this usoruîug as s rosait of burus ecelved et bis haine MoudS', *cil. the cild vas seated lu a iiigiichaIr atbils home, lh. reach- éed ipon thé table sud pulled over s bu,*,p bocd of* hot milk on musii Wvh la not kuovu, thé contents of tisé.bw apulilus over thé bead and tué oaf the. blîd. - Ianiels cas summoued sud saw &ýWlanceI that the condition of thé .biiI vassérIns. lHe advlsed that 71-thocbiId hé talion to the hospital van w doue on Mouday. T> boy nover rsllled frein the et- t"of the nover* 1irus. desth comi- tat, this iorniug'An luquesi vwu AU4 t thé Lars n sd Conradl under roomu tuas mornlng, the jury È~lu s verdict of acéidentai LIBERTY VILLE, Ili4 IMIDAY, MAY 19, 1911. City of tiexîce, Mlay 17-Tiiere hans lu compsuy wltb îwo ofy bis mîîîîary beVu Intense aetlvity here. during the advîa;ers. Geàeral Greuigarlo Ruiz ls days that the. insurrection hou béen Ion bils right sud GeneralitRodrigo Val- grovîng lu the uortb. Plans for the. des on bis 1.11. Thé upper lulcînre canspaign bave been considered, t ,. shows th. "ýscore tbat accompanleil raling of recruits bas been tii. sub- the Insurgent peste conmissioners ject of suauy cnférences, and the wvien tiy vent t the bbc e.coufer- question o! ammunltioin and suPPlies1 ence near .lusrcz. bas aluco beeu ef tlhe utuiost lmport- Tii escor did net have mucii of a aune. mllayalpea run ce' but lster eventa In thcascnomianing pleture Suenor shoved tbst the nuen possessed the ~ÇsdW~YdiiTiIserof car, ta seen Sgbtiug spirit. SPANISH WAR VETS E J. AND. E ROAD AT HIGHWOOD MAY EXTEND UINES Largest Gatherlng Ever iiId îla Elgin and' Michigan City, land., This Countv t. e Thot aet Clairn Thot Road WiII Corne «Camp MAcGrath et Hlghwood To Those Cilles. Officaist This fvenlng Deny Extensions <froin Wednesdays $UN.) (Froin Wedescay a SUN.) The, largest aud nucat Important gstiierIug of veterana cf the. Spauisb- American war. cisc aIl beiong te a leaguevlI b. h41d lby. tausp*>iGraifb at Highwood ibisevenîung. sud Wauke- gsu, Chicago sud Evanston campe, al tih. boys frocs Fort Sheridan, district, departusent officers. sud otisers ligb lu thé counseis o! the organlzatîon ciii sttend. Tii. Waukcganitns lbase al, 7:30_toulg4t aud a feature of tlîeir golug vilI be tbabtîje stand o! colora. tii bouat' o6talnablc will be- brougbt witb tîlei. They wlil b.ciet at H-1gh- wood by thc arlillery band frein Port Sheridan. SAYS ZION US ONLY REFUGE Voliva SeesGospel Age Endlng Miftlaiuw and Ils Fires P4r; And Issue Cailite Whie W4rid ta Corne to w bite Dov City (Proin Wedaeaday's SUN.) lu tise current Issue cf Louves of Hoaliug, Overseer Wiibur Glenn Vol- lvs of Zial i Cty asserts that the Bib- Iela "gospel age' of eartb la euding, and tiiat the. milenial age la clonq st baud, when tiose who do not beiléve viii be cousumed by lire, He says that lu a former cycle waters over- wiielmed the earth because Its people ver. se wloked sud tiiat nowtiiat aIl bave been given a chaise. 