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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jun 1911, p. 1

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+ + T Tbe.p~'wie At Larm + 1 îsoqMffluyuMW emYom +1 + bgewm" of amy evideame. tum*4+ +S lib to reo illegai votmm et 4+ +, et Z$mCty teAppea- befeo . +. apipremet »uCh onide.. t-oa . - the Grand Jury which met 4 *tI'ime Cert bleuse lu Wauke- 4 4. tan on lest Monda eut mIne . e'Olookeia.m--. J. Dady, 4+ +. Ststea Attorneoy. 4+ Tii. biggomt- dent-bn fraudInv-est-- gat-ion t-bat- 4. ecaunt-y or Illinois evrs suffereilo' ened Monday he- far, t-be special Lake counly grand jury nalleil t-a examine Intoaii.-ged Il- legal voting at- thae. recent- Zion 'l'cy electious, the cbaeil truot,., towu sud nlty elentiona. Wltii aven t-vo buadred wit-neses far Zian Cit-y uni Wauegan to le exealunei, Atorney John D. Polpe, ai Waubegan. aeîeentag Int-ermt-s ai tii, Iadepeaiut-fatinanat MnZieoty, deciamei t-bat-t-be Investigation vouli endure for t leist- six veeka. and t-at ýdua-lag t-hlm ieriai,wvile th. grand 1 jury may b. excuseil for a shor-t time', ro &tE &T à- iicvii MotDYSOLM a',h X. W. Enug.mma âôiuglito b tJtua2g1 fiensatien Tuesday doveoloped la comneclion vit-b the body oi a young Uta founidad e t LaeForet on Nothveetera rlght of vay noir 1111 mots avenue' The. body vas Il-oti n Tuesilay as 'that ai Andrew Hayem, a young man ai Chîcago. by a relative. c'. . Redmnof l Lin Ave., Wanbegan, but tb. st-aiy bac ai tii.deat-bh lnuo of IbeMosat astouadlng ever tli ln t-bis county. Here t ln: Hayes, without- mon.y, togsther w1th s chum, OGterg rideki, vie wqs ,ln the 8arn0 fimonelel fit, ret-td te boat hie wsy te Weu- kegan on a Nest Naathwestrn pas. aemgor train Out 01 Chicago. Ail Went Weil wît thle téva untI ULke FOri«et asaeched, wlwn, imd- skI i le 14toalaim ebaggag.- mon openod the door of the. bini bageaue car on whlch thmy vwere ridlîno. end probably fearingthhuy -orm hold-up*, oad.cad them fa-cm the train n tt-ho point of à revol- ver, BSadikisya. Hayes jumuPd mof-m the train. Bnadokl tbbouit thuaho %alsaest,* but ho hlm.elt prevsllod upo the. b&ggageuen ta, lot him ride te train bailta Ctes.. - Me admt tuat hlas ier ought ta fibd oui nt ~ beame c1 Hayes or lu meke amy inqurls ogoerm- lmg lÀm. Tuesday ho repoated th. boy@ dlsappearmnce P42Y 15(11te j hie parents end lu local rlative., 1 Who took the meneor p with th. police. 0 Bradal Iwerke for the F- N. Man.1 nlng ccmpany, ton and-icaf.. marchent* ln Chicago. The resuit vas t-bat Hiye. vas recognlze4 la t-be bodly touai etILaie1 Faorest *bout the. moralug.ai May 2o,, klleil by t-be trains. He via frgt1 Identlfled by the name of C. 3. talier touai on a Nev Yark label ýn the la- aide ai hlm cuat. lteilmoud pail a vihsît-t ae.Foret Tuesilay and campieteil t-be dentifcat-lon. The. ntalofaitii, mytery -may leai ta t-be reaçlng af thbe laquest1 and tb. se1rnii for t-be as yet unkuowu bggagemsn. The yauug min, Hayes, stms ata have leaîted fram the, train ta is ieat-i.1 The myat-ery surrounm!ng t-b, ieon- tfùy af t-he Young man fonil