$uM1oU~t. LU~1IS~ wil sai these lu cverY grticnot sl.Thlis; for a good bank accotaùnt.b . 1 . il' ý imrie e'zaave ViiaI59--it5rn I oletor wear. KUe3M C OT so? GIVN. PreAlUS OP "M 1JtU. coat heautifQlyi Ia r<,uced ln. ' a4d at the.bottem Rit wth itetné o............... kbi »mueY Ujh kt Many goleam-nA .315* coul& foi 3 .0; UA i fer S ~~:and, 3ust -a Ust et nome of 'tht bargaina la âme. wlfl néwmit r Childtws a250 EuS fia 4 lte n@l etmvsw atm f« or b ... ... aban I>ruuueuthat w . ued lot Mm bueýbageat 50c lâs ,fi« ...... 1.S149 rbargaing.wUil tban dened*,p- a, On these #t- up pretty bast ~poi Talum» tsIe;m g de Ive Colti ..... . et, with s~ Warm weather means price cuttmng on spring' suit», evli tOugh they are just what people ivant ail umrmer and &ai Fail. At this sale It is the suit bargains that *1v. it the name. "Lurry Up Sale." Truly appropriate;when you think et the big savings., The best eues are those that go tinot, se an early selection la advîsable. Aýgttnserge suit * htws$25 snw$50. hsmtbua eac Bie the ttmofe the jacket there are three button~s as trim- nu ,1 heenlicaèfa ee É-delkte.tvr.Tek ia mkinoredmodelnet an extreme. WB 4%,50suit fo ....... ... O lAght 9Msuit of men's suiting- -wiith a plain tailoreti 25- inch aek lais riced at 1-3 lesg than regular. The jacket bu =ew stiteh trimmeti peeket, four buttons in -front .andtwooncufsé. The tailoreti goreti skirt, with plain -fôtwith a thr-ee button. trimmed ' tiare on eaebý aide above three short pleats, is simple yet in 'the height et étyle. Worth*2M.50 right now, k - anti the sale prie. la........................ But wby go on listing, the many prices anti the beautiful efferinga. ybit ewe it te yeurself te corne and. see them $4. 12.50 suite for $8.35; $16-75 suite for *11.20; the $20.00 suite for $13.35, and s0oni up te, the $30-00 suite for $W.00. 01nt Our ,.A.! 1 $;oOo Gim ia lver xeuhEeg B A& meViti si1k, soRid top, s.émeuh Bag. lotkfr for ....o......,........t....34 BaU Sas, relar $4È0 klud for ................. B.ad Ba&,rosula. $3.0 bag for..... .o.... ..... ......2 .6e NicIel Plu" fety ..3 Pbl4 cbe fori......... Ilelda 100 Fard ouaf gowlug Tbroad = . for .....for. 0o101.O Iltton. o. doAl«« orà aMr, 10e hiaS for ..........5 100 Peul Ruttonu ort"14lua 6» ..peed.o .......... 5c 2 douau liokus ad zEyua 'CIOaM.......................Uc Ulack iaatligo Shogmima ZgBU S, I.k li 404, Inalde Puiýg% 2 aim l W " a,- loi .................. *1.15- têitt ~ ~ ~Jatl, 00101. psOtla at*z .... ... At reductions of-1et 4. eedr'op mueh1 below wholesale eitTée rugsaétred, ail of, tlilrom sise,, are beauties. Think o et tlg a $2.50 Aiinster --' l - Rug for ........ $15.00,Tapestry RU91 for -A.......... $19.00 Tapestry Rug 9xl2 feet..... .. 27 by 54 loch Velvut tmg.. osetal * for lape»» MatUus thM laluneaa sid w%. SI. uw. saud lu color, 6 ticUS fludr f: ...............NL Madras that is 45 iuchea wkIe andi selling* regularly for Op, the flSea material for hallor l»brazy eior4ine or overtirapes, , 3 f special at .............. 35e Madras in many pretty pa#érrs, ene yard wlde, special < 19 4hus sale ............... .19 95e -Madrag in the riehoat colý>.msl patteriis, will keep Moor bette ta any other drapery eloth, * 69É special at........ iDa&imx l.PAErNxT os auMD VOR.x In Offering the Calorie Pireleua'Cook- er te the people ef Lake County, we knew tha it fis superi«or lieaiy cooker madie. The sa-mg1onfuel alone in enough te pa or the cooker il% a yesr. The Calorie with two cooking sections, two atoneswith each' see- tion, wire holders, asl.kd isad the Calorie Cook Book, complete for.... Orne wlth twhru tomu Complte ................ ll» glîu metlo a li cookemS mplot, for . Lemonade Straws,* 100 for ............... Colonial Glass LImonadeý Pltchw *with cover te keep the l. *9 in, special 8ke kindfor .. Tumblers to match'3~ piteher, a dose . 3 c IOnion -Ho*, a ho. auj vuader -u* ooi.>1utd 150 mklàd or ....... 35e l. e wu ISke, ............ ;.................... i* quait 'in pol with wba d bab9. iN e kind, for................... $LU-tep L.dder limaI Oteis Mgh.uat 43$oghusie ry Oum ,atua.4kla - nea ba4Wa at %... .... Vaceta Bus -white lined plAte. vaeIquart pudding pu f&. ...... lci w# th iso t .k"7 e t ...