10 béjeve, or uesrly ail, tihegselso ii*4liut ta close, Iu tts connection.,.hi- au- saris, ZMon City la thé oui>' pisge of refuge Lu the, vorld for "(3o4's p spIo and Issues a csll for t4bq vdd-t come ta Zion Oit>', the Mount Apert of the mwoenisl age. Reporta bave beusgolcg ice rounds cf laie liat the E., J. & E. was con- tempiatlng exteuding ls Unes, on, story beiug tu tIe effect tilat lie coin- psuy was to buiîd loto Elgîn,'buts Put- tlng tic Watci City cin the big bell Unie aud tIhe otîser was that Company was surveyiug snd planning ou a lin. te Mîichigan lty. 1usd. "Tiies, extensions are mythical," was the. report o! Superintendeut Me- Manus thil mou-itg."Tie'J' la ot planning te build toe ctc'r of thsc places sud as yet tiare la rut thinlu ducement at eltier place tiat would warrant thc building ln tlcrc. TIi, 'Y la not a passeuger hune and chîle thIire inlgbtlb. posaibltîes If It cas nu ling fer fare, it leaonotthe cas. lu a frelght way." For soin, lime Elgin ias becu try- ing to get blit te "J" tcrritory sud ina>' do en, >at nom, tie, but the] freigbut sbipîu.nts froin that db>' ai.- Parentl>' do net. offer thse compauy rSiuch encouragement for the building of,-tue n ln Itu that city. Nlchiigau City la also lu thesaime last. PRAY FOR RAIN FOR TKfIR GARDENS Traylorlte. Anxious b Terrin. ato r thI$ lanZMon City, Whc.Aise Has a Case ef (Front Wédtnsday'a SUN.) TaYlorltee aifZMon Cit~y are praylpir cii Wight sud main for ralu for theIn gsudensansdd cam ha1 chîlé It; ralued on theIn gýooý ceu they ver. elested tsm Sghllob Housé, thua must have boeen s- uhtalce. Char~ls Mg*-a, ~it 9 Is lsnd, han beon arl'ssted an beîug a "plain drn a aZi on t>' ond bis cails, on a traisaer heM Juustice l'uttie,, vil corné up béforeJustice *Bello» a*.a MILITARI SC11OL ICTED PACKEÉS WILL MPN SOONAleasfo AS S195ER IIQTEL cuume Decslen la ti Northwest&* , M#tary Acad- emy, aet Mblsad Park WiIt SecoueSommer Motel Sean Chicago capital Meas Pur. chased, the Plant5 tg Ciaime.4u»d motel %YIii Open Joue 1 19 EmiaentIV Fitted as Motel With Ramffes, Dance Floor, Bar., nd Golf Course (Prom Weduesday's Suin.) Froîju milltary actueol to a sugmenr botel la the transformiation wbichlu l tu tae. place lu Highlgnd Park, as the. reault of moving Nortbwestern lli tayaaeyfrom that place tu Lake The. Northivesem ' ftllitary acad-- erny formerly ocafied a fin. rail brick structure on tiie lIneo! the Ciii. cago aud Mlwaukee rallroad, but Sund. ing, It la said liaitiihe cost of living lu Highland Park vas týo bîgb, thie mnnagemeut decided to rme frotfl tht place te Lake Geneva, wbere s nw enhool building la now bcîng cou- structed, aud wclii hoopen etitth. bc- glnnlng o! the nert terni. Il la uuderatood tisat some. (hbcago capitaliste have taken over the build- Ing and will openu It on or ab;out the tirât of June ans aslminer botel at wiicb nien aud voinen froin Chicago and other places viii couî, tu apend tbe munluer. It la vuderstood tiiat the. coiuîsny wih là tel talre over thé building cf the Nerthwestern Mllltary acadeniy arc theé asmén parties cho operated a tcmporary nommner hotel at Highland li1rk for the pust two or tire. ycars. Tii. building la «epélaly adapted for tb, uses of a h"ote. i l fully equlpped wlth a lagSngélimier o! reua, au office room, Ud dane fluor, bar und. ail otiier facilitlos vhlch go tu make up au Idealassmer hotel. The coxupau>ý la prepared tai %pend au aimost unlited amount o! noney tu niaIe the. hotel ou. of thé fineat lu tie country for the, use o$ snmmer touristt's. It la sltuated »ear botb the ti-anks o! the.Nortbweateru rsilraad aud cf thé Chicago snd Mlvaukcee electrin rdad. It la but a short