dosid about May 18, uorth af tii, Illinois0 avenue Northvemtern viadunt- ln Lake( Faorest bas ai lust been slveil. Due ta tbe tact that tue Reilmouisc demIreil little publicity la thle mattan,' am young Hayes' brother la dylus lnu Cilcago, the.full details are mot yet-1 On the bady found at Lske Forestt ver. the.grey cbatiiesHayes la sali ta bave vora, ville a launiry mark vas "*YThere vas eoor amre ou tiie lusîde o d a t solpookt, a Newv York amuie and adieus, prolîmblyofa tue miker of tb. dalle. Otuer pas- aelioan the Mcy vemeaebull d1g I »IlPO And tWva ega t lIbs traintuee Court Uhbelea. Pi "ty or the utc. timat B tme W« »t m ey otal-a lisl.& utIl Taeeienotuat the lagilh deitl-tva ce three yea-s mso, ut lla)-ian Pêbitftrtue atm. fsala- 10e 1t* -vs u lud ll jos mss Mdi bh lel * WUtve bere eut .1t CliyPf. Noa M huith Iiideatlt-v -of the dodulaeM«Me- untjil 'r ,q Wls l te 4l5upqmnçee ov'i t W"s reportoii dCblefTyrreli- *4 Out 'fie»iter, bi bluel. i 1»«ey ste«M çf ltnrmuàaw i là U tfÉÈ 9.job t6ê raé. adaiDONTV >4iVz ffl T T A PlI CAlDI VoilivmVenteful. It la aMWtle ted te ven Volira Bai hbie aides, milsummaneil au vit- 1ioespetàko h& etaani tue, viiitar t-tuIdependeut- louer. lai te t-ilngs concering tbe diy et, tva yeam amo vhoutaï$adopggs t.elespi tahav conlsei tka',o#yion t tulaown le- baH su-4 mb t exectioni Vil-aga Co eil ts t t-laefltu t-ba Attoneg Paul 1MeeGuIfludeting s "Icw und~ fda.-tne gruat rDaY. 1iso*"i"' fbr 3. Ia arg> le, W,ý, OtmYdv> fabefswq kuLa ~v~ELVSNf It viii b, renonveneil unt-il every last- ildetail le unier nonahderat-lan. ResUles vit-nosmenov lier. tr9m Moan Cit-yail Waukçgan at-bers viii h. hrongbt- tram aa. la hlm cierge ta th. apecial grand jury NlonaY morns, Judge <Charles Whiltney af t-be 14k. ëaunty <'lacuit beach nagai tue Inquisitoral body ta goQ deepli hlat-le matter, He ln- sta-utei t-bm Jurymea not t-a aest un- tii tuey are satiiei t-bit t-bey bave beail al Passiblevieace ai" value and t-,acmt- ln umcii muner an t-o dean up tue ZMon vote scandlesta t-b, atis. faction af tiie mutt-rng public. # Volîva Courts invstgation. Wltii al bis usuninonchalance of manner, but vît-h hle f ghting blond u»ý WIlbur Glenn Volira, one af th. targeta af t-be Investigation and t-be leader ai t-be greater number of peo- pIe la MnZios 't-y, hun stated tiiet- ie coua-t-stue Prêtent Investigation, t-bat b, bas sevenal, times aequeste t-bat State'm Attorey Ralph Daiy open np t-be mattma-ln t-be manner nov taken, ail thaï- vuen li im sali an-d doue it- vît-I le fauni t-at lie, Vliva. ail bis faction are guiltieesa af any latentional lav breaklng. At-or the -1319 Fi." Stat-e's Attorney Dady, bis: speciai ide, Attorney Paul Maaffuln oi Lii- ertyville, ,ngigei by t-h, iudepeadeotm vit-h Attorney Pope . ta flgbt their cansa.,sd vho, wlih a stenagrapher have been encampeil st Zion. Clt-y tilt- ing evideace for aier a mont-b, are ait-er .tue "bis fimb" as veIl as t-be smali (Mes, annandhng t-o a at-atement- mail. by State's Attorney Dndy, anilit- ha laid t-bat t-be particular 'fish" t-a le caugit are Voliva imseli and his po- lIti- cil aFtion committee, sali ta le W. Hua-i Cleailinea, J. W. Frieni, 0. W. Fariey, W. H. Th *ua-ton. Captain A. C. Walker sud several others. State's Att-orney Diidy la mn Inter- vlev SaturieaY deniareilt-bat- t-be "small Islii"iiinot be neglecteil in the narrent Inrestigatian, eltiier, ail Ilt-Ila t-b.glerai expectut-an ofai li of t-be 109%1 torces araymi la t-be bat-t-i. thaï aven oue iundransd posahbly t-vo iunti'e Inuetmeut-avilii le ne- ttmOd, somne for Illegal votîng, tame to7xlut-ot *tO rat-o lllogally, seme for perjransd soiné fi onsuplrmcy, pam- ibly, whie It le reporti tutï sevoral hure bat-tuconfessios In vich tuey gelai tmuunltv by teiling det-ails ai IbMr aIll.gmdliegal ratlag and by vbom laspireil. Tb. Pm.Jqcttaeueigt a *Ol e- tweo L«91 140 à" nuVgAâ Kabel U*e eouy. tii a pà4er etliio «* taowg* mt ici Qiuo. lui0«*« th« th* Umne bevusCbeMa mai 11 gm itululle uJmoeQtýmeumtoeit a=i a tiard cfIlseie fzbu lma lama> t ouf, bes bloond ça "le ie~aimoremai b tt"<lb.ik« rellisa matit Mo., Vfii6tlautItw wo aille maailaitdoe, ma ls ae buISg cleared. mincitu"amaid hredgugIo betit d ose, l'make Das- Oblm iaflotor boat tmlp betveen Long fAke raiBiWy station of the. St. Paul roam, trou the. pIattom of vbich ou. vii be enabled te atep luto oafls IDo- ta- boat, ciear te Mcellry. Il, or anl tbrongla the ciielu or lat«. 1Broaden Original Projeet Tiie original proJect for a canal con- irection betwee Foxan sd long lakes la lu the. bande ai Ya4er sud Schwart-z, dredgerm sud contractersa ofNapaRe.. lad.. viio ire miovellng out- a dit-eh two miles long, twenty-elght teet vide, -ad six feet deep betveen thé tva r.- ort. IBea. Tbe canal beginiq by the. $ide of th Long Lake raliramil ta- doIn, three fourt-hu of a mle tram t-he laite proper. Rte completion sud other vork nov ln progrea iii make pS- Sible uulaterrupteil aonnectiaa by wva- ter end mtor boat bet-veen Long, Fox, Grass, Channel. marle. Katberile, DeeP, Pitai.,,asd ali f be rmort "lukeoi the nOrthveetern part ai the state. Ta HMoimInaetsOve.- Dam. One af t-be nord etetur-es-la t-be dam belng bult nooperatlvely by t-he People Of t-be cntire district et tue vent endi ai Long Lae. Cainpleteil once. It-lla be bulit igiier. Taaccu Of t-be ature o! reit-ami tracts are laid lu t-be vstcr, and onathem», belav th. dam, a sot cg a movable dock l ta le OPUU* - Moter bout-,wM vi -w lut-o t-isdock isud le vîndiesaip te ad aven t-be dam oesat a dîme. Thie trip tinongi tue chain oi lakes and over ta t-be Fox river by w atea- ta McHenry yull le toua-t-cen miles unin- torrupteil, lave by tue a.emlty af ho- las Ilitei aven tue dam. Tii. canal ad île*upplem.ntary vork viii open t-o easy trasai many pract-iclily numu- ballese bumsaidcabln lnlut-ho di. ta-it. Baclers af the bis prajent- are ail neSlOrt ovaere ail Obînagoas vi ovu îummer bornes on t-be varlaus laies. Tii. canal, vit-b île Induce- ment- af evral bours' cool vîter a-Id. lag On t-be bat summer iayî. le ex- Pentei t-obrlng a nev nlams af resort- ers te, the laites. Ravinia Park Saved Al ai t-h. $75,000 nocescary for t-be preservation a! Ravinliq Park