dis- tance frein the bluffa ovelookiug the lais, and vl! b. furnlshéd vibli golf courses and a tennis court. lb la expected that the. opéning vîlI b. beld on June 1, sud it la tiiougbt by thii aage ment Ibat theo 014 mllîtary sciiooi cl i ll a long feit vaut lu the. heartu of Chicago People for s sunh- ler bote], near tu thelr bornés. Tiie narne of the, hotel ,has uot as yet been anunuued. PLA14 TO EREGT- S FINE, MONUMIENT Ferry la the Re.loWZIaty Are Planning te 'ÇOtruet $800 Menument 19Lakte Mond Cemetery Tiera ,(Froin Weduesdars SUN.) Thé vsrious imeseta the. Ferry famil>', ebo realdo tu tie:,région of zion City' are planning 10 érm apon lb. faiuly lots lu Lake Moiiad-cero. ter' a1iZMon ,-Cit>'onou0f Iii.fluent monumuents chicihbave bégismoenuin Thé eontract for lie monulnut bass been let 10 a Chicagoe dru, vho bave been vorkiug the pastfév dey" lu sunveying the future site of *e-,Monu- ment. A description of tise lopntsit cannot hé obtined St tstiSU1e, but as the cotract prie ha.be net at close tSOÔ00it la éXpect4 d uhst thé cellietery wclîl hé araed y a u.po f monumental *ÇA*, Tbeii oumet.is ta beait inthé four lotosud other tàalýIyl2 h pasegiabout IIL hi ilu jjt *wgii'of a fanai t>'aose, Oit>'. -, mie. - -. .11 .311 'I amUn. uu suu 15a VICKOIy for (rin Wednesdays SUN.) Attornleys for J. Ogden Arinour. Md- ward F. Swift of Lake Forest and elght otiior Chicago meat paciiers lu- dlcted boe undor the Shermian anti- trust law, moved quickly yestqrday to take advmntage if the supreine courrae decia In the. Standard 011 case, whlcir tuey déclare to b. blghly favor- Able tu, their clients. Théy ciii inake every effort tlîis morning lu Induce Judge Carpexqter ln, the United States district court te reolien the. .earing fer new arguments ou the. dernurrers to the. ludictinents. The motion. whlch wiii be Illeil lu court today, takes the. grounid that tbe Judicial net of the suprelue court lu lujecting the 'words "unreaeôuable" and "ln lbhelght of reason" mloo th Sherman aet uullifies It as a criminal statute. FELTS F OR THE F.ANS NATIONAI. t*AQUIL W. L. Pet W. L pct. Phi].21 7 .150 Clu. ..12 le .646 l'ltts. .17 9 .654 St L. 8 15 .848 N. '.. .. 16 10- .61.1 Bon. .. 8 21 .270 Chi .. .15 12 .556 Brook..7 2) .259 At Brookly- IL. H.* a Chicago...000100001-2 6 1 Brooklyn..100 2 000 00--3 9 1 Wesver, Toney and Archer. Baiser sud Bergen. At Boton- R E Pittsburg .... 600011021-11 15 1 Boston ...... 012 002 0 20- 712 1 Steele and Gbson; Pfeffer, Brown an Rarîdan. At Pbladelpha- R. H. IL Cincinnati ...080020001-11 Il 1. Piladelpiila .300000010- 4 9 2 Sugs and McLean; Brermenf Chai- meru, &,huit%. Don and itoran. At Nov York- I. H. Ea et. LouIs..14100001-8 12 i New York .... 000 2 20 0 02-6 10 1 Steele and Blila; Raymnd, Als Marquar4 aud Wilson. AMERICAN LEAOIJL W. U Pct. .W.IL. pet f>et .. .25 5 .833 N. Y. .12 14 .462 Chi. .. .14 12 .538 Waah. 10 15 .400 Don. ... 15 13 .536 Cleve 12 18 .400 Put . ..13 12 .520 et. L& 8 20 .286 At Clevlnd- a. H.AL New York ....000100000-1 7 1 Clevela.sd ...010000001-2 8 2 Fisher sud Blair; Grcgs and Flsiier. At Chcago- R. H. B. Phillsdelpiila .-0 0 0 00 010 4-1 8 2 Chicago ...00028010X-8 9 1 Krausé aud Tiioma; Soott and Sul- livan. At et. LOUI- I. H. R Washilngton ...000000000-0 8 2 St. Louis... 