as a bîgh-la amusement centea- nov bas boen ral#eil, vith t-ho exception ai $e, 800 sud as t-be option ioes not expia-e unti l une 7. tue reIhdents or t-be nanti $bore feel sure t-bat thea- long ail animions crusaile vîlI end sucen!niily, and t-bey are exubernt aven t-heont- came. "W, are nov mo iur, ovent-be ont- came t-at ve bave been vînt-oriaus ln our ffort," stId F. lý. Memuhli or HighladPark, vbo bas heen t-Me leader af t-hm movemeat, "t-bit I have nalleil a meeting for Moniay noan at t-he Union Lengue club t-o qomplete ana- organleeloa. "The suhannibera viii form a stock nampany sud ve viii bave ta maie ar- rangemente tor incorporation and lok ait-ot-ber det-ulia."1 Intéreute repréeented by Ot-to PeI- lige, Manage- af Pavera'tuoster, are ORudernst-a obtaia t-he park ton a malt-me,- resort for actersanami eeosi- o. It is tlelr plan tio dvelopàa placee thet Wil rivailiienàobqmr , 1oas le- ouk B&tes for EOWMn Camp »Maiilun. ite,.s arge M ««Mutract on t-beshorues of a amal laInlu om-t- tvet-n Lake cauuty bas beeu tenta- * , a '~s theOon for the e.t "ia! ~instnIam cap la 1- est-at -lied at a irat af 8200,000 by Ma-e. Josephi T. Saon lu hoco, ci hen limmbarai. tiraend hlalot ret adt-be Pe-Pie et tih iM.ta Vuom tue oboles.ofai t-e inloft nov.w do> ladeaath, aofCbI.o, ,*ke t-bis*m~~fiai HIu&pde traql cordlug ta an lut.ve $ aven lb4ie U dil"mSo ilgoo the liii. cow ort on information aie=a Velvi spoke ta 3,M0 people lu chargIng ela"d VàPWSstlofaithe. .1.0.&Pite of t-be ata-mme heat ai tbe day,1 tion 1W li etp$typIe ustance. James jexpàuing bis aide ai t-he electbon H. Gauffie ea4» unA. Curtiz, lu- I oa&ihBO N o alle st ucb lengt in iepeaiento4 fge14gJýecharges. igreiudâ feb dld flnot get ta the ser-1 ,As aMtrof M4Voivanseh Ie'mneof the.day at'il. the. viole laqJry t»Jectional lealoumy Biing deflae la bis enemies, tbe sud Internai !varfffl ln the clty vblcb independents, b. tld boy they forced! Davie gave n las emblem thbe white out et Shlloh Tabernacle, how.i dore of peace. jt-bey diW<hargeil W. Rurd Clendînen, 1. Te' Go Te Bot-arn. 3. Thuret-an andl otiier followeri( froi 1 Hopeo f an sy l ii on C'it-y that-t-be the general stnres, boy they ejectqd Iqula-y, vould "b10V Up" sud intount hlm trom theiamianistraton building, ta notilng t the lIt minute, or that hoy ElIiaïm .hospice, Dovle's rendez- thie etate'mmattor-my» Silice wauld cen- vous, homame a public batel where ta-i ter on one easeas a test were blsst.i bocna vas used, boy h. vas -uer! for t-hlm marning by *the. character ai t-heilibel, callod a "dovo and out', mv grand jury selocei, aM men aiflpro. attempta vere maie ta prevent the. nounceil everty 01 Judgment- and a maie oftht-e Zion eatate tohlm, and bigh sence of Mir -dealina. y the , ow generally t-be tactianal variare. charge of Juilge Wbltaey ta t-he Jury, bas waged, and bc ln eaah Inst-annu and by the aumber of vltaesaes henni hum trlumpbed at-leat-. and thé hlengt-h ofUime conmumed la Not Afraiad of Grand 1jury. gewtng to t-be bottom ai wiiat they "I amrnont airaid ai a grand jury In- know. cilny.' he declared. 'Yaj who bave It 18 nov Ml pated! that the la- been summaned at witnemmes at Wall- qulry viii go ns ftr and as deeply4as kegan, t-ell the truth, and any ever beli lu Ibis stae, and that natblng but the ta-ut-h. That la my ail forces mesu antsnasm. nommini ta you If aay ai you ire The irst- day o<f teemiienlal grand indinted 4vIiill fght t-he tep ta the Jury, calleil ta nquire Into the alleg-;blgbhest caurts ln t-be ]and. For et- ed violation. of $1. election jaws t e" -mave made by my opponents, 1T the three Zion Clty ele-t'ons, apea0d viii maite three. The Indepenilents.1 1Monday vitt-he.Court roan crowded 1 ara reliahly Intormeil, Imparteil fourg la, ila caPacity vltii a mwarm ai wmt- large gangs ai tramnps ta vote at the1 Des-les aubpoene.i tu appear before lat electian, andi t- laeflot their fauit1 the. grandl juryamit-ell what- they that- tieme di nat vote." kaow of the vilaiions. Volilve. has t-id two af iehlm llevers,J .Men and vamea amnled Iu aimoit Buel an Garrett-, uho dlaim that1 erlual lnumbers, ai avaked vit-h bat- they vere imistreited ailda-augbly ed baeath every 't1*. tbc doar t-n the hmndled t the. poils, t& go abeai vit-h room viiere matitM> grand Juy open- tia-prosenation, ad h. viii unit ed ,but whemi It va. sen t-batnmre tbern up: ane ee memldmm I»ooeleo ve caii- He. mata that.vwjIîn- t-bhe at ten ed ln, theira- îheai e iotb0 est daya he voulil have InJunctione aut-1 high. thltklag tMit *1ey Bii<ht flot agsnmiit ail tiiose ladependents who1 atter ail b. callei lt. the. Inquisition. ver. vlating the. 1,100 year leas,. Personnel of Grand Jury. -*This viii close up ive or six ammiii Tii. grand Jury, compouui oi tva- stores andl tvo meeting boue«.a ty-troe. fled lnto t-hee *,t Manday Overmeer Voiva tateil that- h. bas1 sud Chas. Webb of Iakegau, vas gorne of t-b. best legai talent moneyt nameil as fareman. nadir'tii. advice can hny la the. st-at. ai Illinois.à afiStates Att-orney tiaiy, via asait- Judge Whtney@a Charge. 1 ,ed by Attorney Paul! Mn iet Lib- The iallowing le Jidge Whltuey's ertyvilie, lae nducring the ssson charge ta the grand Jury as. ie gave I Tii.Jury le composed cf tiie foailo- lt-t lug miea: "Numeraus cîtîzens ai the. county Cha.e Webb, fareman; W. B. Stev- charge that grags and repeateil vio>la- amt Newpart; William W.ige, Henr-y tin ttl.eetinlv curi t Weig,, TamIernan, Davd Cet-man, i h sprlng electians ai the. t-vn ai William Wrighit, Peter Kirchuer, Jo. Seat-an and'Zion City. Parker, John Whiilea,,W. A. Melady "A part ai your duties viii c he e John Curry, E. W. En, ail of t1a InvestIgation ai theme chargea. 1 oit-y; PL G. Evans anil G. P. Greene "The court- Instructa you ta take i af Deertil,d.Berney Gr-ies. Eilird cuch time aE' la your Judginent- la Wells, Raivh Mflhhlid, illdwand necesary to akli a full, t-haroughP Bnttertield, Edward Hailmai, Edward and sarchlng InvestigatIon of themea Appley, William Davis and John itrad- comîuialuts, ta probe ta t-he battom of f ler, aIl o' iUbertyvili,. ail attch charges and aay at-bers ai 1k, Separate Waukegsn Wltme. character camîng irom any ection of l A surpriae