0 010 0 a 0 1-4 Il 1 Gray and Ainsworthi; ULand At Detrot- R. H. R. Bosftoli...000301030--6 Il 1, Detroit...000231001-7 17 S Karger. Cîcotte aud Carrigan; La. litte snd Stanage. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. W. tyct. .L.Et ..l.17 10 .630 St. P. 15 14 .617j Min .20 14 .588 Louis 14 16 .461 mi)...18 13 .581 T'Ido .11 20 .86 K. C. ..6 1o .652 . Ind. ..10 21 SU2 At Indianapolis - Indlanavolis. 4;. Loulovllle. 5. At Mnneapolla-Minnéspolia. 13; et.' Paul, 4. At Mlwaukee-Mlwaukee, 5; Rýa» ou City, Il. At Toledo--TOIdO, 13; ColUMbUa . S. Edward Geers, the "Grand 014 Man of tb. Sulky," vîli finishi trainingils stable lu thîs atate and clii reuci Chicago uext monli fremi Mm;btg a 4 Ltake up quarters at oltherthe Liber. Ltyvlle or Jollet4racks. Goeré ut éiea euontbhasover It>' iseoadtdu bis tcharge sud hie declilon te Salaithé Ltraining cork lu thé uontii Iosmmuebig brluging some dams>' stapPM4 teo ss parts. Aguong bi& tal lep~ut1 The Harvéster sud sat bIWof et gg promisiug hause hoisée. Mr. sud Mrs. J. Ogd*zFAmwmoul- edý yeto!day plorulus fýmnz81V î? ork for Nuro pé. -The tWp lu bolus table lu the bope tbat Mfo, »AS'sha.ltIt v ini hbe eeitiîd.isber,upét ta romain FOUI PAGES HOME PLAYERS I i REPAIR SEASON 1 ELECTRIC RD.O10 At Laike BluffenAU Ml l Lime et the Chlceosam weukee Romd Me* Wouit an Tracits endl of-W&y (FPrem Wednesday'a SUN.) *The. annuai repair sema of thé chi. cage, and Miliwsukee liens hmauopaed aud aIl along the lIn.e o the rom nd gangs of men plaeod at work ropair' lui thé trucks, ballastlng the roltd and replacliz vona o3t rails cttb nov opes. AtLaIs BIMf thore le nearîy a belle of track chicii A undergolug és- teusîve repaira. Erom that point ail aloug tihe right of way down to the end ofthuetbolineth comàpany ba& men at work at variées pointa ropalrlng the. truck, toue. whlii baaie broken dovu sud ballaes- lug the. rondl. lu the city bore thé comnily basalo doue so. thiagu ta repair the conditions of the. tÙré moade. matE UP.TEAM TO STAIT SUNDAY Lukey, Former (ubs Star, Is Mwanager of New Agagea tien of Players SPa aU" witth bcW.;d Suej d4» enmd Huieffs eno Marien Sbtre Oid lme Wa.ukegan end Cube Pleyers Malte Up Fine New [cam, 1 bis Week <b'rorn Wediiesday's SUN.) At last Waukegan lis to have a reai base hall teani of local playerit. Tiie teaui vlI coualat of such vell kuowu llayers- as 'tluder" Willilams, the. star thîrd baseman of the. Waukegan tdam] aud Wilkinson, uho beld down tiret base for s nunuber of soasons, aise Luckey, who played ceuter deaId crack ail aroiaud plaa'er, wbo hua played wlth Waukegan s aumber of years. Anager Lukey bat aise slgned stars of the aId, veli knowu Cube hall tesus sueb as Phîl Ljunggréu, who hiai beld dowu secoud base for the, Cuba s,,d a Gland Junction, Colo., tesm; ss Charloy Stake.0! the. Cubeansd IHlh land Park&an sd Oris Slosu, Wili Cou- rad sud Roib Babcox, who woro *tars of the aId Cube tesu,. it La the manager's Intention ta bave cleau. §rat clans basebal ganses1 ai tiie uev groundu ou Marlon atréet, oppoeIte the @uzar retinery al Sun. days sud holiday.. A grand stand la n0w beiug erected sud wcll befunlah- ed by Sunday to #st front thmeét four hundred people. Tii.tiret gaSe wîll be played next Sundsy, May 21, witii the Chicago Standards, s faut tealu. Sverybed>1 turu out sud givo the. new teain s grand start. ZION STRIKERS ML NEYER RURNT» COMPANY INALO Oider Is S$Mt1t' ti. Olalsud, That Lace WulwwlttVI# Tako BakS MeGil (nrom Wedusdays'SUN.