vas siirtug luthe. court- the count-y ta the. end t-bat If such I roam tbe firat thiag la t-be morning. charges are ont-rue tii. publiceatind St-ate*s Attorney Dady calei lut-o the may he inily lniarmd ai ft, or If t-bey e court roamu for al vwituesmezfrirnt are sustained by proaf tbat Juatifits i Waukegan ta corne into sather raam. indîctrunts t-bat-tih. alleged violat-araI About fart-y men responild, it les aad, rnay he arralgned. for trial." a and t-hem, vere seaed lni tiie lbrary At ? oclanli this mternoon haif oa i roamu ai the court hanse. 'Thej ver. the alieged' Waukegaa floaters hadri taken tramtitis room, ou. by one, t-rougb tlïs aide dri'loito th, grandi jury raom, not beiag allaoil ta pass t-iaougb t-be main court roam viier, t-be remainier ai t-be vit-neasesmt, SWiliIIndinttanorPur$try. It la expected t-bt- If bii"Inea ict- mentm are returaed by tue grand jury t-be majanty viii ho for purjury sud uot- violations oi the ejuufiawsav. Tii. cblet manner of qumato*ag le- fan the grand jury o! tbie local vit-- neaesa, vas If t-boy iii "m nkeil ta go t-o Zion Cilt-y fan lb. express puapaie oi voting, on If tbey bei gone th" of e! 11011ovs fre. Uib- 1 - .hbey bail beeh iscail t- go, t-be et t que.- tign u as va aed tuei l oo, vbit- tiey didiiîle t-hon., SM,,ýbhr t-bey vore peu vases tW b*, vIn. Nonio of the aswsera et ls.quurs- thons wvae. 1.ont. t-be esIhi, prooeed- Innm befng cavereil vit-h 4 *tfse recy tihan usully îttftn= aio a vani jury. 7%e expoctei l sietma Obr Pea-. jury viti cam eratbwtmivit- neuaeeta-moaaDn Cit-y w» pnei, 1 weon tue qgmi-olmg vir IL bmica tb1etheü««tiiea1eftd leu la ami the »Mabg of! m4kta luoe lie notary publlle on tb. the e t ec- Veulve la Oua0gIge muig i Zon QC" Wvau facei the, grand inrya-ynd given thier test-Imauy. AttaraeY John D. Pape aepresenting the, independents, vbo bas spent- niant-bs on t-be case ha leit for Wichi- ta, Kasas, an a sennet-miMIon bellev- ed t- ocnera t-be gettîns offtrmsb vt. Oumman Waukugamlt-seAIse. The' tua-t-y or font-y Wsukegaultem allegeilta bave been birai ta go ta ZMon Cit-yaidrat-e, t-be rat-e belng $40 a mont-b, boardndsudig, it la sali, bave ail been summoneil ta appear 1e- fore the gsand lui"as vtnees. Maray 0f tuemu have let the ti aid lt- le net- kuovu vbere thaey are, The- great-er num-ber have, bavever, beon1 served, and vii appean. . i Did Net Vote nt Eleotion., 1 -City electlon,ý It la statel, being ".a- flenged. aà ta t-iimselyes. their sUds.1 vite and tbeir statesuenta, I it h fot deemel lilcely tbat tboye aareDmr parti pdI t la believ.d tuat tiýe et-] forts of the state's attorneywli le i!. rected et the minor-m sh~iler up. Popie l*Thw,. Afer. D It la hiatei tba t t11e opke tho pros- mPon City pu,"> i. ga m* bfr ua Paote, trom hgm tmou the. 1 ,ý 'l $1.50 FER.Vl Dr. Lie, Chim" fUved Pkom D.ovnlUg lu rardake Ta the brilery'mailD'rosmnce af m"Ijni aof ltIb h Piotqr, s Chîcagoan, Dr. igo, a piiymeia pràc- tlclng çon the. North i laofathe lame City. otid bh iIf te Suuet at mym. iâke, Iii. k Dr. Lee, wbo bai speiî the. doy e,- tiobiins with3ur. sud mm .WmIlu H. Vili, the