> Âccordlng to a report lu tua citY this uorulug there la no chance of any of -tii.tweutytbree girls cbo atruck at the. Marshai Field ;ae plant at Zion City Monday of evor entering the service of the colnpany agalin.11t la stated that the officiais of the. plant at Zion City recelved ordora yester- day Iiat the , u fef very girl cho etruck st the. plant siiould hée takon. and sent luto tihésd offiéces. In cotaecot u'#th ti mandate, froin thse iidquartéra ef thse conii pany, su- order vas iunued that upon no conidération ubll a," of the girls over li. takeu bsck into thi.e e- ploy of, thé company, aud net oily that but that In no plant over viiicii the Maahai Field conpanuy han u- trol viii »y of the girls ever Sund a plans open for thein. 1Thé girls say, It la clalmed, that the ordor placed thein upon a verita- hie "black Ilit," but that they would liet go back, or ask any favora et any company chicii Marsbai Field sud Company cntrol. Wiieu the.caikout vasfItrat 1uade knowu et the. plant Monday. Mauago Finu etsted tuat Wt stought t#at the girls would ail hé back t,Mark thîs xnorniug, but nov that thé mae» date han been'received, that'e b shall xot ho taken huit. thelir Pbiqwa willl b. Sîleil vltbotiior. ,., -la clalmed that althougb the " ~59U7of- foreg àt firat to take bact 5kg girls If tlkey, would reprt thils nlune that net s single gMl &aMsthe ruaku of the. strikeri appearéd t tisé faotory and asked to hé takés baick Il la tbought tIsaIthse placées 0fthe etrikera ciliiail héoflhid by the tiret of the, veek, and theé vork lu thé handkercief séetion of thé big plant go'on the. saine a before. (Proàà Wédueaday's SUS.) Judgmeutu aasting te #lue,Ud , alnst the. oétate et Patrtek. SOs* ton ver. reirersod yewtétiar by tbé Obleocappellate court.i Tbey vén entted by JuIla8 Math sunr a Judu of thebcrcuit our% 4a boU « relatives of Seo.. vhé d41.1 obs 18 903, savluan éstaté vuluw aver $1,OOOAO' Thé relativs l«e clda In luthé probawo ourt fer tse alié>éd ducep ono W svnh144' bséý beWlauied tathés m b b*g cedatbut ver. uabia te proumo," sIlove& .Tb.y chanud <lat KM, AnU»sexton of thias Cty, cldavt t docédét and his privats 5th~? PaueuéiT.'Jaeolus, had opeéês lu thé IFInal National 8.UXhabuâàM,,ý vwile Mr. 8extou vas dylindam bM, déat'ed tihe notés sud a lettétr m, llug ta-thés. Thase vho sougbt te estailisi ir Mr&. May NCAurov. Sud ims.até K., Kltw , isters or Mr, Boston. EsM"w MoAuow, uai. moLarocbI* .' RIlOY sud Lucal. éiiy. Balésés. and John' J. Roulerî sud Thou«'W. FifTY-FIVE PMR ciENT StuL PAgusE &W seate m,êls %Wslobe (nrom Woduenda3rs SUS.) Thé auuending bill to thé camudu'e Sion piau of govoruseut lav puavié& lug for a 55 per ceut petition ter tbe récal ufa commlssalonlast ceci passed both the. souate and tis* bous sud la nov ou lieu va>'tu the. onvur te sigu up, going latt. suce t tOboe, as an emergoncy la statéi té aglut, Tiie bIllmeets geueral aapgyM bIsgs sltiough mauy1 ceitîxm més a sr llve per cent récal am pse. A. AS 0 .uotoli% » we tio' SI amà t. hl vmmool h ber n ai «I, =Lr au s e itNl $1.50 PER VEAR TIN AU Judammuat lé IPOUR Pà&»

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