toma er Bttw»ne7 6o 1the Ust. Pault irn.d& wfth a smuwr -borne et Gray»l&ke. i%tb~e& tate labo lite lu the. afteauoop Mad wdt DOut Iota deep water ln a rov boa ta 1talc. a swlm before mupper. Tii. bit 1got beyond hie rescn, snd, exbsiiuted laI swimmlng Biter It, h. vent bene"t ithe surface af the lait? tbroe time. 1 Ralph Proctar, anatber Chicagoan, beard hlm frantIc cries for ald ail dovy. tra bis own boat ta effect a rescue. bringing Le. up by thbe bair. r te managed ta drag Lee Into, bis Own rro, boat'and.brougbt tbe physiien cto shore, where he wam remnacitatel. 1He ettected the. remscueiethe iab ar hls own li. The doctor i.it for Cbii- cago next mornlng, hie condtion Sun- day precluding leaving tbe cottige Bt the lake. WAJIT MORE WÂTER Fox Lake Resdents Threata «Uniormeen cla-cumstances maie it teecesmaay t-a change t-be date for the Fox river dam meeting -tr n at-urday ,euîuig, June 3, t-a an.e wee ilter, Saturday .vealng, Jane 10, sayu thé McHnry Pllaildeaier. Aiter glvIag t-be mettca a more sen- joue thoughtt-be commIt-tee denidel te mnake the change, wicb t-ey beileve viii be for tue better sud vyil mean s blgge- tu-not t-bsn va a- at xpectai. Tiie meeting viii tale piae t tue, Rîveasde Hause snd It lI. ancea-li la itcHenry viibclea-proented ouý t-is aight. Tii, peopleaifaflx LaIreand Pista- kil, bave camte rîgit out iSat-taotei uni gîven t-be river and Mcjleay People te unileratani lait tbey am tha-ougi valting forn sud ules' ve set bumy sud givo the»e people mam viten tbylli takre it upon t-hein ou, shoulders ail place s damerons Fox river et a point sonevi.re naa-tiior The impect t-hua bromes af a muait serions nature and vo are mure t-bat aur business menaid river praperty ovuera viii net standlidly by andlsec aur pleeaut relations vlti tute nortu. eru chain of lsisu eut off by a dam when an Individuel taxation a! only a fev dollars viii gir. jiu a ft-t-edas permanent dam ut a point viiere tue pa-ent structure nov stanis ail viii at t-be marne t-ino glve Our nortien Mnendealal t-bevitor demirel. Arrangementm have been maie vhereby a.delegatian a of 10L ake a-es- ienta as veil as a committee from Platîake. Bay vîli le vitbut usnt-be evenlng hefar, meutionel and If et t-is time w.e an shov oua- belghboru t-bat aur heurts are lu t-ho nIgbt place tail t-bitve Arne vilus nto carry lie brjl ai expenae -la ,t-he builingaso! a ne, dam t-bey viii net tua-n us dava aid mare llkeiy viii oxteni s belpiug tend. Wcimuet haveve-, sav*tiies Poo- Ple t-bat y, are flot blufftag snd thaLt re moun business iand for thia roison the Plaindeaier urges erery business mn sud river opea-ty ovuer ta lei iiîa, tuee at Important meeting erer aed ln MnHory. Wu bave. pa-rosly ezpliled ,th&t witbout t-h. beantiful Fox river Mc- Hearï wvolibe s demi lune. The Êtresux la sunely vonth mare la ue bsn mevonal factorie, no tuera lauta Teason lu t-be vrali viy se abl mot be em vtor et a point vbere t *01 invite Ume People lmlo., a IBleai af talklng tiiemavay. Ome iiing la mure ail tat la t-bis: NeO 1iv« no people; no people, no Vbi Agelu v. vîl say, ettemi theun, ug *t tue Rfthtt-'dé bo-tf. 5en, ur day oeverWrn - -- a'Imv.'- I Ilnsoor Ž-booki- llýpo. Who have ourofull iInvesti ,the imaten imesIt-bat tleo im haeappeargi luut-lie coi-nlu ,et* bra. sun fat' gmnr' uvdr c!u3l4#'at-IOU baso-t legs trcuhlelu p ti ti h Ni ri * - t NIXN, 8TUBICAU# STR1JOK WY 4Y DETINNNE tor, mxoûi.wt.4 at Coi' oner'm Inqu John Det-lena,,' the. uxtorcycle rider aid pinter contrantor. *ho rau doua 3sad tataily Iaua-.d Matia Stable oatb Tlxursday la Waukegan. surruaierei, hîmmeif ta. Deputy Coroner £rvaMd Canas, ShoriffGreenai Cousais tglaner Att-erbury.- Tbe Canadd miHart ambubme mai, a record ra-u ta tue haipitaI ulti t-be Injurel muean, Who dleeilse a& sOu as the bospltal was rebeê - L,-Niîbe Stanble, an Àuntrlnau gi- ami Tenîtu atreet. vmm atrook bhaius- t-atcycle - eanly Thmrsday sau - ea'-, tainel Inuries vhlih cauMam , W ea sAcon aite- h. a'eicbeit-he 1bosaitet Thi motorcycle vbich struq* Stubi vas belug drîven by Jobs Deueia.& Plat-er castracnta. on is vair ho t1i Bluff. It sems tut ho bail re>"l Teith Street. and seelng a wagon le. lonWgsta t-be Nantb Shore III tie complany siiesilof lis le tua-ai tlà&'i a-uit ta pa. Scsrcely liki le tlzrmaMpe t», vagn, viWh" ho »V aia rlu'#-W"ý et ch sCiouom iiiMdlaàue IÀM& - -trie ai, vitalvua. WSiggst » 1wtent :Wib Eseftw firai sa the mm> h. va. souseip ', fout avey. Sboudeg, a wvg tienne mi. very r ~ ta M.eV Wt 'Machina, but it u1".nseloee 'lut Machine crashed'lo thlemet l s, de the ml, an boeklug lIa lut q & Det-lenne alli stoppuod ils, chine sud le mai aller. pieflepG.t mn and sdcarnioê ina unie- a tgu@, SUMMonins Dr. Jailey. Feariag IaI- Stable vas tataily lujurai, the Ces a-di and Hart amubulace va« isa The dont-rarnd t"e Mmbuiaatw 4i' rir.d at about t-be lame t-lie, Mai »eb mi4n viasPlafelulntue emboelmace rusheil ta'thbe hipitai. Ho, val' Picked uP and narrleil lut onoa f lb. nooms, but ied b«etot ho caul b. att.uded -orermenlceil ou .slbd. Noither Cornu 8«u0%«w.. stubîn, itmeeUS bai beem saow yoi at tue naval trainlus station ", a labarer, aud vaa ou bis v&y tu vork viien tue mcîideat- hippened. lie raa anrose t-be vacant lot at the coi'ner «< 'Peuth Streetand Marlon Street la au effort t-o Catch t-he valtiug car. TU. v&mgof at-be North Shore Ulootrfn compaay oimtrnt-ed t-hoenv, end bu COUId not se. tue cndeag maowroyim, Dor ciluli t-b, rider sme hnl. DIu.- ne laims tuthua macine mg O-p lng a- a rate of about 15 mil" e* bou-, sud be via namie 1taeiieeh sualclently ln the mShrt agace 0ortlMi, foilovlug t-be fa-st appearance 0<-al. biC aidtue canb. An eye vituea ta lthe U t clamus t-bat h. wuas certat.,.I tienne va. ridimg ae ffidÈt"& aennaiIur. h e bue b . 0Stse d, «Uimeq« sdeie at oa404tmwwa~ -uasapsa - vu i T«4«« byiii be OUom li emat- t-be deuli etf bo~mtbInebmuW* 4t but il dowalow d lI *0ou t-fao vra< i .ce th lu bo aquet ue ont but ia1 te lat-e«9 lut witu thtuei re t. Dsimutr y wcasi'ouer" tb oadu « vftegel.u b v «W~ bwuU iii 't,' 4ai~tt-~- - - Fél O , aZ ô NttyWit~s t rTslf wg"4u,ý mýum., ÉRIDAY jM-9, 1911.

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